abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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          being rudely dragged in a blind corner of the hallway made her hackles instinctively rise; can you blame her for being on high alert ?  these aurors shuffling around the castle grounds are enough to make anyone on the edge despite their ( allegedly ) good intentions. it certainly did not help to know who dragged in here without any prior notice. upon recognizing his face, her immediately expression soured and yanked her arm out of his grasp.  ❝ oh ? ❞ the witch folded her arms in mild annoyance, cocking her head to the side.  ❝  this better be good then if you were so eager for such theatrics like this. ❞  dark eyes widen so slightly when the gryffindor revealed what he have for her, yet emeraude still tried her best to keep her demeanour disinterested.  ❝ really ?  you pull me out in the way for this ?  give me a convincing deal first then i’ll listen.❞
Waiting outside the Charms classroom for the sixth years to finish their class was not the most aggravating thing Kennedy was going to do all day. The most aggravating thing was going to be convincing Zabini to keep her fricken mouth shut. She’d been passive aggressively mocking him for weeks and it was time to make a more move aggressive than passive. Catching her arm as she exited the classroom, Kennedy managed to drag her around the corner with relative ease. “Zabini. Just happened to remember you had your eye on something a few months ago.” He pulled the short-haired shrew venom out of his robe pocket and held it up to her. “Got it right here for a price.”
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
          her journey back to the dungeons later turned into a mindless wandering within the castle grounds. emeraude sooner realized that she couldn’t go back THERE just yet — where the people who brought this revolting cult into this world was cultivated in the very place she sleeps in. the witch knew better than to generalize her own house, seeing that she was mostly at the receiving end of it, but she couldn’t help but to feel furious at their predecessors for enabling such tragedy. BILE rose from her throat at the thought of the dead CHILDREN found within the forest, making her heave at the nearest cluster of plants. she doesn’t personally know those children, but the thought of their lives being lost to a STUPID ideology made her sick to her stomach. no one should ever deserve that kind of end. most especially those poor children.
          suddenly, a loud CRASH coming from one of the greenhouses resonated through the chilling silence of the night. alert, emeraude pulled her wand out as she wiped the filth from the corners of her mouth. who in their right mind has the courage to wander, alone, in a night like this? casting a quick scourgify at the mess she made, the slytherin slowly made her way to where she suspect the noise came from. echoes of what she may have identified as sobs was later detected as she approached the suspected establishment closer. sneaking a peek, emeraude lowered her own wand as she recognized the crying figure within the greenhouse, ❝ — violet ? ❞
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After the scene at the Quidditch pitch, the want to fly had completely left Violet’s body, leaving her with too much restless energy and nowhere to put it. The want to hit something hadn’t subsided and it unnerved Violet. Sure, she could be as aggressive as the next person and sure, she’d gotten into fights plenty of times but… She’d never felt like this. So utterly helpless and it was the worst feeling. It reminded her of a younger Violet, stuck in the hospital visiting her grandmother; looking upon a frail woman who didn’t resemble the photograph she clutched in her hand at all. It made her think of a slightly older but still juvenile Violet who was about to face a boggart for the first time. The fear rising, the feeling of being trapped and helpless stuck in her throat, like someone had put a stopper on a boiling potion and it was about to explode.
Violet made her way into greenhouse number 6, a personal favourite of hers. She was hoping that being surrounded by the plants, the comforting smells and sounds of the rustling plant life would calm her. It only did the opposite, grating at her nerves. The boiling feeling in her body was feeling more and more volatile, building and building: ready to burst. She couldn’t take it anymore, the restless feeling was too much. An arm swung out, taking out a row of potted plants. It was joined by its partner to push over a table, then another set of plants and suddenly it all became a blur of tears and greenery as Violet took her frustration out on the poor greenhouse.
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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          the catch in trying to distance oneself from feeling TOO MUCH on a daily basis is that when certain circumstances forced you to make you FEEL, it comes back with an unwanted vengeance. as words always fail her in articulating her emotions comes the inevitable URGE to break something also starts to surface. it was harder to attempt to be as level-headed as her usual self, but that does not mean that she wouldn’t TRY. emeraude knew she needed to be alone — away from the distressed groups of people she have encountered earlier — which is why she found herself rushing downstairs, pace stuttering into a slow one as a familiar voice called out to her.  ❝ delacour. ❞  she greeted, surprised on how raspy her voice was from disuse. she haven’t realized until now that she haven’t spoken a word since they were dismissed earlier.  ❝ i am...fine. ❞  the witch said weakly, as if she was tired. she knew that was a lie ( a poor one ) but that’s the least she could manage right now.  ❝ how are you ? ❞
If there was one thing that the Delacour girl was good at, it was working herself up. Though she had plenty of reason to be upset, her constant worrying intensified her emotions CONSTANTLY, and in a time of such fear, the anxiety in her surged with newly charged forces. Feeling even more frightened of the dangers of the Forbidden Forrest, she’d gotten as far central into the castle as she could to distance herself, ending up finding herself taking refuge in a quiet window nook. She knew it’d only be a matter of time before someone came to the staircase and broke the silence, Hogwarts was always bustling with students. However, when she saw the other girl coming down the stairs, before looking up she quietly observed, “ funny how every time one of us is alone the other comes along. ” Straightening up, the girl tried for a gentle smile. She knew that though she wasn’t the other’s friend or anything, a few kind and simple words wouldn’t hurt. “ Are-are you okay ? After everything ? ”
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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So what if this was the last place he should be at the moment? Noah hadn’t thought, only let his feet guide him because the last thing he wanted to do at the moment was use his brain. For the first time ever he was glad Linda had never exhibited any signs of magic, glad she wouldn’t have to go through these horrors. It could have been her last night, almost. And that, that made Noah angry. He understood fear of the unknown, understood reacting to this fear with anger and hatred because humans were just like that, but targeting helpless first years? That was low. So having anyone get in his face when he had been trying to keep his seething hatred to a minimum? Not helpful. “So what,” he snarled, even taking a step forward, “we need permission to go anywhere now? Is that how we’re going to play it? Might as well go out and say it already then!” In his annoyance he had been gesturing a lot with his hands, both the free one and the one holding his camera. When he noticed, he brought the object close to him, like a child that would need reassurance after witnessing their parent’s outburst.
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          emeraude felt the oncoming HEADACHE just from talking to this muggleborn. was he deliberately trying to be dense ? the dungeons should be the last thing where HE should be right now. most especially not after that incident. WHAT was he thinking ?  ❝ look — ❞  the witch began, unfazed and tone frosty as the boy moved towards her as a futile effort to intimidate her. as if she would ever YIELD to someone who thinks they could underestimate her like that.  ❝ as much as i do not trust my own house myself — ❞  as if she ever trusted someone ( apart from a selected few ) from her own house.  ❝ — if you are trying to pull a GRYFFINDOR by investigating the recent incident yourself regardless of what the headmistress said... then you’re going to have a BAD TIME by doing so. ❞  she crossed her arms as her eyes flitted back and forth from his face to his camera.  ❝ and i’m not referring to the detention you’re going to get if you are here for that. ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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        There wasn’t much to add to Emeraude’s statement, as Albus felt as she did. He, too, was trying to put on a face to mask his anger, only he was far less successful. Iron was on his tongue from how often he’d bitten it the past few hours, and fingernails like crescents were embedded in the skin of his palms. “How could they– how could anyone– these bloody cowards, targeting a school– children !” But most of all, the one thing he could comprehend even less was this: “how did they get in here in the first place? Doesn’t Hogwarts have protections? With all the shite that happened here, they didn’t think to upgrade security or at least learn?”
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          BILE rose from her throat at the mention of the children involved. no matter how cynical her perspective was in life in general, no one should ever meet their end like that. MOST especially at a young age like the victims.  ❝ evil is a virus, albus. ❞  she said in a monotonous voice, hazel eyes hard and guarded as she glared at the poor wall near them.  ❝ they’ll evolve and get more creative in infiltrating us just as we upgrade our own defenses. ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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“While I do believe you have every right to be angry about what’s gone down, given we’ve a real tragedy on our hands, please kindly redirect that energy elsewhere. Perhaps – and this is merely a suggestion, of course – onto someone more deserving.” It was unlike her to actually bother thinking before she spoke, but she was giving it her best go. Clearly the girl was affected quite deeply, so she managed a brief, sympathetic smile before continuing. “I simply made an observation on something I thought was a bit too much, nothing more. It’s not as if I was gloating or celebrating their deaths. I apologise for offending you.”
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          ❝ then you MUST understand the reason why am i directing that "energy” to you, then, ‘puff. ❞  she told the other in the same flat tone she was sporting from earlier. clearly, she’s not amused the way how lightly the other witch as treating this tragedy.  ❝ it doesn’t matter whatever the HELL your intent was. what you said was shitty and insensitive. i believe you DESERVE this anger you’ve put upon yourself. ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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         “   well, i’m definitely not going to say i was SURPRISED that this happened.   ”   he’s standing with his arms crossed across his chest,  a bit shaken up hearing what happened.  “ this place was never the safest place on this hell of an earth.  seems that fucked up shit happens everywhere but it’s just  —  just amplified here.   ”
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          ❝ kinda makes you think that everything about this school is such a false advertisement, huh. ❞  the witch commented mirthlessly, scowling at the wall as the news hung low on everybody’s thoughts for the night.  ❝ you’d think the administration should know better by now, considering what happened decades back. ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
“I need a moment.” He said quickly before truly realizing where he had gotten and who was speaking. Somehow, his brain had taken the thought of needing alone time to a new place. A green place. Hearing a sniffle, Scorpius realized it was him. He took his handkerchief out of his robe pocket, a silly gift from his Grandmother Greengrass he thought he’d never use, and wiped his eyes. “Emeraude. I didn’t even realize I walked here. I should have waited. I’m sorry.”
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          she was silent as she patiently waited for scorpius to compose himself.  ❝ it’s alright, scor. i understand. at least i know that you’re...alright. ❞  the witch frowned to herself for her lack of eloquence, clenching her jaw as the tension she felt as she heard the news still lingered on her tiny frame.  ❝ do you...do you want more time for yourself ? ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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“are you sure about that?” he retorts, pain and guilt and trauma getting the better of his usual collected nature. then he turns away, steps across to the opposite side of the room, vibrating with anger at himself for snapping. “your ankle feeling okay?”
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          emeraude bit the insides of her cheek to stop herself from retorting. the least she could do is to offer her understanding in times like this — despite of this urge to sought out comfort from this particular person.  ❝ my ankle’s fine. i had it checked after. ❞  she answered his inquiry, finding no energy to even come up with a dry comment like she usually does.  ❝ but enough about me. how are you feeling ? ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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frowning at emeraude’s words, sienna sighed as she wondered what the slytherin would do if she knew the truth. “it’s like that old adage goes. be careful what you wish for.” it was a sentiment taught to both muggle and magical children at a young age. “do you think they’ve contacted the family’s yet?” the muggle families had put their trust in the school to teach and keep their children safe and now they were going to receive word on how their recently discovered gifted child was murdered.
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          ❝ in my defense, wishes rarely gets granted. ❞  the witch told the other flatly, knowing the saying all too well. as if she needed more reminders that none of the events — most especially including this one — in this finite world is fair. it does not made it any less harrowing nonetheless. ❝ i’ve got no insights so far if they have contacted the parents yet. ❞  emeraude swallowed thickly, face stony  as she weigh in how much this school’s administration is in trouble for letting this happen.  ❝ i’d hate to be the harbinger of the news to those family. ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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Kiersey Clemons photographed by Jana Cruder for Essence Magazine 
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
❧ @crybabymalfoy
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          perhaps her tired eyes might fooling her, but emeraude SWORE she saw the familiar flash of white blond hair disappearing from the crowd as they were dismissed by the equally harrowed headmistress. she had been looking for him ever since the news broke out them, knowing that he might have an averse reaction to distressing situations like this. soon enough, she found her friend hiding behind a clutter of indoor plants, making her quick strides stutter into a slow approach.  ❝ — scorpius ? ❞  she called out to him softly, not wanting to startle him.  ❝ it’s me, emeraude. ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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          ❝ i know that i have said earlier that this event need some spicing up to do but bloody fucking hell. ❞  the witch swore under her breath, her facade of her usual cool demenour slowly cracking as hits of anger in her face starts to seep in.  ❝ this is just fucked up. ❞
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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          ❝ yes, macmillan. because AESTHETICS is far more important to discuss than SIX DEAD BODIES found within our castle grounds.❞  emeraude told the other witch flatly, each words dripping with sarcasm. could you really blame her attitude at the given moment?  ❝ i don’t know what kind of lessons they were teaching you there in beauxbaton’s — but if you THINK that “beware” being spelled out of the trees as something that is “done too much” in contrast to the murder that happened on that spot, then maybe perhaps your pretty french school has failed you, after all. ❞
“What I’d like to know,” Estelle began, a faraway look in her eyes. “is who decided it was a good idea to spell out ‘beware’ on the trunks of the trees.” The events that unfolded the night before were unsettling to say the least, but her lack of a filter often reared it’s ugly head at the most inopportune times. “That’s a bit extra. At some point you’ve gotta step back and realise you’ve done too much…“ And overkilled the vibe, she thought, consciously keeping that part to herself. "Anyways, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, this school is a NIGHTMARE.” For as tragic as Estelle found the loss of life, regardless of blood status or the politics surrounding it, she just wasn’t as shaken as her peers. To her, this merely solidified her initial judgement on the school and the majority of it’s lesser inhabitants. “You wouldn’t catch something like this happening at Beauxbaton’s, that’s all I’m saying, mon chérie.”
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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          she was shaking; whether from her anger or her fear, she couldn’t just stop shaking from the moment the news was announced. she yearned to destroy something — ANYTHING just to get ahold of herself. as she search for a room to seclude herself from the flurry of a distressed crowd, she found herself face to face with none other than trystane.  ❝ the room’s big enough for the two of us, anyways. ❞  she told him in a quiet voice, trying not to show how RELIVED she was that the ravenclaw was alright.
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sometimes trystane feels like the universe just has it out to get him. like now, as he pulls open a door and is confronted with her face - emeraude’s face - and he just wants to beg her for comfort. but he can’t. and he can’t go anywhere, either. he swallows. “please, can we just. can you just… don’t say anything. don’t ask anything. i just need to sit down. please.”
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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          ❝ it was, yes. ❞  the slytherin replied, her voice kept at a neutral tone despite of the anger she was feeling right now towards the incident.  ❝ but i couldn’t say it any better, if i were being honest. as if this holiday needs another reason to be shitty enough as it is. ❞  at the boy’s inquiry, emeraude shook her head.  ❝ unfortunately, no, i don’t know those people. ❞
“it’s a bit ironic really,’ he ponders, “you know, considering the date, i mean.” it’s a statement, an observation, nothing more. delivered matter-of-factly without any trace of emotion. and yet, some things are better left unsaid. he notices his own faux pas a moment later, too late to take the words back. he blushes. “that was quite tactless, wasn’t it? i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you. did you know any of them?”
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abilezabini-blog · 6 years
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Hero beamed at the other’s comment, though if he was really being honest with himself she didn’t seem to care too much. But hell, he’d take the tacky support any way he could. “ Thanks, I thought I’d spice it up, you know ? ” He said that, as if wearing reindeer ears to a school dance was at all a way to ’ spice things up ’. “ Couldn’t be too cliché, you know ? Though I couldn’t just NOT participate. ”
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          despite the cool front she was trying to project, emeraude couldn’t help the ghost of a smile when the boy practically beamed at her words. catching herself, the witch cleared her throat and composed herself once more,  ❝ honestly it could be worse than the horrid decoration that we have right now. plus, i am pretty sure majority of the people here will prefer that holiday over THIS. ❞
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