90smanchild · 1 year
Ok so I made one for age ranges but now I also want to know
Please reblog for bigger sample size
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90smanchild · 1 year
As always, please reblog to get a wider sample size
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90smanchild · 2 years
the main reason why so many feminists reject the possibility that there is a strong biological component to male violence seems to be the idea that if that is the case, then there is no hope for women and no way for us to live safe from male violence.
i think this is misguided for two reasons. first of all, you can’t change reality just because it’s sad or ugly or scary. if men’s aggression is indeed caused by biology, then no amount of burying our heads in the sand is going to save women. we should look for ways to protect women from men, rather than fantasize about a world where men wouldn’t be violent if only they were taught not to be violent.
the second one is that it’s an absurd argument. there are plenty of violent and dangerous animals out there, and yet i don’t see many women being hopeless over the fact that you can’t reason or socialize your way out of a bear attack.
but then again, women are generally not very interested in interacting or living with bears or sharks or poisonous insects. and that, in my opinion, is the core issue: women want to live with men. women don’t want to be safe from men, women want to be appreciated by men. if we somehow managed to create a world where no woman is hurt by a man ever again, a world without rape or femicides or sexual assault, it still wouldn’t be enough for most women if that lack of violence wasn’t also accompanied by love and appreciation from men. if men still hated women but just didn’t commit crimes against us (including hate speech), most women would still be unhappy. because they don’t just want nonviolence. they want respect.
well, you’re never going to have what you want. men are never going to respect us. men are never going to see us the way women see them. you need to realize that they never have and never will see us as human. it’s never going to happen. stop thinking about a world where men and women coexist in harmony or whatever other bullshit idea liberal feminism has implanted in your brain. it’s not possible. at the very least, it won’t be possible for thousands of years.
stop wanting respect or safety or companionship from men. you won’t get it. i know i’m repeating myself but it’s just not possible, it’s not gonna happen. the best thing you can do for yourself and other women is to learn to let go of your emotional need for men.
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90smanchild · 2 years
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SUNMI : MaxMara
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90smanchild · 2 years
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90smanchild · 2 years
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90smanchild · 3 years
dear gyns. I need help. my cat is sick and her vet bills are mounting up to be massive. she may not make it, but i want to keep getting her every possible treatment in the hopes that she will make it through.
please check out my patch shop and place an order if you can. or reblog this post.
I am also accepting donations. Please DM me for the paypal link.
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her full story is here  ⬇️
Keep reading
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90smanchild · 3 years
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90smanchild · 3 years
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gladbacher straße // bensberg
apartment block “schöne aussicht”
architect: peter neufert
completion: 1977
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90smanchild · 3 years
I hate when you bring up that the word queer literally means "weird and bad" and people who vehemently believe in calling the entire community "queer" are like "umm yeah I'm weird and evil and feral why wouldn't I be queer lmao" ok do you have any other slogans from like, hot topic. Some of us are just gay
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90smanchild · 3 years
If I was born a few years later and in like the suburbs I would have been a biromantic-asexual she/they.
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90smanchild · 3 years
For the last couple of months, @getplume’s ads on Tumblr have increasingly ruffled my feathers. Not because of their services, but because of how their ads are structured and promoted. Their ads seem to inhabit a weird no-man’s-land in terms of legality, much less ethical responsibility.
It’s like… they’re advertising HRT, without actually advertising HRT. What specifically bothers me: they’re advertising HRT without mentioning any of the potential risks/side effects on the ads themselves, or even on their website. There is no fine print or sped-up voice going over potential risks or which groups of people shouldn’t take the drug. The ads don’t really look or feel like most ads for prescription drugs, even though that’s what they are in practice. Instead, they’re masquerading as your average hashtag “transisbeautiful” Tumblr post (and are, in fact, tagged with that and similar). The experience is disarmingly different from what my generation has grown up recognizing as pharmaceutical advertising.
After all, they’re a third party/middleman, rather than a pharmaceutical company. They’re technically advertising a service/platform/app, “Plume”, rather than a specific prescription drug. They’re a third party vendor, selling you the service of a quick visit and prescription – selling “access” rather than the drug itself.
And yet, they’re not like a regular doctor/pharmacy/medical service because you can’t go to them for just any medication or care; they prescribe and sell specific forms of HRT for gender transition, and that’s it. There is a very, very limited set of drugs they sell “access” to.
(It’s been interesting to watch the choices they make in their photos. In most of their ads, they tastefully cover brand labels, but the form factor of the drug – bottle of testosterone gel, little blue estradiol pills – are still immediately recognizable for what they are. But in some of their ads, they’ve left brand labels in plain view.)
So, their ads end up being for specific and recognizable HRT drugs, and yet, they don’t have to follow FDA guidelines for pharmaceutical advertising, such as presenting “fair balance” of risks vs benefits, or a link to a “brief summary” that outlines risks listed in the drug’s FDA-approved prescribing information.
Or.. do they have to, and simply haven’t? I truly don’t know where their company and their ads fall in legal definitions; all I can do is wonder. I’m not a lawyer or doctor. All I know is something seems… wrong. Ethically wrong, absolutely. Legally, I don’t know.
(Side note: it’s already absurd enough that the US even allows direct-to-consumer advertising in the first place; it’s at least partially banned in most countries. And don’t even get me started on the concept of “sponsored content” itself. This garbage is pure evil all around, and using sponsored content to promote medical services and drugs just makes the whole situation worse, not better.)
If Plume’s ads do fall under the FDA’s jurisdiction, and have to follow guidelines for pharmaceuticals, would the FDA actually bother getting involved, since prescribing HRT for gender transition is already an “off-label” use of the drugs?
Or, is it possible that, since Plume is a “service”, their ads are more like those of other medical “services”, such as ads for plastic surgeon’s offices? Those ads have to follow different legal guidelines altogether, if any at all. Whose jurisdiction does Plume fall under?
The FDA provides some contact information for how to contact the OPDP (Office of Prescription Drug Promotion) if you think a pharmaceutical ad might be breaking the law. I gave their number a call, and the secretary gave me the number of one of their medical officers/project managers. I left that person a voicemail, and if they call back, I’ll talk with them and see if they have any helpful info. If they don’t call back, I’ll try writing a letter to the address they provide. It’s a start, I guess.
Also, thought I’d mention: if you’re tired of seeing Plume’s ads (I’ve heard complaints from multiple people!), I think it might be possible to hide them from your dash and search results. Since they’re technically a Tumblr blog paying for their posts to be sponsored content, you can actually block them just like any other Tumblr user. Maybe blocking them would keep their ads off your dash? I’m not sure… worth a try, though! Edit: I’ve been told that blocking does not, in fact, work. Womp womp.
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90smanchild · 3 years
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If you have time to be angry and mourn,
You have time to use that anger proactively qnd change unjust laws. Every second you delay calling, is more time for those in opposition to Women's Health to get a headstart on us.
Call the White House
Comments: 202-456-1111
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Congressional Switchboard: 202-224-3121
Tell them to VOTE YES ON HR-1332, THE WOMEN'S HEALTH PROTECTION ACT. Tell them to protect our #ConstitutionalMedicalSevices.
Additional Resources:
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90smanchild · 3 years
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90smanchild · 3 years
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Nana - Shojo Beat Magazine Covers
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90smanchild · 3 years
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tiffany young @ girls planet 999 ep 03 + (smiley pany to serious pany)
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90smanchild · 3 years
How the fuck do I delete this account on mobile?
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