aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Oof, Biggs can get it y'all
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Cloud’s character arc in a single sentence
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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“I love you so much, Red…”
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Aerith in Resident Evil 3
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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I’d never pass up a chance to improve my gear. C'mon…at least let me show you how it’s done.
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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The Character scenes in Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis + bonus tiny peek at Aerith art by Fujise Risa:
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Commission For @cadentem and @rainheal
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Aerith in Resident Evil 3
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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It really helps—knowing I’m not alone in all this.  Yeah, same here.
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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FFVII: Remake InterMission preview → ”That’s how ninjas do it.”
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Bump it.
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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“Like this?” “Yup. Just like that.”
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Yuffie and Sonon // Da-chao bean gang 🥜
am even more excited for part 2 🤩
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
Creep- FFVII Biggs X Reader Ch. 16/?
A/N: Sorry it took six months! Life is wild, y’all.
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You stared at the sight in front of you in disbelief, no, denial. Biggs was slumped against the pillar's main column, eyes shut and completely still. You couldn't believe it. Just a moment ago his lips touched yours, and now, just like your lips, his skin was cold to the touch. This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening...
"Biggs...?" You whispered, half in disbelief and half in shock. He didn't answer, he didn't move. And even though the sounds of gunshots and screams surrounded you, for one moment, it felt painfully silent. Deep down, you knew what this meant, but you refused to believe it. Your lip began to quiver.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!" You whispered, cupping his face in your hands, "Wake up, please! Wake up!"
"Y/N," Cloud said softly.
You barely even registered his voice over your own desperate attempts to rouse Biggs from his unconscious state. Tears were pouring down your cheeks now, falling onto Biggs' bloodstained shirt and pants as you brought him into tour arms. He meant everything to you, how could this be happening?
"Don't die on me! Please, oh God, just open your eyes!" You shouted, shaking his chest slightly. Still nothing. He was gone.
Finally, the dam burst and you broke down into a sobbing mess, pressing your face into his chest as if looking for his comfort, and yet none came with the gesture. You held onto him tight, unwilling to give him up just yet. He loved you, and you loved him, why did it have to end like this?
"Y/N," Cloud said. You heard him, but didn't acknowledge him.
"Y/N," he said louder, placing a hand on your shoulder.
"Shut up!" You snapped. For another moment it was painfully silent. Regret flooded your body, somewhat of a relief from the heartbreaking grief; you didn't mean to make things so tense, "I-I'm sorry... I shouldn't have-"
"It's ok," he interrupted.
Cloud's eyes were glassy too, just barely enough for you to notice, but you did. He had a tight grip on your shoulder, but when you had looked at him he seemed to freeze, no longer confident in handling the situation. He glanced from you, to Biggs, then back to you.
"Get out of here," he said, not in his usual aloof  tone, but an awkward, almost compassionate one, "It's what he would've wanted."
You didn't answer at first, instead staring at the man you loved in his pitiful position against the pillar. He, along with the rest of your team, was your everything. And now he was gone and they were still in danger. Staring at the deep crimson puddle growing around his body, you felt the pit in your stomach grow deeper. Every time you thought your heartache had reached its peak, you were proven wrong. You tried to look away, but you couldn't.
"Cloud..." you managed to say.
"Yeah?" He replied, his thumb and fingers digging into your shoulder so tight it almost hurt.
"I don't... I don't know if you can stop the plate from dropping," you looked back up at him "But please... just get Jessie and Barrett out of there."
He held your gaze another moment before nodding. The strong grip on your shoulder fell away as he got up, and he took one last glance at Biggs before heading to the staircase.
Just as he reached the base of the stairs, he looked back at you expectantly.
"Y/N," he warned.
"Let me finish saying goodbye," you ordered, the words fell off your tongue with a tone like venom before you could stop them. He just wanted you to be safe, and you were being an asshole again. You took a deep breath, "I'll leave as soon as I'm done. Promise."
Somehow, you had convinced him. Either that or he had no time to force you off the pillar. Cloud nodded before flying up the flight of stairs and out of sight.
You glanced back at the man you just kissed, It was only a moment ago that your lips met but it felt like eons. And now he was gone... And somehow you were supposed to say goodbye and leave him here to fall with the pillar. Fate was a cruel thing...
Tears were welling up in your eyes again as a shaky breath escaped your lips. You didn't want to leave him, not like this, but you made a promise. A promise to Cloud, and a promise to Biggs himself. And if you wanted to fulfill either of those promises, you'd have to make your goodbye quick.
Leaning forward, you pressed a kiss to his forehead. The surface of his skin was still warm to the touch, and though you knew it wouldn't stay that way, it was comforting in the moment.
A small tear slid down your cheek and onto his as your lips hovered over his face a moment more. Leaning back, you took his hand in your own. It was still warm and wet with blood, but you didn't care. You were soaked in his blood anyways. You brought his hand up to your lips.
"Maybe in another lifetime," you whispered, voice rough from crying. Then you placed a kiss onto the back of his hand. Squeezing your fingers around his own tightly, you prayed for the strength to walk away.
Your heart stopped for a moment when you realized you could feel the slightest pulse from his hand. No, it couldn't be. You must've imagined it. But you hadn't let his hand go and you still felt it, weak but steady. There was no way.
It dawned on you that you had never checked the man's pulse. How could you have not checked his pulse? Within an instant, you had dropped his hand and brought your fingers up to his neck.
You gasped - it wasn't your imagination. He had a pulse. It was weak, but still noticeable. You couldn't believe it. He was alive.
You couldn't leave him. There was no way in hell you were gonna leave him behind. Not after all that the both of you had been through. But that raised an important question: how the hell could you get him down the pillar?
You took a step towards the railing at the edge of the pillar, looking over the side to estimate what floor you were on. Were you really only on floor 5? It felt like you were so much higher. You looked back at Biggs, he groaned and shifted the slightest bit as your mind searched for a way to get him down.
You knew you couldn't carry him if you tried, so the only other option you could think of was to drag him off the pillar. You felt half stupid for even proposing the idea, he was probably still too heavy for it to work, and dragging him down five flights of stairs while he was bleeding out wasn't a great idea, but right now it was the only option. If you didn't, he would surely die. You couldn't just give up and let that happen. You had to try.
You approached his slouched form and grabbed at his shoulders, placing pressure on one of his bullet wounds as you pulled his body into your lap.
Looking at his face, you hesitated. You didn't want to hurt him, and being dragged down the stairs would definitely hurt, but it was that or leave him, and you couldn't do that.
Pressing your fingers to his neck again, you made sure this wasn't a lost cause. His pulse was still there, still steady. Thank God.
Placing your hands under his armpits, you stood up from the ground, lifting his torso. You then realized that in order for this to work, you'd have to walk backwards off the pillar. Great. So, turning around and looking over your shoulder, you began to walk. Biggs, although heavy, wasn't posing a problem for you to drag... yet.
The first flight wasn't too bad, relatively at least. He was heavy and it was a strain, but you managed. His weight was slowly starting to become a problem, though. The longer you dragged him, the harder it seemed to get. But you were down one flight already, there were just four more to go.
Flight two was a challenge, but gravity worked in your favor. Your arms were growing weaker from the weight, and your back and legs ached. Your already slow paced had grown even slower as you dragged his limp body across the metal floor. This was really starting to get difficult, and you weren't even half way done.
You barely made it to the third staircase. Your muscles were screaming for you to stop, and you didn't know if you had the strength left in you to get him down. But you couldn't give up. Giving up meant death, for him and possibly you. So you made it down the staircase.
You were just steps away from the second staircase when your body could not pull him any further. You simply didn't have the strength or leverage to move his weight. You tried, and tried, but your muscles were far too fatigued to move.
Tears pricked at your eyes again as you sat down to take a break. Hopefully you could get some strength back in time before the plate collapsed - if the plate collapsed. Deep down, though, you knew it was inevitably going to happen.
So you were left at a crossroads: keep trying to drag Biggs down the pillar even if it meant the death of both of you, leave him here and get to safety, or stay here with him. You didn't like any of those options.
A tear dropped from your cheek, you didn't know what to do. He meant everything to you, and you felt helpless in that you couldn't help him. No matter what you chose, someone was probably going to die. And your only option with the chance of saving both of you was something you weren't sure you could physically do. People were evacuating now, surely no one was near the pillar, so how far would you have to drag him? All the way out of the sector by yourself? You didn't know, but it was the only way. So, even though you still felt weak, you readied yourself to drag Biggs the rest of the way down.
The sound of footsteps running down the metal stairs made you freeze in place. More Shinra troops? You placed you hand on your holstered gun as you anxiously awaited the sounds to come closer.
"Freeze!" A voice shouted. Suddenly, two helmeted troops pointed their blasters at you.
You whipped out your gun and pointed it at one of the troops, pulling the trigger then moving to aim at the second troop.
Only no bullets came out. You pulled the trigger again and again. Your gun was empty. And you had just tried to shoot two Shinra troops. Fuck.
"Drop the gun!" The commanding troop shouted, and you did what he said. There was nothing else you could do. At least nothing that would ensure both you and Biggs would make it out alive, but the odds of that happening now were close to none. And you'd come so close, too.
"Hands on your head!" The other one shouted, and they both approached. One of the troops kicked the back of your legs, forcing you onto your knees. Two blasters were pointed at your head from each side, so close you could almost feel them.
You looked back at Biggs, he lay still against the cold metal floor. This couldn't be the end, could it? If they captured you, he'd surely die. If they killed you, he'd also die.
There was no way out of this.
"Got a female assailant in custody, what are the orders?" The superior said into comm in his helmet.
You couldn't stop looking at Biggs. The blood puddle under him was slowly growing bigger. He was bleeding out.
The younger troop pushed your head forward with the barrel of his blaster.
"Head down sweetheart, you don't wanna end up like your buddy over there, do ya?" The troop said. You could feel the cold metal of the blaster on the back of your head. The seconds crawled by painfully slow as the Shinra soldiers decided your fate. If they decided to kill you, the gun was already aimed; a single pull of the finger and you'd be gone. Every breath you took, there was that hyper awareness that it could be your last. You didn't want to die.
"Mhm, copy that," the senior officer shook his head as he listened to the orders, then he turned to the other troop, "Take her out."
A whimper slipped from your lips as soon as he spoke, and both of the troops looked down at you.
"Don't worry, It'll be over before you know it," the you get one said, pushing the barrel of the gun into the back of your head. You squeezed your eyes shut.
A gunshot. Then another.
Except you didn't fall. Someone else did. Two someone else's, on either side of you.  You opened your eyes, and there were the two troops, dead on the floor.
You turned around quick to see your savior. And there he was, surrounded in a puddle of his own blood. He was putting all of his upper body weight on one elbow, and struggling to do so. Both his hands were wrapped tightly around his pistol to keep them from shaking. Upon meeting eyes with you, he dropped the gun and fell back to the floor with a sigh.
"Biggs!" You shouted, running to his side.
“I-I couldn’t let them,” he wheezed, “I couldn’t let them hurt you.”
His skin, which was adorned with a layer of sweat, had lost much of its color, and under the fluorescent lights of the pillar, it looked even paler.
“Please, just stay awake for me alright?” You pleaded, taking his hand in your own and squeezing it, “I can’t lose you!”
The clanking of footsteps against the metal staircase caused you to whip your head towards the source of the sound. This time it was coming from the lower set of stairs. Somebody- or more like a group of people- were coming up. You grabbed Biggs’ gun from the ground and got ready.
The tops of their heads came into view first. No helmets - you were probably safe. You lowered the gun. Once their faces came into view, you immediately recognized them. They were other members of the neighborhood watch.
"Help!" you shouted.
A few of the men rushed forward to your side, kneeling down by Biggs. Some searched the level for any more survivors-or bodies, and the rest continued up the stairs, guns in hand, presumably ready for a last stand.
Biggs groaned in pain as one of the men observed his wounds. The man shook his head at the sight.
"We can't waste any time, he's got to get to a doctor now!" He said, and the other two men nodded before lifting Biggs up from the ground. The leader stood up to help them carry him down. Once they had a secure hold on him, they made their way towards the stairs.
"Is he gonna be ok?" You asked, trailing behind the group.
"Don't know," the leader said without looking back.
Just as the men were starting down the stairs, another set of footsteps was running up them. Your eyes widened as you watched saw Tifa come into view. She rushed towards your group, she herself frantic as she looked at Biggs' bloodied, unconscious body. The men pushed right past her, though, not wasting any time getting him off the pillar. She watched for a moment as they descended before turning back up to you, taking the final few steps to be at your level.
"Is he gonna be ok?" She asked. You couldn't even answer over the lump in your throat. Instead, your eyes filled with tears again as you shrugged your shoulders. She placed a hand on your arm.
"Don't lose hope," she tried to reassure, but it was unconvincing, "I'm going to go help the others."
She pivoted away from you, but you caught her wrist in time. She threw her head over her shoulder to look back at you, her gaze both soft and frantic.
"Please... Please come back down. I don't think this pillar's gonna last very much longer," you said.
"I will. I promise." She said, and then she ran towards the next flight of steps.
You rushed down the last flight of stairs, trying to catch up with the neighborhood watch boys. They were a little ways ahead of you, around halfway to the tunnel to sector 6. You ran toward them, and once you caught up to them you slowed to their pace as you walked next to them. Biggs hadn't moved in a while, which was beginning to scare you.
Sector 5 was a long way away, you remembered. And unfortunately the closest doctors were in that sector. Would Biggs last until then? You wanted to believe he would, you wanted to believe he would be ok so badly, but the odds weren't in your favor.
His arm was limp, hanging from his side, and without a second thought, you grabbed his hand and squeezed it. There was a terrifyingly long walk ahead of you, so you squeezed his hand tighter and prayed to any higher power that would listen. He has to make it, you thought, he just has to.
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
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Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy VII: Remake
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aerith-ffvii · 3 years
I was thirsting after Reno at 13 when I first watched Advent Children, and man the FFVII Remake has made me feel so validated
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