adaroaunga · 3 years
~ Salvage What We Can ~
Knox nodded slightly before slumping a bit against the wall. “Thank you so much” he replied. “I just need to sit down for a bit.” he replied. He had never attempted what he did to lift out of the water. This feeling was more than tired, it was a more drained feeling. But coming down here and resting, it was helping. “I just need a few minutes.” he replied “I will, thank you” Knox made a mental note to wash and return whatever clothes he borrowed tonight. This man, he was going out of his way, above and beyond the scope of their objective tonight. Perhaps he could trust him with a version of his truth. “As am I. And I am the same. You don’t have to tell me more than you wish to.”
When he was left alone, he slowly pulled his pants and shirt off. He was going to hear about this when he got home tonight. Sighing, he found a shirt and some pants that relatively fit. Finally sitting on the bed, he slumped, rubbing the back of his neck, tracing the lines of his tattoo, the minuscule glyphs patterned into the feather design. “What a night” he muttered to no one. Helping himself to a bottle of water and a granola bar, he made his way back up to where the other man was. “Thank you” he whispered.
As Solomon made his way back up top, he contemplated how much to tell the other man.  Would ‘merman shapeshifter’ suffice?  Perhaps for now.  Explaining the entirety of what he was, even to another non-human, could be a little overwhelming.  Then there was the feel of the other’s magic itself.  Something about it that warned him to be wary.  Not of Knox himself, but of the powers he wielded.  He doubted there would be time for them to talk when they returned to port, but decided he would leave that choice up to his new acquaintance.  
Reaching the camera’s position, Solomon was glad to see their foray into the ocean hadn’t jostled any of the equipment.  Everything was still perfectly in place.  Peering through the night-vision lens, he let out a soft, sharp breath.  A boat!  Floating silently in the darkness, just a hair off from the coordinates they’d been given.  Thank the ancestors their unplanned night-time swim had happened when it did. Any later and they might’ve been discovered.  As it was, they were lucky they hadn't been.  Noise traveled far on the ocean.  With luck, the crew had assumed it was the splashes of a sea creature and decided not to investigate.
As Knox reappeared, whispering softly, Solomon grinned and then put a finger to his lips before gesturing to the camera.  It wouldn’t be long now, and they’d have what they came for.  The adarao was glad; although he enjoyed being able to use his ship to help the coast guard and organizations like Knox’s, he was also looking forward to talking more with the other about what had happened tonight.
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adaroaunga · 3 years
~ Currents ~
Just because he was already did didn’t really mean that he stopped aging, did it? Most things that were dead remained dead, decomposed, were eaten by things that ate such things, and yet, Solomon was upright, walking and talking. Perhaps he stopped aging physically, but it seemed that mentally he was still doing just fine. Her head tilted as she looked at him, her gaze thoughtful and somewhat deep. “I think,” she said, her words carefully, “that if anyone were to consider ending your life, they would be in for a very horrible surprise, and that they would not be very smart for considering to do so. Not simply because you cannot be killed physically, but because they would be missing out on the opportunity for something new.” She brightened, her smile lighting her face. “And that would be a shame.”
New things should be explored, discovered, and where appropriate, studied. The adaro clearly wasn’t something to be studied, but perhaps the bonds of friendship could be forged, thereby giving her the opportunity to learn about him.
The mergirl had already learned something, that he searched through shipwrecks to find things that might be valuable, things that she had likely seen before but known understood their value. Human shipwrecks on her side were few and far between, most likely due to some unfortunate crew having managed to make it to her side without their knowledge. As far as other wrecks, there were more than a few from the land dwellers on her side. Likewise, on this side, she’d run across more than a few in her travels.
“It is less that it was uncomfortable because of what had been sunk. It was because of the creatures. There are things there that had I lingered long and been found, they would have very quickly and easily dispatched me. I am curious, but I am not stupid. I have no desire to find my end in such a careless manner.” Thus said the very naked woman walking beside the man who was otherwise a total stranger to her. “However, should you wish you accompany me to such places, I would be happy to show you where they are.” The corners of her mouth turned up slightly. “I am afraid that showing you without actually going would be close to impossible as I have no way to simply tell the locations.”
Maps were an impossibility as those required reading. Likewise latitude and longitude were lost on her. She simply knew, because she had been there, and she would remember the way back. Perhaps he would decide he trusted her enough to take her there. Not immediately, as that would be extremely odd, but one day, maybe.
Solomoon’s bright smile brought a smile to her face as well, though there was a hint of confusion in her eyes. Her head tilted slightly as she blinked, “There is no need to thank me. If I had not meant it, I would not have said it. Or I would have said what I meant, whatever it might have been in that moment. I would not tell you an untruth.”
Even if she had been capable of it, she wouldn’t have. Melanthe didn’t like the untruths that land dwellers spoke. It had taken several run ins with those who were like that for her to realize it, but that was a part of learning.
“You were very fortunate to have had someone to guide you in your learning and discovery of yourself. There are many things that can go wrong during such a process. Was she like you, that she knew the sorts of things you might experience and how to handle them? My clan’s Lorekeeper is such a one for me. One day, very far in the future, I am sure, I will become the Lorekeeper after her, therefore, I must learn all of the clan’s lore. From as many of the clans as I can as it will eventually be my duty to share the stories with the rest of my clan.”
She just happened to have a desire to learn all the lore there was to learn, whether it belonged simply to her people or not. Hence, the visits to other places and other cultures.
“We do indeed mark the passage of time, but it is marked by the tides and calculated in accordance with them. I am indeed pleased that you find our arrangement to be acceptable. I am looking forward to exchanging information with you.”
And not just because that meant she’d be able to eat the mangoes on the man’s tree. Solomon was unlike anyone Melanthe had ever met, and she’d come across several different things. Wizards, vampires, regular people, and now the adaro. Her mental library of information was growing larger and she liked that. “I did not really have any plans for my visit here other than to enjoy the scenery. Sometimes, I simply like to see where I end up and enjoy the sun on the beach. Your beach was quiet and seemed to be uninhabited, therefore it was the ideal location to dry out and take a nap. It has been an unexpected joy to not only find someone here, but one who is not made to be uncomfortable by my differences.” She was speaking more in terms of her nudity rather than the webbing between her toes and fingers, though that had been known to unnerve people from time to time as well, even though it was less noticeable on land than in the water.
Dark eyes were bright and wide as she turned her head to regard Solomon. “And has your time away from these maps proven to be head clearing?”
Missing out on something new?  Melanthe’s comments brought a warm smile to the adaro’s face.  Her perspectives on things were so decidedly… non-human.  It was interesting (and refreshing.)  “I like the way you look at things,” he told her, still grinning.  “Although, if I’m being fair, not many know that I am… something new.  Humans do not always react well to… the new or unusual.  I have to be very careful who I share my secrets with.  And if you intend to spend more time here in this world, I suggest you do the same.”
From there, the conversation drifted to shipwrecks and Solomon listened with pure interest as Melanthe explained more about the wrecks in her realm.  “In that case, I would welcome the company,” he replied, unable to hide his eagerness over the potential for new explorations.  “Once we have determined the flow of time between your world and mine, we can go on many such adventures!  And I give you my word to keep you safe from anything or anyone that might do you harm.”
The story of his past shared, Solomon saw the confusion in the woman’s eyes as he thanked her; he tried to understand it and explain accordingly.  “One must choose to be kind.  I merely thank you for making that choice,” he told her, still smiling. When she brought up the woman who’d first helped him, the adaro nodded.  “I was indeed fortunate.  She knew… many things.  But she was not like me.  She was…”  Solomon struggled to find the right words, none of them feeling like enough.  Finally, he settled simply on, “Much more.”
His eyes lit up with curiosity as Melanthe talked of the role she planned to play amongst her people.  “A protector of history and knowledge is a noble pursuit, indeed.”  In a way he did the same thing, though perhaps not for the same reasons.  And it wasn’t his own history he unearthed beneath the seas, but that of the humans.  Still… he had likely been human once… so it was almost the same thing perhaps.
As the woman explained about how her people calculated time, Solomon nodded, his expression thoughtful.  That made sense; a people so much of the sea would certainly use the ocean itself to clock the passage of time.  Perhaps she would be willing to teach him that, as well, once he felt his business was secure enough here in order to journey into Melanthe’s realm.
The adaro’s question about the reason for her journey was answered casually, and he grinned.  “I selected this location for my home because of its beautiful private beaches. The view from my house is quite spectacular… even if you don’t get to feel the sand between your toes while you enjoy it.”  He gestured to his house on the cliffside, which was much closer now.  They’d arrive soon, and then Melanthe could see for herself.
At her question, Solomon hummed thoughtfully.  “Not in the ways I expected,” he replied with a chuckle and a bit of a wink.  “But yes, I believe your arrival has given me many new things to consider.”  Granted, he also had worrisome things.  No one had made an attempt on his life in awhile, and the ‘who’ behind today’s attempt troubled him.  But that was a problem to puzzle over alone.  There was no need to get his new friend involved.
Ahead of them, a dirt path appeared that wound its way up the cliffside.  “Almost home,” he told his guest with a nod towards it.  Not for the first time, the adaro found himself grateful he’d bought up so much of the surrounding land.  There were no neighbors for a good handful of miles… no one to question why he was leading a naked young woman into his home.  Humans were so odd about such things.  He understood… but at the same time found the whole concept of nudity being ‘vulgar’ to be a rather foolish one.
“Once we’re there, what would you like to do first?”  They had talked about plenty along the way, and her learning had to begin somewhere.  Solomon liked the idea of trying to find measurements for her notions of time, but that was almost purely for his own benefit.  Melanthe was here to explore and learn, as well.  As her host, he wanted to offer her first choice.
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adaroaunga · 4 years
“Niamh…”  He let the word tumble slowly from his lips, trying to get the sounds to come out right.  Her thanks made him smile, big and broad.  “Oh course.  It’s my job to protect the creatures of the sea from unnecessary harm.  I’m glad I happened across you before anything worse happened.
Then her earlier words began to sink in and the smile faltered ever-so-slightly.  “And… did I understand correctly?  You… no longer wish to stay?”  Yali didn’t think he was successful in keeping the disappointment from his tone.  But he could hardly insist.  The decision was hers… and always had been.  “In that case… I will enjoy whatever you offer me of your time.”  Yali selected something from the food they’d caught and ate slowly.  “Do you… know where you wish to go instead…?”  Maybe he could still travel part of the way with her, at least… Keep his new friend safe. 
The disappointment in his voice was so palpable that it made her heart ache. He sounded sad. Lonely. The entire time he’d spoken to her, even when she was a seal, there was a thick layer of loneliness over his words. It was a different sort of loneliness than what she endured. He wasn’t pushing her to stay with him, though. She appreciated that.
“Well…” Niamh shifted, hugging her knees to her chest and adjusting her sealskin to cozily wrap around her. “I never have a set destination. I like to explore. I tend to stay in colder waters, but I like to visit other places sometimes.”
She rested her chin on the top of her knees. “I think I may stay here a while. It would be nice to rest. And the island is beautiful.” A soft smile tugged at her lips, cheeks dimpling. “It would be nice to make a new friend.”
“Yes, a new friend,” the adaro replied, nodding in agreement as his smile grew.  “Rest here and in the surrounding waters for as long as you’d like.  I could even make you a dwelling, should you wish it.”  Not a fancy one.  But crafting a hut from the surrounding trees and plants wouldn’t be difficult.  If she wanted cloth he would have to find humans to trade with… but perhaps he was getting ahead of himself.
Then, still considering Niamh’s earlier words, Yali chuckled as he admitted, “You know - it’s the exact opposite for me.  I prefer warmer waters, but venture further north or south now and then.  There are also the deep places… far down.  It gets colder there… further from the sun.”  He eyed her for a moment.  “But you are a surface creature… I’m uncertain how far down you could go before the waters became harmful.  Still… there are many interesting things to explore… I could take you to some of them, and if it’s ever too much, we don’t have to go further.”  He wanted to offer her additional reasons to linger here.  It wasn’t much, but perhaps it would afford them a little more time before she chose to move on.
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adaroaunga · 4 years
The adaro watched the other sleep with something akin to fascination.  The glow reminded him so much of the incredible creatures he encountered in the deeper, darker depths.  The cold, heavy places where he didn’t often venture.  It was remarkable, to him, to witness such similar effects in a human.  If the man was human.  Maybe he wasn’t.  Perhaps he’d find out once his guest was well-rested.
When the man finally jerked awake, Solomon sat to attention, but didn’t make any sudden movements.  He didn’t want to scare or startle the other.  When the question was asked, he nodded and offered a smile.  “I believe I did, yes.  I am called Solomon.”  He gestured to the glass of water.  “Please, I imagine you’re thirsty.  Drink.  Relax.  Then tell me what I can do to help.” 
Turning his head to see the water is a painful struggle, but the witchling manages. Grabbing it however, is another story, what should have been a practised, fluid motion is jerky and unsteady. Vincent hardly gets to enjoy the relief of water against his lips and down his dry, sore throat before momentary weakness makes him tilt the cup a little too much and water go up his nose. Immediate, blinding panic sets in and he throws himself off the couch. Coughing and shaking his head like a doused dog, making himself dizzy.
By the time he gets a hold of himself, the damage has been done. He’s crushed the glass and landed himself half-bent on the floor. With a frustrated, hitchy growl he slowly tries to drag himself back onto the couch.
“So..r..ry. I do..don’..t kn..k..kno..w” he rasps, stammering as his voice just seems to *not work* at times. It’s undoubtedly the state of his throat and himself. But knowing that doesn’t make it any easier
“Cal..l me..R..ree..ed. Red.” he adds… reflexively grabbing onto his cloak.
“Easy - try to relax, Red,” Solomon replied, acknowledging that he’d heard the other’s name.  “No need to force yourself to talk.  We have time.”  Or he assumed they did.  Not knowing the other’s situation, that might not be the case at all.  But it seemed like a reassuring thing to say.  “Let me do the talking for a bit if that’s easier?”  He didn’t wait for an answer before continuing.  “I found you washed up on my beach awhile ago.  We’re not exactly close to any medical services out here, and you didn’t seem to be dying… so I brought you to my home instead.”
The adaro wondered how a medical professional would’ve reacted to Red’s glowing appendages.  Probably not well.  Still, it seemed an offer should still be made.  “If you would prefer a hospital, let me know, and I can make sure you get whatever care you need.”  Solomon looked to the broken glass.  “And if not, why don’t you rest while I clean up.  Then we can try more water?  I can help you drink it this time, if you’d like?”
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adaroaunga · 4 years
~ Beyond the Sea ~
.&& BRUTE STRENGTH, SOME actual good old usage of brain power, both at once or none at all, Lochan couldn’t really care less about how the leviathan planned to break free. The important part was that he had placed his money on the good horse ( for once ), and that the merman wasn’t going to passively go along with the wishes of the show’s owners, waiting for them to eventually set him free, or else pulling funny faces at pigeons until he died of old age, malnutrition, if he didn’t just dry up because they forgot to give him water. Judging by what he said, him drying up was the last thing they should worry about if he ran out of saltwater, and Lochan had no intention to stick around long enough to see the result of it. With luck, they’d both be out before that happened.
WITHOUT luck, he’d be hundreds of miles away, and he’d give his sympathies to whoever died, either the fish or the dumb idiots who thought exhibiting freaks for a living was a sane, innocent activity with no consequences.
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          «  There’s one thing you can do for me. I’ll show you one item, that has a very distinct feel to it, and that I know a similar one was lost to the sea a few, ah, years ago. I can’t retrieve it myself for obvious reasons—  »
THIS time around, Lochan pulled out a watch from his pocket. Small and round, sitting perfectly in his palm, its dial cracked at the center, the hours sunk to the bottom of it, moving as if trapped in water whenever he tilted the object. Taking a few steps forward, to present it to the leviathan,
          «  —but if you’re willing to look for it, we’ll be officially partners in crime.  »
So… it was to be a retrieval mission.  He liked the sound of that - exploration and adventure always made the adaro’s nerves tingle with pleasant anticipation.  With a careful gaze, Solomon studied the object closely.  He had seen similar devices before, but didn’t understand their purpose.  This one… looked different.  The symbols which typically circled the perimeter had all fallen into the bottom and floated there oddly - as if in water.  He had many questions.  But they could all wait until both he and his savior were far from this place.  After all, if they couldn’t escape, nothing else would matter.
“The oceans, as you must know, are vast.  I will help you, regardless; you have my word.  However, I hope you have at least some idea of where it was lost… and how.” The location and the type of vessel it sank with would both help him in any future searches.  Without that knowledge... or some other way with which to search for the object's twin, it sounded like a nigh impossible task to Solomon.  Which didn’t mean he would refuse to look, but he saw little hope of finding such a small thing without some additional information.  
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adaroaunga · 4 years
~ Wilted Leaves ~
             “I no longer speak with my siblings,” it was mentioned quietly, because in truth, they no longer associated with him. The thought was a solemn one, and the necromancer skipped over the subject quickly; he could advise his siblings on what to do and what not to, but they certainly wouldn’t listen to him. To them, his presence meant the risk of getting killed – he was a liability, a shame to the coven. He was the reason their family was burned alive in the woods of Shademarsh, after following his heart with a naive and young mind, and there was no room for excuses. From the moment half of his coven escaped that night, Mylo was shunned forever. He might as well have died that night, succumbed to the flames – but death could not touch him, and he was left with the heavy weight of guilt upon his chest. “However, they’re still my blood and I will always protect them.” The warning was mutual.
              Taking a few steps back, the necromancer allowed some space for Solomon to stand. Now he definitely felt short compared to this man, he noticed with a quiet huff. Stuffing his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, Mylo waited patiently as the other stretched; there was nothing fun about being dragged across the rocky ground by a couple of vengeful wytches, certainly. It gave him time to study Solomon, noticing an abundance of tattoos; he made a mental note to ask him about those later. A curious mind generated many questions. He had his own, though they were created by spells rather than ink – imprinted upon his skin like brands. Despite losing his place in the coven, their mark remained on his chest, standing out and reminding him of what he once had. It was a bittersweet reminder.
              “I actually live in Woodbourne,” Mylo nodded towards the buildings in the distance, towering well above the treeline. “I came here to clear my head, and hopefully find some peace. It looks like I managed none of those things tonight,” there was the hint of a grin on his face, amusement clear in his eyes. He soon returned back to his stoic nature as he focused on finding their way back out of the forest. “I have an apartment not far from here where we can talk. You’re welcome to stay over, if you have nowhere else to go.” He spoke as he navigated the many paths, knowing exactly where to go and how to get back easily; it was a route he often wandered. “I live alone, so nobody will drop by. Do you like tea? I make my own tea, so…yeah, your choice.” It was clear that he wasn’t exactly sociable. 
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It seemed rude to say so, but Solomon thought it was for the best that this man no longer associated with his sisters.  Both brows arched in surprise when a warning was returned.  Brave.  Noble.  Foolish.  “Protecting those who would hurt innocents?”  Granted, he was hardly innocent.  But they hadn’t known that when they attacked.  The adaro sighed, shaking his head.  “Familial bonds are something I suppose I will never understand.”  Which was true enough.  If he’d ever had a family, those memories were lost to time… and death.
Solomon looked back toward the town.  It seemed he wouldn’t be getting his swim tonight after all.  Ah well.  Another time.  “Back to Woodbourne, then.”  His damaged clothes would likely get him some odd looks, but Solomon didn’t really care.  The injuries themselves were gone, and that was what mattered.  Torn clothes could be explained.  Inky smoke drifting off his body was more difficult.  At Mylo’s words about why he’d been out here, the adaro eyed him curiously.  “I cannot see how you would ever find peace if your… sisters… do this sort of thing often.”  He should stop.  It wasn’t his place.  Solomon knew that choices weren’t always easy to make, and knew he shouldn’t judge.  So, instead, he allowed Mylo to swing the conversation to more casual talk.
“I have a hotel in town.  However, since it would seem we have a good deal to discuss, perhaps I will stay.”  As he spoke, Solomon followed the other man, shortening his steps to stay in-stride with him.  “As for tea, anything herbal or floral would do nicely.”  He briefly wondered if he should be wary of tricks, but the adaro had yet to meet anyone who could subdue him for long, so it was only a mild concern as they made their way back into town.
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adaroaunga · 4 years
To Those Waiting For Replies:
First - Thank you for your patience.  I know I don’t have a lot of time to be here, and that I often vanish for huge chunks of time, but I do still enjoy spending time here and writing with everyone.
Second - I’ve never made any of my partners wait for as long as I’ve made y’all wait.  I think the oldest reply I owe is from February, and I’m SO sorry for that.  Life, as I’m sure many of y’all are aware, has been weird for just about everyone.  I’m no exception.
Third - I actually have been working on and off on the replies I owe.  Not all of them are done, but I’m going to post the ones that are.  If it’s been long enough that you’ve decided you don’t want to continue writing with me, it’s okay.  I understand your reasons, and you don’t have to stress about replying to anything.  I wish I could be here more often, but I just can’t.  :(
Fourth - I’m going to space the replies I do have out a little bit.  Yes, they’re already written, but I don’t want to flood the dash with them.  So, my plan is to gradually get everything posted tonight.  
Fifth - I have two replies that aren’t written yet - for @faeriesfromthedeep and @knoxcaulfield .  And that may not happen tonight.  I’m very sorry, because I know both of you have been waiting as patiently as everyone else.  We’ll see how things go, and I’ll do my best to get those final replies out as quickly as I’m able
Sixth - Thank you all again.  For putting up with me, for checking in on me, for sharing your characters with me - for everything.  I hope that life in general is treating you and yours well, and I wish all of you nothing but good things. 💙🌊
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adaroaunga · 4 years
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joy in drawing aquarium livestream cams
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adaroaunga · 4 years
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an exploration in waves
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adaroaunga · 4 years
Her hand fell to rest on her lap. The sensation of touching another after so long of keeping herself isolated…it was strange. “That’s all right. I just…would like to sit with you. For a while. That’s all.” After all, she wasn’t a normal seal – he surely wouldn’t want her constant company after learning that she wasn’t. It wouldn’t hurt to rest and talk with him, though. She was curious about him.
Despite having so many questions, she kept them to herself. He hadn’t pried into her past and so she would not pry into his. She shifted to lean against one of the nearby rocks, comfortably tucking her sealskin around her and getting cozy.
“Yali.” Niamh tested his name, letting it roll off of her tongue, and she smiled. The corners of her eyes crinkled.  “My name is Niamh.” Her head canted to the side. “Thank you for helping me. I was scared that I wouldn’t be able to get out of that net. I felt as if I’d been stuck in it for ages.”
“Niamh…”  He let the word tumble slowly from his lips, trying to get the sounds to come out right.  Her thanks made him smile, big and broad.  “Oh course.  It’s my job to protect the creatures of the sea from unnecessary harm.  I’m glad I happened across you before anything worse happened.
Then her earlier words began to sink in and the smile faltered ever-so-slightly.  “And… did I understand correctly?  You… no longer wish to stay?”  Yali didn’t think he was successful in keeping the disappointment from his tone.  But he could hardly insist.  The decision was hers… and always had been.  “In that case… I will enjoy whatever you offer me of your time.”  Yali selected something from the food they’d caught and ate slowly.  “Do you… know where you wish to go instead…?”  Maybe he could still travel part of the way with her, at least… Keep his new friend safe. 
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adaroaunga · 4 years
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adaroaunga · 4 years
His sleep is heavy, but far from peaceful. As he rests, his glow intensifies and spreads along the marks on his shivering and twitching body. Slowly healing him.
His nightmares are Filled with images of That lake, spreading up and over the land until he couldn’t escape anymore. He was submerged, and grabbed.
He wakes up then, sitting up far too quickly. The resulting dizziness and weakness making him collapse onto the back of the couch.
With stinging eyes and blurry vision he looks around the room. Completely missing the water. He doesn’t recognise anything. But there’s man…
Vincent doesn’t know him, but he vaguely remembers that daunting aura. It’s somehow peaceful.
“D..id yoou..s..sav..e..me..?” the witchling rasps, struggling with every syllable. His throat and jaw burning and aching in protest of being used. His lips stinging and pulling from being so dried and bruised.
The adaro watched the other sleep with something akin to fascination.  The glow reminded him so much of the incredible creatures he encountered in the deeper, darker depths.  The cold, heavy places where he didn’t often venture.  It was remarkable, to him, to witness such similar effects in a human.  If the man was human.  Maybe he wasn’t.  Perhaps he’d find out once his guest was well-rested.
When the man finally jerked awake, Solomon sat to attention, but didn’t make any sudden movements.  He didn’t want to scare or startle the other.  When the question was asked, he nodded and offered a smile.  “I believe I did, yes.  I am called Solomon.”  He gestured to the glass of water.  “Please, I imagine you’re thirsty.  Drink.  Relax.  Then tell me what I can do to help.” 
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adaroaunga · 4 years
As soon as they were back on board, Solomon shifted back into his human form.  “Mm… I wouldn’t wonder.  Come… let’s get you to a couch below deck.  You can lean on me… or I can carry you.  Your choice.  Once you’re settled, I’ll go back to check on the camera.”  After he’d grabbed another set of clothes, of course.
The adaro knew they needed to talk… but the job the two of them had promised to do came first.  Other people were counting on the footage they managed to get tonight.  “After we’re finished here, we should… discuss some things.”  He tried not to make the words sound ominous. “Just so we’re on the same page?”  That’s it - keep his tone light… amiable.  He knew his form alone could be an intimidating thing, and Solomon didn’t want Knox to think he intended him any harm now that their knowledge of each other had changed.
“Yes…please” he said a bit winded. “I can walk.” He grunted a bit as they walked towards the lower decks. “Yes, the camera.” They couldn’t forget why they were here. This has to go well. “Yes.” he muttered, trying to sound better than he felt. “That would be a good idea.” He smiled weakly, trying to but the other at ease. This was very very odd and he needed some context. Now how to explain the whole my father is an angel thing.
Once safely below deck, Solomon showed Knox to a comfortable living area, and flipped the light on.  “Keep the covers down over the portholes,” he said, moving into the bedroom that sat off to one side.  “They’re sealed good and tight right now, but even a crack of light could alert others out on the water.  As he redressed, he continued talking.  “You’re welcome to anything in the kitchen.  I know some need to… refuel after something like that.”
Finally redressed in another set of dark clothes, Solomon moved back out into the living area.  “Once you’re feeling better you’re welcome to come back up… or you can rest and wait until I’ve got the boat back to port.”  The adaro moved back towards the door and the stairs that would take him up to the deck, then hesitated.  “I am… interested to hear your story, Knox… but you shouldn’t feel obligated to tell me.  When the time comes, the choice is yours.”  Then, with an understanding smile and a brief nod, Solomon headed back up to man the camera and make certain they still managed to get what they came for tonight.
~ Salvage What We Can ~
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adaroaunga · 4 years
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by James Gardner
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adaroaunga · 4 years
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character aesthetics + poc
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adaroaunga · 4 years
.&& AH, THEY WERE finally going somewhere interesting ! Enough with sightseeing, and onward with focusing on the goal of this journey — in their current situation, the destination was far more important than the travel, after all. The drumming motion of his foot came to a halt when he threw the coins in the air, catching them before throwing them up again, much like he had done with the rocks before. Using the gesture as a distraction, as a way to buy himself some time to think through his next move. He still needed to tread carefully, and at the fifth throw, the coins dropped into his palm to stay there. At least until he returned them to his pocket, erasing them once they were out of sight.
IT was one thing to show he could make numerous things appear from thin air, he could always keep some secrets to himself, couldn’t he now ?
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          «  How far you go depends entirely of how much you will learn while you’re here, I would say. If you’re clever enough to escape this watery jail of yours’, you should be willing to learn how to survive once it’s done ?  »
MORE a question than an affirmation, as Lochan would not dare put words in such a being’s mouth. If he was wrong, he could at the very least back off ( as quickly as one could back off from talking too much ) and apologize, without sounding too much like an arrogant prick who already had it all figured out. Because obviously, for all he tried to stay one step ahead of his own schemes, he’d never know when a pawn could be unwilling to play their role.
NOW, still, now was the time to take a leap of faith.
          «  I can give you a hand. Or two, as I happen to have that many hands on me at the moment and for the weeks to come. But it won’t be free.  »
So now they came to the meat of the matter.  Payment.  “For the sake of clarification,” Solomon said, “my escape would have nothing to do with cleverness and everything to do with brute strength.  However, I believe I understand your meaning.  I am willing to learn, but time IS a dangerous factor.”  How long could he go without fresh saltwater?  Maybe his captors had already thought of that - assuming him to be more fish than man?  But it was hardly a risk he was willing to take.
Pushing those thoughts aside for the moment, he continued, “I can hardly deny I need your help.  However, I have nothing to offer in payment.”  Nothing conventional, at least.  He could offer the location of sunken treasure.  Is that what Lochan meant?  Or was the man in search of scales or a lock of hair for some mystical purpose?  Or…  Solomon frowned.  He was not someone who gave himself to others easily - that sort of relationship took time - lots of it.  If that was what Lochan wished, they would be at an unnavigable impasse.  
~ Beyond the Sea ~
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adaroaunga · 4 years
The voice of the stranger reaches him in a jumble, and doesn't make sense. He tries to move, but even breathing properly is proving to be a daunting task. So he stops trying to move, and tries to focus instead. Hazily, he reaches out with his energy. The ocean is still too close, but whoever is near him.... there's no danger there. Not yet.
There's certainly a good amount of power, in his current state it makes him feel small and helpless. But if anything, it seems as if whoever this is is trying to provide comfort. Maybe help.
Jerkily, body feels as of it weighs tons, the witchling just barely inches closer towards the stranger. Collapsing again afterward, drifting in and out of consciousness.
Hopefully, they understood the subtle plea for help.
Solomon didn’t need to see or hear any more.  He took a chance.  With great care, the adaro got his arms up under the sea-swept man and lifted him up ‘bridal’ style.  “You will find nothing but peace and safety in my home,” he reassured in a low tone that rumbled slightly through his chest.  “Rest now; let your dreams be soothing ones.”
The trek up to his home on the cliff wasn’t an arduous one - not for someone like Solomon.  Once inside, he laid his guest out on the couch and lowered the bamboo blinds on his floor-to-ceiling windows.  Then he went to the kitchen sink, got a damp rag and a glass of water, and walked back.  He paused for a second to stare at the man, whose glow was brighter now in the dimmed room.  Truly remarkable!  
Moving forward again, he draped the rag gently across his guest’s forehead, set the water on the end table, within the other man’s reach, and then took a seat nearby.  Solomon was unsure what to do now except wait.  Not wanting to leave, he opted against bringing up work from his office, and instead used his phone to start sending out some communications he’d been putting off.  That ought to kill a few hours, at least.
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