Girlboy with a he/him pin on one sleeve and a she/her pin on the other. Two people sitting on either side of her aggressively correcting each other on his pronouns
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im gonna explain The Feather Lore (just the main characters in it, not the entire lore)
feather @feathery-bitch
signoff: 🪶
theyre fucking dead. they were killed by a parasitic rock thing named goldstone
biblically accurate feather @feathery-bitch
signoff: 🪶?
feathers ghost! except its not exactly feather, and doesnt have any of feathers memories. it looks like a biblically accurate angel, and is slightly angelic in a way (this fucker has made diet holy water on accident). also it made a bunch of sentient mechanical birds that will send it a distress signal when they are damaged or when someone needs help (but they rarely do, and just kinda vibe)
quill @a-silver-and-blue-quill
signoff: 🪶🔹
he/she/they/it (used to be they/it before feather died and he started questioning his gender)
she was created when goldstone tried to take over feather too early, causing a sort of “fragment”. at first it didnt have any sort of identity, but it slowly started figuring itself out. he also became a narrator after goldstone tried to prevent him helping feather. when feather died, he got a physical form in a way… but that form was a literal quill that could use whoever is holding it to write. however, due to somebody, they got turned into a one foot tall goop thing and are going through an angsty teen arc
goldstone @feathery-bitch
signoff: n/a (narrates himself and uses blue text)
the bitch. he slowly killed feather from the inside out, and then used their corpse to kill byrrus. now its just hanging out in the woods, waiting for an opportunity to “fulfill its purpose” again
byrrus @a-lonely-red-blur
signoff: n/a (only communicates through narration, and uses red text with the chat font)
diversity win! the former mtf (scp, dont ask) agent that faked his death and got killed by the corpse of his friend is a trans man! fun fact him being trans was originally just gonna be a joke bcus “ftm mtf agent” was really funny to me for some reason, but i decided to make it canon. anyways he got brutally murdered by goldstone and is now a ghost that cannot speak, only has one hand, and cannot use that hand
dahlia @false-prey
signoff: @false-prey
THE OTHER BITCH. shes from feathers past, and i dont really feel like explaining all of that lore right now, but she fucking sucks. similarly to goldstone, she had a “purpose”, that purpose being to lead feather astray or whatever
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[the tint eventually fades, as my time as quills narrator ends as quickly as it began]
[the headache fades with it, as do the memories of the dead.]
…i suppose you wont explain why these are happening again? theyre gone, i shouldnt still be connected.
[ ]
of course.
[im simply sitting there, when-]
ah- crap-
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*gasp* old narrator??
[yep! thats me!]
[quill seems unamused, as he continues to grip his head]
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whats wrong??
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why cant-
[it seems like everyones fav-]
who are you?
[…it seems like everyones favorite narrator is unable to narrate himself for the time being, so i will take the job until she can]
[she has an odd orange tint, and is grabbing at her head]
thought these were over…
[im simply sitting there, when-]
ah- crap-
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[im simply sitting there, when-]
ah- crap-
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A paper with golden writing and an intricate design appears in your pocket. “You’re invited to the headspace beach day! Hosted at the beach behind the ballroom today, all day. Attendance is not mandatory, but appreciated!” ~🔅📢👁️
…i still dont want to be seen like this, but… ill think about it.
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did something happen?
…somethings wrong.
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…somethings wrong.
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[“yeah, but not right this second.”]
[a dark blue note with thick silver writing appears.
“do you know how to ungoop someone? and if you dont, do you know someone who might?”]
[Coffee picks up the note and gives it a once over. He looks around for a source.]
Goop? What sort of goop is it?
[He's heard a bit about goop problems in headspace, but he hasn't learned much of it yet. It's always something he could investigate.]
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[“i guess that would work.”]
[a dark blue note with thick silver writing appears.
“do you know how to ungoop someone? and if you dont, do you know someone who might?”]
[Coffee picks up the note and gives it a once over. He looks around for a source.]
Goop? What sort of goop is it?
[He's heard a bit about goop problems in headspace, but he hasn't learned much of it yet. It's always something he could investigate.]
31 notes · View notes
[a dark blue note with thick silver writing appears.
“do you know how to ungoop someone? and if you dont, do you know someone who might?”]
[Coffee picks up the note and gives it a once over. He looks around for a source.]
Goop? What sort of goop is it?
[He's heard a bit about goop problems in headspace, but he hasn't learned much of it yet. It's always something he could investigate.]
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[“nothing. theres just baking soda in my arm now.”]
[a dark blue note with thick silver writing appears.
“do you know how to ungoop someone? and if you dont, do you know someone who might?”]
[Coffee picks up the note and gives it a once over. He looks around for a source.]
Goop? What sort of goop is it?
[He's heard a bit about goop problems in headspace, but he hasn't learned much of it yet. It's always something he could investigate.]
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[“i can get it on my own.”
another note appears a few minutes later
“it didnt work.”]
[a dark blue note with thick silver writing appears.
“do you know how to ungoop someone? and if you dont, do you know someone who might?”]
[Coffee picks up the note and gives it a once over. He looks around for a source.]
Goop? What sort of goop is it?
[He's heard a bit about goop problems in headspace, but he hasn't learned much of it yet. It's always something he could investigate.]
31 notes · View notes
[“maybe, i dont know.”]
[a dark blue note with thick silver writing appears.
“do you know how to ungoop someone? and if you dont, do you know someone who might?”]
[Coffee picks up the note and gives it a once over. He looks around for a source.]
Goop? What sort of goop is it?
[He's heard a bit about goop problems in headspace, but he hasn't learned much of it yet. It's always something he could investigate.]
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[“its gross and it made me short.”]
[a dark blue note with thick silver writing appears.
“do you know how to ungoop someone? and if you dont, do you know someone who might?”]
[Coffee picks up the note and gives it a once over. He looks around for a source.]
Goop? What sort of goop is it?
[He's heard a bit about goop problems in headspace, but he hasn't learned much of it yet. It's always something he could investigate.]
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