a-mysterious-anom-girl · 10 months
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
A head tilt, paired with an eyebrow raise- curiosity mixed with interest.
"Uhhh... no fuckin' idea, to be honest, but I guess now's the time to find out, especially since I'd rather not learn the hard way whether or not we can get zombified!" Whatever the Captain's plan is, she'd better carry it out now, because Anne's ink tank just ran dry! "Shhhhhhhhhhhit, out of ink! Do the thing, NOW!" she shouted, stowing her modified gear and preparing to brace herself.
(call of duty zombies muthafuckaaaaaas)
Guh... Where were they?... One second, Captain 3 was showing Anne around the New Squidbeak Splatoon base located in the Splatlands and then... Oh wait, the captain remembers. Something opened up below their feet and caused them to become unconscious. Speaking of unconsciousness, after a bit of searching of this mysterious and seemingly abandoned bus station, Captain 3 did come across an unconscious Anne - who she quickly went over and began to shake in order to try and wake her up.
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
Anne! How long is your tongue?
"Uh... hmmh. Don't think I've ever tried to measure that. Don't have a ruler or anything like that on me, but, uh... let's see. Blahl..."
The pseudo-anon opens her mouth and fully extends her pointed, purple prehensile tongue, stretching it to about... a foot and 8 inches long before retracting it shortly after. "Uh... that long, I guess."
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
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Greetings everyone. Dokutah Neon here.
Like/Reblog this if you’re interested in interacting with an Arknights based WG-RP Blog.
Welcome aboard and thanks in advance!
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
Magic anon! Your tongue and the inside of your mouth have a sweet taste and smell to lure in prey. This extends to your stomach and your lips.
"Ohh?" The sweet taste and smell hits Anne immediately- and she quite likes it. "Oh-ho-hoh... I liiiiike.~"
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
There's simply a nod at first... and then one eyebrow is raised, the pseudo-anon's soft, full lips curving into a sort of "oooh" expression.
"Is that so? Weeeell... I'm certainly not going to turn down a free meal, heheh.~" Those lips get licked, showing off that pointed purple tongue again... "And if this is more for pleasure than research, I don't mind- this sort of thing turns me on, too." A thumbs-up, then Anne motions for Melanc to come a little closer. "Will your legs reform with you, or will ya have to grab a fresh pair? And on that note, are you able to easily detach from them, or would that hurt?" Evidently, Anne wants to make sure that this is enjoyable for Melanc. "Oh, and by the way, my name is Anne O'Neil- chose the name myself. Nice to meet you." She extends a hand for a brief handshake- sometimes, a touch of formality is nice.
I have never seen one of you casttt off your anonymittty and gain a tttrue form before. Fascinattting! Perhaps you could tttell me abouttt yourself?
"Heh, gladly." "Soooo... to be honest, we can stop being truly anonymous at just about any time- however, it's a big decision, seeing as there's no undoing it, so a lot of anons stay truly anonymous."
"When we decide we want to gain a true form, the first step is determining what we actually wanna look like in our new form. Some anons don't change their appearance at all, some just make small changes, like I initially did, some change up their form majorly but leave some clear traces of the original form- for example, there's one who became a bright green horse, but kept the anon shades- and still others completely abandon all signs of having been an anon, taking on a 100% new form."
"And it's not just the OUTSIDE that we can determine- we can also determine what our INSIDES look like, and how THOSE work- hell, we can even sort of choose what we're made of when we abandon anonymity in favor of a true form. Like, uh... for example, I basically ended up makin' it so that my stomach and lungs are bigger than most beings' guts and lungs, so that I can hold my breath for way longer and fit loads more stuff into my stomach." "I also, uh... kinda made it so that I'm pretty much entirely made of magic, and, due to my permanent connection to Tumblr itself, binary code. An EMP still won't hurt me, but if I get hit with some sort of, like, magic nullification spell... hoooooo boy. That's going to end VERY badly, seeing as I have a heart but no blood- no veins at all, in fact. Me + anti-magic area = dead. Granted, I'll come back good as new in 24 hours, but... still. Dying is not fun."
"What else, what else... ooh, yeah. I also made it so that my stomach pretty much carries out the functions of not only the stomach, but also the liver, bladder, and large and small intestines. I don't excrete any waste- my stomach can break down almost ANYTHING, though some stuff, like metal, takes longer than other things. Anything with a huge amount of magic energy in it is gonna take quite a while to digest as well- but the more magic stuff I digest, the better my guts will be at taking care of it, heheh.~" "So, uh... yeah. There's a whole buncha info about me. If ya got any other questions, then by all means, ask away."
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
I have never seen one of you casttt off your anonymittty and gain a tttrue form before. Fascinattting! Perhaps you could tttell me abouttt yourself?
"Heh, gladly." "Soooo... to be honest, we can stop being truly anonymous at just about any time- however, it's a big decision, seeing as there's no undoing it, so a lot of anons stay truly anonymous."
"When we decide we want to gain a true form, the first step is determining what we actually wanna look like in our new form. Some anons don't change their appearance at all, some just make small changes, like I initially did, some change up their form majorly but leave some clear traces of the original form- for example, there's one who became a bright green horse, but kept the anon shades- and still others completely abandon all signs of having been an anon, taking on a 100% new form."
"And it's not just the OUTSIDE that we can determine- we can also determine what our INSIDES look like, and how THOSE work- hell, we can even sort of choose what we're made of when we abandon anonymity in favor of a true form. Like, uh... for example, I basically ended up makin' it so that my stomach and lungs are bigger than most beings' guts and lungs, so that I can hold my breath for way longer and fit loads more stuff into my stomach." "I also, uh... kinda made it so that I'm pretty much entirely made of magic, and, due to my permanent connection to Tumblr itself, binary code. An EMP still won't hurt me, but if I get hit with some sort of, like, magic nullification spell... hoooooo boy. That's going to end VERY badly, seeing as I have a heart but no blood- no veins at all, in fact. Me + anti-magic area = dead. Granted, I'll come back good as new in 24 hours, but... still. Dying is not fun."
"What else, what else... ooh, yeah. I also made it so that my stomach pretty much carries out the functions of not only the stomach, but also the liver, bladder, and large and small intestines. I don't excrete any waste- my stomach can break down almost ANYTHING, though some stuff, like metal, takes longer than other things. Anything with a huge amount of magic energy in it is gonna take quite a while to digest as well- but the more magic stuff I digest, the better my guts will be at taking care of it, heheh.~" "So, uh... yeah. There's a whole buncha info about me. If ya got any other questions, then by all means, ask away."
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
"Not a shark. Would be cool if I was a shark, tho- I just have big, sharp, pointy teeth.~" A somewhat mischievous little giggle escapes the pseudo-anon's mouth... "AAAAAAAAAND..." She opens her gaping maw wide... briefly revealing and showing off her long, prehensile, point-ended purple tongue. "I got a freaky tongue, too.~ Big-as-fuck appetite as well, heheh.~" "...shit, now I kinda do wish I was a shark gal."
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
Does Anne get bitches?
"I smooch bitches."
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
it's not even cringe; it's just personal and unpolished and you've been taught to flinch away from vulnerability which doesn't mock itself
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
This is a quick PSA because my Amazon account got locked and while I barely used it, it’s still annoying since it was a prepaid visa gift card from my aunt and uncle.
Do NOT purchase or register prepaid gift cards, if they have www.prepaidgiftbalance.com on them. I’ve done a bit of research and apparently it’s a fraudulent/scam company that falsifies it all.
So. Avoid these cards if they ask you to register the card at Prepaidgiftbalance.com. It’s not trustworthy and it’ll scam you out of your money. While I might have lost an account that I didn’t use much, some people DO use their Amazon or online accounts and it could be more detrimental to them.
I’ve learned a lesson tonight and the last few days, and thus, I wanna see if i can help some of y’all.
If you’re gonna buy a gift card for someone, purchase it from an official outlet or an actual gift card. Hell give them cash for goodness sake and let them buy whatever it is they want.
If this helps even ONE person, I’ll be content with that. Be wary of scams as they can be lying around any corner. Always view things with a healthy level of skepticism.
That is all.
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
One purple soda, please.
"Purple soda, eh? You got it. Grape flavor, I assume?" the overweight pseudo-anon asks, slipping behind the counter and pulling out a glass.
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
Anne!! What if we other anons want you all nice and fattened up?
"Well, to that, I say... hell yeah."
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
how do conservatives talk like this and not get embarrassed. what the fuck are you talking about
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
//I assume all those who followed me recently- thanks for the follows! :D -know what they're getting into, but for those who don't,
Here There Be Vore.
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
Reblog if your 18+
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a-mysterious-anom-girl · 11 months
vore is. pretty cool
"Hell yeah it is."
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