afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
Robin Musings, as per Comissioner Gordon
aka Jim Gordon, Ph.D. (Exasperation), M.A. (Patience)
Robin I
There isn't a little blueberry child smiling at me from behind Batman
I'm going to close my eyes and count to three
And that child had better be back at home and in bed, Batman
He's still here
Why is there blood on his little hands!!
Oh its Scarecrow's blood :)
Wait :l
Its Scarecrow's blood-
Robin II
Oh no
I recognize this kid's voice
I picked him up in Crime Alley once
He was scavenging for a burger
He called me a boob :(
Kid, come on, wouldn't you rather come in and have some cocoa?
Leave Batman to pick up the baddies
I severely underestimated his bloodlust
Robin III
Oh no
No sir bob
You are not fighting crime
You are too fragile
Bruce Wayne you listen here you overgrown meatloaf
You are not to let this child out at night-
Of course I know who you are!
What do you mean how
I'm a detective
Robin IV
Oh no
Not you
You're Barbara's friend
I can't let you get hurt
I see you every Sunday when you eat my granola yogurt
I have grown to see you like a hungry, hungry, daughter
Please stay alive
I cannot bear to look at granola yogurt otherwise
Robin III again
Put down the coffee Tim
Now gently back away
Good little Robin's don't drink coffee
Here, have some choccy milk instead
Robin V
Oh lord
The child has a sword
Young man, I am going to confiscate that weapon
That was too easy
I feel my Comissioner Senses tingling
The baby has a mace-!
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
Robin Musings, as per Cassandra Cain
aka Black Bat, Ph.D. (Sneaky Snek), M.A. (Big Sister-ing)
Robin I/Nightwing
What this
So smiley
Hit it
Why hugging after I hit
Why tho
Ah, unconditional love for familial relations
Robin II/Red Hood
Little brother
Pet it like cat
So many muscles
Climb it
Give it love
Successfully tamed the big kitty
Robin III/Red Robin
Little Timmy
My Timmy
Protect the little brother
He is dumb and smart at the same time
Daddy says Kon is bad
Kill the Kon
Oh, Timmy loves the Kon
Okay then
Robin IV/Spoiler
Best friend
So loud and bouncy
Touch the hair
Put face in it
What is a waffle hut
Oh yum
Robin V/Damian Wayne
Why is making hissing noise
Quick check the kettle
Oh it's the baby
I want to hug it
Squishy squishy
Its quiet now
Cass wins the love
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
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kind of belated, but Happy Pride y’all :)
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
Accidentally catching a glimpse of my body whenever I shower
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
Think you eat too much to have a problem?
Many active people (women included) eat 3000+ calories a day and stay plenty lean.
The recommended daily calorie intake is 2000 for women and 2500 for men.
The recommended daily calorie intake for weight loss is 1500 for women and 2000 for men.
A 5-year-old needs about 1400 calories or more every day.
The minimum daily calorie intake for a long-term diet without medical supervision is 1200 for women and 1800 for men. Eating less than that eventually leads to starvation mode (a real–yes, real–state of biological stress characterized by decreased metabolism, increased cortisol production, and heart, brain, organ, bone, and muscle damage).
A 2-year-old needs about 1000 calories or more every day.
Most people can’t even imagine eating 1000 calories in a day. You’ll get 1,357 Google results if you search for the exact phrase “1000 calories is way too low” or “1000 calories is way too little”…but you’ll get even more results if you Google the same phrases for 1200 calories, because few people consider dipping below 1200.
A 3-digit daily calorie intake puts you at high risk for binge-eating, slowed metabolism, bone and muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, gastrointestinal issues, infertility, hair loss, mood swings, and depression. Oh–and sudden death.
900 calories is less than what a completely sedentary, 5'0", 80 lb, 70-year-old woman burns daily (keeping in mind that your metabolism slows with age).
A very low calorie diet, also known as a starvation diet, is 800 calories a day or less. It is prescribed by doctors to obesity patients who need to lose weight quickly, is specially formulated to be nutritionally complete, and is monitored by medical professionals to prevent sudden cardiac arrest and death. It is considered an extreme diet.
600 calories a day or less is literal starvation.
500 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average 1-month-old.
400 calories is less than the daily calorie needs of the average newborn.
300 calories is less than what the adult brain alone burns every day.
-Mod Lia
Your problem is real and valid...Stay Safe and feel free to write me if you need a friend. You are fucking gorgeous💛
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
Me at 2am editing pictures of my body to look impossibly skinny to trigger my ed because I’ve been binging too damn much lately
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
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A very simplified overview over the 3 diagnosable types of ADHD. It’s highly likely that you have symptoms from across the spectrum and not exclusively “hyperactive” or “inattentive” - that’s why I see ADHD( and ADD) as one big family. Look up the DSM-V for the actual symptom list!
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
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White-browed tit-warbler (their Chinese name 花彩雀莺 is far cuter!) are super cute small birds found across continental Asia
Not Japan related, but just look at those colors!
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
Nil that you?
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
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Some words of encouragement for you 💕
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
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Did you remember to take your medication today?
Stay healthy folks!
And don’t forget to do any exercises or other activities recommended by your doctor. Those are important too.
Happy scrolling!
Art by nardacci-does-art
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
This is what rei does
After the decisive battle on Crait and Kylo Ren’s disastrous attempt at turning her towards the dark side, Rey has been more confused than ever. With the resistance slowly starting to rebuild itself, the young Jedi apprentice fears that her growing connection with the Supreme Leader of the First Order might ruin everything that they fought for. However, as their feelings for each other quickly become something way bigger than any war, the lines between Light and Darkness are blurred. Will their love finally bring balance to the Force? Or will it just burn the galaxy to the ground like Anakin and Padme’s did?
Rey didn’t recall ever seeing him dressed so casually. Well, except for the time she caught him shirtless in one of their many Force sessions, but that was beyond the point. It was like he had just woken up from as troubled sleep, probably due to her incessant nightmares passing through the bond. Being connected by the Force was both a blessing and a curse to those who experienced it. However, she couldn’t figure out what was the case at that moment.
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*image by @haikoui
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
For you my little ones
Types of Mean Monsters (And How to Repel Them)
Nightmare Nuisance
What it Does: Make you have scary dreams
Where it Lives: Under your bed
How to Repel it: Think of happy things before you go to sleep
Spell to Teach Your Stuffies: Nightmare Nuisance under my bed, go away so I can have good dreams instead!
Meanie Monster
What it Does: Tell you bad things about yourself and make you sad
Where it Lives: In your head
How to Repel it: Tell yourself 3 good things about yourself or talk to a friend or trusted adult
Spell to Teach Your Stuffies: Meanie Monster in my head, go away before you spread!
Shadow Serpent
What it Does: Run around and make scary shapes on the walls
Where it Lives: Behind your doors
How to Repel it: Put up a nightlight
Spell to Teach Your Stuffies: Shadow Serpent in the night, go away by the power of light!
Creaky Creep
What it Does: Make scary noises
Where it Lives: In the halls, under the stairs, or under the floorboards
How to Repel it: Put in earplugs, turn on nature sounds, or turn on a fan
Spell to Teach Your Stuffies: Creaky Creep under the stairs, go away, we’re not scared!
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
LGBTQIA+ members of DID/OSDD systems: you are welcome in the community.
You are welcome if your gender or sexuality doesn't match those of your host or shell, such as if you're a lesbian but your host/shell is a straight guy, or if you're a trans man but your host/shell is a cis man.
You are welcome if you're unable to express your gender or have the relationships you want because of your host/shell's gender or sexuality.
Your identity is important and you deserve a space in which it is acknowledged.
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afracturedsoulisme · 4 years
Quiet one is selectively mute and knows a little kiddy asl. She appeared in the head space one day after being dormant for years with the knowledge of asl. She has a verbal stim. It kinda sounds like a short humfp and she likes to repeat it often as it calms her and is the easiest sound to make mouth closed.
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this user has selective mutism 
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