a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
*squints eyes* i cant tell whether i want to make big changes or not..
edit: should i leave??? *smirky face* cuz i got plans on what i can potentially do
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
ooc: *squints eyes* tumblr wtf are u doing to yourself rn.. there’s some things i can’t even access or see now
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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Have you seen what it’s like out there, Murray? Do you ever actually leave the studio?
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn (2020) dir. Cathy Yan
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
❝ it is not my place or intention to threaten you, mr. fleck . aisling was fast to clarify . she was starting to feel annoyed by the patient’s insistence on keeping that cynical attitude as a response to everything that was said . her office was, until that moment, the space where the young doctor would feel the most comfortable and confident in the arkham . now, with arthur fleck in it, it was starting to be just like any other room in there : sitting down with some man who looked down on her capacity . how great . in other situation, the sharing of suicidal thoughts as it happened would have awakened a totally different reaction of aisling, especially for dealing mostly with depressed individuals . but to arthur, she only shook her head in a sign of acknowledgement . she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of another ineffectual attempt to analyse him . she wanted to show she wasn’t there for his amusement . it had just become clear to dr. levey that that was the thing fleck was looking for : amusement . based on that conclusion, a theory started to be created : it would start with the little performance, for the audience inside his head . he could say it didn’t matter anymore to talk or not with a person, but those words about death sounded way more like a prepared monologue than as a real outburst . then, when to act as to confuse and dishearten doctors was not an interesting enough activity anymore, he would follow to seek amusement in another way . the violent one . ❝  yes, let’s sit here in silence . aisling smiled to herself, enjoying for a couple seconds the satisfactory feeling of knowing something someone didn’t . it had always been her favourite feeling . and trying not to mind arthur’s eyes observing her, she started to calmly write down her most recent thoughts into de notebook in front of her at the table .
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BGM: Toy Waltz
arthur really didn’t mind the silence, not like he was forcing himself to. through his twisted memory, he could at least recount one of penny’s boyfriend’s forcing him to shut up because he laughed too much but in reality he was in pain with the heat that was on the radiator. though that was long past, it was just a fun and n ice brain teaser. of course it did give him ideas on what he could possibly do when he gets out of here, depending if they let him out or he’ll just have to find a way to break out. it just took a little bit of creativity and thinking. with being stuck in a room for nearly 23 hours, it gave the comedian plenty of time to think. given with the night shift guards, they didn’t really take it too kindly on him killing murray franklin. but they couldn’t exactly hurt what he didn’t feel. for the most part, the troubled man with a morbid soul took it like a champ. silently staring at her as a soft smile appears on his face. it clearly didn’t bother him. tapping his foot on the bare floor, arthur remained smiling at the beautiful doctor. maybe sitting in silence wasn’t a bad thing, especially when there was a beautiful woman in front of him. out of morbid curiosity, the male slowly lifted himself up into a squat to see what she was exactly writing about him. :”hey, doc.. when you’re writing, can you draw a pretty smiley face for me?” arthur asked playfully while sitting back down. despite the situation they were both in, he still thought she was gorgeous. just looking at her face was enough to send special things into his soul. the music lingered inside of him. even if no one else could hear it, the music was magical. it would only be a shamed if something horrible happened to her face. “..how wonderful would it be for you to wear clown make up? y’know, maybe light blue and pink triangles on your eyes. now i think that’d be gorgeous!” arthur said nonchalantly as if he was talking to someone he knew. most would think he was out of his mind, but he really wasn’t. he was just fixated on her. not like there was anything interesting going on right now.
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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Megan really didn’t feel like she was any good, if she was maybe she would have been picked in the orphanage where she lived. She felt like she was just average, or below average. But then she nodded to his words. “Alright… I accept the compliment.” Megan said not wanting to drag that topic, not that changed her mind but there was no reason for her to keep trying to change his words. Leaving the diner she felt her heart still heavy just like her legs. After all that talk she felt emotionally drained. She was grieving with him even if her pain was not similar to his. She was just empathetic to his feelings, it was such a sad story. A father having to deal with the death of his kids. Sitting back in the car she leaned back on the seat and looked outside not wanting to make him uncomfortable after all the talk and it was when she heard his voice that she looked back at him. “Ah… In a small apartment near that diner where… Well where that happened.” She curled her shoulders up and she rubbed her hands on her thighs trying to clean the sweat from them. “I don’t… I don’t want t go back there.” What was there waiting for her? No family, no friends. And probably no job by now. “… Where are you going?”
it might’ve been a good thing that he gave her that money. judging by how it looked, the place almost looked run down from the usual diners that he’d found himself sitting in. letting out a soft sigh, dean soon furrowed his brows to her. “why not?” the male had to ask out of slight annoyance. given at least a girl like her, he could assume that she could use or want a nice hot bath and a warm place to sleep. a place she could call home. for her, he knew that she had something to go back do. though he couldn’t really say that for himself. “you probably have a nice place there. a bed, food, clothes. you gotta go back there.” dean tried to persuade, but he couldn’t exactly fault her. with what happened last night, he wouldn’t exactly attach himself to that diner for a long while. but by all means, he wasn’t exactly looking to babysit her. “.. i don’t know.” dean said while licking his dry lips. “why does it matter where i go?—” starting the car and looking at his mirror before it hit him. “..look, megan. that’s your name, right? if you think you can go with me. you’re not. it’s too damn dangerous. for all i know, i might just have a target on my back. so i suggest you just let me take you home and we can part ways from there.” to him, they were still strangers, he wasn’t going to let any innocent blood get on his hand, especially her. for all he knew, she probably had a brighter future with that money he gave her. move to a better place in new york and find a better job from there. 
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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I had a bad day.
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
open to: m/f connection: any BGM: I Remember You
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hearing randall threatening to call the cops, he left arthur no choice. his grandfather and him weren’t going anywhere else. the frail man was visible shaking as his mind started to twist itself until he couldn’t take it anymore and stabbed randall with the pair of scissors. one jab to the jugular and to the eye before moving the fat fuck over to the wall before slamming his head senselessly against it. the scissor only pushing deeper into his eye socket while he held tightly onto his head. “YOU AREN’T GOING TO RUIN MY NIGHT!” arthur shouts as the screams were being drowned out with the sounds of randall’s head cracking against the wall. his fingers slipping from his hair momentarily before picking him up to slam him so more. everyone seemed to enjoy it. hearing the applause from the audience, everyone seemed to love it. blood splattering on arthur’s bare chest and face as he released the fat male and dropped beside him. panting and huffing heavily to himself. “..everything has to go to plan— everything has to go to plan tonight. arthur, you did amazing..” he mumbled to himself while rolling his eyes back and shutting his eyes.  breathing heavily, the male slowly rolled onto randall’s corpse to pull the scissors out before noticing the other person at the corner of his eye.
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a-xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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Terminal (2018) dir. Vaughn Stein.
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