ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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Reputation is what others think about you, people might stand beside you and defend you if you have a well-known good reputation even if you did something wrong and unacceptable because they trust your reputation that states that you wouldn’t do what you did. People only look at a person’s actions without looking at its causes so if a person did something that seemed wrong and unacceptable on the outside, maybe that person had good intentions and it could greatly affect a person’s life or a country’s power, and that person would end up with a bad reputation…
I totally agree with what he said, he started with what he thinks about reputation and gave an example that people might stand with you  and not believing  what others say about you you because of your good reputation and that can be seen in our life,then he started explaining how people look at others, just by actions without knowing the reasons. His picture totally link with what he said and I can't disagree  with him.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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This picture symbolizes what I have learnt throughout this unit about reputation.That a good reputation is more valuable than money, and I saw an example with Lance Armstrong, how all the people started hating him and looking at him badly when he cheated, even he won many prices and money but still  he was seen as a bad person,this is an example that shows how a good reputation is more valuable than money.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
When we started doing this project, i thought it will be boring and a lot of work to do. I never thought that social media will be useful for doing these type of projects. But then after I started using the social media , it  became much easier to do and much faster to send the assignment, and it is better than writing it on paper,even my parents started looking at tumblr in a positive way.
Some people sees social media negatively because they didn't really use it and have not seen the positive sides.Some of the positive sides are it keeps us updated with the world and give us different ideas and opinions of people that can be useful.In education you can submit your work much faster instead of going and giving it to the teacher, you can search for many information for your project by the internet, which helps you in education.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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This picture describes for me what type of justice in the Crucible . This picture shows an unequal balance. In the book so far, I think all what has happend is injustice. The girls are not getting the punishment they deserve. All so incident people are dying for no reason. Just so the truth is not revealed and the girls do not get punished.
I totally agree with Abdulaziz , because what he wrote is all true and its clear for us that in the story there is injustice. He also gave evidence, where injustice happens, when many people died for no reason this shows injustice and that the girls must be punished but they didn't .
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
I choose this song to be represented in the scene , where Abigail and the girls,accused Marry that she is a witchcraft and they are in the courtroom.  I would use it because it grasps the reader attention and it gives you the feeling of revenge also it shows what is the theme, which is revenge in that scene.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
In the book, The Crucible is represented by dialogue between the characters. The book is written  as a play which each person , acts as a character in this story, the conversation explains the   points and emotions,it makes the reader bored. In the movie it is represented by action, such as running or shouting or any physical moves and it grasps the viewer attention. In both mediums it shows the same theme and ideas.
I have read many books such as Holes, Animal farm. There is sometime big changes or minor changes, sometimes in the movie they don't say all of what is is the book and focuses more on action, sometimes they add more action that is not in the book, because it grasps the viewer  attention.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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This pictures shows  how justice is not being on both sides and this represents justice in the novel, because many people were accused and they were innocent and didn't do anything, on the other side other people are the one who should be accuse and be blamed.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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I would choose Emma Watson as Abigail , because she is young and the fact that she started acting when she was a kid,shows that she learned a lot from her mistakes that she did,  and also won many prizes ,which makes her famous and really  a great actor to take Abigail role. 
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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I choose Oprah Winfrey as Tituba  because she is well known and with a really good reputation,she also has a lot of experience with people. another thing that she was nominated for one Oscar and won other prizes, all these facts about her makes the movie much  better. 
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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I would chose Leonardo Dicaprio as Parris, because he shows a high level of acting and has high experience and has a really good reputation , also  he was nominated seventy eight times and was nominated for three  Oscars which shows he is a great actor, he is famous for acting in the movie Titanic
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
Justice cannot be for one side alone, but must be for both.
I agree with his point of view because justice cannon t be for only one side alone, if it was applied for one side this will be injustice but if it was applied to both sides, it is justice. So justice must be applied to both sides. #10bwk4c (via mdhanhani10c)
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.
I agree with his point of view because reputation is a hard thing to get and requires a lot of hard work till you get it,  and also it is very easy to be ruin with just one bad work. So we need need to be careful of what we  do and keep our reputation good.
(via rayyan10c)
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
Social Media
Social media is everywhere and it is important in our daily life, and made communication easier. For example: Twitter and facebook reached millions of people and made it very easy for us to stay in touch with friends and family , with just a click. Second example: News appear to me without opening TV and watching CNN or news channel, Third example: any topic or information i am thinking about, I can find people talking about it and discussing. At last Social media has changed our lives to better.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
Written and Performed by Matt Leeder Justice and singing are no strangers to each other. Throughout Scripture and the history of the Church, the people of Go...
This song represents my point of view and believe about justice, this song talk about freedom and how some people are suffering from being alone and trapped, if people doesn't have freedom then there is no justice.
It also tells to support and stand with the people who doesn't have freedom, and being treated badly, the only solution is to have justice so peace and freedom spread.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
Racism in schools
Seventeen-year-old Sarah Gastar is of Filipino descent, but she wishes she was Anglo-Australian, which is just the polite way of saying she wishes she was white.
After all, Sarah was born in Australia. She's lived in Hampton Park her whole life. She goes for Carlton and loves Vegemite and is obsessed with Home and Away.
But sometimes she thinks that's not enough. She's convinced that if she looked like the Anglo students in her class, no one would tell her to go back to where she came from. They wouldn't call her racist names or fake an Asian accent. Instead they'd talk about football and soapies and no one would ever ask her if all she eats for dinner is fried rice.
"The worst part is that they don't even know the difference between Filipino culture and the rest of Asia. They just throw stupid stereotypes at me and it sucks. It's not everyone in my class and it's not every day, just when some idiot near me feels like being mean," she says.
"I think what hurts the most is being told to go home. I don't get it. I am home. Australia is where I was born and I don't know any other life. When they say that, it makes me feel like I don't belong anywhere.
"My mum tells me to be proud of Filipino heritage, but it's not easy when kids are teasing you about it. They know I'm Asian just by looking at me. I can't even pretend. So, yeah, sometimes I do wish that I was white like everyone else. I just want to fit in."
I choose this article because it talks about racism and discrimination that some people face during their life. I believe that the only solution for this problem is justice to treat everybody equally no matter what color or religion or race.
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
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A picture that could be used as a cover for The Cruicible
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ahmedalhosani10c · 11 years
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice" Martin Lutherking, Jr. I choose this quote because if injustice was found in any place, it will always lead to corruption and problems and even it will spread more. So to stop this threat coming from injustice, we need to apply justice everywhere to spread peace.
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