acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
The Gods knew that they were too attached to the life they had created on our meek little planet, became so invested that they defied the very rules they had set in place eons ago to keep the balance in tact. Taking this knowledge in mind, the Gods left us to our whims and our desires, let us make our own decisions without interference and let the consequences play out. And though distant they were, they still watched over the earth with a tentative eye, and broke the rules from time to time...
Excerpt from the Allbridge coven’s stauk written by Astia, 674 A.D
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
...the End Bringer, the Corrupter, The Plagued, The Forsaken, Kauvus stood out amongst the Gods from the beginning, whereas they sought to bring light amidst a blank slate, he only sought to bring chaos- to rip the universe at the seams and feel it fade in his hands. While he had always been shunned from the others, his destructive nature too clashing with their own nurturing ones, it was his role to play in the chaos to come that had cemented his damning into the Storm, where he would be left to rot at his own sister's decree.
Excerpt from the Allbridge coven’s stauk written by Astia, 674 A.D
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
...the destruction caused was catastrophic, leaving in it's wake millions upon millions of lives lost. The god behind the damage was punished at the highest offense, but the world was still beyond repair- the havoc wreaked upon it too much for their hands alone. They wiped the slate clean and started anew.
Excerpt form the Allbridge coven’s stauk by Astia, 674 A.D
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
We were made as a fail safe, something to prevent catastrophe if it were too strike and the Gods above had been defeated. They had imbued us with their powers, gave us gifts far beyond that of what we could comprehend and entrusted us with the task of stopping the End Bringer if he escaped. They called us their words for 'protector', 'guardian' and 'ward': And so we were born, the Vasht, the Thaven and the Mor.
Excerpt from the Allbridge coven’s stauk written by Astia, 674 A.D.
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
...harbingers of doom, end to all, keys to the Storm and minions of the End Bringer: Beware the Wild Hunt and all the paths they travel, for those who cross them are doomed to suffer a fate worse than Death herself.
Excerpt from the Allbridge coven’s stauk, writer unknown
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
...the reality in between, the origin of all things, the nexus point, the balance: the Fahl is the void between man and god, where the energy of the universe flows and ebbs like a river running. It is where we come from, where the God's came to exist, where the next worlds will come from and more. It is absolutely important that it is kept in tact and that it's "scales" never tip, for if they do our reality itself could end.
Allbridge coven’s stauk, written by Hester Allbridge in 1874 A.D
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
Guardians of the grove and protectors of the physical plains, in terms of power the Vasht are the most powerful of the three species, yet at the same time the most vulnerable and most corruptible of them all.
Vasht vary in size, shape and form- some resembling a typical Moraine at first glance with very minute key differences and others can look like the farthest thing from mundane one could get (The Vaekt, a.k.a ‘spriggan’ E.G page 13). 
The Vasht wield dominion over the perceptible and the graspable, able to manipulate the very fabric of the tangible reality at there whims. They can bend the earth to their whim, using the elements against potential foes in deadly and precise precision that kills in mere minutes.
Out of the entirety of the three species, the Vasht come closest to the Old Ones’ in terms of power- but with this power comes a price. Many Vasht have succumbed to the darkness of their abilities, becoming twisted and tainted with greed and hunger, craving for the adrenaline rush that comes with the immense power of their beings. These Vasht have been described as turning ‘Kaeh’ by the Vasht court, and have been known to wreak havoc among Moraine communities and cities in an attempt to satiate their dark needs. 
(Those who have gone kaeh and were caught were executed according to testimonies from visitors of the court, and have described it as merciful killings as the Vasht said ‘nothing can be done to restore what is now lost’.)
The Vasht are also known as ‘word carriers’ and ‘gods tongues’ due to their ability to speak and understand the same languages that the Old Ones speak, similar to how the Mor can interpret the messages sent to them by the God’s and feel what they say to them. It seems the only one’s incapable of hearing all the gods are the Thaven- who can only commune with their ‘mother’ Neith, goddess of Nature and the Hunt.
The Vasht, though incredibly powerful, are also the most vulnerable to attack out of all the three species. They have a natural weakness to iron, which burns and weakens them considerably, enough to capture them. Hawthorne wood can trap a Vasht in place and render them powerless, hawthorn leave tea can poison them and potentially kill them, hawthorn powder acts as both a trap and a tranquilizer- capable of knocking out a Vasht in essentially seconds.
Vasht have also have shown the ability to heal themselves and others from grievous wounds in matters of minutes (they have not been able to heal others from death- they say that the energy is long gone by then and not able to be restored. Repeated attempts to revive others have resulted in fatalities). As well as this, they appear to be able to manipulate the cosmic forces of the universe,
powers of the Vasht: nature magic, healing, omnilingualism, reality-warping (limited), divine communication
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
Children of Neith, guardians of nature and protectors of the balance, the Thaven are often dismissed as meek and insubstantial in compare to their counterparts, but do not let such accusations fool you: the Thaven are very much a force to be reckoned with.
Born out of the will of the hunter & nature Goddess, the Thaven have a unique relationship unlike any that the Mor or Vasht may have- where as instead of demanding from nature or treating it as a tool for a means to an end, they Thaven respect nature and treat it as a friend and ally, taking only what is necessary from it and repaying in full- ‘What you take is what you give in equal- an eye for an eye and a heart for a heart’. They’re relationship goes so deep with it that they are actually able to converse with nature itself- to talk, joke, ask and question it, and nature responds back. Due to this complex and meaningful relationship they are often able to call upon the forces of nature itself to strike their foes, a feat that no other species has been able to accomplish- not even the mighty Vasht.
Thaven have been called ‘sixth sensed’ and ‘miracle sighted’ due to their enhanced senses and the ability to sense others across vast distances (a feat given to them by nature itself). They also seem to not only be able to control their sens, but control others as well (the experience is disorientating according to hose who’ve been ‘sensehanced’, as one person so eloquently put it’.)
Thaven have the ability to change the cosmic energies and influence reality around them through rituals, acts that have yet to be documented by the other species because of the private and intimate nature that is reported to be of these rituals. Intruding on a Thaven’s ritual is considered an extreme insult onto them, and an extreme break of trust. Thaven can also use runes and symbols to accomplish these feats, but it is often generally said that rituals are preferred due to ‘the closeness they feel to the world’ when performing them.
Thaven are the only species able to completely change their physical form- taking on the appearances of the animals they wish- taking on a partial form or a full form. In these shifts they are able to communicate with animals and act as guides and leaders to them. In fact, the first origins of a popular myth known as ‘werewolves’ came from the sighting of a Thaven shifting between the form of their regular self into a wolf.
But a Thaven’s most powerful ability is their ability to manipulate vegetation. With the permission of Nature itself, a Thaven can  temporarily take control of the flora around them and have them aid them in battle. It is only to be used in desperate times, as it is usually only done when a Thaven and nature have deep trust in one another and is usually the sign of a greatly powerful Thaven- one with great ties to Neith and her creations.
A Thaven’s powers can be their greatest weakness, as their senses can be quickly turned on them. Smoke can cloud a Thaven’s vision and overpower their sense of smell, throwing thme out of loop with their other senses and disabling their superior perceptions. Ashwood can be crafted into a dagger that can temporarily sap a druid of their powers and gold can be used to trap a druid in place.
powers include: nature manipulation, symbol magic, ritual magic, shapeshifting, enhanced senses, perception manipulation
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
g o d s & p a n t h e o n s (wip)
- the deities - |Main Five|
Caestof -  Ten Armed-Goddess of Balance, repetition and Creation. Mother of All, sister to Kauvus.
Davir - Five-Eyed Deity of Truth, energy and neutrality.
Haeshtev - Three-Faced God of Judgement, contracts and power, guide of the dead and damner of the evil.
|The Forgotten, the forsaken|
Kauvus - Two-tongued God of Destruction, death, chaos and corruption. Brother of Caetsof, destroyer of All.
Lan - Two-headed Goddess of Madness and  mentality, manipulation and instinct, mother of the Wild Hunt. Heir of Kauvus and instigator of war ---
|Major Pantheons|
Nasiris - Deity of Identity, emotion and individuality, bestower of sentience.
Enis - Goddess of the Sky, keeper of the winds and bestower of morality.
Lev - God of the Seas, creator of storms and bestower of knowledge.
Tathen - God of Harmony, sociality and love
Inae - Land walker, creator of souls and Guardian of the future (One third of the Vaestes', deities of time and creators of humanity)
Naera - Fire-bearer, creator of the body and Keeper of the past
Staerof - Light Bringer, creator of the mind and Observer of the present
Minite - Goddess of the Night, creator of the stars and mother of the moon.
Savus - God of the Day, creator of plants and father of the sun.
Neith - The Hunter, creator of animals & forests and deity of Nature.
Veerus - Goddess of Stone and steel, mother of machinery.
Ira - Goddess of death, cycles and seasons. Replaces Kauvus after his imprisonment, Collector of All.
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acolytes-rp-blog · 7 years
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coding previews, still form
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