abetterwor1d · 2 months
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abetterwor1d · 2 months
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feel free to change any pronouns, etc. || may contain some nsfw!
“You’re the only one I can rely on to stay strong right now.”
“We got fire and shelter– that’s a start.”
“I never thought I’d be so pleased to see your face.”
“Knew a feller– got bit by a dog; died an hour later.”
“Thanks for coming for me.”
“Y’know, we’re gonna need to come up with a better story for that scar.”
“So, freezing, bleeding, starving, damn near getting eaten to death, ain’t good enough for you?”
“You always said revenge is a luxury we can’t afford.”
“You know I got your back.”
“Is that any way to greet an old friend?”
“You’re always one with the jokes, aren’t you?”
“I just don’t want anymore people to die.”
“Sounds like he has more than enough to share.”
“Get to work, but stay out of trouble.”
“I’ve seen shit with more common sense than you!”
“You’re my favorite parasite. No…ringworm’s my favorite parasite– you’re my second favorite parasite. I lied… Ringworm, then rats with the plague, then you.”
“I’ve got an unfortunate face.”
“You won the fight already– surely that’s enough?”
“I could do with a break from this place.”
“I fear you don’t know how to help anyone excepting yourself.”
“Only the feeblest of men take jobs in the government.”
“Please send him my worst regards.”
“[Name] wouldn’t know sadness if it died in is bed.”
“It’s about time that you started to earn you keep.”
“Why do you have to speak so much? It’s…incessant.”
“Looks like I’ve turned into the goddamn errand boy.”
“You ain’t as tough and dense as all that.”
“That’s not how you are.”
“Well, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.”
“How did someone even come up with them words?”
“I ain’t chopping vegetables for a living.”
“I’m sorry, [Name], was there insufficient feathers in your pillow?”
“I ain’t afraid of dying.”
“I ain’t here to rob you, though that seems easy enough.”
“Think of it as payback for [Name].”
“I ain’t in the revenge business, [Name].”
“I swear he talked the whole way and never actually said a damn thing.”
“He somehow manages to be both lucky and unlucky at the same time.”
“You should’ve taken the money.”
“You know me; I like to make friends in low places.”
“You mess up– it’s just one of them things; I mess up– I’m the prize idiot.”
“You are a man of profoundly limited intelligence.”
“Well, of course, it’s probably a trap…but what’ve we got to lose finding out?”
“Okay, just keep calm until I give you a reason not to.”
“Oh, my dear and trusted friend, with you watching over, I would walk into hell itself.”
“I dream too big; I care too much– that’s my problem.”
“All you do is complain when things don’t work out– except when it’s your goddamn fault.”
“If you ain’t gonna be civilized about this…”
“I don’t expect you to understand this, but I have never been more proud of you than I am right now.”
“This place ain’t no such thing as civilized– It’s man so in love with greed he has forgotten himself and found only appetites.”
“He makes my skin crawl… Some swarthy cocksucker… You know what I mean, friend?”
“If you’re a girl without means in this world, life is very scary…”
“She didn’t love enough, I guess… Or I wouldn’t change.”
“In these books, life seems so simple, but, in reality, I… I can’t make head nor tail of it.”
“Oh, I see that kindly face of yours and I know, for the right inducements, a gentleman such as yourself could be mighty kind.”
“Oh now, you keep saying that, but you don’t mean nothing by it.”
“She is driven by forces I scarcely understand…”
“That’s what love has done to her, I guess.”
“We each got….fifteen dollars. Oh, and a quarter… Don’t forget the quarter.”
“If there’s a problem, for me.”
“I thought you wasn’t getting involved.”
“We are gonna be harvesting mangoes in Tahiti.”
“You better be right about this one…”
“Have some goddamn faith.”
“I am bending over backwards to make a future for us!”
“There simply isn’t a reality in which we do nothing, and get everything.”
“I think he’ll be okay– if he don’t get a fever.”
“Well, he definitely lacks a certain charm.”
“Don’t you ever leave love aside, [Name], it’s all we got.”
“I possess things you will never understand.”
“Every plan is a good plan if we execute it properly.”
“I’m just trying to stay real about all this.”
“That is one of the most beautiful acts I ever saw.”
“An insect bit you or something? ‘Cause you gone, friend.”
“I will do whatever it takes for us to survive.”
“I still ain’t sure what you’re saying, [Name].”
“This feller is really beginning to try my patience.”
“Nobody knows who you are– not even your goddamn father.”
:We’ll find each other eventually. We always do.”
“My fair heart jumps for joy when I set eyes on you, [Name].”
“You can see why he has such a high opinion of himself.”
“I’ll wipe that goddamn smirk clean off your face.”
“You could’ve cleaned yourself up a bit.”
“I didn’t realize I was here to impress anyone.”
“Strangeness, I can handle– It’s the normal business of life I can’t seem to get a grip on.”
“You’re an idiot, but you’ll always be my friend.”
“Well, of course I’m your friend, but…you ain’t always fair with me.”
“If I was fair with you and a good person, I’d have had you hanged a long time ago.”
“So, shut up, and act like a gentleman… or at least try to for once in your brainless life.”
“It’s sort of beautiful, in a gaudy, and tasteless way…”
“Quite ridiculous, but somehow very amusing.”
“You can see why folks don’t wanna come around here– Ain’t exactly a welcoming place.”
“I don’t owe you nothing!”
“I loved you, you goddamn bastard!”
“She knew the rules, [Name]– What the hell is wrong with you?”
“You think I wanted to shoot her?!”
“I don’t know anymore… I’m not sure if I even care.”
“Well, the best thing is rest and getting somewhere warm and dry, and taking it easy.”
“We can’t change what’s done; we can only move on.”
“He didn’t have a choice, He was good and he did good.”
“I understand if you don’t wanna help me, but… but… I think of you often.”
“He’s quite the character; I think you’ll like him.”
“Y’know… I’m impressed. You’ve really stepped things up, ain’t you?”
“Hey, we didn’t know if you was even coming back.”
“You have a real habit of stating the obvious, [Name].”
“What the hell is wrong with you? I only left you an hour ago. You can’t stay out of trouble for one goddamn hour?”
“You got that poor bastard killed for his troubles– I kind of liked him!”
“Insist all you like; ain’t happening!”
“Well, I ain’t the crying sort, but, I’m real grateful!”
“This better not be no stupid revenge mission, [Name].”
“It’s just a simple social call.”
“So, what are we gonna say to him, that needs to be said?”
“This ain’t making a lot of sense, [Name].”
“Business doesn’t give two figs about feelings, sir. Not two figs.”
“Your impudence will be our undoing, sir.”
“Don’t play dumb and superior at the same time, [Name].”
“Feels like the whole world’s closing in on us.”
“Do you know who you’re talking to?”
“I think it’s a real bad idea.”
“See, I’m starting to think that you’ve gone soft, [Name].”
“So I was thinking, you go play dead, and I’ll take care of ‘em.”
“You play dead and I’ll cover you.”
“Nice shooting back there!”
“I could use a drink after that.”
“Listen… I know we ain’t always seen eye to eye, and…you find me irritating and a threat…and I like to annoy you…but right now I need better from you, [Name].”
“I ain’t the bad guy you think I am, [Name].”
“There’s a big picture here, [Name].”
“I feel like you should take your woman and child and get lost.”
“it’s that or…well, I don’t see no way outta this.”
“When the time comes, you gotta run and don’t look back.”
“That just ain’t how I wanna die.”
“You rally think that’ll draw attention away from us?”
“Y’know, all that ever mattered to me was loyalty. It was all I knew– It was all I ever believed in.”
“I’m seeing things a lot more clearly now.”
“I wish things were different… But it weren’t us who changed.”
“You don’t seem yourself somehow…”
“Surely this can be done without killing anyone?”
“We shoot fellers as need shooting, we save fellers as need saving, feed them as need feeding.”
“It’s been quite a while since we helped anyone, but ourselves, and even you know that.”
“I have a plan, you just have to trust me.”
“This is exactly the distraction we need.”
“Hey. Hey– you know I wasn’t gonna let it come to that.”
“I guess I don’t know what I know no more.”
“May God, in his infinite wisdom, have mercy upon your soul.”
“My whole life, I have tried to fight change.”
“Y’know, you and me… We’re more ghosts than people.”
“I miss him every day… every moment.”
“They turned me into a monster.”
“You’re the best man I’ve known.”
“I think I need to be alone for a bit.”
“Sometimes the correct path, the bravest path…is the least obvious, and also the gentlest.”
“My whole life I have tried to bring peace.”
We can talk if you want to, but don’t feel like you have to.”
“I should not have let you do this for me.”
“I hope you can find peace within yourself.”
“He’s a man who, not so long ago, I would have found weak and pathetic. Now I see as wise and thoughtful, and sensible.”
“We must act with due caution.”
“A failed man is often the most dangerous.”
“Hey, show some goddamn respect!”
“You’ll know when I ain’t showing respect.”
“I had a plan… I still have a plan!”
“I am tired of this constant dissent, long tired of it.”
“I’m gonna try and save him.”
“You’re quite the hero, ain’t you?”
“Come on… Don’t doubt me no more.”
“You saved my life more than once… To give mine for yours…it’s as it should be.”
“Everything is coming together exactly as I planned.”
“I’m afraid I have to insist.”
“Of course, pal… Whatever you think is best.”
“He insists upon it… Insists…”
“Don’t talk to me you son of a bitch.”
“Do it my way, honey. It’s for the best.”
“I’m gonna get you outta this bullshit if it’s the last goddamn thing I do.”
“It would mean a lot to me… Please…”
“You don’t know how much I’ve longed to do this.”
“All there is– winning…and losing…”
“In the end, despite my best efforts to the contrary, it turns out I’ve won.”
“I gave you all I had… I did.”
“I tried in the end… I did.”
“I ain’t too proud to do nothing.”
“I love you. Don’t you forget that– not ever now.”
“You stop acting like a goddamn storybook hero, will you?”
“I guess I was dreaming a little. At least give me that.”
“I did what I had to do to protect you.”
“I thought you was dead.”
“You know, speaking in monosyllables don’t make you seem interesting, it makes you seem stupid.”
“I never thought she was a smart woman, but this makes me think maybe I was wrong.”
“No, you’re stuck with me; seems I’m stuck with you.”
“Let’s just hope things don’t turn out like last time.”
“Now, you used to be decent company, but now, you’re worse than a snake with a toothache.”
“Get some self-respect you miserable sack of shit.”
“I just need a bit of peace and quiet from your incessant yapping.”
“That’s kind– unlikely to be taken up, but kind.”
“You always did have that fine way with words.”
“Do you wish I was more like you?”
“There’s a lot of ugly in this world, but there sure as hell is a lot of beauty.”
“Ain’t you just the leading authority on everything?”
“Sometimes, you just don’t know how things are gonna turn out.”
“I think I’m gonna ask her to, uh, marry me.”
“I never took you for a romantic.”
“It’s been ages since we spent any time together.”
“I hate to break it to you, but you ain’t that much to look at.”
“Why you being so courteous?”
“You’re acting kinda…funny.”
“You know, you’re not very nice to me.”
“Oh, I’m nicer than you deserve.”
“What’re you doing with that arm?”
“I thought you might be cold.”
“You’re acting real strange…”
“Will you marry me?”
“Shut up, you silly man, and kiss me!”
“You’re bleeding pretty bad.”
“I don’t like it…I love it. It’s home.”
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abetterwor1d · 2 months
(( if anyone would like to plot, give this a like and slide into ur dms! ))
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abetterwor1d · 2 months
"I'M SORRY, I JUST HAD TO FIND YOU" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue for those desperate times when you just have to see them, no matter what anyone else says, adjust as necessary
i couldn't wait another minute apart from you.
did you expect me to just wait around for you to show up?
i did everything i could to find you.
i thought i did a pretty good job covering my tracks.
they helped me track you down.
i needed to see you.
they can't hurt us anymore.
i come all this way to see you, and this is the greeting i get?
i thought you'd be glad to see me.
it took me forever to find you.
how long have you been looking for me?
it's safer for the both of us if we stop seeing each other.
i thought i told you not to find me.
this was for your own good, you know. i leave, and you stay there, unharmed.
can we find somewhere private to talk?
they said if i left, they wouldn't hurt you.
been searching for you for months, believe it or not.
you weren't supposed to expect me.
this was going to be a surprise.
they can't stop me from seeing you.
would you please let me inside?
tell me where you are, or i'll figure it out myself.
i'm not going to let them prevent us from being together.
you and i... we have to be together. no matter what.
you sure don't make it easy to follow you.
i've been tracking you for miles.
so you're real. the legends are true.
you're pretty good at covering your tracks.
i started asking around, and they pointed me in the right direction.
i got your letter and came as fast as i could.
i can reach your window if i climb this tree.
give me a clue. anything. tell me where you're hiding.
think you could come around back and unlock the door for me?
hey. it's me. would you please let me in?
you're the one they speak about, the one that can fix things.
i know i'm not what you expected.
i couldn't wait another minute.
it's starting to rain. why don't you come inside for a minute?
lecture me later. for now, let's appreciate this time we have together.
i know this looks bad, but... i just had to see you.
they think they can stop me from seeing you.
i don't want to leave your side, not for a minute.
the path was treacherous, but the reward was worth every second.
i'd do anything to find you.
i wanted to find you and thank you for what you did for me.
you're taking a big risk by finding me.
you told me to look for you, and so i did.
is there a key to this door?
we're not supposed to be seen together.
i'm going to get you out of there. just hang on.
when i came looking for you, i didn't expect to find you like this.
they told me you had all the answers. they said you could fix things if i tracked you down.
i've been on your trail for weeks now.
it's safer if we're not seen together.
who told you where i was? was it [name]?
i didn't want you to find me like this.
why do you want to hide from me?
we're stronger if we're together.
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abetterwor1d · 2 months
" Alright, alright. Calm down or you'll scare the goddamn animal away. " Arms cross over broad chest, taking a step back to give the young man some space. Arthur stood and watched how the other as he took his stance. The bullet hits the hare and Arthur is just relieved that he was going to eat tonight.
" Not bad. Daddy must have taught you well, " he says, a slight teasing tone within his words. He begins to walk towards the hare, pulling a hunting knife from his belt. " But I'd be even more impressed if you can butcher it without makin' a mess of it. "
"Give me the gun."
❝—I know how to use a gun!❞ Exasperation seeps into his hushed words as he draws the weapon in question away from the other’s reaching grasp, and refocuses his gaze towards the stilled hare which is to serve as their dinner for the night. His finger shifts upon the trigger with a steady exhale, and a booming sound rings across the towering trunks of the trees as the makeshift gong to the creature's demise.
❝—There. You're not the only one with a good aim.❞ There is a tinge of pride in his smile as he turns to the one beside him, in hopes of seeing a hint of praise on his usually sullen expression.
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abetterwor1d · 2 months
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abetterwor1d · 4 months
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abetterwor1d · 4 months
ㅤ" I do not expect you to do anything, " Arthur remarks as he searches for stones to create a pit for the fire. He lets out an exhausted sigh as he listens to the young man realise what he's got himself into. Either there was naivety of the American wilderness or he was about to get robbed in the cover of darkness, but Arthur was too tired to ponder the situation. " I have an extra bed roll on the other side of Piper there, " he nods towards his horse, " I'll get a fire going and we can ride out in the morning. "
He regards the other with a questioning gaze, as the man busies himself with seemingly hunkering down for the night. ❝—What, you expect me to sleep out here in the woods? Oh, for God's sake.❞ A sigh of exasperation slips past his lips alongside his defeated words. His arms encircle one another as though suddenly bereft of his usual self-assuredness, or perhaps attempting to ward off the slight breeze. ❝—I don't have any camping gear.❞
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abetterwor1d · 4 months
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On the mountain trails of west Texas.
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abetterwor1d · 4 months
"You want me to ask? Fine. What happened to you? What made you walk away back there? What did you never bother to tell me?" {From John}
ways to ask about it. / no longer accepting.
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ㅤ" I don't want you to ask, " Arthur murmured, fetching a cigarette from his satchel. He and John had found what looked to be an abandoned homestead. One that looked like it was once home to a young family, going by the discarded toys that had been left on rotting shelves. A sight that reminded him of the day he realised he had lost his son. The cigarette is lit and placed between nervous lips. " Did I ever tell you about that waitress, Eliza? "
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abetterwor1d · 4 months
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abetterwor1d · 4 months
ㅤHe rolls his head to the side, letting out an exasperated sigh. She didn't get it, maybe she never will. But Arthur still had some hope that one day he and and Mary could live freely alongside the gang. " I didn't say that, of course you matter, darlin', " Arthur notes her solemn expression. " You don't know that. I can go talk to him. I don't think he would be against it. And you know we could visit Jamie... I just wanna make this easier. For us both. "
~ @abetterwor1d || cont'd from x ~
"A cause that matters?" Mary lets out a frustrated little noise, her brow dropping into a frown. "And what about me, Arthur? Do I not matter? I don't want to lose you." Eyes look down as he takes her hand, swallowing back the mixture of annoyance and upset that's building up in her chest. "Oh please - We both know I'd probably end up only annoying Dutch, I'd just be distractin' you. Besides, my family would disown me if I joined the gang, you know that." Her fingers trace over his knuckles, unable to meet his gaze, half worried that she'd just start crying. "Why is it so hard, Arthur? It's not supposed to be this difficult."
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abetterwor1d · 4 months
character stat framework
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name: Arthur Morgan nickname(s): Tacitus Kilgore, Pretty Boy,, Arthur Callahan, Fenton, Cowpoke, Black Lung age: 36 birthdate: September 23rd 1863 species: Human gender: Cis male preferred pronoun(s): he/him. romantic orientation: Bi-romantic with preference towards women. sexual orientation: Bisexual. parents: Lyle and Beatrice Morgan (deceased). siblings: None biologically, John Marston in a 'found family' sense. significant other(s): single, Mary Gillis (ex/fiancée), Eliza (ex/mother of his child - deceased). children: Isaac Morgan (deceased). eye colour(s): Blue hair colour(s): Chestnut Brown. body build: Broad, muscular. height: 6'1"
TAGGED BY: @dxsole (( thank you!! )) TAGGING: anyone who wants to do it! tag me!
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abetterwor1d · 5 months
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I 🫶 Karen jones
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abetterwor1d · 5 months
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173 notes · View notes
abetterwor1d · 5 months
ㅤ" Arthur, " he responds with a grunt, though this really was not the time for introductions. " I'm just doin' what I gotta to survive. " A pistol is removed from its holster and soon passed over to the woman. " What the hell did you say to them to piss them off so much? " Arthur asked, peaking over the boulder to count how many there were.
~ @abetterwor1d || cont'd from x ~
Lilith's known for drawing on her fair share of trouble but in her defence, this one really wasn't her fault. Well, not entirely. Was it a good idea to insult the O'Driscolls? No. Did they deserve it? Definitely. And she could probably handle them - Perks of immortality - But she's also never one to turn down help from a strapping cowboy. "Fascinating that the gunfight is your first option. Are you always so trigger happy Mister...?" Her lips twitch upwards. "I'll agree to the first option if you let me help. Let me borrow a gun."
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abetterwor1d · 5 months
ways to ask about it.
"You don't talk about it."
"Will you tell me?"
"Some people never want to share. That could just be what it's like for you."
"It's not, like, toxic sludge. It's not 'share what happened or die'. But it might help."
"There's something you're carrying, and I think it hurts you."
"I'd believe you, you know. If you told me."
"When you are ready to tell me, I will be ready to listen."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"Was it bad?"
"What's rattling around up there?"
"You obviously don't trust me enough."
"You want me to ask? Fine. What happened to you? What made you walk away back there? What did you never bother to tell me?"
"What did they/he/she do to you?"
"What did they take?"
"You know I'm on your side."
"Did he/she/they hurt you?"
"Did he/she/they attack you?"
"Do you feel safe when they're here?"
"You look uncomfortable."
"Tell me."
"I care."
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