aetherals · 2 years
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aetherals · 2 years
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aetherals · 2 years
3 Top Tips on What to Submit to a Credential Evaluation Agency to Evaluate Your Foreign Credentials to Meet the Bachelor’s Degree Requirement for an H-1B Visa Petition
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These 3 Top Tips will help you get your Foreign Education H1B Education Evaluation to help you meet the Bachelor’s Degree Requirement for the H-1B Visa Petition. - Provide your resume, diplomas, certifications, transcripts, and letters of recommendation from former employers and professors. - Create a list detailing your skills, knowledge, and how you obtained them through your education and experience, and submit that to the credential evaluation agency. - Choose an H1B Education Evaluation agency that will provide you with a very clear letter that discusses how you meet the requirements in detail and engages with all your background information and documents that you submitted for the evaluation. Do not go with an agency that gives you a generic letter.   Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
4 Tips for Choosing An Expert for a Letter of Recommendation For Immigration for Your O-1 Visa Petition
Letter Of Recommendation For Immigration Tips If you have ten people you can ask to write you an immigration letter of recommendation, it does not mean you should ask all of them. Additionally, if you only know three people who will write you recommendation letters, that can be enough. This article will help you plan and strategize for who to ask to write you a letter of recommendation for immigration and how to meet the significant recognition requirement with as little as 3 recommendation letters, based on these 4 considerations: 1) the expert’s qualifications, 2) the expert’s familiarity with your work, 3) how much the expert likes you, and 4) how much the expert likes your work. O-1 Visa: Expert’s Qualifications - Choose someone who has at least one or more of the following: distinguished education, awards, distinguished clients, and strong online search results.  Distinguished Education means the went to an Ivy League School, Top Design School, School with Distinguished Alumni, or a school name most people outside the industry are familiar with as being top for the industry. They need to have won some award; it does not have to be the most prestigious but there are some select criteria they need to have met to receive the award. They should have some household, instant recognition named clients in their portfolio - names that even someone who knows nothing about the industry might have heard about somewhere. They need to be all over the internet so that when someone Google’s their name, articles and photos of the person come up. The more photos that come up, the better because photos make the person real to the USCIS officer and help establish the Expert’s qualifications; and within a minute, the officer is convinced that the expert is an expert. The expert does not need to have all of these qualifications but at least one. O-1 Visa: Expert’s Familiarity With Your Work The expert has to discuss your work in the expert letter. Therefore, the expert needs to have personally worked with you, hired you for a project, or has seen a portfolio of your work and can provide an expert evaluation of your talent based on your work. They need to be able to articulate their familiarity with your work and not just state that they think you are extraordinary because you asked them to write a letter of recommendation. O-1 Visa: How Much the Expert Likes You Get an immigration letter of recommendation from someone who really likes you as a person, even if they are not the most distinguished in your list of people to ask, over someone, who is the most distinguished but you don’t have a personal connection with. Why? Sometimes an expert has very high qualifications but they are really busy, they just are not that excited to write the letter, or want you to draft it and they just want to sign something. Someone who really likes you as a person will make the time to write the letter, they will add details that will make the letter stand out, and will be open to revisions. This is really important because then the letter will not be a generic letter that acts as a letter of recommendation for immigration but rather, become a form of evidence that will create an argument for why your application should be approved. O-1 Visa: How Much the Expert Likes Your Work On the flip side, if there is an expert who you only have a professional relationship with but really love your work, get an expert letter from that person and have the letter focus on their familiarity with your work and what they love about it, and how that makes you extraordinary. They don’t have to love you to love your work; their love for your work will motivate them to write a strong letter.   Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
6 Top Tips as a First Year or Second Year College International Student to maximize your ability to get a Green Card employer sponsorship
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aetherals · 2 years
Best NYC Immigration Lawyer Free Consultation
Best NYC Immigration Lawyer Free Consultation. Immigration Lawyer in NYC that offers free immigration consultations. #ImmigrationLawyer #NYCImmigrationLawyer Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
J1 Visa Lawyer in NYC
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A J-1 Visa is suitable for those who wish to study or obtain work related experience or training, under a specific exchange visa category. Before you can apply for a J-1 Visa, you must first be accepted into an exchange visitor program through a designated sponsoring organization in the U.S. You can learn more at the Department of State website: J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program. You can apply for a J-1 visa in the following categories: -au pair and EduCare; -Camp Counselor; -Government Visitor; -Intern; -International Visitor (Department of State use); -Physician; -Professor and Research Scholar; -Short-term Scholar; -Specialist; -Student, college/university; -Student, secondary; -Summer Work Travel; -Teacher; and -Trainee. Retaining a J1 Visa Lawyer with experience and knowledge of the process is absolutely necessary when handling such important immigration visa matters. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
H1B Visa Lawyer in NYC
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Retaining an H1B visa lawyer with experience and knowledge of the process is absolutely necessary when handling such important immigration matters. To meet the requirement of speciality occupation, a position must meet at least one of the following requirements: - A bachelor’s or higher degree (or its equivalent) is usually the minimum requirement to enter the specific position - The degree requirement is common to the industry in similar positions among similar organizations or, alternatively, an employer may show that its particular position is so complex or unique that only an individual with a degree can perform it; - The employer typically requires a degree or its equivalent for the position; OR - The nature of the specific duties required for the position is so specialized and complex that the knowledge needed to perform the duties is usually associated with a bachelor’s or higher degree. - Educational requirement: - Have a Bachelor’s degree or higher degree from accredited U.S. university; or foreign equivalent of a U.S. Bachelor’s degree or higher degree; - The degree corresponds with the area of work; and - Hold an unrestricted state license or certificate. - Knowledge requirement: - Theoretical and practical application of knowledge and skill; and - Specialized training This means the job position must: - Require no less than the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in a field that is related to the position, and - The Applicant must have no less than the equivalent of a U.S. bachelor’s degree in an area related to the position’s requirements. There are various advantages to working under an H1B Specialty Occupations, DOD Cooperative Research and Development Project Workers, and Fashion Models Visa. These advantages include the following: - Ability to work part-time. - Working for multiple employers, which can lead to stronger earnings. - Portability. You are not stuck to the first employer and can transfer your H-1B Visa if you meet certain requirements. - Mobility. You are allowed to take time off, take sick days or vacation time. - Employee rights to certain work conditions and benefits. - Your children can attend school. - Spouses can get a visa too and apply for employment authorization. - Potential to have your H-1B Visa employer sponsor you for permanent residence. - Can start your own business. - Flexibility in length of visa through the ability to extend the visa but not be obligated to stay in the same position and with the same employer forever. - Dual Intent Visa which means ability to apply for other visas, including ones that lead to a Green Card. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
L1 Visa Lawyer in NYC
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When applying for an L1 Visa to create a new office in the U.S., many people think that because a business plan is not specifically listed as a requirement that they should not submit one. However, a strong business plan with your L-1 Visa application will increase your chances of an approval because it will demonstrate your new business office is legitimate, has the potential to generate income, and support an executive and managerial position. 1. Summary of Business Provide a summary of your business. Include information about the company background, creation, ownership, type of business, company address, company goals, plans to grow the business, target market, number of current and future employees, role of L1 Visa holder in the U.S. to build the business, and projected revenue. 2. Clear Company Organization Structure and the L1 Visa Applicant’s Role in the Structure Establish the organizational structure of your company overseas and in the U.S. with a chart or list of the different positions of the company hierarchy, and include the role descriptions of each position, including the role of the applicant in the company structure. It should be clear who the owners are, the managers, and the hierarchy. 3. Company’s Role and Position Within the Industry Provide Information about your industry and your target market. Demonstrate your company’s role and position in the industry. 4. Company’s Competitiveness Demonstrate that your new office has the ability to enter the market, provide an analysis of competitors, and the L-1 Visa applicant’s special knowledge and skills that will enhance the company’s competitiveness in the international market. 5. Company’s Financial Ability Establish that your foreign company has the financial ability to open a new office in the U.S. and cover costs. 6. Company’s Projected Growth Show how you plan to grow the business and provide a detailed report of your financial projections. 7. Supporting Documentation Include the following documents with your business plan: - A lease or deed for your physical office location; - Financial documents establishing the foreign company’s finances in the last 3 years; - Charts showing company hierarchy overseas and in the new U.S. office; - Buy-sell agreement if buying new company; - Incorporation documents; - Documents establishing corporate relationship between foreign branch and U.S. branch of the company; and - L1 Visa Beneficiary’s resume and resumes of all managers. Retaining an L1 visa lawyer with experience and knowledge of the process is absolutely necessary when handling such important immigration visa matters. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
O Visa Lawyer in NYC
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In order to qualify for the O Visa, there are several requirements you must meet. First, ask yourself three questions: - Are you in sciences, education, business, or athletics? - Are you in the arts or the motion picture or entertainment industry? - Are you a recognized and renowned individual in your field?* * Note that you must be able to say yes to this question. If you said yes to the first question, you qualify for the O-1A Visa. In this case, you need to prove at least 3: - Receipt of nationally or internationally recognized prizes or awards for excellence in the field of endeavor; - Membership in associations in the field for which classification is sought which require outstanding achievements of members, as judged by recognized national or international experts in the field; - Published material in professional or major trade publications, or major media about the beneficiary and the beneficiary’s work in the field; - Participation on a panel or as a judge of the work of others in the same or allied field of specialization; - Original scientific, scholarly or business related contributions of major significance in the field; - Authorship of articles in the field as shown in professional journals or other major media; - Employment in a critical or essential capacity for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation; - A high salary or other remuneration for services in the past or future. If you said yes to the second question, you qualify for the O-1B Visa. In this case, you need to prove at least 3: - Evidence the beneficiary has performed and will perform services as a lead or starring participant in productions or events which have a distinguished reputation as evidenced by critical reviews, advertisements, publicity releases, publications, contracts or endorsements; - Achieved national or international recognition for achievements, as shown by critical reviews or other published materials by or about the beneficiary in major newspapers, trade journals, magazines, or other publications; - Performed and will perform in a lead, starring, or critical role for organizations and establishments that have a distinguished reputation evidenced by articles in newspapers, trade journals, publications, or testimonials; - Record of major commercial or critically acclaimed successes, as shown by title, rating, standing in the field, box office receipts, motion picture or television ratings and other occupational achievements reported in trade journals, major newspapers or other publications; - Received significant recognition for achievements from organizations, critics, government agencies or other recognized experts in the field in which the beneficiary is engaged; testimonials must clearly indicate the author’s authority, expertise and knowledge of the beneficiary’s achievements; - Evidence the beneficiary has commanded or will command a high salary or other substantial remuneration for services in relation to others in the field. Retaining an O-Visa lawyer with experience and knowledge of the process is absolutely necessary when handling such important immigration matters. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
The Job Search: When and How to Start Looking for a Post-Graduation Job
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You must first ask yourself the following questions and depending on your answers, develop a strategy to get a job and work visa after your graduate and your work visa expires. - When are you graduating?  - What industry do you want to work in? Is it a competitive field?  - Can you afford to spend several months to a year or longer without a job after you graduate in general? - If you’re on an international visa, can you secure a job before your 60 day grace period expires and you have to leave the country?  - How long would the relevant work visa petition take to get approved? - Are you willing to return to your home country while you continue the job search and have an employer sponsor you for a work visa?  Begin the Search At Least A Year Before You Graduate You should not wait until the last minute to come up with a plan on securing a job. The ideal is to get a job offer at least a year before you graduate. Very few people will secure a job as soon as they begin applying. For the average student, it takes several months to secure a job. Why? An offer of employment is usually a meeting of the employer’s job needs in an employee’s qualifications and an employee’s desired work experience. Not every job is a good fit for you and you may not be a good fit for every job you apply to. This is important to remember in first securing the job. Additionally, you must always keep in the back of your mind that as an international student, you must also 1) find an employer willing to sponsor you for a work visa, and 2) most work visas will take at least several months to a year to get approved, and 3) if the visa petition for some reason does not get approved, you must have enough time to implement a back-up plan before your student visa expires. Therefore, you should begin looking for a job as soon as possible, and seek to get a job offer at least a year before you graduate.  What if You Cannot Secure a Job A Year in Advance If you are not able to get a job offer at least a year before you graduate, do not despair. Work visa petitions, such as an H-1B or O-Visa, have the option of premium processing, with an expedited fee, to get a decision in 15 days. However, keep in mind, you, your employer, and an attorney, if you are working with one, will take on average a month to start the visa conversation and complete the application before you can submit it, and request the 15 day decision. Therefore, you must aim to get a job offer and start the work visa process at least a few months before your student visa expires.  Of course, if you are open to returning to your home country while you undergo the job search, apply for a work visa, and can afford going some time without a job, then there may be less urgency in your job search. However, if you would like to continue staying in the U.S. and have a visa petition approved before you graduate or before the grace period on your visa expires, begin the job search at least a year before you graduate. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
5 top tips for a strong affidavit for a bona fide marriage
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These 5 Top Tips will help you build a strong affidavit to establish a bona fide marriage to get a successful spouse petition approved. - Include the full name, address, and citizenship of the author. - Address how the writer of the affidavit knows the beneficiary and petitioner. - Provide specific information about a shared experience or the writer’s knowledge of the Petitioner and/or Beneficiary. - Have the affidavit notarized and translated, if applicable. - Include a copy of a Government ID of the author of the affidavit. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
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E-1 & E-2 Visa Overview
Of particular concern to the local immigrants and business communities is learning about and choosing the appropriate category for investment-based travel and immigration to the United States. In this series, we will examine the various options, appropriateness for each particular case and risks associated with each.
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aetherals · 2 years
5 Top Tips for Building an Expert Letter to Get an Approval for Your O-Visa Petition
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You need to submit strong expert letters that make an argument for why you are extraordinary and your O-Visa should be approved, and not that the expert thinks you are a lovely person and extraordinary just because they use the word extraordinary.  These 5 Tops Tips will help you build a strong expert letter that will clearly establish to the officer how and why you are extraordinary and they should approve your application. - Establish the Expert’s Qualifications - Establish their professional familiarity with your work - Have the expert discuss a specific project or product of yours and highlight how it showcased your extraordinary abilities - Have the expert review something in your portfolio and provide an assessment based on their expertise within the industry. - Have the expert highlight what technical and specific skills make you stand out compared to others in the industry, within your age group, within your country, at your level of expertise. Use our O-Visa Checklists to complete your immigration petition with all the required documents.  It can be devastating to get a denial of your immigration petition or Request for Evidence (RFE) which can significantly delay your approval. Retaining an O-Visa lawyer with experience and knowledge of the process is absolutely necessary when handling such important immigration matters. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
6 Top Tips to Become Qualified for an O-Visa (start now!)
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1. Build up your portfolio It is never too late or too early to start. By building your brand and having a clear and established vision, it will help you stay focused and be a launchpad for your career. 2. Connect with established people in your field Networking is a key strategy. These people can become mentors, offer fruitful advice, or provide opportunities for you. They can help you navigate your career and may have been O-Visa recipients themselves. 3. Seek opportunities, don’t wait around for them Think about ways you can prove that you are extraordinary and get more attention. Enter competitions or submit work when/if applicable and reach out to others to garner publicity. 4. Start thinking about and collective evidence You will need to provide a lot of evidence in order to qualify for the visa, so start checking off the ways in which you can prove that you are extraordinary. Keep them in the back of your mind as you progress in your career.  5. Make sure you have a plan/employer in the USA  Consider if you will have one employer or multiple employers. You do not want to overwork yourself, but you also need to make sure the itinerary is complete with consistent events that you would be working.  6. Get published  Being published is a key way to show recognition whether it is in a local or international magazine.  Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
6 tips on strengthening your H-1B Application
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- Make sure you and your employer meet the requirements before you begin the process. - Gather the required documentation early so you have them ready at the start of the H1-B registration. - Have the foreign credentials evaluated and make sure you have at minimum the equivalent of a Bachelor’s Degree. - Submit a very clear and organized cover letter that clearly outlines the position, the company, your background and how you meet all the requirements for an H1-B. - Have an attorney review or draft the cover letter to present the evidence in a very clear and concise way.  - Submit an organized packet with exhibits and a table of contents.  Use our H1-B Visa Checklists to complete your immigration petition with all the required documents.  It can be devastating to get a denial of your immigration petition or Request for Evidence (RFE) which can significantly delay your approval. Retaining an H1-B Visa lawyer with experience and knowledge of the process is absolutely necessary when handling such important immigration visa matters. Read the full article
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aetherals · 2 years
What are the J-1 Visa Exchange Program Categories?
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A J-1 Visa is suitable for those who wish to study or obtain work related experience or training, under a specific exchange visa category.  Before you can apply for a J-1 Visa, you must first be accepted into an exchange visitor program through a designated sponsoring organization in the U.S. You can learn more at the Department of State  website: J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program . You can apply for a J-1 visa in the following categories: -au pair and EduCare; -Camp Counselor; -Government Visitor; -Intern; -International Visitor (Department of State use); -Physician; -Professor and Research Scholar; -Short-term Scholar; -Specialist; -Student, college/university; -Student, secondary; -Summer Work Travel; -Teacher; and  -Trainee. You can learn more about each of these categories here: https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/study/exchange.html Read the full article
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