99posey · 6 years
movie quotes meme.
“you wanted him/her/them gone!” ”don’t ever leave me.” “what is this nonsense?” “alert the press, tell them ____ is innocent!” “finally. an oasis in this wasteland.” “i love first times, i want my entire life to be composed of them.” “you dirty bastard.” “we’re stuck on this wheel of living and dying. an endless circle, until someone breaks it.” “you’re not anything yet.” “welcome to the edge of the world.” “she/he/they tasted like imported sophistication & domestic cigarette.” “where’s the liquor?” “and that’s what they’re selling? i’ll kill them.” “go for the throat.” “you’re hired.” “it’s complicated.” “i love complicated.” “complicated enough?” “to be reborn, you have to die first.” “it is our duty to break the law.” “it’s how we make the world a better place.” “you are extraordinary.” “destroy the old and make the new.” “what the hell is this?” “let’s get rid of him/her/them.” “first thought, best thought.” “if you’re gonna stay, don’t hog the blanket.” “shut your mouth!” “i thought you liked my mouth wide open.” “be careful, you’re not in wonderland.” “you are fortunate in your ignorance.” “you who have suffered, find where love hides.” “it’ll be us at the beginning. it’ll be a perfect day.” “it hurts, doesn’t it?” “i’m only good at beginnings.” “you started something, and i have no idea what i’m supposed to do next.” “show me the man who is sober and happy, & i’ll show you the crinkled anus of a lying asshole.” “you’d be dead if it weren’t for me.” “i think i just puked on the inside.” “i’m sorry let me make it up to you.” “say another word and i’m going to the fucking police.” “i made your life extraordinary.  “the reason i’m leaving is you.” “please don’t get involved.” “some things, once you’ve loved them, become yours forever.” “i’d be lost without you.”
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99posey · 6 years
where are you brother? mother’s gone to bed, father’s gone to bed.  they’ve left me alone.  i’m all alone. 
my world is all shiny and new, dusty and old. materialism is their lord, secrets and lies are their saviors.  have you gone to bed too? are you missing your arms,  your legs, your eyes or your heart? just like mother and father? they tried to frame me, protect me,  but they haven’t tried to kill me.
you’ll join us someday, kid.
someone out there needs me.
b u t  w h o ? 
where are you brother? 
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99posey · 6 years
tales from the bottom of the bottle
life may change, people may change, but the smell of booze never strays too far from it’s origin. the occasional loud, drunken laughter mixed in with the sound of white noise. glasses clinking, random chatter, footsteps of those slipping away for somewhere else in the outside world. the oil rig was lively as ever and the masked posey was floating around, almost as if she was an ocean wave. she moved so fluidly throughout the crowd of drunks and not yet drunk, it was obvious that she’d been here for quite some time and learned the ropes. but honestly? she made the ropes. a true staple in the oil rig, being here for as long as anyone can remember even at her young age of nineteen going on twenty soon. small but mighty, not much can phase the girl anymore. no one ever knew more than her name, her job, and that was it. quite a secretive little thing. once someone tried to dig deeper, touch upon her a little deeper. 
he never came back after she invited him to have a conversation in the back alley. 
she remembered many of the faces that came through, and the voices, so when she heard a singsongy tone beckoning her name, her eyes rolled and she turned around to see a very familiar face grinning at her from his bar stool, drink in hand. with a sigh and quite possibly an amused glint in her eyes, she spoke,
“yes, you little shit?”
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99posey · 6 years
fresh flower, wilted flower
one month ago..
“wes, if you’re done in the kitchen you don’t have to worry about the living room today. it hasn’t been touched since the last time you came to clean.”
hua stepped into the kitchen to find wes still as a statue as he was wiping down the counters. at first, hua never wanted to be bothered by humans or protos. the company had kept offering and offering until one appeared at her door one day with a note from hyperion. ‘let us help you around the apartment, it’s the least we can do. wes is one of our best. he does whatever you need of him.’ it looked like she was stuck with him. he smiled away at her politely so she reluctantly allowed him inside. the silence that followed was far too long before she spoke up. 
“come to clean up, and then leave.. I prefer my privacy if you don’t mind, so please do not repeat anything you see or hear here. can you do that,” she looked down at the letter and looked into the proto’s eyes. “wes?”
the proto’s smile seemed a bit softer after that as he nodded in approval. “I will do so, hua.”
after several months, hua became fond of wes coming three times a week to her apartment. the usual silence was filled with quiet sprays of disinfectant and soft whirring. they exchanged smiles now and then. they understood each other. so when wes was suddenly not his usual self, frozen shut and stopped up, hua worried. what was she supposed to do? she didn’t want anything to happen to her.. friend? yes, she supposed they were friends. after some thinking, she contacted the first mechanic she could think of and requested their help immediately. perhaps deep down she was worried hyperion wouldn’t send wes back anymore if he came back with a problem. 
a little while later there was a knock on the door. hua looked at the monitor to the right of her door to see a man waiting. facial recognition came into play, confirming the mechanic’s identify. with the push of a button, hua spoke quietly, questioningly. 
“are you gael?” 
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99posey · 6 years
hello everyone! hey hi hello i’m so eXCITED  i’m amelia, i’m 21 and i’ve been rp’ing for about man 8ish years now i think? i’m in EST and i’m sorry to be slow to the first post game i was eating some early dinner (i was at a music festival last night till 3am lolol)  i’m still working on my ‘strings’ page which is my wanted connections but my ‘memoir’ about page is up and right here if you wanna take a look! i’ll leave a TLDR below on posey and just lemme know if you wanna plot or just talk! see you all soon~ 
posey is an alias for hua
hua was the daughter of a higher up in hyperion, a very rich and well known family before they were killed 
by human?? proto??? uKNOWN
so her loyalties are to herself, which is why she likes the oil rig so much
while she is out as posey she wear’s a mask, a picture is on my memoir page but i’ll also drop one right here 
hua is almost never seen in public, known for locking herself up and away after witnessing such a tragedy but people want her for her knowledge and money v much 
so she escapes as ‘posey’ so she can live a little without bias and/or danger
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99posey · 6 years
  Oh, mother tell me,                           do we get what 𝘸𝘦 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦?
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99posey · 6 years
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