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It's all connected, everything. You're a part of Me, I'm a part of You, these Mountains are a part of Earth, Earth is a part of this Galaxy, and this Galaxy is part of the Universe.... Together, we are complete. Together we are One. #TheView #ControlYourThoughts #13Reasons #Leo13Leo
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Everyone's out here saying YOLO to in the moment ordeals. You should be out here saying YOLO to focusing on yourselfs future and the generations who will thank you for it....(unless you're a Leo with 9lives) I cannot afford to waste anything on anyone who isn't throwing in. #IHearItButIgnoreIt #YourVoicedDoubtsFuelMe #EcoFriendlyWithTheNegetivityLoLLOL #13Reasons #Leo13Leo
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Everyone is different, but many think the same.. #AllAboutMyself #PowerfulMessage #13Reasons #Leo13Leo
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I've been trying things differently this time around. #BeHumble #DontWorryYourself #Breathe #Leo13Leo
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Leo's do it all. #LeosForLife #Leo13Leo
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How champions do Breakfast! I see y'all writting, take notes! Feel free feel free. #HardToEatInTheMornings #BlueIsMyFavColor #LongBoarding #Leo13Leo
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This is family. I appreciate all the hardships we have gone through, because we have learned much. We didn't grow up with the, "Norm." We have learned valuable lessons and have gained much knowledge, others will never experience. Metaphorically speaking, we have hiked uphill because we know what's at the top. US as Mountain LIONS!! #Cousins #LeosForLife #WeActuallyWereHiking #LoveYouNoHomo #Leo13Leo
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There are no words for the powerful emotions I feel, while engulfing myself in this newfound knowledge. I strongly believe any individual who comes from African descent needs to know the whole truth. #AfricanAmericans #MalcolmX #KnowledgeIsPower #Leo13Leo
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Ayeee homegurl is correct! Where are my fellow Leo's at? #LeosForLife # Leo13Leo
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A very beautiful day well spent with the fam. Appreciate all that you have, not what you don't. #AppreciateTheLittleThings #FamilyIsWhoYouChoose #HopeEveryonesLifeIsGood #Leo13Leo
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Everyone is different and no one is completely the same. Whether it’s different preferences to things such as style, morals, life, relationships, or LOVE. This is just my opinion on the matter. Just like I mentioned to you in the intro to this rant, we see things differently.There’s love that’s expressed behind closed doors, because some feel it is something reserved only for their other half. There’s the love that you see in movies, where two people naturally fall for one another as if guided by some un seen hand. Then there’s my view on it. I believe there is something more powerful than love. A rare gift few ever receive that transcends above the present day understanding of love. The type of love I speak of is as magical as the stories told to young children. The kind that is more explosive than the belief of our beginning, the big bang theory. The love that makes you understand all of lifes secrets. I will let you in on one of mine. Here’s my story: Now behind closed doors I think that’s the time you get to really be a whole. As if two souls have intertwined and become one. We would say what’s on our minds to each other. Whether it was for a pep talk moment where one of us needed reassurance. Or to gossip cutely like siblings that grew up best friends. Skin contact with each other was a different language. Like losing your eyesight, having to enhance your hearing, memory, and ability to see with your hands like reading Braille. Whatever we did physically, it was like we were musicians. Our hands playing each others body’s like instruments. Goosebumps from the chilling performance on our skin while together. Sexually, it felt like combining everything and together conducting a beautiful orchestra. Everytime it was artful music being written.      I would say that most people insist on love like that in which movies lead them on to believe. More often than not, it doesn’t happen this way. Not at first, usually when you least expect it, and stop searching, love comes. Taking a leap of faith so to speak. I was interested in the looks of a co-worker, until we realized it couldn’t be. Suddenly at the strangest of times, I was rescued by my lover. Who I in return saved. This woman lightly danced on her feet. She walked like a cloud against a blue still sky. While caught in her gaze, it was like a spotlight of sunshine taken from the beaches of Australia. Directed to you with a smile as comforting as a hug in moments where none could be found. I felt that when she looked at ME she saw a galaxy. Something she as a new explorer had never been able to see before with the universes other distractions. For this galaxy shone brighter and was of different elements that couldn’t be found elsewhere. We came from different worlds. Hers where she was provided for and loved, but never really noticed or part of. His was a place of intelligence and creativity that was adored by many, but shamed upon with the prediction of destruction. Yet together the strangled cries of their troubles were a beautiful Harmony while together. I believe love is like a day. Each day is different and full of fun activities or adventures. Each time you love it will still be filled with the basics, but also a new experience. You can have someone you love a certain way, then meet someone else who you love in a way you haven’t yet loved. My only regret to you before I write the best part is words are alas my enemy in the end. They can not begin to transfer the magic into you of which I have spoken. Yet, still carrying onward. While together we became the universe. We were the gentle waves of the ocean towards friends. Gathering them up, accepting them as is, and taking them to the shores. Our energy was a sweet addiction. Everyone around was hooked. We made the atmosphere in the room intoxicating with our presence. Days spent in the public felt like the first lady and the president, receiving many invitations and greetings. The eyes of other couples lingering on us only to end up fixed back upon each other with noted distaste. We were truly a visible vibe that could be felt with an overbearing tide of joy that swept over all. Our love seemed eternal. The safe, provided for, protected, always there feeling you receive from being around family was how we felt. We were one and the same. Together we would do everything. Bathroom, shower, girls/guys day, nap, make food, or play video games. We could direct our interest towards someone else around us while conversing with another. We would finish each other’s sentences, throwing hidden messages in our conversations with others, that only we understood. So loved that we had to divide up the time we spent, giving our attention to friends and other couples equally. There was nothing we couldn’t confide in one another. Even if it was bad we still told each other everything. Away from each other our emotions and humor ran rampant through any means of communication. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Texts, phone calls, whatever we had we used. More often than not, all of them at once, each different subjects. Combine these emotional experiences and you may began to visualize a fraction of the magic. We were always an explosion. Good or bad. Two forces as strong as ours being the first ever to reach the next unknown plateau of love. Now we walk this land apart. Both still carrying that magical explosion. Knowing that we are the only ones blessed with this gift. I have never wanted to press reset or to go back and do things differently until her. I almost want to, but I believe everything happens for a reason. If we really are meant to be then I’ll find my way back to her, asking to hit resume…
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Carry yourself with the innocence of a Child, the understanding of an Elder, and the heart of a Parent.
Random &Inspired
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Everyone is different and no one is completely the same. Whether it’s different preferences to things such as style, morals, life, relationships, or LOVE. This is just my opinion on the matter. Just like I mentioned to you in the intro to this rant, we see things differently.There’s love that’s expressed behind closed doors, because some feel it is something reserved only for their other half. There’s the love that you see in movies, where two people naturally fall for one another as if guided by some un seen hand. Then there’s my view on it. I believe there is something more powerful than love. A rare gift few ever receive that transcends above the present day understanding of love. The type of love I speak of is as magical as the stories told to young children. The kind that is more explosive than the belief of our beginning, the big bang theory. The love that makes you understand all of lifes secrets. I will let you in on one of mine. Here’s my story: Now behind closed doors I think that’s the time you get to really be a whole. As if two souls have intertwined and become one. We would say what’s on our minds to each other. Whether it was for a pep talk moment where one of us needed reassurance. Or to gossip cutely like siblings that grew up best friends. Skin contact with each other was a different language. Like losing your eyesight, having to enhance your hearing, memory, and ability to see with your hands like reading Braille. Whatever we did physically, it was like we were musicians. Our hands playing each others body’s like instruments. Goosebumps from the chilling performance on our skin while together. Sexually, it felt like combining everything and together conducting a beautiful orchestra. Everytime it was artful music being written.      I would say that most people insist on love like that in which movies lead them on to believe. More often than not, it doesn’t happen this way. Not at first, usually when you least expect it, and stop searching, love comes. Taking a leap of faith so to speak. I was interested in the looks of a co-worker, until we realized it couldn’t be. Suddenly at the strangest of times, I was rescued by my lover. Who I in return saved. This woman lightly danced on her feet. She walked like a cloud against a blue still sky. While caught in her gaze, it was like a spotlight of sunshine taken from the beaches of Australia. Directed to you with a smile as comforting as a hug in moments where none could be found. I felt that when she looked at ME she saw a galaxy. Something she as a new explorer had never been able to see before with the universes other distractions. For this galaxy shone brighter and was of different elements that couldn’t be found elsewhere. We came from different worlds. Hers where she was provided for and loved, but never really noticed or part of. His was a place of intelligence and creativity that was adored by many, but shamed upon with the prediction of destruction. Yet together the strangled cries of their troubles were a beautiful Harmony while together. I believe love is like a day. Each day is different and full of fun activities or adventures. Each time you love it will still be filled with the basics, but also a new experience. You can have someone you love a certain way, then meet someone else who you love in a way you haven’t yet loved. My only regret to you before I write the best part is words are alas my enemy in the end. They can not begin to transfer the magic into you of which I have spoken. Yet, still carrying onward. While together we became the universe. We were the gentle waves of the ocean towards friends. Gathering them up, accepting them as is, and taking them to the shores. Our energy was a sweet addiction. Everyone around was hooked. We made the atmosphere in the room intoxicating with our presence. Days spent in the public felt like the first lady and the president, receiving many invitations and greetings. The eyes of other couples lingering on us only to end up fixed back upon each other with noted distaste. We were truly a visible vibe that could be felt with an overbearing tide of joy that swept over all. Our love seemed eternal. The safe, provided for, protected, always there feeling you receive from being around family was how we felt. We were one and the same. Together we would do everything. Bathroom, shower, girls/guys day, nap, make food, or play video games. We could direct our interest towards someone else around us while conversing with another. We would finish each other’s sentences, throwing hidden messages in our conversations with others, that only we understood. So loved that we had to divide up the time we spent, giving our attention to friends and other couples equally. There was nothing we couldn’t confide in one another. Even if it was bad we still told each other everything. Away from each other our emotions and humor ran rampant through any means of communication. Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram, Texts, phone calls, whatever we had we used. More often than not, all of them at once, each different subjects. Combine these emotional experiences and you may began to visualize a fraction of the magic. We were always an explosion. Good or bad. Two forces as strong as ours being the first ever to reach the next unknown plateau of love. Now we walk this land apart. Both still carrying that magical explosion. Knowing that we are the only ones blessed with this gift. I have never wanted to press reset or to go back and do things differently until her. I almost want to, but I believe everything happens for a reason. If we really are meant to be then I’ll find my way back to her, asking to hit resume…
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Draw a circle not a heart, around whom you love, because a heart can be broken but a circle goes on forever..
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