pride month! smth i thought i'd never celebrate tbh but here i am.
love is really cool and it doesnt make sense to limit how ppl love each other.
huge kudos to my queer friends especially for opening a whole new door of tolerance for me. finding out that im genderqueer myself and how supportive they are abt it is rly neat too! love yall to bits!
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i stream music on yt music now so my reviews will include ytm links instead of spotify. i had a better experience with ytm's shuffle/mix algorithm and sound way clearer than spotify (that second one might just be me).
clancy review in a bit i think.
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short review!
its tøp's new song, Next Semester. i immediately listened as it released. i didnt bother reviewing Overcompensate cus i was okay with the song. but this one is a of a let down for me.
(tw for mentions of unaliving oneself)
i love the lyrics. the storytelling on this one i found quite dark and sad but more blatant than usual. tyler isnt new to writing Very Dark topics, but i dont think he's been this upfront with a story. i think hes mostly more descriptive and poetic in the past (?). (i hope im using words correctly, its like ass o-clock as im writing this)
sounds like the songs talking abt a failed suicide attempt or an accident. the narrator talks abt how they sometimes get flashbacks but theyre getting better and wants to start fresh on a new school year. wether hes telling his own story, telling someone else's, or playing a character, is a bit unclear.
compared to other songs hes written within the same topic (i'll say like Guns for Hands or Migraine) hes less poetic. some songs can be blatant, especially recent ones (like Neon Gravestones and Redecorate) but Next Semester just straight up tells you what happens. not as sugarcoated as vessel or sai, not as poetic as some songs on trench either.
i enjoyed the lyrics quite. but sonically it let me down.
the song starts with what sounds like a rip-off of the ramones' "Blitzkrieg Bop". at times, i dont mind stuff like this. pop punk can sound a bit too uniform and im used to it. but tyler sounds so sleepy... it lacks the energy needed to at least elevate a part thats boring and repetitive, especially at the start of a song. this continues for abt half of the song.
the second part is really pretty tho. with the keys and a pickup in energy with tyler Finally waking up his vocals. also a really anthemic chorus with the little "wooooaaaaooohhh" thing. i've listened to this song a total of 4 times after the release and im already singing along. and then theres the ukulele outro. reminds me of like 2018 when i would listen to cavetown, mxmtoon, all that kinda stuff.
overall the song sounds very nice but it cant be helped with the fact that it got REALLY dragged down by the first half. it got me thinking, was that punk part really necessary? cus it just didnt fit the vibe (of the lyrics and the second half of the track).
i have a feeling Clancy will be another mixed bag of songs.
4/10 -> 5/10
i hope we'll hear better tracks later on.
im sorry did i say "short"?
[edit: after listening a few more times, i also appreciated the transitions between parts arent jarring or awkward. also tge song sonically grew on me a little but still not a fan of the first half.]
[edit 2: i did make this review like half awake at Ass O'clock™ but holy shit this is the worst review i've written like what the hell was she yapping abt broo]
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"The ocean washed over your grave // The ocean washed open your grave"
on Beach Life-In-Death:
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on Famous Prophets:
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Mirror to Mirror might just be one of the most exhausting albums i've listen to so far.
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i understand why Twin Fantasy's album cover looks like that. im in shambles.
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Reblog to kill it faster
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i read through this entire thing and CANNOT hold back a laugh im having a headache
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Something about FNAF 3 and Fazbear Frights taking place in 2023 in our current social media landscape
(part 2)
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its only been like 3 days after meeting them i already miss hugging my friends lol
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this is the type of delivery where u KNOW dude lost his voice the next day after recording.
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Puki will you leave tumblr because everyone’s acting like it’s dead now :(
oh yeah its SO dead.
1000 notes this post. Now
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i love my frens so much to the point that i want to be an omnipresent being that protects them all the time.
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a random kid, prolly no more than 5y.o, called me 'mbak' one time and i was never the same.
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my hometown's climate is Not for me holy shit. too hot, too dry.
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i listen to Los Campesinos! bcus of Lovejoy and holy shit im not going back. i didnt expect i would like them this much.
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also i dont come to tumblr as much but everytime i come here its incredible how ppl here commit to a bit.
i saw an entire post of ppl discussing abt how coffins are only a skeleton's mode of transport or occasionally a bed and how it isnt a good place of "unliving" for them.
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