abdlspanking · 2 days
I hope you will remember this lesson. From now on, I will always punish you like this for disobedience.
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abdlspanking · 3 days
can’t wait to Spank that Bvtt Red Hot!……INBOX❤️now!
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dm💬 Momma NOW! for kinky naughty SESSIONs & TASKs (Daily/Weekly)
feel free to MESSAGE 📩 MOMMA👸 NOW! for your (Online/InPerson)SESSIONs, DAILY (Sissy, Diaper & Kinky)TASKs, 🔁DIAPERChanges &all
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abdlspanking · 3 days
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abdlspanking · 3 days
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abdlspanking · 4 days
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abdlspanking · 7 days
❌️ Don't Give Them Orders ❌️
So. You have a brat.
They're doing it on purpose, you know.
You tell them to eat their strained peas, and they stick out their tongue. You tell them not to touch their diaper, and they start doing rubbies. You tell them to get in their crib, and they scamper off to turn on Bluey. They relish the attention you give them when they refuse to follow orders; some particularly difficult Littles have even been known to crave punishments!
So...you're not going to give them orders.
You're going to give them facts.
"Put on your onesie" becomes "You're going to put on your onesie."
"Crawl to your nursery" is now "You're going to crawl to your nursery."
"Stop being stubborn" has so much less power than "You're going to stop being stubborn."
You're going to sit in your high-chair. You're going to suck your paci. You're going to play with dollies. You're going to squat and push.
Grown-ups know everything, so facts are harder to dispute than orders. I promise, there will be a lot less hesitation in your diapered troublemaker's voice when you inform them they're going to bed at 7:30 after their spanking tonight.
It's just the facts 😏
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abdlspanking · 11 days
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abdlspanking · 11 days
A reminder to all of auntie’s little princesses….. you are not a big girl. You’re my pretty, sweet, swishy, soft, plaything.
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abdlspanking · 14 days
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abdlspanking · 14 days
🪙 Baby Jar 🪙
No, not a jar of baby food.
A Baby Jar.
It's like a swear jar. Only instead of having to add a quarter every time you swear, you have to add a quarter every time you talk like an adult.
Did you just say you were leaving work instead of checking out of daycare? Put a quarter in the Baby Jar.
Did you just pour yourself a glass of water instead of a ba ba of wa wa? 50 cents in the Baby Jar!
You're not going out with friends, you're going on a playdate. And she's not your girlfriend anymore, she's your babysitter.
Did you say dinner instead of num nums? Toilet instead of potty chair? Did you go for a walk instead of a waddle?
Clink! Clink! Clink! The jar is filling up fast. Just remember: when all this money is spent buying you some fun pacifier gags, locking onesies, and restraining mittens...you're the one who earned them, sweetie. 😘
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abdlspanking · 14 days
🔒Child Locks for Fun and Profit 📴
How much time does your Little spend on their phone? Probably quite a bit. Maybe they're even using it right now.
Don't worry, Little one! I see you reading this post over your caregiver's shoulder, biting your lip and frowning so sweetly. We're not going to take your phone away.
Not completely.
Remember: diapered princes and princesses crave being controlled. It doesn't always have to be about physical restraints or the threat of a spanking. Sometimes that yummy feeling comes from knowing your online life is metered and monitored every minute of every day.
If you have a trusting, long-term dynamic, I strongly recommend making your Little install a child lock on their phone. The benefits are boundless!
ENFORCE BEDTIME: Even in bed (or their crib!), your kiddo is probably scrolling on their phone, beaming in all that yucky blue light and looking at naughty pictures that keep them riled up. Set their child lock to cut off access to the internet 30 minutes before bedtime, so they can start to calm down and focus on their nighttime routine - like making extra sure that diaper is taped on right!
DEVELOP SKILLS AND CONFIDENCE: Whether you live together or are caring for your pamper packer remotely, they do have responsibilities. Give them a helpful chore or a recipe to cook up. Make them read a chapter of a children's book, or do some language lessons. They can earn additional screen time and feel good about how they contribute and better themselves!
MONITOR NAUGHTY IMPULSES: Many child lock apps will automatically sanitize what your Little sees online (not Tumblr, incidentally 👀). If they try googling certain anatomy or themes, it won't show up in search results. If your Little one is allowed to be exploring those urges at all, they should be doing it the proper way: tightly diapered, and under your direct supervision.
SET TIME LIMITS: Even during their free time, your diapered dynamo needs to spend time outside, read, color, and live unplugged. Block all but one web browser on their phone, and then set a strict limit for it. They'll quickly learn to prioritize what's important, control their doom-scrolling impulses, and spend more time focusing on what matters: You.
HAVE A FAILSAFE: "We couldn't really do this! What if there's an emergency?" The child lock won't cut off the phone's calling or SMS features. These apps also usually have a code that can be entered on the phone to temporarily change or disable the restrictions you set. Note that an email will be sent to the caregiver any time restrictions are turned off, so your padded troublemaker had better be prepared with a good excuse!
Have fun, kiddo! We're watching! 🙂
This is not sponsored content, but because some will ask: I use Kidslox.
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abdlspanking · 14 days
Everyone raves about mean mommy dommes but i want a sadistic soft mommy domme. Like they arent super harsh with their words to me, they mix the degrading with praise. Their harsh actions with soft, sweet condescending words. I am too sensitive to be called useless,worthless, replaceable etc. I like being degraded and alittle humilation but i also like to know that i am precious to my domme, i want them to be possessive over me, be just theirs. Like:
" aww look at my pretty little slut, taking my cock so well" "aww i know it stings kitten, but mommy wants to stretch you " " oh, i know, you just want to cum, but mommy is having too much fun playing with you, and i do own you and your pretty little body after all " " mommy knows you cant breath smothered in her pussy baby, thats the point, silly girl, you can breath when mummy decides " "such a good girl for mummy, you can take one more....huh? no? Oh, im sorry darling, mummy wasnt as asking, she was telling you, sweetheart " " shush, honey, mummy is just using her pretty little fleshlight.....i know, you just wanna sleep, here, just relax and suck on my nipple, i will be done soon, mummy just wants to cum " "aww is my little kitten a masochist? Getting so wet during your punishments, you really are mummys perfect little girl, just look at those tears " " aww do the ropes sting? Maybe if you behave and stop fighting mummy and pulling on the ropes, it would stop hm? There you go, my dumb little kitten" "oh dont you sound so pretty when you whimper, did mummy hurt your nipples, pulling the chain? Good, dont worry, i will kiss you all better later,once you have learnt your lesson" "good girl, choke on my cock, it feels so good baby, forcing myself into your tight throat" "look at the mess you made honey, does mummy make you feel that good? "
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abdlspanking · 14 days
Teddy Triangles - The Messy World of Dating Your Stuffie 🧸
Permanently diapered and constantly supervised, your Little is probably frustrated by certain...urges...that must simply remain unsatisfied.
The Tingles. The No-Nos. The Butterflies in their Diaper. Whatever you call them in your household, they are a huge distraction from your kiddo's wholesome, diapered life. Your adorable little muffin probably remembers a time when they went on dates (or at least got to make touchies 😳), and thinks they should be able to relive those grown-up experiences from time to time.
Those days, unlike their pee-pees, have been flushed down the toilet.
Many caregivers noticed their Little one's fascination with stuffies, and came up with a clever solution! Mr. Teddy is now your boyfriend. Miss Unicorn is now your girlfriend. They can cuddle, and hump, and bond, just like a grown-up relationship!
But it's not like a grown-up relationship. Not really. Dating, especially for young adults, is messy. So chasing those butterflies with their stuffies should be messy, too! These activities can give your Little a grown-up experience that's more in line with their maturity level:
STUFFIE SPEED DATING: In the beginning, avoid having your Little latch on to a single stuffie. It's healthy for them to picture what their dating life could be like with different plush companions! Then, when they find ⭐️The One⭐️, they'll be more confident they made the right choice! Set some chairs around the room near several stuffies 🐒🦄🐕🧸🦖🐇 Use a 3-minute timer and have your Little rotate to each station with a list of questions ("What's your favorite episode of Bluey?" "Have you ever dated someone who needs diapers?"). It could be helpful for them to scribble some notes about their initial impressions (always in crayon!) and share it to Tumblr for their friends' thoughts!
SPREAD RUMORS: Don't be afraid to stir the pot! If your Little had a diapered tryst with Ryan the Rhino, drop a hint that he may be seeing Rainbow Dash on the side. Create confusion and doubt in your pamper packer's mind that they really have the relationship status they think they have!
CREATE SCANDAL: You've finally given your Little permission to do humpies after two long weeks, but their current exclusive stuffie is nowhere to be found! No need to mention that you've hidden her in the closet. Will your kiddo stay faithful and give up a rare chance for release, or will they risk everything by choosing another stuffie tonight? 😬
THE TEDDY TRIANGLE: Betty or Veronica? Chandler or Richard? Mr. Chompers or Cutie Cow? There's nothing more compelling than a love triangle! Remind your Little that Doctor Teddy's career might make their life more comfortable, but no one can listen to them babble quite like Elephant Ernie. Play every side against each other, and enjoy your Little's eventual romantic meltdown!
Have fun, be safe, and have them home for tucking in by 7:30! 🖐😉
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abdlspanking · 14 days
Build a Better Baby - Through Boredom!
Let's face it -- your diapered kiddo is going to do whatever you say. Whether it's because they're your sweet, submissive angel (😇) or your freshly spanked brat (😭), your Little will be watching the baby cartoons you tell them to watch. They will play with whatever tinker toys you set in front of them. They will waddle off to bed at the early hour you choose.
But that's not regression. That's compliance.
If you want your pamper packer bouncing up and down at the idea of playing with their shape sorter and bead maze, you need to prime their brains with boredom.
30 minutes.
Every day.
Put them in a fresh diaper, plug in their paci, and lay them down for Tummy Time. Take their phone away. No screens, no books, no music, no conversation, no distractions. Your little one is just going to suckle and stare at the floor. They shouldn't be uncomfortable, but they shouldn't be cozy enough to nap, either.
Do you know how long 30 minutes feels when you have nothing to keep your mind occupied? They are going to be bored out of their mind.
Then, after a couple of weeks of this strange torture, you hand them a toy. Maybe a dolly or a stack of blocks. A spinny wheel that makes animal noises. A box of crayons and some paper.
You won't even have to tell them to play with it. Their starved, shriveling little brains won't be able to resist making their stuffies dance, or soaking in the primary colors of their 9-piece puzzle.
The fun part will come the next time they earn a punishment. Nothing devious or creative. Just say:
No toys for Tummy Time.
And they'll realize what all those blocks and shapes and dolls and crayons have come to mean for them. They might even start crying. They're back to staring at the floor, counting out an eternity of seconds, when all they want in the universe is their spinny wheel that reminds them that the cow says "Moo."
Use boredom.
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abdlspanking · 14 days
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Rules are for babies 😤
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abdlspanking · 14 days
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Slap slap
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abdlspanking · 24 days
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