adrianclark1 · 2 years
Apple - Designed by Apple from Apple Is Awesome on Vimeo.
Copyright Apple Inc.
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adrianclark1 · 3 years
What is the Behaviour Change Development Framework? from Em on Vimeo.
To find out more about the BCDF (Behavior Change Development Framework) and Toolkit go to behaviourchangedevelopment.org/
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adrianclark1 · 5 years
Communications tips, tools and essentials for your local Su2S campaign from Sign up to Safety on Vimeo.
Recording of the webinar held on 28th January 2016, hosted by Cat Harrison - Communications Manager, Sign up to Safety
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adrianclark1 · 5 years
Conversations to help people work safely from Sign up to Safety on Vimeo.
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adrianclark1 · 5 years
Ruby Wax from Head Talks on Vimeo.
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
Baraka from Donald Woolfolk on Vimeo.
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
Samsara from Matteo Gracis on Vimeo.
Film del 2011 diretto da Ron Fricke. | matteogracis.it
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
Get With It - Alan Watts from Dominic Houghton on Vimeo.
A video sequence created for a university post-production project, using editing and visual effects to create the greatest impact.
Please note that this video is made of many audio, music and video items which were found online.
dominichoughton.com dreamstormstudios.com
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
What If... money were no object, with Alan Watts from Chris Jones on Vimeo.
What if money were no object? It’s a simple question posed by British born American philosopher Alan Watts.
If you are like me, often getting stuck in the big question of art v commerce, financial survival, creativity or a lack of time to fulfill my creative needs…. then you will get a HUGE amount from this 180 second video.
Trust me, watch it, reflect and take action.
Thanks for Guerilla Film Makers Masterclass 2012 delegate @TomKerevan for the heads up on this video.
PS – For the music lovers, the track is Ludovico Einaudi “Divenire” – I just bought the album which is really wonderful too.
Onwards and upwards!
Chris Jones My movies LivingSpiritGroup.com My Facebook Facebook.com/ChrisJonesFilmmaker My Twitter @LivingSpiritPix
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
The Secret of Life - Alan Watts from BuildASoil on Vimeo.
We uploaded this video because we love Alan Watts and because he also discusses plant life. Of course, BuildASoil is all about plant life so it fits perfectly.
Check out BuildASoil.com for all soil building products.
"This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play." Alan Wilson Watts
Taken from Facebook: facebook.com/thejourneyofpurpose
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
the abstract of nothingness - lectured by Alan Watts from Motion of Kichiro on Vimeo.
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
Wim Hof Method x Alan Watts' Guided Meditation from Nicolas James on Vimeo.
Shot at Spondo Lake in Walden, Nova Scotia, Canada. (Yes, you read that right - Walden.)
"As you start meditation, allow your breath to run just as it wills - in other words, don’t do any breathing exercises at first, but just watch your breath breathing the way it wants to breathe, and then notice a curious thing about this. You say, in the ordinary way, 'I breathe', because you feel that breathing is something that you are doing voluntarily, just in the same way as you might be talking or walking. But you will also notice that, when you are not thinking about breathing, your breathing goes on just the same. So the curious thing about breath is that it can be looked at as both a voluntary and an involuntary action. You can feel on the one hand ‘I am doing it’, and on the other hand ‘it is happening to me’. And that is why breathing is a most important part of meditation, because it is going to show you, as you become aware of your breath, that the hard-and-fast division that we make between what we do on the one hand, and what happens to us on the other, is arbitrary, so that as you watch your breathing, you will become aware that both the voluntary and involuntary aspects of your experience are all one happening. Now that may at first seem a little scary, because you may think: ‘Well, am I just the puppet of a happening? The mere passive witness of something that’s going on completely beyond my control? Or on the other hand, am I really doing everything that’s going along? Well if I were I should be God, and that would be very embarrassing because I would be in charge of everything; that would be a terribly responsible position.’ The truth of the matter, as you will see it, is that both things are true. You can see that everything is happening to you, and on the other hand, you’re doing everything. For example, it’s your eyes that are turning the sun into light. It’s the nerve-ends in your skin that are turning electric vibrations in the air into heat and temperature. It’s your eardrums that are turning vibrations in the air into sound, and in that way, you are creating the world. But when we’re not talking about it, when we’re not philosophizing about it, then there is just this happening, this … and we won’t give it a name. Now then, when you breathe for a while, just letting it happen, and not forcing it in any way, you will discover a curious thing: that without making any effort, you can breathe more and more deeply. In other words, supposing you are simply breathing out - and breathing out is important because it’s the breath of relaxation; that’s when we say ‘whew!’ and heave a sigh of relief - so when you are breathing out, you get the sensation that your breath is falling out. Dropping, dropping, dropping out with the same sort of feeling you have as if you were settling down into an extremely comfortable bed, and you just get as heavy as possible and let yourself go - and you let your breath go out in just that way. And when it’s thoroughly, comfortably out, and it feels like coming back again, you don’t pull it back in, you let it fall back in, letting your lungs expand, expand, expand until they feel very comfortably full, and you wait a moment and let it stay there, and then once again you let it fall out. And so in this way, you will discover that your breath gets quite naturally easier and easier, and slower and slower, and more and more powerful; so that with these various aids - listening to sound, listening to your own interior feelings and thoughts just as if they were something going on, not something you’re doing but just happenings, and watching your breath as a happening that is neither voluntary nor involuntarily, you are simply aware of these basic sensations - then you begin to be in the state of meditation. But don’t hurry anything, don’t worry about the future, don’t worry about what progress you’re making, just be entirely content to be aware of what is.”
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
Alan Watts: Guided Meditation from Aidan McLellan on Vimeo.
A meditation through NYC guided by Alan Watts.
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
Wheel of Well-being from Uscreates on Vimeo.
We believe that the way we think and feel is just as important to a long and happy life as good food and physical exercise.
Why? Because all over the world, research is showing us that people with higher levels of well-being are more resistant to colds, feel more connected to others, and can even live up to 7 years longer. They recover from surgery more quickly, feel pain less acutely, are more creative and are better at problem-solving.
Until recently, scientists believed that well-being was inherited – so if your parents were pessimistic, you probably would be, too.
Now we know differently. We know that our genes, upbringing and circumstance only account for 60% of our well-being. The remaining 40% is down to how we choose to spend our time, and our general attitude to life.
If you’d like to know how well-being can be improved, check out our Wheel of Well-being – that’s WoW for short. It includes six aspects of well-being – all linked with a positive suggestion for action.
So for Body, the action is ‘be active’, for Mind it’s ‘ keep learning’, Spirit’s about ‘giving’, People’s about ‘connecting’, Place is about ‘taking notice’, and Planet challenges us to ‘care’.
If you’re as interested in well-being as we are - whether you’re a guy, a gal, a group or a government – welcome. We hope you’ll find this site a great place to explore, learn and share information about things that help you and those around you think positively and feel better.
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
The Elaine Bromiley Case from The Vortex Approach on Vimeo.
This video, produced by Simpact with the permission of Martin Bromiley, is primarily intended for the education of healthcare clinicians, particularly those involved in advanced airway management. By providing a more immersive, real-time version of events which includes some technical detail, the hope is that this video will increase the learning opportunities from the case by assisting airway clinicians to understand not just how these events could happen - but how they might happen to them.
The video was made with the support of the Australian Centre for Health Innovation and was launched at the Society for Airway Management meeting in Seattle on Sept 20th 2014.
It is important to recognise that many details of what transpired during this case are unknown. The depiction of unknown events has been based on the best estimate of expert clinicians. The scenario portrayed thus represents only one possible interpretation of the reported events and approximate timeline of the case. This video is not intended to depict the specific actions of particular individuals and as such, is a work of fiction.
Written & Directed by Nicholas Chrimes
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
The origin of love - Hedwig and The Angry Inch from Begonya Garrido i Hernàndez on Vimeo.
A videoclip made for a class work by me (Begoña Garrido) and my classmate María Serrano. The song is "The origin of love" of the film Hedwig and The Angry Inch.
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adrianclark1 · 6 years
Resurgence Talks: Sir Anthony Seldon: Mindfulness For Happiness from The Resurgence Trust on Vimeo.
Recorded live at 42 Acres, London on 26 July 2017, Sir Anthony Seldon: Vice-Chancellor of The University of Buckingham and co-founder of Action for Happiness, explores ideas on happiness and how to live meaningful life in the modern age. For more information on Resurgence talks visit: resurgence.org/talks
If you enjoyed this film, please share it! Support the Resurgence Trust to make more films by making a donation or joining as a member. resurgence.org/support
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