I can’t believe Bryce is a Brony
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My gf asked me to make this. So I did
All art credit goes to original artists
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I wish you would write a fic where Rhysand and Aelin switch places.
That…would be….so. Iconic.
Like, Rhys suddenly waking up one day snuggled in Rowan’s arms and Aelin waking up next to Feyre 😂
Omg Rhys would be murdered.
- Cuz here’s the thing: of course, of all the times that they could’ve switched, it just had to be when they were asleep
- Like, Rhys is passed out from exhaustion
- You can’t blame him; Feyre can be suuuuper tiring if you know what I mean ;)
- Aelin is just tired
- She sleeps like a log
- Rowan has her enveloped in his muscular arms as they sleep
- But of course
- The switch happens
- And suddenly “Aelin’s” hair is short and smells like citrus and jasmine
- And suddenly “Rhys” has boobs??? And long flowing hair????
- For a second, Feyre thinks she got drunk and slept with Mor
- Obviously she didn’t because the female next to her certainly was not Mor
- Surprisingly, Aelin and Feyre get along pretty well
- They’re a little shook at first, but they figured things out
- Meanwhile
- Rhys lets out a high-pitched scream and winnows away just in time to escape Rowan’s hands
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Kingdom of Ash card game!!! Who will YOU be playing with??
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Tog cast as dogs
Aelin: dobbermen
Rowan: German Shepered
Dorian: Irish Wolfhound
Chaol: chocolate Lab
Manon: Chinese Crested Dog
Fenrys: Just a Wolf
Adieon: Pug
Lysandra: Shiba Inu
Elide: Corgi
Lorcan: Coonhound
Yrene: Lab mix
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Acotar cast as dogs
Rhysand: Pitbull or Mastiff
Feyre: Golden Retriver
Cassian: German Shepered
Azariel: Great Dane
Mor: goldendoodle
Armen: Chihuahua
Elain: Pomeranian
Nesta: Australian Shepered
Lucien: Fox
Tamlin: rotwhiler
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aRz u HaVe a tUmBlr, g0 pOsT ur Sam Cortland sHiT 😂✨
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I went to her Chicago event and she talked about this! Next year “The World of Throne of Glass” will be released and she said it’s like an “encyclopedia” of all the characters. Taking place 10 years later
Petition for Sarah J. Maas to write a final book that shows us life after KoA, I want to read about Yrene and Chaol being parents and the home they built, Dorian being an uncle and Manon becoming friends with Yrene because Dorian would be in the Westfall residence 24/7 and he would drag Manon with him. I want to read about Aelin’s court and all their shenanigans, about how they restore Terrasen to its glory and the little folk making their appearances, about Aelin getting pregnant and Rowan’s joy. I want to read about Nesryn in the southern continent, about her wedding and how she deals with being an empress and she’s just happy of having her family. I want to read of all the witches restoring their kingdom and living in peace. I know they all got their happy endings but now I just want to read about the after.
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…What pain?
*Happy Valentines Day*
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Aaaaah just finished Kingdom of Ash and had to draw SOMETHING to get rid of the immediate hangover. This was probably the most defining scene in the book for me. Aelin’s arc was pretty much expected, but Manon and Dorian’s arcs were the most surprising events of the book. Dorian especially – every chapter I yearned that he could some how find his self-worth after working tirelessly to sacrifice himself at every turn - and this is the scene when he does. I don’t usually sketch in color too often, but these two deserved it. So much.
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Sarah’s response when asked what she thinks about people shipping the wrong people together. She really got us with Tamlin lmao😂
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Kingdom of Ash
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a tribute.
**kingdom of ash spoiler alert**
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ONE DAY ONE DAY ONE DAY! Last chance to preorder and get the exclusive enamel pin! 
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Headcanon that years later, even when she’s had children with Rowan, even though she’s happily married and successfully ruling her kingdom, Aelin has to pinch herself, just to make sure it’s not another one of Maeve’s illusions.
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I didn’t expect the 13’s deaths to hit me so hard.
“As if she might stay with them, her Thirteen, for a little while longer”.
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Dear Sarah,
Thank you. This book wasn’t easy to read. Not all was happy, or safe or warm. But every word meant something to me. I have loved, and will love, these characters with my whole heart. Have laughed with them, cried with them, hated and loved and lived with them, and they have taught me so many things about myself, and about the person that I could be. They changed who I am. Before I sit back, quiet and shy, I remember Aelin, and know that she would not want me to hide myself. Before I am cold, and harsh, I remember Rowan, and know that he felt that as well, and would not have me feel it. Before I say something in anger, I remember Aedion, and I learn from his mistakes. Before I settle for something, I remember Lysandra and her wildness, and know that she would see wildness in me too. When I am brutal, when I am merciless, Manon breathes to me of love. Love that changed her, remade her. When I lose someone, Dorian reminds me that they’re never truly gone. When I am proud, and unbending, Chaol tells me to allow people to help, to ease the burdens. And so many more lessons from so many others. These books have meant so much to me. And this final chapter made me grieve more than I could have imagined, made me rage and cry against it, but it also made me smile, grin, laugh and hope and live. It was so much more than I ever could have dreamed. So thank you so much. For thinking up Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, Lysandra, Manon, Dorian, Chaol, Yrene, Elide, Lorcan, Fenrys, Gavriel, Evangeline, Fleetfoot, and everyone else. In my heart, the Kingsflame will always bloom for Aelin and her Court To Rattle The Stars.
“But life, Chaol realized—life was just beginning.”—Kingdom of Ash
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