abishalathukattil · 1 year
In 2020, global racial and social justice movements forced companies to refocus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. For instance, hundreds of CEOs pledged to take up collaborative measures on workplace DEI issues, and several prominent companies contributed millions of dollars to elevate their DEI initiatives. DEI is a strong phrase that has significantly changed the workplace and it is crucial to realize that every element of DE&I weighs heavily. Each DEI component holds a distinct significance. Let’s look at them in more detail below, along with the importance of DEI, diversity, and inclusion recruitment strategy.
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abishalathukattil · 1 year
Diversity hiring is a strategy to hire qualified individuals based on merit while eliminating bias in the process. Diversity hiring along with inclusive hiring, aims to uncover and minimize any biases that might be unintentionally or intentionally discriminating against qualified, diverse candidates during the recruitment, screening, and shortlisting processes. To build a heterogeneous workforce, businesses must actively follow practices to seek out and hire applicants inclusively from a variety of backgrounds. Read on to find out the best ideas to help the inclusion process at the workplace.
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abishalathukattil · 1 year
A Boston Consulting Group study from 2018 discovered that diversified businesses with “above-average diversity on their executive teams” generate 19% more revenue from innovation. The corporation polled 1,700 company staff members in eight different countries. These businesses ranged in size and in the sector they served, but they all reaped the benefits of having diverse management teams in charge. Achieving diversity within a company and maintaining it can be challenging, so, how can organizations enhance workplace diversity? Let’s look at a few solutions.
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abishalathukattil · 1 year
Tracking diversity in the workplace through a company’s diversity metrics provides insight into how diverse its workforce is –corresponding to other organizations in its industry or market sector. These include gender representation in leadership positions, gender pay gap, underrepresented minorities in leadership positions, employee satisfaction, and representation of inclusivity in managerial positions.Let’s look into the important KPIs to measure diversity and inclusion in the workplace.
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abishalathukattil · 1 year
After 2020, the global workforce shifted from prioritizing traditional interview practices to conducting remote interviews. And we all are aware that an in-person interview is vastly different from conducting interviews via Google meet or telephone. Therefore, when hiring a remote worker for a remote position, hiring managers and recruiters want to ensure that the recruitment process is as effective as possible and the company is hiring the best talent for themselves. Let’s take a look at some tips for developing a successful remote interview process that will get the best candidates for your company.
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abishalathukattil · 1 year
Diversity and equality are fundamental principles in every organization. Respect for all individuals, irrespective of their history, culture, or beliefs, is at the heart of this concept. It’s necessary for a diverse and inclusive workplace where the staff feels appreciated and involved because it will enhance production, morale, engagement, and retention for the company. Everyone must assume responsibility for fostering an inclusive workplace where everyone may flourish individually and contribute to the success of the company.When it comes to workplace equality and diversity, there are a few essential areas one should pay particular attention to. Here are a few ways to encourage equality and diversity in the workplace:
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abishalathukattil · 1 year
Having a diverse and inclusive workforce is significant for your company’s success. The benefits of diversity and inclusion are well-documented: increased revenue, great employee retention rates, improved customer satisfaction, and better decision-making. It’s a terrific goal to revamp diversity among new workers, but how to proceed? How to attract more diverse candidates?
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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abishalathukattil · 2 years
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