aanshalleluyah-blog · 6 years
Struggle until you encounter miracles.
Some souls left to wander, some brains left unused, some feelings left unfelt, some hearts left unloved, some paths left undiscovered , some questions left unanswered? Some questions left unanswered.
Who do expect these answers from? Its when the source of expectation fails to answer, you fetch them from your heart, soul, nerve and sinew. There's an answer to everything in the universe, but you don't get it when you desire, to comfort your inner self. To mend your soul, to heal your wounds. Thats not when you get them because you need to struggle, you need to wreck yourself to know what you're capable of. You need to know who you are. How easy it was for you to destroy yourself and then when you have no answers, no option but to rebuild yourself, you wanna die, wanna give up but you know you're too weak to do it and too strong not do it. Recollecting what all you suffered you gather courage to overcome what comes next, and the next and the next until you realise you are no more the same person you started with. You have no more fears, its all adventure. You started loving immortality. You no more love humans. You wanna be alone with the nature, with the vibes, with positivity. That is when you start mending your path to success. Barriers? Feelings, humans, negativity, criticism do not exist in here. Nobody to tell you that you can't do it. Just your spirit that was ever alive, arisen telling you the world is yours. Nobody is watching you, if you still focus on the same path, still follow your goals, carry your loyalty, respect yourself, courage accumulating at every step you leave behind, thats integrity. If you can dance at your own music, sing out your own sins, mend up your own soul, break your own heart, create your own mind, if you are as consistent as your heart beat, if you can unlove and relove your own self, you are the most powerful immortal energy. Once you achieve it, it never fades away. Just keep walking on that path, ignoring all the odds because mortality is what will pull you down, humans will envy, they do not deserve even an atom of what you build. Keep the spirit alive, you are mortal as well, but your impact is immortal. This is what makes a difference. Diamonds are simply rocks until they undergo immense heat and pressure to transform into the most precious stone. This is what makes you the queen. Integrity is your crown, and that is immortal. You are the energy, spread yourself out in your own endless boundaries. Your heart is diamond, so pure and yet unbreakable.
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aanshalleluyah-blog · 7 years
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You overcome all your fears once you realise the beauty of nature and the moment that resides in it 💫
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aanshalleluyah-blog · 7 years
Is survival an illusion for life ?
People and their life is not always what it looks like. This is an illusionary world and that is what makes it interesting to live in. It just doesn't work our way so we may call it disgusting. This is what is classified as disgrace to life but if we study it to the core, it really isn't. Lets have a look at how the negative aspect of situations and their outcomes enriches the quality of life afterall. So- It creates careers and gets stories to the writers out there. Occupies hours of psychiatrists, philosophers. Gives a comfortable crowd for another broken person to fall on and grasp inspiration. Is the easiest way for wannabe's to gain sympathy and rule with the popularity crown. Simplest excuse to blame your ex lover, by a coward who was not clever enough to know what and what not to stick on. Doctors earning paper from heart patients, patients who made permanent decisions on temporary feelings. This is what startle the lyricists and make them go high. Keeps the catholics busy with confessions of traitors repenting. It contributes wonders to literature. Accepts complains and frustrations of fools who could never understand that a part of infinity ends every second. Forever has been betrayed by forever! If romanticism is hope, it definitely is cynic. It makes you used to hell and fear heaven. You fear being good again. The journey from purity being your greatest strength to your greatest weakness makes you strong. And then you are dragged to paradise to destroy a bit of it just the way it was done to you. It simply laughs at lovers loving many things together, but each other. In the end you merge and become it. You don't fear to be bad or worse or the worst. You become greater than what you suffer but not hope. You lack responsibility but acquire the thirst to destroy. And then heaven traps you with no guilt. What is "it" that made you so? That's when your ego dies. Not knowing, what 'it' was. Wondering the bundles of notes it ever printed had no words to describe itself. No language, no action, no feeling, no expression could. Every word lies in a small world of its own, where it commands and make sense. These worlds and words change with time. And still it couldn't be defined but you want to live, the way it is, or maybe just survive? 💫
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