adda-sg · 6 years
Thanks to constant research and new technology, the field of aesthetic dentistry is always changing. One fairly recent innovation is Emax veneers, which some experts consider to be the next phase in the development of veneer technology. Find out how these veneers are different— and possibly better – than traditional porcelain veneers.
The Purpose of Emax Veneers
The goal of Emax veneers is identical to that of porcelain veneers— creating straight, white teeth. Basically, the veneers serve as a thin shell over the original teeth. They are cemented onto the natural teeth permanently, and they can be brushed, flossed, and cared for just like normal teeth. Emax veneers are a quick way to achieve a beautiful, pearly-white smile.
Porcelain Veneers and the Damage to Teeth
Porcelain veneers were once the brand-new technology, an improvement over previous generations of veneers. Before the modern porcelain veneers, teeth had to be severely filed down before veneers were applied; they were basically left as nubs to which the veneers attached. The arrival of thinner porcelain veneers made it possible for dentists to shave away much less of the natural tooth before attaching them.
Tougher, Thinner Veneers with Emax
In the case of Emax veneers, the technology has gone one step further towards the complete preservation of the teeth. Emax veneers consist of a stronger, more durable material, so they can be cut into much thinner shells that porcelain veneers. If someone were to cut porcelain veneers to the same specifications as the Emax veneers, the porcelain version would be much too brittle. Thanks to the synthetic material of Emax, the veneers are stain-resistant, chip-resistant, and virtually unbreakable under normal wear and tear.
Preservation of the Natural Teeth
Because of this enhanced durability, the super-thin Emax veneers can be applied without much reshaping or shaving of the tooth. Nearly all of the tooth structure is allowed to remain, so the patient could possibly remove the veneers and live without them if necessary in the future. That’s in direct contrast to porcelain veneers, which must be permanent since their application damages and changes the teeth so drastically.
Customisation and Colouring
Because of their synthetic nature, Emax veneers can be cut to mimic the shape and size of the person’s original teeth. They can also be coloured to the degree of whiteness that the patient wants. Typically, a pristine yet natural white is the best choice.
Limitations of Emax Veneers
Since they can be cut and designed according to the Singapore dentist’s specifications, Emax veneers can be used to cover chips or cracks in teeth or to achieve a slightly straighter look. However, they cannot actually move the teeth. If a patient has very crooked teeth, the dentist may recommend a round of Invisalign first to correct some of the awkward tooth angles, before the veneers are applied.
The Emax veneers represent the very best state-of-the-art technology in the world of aesthetic tooth coverings; so naturally, they are very expensive. The price tag could be a drawback for some, but the results and the durability make the extra cost worthwhile for many patients.
Smile Makeovers in Singapore
The Aesthetics and Digital Dentistry Academy, or ADDA, specialises in thorough training in the fields of digital dentistry, dental implants, and aesthetic dentistry. Classes are taught by award-winning dentists and combine theory with hands-on practice. With this training, dental practitioners can learn to perform smile makeovers with advanced skills in both anterior aesthetic dentistry and posterior dentistry that utilise cutting-edge technologies like digital smile design and CAD/CAM veneers
Source: emaxveneers.com, (n.d.)
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adda-sg · 6 years
Some people still view aesthetic dentistry as merely a vanity science. However, research shows that oral health can affect the health of the rest of the body in a number of ways. When your patients begin to express concern that cosmetic care is unnecessary or superfluous, point them to these important ways that cosmetic dentists contribute to a person’s overall health.
Encouraging Cleanliness and Oral Health
Cosmetic dentistry embraces the beauty of a healthy, white smile, but its impact goes far beyond teeth whitening or porcelain veneers. When teeth are the right shape and size, and when they are in the right positions, they are easier to keep clean. That means fewer cavities, fewer infections and fewer teeth having to be pulled due to decay.
Helping with Bite Problems
Someone with a crossbite, underbite, overbite, or other bite issue may experience serious pain and discomfort for years. They may have trouble chewing, taking bites of food, speaking clearly, or smiling comfortably. Only with help from a cosmetic dentist can those issues be resolved using Invisalign, braces, or other solutions.
Teaching about Lifestyle Factors that Affect Oral Health
When people care about the way their teeth look, they are opening the door for their dentist to educate them about proper oral care. For example, if a patient doesn’t want additional stains on their teeth, he is more likely to listen to his dentist’s suggestion that he cut back on black coffee, red wine, or smoking.
Performing Reconstructive Work after Accidents
Cosmetic dentistry serves another very important purpose. By understand the way the teeth and jaws work and how they should look, dentists gain a better understanding of how to do reconstructive work. Accidents at home or in the car can leave people scarred for life; but with the help of a cosmetic dentist, their teeth can be repaired, restored, or replaced as needed to give them back their smile. Soldiers or police officers wounded in conflict, construction workers hurt on the job, or children whose permanent teeth have been damaged can all benefit from the skillset of a cosmetic dentist.
Consulting about Speech Disorders, TMJ Cases, and Teeth Grinding
Cosmetic dentists are often called upon to consult for sleep problems, speech disorders or cases of TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorders) in which the jaw joint is inflamed. They can help people who have cracked or broken teeth due to teeth grinding at night. They can correct underlying jaw and tooth problems that have affected a person’s facial structure.
Preventing Small Problems from Becoming Severe
In fact, patients who visit a cosmetic dentist in the early days of a problem can actually save themselves a lot of money, time, and pain by seeking treatment early. Fixing a cosmetic issue quickly can keep it from becoming a serious health problem later on.
Clearing the Path for Success
One health issue, such as a problematic bite that affects speech or eating, can impact a person’s entire life. Crooked teeth or painful jaw problems can steal a person’s confidence, distract from important tasks at work, and cause ongoing emotional distress that takes a toll on the whole body. Thanks to training from the Aesthetics and Digital Dental Academy, trained cosmetic dentists are available to provide relief and help. With a healthy, white, attractive smile, people gain the confidence they need to be bold and successful in their personal and professional lives.
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adda-sg · 6 years
Having teeth pulled unnecessarily or losing teeth through an accident is a nightmare scenario for most people. Unfortunately, the nightmare happened to young Ethan Leo, due to the malpractice of a Singapore dentist.
Multiple Extractions
Mr. Tim Leo and his son Ethan had the worst possible experience with orthodontic care. At WH Dental Surgeons in Hougang, they were told that 13-year-old Ethan’s mouth was extremely overcrowded. The dentist kept suggesting more extractions until he had removed eight of Ethan’s teeth, among them four wisdom teeth. After an entire year, Ethan’s teeth were not any straighter or better than they had been at the beginning of the treatment, in spite of the extra space.
Painful Treatment
After every visit, Ethan complained of the pain he was experiencing. His father began to suspect that the staff at the dental clinic did not know what they were doing, as each adjustment of the braces brought no results and only caused his son more discomfort. The clinic staff gave Ethan plenty of painkillers to help with the discomfort, but the medicine did nothing to prevent ulcers from forming where the braces rubbed against his lips and inner cheeks. Sometimes, the studs on the braces came out.
Untrained Staff
Another sign that something was wrong was the clinic’s policy, which prevented Ethan’s mother from going into the exam room with her son while procedures were being done. She finally learned from Ethan that the dentist did not adjust the braces himself, but instead had two young assistants do so. This news confirmed Mr Leo’s suspicions about the clinic.
The Official Complaint
Finally, the family took their son to another clinic to have the braces checked by an orthodontist. She explained that the other dentist did not need to remove so many of the boy’s teeth, and that the wiring on the braces was completely wrong.
Angered by the financial and emotional cost of the faulty treatment, Mr Leo filed a complaint with the Singapore Dental Council against Dr Sng of WH Dental Surgeons. It wasn’t Dr Sng’s first complaint by a patient, and he had previously been fined and suspended because of fraudulent Medisave claims and other offences.
Quality Dentistry
In some cases, a couple of a patient’s teeth may need to be removed if there is no other way to create extra space, or if the wisdom teeth are causing issues. However, a good dentist always tries to preserve healthy teeth whenever possible. A skilled dentist also ensures that only trained hands touch a patient’s mouth when making any adjustments to orthodontic appliances or braces.
The Invisalign Option
Although braces are sometimes necessary, most modern dentists in Singapore recommend alternatives like Invisalign to parents and teens. Invisalign permits children to engage in sports and music, eat any foods they like, and experience corrective treatment without the stigma of metal braces. Invisalign patients also report less pain and have cleaner teeth than their counterparts who use braces.
If you would like additional training in various aspects of cosmetic dentistry, including Invisalign, contact the Aesthetics and Digital Dentistry Academy or visit our website to learn about ongoing programmes.
Source: Straits Times, 29 Oct 2017
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adda-sg · 6 years
Which types of orthodontic treatment are better for a person’s oral health? That’s the question that a team of Italian researchers answered during their recent study, which spanned several months. The study monitored the oral health of patients being treated with Invisalign compared to those using other fixed orthodontic appliances.
The Three Participant Groups
First of all, the researchers collected a group of 77 patients. They split the patients into three groups, with one group using Invisalign, one group using fixed appliances, and a third group as the control group. The team tested its patients’ oral health conditions at the start of treatment, one month into the treatment, and 3 months into the treatment.
Testing Methods
To gauge oral health throughout the study, the researchers tested probing depth, amount of bleeding, plaque index, and other factors. They assessed the amount of biofilm present on the teeth, and they used real-time PCR to check for periodontal pathogens. With the Mann-Whitney test, they could statistically compare the results for each group.
Oral Health Results
According to the study results, the group that wore Invisalign clear aligners throughout the 3-month period showed much better oral health than the others. They had less biofilm mass, fewer pathogens, and healthier gums. The difference was noticeable from the first one-month test and continued to be statistically significant throughout the rest of the study. The team that conducted the study consisted of Luca Levrini, Alessandro Mangano, Paola Montanari, Silvia Margherini, Alberto Caprioglio, and Gian Marco Abbate. All the researchers concluded that Invisalign is the best treatment option in terms of maintaining a patient’s oral health in the ideal condition.
Cleaning Teeth with Fixed Appliances Vs. Invisalign
With fixed orthodontic appliances, the patient can’t remove them in order to clean hard-to-reach areas of the teeth. Food gets jammed into cracks and crevices and must be dug out of those space after every meal. Plus, flossing can be a challenge for patients, even with the use of special tools.
For an Invisalign user, oral hygiene is a much simpler process. The patient takes out the Invisalign tray every time before eating or drinking anything other than water, so the tray itself remains free of food particles. Before replacing the tray, the user brushes his teeth thoroughly and flosses them. The tray is usually rinsed or cleaned at this time as well.
With all this cleaning and flossing happening three times a day or more, it’s only natural that the Invisalign user’s teeth and gums would be healthier. A positive by-product of the Invisalign method is cleaner teeth.
Invisalign Recommended for Smile Makeovers
Whenever possible, dentists in Singapore should recommend Invisalign for use in each smile makeover. While some patients with severe cases may need other treatments in addition to Invisalign, most patients’ teeth can be corrected with Invisalign technology; and by the end of treatment, their teeth should be cleaner than ever.
Source: PubMed Central, Sept 2015
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adda-sg · 6 years
More people are recognising that a great smile is not just a matter of vanity— it’s a matter of confidence and professional pride. When you are confident that your smile is white and straight, it’s easier to smile at new clients, laugh at your boss’s jokes, speak to a crowd at a charity event, or flash a grin at a potential date. Find out which technologies are the hottest trends for today’s smile makeovers.
1. Teeth Whitening
Bleaching or whitening your teeth is a quick way to upgrade your smile. It’s also affordable compared to other aesthetic treatments, so more people opt for whitening if they feel that their smile needs help. There are home-whitening kits available at a reasonable cost; and for those who feel like spending more for longer-lasting results, there is the “power-bleaching” option that takes place in the dentist’s chair. This type of whitening includes spreading a gel on the teeth and then activating the bleaching agent using a special light.
2. Veneers
Porcelain veneers or Emax veneers are another fairly quick way to achieve a brand-new smile. The porcelain veneers require some reshaping of the original teeth, so they are permanent; but the Emax veneers are so thin that they can slip over your natural teeth with scarcely any reshaping at all. Porcelain veneers are cost-effective and produce a beautiful, durable smile; and Emax veneers are pricey, but even more durable. Both options can be customised to mimic the shape of your teeth, and you can choose the level of whiteness you want.
3. Invisalign
Gone are the days of clunky metal brackets and metal wires! Instead of traditional braces, today’s patients use Invisalign. These clear aligners fit tightly over the teeth and gradually move them into new positions. Once the teeth are in the right spot, another aligner is made and the teeth are gently moved further, until the perfect smile is achieved. Since Invisalign trays are removable, it’s much easier to keep teeth clean and participate in music or sports. Plus, the trays are practically invisible, so you can still show your smile throughout the process.
4. Laser Gum Reshaping
Using a special laser, a trained aesthetic dentist can actually reshape your gums to achieve a look that is more flattering. If your gums cover too much of your teeth or bulge out in lumps in some areas, gum reshaping technology can make everything look neat and symmetrical as it should be. You’ll need a trained cosmetic dentist or gum specialist for this procedure.
5. Dental Implants
Thanks to 3D printing technology, making a realistic-looking artificial tooth is easier than ever. Your dentist can have a 3D tooth made for you that looks exactly like your original, natural tooth, right down to the shape, size, and colour. The materials used today are so durable and hardy that you can chew, bite, brush, and floss just as you would with a normal tooth. Dental researchers are currently working on developing antimicrobial artificial teeth than can handle the bacteria in the mouth even better than current models.
A Word of Caution
When you pursue any of these aesthetic dental treatments in Singapore, make sure that you are using a licensed, registered specialist who has been through the required training with the Aesthetics and Digital Dentistry Academy or a comparable training group. Trying to save money by selecting an unregistered practitioner can be very dangerous to your health. Preserve the health of your teeth and use a respected, registered dental clinic to perform your smile makeover.
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adda-sg · 7 years
For many people, Invisalign is the method of choice when it’s time for a smile makeover. However, if someone doesn’t have access to an Invisalign provider, or if a patient’s dental issues are too complex to be resolved solely with Invisalign, braces may be a viable option. Discover the top three types of braces that might be used for a smile makeover in Singapore.
Traditional Braces
Traditional metal braces were once the only method of orthodontia available to patients. For this type of treatment, a Singapore dentist would attach metal brackets to each tooth and connect them with wires. By adjusting the brackets and wires, the dentist could create tension and move the teeth slowly into new positions.
Lately, another style of traditional braces has come into play. Heat-activated archwires, activated by the heat in the patient’s mouth, can lessen the pain associated with traditional braces. They also tend to move the teeth a bit more quickly than the regular brackets-and-wires system.
One of the benefits of traditional braces is the cost savings; this type of orthodontia is slightly cheaper than other methods. However, the price difference is not dramatic, and for some people, the aesthetic concerns outweigh the cost savings. Braces are very noticeable and can be distracting from a person’s total appearance. For children and teenagers, decorating the braces with coloured bands can be a fun way to embrace the new look of their smile.
Ceramic Braces
For patients that prefer a more subtle orthodontic solution, ceramic braces provide an additional option. The colour of the ceramic brackets allows the braces to blend in with the teeth. They work just as well as traditional metal braces, but they look better, which makes them a favoured choice for teens and adults who are concerned about their appearance while they are undergoing treatment.
Ceramic braces are more expensive than traditional braces, due to the materials and technology required to fabricate them. They are also more prone to staining than metal braces would be. Intensely coloured foods and drinks pose a risk to the natural hue of the ceramic brackets. If patients do not brush thoroughly and immediately after eating, the staining can be permanent, ruining the aesthetic benefit of the ceramic braces.
Lingual Braces
A third type of braces takes subtlety and aesthetics to the next level. Lingual braces actually hide behind the teeth, attaching to the back side of the teeth instead of the front. They aren’t usually visible when the patient speaks or smiles.
Unfortunately, lingual braces have several drawbacks. They do not work quite as well as traditional braces or ceramic braces because of their placement, so it takes much longer to move the teeth into the optimal positions.
Lingual braces are also more uncomfortable for patients. The ones on the bottom teeth may be especially problematic, as they can interfere with the natural movement of the tongue. Lingual braces sometimes cause painful sores as the tongue moves against them while speaking, chewing, or swallowing.
Cleaning the lingual braces can be difficult, as well. Since they are behind the teeth, it is harder for patients to see bits of foods and other buildup that need to be removed. It’s also more tricky to reach problem areas effectively.
Professional Advice from a Skilled Dentist
For patients who are interested in a smile makeover, the advice of a local Singapore dentist or orthodontist is indispensable. With their dental training, these professionals can recommend the types of braces that best suits a patient’s lifestyle and oral health goals.
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adda-sg · 7 years
Did you know that the smile is the most studied human facial expression? A recent study reviewed the dynamic characteristics of successful smiles using 3D computer animation technology. Thanks to the fascinating results of the study, experts have new insight to use in the fields of computer graphics, psychology, and facial reanimation surgery. This kind of research is also valuable for Invisalign providers in Singapore and throughout the world, as they conduct smile makeovers that can make people’s lives better.
Assembling the Team
The research team consisted of Nathaniel E. Helwig, Nick E. Sohre, Mark R Ruprecht, Stephen J. Guy, and Sofia Lyford-Pike. These scientists were all interested in the dynamics of smiles and how those dynamics are perceived by other people.
Creating the Smiles
To conduct the study, the team used a computer animation tool that enabled them to tweak specific aspects of a smile in 3D. The researchers created a number of 3D computer animations of smiles, with different amounts of dental show, varying angles, and different levels of symmetry. Some of the smiles were small, while others were wider.
Recruiting Participants
Next, the team recruited 802 people to participate in the second phase of the study. They took steps to ensure that they selected a diverse group of participants, so as not to skew any results. Each person from the pool of 802 participants was asked to view the 3D smile animations and rate them. Participants had to gauge a number of factors. Was the smile genuine? Was it pleasant or effective? What kind of emotional intent did the smile convey?
Defining the Successful Smile
Typically, a “successful smile” is one that seems genuine and pleasant. It’s effective in its emotional intent, making others feel calmer, happier, more pleasant, and more inclined to relate positively to the person who is smiling.
Examining the Results
According to the study, there is no one specific smile construction that is perfect in all areas. In fact, the team found that successful smiles can come in a variety of shapes and sizes. In the researchers’ words, “We found that a successful smile can be expressed via a variety of different spatiotemporal trajectories.”
However, there were some common elements of “mouth angle, smile extent, and dental show combined with dynamic symmetry” that were enlightening for the researchers. For example, smiles with extreme angles got very low ratings and were not successful. Smiles with medium or large angles required more dental show to be successful, while small smiles were rated better when there was minimal or no dental show.
Using the Results for the Future
The research team primarily envisions their results helping doctors and dentists who are treating patients with facial damage or paralysis. Because of their muscular damage or partial paralysis, these individuals may be misunderstood or viewed with uncertainty by others in society. With a better understanding of smile dynamics, medical experts can develop new types of reconstructive surgery and therapy to help these individuals display their emotions accurately.
Understanding the Importance of a Smile Makeover
An Invisalign dentist, whether in Singapore or elsewhere in the world, has the important job of designing each patient’s new smile. A dentist may not be able to control certain aspects of the smile, such as the movement of lips and muscles, but he can affect aspects of symmetry, width, and dental show in many cases. With careful study and understanding of the mechanics of a successful smile, dentists can plan smile makeovers that improve their patients’ professional and personal lives.
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adda-sg · 7 years
As communication moves more and more into the digital realm rather than face-to-face experiences, it becomes possible for people to manage their appearance and their avatars. They gain a certain level of control over how others perceive them. One group of researchers decided to take this idea a step further with a unique experiment, exploring the effect of changing facial expressions in a virtual environment.
When it was conducted in 2016, this was the first study to explore whether changing participants’ facial expressions digitally in real time could influence emotions and the sense of social presence. The study also gauged how participating conversation partners (complete strangers to each other) rated their interaction after it was complete.
The Scenario
To explore the effects of enhanced facial expressions, the research team set up a scenario in which participants spoke to each other in real time. The two people involved in the conversation did not know each other; they were strangers to each other. Instead of looking at each other’s real faces, however, the participants viewed digital avatars on screens instead.
The Avatar Enhancements
As each participant spoke aloud, his or her facial expression was tracked and transferred onto a corresponding digital avatar. In some cases, the researchers left the expression true to life, mimicking exactly what the real participant was doing. However, in some cases they would tweak the expression a bit, making the digital avatar’s expression more positive or enhanced than the real-life person’s expression.
The Results
The results of the experiment were fascinating. When the researchers enhanced the avatars’ expressions, adding more enthusiastic smiles, the participants came away from those conversations with more positive feelings. They used more positive words to talk about the scenario, as opposed to participants who did not view enhanced avatars.
The people who saw the exact reflections of each other’s expressions in the avatar’s faces did not have the same level of positive social experience. Therefore, the researchers concluded that digital means, or computer-mediated communication, can be a valuable tool for enhancing and managing communication scenarios.
Real-World Connections
Computer-mediated communication (CMC) allows people to change the way they are perceived visually during a conversation. They can present an avatar with the looks and expressions that they want to convey, even if those visual elements are not accurate to real life. This eliminates the risk of unwanted nonverbal cues and enhances the speakers’ positive impressions of each other.
According to other studies, people and avatars are considered more approachable and relatable when they are smiling. Even people with fake-looking or unappealing smiles are typically rated more highly in studies than those who do not smile at all. According to this study, enhanced smiles take the connection even further, providing a more comfortable social presence when two people are communicating virtually.
Vital Ramifications for Invisalign Dentists
Dentists in training need to take note of current research and trends regarding CMC and smile research. As understanding of smile dynamics deepens, Invisalign providers in Singapore can gain helpful insight and discover new ways to help each patient achieve the most effective smile makeover.
Oh SY, Bailenson J, Krämer N, Li B. Let the Avatar Brighten Your Smile: Effects of Enhancing Facial Expressions in Virtual Environments. Najbauer J, ed. PLoS ONE. 2016;11(9):e0161794. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161794.
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adda-sg · 7 years
Presenting Complains/Problems
Dislikes the shape and size of her teeth
Feels that her smile is hidden
Clinical and Radiographic Examination
X-ray finds bones and gums are healthy.
Suitable for Invisalign.
Treatment Done
Patient was given the following as part of her smile makeover:
Invisalign to correct her alignment
Laser gum recontouring for 8 front teeth.
Porcelain veneers – 8 upper lithium disilicate Emax veneers.
Total Time Taken
Invisalign: 8 months.
Veneers: 3 days.
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adda-sg · 7 years
A recent randomised trial attempted to gauge the amount of pain or discomfort that patients experienced when fitted with Invisalign clear aligners vs. fixed orthodontic appliances. The study was published electronically through the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI). Find out what differences researchers discovered as they reviewed the cases of 41 patients.
Parameters of the Study
To preserve the significance and quality of the results of this study, it was conducted as a blinded, prospective scenario. In addition, researched ensured a randomised equivalence trial, with two parallel arms for comparison.
Forty-one patients participated in the trial. They were all Class I non-extraction patients. Six men and 12 women were fitted with regular fixed appliances, while 11 men and 12 women were treated using aligners instead. The group with the fixed appliances represented the first arm of the trial, while the patients with aligners were the second arm.
Discomfort Diaries
Every day throughout the research period, the patients recorded how they were feeling— specifically, their level of discomfort. The data from these “discomfort diaries” was particularly significant immediately following a visit to the dentist or orthodontist, which occurred at the beginning of the study, at the one-month mark, and at the two-month mark.
In the diaries, the patients recorded how they felt while biting into food, while chewing, and while resting. They noted whether or not they experienced disturbance during sleep due to pain. In addition, patients had to record the number of times they took painkillers, what kind of medication they consumed, and how many pills they took.
Study Results
The results of the study were as expected – the patients fitted with fixed appliances in the traditional style experienced significantly more discomfort than those in the group wearing aligners. Patients with the fixed appliances mentioned much higher levels of pain while chewing their food.
The difference in pain levels persisted as treatment went on. Fixed-appliance patients continued to report higher levels of discomfort after their first and second adjustments, which occurred one month and two months respectively after the initial installation. Compared to those with appliances, the patients with aligners had a much easier time of it. They experience some discomfort, but it was minimal; and the aligner patients didn’t need to take the same amount of analgesics (pain relievers) as those in the appliance group.
Gender Differences
Researchers did not find any noticeable differences between the pain levels reported from the men participating in the study versus the female participants; all of them reported consistently across genders.
Recommendations: Invisalign
What does this study mean for people who wish to undergo a smile makeover that involves teeth straightening in Singapore? The results indicate that patients looking for corrective orthodontics should find an Invisalign provider in Singapore to conduct the treatment. Not only does Invisalign offer a less painful method, it also yields equally satisfactory results. By choosing Invisalign treatment in Singapore, patients can have their teeth fixed and enjoy a smile makeover while experiencing far less pain that patients who choose the traditional route of a fixed appliance.
David W. White, Katie C. Julien, Helder Jacob, Phillip M. Campbell, and Peter H. Buschang (2017) Discomfort associated with Invisalign and traditional brackets: A randomized, prospective trial. The Angle Orthodontist In-Press.
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adda-sg · 7 years
Presenting Complains/Problems
Upper Teeth tilting in 
 Dislikes smile
Clinical and Radiographic Examination
X-ray finds bones and gums are healthy
Suitable for Invisalign
Treatment Done
Patient was given the following as part of her smile makeover:
Invisalign to correct her alignment
Laser gum recontouring for 8 front teeth
Porcelain veneers – upper lithium disilicate Emax veneers
Total Time Taken
Invisalign: 10 months.
Veneers: 3 days.
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adda-sg · 7 years
A report from the Straits Times reveals that Singapore is having to hire dentists from foreign countries and dentists who are Singaporean but trained overseas. The sharp increase in the need for dental care is partially due to the rapid growth of the Singapore population. A large portion of the population is also ageing, which involves deterioration of teeth and requires additional dental care.
Dental Needs of a Growing, Ageing Population
Singapore’s population is ageing quickly. Associated Professor Patrick Tseng, the chief dental officer for Singapore, says, “With an ageing population, demand for dental services is not only increasing but also changing due to the more complex dental needs of geriatric patients.” Older patients may require gum grafting, fillings, and replacement of lost teeth.
Along with the dental needs of the elderly, there are the needs of Singapore’s children, who require cleanings, fillings, and corrective orthodontics like Invisalign in Singapore. Adults need cleanings and fillings as well, along with the occasional smile makeover. As the population grows and ages, the stress on the health care system increases. According to a spokesman for the Ministry of Health, the demands are only going to increase over the next several years.
Fewer Locally Trained Singapore Dentists
Unfortunately, there are not enough locally trained Singapore dentists to handle all the demands for care. In the past few years, less than half of the new dentists registered in Singapore each year have been locally trained. In fact, 75% of the new dentists that registered in Singapore had been trained in other countries. Twenty-five percent had graduated from Singapore training programs. That’s 141 new foreign-trained dentists and 46 local graduates.
The MOH Reaction
The Ministry of Health (MOH) recognises the need for more Singapore dentists who trained within the country. Currently, it is boosting the number of students that the National University of Singapore allows into the dental program each year. In 2016, the faculty of dentistry at the university accepted 54 young would-be dentists, a significant leap from the 48 students taken in 2010.
With help from the MOH, the university dental program will gradually increase its intake numbers until it can handle 80 undergraduates annually. A significant asset in this effort is the new National University Centre for Oral Health, a building that should be ready for action in 2020.
The Ratio of Dentists to Patients
Thanks to new programs and more awareness of local needs, the number of Singapore dentists has increased by 40 percent between 2010 and 2016. However, the ratio of dentists to patients is 1 to 2,550 people. The Ministry aims for a ratio of at least 1 dentist to 2,200 people.
Source: The Straits Times, February 11, 2017
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adda-sg · 7 years
Does Invisalign really allow dentists the precision they need to get teeth into the right positions? A group of researchers decided to find out by conducting a careful study of patients’ post-treatment models. Discover the results according to the study, published on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
Pre-Treatment Plans and Post-Treatment Models
For the purpose of the study, the team of researchers collected the virtual treatment plans from 30 Invisalign patients. The pre-treatment plans are a virtual 3D model of what the patient’s smile should look like after treatment, along with a specific plan for the position of each tooth.
Researchers also gathered the post-treatment models of the same 30 patients. This way, they could compare the predicted position of the teeth with the actual position achieved through treatment with Invisalign in Singapore.
Measurements and Testing
The researchers used special software to digitally superimpose the post-treatment model on top of the pre-treatment plan for each patient. Then they carefully measured and tested the differences between the predicted result and the actual result. For linear measurements, the team considered any difference above 0.5 mm to be relevant. For the angular measurements, they considered any difference beyond 2 degrees to be relevant.
Results of the Comparison
After a thorough examination of the pre-treatment and post-treatment models, researchers came to a couple of significant conclusions. First of all, there were differences between the tooth positions that dentists had predicted and what was actually achieved. The change between the predicted position of the teeth and their final, actual position was enough to be statistically significant.
However, most of the differences in tooth position were small enough to be irrelevant to the patient. In other words, the differences weren’t clinically relevant, even though they were statistically noteworthy.
The Specific Differences
The differences that researchers found mostly involved anterior teeth. For the maxillary lateral incisors, canines, and first premolars, the predicted and final positions were almost always identical, or very nearly the same. However, the anterior teeth sometimes were a bit more occluded than the dentist predicted. Sometimes rounded teeth were not rotated quite to perfection. Posterior teeth were not always ideally positioned according to the original plan.
The Potential for Adjustment
Fortunately, an Invisalign Singapore provider can use data from this and other studies to alter the virtual treatment plan as necessary. The Invisalign software predicts final outcomes with a high degree of accuracy; but if a Singapore dentist understands the potential for a slight margin of error, he can adjust his plan to account for that. When patients are nearing the end of treatment, their dentist can compare predictions with current results and make any necessary tweaks to achieve the right look.
Thanks to the technology of Invisalign in Singapore, patients can experience a smile makeover with far less pain than they would have using traditional braces or fixed appliances. Each decade brings more finesse and greater potential to this smile makeover technology.
Thorsten Grünheid, Charlene Loh, and Brent E. Larson (2017) How accurate is Invisalign in nonextraction cases?: Are predicted tooth positions achieved?. The Angle Orthodontist In-Press
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adda-sg · 7 years
In past decades, people had all sorts of theories about what causes crooked teeth. During the 1940’s, some medical schools taught that mixing two races resulted in teeth problems, an odd theory that was later proven to be completely wrong. If you have ever wondered why some people have crooked teeth and others do not, read on to discover some of the key factors that affect the natural position of your teeth.
The “Soft Food” Theory
A recent study from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences introduces a variation on yet another theory – the idea that soft foods cause crooked teeth. The basic idea stems from the fact that a human diet today is significantly different from the diets of humans many thousands of years ago. In those days, humans were primarily hunters and gatherers. Those who gathered and tended to plants tended to have shorter, wider jaws. The ones who predominantly hunted for their food had narrower, longer lower jaws.
As humans began to rely more and more upon farms as a primary source of food, their jaws became correspondingly shorter and weaker, according to researcher Noreen von Cramon-Taubadel, who works as an anthropologist in the United Kingdom, at the University of Kent. As part of the newly published study, she reviewed skulls and jaws from dozens of skeletons from various parts of the world. Around half of the populations included in her research were from hunter-gatherer tribes and a little over half subsisted mostly by farming.
According to the results of Noreen von Cramon-Taubadel’s research, there did appear to be a correlation between the shape of the jaw and the type of food the tribes were eating. Softer foods meant weaker, shorter jaws; and shorter jaws also led to more crowding of the teeth.
The Opposing Evidence
However, there is a significant body of contradictory evidence in opposition to this theory. Dr. Weston A. Price lays out the opposing evidence in his book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. He points out examples of agricultural societies that had ample jaw space and strength, along with very straight teeth, such as the South Sea Islanders and Swiss farmers, who in spite of eating “soft foods” maintained near-perfect smiles. In addition, chewing harder food develops muscle, not bone, and has little to do with the straightness of teeth.
Multiple Causes for Crooked Teeth
In reality, crooked teeth are caused by a medley of factors. When people eat a lot of processed foods and do not consume enough minerals to support jaw and palate development, they tend to have narrower faces and jaws with more crowded, crooked teeth. There is a hereditary or genetic component as well; people whose parents had crooked teeth are more likely to inherit that propensity. Activities such as thumb-sucking, grinding the teeth, and other repetitive behaviours also have a part to play.
The Modern Smile Makeover
Through the advancement of science and technology in dentistry, there are now a variety of methods to correct crooked teeth, such as braces or a choice of Invisalign in Singapore. Learn more about the hands on skills and principles of the ideal smile design with us here.
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adda-sg · 7 years
How long does it take for someone to form an opinion about you? According to research, just a few seconds. Whether you’re meeting a potential romantic partner, a business client, a new colleague, or any other person in your personal or professional life, it is vital to take control of that first impression and make it a good one. Find out how to do it in just five easy steps.
1. Introduce Yourself
Briefly introduce yourself to the person you meet. Keep the greeting short and informative; include your name, and express how pleased you are to meet the individual.
2. Make Eye Contact
As you greet the person, look him or her in the eye. In many countries, a direct gaze is a sign of openness, friendliness, and respect. You don’t need to stare into their eyes during the entire conversation, but make sure that you don’t look away too often, or you may give the impression of being uninterested or distracted.
3. Speak Distinctly
If your voice is too soft, the other person will have difficulty hearing you; if you’re too loud, you might embarrass others. Practice speaking in a calm, clear voice. If you have trouble pronouncing words clearly because of problems with your teeth, consider visiting a dentist in Singapore who can resolve the issues with your teeth using Invisalign and other well known and effective treatments.
4. Smile Naturally
Smile! A smile is a powerful thing, a symbol associated with positivity, friendliness, and good feeling. According to an American study, 48% of all people in the United States consider the smile to be a person’s most memorable feature after meeting for the first time.
Don’t smile too widely— a huge, forced smile can seem fake or silly and give the other person a negative impression. A small, quick smile makes you seem nervous, which isn’t ideal either. Keep your smile genuine and easy. If you need to, practice a comfortable, friendly smile in the mirror until you get it right.
Did you know that smiling actually sends positive signals through your brain? It actually triggers the release of beneficial hormones that make you feel better. So if you’re nervous, anxious, or upset, a smile may take the edge off.
5. Understand Body Language
You can send positive signals using body language. Smiling, nodding, laughing, gesturing, and an easy stance are all ways to send appropriate social signals. Be aware of the other person’s body language too. Shifting from one foot to another may signal nervousness; glancing away frequently may mean that they are distracted and eager to move on to another conversation. Leaning forward slightly and smiling may indicate that they already like you and would enjoy a longer chat with you.
Solutions for a Dissatisfied Smile
If a patient is self-conscious about his/her smile, there are many options to correct their smile based on their preferences and needs. Besides Invisalign treatment, the dentist could also consider installing implants or porcelain veneers in the construction of the perfect smile makeover.
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adda-sg · 7 years
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adda-sg · 7 years
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