aefricritz-blog · 9 years
So, this blog is now no longer active. I've moved to flowershoproleplays
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
halloween AUs
Deep conversations and wow i wonder what you look like under that scary mask AU
Everyone thinks we came to this party as a couple because our costumes match what’s your name AU
Babe i know it’s halloween but we have to take my little brother/sister trick or treating before we can go out AU
Working together in a haunted house AU
You’re dressed as a sexy cop and oh god please arrest me AU
FUCK! YOU SCARED ME i’m so gonna get you back for that AU
Carving pumpkins AU
Working at a halloween store together wow try on his costume for me?? AU
Dare you to walk through this haunted cemetery with me AU
Ouija board thinks we should fuck AU
Aren’t you a little old to be trick or treating?? AU
This haunted house is terrifying please hold me AU
hALowlween auS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
{Minecraft  Server} Yogsummer:RELOADED Has Launched!
We are proud to announce that Yogsummer:RELOADED is officially open for players to join! The server will be running for the entirety of summer. This server is open to anyone and everyone. Yogsummer, as the name suggests, is a yogscast dedicated server - but that doesn’t mean you have to dedicate everything that you do to yog related things. This is simply a server for fans to hang out, play minecraft, chat and roleplay in. Basic server rules apply and they will be specified on the rules board when you spawn in. Keep in mind common courtesy, stay civil and try to keep drama on the downlow. Understand that many of the players that will be on the server are composed of roleplayers. We do not have separate chat plugins. Be prepared for seeing roleplay in the main chat when you join whether you are a roleplayer yourself or not. 
Game version: 1.8.7
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
"I used to hate perfect people who are always right, until I found out self-loathing was bad."
"When you're as rich and bad-ass as me, mere coolness is a redundancy."
"Have you no heart?"
"How do you even sleep at night?"
"I would gladly welcome the extinction of the Human race if it meant I wouldn't have to sleep with you."
"Well aren't you a waste of two billion years of evolution."
"Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die."
"That's all kinds of nasty and seven flavors of wrong."
"Could you be more stupid?"
"This is a mass text, where am I and has anyone seen my pants?"
"Hey! I wasn't done talking to you."
"Optimism means you just lack information."
"If all we have between is lust, well then that's good enough for me!"
"I'm blonde. What's your excuse?"
"There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved by a suitable application of high explosives."
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
So far ideas for Steven Universe merch should be...
1. Lion plush 2. Cookie Cat plush 3. T-shirts with Pearl, Garnet, and Rose’s upper torso designs (hopefully rose could come in various skin tones but that is asking too much) 4. Guitar Dad T-shirt 5. Mr. Universe T-shirt 6. Coloring book with stickers inside of everyone’s gem so people can stick them on themselves 7. Garnet’s gauntlets with sound effects (like those incredible hulk gloves) 8. Steven’s shield and sword 9. A wii/wii U video game (imagine using the remote as a whip or staff or both the remote and nunchuck as a shield and sword or Garnet’s gauntlets)
Feel free to add more ideas
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
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honestly yes and I rly don’t see this spread around enough outside of quirky movies that show a shot of a planned parenthood reception desk condom basket: do NOT have insertion sex with flavored condoms!!!
I need all the people who see this to spread it around and tell ur friends and family like seriously. I didn’t even learn this til I was out of high school bc public school sex-ed is garbage.
flavored condoms are ONLY for oral sex. the reason it’s flavored is for ur mouth to enjoy. never put a flavored condom in ur vagina or ur anus, you will be at extreme risk of infection. the only hole that flavored condoms should be anywhere near is ur mouth.
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
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Abandoned Velma by ~nebriniel
Please leave the credit and links to the artist.
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
reblog if you're hot young and dysphoric
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
Star Trek Into Darkness : Sentence Starters
"You didn't give a thought to us."
"I'm not the only one who's upset with you. ________ is, too."
"No, no, no. Don't drag me into this. She is right."
"Not exactly a love song, ________"
"Wait, are you guys... are you guys fighting?"
"Why is there a man in that torpedo?"
"Until a year ago he didn't exist."
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend."
"I am expressing multiple attitudes simultaneously. To which are you referring?"
"Don't agree with me, ________, it makes me very uncomfortable."
"If ________ were here, and I were there, what would he do?"
"Well, still, it's a hell of a quote."
"I am not sure that qualifies."
"He'd let you die."
"I wanted you to know why I couldn't let you die... why I went back for you..."
"Because you are my friend."
"If you test me, you will fail."
"Remind me never to piss you off."
"(S)He wanted to exploit my savagery!"
"________ would finally have the war he talked about, the war (s)he always wanted."
"What I am about to do, it doesn't make sense, it's not logical, it is a gut feeling!"
"That's not me, ________. It's you."
"Damn it, man, I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician!"
"You know, when I dreamed about being stuck on a deserted planet with a gorgeous woman, there was no torpedo."
"You are a murderer!"
"Is there anything you would not do for your family?"
"You mistake my choice not to feel as a reflection of my not caring, while I assure you the truth is precisely the opposite."
"If I get back we really need to talk about your bedside manner."
"When it became relevant, as it just did."
"Shall I destroy you, ________? Or will you give me what I want?"
"I have fulfilled your terms. Now fulfill mine."
"Did you hear that? I called him "Perfect-Hair"."
"What I do on my private time is my business."
"You were in a coma for two weeks."
"Tell me, are you feeling homicidal, power-mad, despotic?"
"There will always be those who mean to do us harm."
"You think you world is safe? It is an illusion. A comforting lie told to protect you."
"That was an epic beating."
"I'm glad you could be part of the family."
"You don't rob a bank when your getaway car has a flat tire."
"You filed a report? Why didn't you tell me?"
"Are you crazy? Whoever you are."
"He will not hesitate to kill every single one of you."
"None of you are safe."
"There's greatness in you, but there's not an ounce of humility."
"Do you know what a pain you are?"
"You think the rules don't apply to you."
"Let's go get this son of a bitch!"
"Damn it, man! That was our ride! You just stunned our ride!"
"Why the hell did he surrender?"
"Because you care about honor."
"Sounds like we have a superman on board."
"I am sorry."
"I will consider that an apology. And I will consider that apology."
"I'm not exactly sure what you're looking for, but I have a feeling you'll know it when you see it."
"Darkness is coming."
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
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How do you know you’re asexual if you’ve never had sex? What are the different pronouns you can use for non-binary people? Tyler Ford answers these questions over at MTV News.
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
Channels on lesbians
Disney: lol no lesbians you're getting cancelled bye.
Nickelodeon: you can get a HUG and maybe some canon fanart
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
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“When I was a kid, I believed you would become a mermaid when you went in the water to swim”. I really loved the little mermaid as a kid growing up so I had the warped perception you became a mermaid when you entered the water ahaha. This is me learning to swim with my cousin! This piece is for a gallery show at work.
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
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A demon, an angel, and a shit ton of flowers.
music: still Propane nightmares - pendulum
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
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Thank you.
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
past experiences help shape who we are currently, how we see the world. Send in a symbol and I’ll write a drabble of one of my muse’s memories. 
❥ — a childhood memory ♣ — a fading memory ✂ — a vivid memory ✖ — a repressed memory ✈ — an eye-opening memory ✤ — a memory that involves romance/love ☤ — a memory of death/loss ✍ — a memory of their mother ☽ — a memory of their father ♘ -- a memory of their sibling(s) ✌ — a memory of a relative ↕ — a memory that may or may not have happened ♚ — a memory of something paranormal ♬ — a friend/best friend memory
memory meme.
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aefricritz-blog · 9 years
Cishetgender = A heterosexual person who is fine with being the gender they were born with (male, female,).
Cishetgender =/= A heterosexual person who hates every other sexuality and/or gender than their own (the gender they were born with e.g. male, female ect).
Get that through your heads and stop assuming they’re the ‘bad guys’ because they’re classified as the ‘normal human being’. A very large majority of the world are cishetgender and how’s that a bad thing? All because they’re different to you, you assume they’re going to beat you up? So your only ‘defense’ is to bully and abuse them? That doesn’t make them the bad guy. That makes YOU the bad guy.
Think about it. And if someone is cishetgender and they are bullying you because of your sexuality or gender difference, report them to someone who can help. Don’t respond with violence. You’ll only make the situation worse.
Spread the word, so many people haven’t gotten this through their heads, and some people I know who are cishetgender are becoming suicidal because non-cis people are bullying them just because they are cishetgender. Two have already ended their lives.
Please, reblog this to spread the word.
Thank you ~ Flo
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