adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Everything Changes by Jonathan Trooper
1. “...and just like that everything changes”
In this quote is when a person can see that in a matter of no time everything can change just by taking a bad desicion, and in the book is represented how the normal life that the main character had, just changed to have an illness and now he just have to try to fight back to this illness that at the first look it can be something really serious
2.”God´s already screwed me. He wouldn´t do it again so quickly. It would just be too much.”
In this quote I feel identified because in sometimes in life when everything is going really bad and just everything looks screwed up, I just give up and blame someone else for my errors and I dont try to figure out how did I ended so screwed and how can I changed, but i just keep with the idea that someone else is making my day be a shit but the change just starts when I decide to take a step up and just change the shit day to a great day
3.”My weekly trips to the park have become something larger to me, a stage on which I get to play myself with another life.”
Here in this quote we can see how in a part of the life everythings gets really bad and so screwed that you start to be someone else you change so depending on the situation that you are, but a lot of times that this happens only makes your problems bigger and the real way to really change everything is by facing the problem and don´t have fear at all, well or at least that works for me.
Quotes by: Juan Carlos Pelagio Vazquez
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
The Prince- Alejandro Zarur
“Everyone sees what you appear to be, few experience what you really are.”
― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
This quote really made me think about how other people perceive me and how can that affect my life, and also about how can I use the image I project for my benefit.
But I also got to the conclusion that being a hypocrite and fake person at the end it only leads you to unhappiness, frustration and anger.
“If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared.”
― Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
This quote is really strong, and I mean strong because it represents all the main Machiavelli roots of thinking, and thinking on how to apply it on my daily basis, I simply can not relate the quote to anything in my life, but people willing to use this kind of thinking on their life´s, should be treated carefully or better, not be treated at all.
“The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him.”
― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
People around you define in great part, that's why just by seeing the people surrounding a person, you can get a really clear Idea of how this person is, and I think that if people would have this on their minds before making a decision of who to vote for in presidential elections, we would had made a much better choice for México.
“He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command”
― Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince
A good leader leads with the example, and this works because if you don't care, then people are going to care even less, and also you are in no right to demand something if you don't first do something to win it in first place, because nothing of great things in life are free, therefore on must make huge efforts and big sacrifices to achieve great things.
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
TOWELHEAD by Alicia Eran
Jasira is a 13-year-old girl who is forced by her mother to move in with her father to Houston because her mom's boyfriend starts having a crush with her. During her stay in Houston, she discovers new things and feelings that she had never felt before while going through the stage of puberty. She suffers from several problems due to the maturity of her body but her innocence as a child.
1.  “It was a long drive back to Daddy’s apartment, and I tried not to notice all the billboards for gentlemen ´s club along the way.It was embarrassing… I started to feel like they were all my fault.
I felt identified in a certain way not so much in a personal way,  but as a woman, since many of us when seeing naked women who pose either for magazines or in the case of the book to announce clubs for men we usually get uncomfortable to see these images. Many men come to see these images in a vulgar and morbid way that is for what they are to attract the attention of men mainly, we come to feel so untidy to see these images that we start  to feel that it is our fault, but in reality it is not our fault and we should not feel sorry, since it is a simple body that society has taught us to see as something bad, when in reality it is a simple woman who poses her body and if we see it from another way we could even see it as if it were art, since it is only a human body and we should  stop looking it with morbid.
2.”If you do what a racist tells you to, that makes you a racist.”
When we are small we do not distinguish between what is right and what is wrong, we only do what our parents tell us. And as we grow we think that what we do is fine because they educated us, becoming a habit. Maturity we say what is right or wrong, but always must be for what we believe, not for what others tell us to do. In the case of the book, Jasira thinks that what her father does is wrong, but she does not she says nothing for fear of contradicting him, being her in the same racist way indirectly. 
3. “How can you find yourself, If you can't see you?”.
Throughout the book we can realize that Jasira has no idea what she really wants, she only does what the others tell her and what the society imposes on her. Personally, I felt identified since in adolescence it is very difficult to really know what What you want, you only live it and already. Because it really is a stage of experiencing is to say trial and error. Based on this is when we start making our own decisions and know what we really want to do.
 -Frida P.Trejo Galindo
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
The fourth and last phrase I really liked from the book was a description of an Jonas (A secondary villain) made, the narrator describes says “He made a very different smile that the one he had made in front of him” (Stephen King, 629). I think this happens a lot in daily life, but not with only smiles but with actions and words, many people act in front of you in some way and then when you turn around boom, they act in another way and maybe even tell bad things about you. Thinking a little bit deeper about it I panicked when I thought “Am I like this?”, and if you think about it deeper like me you maybe realize that maybe you also do that without even noticing it, aren't you scared of that?
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Another phrase I also loved from the book was one said by the narrator, describing what Susan Delgado was thinking/doing. The whole scene and context is complex, Roland tells his ka-tet (A group of people united by the destiny to do an important task) the story of his past, the story of how he ended being an alone gunslinger and the story if his past lover, Susan. She is the first and only true love of Roland, and Stephen King describes what he does/thinks with the next phrase: “She road Felicia without knowing very well where, but deep inside her a little part knew where” (Stephen King, 524) and I think that happens to us in some cases, we don’t really have an idea of where we go in some points of our life but deep inside us, very deep inside us, we know what we want. Probably in some cases we don't want to face the truth or we think we don’t deserve the things we wish and that's what happens to Susan, without consciously knowing where she was going, she ends in a “Secret little valley” where she used to go many years ago when she was depressed or anxious about something, and I think almost all of us have a “Secret little valley” where we can rest, even if it's inside of our own mind.
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
The next phrase I decided to put here hasn’t happened to us yet, fortunately, but it could happen if we keep hating each other, maybe our own weapons, made to kill others, will end killing us. I liked so much the phrase (And the whole chapter where it is) because it´s related to another book written by Stephen King The stand, the phrase is “The superflu continues to spread without control, millions of dead” (Stephen King, 415). It´s read by my favorite character, Jake, he reads it from a newspaper Roland finds over his road to reach the dark tower, however Roland is unable to read it, as it’s written in a language that he doesn’t know, that’s why Jake reads it, and maybe just maybe our future could be like that.
-Pablo Hernández
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
“The Dark Tower”
I had read The Dark Tower IV Wizard and Glass, the fourth of the seven parts of the biggest and probably the best saga made by the American author Stephen King, the saga tells the story of Roland, a solitaire walking man that searches the Dark Tower, the center of the universe and of all dimensions, the saga is better if you’ve read the previous books of Stephen King because all stories merge in one, there are little elements of all the books he has written.
Here is one of the many phrases I had read in the book, and I decided to put it because I thought it was interesting and related to the reality we are currently living. The phrase is one thought of the main Character, Roland Deschain, he lives in a post apocalyptic world which is polluted with radiation in almost every part, nevertheless he finds a place, a very little place, where the world is slightly better, with more life. The phrase says “The world-At least this place-had started to recover” (Stephen King, 154), and I think our world could be in the same case, it needs a rest to get repaired, we need to care more about it, because maybe if we don’t do it the world could end like the world of Roland.
-Pablo Hernández
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
"Wonderful, Wonderful Times" by Elfriede Jelinek
As in the last post of the book, the novel Wonderful Wonderful Times, written by Elfriede Jelinek, tells about the young post war generation in the decade of the 50's.
One of the main characters, Rainer, suffer becasue her father, a retired SS Nazi officer, abuse her and all her family and in a part of the book she thinks "After all, when you take a walk you're after solitude, and if the solitude won't come to you, you must go to it." This quote is very important because that's how she feels about all her family situation, that is a really hard situation because all the abuse that the family receives from the father.
Another important quote is "He lies like a book. And he reads a lot of books." This quote is in the context of what the main character thinks about her relationship with her friend. Also, it is important to remain that the book speaks more about the thoughts of the characters than the actions in fact.
One of the most important quotes of the book is "Anna despises two classes of people: first, those who own their own homes and have cars and families, and second, everybody else. Constantly she is on the verge of exploding. With rage." This quote is one of the most important of all the book, because it really really shows how Anna, another main character and twin of Rainer, feels about all her situation, that it isn't a good one because of her father.
And the last quote is "If you are sitting on a felled tree in a pine forest enjoying the sunshine you can easily forget what time it is. Not that you could forget your gold watch, just the time of day." And I say this one is a very good quote because it shows what the characters want, just siting on a pine and forget everything to feels free and to forget all the problems they have. Having a hard situation, relaxing is what characters want.
Juan Pablo Pinson
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Quotes “The girl on the train” by Paula Hawkins
Rachel is a sad, empty, lonely, alcoholic woman, but she wasn’t like this before, before she couldn’t have a child. She had the “perfect” life, she had an extraordinary boyfriend whom she loved with all her heart, she lived in a really beautiful house and was as happy as she could, but after she couldn’t have a child, she started to drink, became an alcoholic and destroy her relationship, destroying also every piece of happiness she ever had.
This is exactly why she is so obsessed with a couple she watche through the window of the train she takes everyday. She believes they are everything she once had, they have happiness she was meant to own, and she’s created an story in her mind, named the couple and created a hole story in her mind. The couple makes her feel even more trash than she already feels.
I chose this quotes because I think they represent every thing that Rachel feels through the entire book, and I think this quotes represent her as how she really is.
1. “the holes in your life are permanent. You have to grow around them, like tree roots around concrete; you mold yourself through the gaps”
2. “I have never understood how people can blithely disregard the damage they do by following their heart. Who was it said that following your heart is a good thing? It is pure egotism, a selfishness to conquer all.”
3. “He never understood that it’s possible to miss what you never had, to mourn for it.”
4. “I feel a rush of gratitude so strong it almost feels like love”
-Daniela perez
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
I grew up in a working class family. We weren’t poor, but we were awful close
Rudi Dassler, said this after he fought with his brother causing a big problem inside the family. Before World War II, Rudi and Adi worked together in their garage making some thousand of dollars with sports clothing, but after WWII a crisis appeared with the brothers and this caused a lot of trouble so Rudi decided to separate from his brother and start his own company by himself and years later he became a billionaire in the sports and business industry with his company. 
Gabriel Rodríguez del Val 
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Never be satisfied with your accomplishments; always continue to learn.
Adi Dassler, the founder and ex-owner of one of the biggest sports and casual brands worldwide “ADIDAS”, he created the mega brand by working lot of time in her mom´s garage with his brother, but later on he had a fight with him and had to start the brand all by himself and the family divided in two parts. 
Gabriel Rodríguez del Val
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Forever changed the business of sports.
In this quote the author is talking about the way in which the Dassler brothers changed the way in which sports and the business changed with the incorporation of the two multi-millionaire brands. 
Gabriel Rodríguez del Val
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Cockpit Confidential by Patrick Smith
“That´s the auxiliary power unit (APU), a small jet engine used to supply electricity and air-conditioning when the main engines aren´t running or to supplement them when they are.”
An APU is an important part of an airplane. It does many important things, and have saved airplanes from accidents. Many people see it, but they do not know what it does. I choosed this quote, so people could know what is that hole in on the tail of the airplane.  
Adrian Cajiga
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
THE LITTLE PRINCE, By Antoine de Saint- Exupéry "All men have stars, but they are not the same things for different people. For some, who are travelers, the stars are guides. For others they are no more than little lights in the sky. For others, who are scholars, they are problems… But all these stars are silent. You-You alone will have stars as no one else has them" I think this quote is gonna be important in the future for me,because it will remind me that we all have different goals to achieve that are important for us. And no matter if you are passing through problems in your life, you always have to believe that your dreams are the greatest.  "What matters most are the simple pleasures so abundant that we can all enjoy them…Happiness doesn’t lie in the objects we gather around us. To find it, all we need to do is open our eyes." This quote will be important in my future because it will remind me that its very important to appreciate the moments in which we feel happy, because happiness can't be recreated. "The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart" This is a quote very important to me, because it makes me think about important moments that have happened trough my life that they are not replaceable.
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Cockpit Confidential by Patrick Smith
“Contrails are formed when humid jet exhaust condenses into ice crystals in the cold, dry, upper-level air-it´s not unlike the fog that results when you exhale on a cold day.”
 It is important to understand that contrails is a by-product of the combustion, it is not gases from the government to control the population as some people think. These is important to know, so those conspiracy theories could be eliminated.
Adrian Cajiga
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
Cockpit Confidential by Patrick Smith
“But either way, there´s no real point in choosing one plane over another for the sake of punctuality.”
The speed of airplanes that fly at higher altitudes is indicated by a Mach number (Mach is the speed of sound), a Mach number is a certain percentage of the speed. Long-haul airplanes like  a 747, A380, or 777 normally fly between .84 and .88 Mach. Smaller airplanes like the A320 0r 7373 fly between .74 and .80 Mach. Aircraft capabilities are not the primary factors on determining the speed. The primary factors are: Air traffic control (ATC) constrains and weather. It is important to know that choosing a certain airplane will not make you arrive earlier to your destination. 
Adrian Cajiga
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adrian1blr-blog1 · 6 years
The Maze Runner
Quotes 504 
1.- “And yet he didn’t know where he came from, or how he’d gotten inside the dark lift, or who his parents were. He didn’t even know his last name. Images of people flashed across his mind, but there was no recognition, their faces replaced with haunted smears of color. He couldn’t think of one person he knew, or recall a single conversation” (Chapter 1, p. 2).
Thomas’s confusion is palpable as he prepares to enter his new life in the Glade. He does not even know how he ended up in the elevator. His identity is nothing but a blur, symbolizing his ignorance, as if a newborn being cast into a strange space.
I think that the relation with my life is like when I was born because I didn't know anything but with the time I started to memorize the image of my parents and many other things and even though I was a baby I could remember a lot of things 
2.- “His memory loss was strange. He mostly remembered the workings of the world—but emptied of specifics, faces, names. Like a book completely intact but missing one word in every dozen, making it a miserable and confusing read. He didn’t even know his age” (Chapter 3, p. 15).
Thomas’s memory loss is symbolic of rebirth. Identity and memory are connected here, and both are related to self-worth. As Thomas has neither at this point, he has no self-worth.
This quote remembered me of a fiend that his uncle had a little accident and for a short time he couldn't even remember his age, but at the end everything went back to normality. 
3.- ‘Listen to me, Greenbean.’ The boy wrinkled up his face, folded his arms. ‘I’ve seen you before. Something’s fishy about you showing up here, and I’m gonna find out what’” (Chapter 3, p. 17).
Gally’s hatred of Thomas is explored here, and the reader sees that there is more to Thomas than has initially been revealed. In this sense, Thomas’s arrival in the Glade might be more sinister than previously thought.
This part of the story has a relation with my life but more with my mother because she once told me that in school a new girl was in class and everyone think that she was mysterious or that they had seen her before, they searched and discover that was a girl that in her old school he was taking drugs and he wanted others to do it. 
4.- “Out there’s the Maze,’ Newt whispered, eyes wide as if in a trance. ‘Everything we do—our whole life, Greenie—revolves around the Maze. Every lovin’ second of every lovin’ day we spend in honor of the Maze, tryin’ to solve somethin’ that’s not shown us it has a bloody solution, ya know? And we want to show ya why it’s not to be messed with. Show ya why them buggin’ walls close shut every night. Show ya why you should never, never find your butt out there’” (Chapter 6, p. 38).
As well as explaining the Maze to Thomas, this quote expresses the Gladers’ desperation to interpret the Maze. Their entire life is devoted to figuring out the mystery. Newt wants Thomas to respect the collective struggle as opposed to selfishly trying to do things on his own and in his own way.
This quote I think is related with my life and with everyone were te Maze could be “The success” because is something everyone wants to achieve and does everything they can to get it, like in the book are some obstacles like the monsters also in life are problems than can make yo difficult to achieve Success but at the end if you make a big effort you may achieve it.  -Armando Galaz
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