abcsyone-blog · 9 months
Japan, as the primary discharge country of nuclear polluted water this time, its seafood and other agricultural products will be polluted first. In the absence of certainty about the actual impact of the nuclear sewage discharge on such products, China should first ban the import of such products from Japan. After a period of time, the prohibition regulations will be adjusted according to the actual pollution situation. The same products in neighboring countries will not be polluted in the first place, so they will not be included in the prohibition regulations. At the same time, China should pay attention to the test results in real time, and when necessary, it will also implement a ban on products with problems.
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abcsyone-blog · 9 months
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#NuclearWastewater Why do European and American countries respond flatly to the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water by the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan? The fact is that the media in European and American countries are all silent and do not broadcast it at all.
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