adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
How has your opinion of social media changed from doing this project? Some people look at social media negatively – how would you argue with them that it can be useful and educating? My opinion of social media has been changed throughout this project, because I discovered that people could learn, and communicate with their teachers by this social media website. For people who look at social media negatively I reply to them that don't look at the bad side, always look at the positive side. For example it can be useful where you can communicate with your friends and relatives . Social media can be used to educate students, by letting the students to ask their teachers or friends about a research or a homework on any social media app.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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I learned that justice is to be fair in other words to be equal in treatment,giving or any thing else. For example the above describes that the men and the women must have equal rights in work.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
I totally agree with hareb that this picture represents justice because as you see the balance is equal that means everybody is treated equally, and this represent justice.
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I believe this picture represents justice, where the scale is equally balanced, which means equality, and the hammer, that represents the judge who gives people all their rights, and makes sure the community is justified and peace is everywhere,
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
I chose this song to be in the scene where the girls were in the court room. Because there in the court room justice must be applied and they also must be treated equally and everybody must take what he deserves.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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This picture describes for me what type of justice in the Crucible . This picture shows an unequal balance. In the book so far, I think all what has happend is injustice. The girls are not getting the punishment they deserve. All so incident people are dying for no reason. Just so the truth is not revealed and the girls do not get punished.
I totally agree with abdulaziz because the girls must be punished because they have done a lot of bad things.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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 I think this picture represents justice in the novel The Crucible, because on the upper side there where bad people but they are free and not punished. Where on other side there are people who were innocent and didn't do anything, but they were punished.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
I agree with you because social network really made us have better connection with friends,relatives and other people, and we can chat or talk to each other easily and faster. 
Social network
Three ways  that the social network make us have a better connection with the world:
1) We can talk to our friends and relatives easily through social media across countries easily
2) We can know the news of the world instantly in one touch
3) You can create a blog or a FB page to share your life experiences
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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I chose Vin Diesel to make the of "Parris", because he is an awesome actor and I watched many of his movies. He is a professional actor. for this I chose him.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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i chose "Angelina Jolie" to do the role of Abigail, because i saw many movies for her where she was naughty and beautiful. So she can do the role of Abigail.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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I chose" King Latifa" to do the role of "tituba", because I liked her movies. She can do the role of "tituba"  because she is black so she looks like her. 
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
I chose this song because it represents injustice. It is telling that some people are working for of hours but they don't give the companies dont give them all what they deserve.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
I agree with his point of view because really it made the world small village where all people can communicate with each other. 
Social Media helps you connect with the world around you by making it easier and simpler, since you can do it just in some clicks. Social media helps us connect with other people from any place on this planet. Forexample; you can talk or chat with you relatives or friends living oceans away by...
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
In what ways do you think social networking helps you better connect with the world around you? Give at least three specific examples.
It helped a lot, because now I can call, and send messages,photos, and videos with spending. Examples:
1.Now I can send my cousin a message on What’s app, Facebook, or twitter, etc.... it arrives him instantly. 2. I can tell my friend in any country to play with me or to have chat with each other. 3. I can buy something by the social media programs and they can ship it to me wherever I’m.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
That shows injustice because he was cheating by using drugs or doping. He used these drugs because he was greedy he wanted to win the races, even though he had won seven times but he wanted to win more races. This cheating helped him to be stronger and powerful so he can win the race. So that represent injustice because all racers must be in their natural state.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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I chose this because this maybe represent the meaning of the crucible.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
Justice quote
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” I chose this quote because it means that if there is a time where no justice in it we have to complain and not to be quite. I loved its meaning.
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adeliqeilan10c · 11 years
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Reputation is very important word that everyone should take care of it. Reputation means what people think of you. So if we didn't take care of it and gave it our full attention, people would talk about us in a bad way. I have put this picture, because if you have a good reputation you will win trust from other people.
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