adriana-sahagun · 1 day
I think a lot about how we as a culture have turned “forever” into the only acceptable definition of success.
Like… if you open a coffee shop and run it for a while and it makes you happy but then stuff gets too expensive and stressful and you want to do something else so you close it, it’s a “failed” business. If you write a book or two, then decide that you don’t actually want to keep doing that, you’re a “failed” writer. If you marry someone, and that marriage is good for a while, and then stops working and you get divorced, it’s a “failed” marriage.
The only acceptable “win condition” is “you keep doing that thing forever”. A friendship that lasts for a few years but then its time is done and you move on is considered less valuable or not a “real” friendship. A hobby that you do for a while and then are done with is a “phase” - or, alternatively, a “pity” that you don’t do that thing any more. A fandom is “dying” because people have had a lot of fun with it but are now moving on to other things.
I just think that something can be good, and also end, and that thing was still good. And it’s okay to be sad that it ended, too. But the idea that anything that ends is automatically less than this hypothetical eternal state of success… I don’t think that’s doing us any good at all.
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adriana-sahagun · 2 days
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adriana-sahagun · 2 days
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adriana-sahagun · 5 days
perhaps the antidote to overconsumption is thankfulness. I am thankful for one notebook at a time and I am thankful for the coffee and tea I have at my house and I am thankful for the books I havent read yet and im thankful for these clothes I can make so many outfits with
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adriana-sahagun · 8 days
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Who's afraid of little old me? Well, you should be.
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adriana-sahagun · 12 days
As for “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me,” Swift revealed that she wrote the tune “alone, sitting at the piano in one of those moments when I felt bitter about just all the things we do to our artists as a society and as a culture.” “There’s a lot about this particular concept on ‘The Tortured Poets Department,'” she added. “What do we do to our writers, and our artists, and our creatives? We put them through hell. We watch what they create, then we judge it. We love to watch artists in pain, often to the point where I think sometimes as a society we provoke that pain and we just watch what happens.”
Taylor on “Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me” and TTPD (Variety)
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adriana-sahagun · 17 days
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adriana-sahagun · 24 days
"If you spend your time chasing butterflies, they'll fly away, If you spend your time making a beautiful garden, the butterflies will come to you. And if they don't come, you still have your beautiful garden."
-Mario Quintana
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adriana-sahagun · 25 days
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adriana-sahagun · 29 days
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Acabo de ver la película de Turtles All The Way Down, así que quería compartir algunas partes del libro, las imágenes son de pinterest
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adriana-sahagun · 1 month
Critiques of Taylor Swift in 2024 are literally just like oh noooo she does her job too much!! oh noooo too many people like her!!! Oh nooooo she works too hard!!! Oh noooo she was a little too honest in her music!! OH NOOOOOO
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adriana-sahagun · 1 month
Increíble de principio a fin 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
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adriana-sahagun · 2 months
“Every word has consequences. Every silence, too.”
— Jean-Paul Sartre
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adriana-sahagun · 2 months
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adriana-sahagun · 2 months
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A thousand pages of notes, thoughts, phone numbers, ideas, shopping lists, dates, dreams
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adriana-sahagun · 2 months
✏️ what no one tells you about how to journal 📒
i was sick of all the "how to journal" content out there recycling the same advice that sounds great but doesn't always work in the reality of daily life. you're welcome 😏 (also low-key a shitpost, but there are nuggets of wisdom in here, i promise 😇)
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✍️ what to journal about ✍️
sure, you could journal about self development and treat your diary like your therapist, OR you could write about:
the pettiest grudge you're still holding onto from elementary school 😤
all the gossip about other people's lives that you have Strong Opinions™️ about, but you're a good person, so what goes in the journal, stays in the journal 🤫
all the witty comebacks you never say to people's faces because you're a sensible, non-confrontational person, but also you didn't think of it until later 🙃
the possibilities are endless, let your imagination run wild, and/or feel free to contact the blogger for more 🤭
🚫 when NOT to journal 🚫
this is just as, if not more, important as when to journal.
nothing to say — forget morning pages, i can barely string together a coherent greeting before lunch. also, a whole night's sleep is like a total memory wipe, so i have nothing to write about 🤷‍♀️ and don't listen to whoever says to just write "i have nothing to write about" because if you start enough entries with that, you're gonna begin to feel there's no point BUT THERE IS!! just not right now. and that's okay ☺️
too often — personally, i think it's important not to make journaling your one source of clarity 🔮 continue to think things through in your mind, confide in people you trust, and have moments (in nature, perhaps) that simply can't be transcribed to words 🌼
not feeling it — if you're too tired OR feel fulfilled and clear-headed enough about your day, don't make journaling a chore you have to do no matter what. if that means you don't journal everyday, then so be it 🌝
so when do you journal? in general, when doing so would add something to your day ☀️ whether that's peace, humor, gratitude, or something else.
🎁 materials 🎁
now for the fun part: let's go to the stationery store! 🛒
✒️ GET A PEN THAT WRITES SMOOTHLY! you are literally lowering the physical resistance that's keeping you from journaling, trust me it works. also pencils suck.
🔐 get a journal with a band, lock, clasp, button, etc. — just because it's fun, but it has the added benefit of securing your intellectual property(?)
have a separate journal for writing thoughts vs. schedules vs. todos vs. collections (TBR lists, recipes, etc.) — beats having to make and maintain a whole index to keep it all organized in just one (1) notebook 😵‍💫
🌸 stickers — are a pretty substitute for correction pens 😻 (in theory, but i have yet to use all the washi tape i bought 😅)
or just journal digitally, idgaf, do what works for you, okay? 😇
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adriana-sahagun · 2 months
I first got into journaling through youtube. I stumbled across one of those "journal with me" videos and suddenly, for a few days, all I could watch were people decorating their journals. And I'd thought "I wish I could do that, but my life is not interesting like that", you know? Most days I just stay home and do some chores and play with the cats, and that's not worth documenting, is it?
But still I couldn't get the idea off my mind. So I made a notebook from scratch, and decided it was gonna be my journal. I didn't have anything to write on it, but I could decorate the pages anyway. And then I discovered art journal and junk journal, and for a while I did that and I was happy.
After a while, I found a pretty notebook and bought it without realizing it had lined paper. Now I had to write on it, right? So I did. Instead of writing about my day, I write about the animes I watch, the music I listen, the things that make me happy... I don't write every day, but I write about things I love and that I think are gonna be worth to remember in the future.
So, if someone out there reads this, and is thinking about journaling but doesn't know what to write, well, write about what makes you happy. It's the best advice I could give you.
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