it’s okay to have sympathy for someone who had a terrible life in some aspects but from one tcc member to another quit fucking romanticizing mass shooters
anybody who can cut multiple lives short like that in such a horrific way has made a choice that comes with the price of an end to their deserving of something like that
no matter how much they cry or apologize or show remorse they literally fucking mowed down innocent people (usually kids) who had potential and whose families have to suffer the horrible realization that the last time they saw their fucking child or friend or parent or sibling or otherwise they didn’t know they’d be losing them and thus never got to say goodbye and the only way they’re ever gonna see that person outside of wherever was shot up again is in a casket if their body is even presentable enough for an open casket service
they have to walk through the halls of their home and come to terms with the fact that the smile they see in every picture hanging on the wall is one they will never see in motion or past that frozen moment of growth in that person’s life again
they have to scroll through the camera roll on their phone and have it hit them like a fist to the gut every time they see a random picture that they snapped of that person any selfie taken with them
they have to stare at an empty seat at the dinner table or the couch every holiday and birthday
nothing but silence would come from their bedroom every time they walked by it
the closest they’ll get to that person is by curling up with their belongings and either feeling a deep, black, lost emptiness or crying their eyes out night after night
how would you feel
how would you feel if your best friend was shot in the head by some monster who never stopped to consider that there was a better way to take out their hurt than rob you of someone you deserve to wake up every day knowing without fear that you’ll get to spend at least some part of it with them
you’d never get a text from them again
you’d never see them in that favorite sweatshirt of theirs again because they were probably fucking shot in it and they’d never see new movies that come out over the years with you and they’d never meet your kids and if your best friend lives a long ways away they’d never answer your calls or skype you again
that shit’s realer than you think, man
this bullshit is realer than you think.
and you want to put someone who could leave someone in that situation without consideration for what that’s going to do to them for the rest of their fucking life on a pedestal or treat them like some innocent baby ?
you can recognize that shit happened to these shooters and wish that someone had been kinder to them and pushed them in the right direction before they even had the chance to kill but for fuck’s sake you can shove the flower crowns and fanfiction and photobooth hearts up your ass it’s fucking shameful
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here some artzz
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my poor sweet children must be kept safe from IT chapter 2
(click for better quality)
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no i’m not an r-thot im barely on that level nor do I really support that community, roblox is a kid friendly game, keep it friendly for them pls
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ehm splartoon posing k
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quick birb sketch thing, idk
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anxiety is a pain in the bootyhole, enjoy this flowerboi tho
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anyway smash that mf reblog if you LIKE CATS
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my own androgynous model ad :)))))
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y do people assume such things
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hmm mhm idk, I was trying to a draw an animal crossing character and it turned into this, I don’t know if I like it so much tho
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Nobody’s going anywhere!
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ROBLOX GFX ~ s u p e r s t a r - Adidas
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c o f f e e gfx by me add me on roblox @: zoepopstar1
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About me!
yo yo yo, it's me, and here's some stuff u might wanna know  ... she/her
Bi - veers more towards girls tho
Interests: Musicals, gaming, roleplaying, photography, designing, nOODles, and other stuff Dislikes:  sewing needles, people who judge bodies, LGBT+ phobias, hypocrites, people who don’t listen, etc.  Things I might end up posting: ROBLOX GFX maybe some art photography personal stuff, etc You can also find some of my stuff here: http://iipringlescan.deviantart.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNpvLIljFlKlVfTe9E1Z9OA If you want to chat with me on discord:  urgrandma#5353
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