acabiitch · 6 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
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acabiitch · 6 years
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      “…. That isn’t fair. I’m still a powerful lady. Just because I conveniently failed Russian Literature several times in order to stay with the Bellas doesn’t mean you get to call me anything less than a powerful lady.”
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       “Right,” she remarks, through grit teeth. “You’ll just be one of those powerful ladies no one ever reads about. Y’know as you keep reading — the same books over and over again.” She maintains eye contact through her forced smile. She wants Chloe to know it’s all sarcasm, as if her tone and words aren’t enough. 
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acabiitch · 6 years
Aubrey: So, who broke it? I’m not mad, I just want to know.
Chloe: I did, I broke it-
Aubrey: No. No, you didn’t. Beca?
Beca: Don’t look at me. Look at Amy.
Fat Amy: What? I didn’t break it.
Beca: Huh. That’s weird. How did you even know it was broken?
Fat Amy: Because it’s sitting right in front of us, and it’s broken.
Beca: Suspicious.
Fat Amy: No, it’s not.
Flo: If it matters... probably not... Stacie was the last one to use it.
Stacie: Liar! I don’t even drink that crap.
Flo: Oh, really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Stacie: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Flo!
Chloe: Alright, let’s not fight. I broke it, let me pay for it, Aubrey.
Aubrey: No. Who broke it?
Jessica: Aubrey, Emily has been awfully quiet...
Emily: Really?!
Jessica: Yeah, really!
[Cut to Aubrey in another room, the rest of them fighting in the background]
Aubrey: I broke it. It burned my hand so I punched it. I predict ten minutes from now, they’ll be at each other’s throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick. Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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acabiitch · 6 years
every blog you have is just perfect, and you're the best aaaand ily
@imjustsmol | ♬ | accepting
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;out—*makes a pouty face to keep from ugly crying* obviously back at you. you’re an incredible writer and i feel so lucky to be able to write with you so much. i just remember being so intimidated by you when i first started rping with you back in the carmilla fandom and now asdfghj; just wowsers!  i feel so blessed!
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acabiitch · 6 years
Anonymously tell me your honest opinion about me. I can't reply, just publish.
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acabiitch · 6 years
“ i am a great person. ”
@imjustsmol | ♬ | accepting
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    “Of course you are…” 
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acabiitch · 6 years
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          She adjusted a mess of hair, a loose lock tucked gingerly behind her ear — spikes and all — the only clear sign of life that clashed with her dazed, deadpan expression. Why were they still HAVING this fight?
          “ Wait, you’re… serious. There’s no way this is going to work if we don’t listen to each other. ”
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    She caught Beca’s deadpan gaze with a look halfway between a glare and a gritted smile. It seemed to be her main expression when she dealt with Beca. Of course, over the years the two had become quite close, and this was a fairly old argument, but even so, they often still found themselves here. They probably always would. 
    “Yeah, well, we have been LISTENING to you for the last hour and it hasn’t been working.”
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acabiitch · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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acabiitch · 6 years
reblog this if you actually like following me.
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acabiitch · 6 years
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          “ You have BEAR TRAPS and zero toilet paper. ” Her incredulity couldn’t possibly be lost on anyone in the vicinity. Neither could her immediate realisation that she’d be the first one to get eaten in the middle of the night if Lilly didn’t get her first. Snack sized Beca Mitchell, dead at 21, may she rest in teeny tiny aca-pieces. “ Seriously. What’s your MO? ”
@acabiitch | sc.
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       “Well, when a bear comes and you’re unprepared, you’ll be thankful.” She smiles at Beca through grit teeth, a pout threatening to replace it. Why did Beca always feel the need to test her? This was her job. She ran this place and she knew what she was doing. This was a campsite not a five-star hotel. “And besides, you’d be surprised what nature can provide for you out here. Just avoid the poison ivy too far off the path.”
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acabiitch · 6 years
five-word sentences.
“ please just let me forget. ”
“ c'mon try to guess what. ”
“ just leave me alone already. ”
“ no, i’m not going to. ”
“ you can’t change my mind. ”
“ my mind is made up. ”
“ i’m not gonna let you. ”
“ don’t do that to me. ”
“ think about what you’re doing. ”
“ why aren’t you listening now? ”
“ i want to sleep forever. ”
“ you need to leave now. ”
“ i’ll always have your back. ”
“ now there’s no going back. ”
“ the view really is spectacular. ”
“ i didn’t think you’d care. ”
“ why can’t you trust me? ”
“ don’t even bother with clothes. ”
“ i don’t love you anymore. ”
“ i am a great person. ”
“ you are a tolerable drunk. ”
“ exactly, why are you awake? ”
“ i’m gonna ignore you now. ”
“ how is that not hilarious? ”
“ please just calm down now. ” 
“ i was already calm, asshole. ”
“ i can see your underwear. ”
“ i’m afraid you’ll replace me. ”
“ please stop losing your temper. ”
“ you can cry if needed. ”
“ you have to run away. ”
“ i just wanna be yours. ”
“ ashes, we all fall down. ”
“ i’m hoping you’ll understand me. ”
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acabiitch · 6 years
achloetoast: // A-CA PERSON: CHLOE BEALE.
@acabiitch liked for a starter
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based on pitch perfect 2
watching as each of the bellas got back onto the bus, chloe smiled as she looked over at her fellow bella standing in front of her. “thanks for having us, aubrey, we really do miss you, it’s been so weird not having you at rehearsals.” she said to her best friend and smiled at her. it was good to see her again and it had been awhile since they had really seen each other since chloe had purposely failed russian lit to stay apart of the bellas while aubrey had graduated.
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       aubrey stood before the bus, hands on her hips, smiling at each bella as they got on the bus like a proud mama bear. they had finally found their sound again and she couldn’t wait to see what they were going to do next. however, as chloe stayed behind for a moment, she averted her gaze from the bus and walked over to her. “i miss you girls, too.” she reached out to her best friend and put a hand on her shoulder. “but, you know, it really isn’t so bad to graduate. i’ve found my calling. you’ll find yours.” 
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acabiitch · 6 years
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;hc—so since it doesn’t say in the films. i’ve decided that aubrey probably wanted to major in music education, but her dad wanted her to major in something more practical, so she majored in business, but still minored in music. bc of this, i kind of feel like she’s so intense about music sometimes just to prove her dad wrong. (idk random ramblings about aubrey.)  
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acabiitch · 6 years
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;out—i still haven’t seen pp3, but i’m hoping to soon and then i can do pp3 things, but in the meantime i am making icons from the first two movies and then i’ll be on.
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acabiitch · 6 years
@imjustsmol | ♬
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     another acapella pun lingered on her lips, but she quickly pulled it back. she knew beca took this as seriously as her, they just had different ways of showing it and regardless of that, aubrey was determined to prove, once again, that her way was right.   
     “you’re damn right you’re not, which is exactly why i have to push you even harder. again!” 
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acabiitch · 6 years
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;out—okay, pitches !! i’m almost all set up, but this blog is still very much under construction, but still HI HI !! 
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acabiitch · 6 years
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the best of: aubrey posen.
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