aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
Meeting the friends.
Here is my first IJ imagine for you all! It is Q x reader and it centers around the prompt “ “Be careful with her.  She’s more fragile than she seems.” 
I hope you all like it! I apologize if this is rough.  Being my first imagine, I am still getting used to writing them! Message me with more requests or comments! I am on winter break right now so I will be able to write a lot! 
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It was your first time introducing him to your best friends. You had been dating for almost a year, but it felt like a lifetime.  Your stomach had butterflies turning and you could tell his did too.
“You okay, Brian?” You asked looking over at him smiling.  
“Yeah I’ll be fine.” He replied as he smiled but kept his eyes on his road.  You both had been driving for about four hours.  Brian insisted that you all left Staten Island early that morning to make it down to Friendmas just in time for a late lunch.
Friendmas was the one event that your entire friend group looked forward to every Christmas.  Just a couple days before the 25th, everyone in your friend group would get together for drinks and dinner.  You would all catch up since you only saw each other a couple times a year.  Since college ended, you all moved across the country so it was hard to see each other as often as you all used to.
You decided to all have Friendmas in you all’s hometown.  Everyone needed to see their families anyway so this gave you all the perfect excuse to come home.  One of your best friends still had her apartment that overlooked the river that remained empty.  She made enough money to keep it so it didn’t matter that it didn’t have any occupants.  It was also the place she would escape to whenever she needed it.
You both had moved to New York together after you all were offered our dream jobs.  She was originally an intern at Seventeen Magazine.  She then was discovered in the modeling world and is now a big star. She models for perfume ads, television commercials, and even in actual shows during Fashion Week.
Your’s was as an executive production assistant at TruTV, specifically working with the Impractical Jokers.  That’s where you met your boyfriend, Brian “Q” Quinn.  Three years ago, you were offered an internship at TruTV working in the production department.  You would basically get coffee for everyone the entire summer, but it was the greatest summer of your life.  At the end of the summer, TruTV offered you a permanent job.  You met Brian on the first day you got there and completely hit it off.  He told you that he fought his feelings for you for weeks until the guys, Joe, Sal, and Murr, told him to just go for it.
“You’ll be fine? You’re the worst liar I know.” You said rolling your eyes. “Come on tell me what’s on your mind!” You exclaimed adjusting in your seat turning towards him.
“Well, I guess I’m just nervous.  I know how much your friends mean to you and I don’t want to screw this up.” He said.
“Babe, you’re not going to screw this up! They will love you and they have told me how excited they are to meet you.” You said as you grabbed his hand that was rested on the middle console.
All he could do was smile.  Brian was never one to talk about his true feelings.  It took months for him to fully open up to you, and when he did, it was just a little.  He trusted you enough to tell you about the fire academy, his former engagement, his family, the guys, his depression, and so much more.  Now, he tells you every little thing he is thinking, well most of the time at least.
You squeezed his hand in mine.  “Q, I promise.” You said and gave him a soft smile.  He smiled as he brought your hand to his mouth and gently kissed it.
You both finally got there an hour later.  It was amazing pulling into the parking garage, knowing that you were only moments from being able to stretch your legs again.  When Q parked, you leapt out of the car and reached your arms over your head as far as they could go.
“I know how much you hate car rides, but it wasn’t that bad.” Brian said as he got out holding the presents you all bought for everyone.
“I don’t hate car rides.  I just really don’t like them.  Flying is so much easier” You replied.
Brian rolled his eyes as he met up with you on your side of the car. Walking into the apartment building was so familiar to you, it was just like riding a bike.  It felt like you had been doing it for years and you hadn’t been away.  
Rick, the door man, sat at his large desk observing the security cameras on his computer and only took a break to say hi to you.  You had missed him.  He was the one who would always come and meet your Uber outside and walk you both into the building after we had a night on the town.
You rode the elevator to the penthouse where the doors opened up to a beautiful wall of windows.  The skyline was in front of you all, more beautiful than ever.  
“This place is incredible.” Brian turned to me as he got closer to the windows. “You mean to tell me that she doesn’t rent this place out? She could make a fortune.  Has she always lived here?”
“Oh of course not.” You answered.  “Her original place was on the ground floor, but when she could afford it she decided to move up here.”
“Is that {Y/N} I hear?” You heard a scream from the kitchen.
“And she didn’t even have the decency to come and see us when she arrived?” Another voice added.
They all emerged from down the long hallway that emptied out into the kitchen. One jumped on you in a running hug that almost took you down completely. You hadn’t seen any of them since your birthday.
“And you must be Brian! {Y/N} has told us so much about you! We love your show and are so glad to finally meet you!” One of your friends exclaimed as she broke away from the circle and extended her hand to Brian who had been standing behind you all watching the reunion unfold.
“Oh my gosh, yes, everyone this is Brian.  Q this is everyone.” You said realizing you hadn’t introduced him yet.
After they had said their introductions to him, you all made your way to the kitchen to start dinner.  
As everyone walked in front, you leaned back and put your hard through Brian’s. “I’m sorry I zoned out for a second just then.  They seem to love you and are excited you’re here!  I told you there was nothing to worry about.” You added as you smiled up to him.  
“I know.” He said as he smiled back at me and kissed the top of my head.
“Okay listen up everyone!” Your friend said as she grabbed two glasses from the counter and poured champagne in one and then Jameson on the rocks in the other. This wasn’t the first time she had drank with you and Brian.  She had perfected your drink orders since the first time you all drank together.
As she handed you your drinks, you saw Brian mouth “God bless you” out of the corner of your eye.  She winked and carried on to everyone.
“I would like everyone to find their drink they had or just got and raise it up high.  This is to us.  This is to us having another successful Friendmas and to the many more to come. This is to all of the people we have welcomed in and the ones still dying to join.  I love you all.  Cheers.” She said as she raised her glass in the air making everyone follow.
“Cheers!” Everyone followed in unison.  
The dinner was amazing.  Well, after you and Brian stopped bickering about how you forgot to bring the cake you were told to buy for the event.  As you went over to take photos with a couple of your friends, you noticed that one of your best friends went to go talk to Brian alone.
Brian’s Perspective
It was insane, the amount of squealing in one setting.  Never having sisters of my own, I never had to learn what a true reunion consisted of. But for {Y/N}, I would do anything. I knew how important it was to meet her best friends from home.  She would always talk about them and meeting them showed how serious she was about me. When we first met, she told me that meeting the friends is way more important than meeting the parents.  I don’t think she remembers that now, but I can see that she still believes it.  Meeting her parents was way easier and less nerve raking than this.
I watched as {Y/N} became happier.  She smiled brighter, she laughed louder, and she was more relaxed than I had seen her in weeks.  She was truly at home here.
“I’m so glad I finally get to meet you!” one of {Y/N}’s friends said as she approached me.  “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt you!” She added.
“Oh no you’re perfectly okay!” I laughed.  “I was just – is she always like this?” I asked.
“Who? {Y/N}? What about her?” She questioned looking over at you.
“Yeah.  Is she always like this around you guys?” He asked.
“Well, yeah.” She replied.  “{Y/N} is our center.  It’s never been truly established, but a few of us have talked about it a couple of times.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked.
“Uh, well. You see, this friend group has been through a lot.  I don’t know if {Y/N} has told you about it.” She started to explain. As I shook my head no, she continued.
“Throughout our entire friendship, there have always been a couple of us that do not get along. But the thing is, that no matter how bad things get, we all still come together.  It is really rare that {Y/N} will ever have a conflict with someone. She’s the one who is the most liked. When it was pointed it out to me, I started to notice it whenever all of us were together.  {Y/N} is the glue that keeps our friend group together.  She is always the one to remind us to have fun, and enjoy time with each other since it is very limited.  The reason these gathers work is because of her.  She’s the strongest out of all of us.”
As she explained this to me, I just watched {Y/N}. The way her smile would grow, how excited she got when she told stories of the past, and how she was eager to make the most of the dinner tonight.
“But don’t be fooled, Brian.” she added. “Be careful with her.  She is more fragile than she seems.  There is no one more deserving of happiness.  I have noticed that she is truly happier ever since she started dating you.”
“Oh, believe me.  I have no intention of ever letting her go.” I said smiling.  Little did anyone know that in my pocket was a box that contained a beautiful diamond. As I felt the box in my pocket at my side, I added, “Believe me, she is my center too.”
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
The Past Week
Brian Quinn x Fem. Reader
Warnings: Mentions of arguing, depression
A/N: I realize this is painfully long, but this idea had been dancing around and processing in my head for awhile. :)
“I know you’re listening,”
He didn’t mean it. You knew good and well he didn’t mean the things he had said. You didn’t mean any of the things you had said either. Anger can be such a dangerous emotion. It pushes you to intentionally hurt the ones you love, simply because you’re upset. You hadn’t seen or talked to each other in a week, dancing around each other for being so unsure of what to say and pride getting in the way.
God, you had cried endlessly that night after he left. The fight was meaningless looking back on it. The two of you were exhausted, and tired of plans getting canceled due to conflicting schedules. There was an event for your work that you and Brian had known about for months. He was more than willing to accompany you, but the even seeming to slip his mind leading up to it. The event was in two weeks, and Brian had accidentally agreed to shoot for the show on that night. Now, he couldn’t go, and you were furious. He left in a cloud of frustration, you were in a state of fury. And the both of you were hurt.
The morning after your fight was brutal. You had barely slept, and you had a killer headache. The first thing you did was check your phone to see if he had texted or called you.
You sat up in your bed slowly, careful not to irritate your head any further. You glanced at the side of the bed he usually slept on when he stayed over. A subtle twang in your chest caused you to sigh softly. You already felt guilt beginning to plague you. You were beginning to regret what you had said (more like screamed) to him.
Even with your beginnings of a guilt trip, you were still angry with him for being so irresponsible. You eventually got out of bed to attempt to get a start on your day. For once, you wished it wasn’t a weekend. You always had the weekends off from work, and now you wished you had it to keep your mind off of him.
You didn’t dare to leave your apartment with the fear of running into him or one of the other guys. You spent the day deep cleaning your home. Wiping down the counters, scrubbing the tile flooring in the bathroom, and you even took the time to sweep behind the refrigerator. As you were dusting the living room, you made it to the coffee table, which was home to your favorite picture of Brian and you.
Your sister had taken it at your cousin’s wedding. Brian had looked so unbelievably handsome that night. He spent the entire evening commenting on how beautiful you were, and how amazing you would look in a wedding dress. You smiled as you reminisced on that night, and how he had spun you around the dancefloor under the twinkling decorative lights. Your head suddenly was reminded of the fight, so you quickly put the picture down and went back to cleaning until the sun down went down.
At least now your apartment was squeaky clean and lemony fresh. But it felt so lonely without him with you.
Q’s day went on in a similar fashion. He woke up, disappointed to see that you hadn’t texted him. Unlike you, he still had work, the whole foundation of this fight. The same twang you had began to feel was twice as strong in his chest. He even felt a little nauseated.
Everyone could tell he was off from the second he walked in to the moment he walked out that night. The boys had figured something had happened between you two. He had been acting so strange, that even Joe made the note to talk to him before he left;
“Is everything okay with you, bud?” Joe asked curiously.
Q’s excuse was strong, but his eyes were tired.
“I’m fine. Just not feeling it, I guess.” He said avoiding eye contact.
Joe knew he was lying. The four of them knew each other way too well. However, Joe decided not to push it, and he moved on to his next question;
“Okay. How’s [Y/N] doing?”
That’s when remembrance and hurt flashed across his face. He thought about you. The way you had gotten so upset with him. He could still hear your frustrated tone and stressed voice. Brian was still angry at the way you had screamed at him for one mistake…but he knew he was at fault. He didn’t exactly handle it well.
It wasn’t until he looked at Joe that he realized he had yet to answer his question;
“She’s fine. Busy with work.” He partially lied.
Joe still sensed a lie, but he still kept the peace;
“Alright. Well, if either of you need anything, you know just to give me or Bessy a shout.”
Brian returned the first genuine smile of the day, hugging his basically brother. Brian drove in silence, trying not to think of you the whole way home.
The next day came slowly. For once, you were itching to go to work. You showed up to your office 45 minutes early just so you could be occupied longer. You downed coffee like it was water. Sleep doesn’t come easy when you have guilt hanging over you. Lunchtime came around quickly, and you were starving. You realized it was Monday, the day you and Brian went to lunch during your break.
You reached for your phone out of habit, but stopped. Your fingers hovered over your cell phone. Should you ask him to lunch? You thought to yourself;
I mean, anything can be fixed over pizza, right?
You bit the inside of your cheek in debate. The pressure in your chest was growing slightly. With a defeated sigh, you left your phone where it was and turned your attention to a pair of peering eyes in the doorway into your office. Your coworker (and best friend) Katelyn was watching curiously.
“Hey, I figured you’d be out with Brian by now.” She said inviting herself into your office. When she didn’t recieve and answer, she put two and two together; “Boyfriend trouble?”
You nodded simply, sitting back in your chair. You gave her a brief rundown of what had happened, and admitted that you felt terrible.
“I don’t want to go to the event without him. But he’s the one that messed up. I feel bad for getting so upset, but how could he plan something over it?” You stressed.
Katelyn had listened carefully and noted each of your sides of the story.
“Well, it does seem like it was an accident. I mean, he would never intentionally do something to hurt you. The event is still almost two weeks away, I’m sure there’s some way you can work something out.” She began; “You don’t want something as silly as this to be your downfall in your relationship.”
You let her words sink in. Only offering a simple nod here and there. You surely didn’t want this to tear you apart. I mean, surely there was a solution to this…right?
Now it was Q’s turn to keep himself at home. He had slept maybe an hour the night before. You had been taking turns staying at each other’s homes. He was planning to ask you to move in soon, considering he was also planning on proposing once the time was right.
He didn’t get out of bed until almost lunch, his hunger getting the best of him. He also realized it was Monday, and time for your usual lunch date. He sat up in bed and glanced at his phone. His head spoke before his pride could get in the way;
Come on. Just text her. I mean, anything can be fixed over pizza, right?
He picked up his phone, taking a moment to stare at the picture of the two of you saved as his lock screen wallpaper. With a groan, he set his phone back down, and stumbled into the shower. He let the hot water run down his face, trying to cleanse his head.
He reached for the soap, only to accidentally grab the hot pink bottle of women’s shampoo. He insisted that you leave a set of soap at his house for your unannounced visits. Although, you always joked that he secretly used it so he could smell like you. He loved the scent of your favorite shampoo. He popped open the lid, the familiar, fresh scent he admired filling his nose.
He threw back his head and sighed. This was crazy. It was such a stupid thing to fight over. He could just change his schedule. After all, he had committed to you first.
He stepped out of the shower with the cold tiles chilling his feet. He used his hand to wipe the fog from his mirror. He was met with red, exhausted eyes and a heart that longed for the one he loved.
The week was progressing steadily, as did the heavy feeling in your heart. Sleep had become a foreign subject to you, and coffee had become a necessity. The dark circles under your eyes couldn’t be missed, your energy level at an all time low. You had tried so hard to stop thinking about him. And now you couldn’t stop thinking about him.
You had finished all of your work for the week, in attempt to load your mind. You thought about telling your boss that you wouldn’t be able to attend the event due to “family issues”.
You were absentmindedly spinning back and forth in your chair, when you heard your phone ring. You picked it up lightning fast, thinking it was Brian. Much to your disappointment, it was only your sister calling to check in. You answered the call, telling her you had been too busy with work to call her sooner.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m just slammed at work right now.”
Your younger sister, not great at picking up on hints, rambled on;
“I bet! The event coming up quick! I’m so excited to get to meet your coworkers.” She said happily.
You were confused for a moment before remembering that your beloved sister was coming to New York just to visit you for the event. Great. Now you had to go. She had yet to meet Q as well. This situation was beginning to get overly-complicated. To spare your sister any stress, you just faked a happy tone and quickly ended the conversation.
Your heart seemed to be getting heavier as each day went by. Why was this so hard? Why couldn’t you just suck it up and apologize? The simple answer was your pride. The real answer was fear of how he’d respond. After all, you had no idea how he was feeling. Was he still angry? Did he even want you anymore?
You had no clue. You sunk farther into your chair, and on the verge of tears. You glanced at your cellphone that was sitting on your desk. You slowly took it into your hand, quickly unlocking it to avoid seeing your screensaver picture of him. You went straight to your text messages, your heart skipping a beat when you came to his name. Your thumb was just a centimeter away from tapping his name. What would you even say?
After a few seconds of hesitation, you set your phone back down and went through the rest of your day in a hazy fog.
It was raining in Staten Island. The skies were cloudy and gray, much like Brian’s current demeanor. He just sat and stared blankly out of his living room window as raindrops slid down the glass. Thankfully, his outside shoot for the show had been canceled due to the weather. He was sure that he wouldn’t have been able to make it through the day.
He was stressed beyond imagination. So much to the point where he was beginning to feel physically sick. He couldn’t stop thinking about what he had said to you. He had basically told you that your work wasn’t nearly as important as his. How could he say that to you? You adored your job. You loved being a writer for The New York Times. It was like a dream job. The fact that he disrespected that was killing him.
He felt a warm, fuzzy presence rubbing against his leg. He looked down to see Brooklyn purring contently. You would never admit it to him, but Brooklyn was your favorite of his furry friends. He knew you had always bonded with Brooklyn the most. He scratched the friendly feline’s ears, earning a satisfied meow.
A buzz in Brian’s pocket quickly diverted his attention, basically snatching his phone out of his pocket. It was only a notification from Twitter, not what he was hoping for. He groaned and basically threw his phone next to him.
He basically stayed in that same spot all day. Wishing, hoping, and regretting; watching the rain endlessly fall from the sky.
It was the middle of week. 4 days had gone by. No calls or texts from him. Not a single, solitary word.
Your behavior was becoming prominent to everyone you knew. Katelyn was now desperately worried, constantly making sure you were okay. You had missed calls from both of your parents due to your failure to check in with them. Even your boss had suggested that you take the rest of the week off and work from home.
You did finally get some sleep, but not nearly enough to re-energize you. You had practically barricaded yourself in your office at home. Writing drafts of dozens of possible articles to be published in the coming weeks.
You had even began to write an article on the effect guilt has on a person’s mental status. Man, did that one hit home.
Joe, Murray, and Sal had practically been blowing up your phone trying to figure out what was going on. So, now you knew that he was feeling pretty lousy too. Unfortunately, none of the guys had been very specific. Only saying that he was acting “off” and “distant”. That didn’t mean he wasn’t angry.
Maybe his “distance” was his way of trying to make a decision about your relationship.
Maybe this was his breaking point.
Maybe you had gone to far, and said something neither of you could recover from.
You didn’t want things to end. You needed him. You loved him. You couldn’t live without him.
But things weren’t looking promising. It was possible that maybe the end of your greatest story was on the horizon.
And if it was coming, it wouldn’t be a happily ever after.
Wednesday morning was probably the hardest day for him during this debacle. He woke up with a striking headache, most likely due to the lack of good sleep and endless thinking. This was the worst he felt in a long time. He didn’t get worked up very often. In fact, he couldn’t think of one time in his life he had been this upset about something.
It was just a stupid fight. A silly argument that he wasn’t even mad about anymore. He was a stubborn guy. He didn’t want to admit he was wrong even though he knew he had messed up. Both of you had reacted way too quickly and harshly. Just goes to show, anger is a dangerous emotion.
He sat up in bed, perhaps a little too quickly. For a rush of pain went straight to his head, causing him to immediately rub his hands over his face. Once the rush had stopped, he saw his phone screen light up. He was confused to see Katelyn’s name in his messages.
He quickly opened it, ignoring the missed calls from his worried friends. The message read;
Hey, Brian. I’m worried about [Y/N]. She seems really occupied with something else…almost like she’s debating something. I really wish you would text her.
Debating something? What does that even mean? He sat there pondering over her words for a minute, before a possible answer crossed his head.
Oh no.
You weren’t going to break up with him, were you? Tears immediately filled his eyes. No. She couldn’t. She would never. There’s no way that’s what she wants. Without hesitating, he switched over to your name in his messages and typed out a text;
Hey…I really need to talk to you.
He read a few times before deciding it was too vague. He deleted it, and typed a new text;
[Y/N], I’m really sorry. We need to talk.
No. That wasn’t right either. He typed and deleted at least 4 more texts. God, why was it suddenly so hard to talk to you? How was he supposed to sound sorry and loving at the same time? Another thought crossed his mind;
What if she doesn’t want to talk? What if this is it for us?
His stomach suddenly turned, his feet automatically catapulting him out of bed. He hurled into the toilet, his head now pounding. When he had nothing left to return back up, he slid down against the bathroom wall.
He couldn’t imagine himself without you. What would he do with himself? What was he going to do with the diamond ring waiting in his dresser for the right time? How was he going to live without you?
He sat there trying to collect himself, trying to convince himself that you weren’t even thinking about breaking up. Little did he know, you were actually worried about him breaking up with you.
His head was throbbing, his body was shaking, and his heart was hurting. He ducked his head between his knees and sobbed silently, his only desire was you to be right by his side.
Your work event was almost a week away. And the weekend was right around the corner. You finally returned your mom’s calls, assuring her that everything was fine. You had her convinced for now, but you could only put up this facade for a short amount of time.
This day was a weird day, it really showcased how dark of a place you were in. You weren’t crying anymore. You were literally elbow deep in endless work. You had been working since 1:00 AM that morning. Now it was almost midnight and you were going steady. You had never worked more than 7 hours straight. Now you were pushing 24. You had organized stacks of articles you had typed.
One for sports.
One for opinions.
One for current news.
And one for when you ran out of other ideas.
Using work as a coping mechanism was something you had never done. It was evident that you were going stir crazy. You had to get out of the house. You knew this wasn’t healthy in anyway. Your brain was on autopilot now, following the same thinking pattern for almost a day now.
You missed him badly. You were beginning to realize how insane this whole ordeal was. He’s the love of your life. You’re just acting like a child. You finally stood up from your office chair, every joint in your body cracking from being in the same position for so long.
You decided that enough was enough. Tomorrow, you were going to get out of the house to clear your head and organize your thoughts. Because you couldn’t take your aching heart much longer.
Q’s Thursday was at least a little better than the day before. He actually managed to get out of his bedroom and start making a little sense of everything. Much like you, he came to the same realization. This was crazy. No, scratch that. This was ridiculous. So what, there was communication error.
That’s what happens in a relationship. You have slip-ups, you learn from it, and you move on. He needed a day to collect his mind and think about what he was going to do to fix this. He opened his top dresser drawer to get a shirt when he saw the familiar velvet box he had been seeing everyday for at least a month.
He opened it to see the familiar sparkly ring that he had bought prior to the fight. This was what he wanted. To love you, and spend the rest of his life with you. Just whenever it felt right.
He put the box back, and got ready to finally heal his hurting heart.
It had almost been a week. The days had flown by. Just another reason you couldn’t wait any longer to fix this. You returned to work, despite your boss’ wishes. You spent the day making sure you knew what you were going to say. Making sure he knew how terrible you felt and how much you loved him.
That evening, around 9:00 PM, you were heading home when you passed Central Park as you always did. You stopped at the entrance, and stared into the beautiful landscape. You entered on the East side of the park, and sat on one of the benches that was carefully placed. It was cold that night. January was a bitter month in the city.
You had already decided that the second you woke up the next day, you were going to go to his house and make things right. You were aware that there was a possibility that he didn’t want this anymore. You looked up at the stars in the sky, praying that this was going to go well.
“Please…I can’t lose him.” You whispered to yourself.
You felt kind of silly for talking to yourself at night, but you didn’t know what else to do. Maybe wishing on a star in your favorite part of the city would hold some promise in your favor.
You eventually got up to go home. Falling asleep the second you closed your eyes.
He went to work too that day. Having a little more pep in his step that the previous days. He had it all planned out. He was going to go to your apartment Saturday and talk things out. He was still afraid, but he was more afraid of losing you.
He was headed back home to Staten Island, when a familiar place caught his eye. Central Park.
He couldn’t help but smile to himself. He loved taking you to Central Park. You had many heartfelt conversations with him there. You shared countless memories in all parts of the park.
He parked his car, and entered through the West entrance of the park. He walked for a little while before sitting down. The cold air stung his cheeks a little, but nothing he wasn’t used to. He looked at his watch. 9:02 PM.
It wasn’t too terribly late. He had time to kill. He watched as people walked by for awhile. He watched runners jog on their usual paths. It amazed him how athletic some people were.
He took note of how beautiful it was that night. The twinkling stars catching his gaze. He let out a sigh. This would be so much better if you were there. It was strange though. He felt as if you were there in the park with him. Maybe he was going stir crazy too.
He was watching the stars carefully. He looked around closely, to make sure no one was around before he whispered upwards;
“Please…I can’t lose her.”
He shared the same fear you did. He hoped you would accept his apology and hear him out. He didn’t know what he was going to do if you didn’t. With a final plea to the stars, he left the park and went home.
He was greeted by his warm abode when he walked in. Immediately going to bed so the morning would come faster.
However, sleep didn’t come. He tossed and turned, different scenarios playing over and over. For hours he did this. Worrying and worrying. Finally, he couldn’t take it anymore. He got out of bed, and went to you as fast as his heart could take him.
A simple altercation that could have easily been solved had now become the source of the worst fight you had ever had. Now, a week later, Brian was at your door at 2 AM, guilty and scared.
His relentless knocking on the door had obviously woken you up. You knew it was him. The way your heart jumped was how you knew. You were leaning on the inside of the door, debating on whether or not to let him in. You thought to yourself;
Come on. All of this, and now I don’t know if i should let him in? What if he breaks up with me?
He was leaning on the outside of the door, praying that you would hear him out.
“[Y/N], please…” he pleaded, his voice soft and careful, “I know you’re listening.”
You couldn’t help but stifle a soft chuckle. He knew you so well. But you didn’t know if you wanted to listen. That was your damn pride getting in the way again. That fight surely couldn’t have been the end of your relationship. You two had endured way worse.
“Baby, please…can we just talk?” He said leaning his forehead on the door.
You stayed motionless for another second or so, before unlocking your door with trembling fingers. You opened the door slowly to see his tear filled eyes and blotchy cheeks.
You were just as scared as he was. What do you even say? Do you just pretend everything is normal?
“Hi.” You finally said.
You both let out a gentle laugh, still lingering in the doorway. You finally stepped aside;
“You wanna come in?”
His face brightened a little, his handsome grin stretching from ear to ear. You felt so ridiculous for feeling so deprived of him. Everything the two of you had planned to say was out the window and forgotten. It had only been a week, it wasn’t like he was returning from war. You closed the door and watched him awkwardly shuffle his feet for a few moments.
“[Y/N], I’m really sorry…I don’t know what happened or what got into me, but…I’m sorry.” He said with a quivering lip.
Your legs felt like jelly, your heart racing. Somehow, you were now pressed up against the outer wall of your kitchen, just wanting to fall into Brian’s arms and forget everything that had happened.
You leaned upwards, kissing him softly. He was quick to return the kiss, both of your hearts fluttering. It was only a second after the kiss where you simultaneously confessed;
“I missed you.”
A small, startled gasp and slightly widened eyes sent the both of you barreling into laughter. He kissed you again once your laughter subsided, your fear completely gone.
“I’m sorry, Bri. I shouldn’t have gotten so upset, it was my fault.” You said feeling his hands trailing your legs.
“No, it’s my fault, I was the one who forgot…but if you still need a date, it seems that my schedule is free that night.” He said with a wink.
You smirked slightly;
“Oh, dear. Who ever will I take?” You said pressed against his chest.
He couldn’t help but give a slight eye roll at your sarcastic comment. He kissed you once again, softer this time. Taking the step of really taking your presence in.
But now you were here, and he knew you weren’t going anywhere.
“I already have my outfit picked out, it’s that dress that you seem to love…” You said almost in a purr.
His chocolate eyes sparkled;
“Mm. The red one.” He stated with a grin.
You nodded slightly as you took his hands into yours, dragging him further into your apartment.
“Where are we going?” He questioned curiously.
It wasn’t until he noticed that playful look in your eyes and the subtle blush on your cheeks that he got his answer.
You both were smiling uncontrollably. Almost 7 days of a fight was resolved in less than 10 minutes. Neither of you got any sleep for the rest of the night, but for the best reason possible.
Everything was okay now. And now, perhaps, you would have your happily ever after.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
He’d asked for Y/N’s help cooking- something about finally getting a big date he didn’t want to mess up. The thought broke her a fraction, but she couldn’t let him know after so long of secret keeping that she was madly in love with him. So in love that she risked her heart crumbling in his presence, knowing he was about to entertain another woman. Y/N was willing to take the misery on just for the chance to watch him smile.
And she did. There in the kitchen, deciding to bake a cake after making the pasta, Sal has flour on his nose and icing in his hair, and his eyes are crinkling where his laugh lines grow. He looks like absolute bliss, fumbling with utensils and worrying if he’ll give his date food poisoning, and Y/N assures him “you won’t get salmonella, the eggs won’t be raw when you’ve cooked the damn thing”.
It was like someone had reached into her chest and had punctured holes in her heart with their nails, just from the grip of their squeeze, and every time he smiles at her with gratitude, she wants to throw up. She decides when his hand accidentally grazes hers as they reach for the same thing that that’s the last time she can be alone with him. It’s too painful to love him from afar when he’s content living a life without her admiration. No more favours, no more late night phone calls, and no more lingering silences after too many beers when she swears he might kiss her…
“Thank you so much for your help.” He places the cake on the counter top and marvels over the creation. Iced and all, they made a humble sponge cake, and it smell beyond delicious. Sal turns to Y/N and his cheeks are glowing in jovial pursuit, and before she can resist, he pulls her in for a hug. “I think she’s going to love it. You’re the best.”
Y/N stutters, but defeated, she wraps her arms around him and sighs. He’s so warm and soft, she could live between his arms and stay young forever. Her body is starting to weaken, and tears are beginning to build behind her eyes, she scrambles out of his hold to run away. 
“I’m glad. Good luck tonight- I better go,” Y/N rushes out the kitchen and grabs her handbag. She can feel her eyes about to burst, the hysteria is building like wall in his chest, but it’s uneven and cracking, and if she doesn’t escape right now she’ll turn to dust before him. She curses under her breath to stay calm, and as she reaches for his front door, he grabs her wrist.
“Woah, wait!” He lets go timidly, playing with his hands. Y/N stands facing the door, shoulders hunched as she waits for whatever he has to say and the inevitable dam to break as the flood bursts through. Sal laughs inwardly, then asks “Do you want a slice?” to which Y/N looks at him in shock, her eyes red and watery. Sal blinks in surprise. “Oh, what’s wrong, why are you-”
“What about your date?” Y/N asks, arms falling weak as the first few tears fall down her cheeks. Sal stares at her blankly for a second, then scratches the back of his neck to distract the nerves bubbling in his chest.
“I uh…there was no date. I lied, to get you over here.” He looks up at Y/N, smiling weakly. “I was hoping, in a cheesy kind of way, you’d be my big date. I asked Q what would be the best date to take you on, and since I don’t know how to cook, I thought I’d surprise you…” He pauses, smirking. “Upon reflection, asking you to cook on your own date probably wasn’t the-”
But before he can go on rambling, Y/N throws herself at him and kisses him forcefully, throwing her legs around his waist as he catches her, and buries her hands in his hair. He stumbles back a little, cracking the intimacy with a goofy smile, but he doesn’t lets her go. Her lips are like strawberries, and his are plush like pillows. There in his hallway, tears still running down her cheeks and his hands placed on her bum as holds her against his body, they reveal the tangled depths of their feelings after so long of hiding. 
When Y/N pulls away, she holds his cheeks and laughs breathy. “Next time just ask me out to begin with.” 
And he promises to do so.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
He Defends You
You are at a club with the guys, after a meet and greet, and you’ve all had a pretty long day. You’ve been with them for most of the day, for support. You wanted to dance, but Q didn’t, so you asked Joe’s wife to with you. And there you were, on the dance-floor, enjoying yourselves, when a man approached you guys. “Good evening, ladies.” He spoke. He seemed only slightly drunk, and polite enough, but you were annoyed from the start. She says a quick hello and you ignore him, looking for Q. You spot him across the room, though his back is to you. “Can I get you a drink?” He asks her. She shakes her head and you take a step closer to her in a protective matter.
“I’m married.” She says. He chuckles and shakes his head. Something about this man is creeping you out, despite his calm matter.
“How about you? Married too?” He asks. The way he said it puts you off. You stand up taller and shake your head.
“No, though my boyfriend is here.” You speak confidently, nodding your head behind you.
“He’s here?” He asks. You narrow your eyes a little, and nod.
“Yes. So is her husband and their friends…” You trail off, almost as a warning. The man smiles a gross smile.
“Well, they don’t seem to be giving you guys the attention you deserve, so I don’t think one little drink will hurt. It’s not like you have to sleep with me in return.” He chuckles. You glance back again, noticing Q glance over his shoulder at you guys. He nudges Joe and they both look toward you guys.
“That’s okay, we’re driving.” He looks to be getting frustrated. You nervously glance back at your boyfriend, who is already standing up and watching. You can tell he’s unsure if he should interject, because he tries not to be possessive, but you wish he would come over already. You try to give him a signal with your eyes.
“What? You’re afraid?” The man asks, moving closer to you. You stare intensely into his eyes, nervous, but adrenaline is pumping through your veins and half of you wants to fight him.
“No.” You speak lowly but confidently.
“Then why do you keep looking away? You know it’s rude not to focus on the person you are talking to, right?” You are clearly uncomfortable.
“Well, this conversation is over. I think we’ll be going now.” You take Bessy by her arm and start walking back to the guys, when he grabs your arm roughly.
“Not even a goodbye? So rude. You deserve to be punished, need a lesson in manners.” He mumbles, his grip tight.
“Let go of her!” Bessy exclaims, pushing him a little. You stand between her and him, knowing what’s coming instantly. He goes to punch her in the face and you catch his hand, before he is thrown away from you. Q has him tackled to the ground and Joe is hot behind him. You freeze, holding Bessy close as you watch Brian punch the man and Sal comes running with Murr, attempting to get Joe and Q off of him. He gets up as Sal and Murr hold Brian off, and just as you think it’s over, the guy punches Q right in the face. You seethe with anger and kick him in the balls before any of the guys can react, then punch him in the face as hard as you can, and he falls the ground. You fist is now killing you and you yelp. Joe is on him as soon as you hit him and security guards come running to separate you all.
As the guards start yelling and throwing you out, one goes to nudge you toward the door. “Don’t touch her.” Brian growls, putting his arm protectively around your waist and pulling you toward the door.
“Are you alright? I’m so sorry sweetheart.” He mumbles against the top of your head, gently grabbing your arm to look at where he grabbed you. You cup his face and smile sadly.
“I’m fine. You need to get ice on that.” You speak.
“Don’t worry about me.. I should’ve done so much worse. I’ll never let anyone touch you again.” He promises.
“Brian, I’m okay. He barely touched me. You didn’t let him.” You tell him. He smiles a sad smile, kissing your forehead, holding you in his arms as you head to the car, and you have never felt more safe and loved.
“I love you.” You mumble into his chest.
“I love you too, Y/N.” He whispers.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
When He First Saw You
He was with the boys, walking out of the diner they were just eating in. Thats when you walked by. He lost his breath, stopped in place. You were so gorgeous, he didn’t know how to react. His brain practically froze, as you walked past him, you smiled, and he felt weak in the knees. “Uhm, I’ll, um, yea.” He spoke quietly, turning around and going right back in the door where you just walked in. The other guys were rolling with laughter as he stumbled after you.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
He Misses You
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You loved Q more than you could put into words. You could be very insecure at times, knowing he could have anyone he wanted and he’s such a successful man and perfect to you. You miss him greatly when he’s away on tour, it’s been weeks since you’ve seen him. And he’s currently in a timezone five hours ahead of your own, so you couldn’t even talk much.
It’s 11:00 and you’re on your laptop, getting ready to call it a night. But you unexpectedly get a Skype call. It’s Brian. You immediately go to answer it, hoping that the shitty wifi will connect. It does, and you see darkness, then his face appears. You smile instantly, overjoyed. Then you see his puffy eyes and sad look, and worry. “What’s wrong?” Is the first thing you say, sitting up straight to focus on him.
“Baby, are you okay?” He asks. You give him a confused look.
“Yes? Why? Are you, Brian?” He nods and sniffs.
“I had a dream, it felt so real.” You feel so sad for him. Realizing it 4:00 in the morning there, he must have been really worried to have called.
“I’m okay babe. I’m here.” You try to comfort.
“God I miss you. I can’t sleep without you, babygirl.” He mumbles, moving closer, assuming to see you clearer. Your heart hurts and tears form in your eyes.
“You’ll be home soon, Bri. We’ll be together soon and you’ll be sick of me.” You joke and laugh.
“I could never.” He responds. He seems really shaken up.
“I love you. Stay positive, enjoy yourself, you’ll be back soon.” You speak and he looks a little better.
“I love you, Y/N. Get some rest, I’m sorry if I  woke you.” He responds, and you guys say your goodnight’s, a sadness filling your heart as you lay in your empty bed, missing your love.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
Losing A Challenge For You
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You were with the guys, waiting for your cue. Sal is currently in the mall food court, posed as a janitor. You knew what the boys had in mind for his last task, and you have to say, you felt a little guilty. You knew if he didn’t follow through, which they don’t expect him to, that he’ll lose the episode, basically because of you.
You went over to sit at one of the tables, as instructed, and waited. “Alright Sal, last task. See that girl over there, in the black shirt.” He notices you.
“You mean my girlfriend?” He asks with a hint of sarcasm. “Yes.”
“Go sit with her.” Q says. Sal knows that there is a catch and he gulps, hoping this isn’t going to be too bad. You smile as your boyfriend sits down cautiously in front of you.
“Last thing you have to do… Is kiss her.” Murr says. Sal gives a look of confusion.
“Oh, not Y/N. Her.” Joe says, and a beautiful girl sits down at the table next to me. Sal realizes now and starts laughing in panic. “If you don’t do it, you lose the episode, buddy.” He reminds.
“I can’t, what the hell guys!” He exclaims. He looks at you. You hide your laughter. “Oh, baby…” He mumbles, debating whether he should or not. “Fuck it.” He mutters and he leans over, and you think he’s really gonna do it. You’re instantly hurt, but try to ignore it, knowing it’s for the game. You hear the boys gasp in your earpiece, and then Sal turns and kisses you instead.
“I can’t, I can’t.” He mumbles afterward, sighing. You laugh and go over to his side to hug him.
“Aww babe, I love you.” You coo, realizing he lost the episode for you.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
Sal’s “Punishment”
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The last time that you joined the guys while they were filming, Sal had lost the episode. The boys couldn’t figure out what to do for his punishment. They tossed around some ideas for a while, and then it hit them, when you showed up surprisingly with coffees.
Joe was the one who noticed how Sal’s eyes brightened when he saw you, and handed him his favorite coffee. It all hit him at once. He realized Sal liked you, and he knew just the right punishment for this episode.
They informed you before, of course, seeing that you had to be okay with it. At first you were unsure, but you secretly loved the idea.
So, just the same way as they had done to Q recently, they waited for Sal to show up, with you hidden behind Q and Murr, and waited for it. “What’s going on?” He asks as soon as he steps out of the car, instantly recognizing that they were up to something. “You lost, so welcome to your punishment.” You step out and follow Joe over to Sal. He looks very confused.
“It involves her?” He asks. You hold back a laugh as Joe attaches one side of the cuffs to your wrist. Sal’s eyes get big as Joe approaches him with the cuffs. “Wait wait oh no!” He exclaims. Joe cuffs us together and you silently hope that you won’t regret this decision to be a part of his punishment.
“Don’t worry, it’s only twenty four hours.” Joe laughs.
“You’ve got it better! I’d have taken her over that damn mime any day!” Q exclaims. Your cheeks flush at his comment and Sal notices, looking into it. “I don’t mind her, it’s the cuffs. Aw man.” The day goes by slowly, as you were instructed not to talk to him and to be as annoying as possible. You weren’t really quite sure how to go about that, but you tried. You walked slow, but Sal did not get annoyed. He looked back at you, an annoyed look on his face, but when you made eye contact it instantly softened and he didn’t say anything. On the train, they forced you guys to sit basically squished together, with you in the corner, Sal in the middle and Murr purposely squeezing in, in order to force the physical contact. You weren’t complaining being close to him, just that you couldn’t move at all. He had the cuff on his right hand, so when you had to reach for something with your left hand, his arm went over your shoulder, causing you both to blush.
The bathroom situation was definitely awkward, but you made it work. Sleeping was also odd. When in the bathroom getting ready for bed, you annoyed him more because you’d gone easy on him most of the day. He was laughing very hard when you kept pulling away from him so that he couldn’t wash his hands. And you made dumb faces with toothpaste in your mouth, causing him to choke on water with laughter, making you laugh, which made him blush. When you slept, your hands kept touching due to the restraints. When you woke up he had a hand on you hip and was sleeping peacefully right behind you. Arriving to the other guys, they uncuffed you both, and you instantly rubbed your wrist from the pressure it had been in. “Okay, there’s just one last thing, and then your punishment will be over, buddy.” Murr says, and you give him a confused look. Sal looks nervous and waits for them to explain. “You have to kiss Y/N.” Q smirks, and Joe begins laughing hysterically. Your face drops and your eyes get big. Sal’s face was exactly the same. “Uhm.. That’s a bit unfair to her..” He mumbles. “Oh believe us, she wants to.” Joe says and you shoot daggers at him. “Joe!” You exclaim. Sal laughs awkwardly, looking at you. You blush. “Well… If you’re okay with it.” He asks and you nod sheepishly. He blushes a little and steps forward, making your heart race. He is much taller than you, so he puts a finger beneath your chin, a small smile forming on his lips, and he leans down. You lean in nervously and your lips touch lightly, making your heart jump. The kiss is short, but it was magical, and had you both blushing the rest of the day. And later on when you guys were in the car, he sneakily held your hand, and that was the start of it all.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
Sal & Q - Protective Blurb Request
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Warnings: Alcohol consumption
You don’t often go out and get drunk, but when you do, you tend to get a little wasted, a little fast.
The guys are celebrating their third season coming to an end, and you of course accompanied them, alongside Bessy. You’re on your third shot already, and Sal has been giving you a look, biting his tongue this whole time. Youre wearing a black dress that accentuates your natural curves. You don’t think it’s all that, but Sal thinks you look stunning. And apparently, so does the guy checking you out a few seats down.
You haven’t noticed him, too focused on ordering another shot and resting your head on Sal’s shoulder, trying to get his attention. He glares at the guy and returns his focus to you. “Another? Don’t you think you’re overdoing it?” He asks, knowing you’re going to be hung over later. “No!” You exclaim. He doesn’t want you to get a bad headache and throw up, so he decides to be the buzz kill. “No more after this shot. And drink some water.” He says, instructing the bartender not to serve you anymore.
You glare at him in your drunken state. “Sal! You’re n-not my boss!” You holler and down that last shot before heading to the dancefloor with a hiccup. “Bottoms Up” is playing and you start rocking to the beat.
Sal watches you, growing more annoyed, and starts talking to Joe about it. In the absence of Sal’s keen eye, the guy who was checking you out earlier approaches you. You didn’t know that he had been watching you earlier, however. “Boyfriend doesn’t dance?” He asks you.
You hiccup again and shake your head no. “He’s being boring right now.” You whine. “I can show you a good time.” He offers, winking at you. At this point, Sal has returned his gaze to you to check on you, and is even more aggitated to see the stranger talking to you.
He stalks over and places his hand on your hip, staring the guy down. “No thank you!” You holler dramatically at the dude over the loud music. Sal gives the guy one last dirty look before dragging you off to the car.
He helps you into the passenger seat and then leans down to buckle your seatbelt for you. “I know how to, silly.” You slur, giggling at him. He moves away after finishing and kisses your cheek, then heads to the driver seat to take you back to the house, where he gets you into bed, changing you into one of his shirts, and cuddles with you as you attempt to fall asleep.
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Warnings: Slight violence/professional fighting
Being in a mixed martial arts class was something that you enjoy very much. You’ve been doing it for years, and now you even get to compete in fights. It’s exhilarating, to you. But to your boyfriend… He doesn’t understand what you love about it so much. You’re just hitting things and people, what’s so great about that?
Of course, he still tries to support you, but he does not like it. He has to sit there and watch people hit his baby. He hates it.
You are starting a match now, actually, and he is sitting in the front row, watching nervously. The other girl is about the same height, a little more muscular. He knows you can take her, but he still feels afraid. He hates seeing you get hurt, or hit, even if it doesn’t hurt you bad.
The match starts and you two circle each other for a minute before your opponent swings at you. You dodge it and throw a swift punch to her face, knocking her off balance for a second.
The fight progresses and you’re doing really good for a while, til she kicks you in the side and knocks you into the side of the ring. She hits you in the back of your head and then uppercuts you, and Q is on his feet by this point. “What the hell! Stop her!” He exclaims.
People behind him tell him to shut up and sit down but he ignores them, yelling at the ref as the girl hits you two more times. At this point, a security guard is warning Q to sit down or leave, and finally the ref blows the whistle and the girl is pulled away from you.
Q pushes his way over to your corner and reaches for your hand. “Are you okay?” He asks, terrified by the blood dripping from your mouth. You chuckle at him. “I’m fine, babe. Relax.” You tell him, standing back up and heading to the middle to finish the match.
By the end, you are very worn out and have a bruised face and stomach, but you ended up having a comeback and winning. Q holds your hand and presses ice to your head as he guides you out to the car, anxious to get you home safely. “I don’t understand why you like this.” He mutters, half to himself as he opens your door for you.
“I enjoy it. It’s exhilarating.” You respond when he joins you in the car. The ride home is silent, but he keeps a hand on your knee until you arrive to your shared apartment.
After a nice long shower, you come to your guys’ room and lay down beside Q and one of the cats. You rest your head on his chest and relax under the nice warm blankets. “Thank you for supporting me, even though you don’t like it.” You whisper. He kisses the top of your head and pulls you closer against him. “As long as you’re safe, I’ll always support you.” You close your eyes, chuckling lightly at your overprotective but sweet boyfriend.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
Murr -
The boys would constantly tease him about how he is with you. He constantly asks you to come to set, just so he can see you, with his busy schedule. He’ll be all over you during breaks, constantly hugging and holding you. He always makes sure you’re happy, with everything. When you’re hanging out, he always wants you to tell him what to do, too much. He’s happy doing anything, as long as he’s with you. Q and Joe constantly bother him with it, saying he’s obsessed and it’s unhealthy, in a joking matter.
Joe -
You’re not allowed at set because you distract Joe too much. He finds you so stunning, he can’t keep focused. You’re like his new pastries. He does anything for you, follows you around like a lost puppy, almost. He even offers to share his food with you, which shocked Sal.
Q -
He’s a sucker for you. You’re his biggest weakness, and the guys use it to their advantage often. Brian will literally follow you around, arm firmly over your shoulder, anywhere you go. When you’re there when they’re filming, he often gets scolded for losing focus. He lets you wear his hats, his shirts, and gets jealous when you pay more attention to his cats than to him.
Sal -
To say that Sal loves you is an understatement. He is head over heels. Your kiss still makes him weak in the knees. He can’t get enough of you. He has serious separation anxiety when he tours, so often, you Facetime him before he goes to sleep, no matter what the time. The boys use you as an advantage, of course, which makes him lose very often. The guys always bother him because when they’re away from home, he mumbles about you.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
How They Act When They’re Jealous
Murr -
When James is jealous, he becomes clingy. It depends on the situation. If you are talking to another guy, he’ll butt in occasionally, make smart remarks, all the while his hand firmly planted on your waist. He’ll be very sassy to the other guy, hoping he’ll take a hint. But sometimes he even gets jealous of the other Jokers. When this happens, it’s usually when you’re laughing at their jokes and he feels insecure. So he’ll either stay off to the side and keep to himself, sulking, or he’ll start competing and try to make you laugh more.
Joe -
When Joe gets jealous, one of three things happens. One, he stays to the side and pouts, sad that someone else has captivated your attention and slowly becoming insecure. Two, he gets possessive, and can’t keep his hands off you and being rude to whoever you are talking to. Or three, he gets mad, and ignores you for a while when you finally return your attention to him.
Sal -
Sal is very possessive of you. He is by your side every free second he has, even going as far as to bring you to set sometimes just to spend a few seconds with you during breaks. So when someone gets too close for comfort, he goes overboard. He’ll either interject, rudely interrupting the guy and introducing himself as your boyfriend, then joining in on the conversation and being very sassy. Or, he’ll get mad. When he gets mad he either comes over and literally steals you away, either resulting in a fight or steamy sex; or he stomps off and leaves you, being pissy and quiet the rest of the day until you figure it out and talk it out.
Q -
He is about as possessive as it gets. No man is allowed to touch you, and they’re lucky if they can talk to you without Q being there. So, when he notices a guy trying to talk to you, he reacts a few different ways; depending how the guy is acting and Q’s mood. If the guy is flirting, he walks over, swooping you up in his arms and walking away. Or, he’ll give you a long passionate kiss and butt into the conversation. When Q gets mad, though, he either threatens the guy, or he just drags you off and fucks you silly. When he’s insecure and sad, he watches from a distance, hoping you’ll remember him and come love him, like a little puppy.
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
me when they tied q down and forced spiders on him ☠️
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
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sal moodboard
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
The guys as John Mulaney quotes:
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
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some motivational jokers to help you through your day
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
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aestheticmariaslut · 3 years
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I’m spilling facts on twitter 😪
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