abigailswager · 4 years
?Robots contra la 'esclavitud' hostelera?
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?Robots contra la 'esclavitud' hostelera?
Madrid, 11 may (EFE).- Liberar a la plantilla de un restaurante de tareas peligrosas y repetitivas para que se pueda centrar en la creatividad culinaria y la relacion con el comensal puede ser el principal trabajo de los robots especializados en hosteleria.
Asi lo considera Marius Robles, cofundador de Food By Robots, con la que busca acelerar los beneficios de la robotica para “revolucionar la forma en que comemos” a traves de alianzas con empresas de robots colaborativos, marcas de alimentacion, grupos de restauracion y cadenas hoteleras.
Robles, que ha participado esta semana en el congreso WeAreCobots en Madrid, explica a Efe que la hosteleria es un sector “con alta rotacion y un nivel de vacantes preocupante” y que hay “una creciente crisis laboral en la industria de los restaurantes, donde existen grandes dificultades para encontrar formulas para retener el talento”, problemas que puede paliar la robotica de forma escalonada.
De los “torpes” robots humanoides que debutaron como camareros en Asia a finales de los 90 y que eran objeto de selfis, se pasara a “un boom de robots baristas, cocteleros, para el servicio de habitaciones de los hoteles y que asumiran tareas peligrosas y sumamente repetitivas en las cocinas” para llegar entre 2023 y 2030 a la entrada de la inteligencia artificial, lo que implicaria ademas “reformular el acto de comer”.
Para esa epoca, augura, la combinacion del 5G con la robotica permitira “a un jefe de cocina a 2.000 kilometros de su restaurante, con su equipo completamente repartido por el mundo, que cada uno ejecute sus funciones en casa y los robots colaborativos sigan sus pasos a distancia: naceran los avatares digitales de los chefs”.
En un momento en el que numerosas voces del mundo gastronomico reclaman una “revolucion humanistica” de la hosteleria para reducir las largas jornadas laborales, los robots se presentan como posibles aliados.
A los humanos y su sentido del gusto se les reservaria la cocina elaborada -mas alla de ensamblar ensaladas, hamburguesas y pizzas o preparar cafes, tareas que ya ejercen maquinas sin riesgo de cortarse o quemarse- y los emplatados delicados que requieren mucha destreza.
O no, cuestiona el experto arguyendo los robots de prueba de sabores con los que experimenta China, que imitan los sentidos de los humanos a traves de la inteligencia artificial.
Segun sus datos, existen unos 500 restaurantes con el mundo con algun tipo de automatizacion y Madrid tendra antes de fin de ano el primero de Espana manejado integramente por robots, como ya ocurre en Japon, China y Estados Unidos.
El creador de Food by Robots sostiene que la robotica permitira crear nuevos modelos de negocio, como restaurantes automatizados en los que “se produzca y manipule comida 24 horas al dia, 7 dias a la semana”.
Aunque Robles imagina incluso la posibilidad de que la industria alimentaria sea el primer sector que tenga toda su cadena de valor automatizada, desde granjas y fabricas a distribucion y reparto de comida al comensal, no preve que sea en menos de 20 anos.
“No va tan rapido como prevemos”, advierte Robles, quien tambien muestra su preocupacion por como reaccionaran trabajadores y clientes ante la convivencia con estas maquinas. “Ya estamos viendo en algunas zonas de Estados Unidos como reaccionan los ciudadanos ante robots que llevan comida a casa: son pisoteados y sufren intentos de robo”.
Preve que habra una respuesta muy variada de los comensales ante la automatizacion de los restaurantes: “escepticos, proactivos y los que haran una adopcion masiva”.
Cita una reciente encuesta de Plan Day segun la cual el 52 por ciento de los milenials cenarian en un restaurante con pedidos y pagos totalmente automatizados en comparacion con el 39 por ciento de los comensales de la Generacion X. En cambio, mas del 71 por ciento dice que no se opondria a que un robot les sirviese la comida.
No es tan optimista en cuanto a la reaccion de los trabajadores de hosteleria en funcion de estudios previos en otros sectores en los que en general los humanos se sienten “muy estresados, menos competentes y desmotivados al ver reflejada su inferioridad”.
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abigailswager · 4 years
El FMI cree que Espana crecera un 2,3 % en 2019, un punto mas que la eurozona
New Post has been published on https://cfddesk.net/el-fmi-cree-que-espana-crecera-un-23-en-2019-un-punto-mas-que-la-eurozona/
El FMI cree que Espana crecera un 2,3 % en 2019, un punto mas que la eurozona
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abigailswager · 4 years
CNMV.-AZKOYEN, S.A. Contratos de liquidez y contrapartida
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CNMV.-AZKOYEN, S.A. Contratos de liquidez y contrapartida
MADRID, 15 (CNMV) Prórroga Contrato de Liquidez Información completa en: http://www.cnmv.es/portal/hr/HRAlDia.aspx?lang=es .Read More
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abigailswager · 4 years
EEUU: el PMI manufacturero de marzo cae mas de lo previsto inicialmente y se situa en minimos de junio de 2017
New Post has been published on https://cfddesk.net/eeuu-el-pmi-manufacturero-de-marzo-cae-mas-de-lo-previsto-inicialmente-y-se-situa-en-minimos-de-junio-de-2017/
EEUU: el PMI manufacturero de marzo cae mas de lo previsto inicialmente y se situa en minimos de junio de 2017
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abigailswager · 4 years
Las grandes hoteleras pagan sus dividendos a la vuelta del verano
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Las grandes hoteleras pagan sus dividendos a la vuelta del verano
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero (XMR) Follows the Market Trend; Loses 10% Overnight
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Monero (XMR) Follows the Market Trend; Loses 10% Overnight
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XMR coin loses 10% in the last 24 hours and reached $46 The next halt is likely to come at $45 Monero could not withstand the market pressure of the last 24 hours, and it has been down by 10% in these hours. The value has now gone as low as 46.67 USD from 51.86 …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero (XMR) Continues to Witness Bears for the Fifth Straight Day
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Monero (XMR) Continues to Witness Bears for the Fifth Straight Day
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Monero has recently formed a bearish candle; yet to give any sign of recovery Bollinger bands indicate a volatile phase; SMA lines still look bearish The XMR coin is looking for a bottom; calls for a support level The crypto market has failed to strike a robust price recovery, and Monero is no exception. The …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero Price Witnesses Fluctuations Today; Appears Sluggish as Compared to Yesterday
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Monero Price Witnesses Fluctuations Today; Appears Sluggish as Compared to Yesterday
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XMR price approaches the Fib retracement level of 0.618 The coin remained in the price range around $50 for the whole day; still traced a volatile price path Monero is pretty much down as compared to yesterday; calls for recovery XMR coin seems to have a support level at $50.03 While the crypto market is …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero Price Shoots Up; Seeks Stability Above $52
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Monero Price Shoots Up; Seeks Stability Above $52
Monero has recently struck a major price jump; support level at $49.99 XMR coin has cleared resistance above $51; a stable move above $55 is must to sustain the bull-run Technical indicators appear bullish; RSI moves above 75 The coin is still carrying a selling pressure Monero (XMR) has just formed a few correcting candles …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero (XMR) Consolidates After Today’s Mild Uptrend
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Monero (XMR) Consolidates After Today’s Mild Uptrend
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XMR coin has started a consolidation after the initial surge Monero has witnessed rejection above $52; currently trying to stay above $50 Technical indicators give mixed signals while Bollinger bands show a volatile phase for XMR The coin seems to have a support level at $49.64 Monero saw a major price surge yesterday as it …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Release of Monero GUI and CLI
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Release of Monero GUI and CLI
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GUI and CLI releasedRead More
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero Developers Announce Successful Completion of RandomX Upgrade
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Monero Developers Announce Successful Completion of RandomX Upgrade
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The Monero community has broadcasted the news about the successful upgradation of its network to a new revolutionary Proof-of-Work algorithm branded as RandomX. With Monero community facing a hard time because of the sudden delisting from the world’s leading cryptocurrency exchanges, the latest upgradation is expected to benefit the platform in a big way. According …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero (XMR) Recovery Brings the Price Back to $55
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Monero (XMR) Recovery Brings the Price Back to $55
Monero returns to the $55 after dropping to $46.58 The recent improvement spikes hope to the traders Monero price took a steep fall in the recent price crash. Along with XMR coin, many cryptocurrencies were spotted trading downwards. However, the cryptocurrencies recovered, and so did Monero. The traders were expecting such an early improvement. As …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Monero (XMR) Sustains the Uptrend for the Fifth Straight Day
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Monero (XMR) Sustains the Uptrend for the Fifth Straight Day
The 5-day chart of Monero manifests two major price rises; price remains above $55 Bollinger bands are heading towards volatility; $50 and $46 pose as support levels Though technical indicators look positive including SMA lines, the XMR coin is bearing selling pressure Monero price has shown major improvement over the last five days, and the …
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abigailswager · 4 years
Binance Crypto Exchange Adds Four Trading Pairs for Russian Ruble | dashnews
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Binance Crypto Exchange Adds Four Trading Pairs for Russian Ruble | dashnews
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Cryptocurrency exchange Binance launches four trading pairs against the Russian ruble including Bitcoin, Ether, XRP and Binance Coin
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abigailswager · 4 years
RippleNet Expansion Coming In 2020
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RippleNet Expansion Coming In 2020
Ripple has announced a massive expansion plan for 2020, which will cover the Asian Pacific region, Europe, The Middle East, Africa, and Latin America.  Where isn’t Ripple going to be? I am sure Moneygram will be playing a massive role in all of this.
ODL first launched offering payment corridors in Mexico and the Philippines. Corridors have since expanded to Australia, with Brazil coming soon. Plans for additional corridors across APAC, EMEA and LATAM are in progress for 2020.
As of now, we are looking at 3 corridors being live:
We have a 4th opening up by the end of the year – Brazil.
Now let’s examine the 3 regions of the world that Ripple has told us they will be expanding to.
APAC – Asia Pacific
EMEA – Europe/Middle East/Africa
LATAM – Latin America
Ripple is expanding to cover the entire globe as seen from these 3 regions of the world.  2020 is lining up to be a massive year if there are no delays.
APAC (Asia Pacific) includes 28 different countries:
Southeast Asia
Brunei Cambodia East Timor Indonesia Laos Malaysia Myanmar Philippines Singapore Thailand Vietnam
East Asia
China Hong Kong Macau Taiwan Japan Mongolia North Korea South Korea
American Samoa French Polynesia Pitcairn Islands Samoa Tonga Tuvalu Wallis and Futuna
Australia Christmas Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands Norfolk Island
New Zealand Cook Islands Niue Tokelau
Fiji New Caledonia Papua New Guinea Solomon Islands Vanuatu
Federated States of Micronesia Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru Northern Mariana Islands Palau Wake Island
South Asia
Bangladesh Bhutan British Indian Ocean Territory India Maldives Nepal Pakistan Sri Lanka
  EMEA is a shorthand designation meaning Europe, the Middle East and Africa. This list is massive so we are going to sum it up. This region includes all of the countries found on the continents of Africa and Europe, as well as the countries that make up the Middle East.
Finally, we have LATAM. As you may have guessed LATAM refers to Latin America. Latin America has  20 sovereign states and several territories, comprising nearly 13% of the Earth’s total land surface area.
Brazil Mexico Colombia Argentina Peru Venezuela Chile Guatemala Ecuador Cuba Bolivia Haiti Dominican Republic Honduras Paraguay El Salvador Nicaragua Costa Rica Panama Puerto Rico Uruguay Guadeloupe Martinique French Guiana Saint Martin Saint Barthélemy
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abigailswager · 4 years
Theranos Was ‘Uncannily Ethereum-Like,’ Says Bitcoin Pioneer Adam Back | dashnews
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Theranos Was ‘Uncannily Ethereum-Like,’ Says Bitcoin Pioneer Adam Back | dashnews
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Blockstream CEO and HashCash inventor Adam Back and ex-Bitcoin Core developer Peter Todd debate contentious comparisons between Ethereum and Theranos
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