75oala · 10 years
Hello Again,
Recently we've all seen it. Wether it be on television, the internet, or even in our local schools it appears as though the tweaking craze is sweeping the nation. And why not? With celebrities sensationalizing it and community members not approaching the issue who is to say its not socially acceptable? Here's my stance on the matter. Twerking generally involves standing next to a person or object bending over while popping your rear out. Who decided this was a public type stance/position? I have a friend who's a babysitter. She recently told me that this sexualized position had made its way into her job. The six-year-old she watches saw it on television and started tweaking against her eleven-year-old brother. Of course their mother was livid. Spanking and disappointment ensued and the little girl is learning to realize its wrong to twerk especially with her brother who, at eleven-years-old, was unaware how to handle the situation. This is a future we will all face. Younger and younger girls are being subjected to this sexualized trend and it's having repercussions. It's a household to household opinionated manner. By this I mean if you want your children to twerk, to be exposed to twerking, or etc then by all means extend your opinions onto them. But to those who don't want their children to see it, please begin to teach them that it might not be publicly appropriate. 
As for adults, as in eighteen or older, please for everyone else's sake keep it classy. No twerking in public places. You're an adult and you should know better. If you feel as though when you're out and about that you want the attention of the cutie across the room/dance floor wouldn't it be in your best interest to walk over and introduce yourself? A bit old fashioned I know but first impressions make a huge impact on how someone sees you. Do you want them to notice all that 'junk in your trunk' or would you like them to know your personality? 
Personally, in my humble opinion, twerking is never something Ive had an interest in or intend to. I am more confident in how I speak to people than what I am flexible enough to do on the dance floor. Again, its something every decides for themselves. I would never do it, but if you do good for you. Your choice. Be the best you that you can be.
To twerk or not to twerk it's all up to you.
Thanks for reading,
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75oala · 10 years
Cats and The First Blog Post.
Hello Readers,
My first blog posting is a topic my younger sister came up with. Being about 3 months away from eighteen her only obvious suggestion for a first posting was to write about cats. So here we are.
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I have a cat. Well, actually, I have a 10-12lb. ball of water weight. We call her Cuddles. An absolute delight she frequently does everything but cut you to get you to give her water from the sinks faucet. Unlike her namesake she loathes getting cuddled or pet. Unless you're about to give her sink water. There are the infrequent occurrences where in which she will sashay her round self onto the floor beside my bed only to attempt to make human contact and jump up onto said bed. She frequently misses it in her jumping attempts. When she does finally manage to pounce onto my mattress she rubs her head all over my face, iPad, and book (whichever is applicable). Such a cutie. She also enjoys climbing her plump self onto my bookcase, which has morphed to lean slightly to the right because of her (pictured).
Thanks for reading,
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75oala · 10 years
Inquiring minds want to know.
Hello Readers,
It has recently been brought to my attention that my last blog was a bit, well… lets say, lacking. Therefore this one will be of a slightly different nature. I'm hoping to go through tumblr and find/receive blog ideas of any and all topics. Of course I'd ultimately have final say on what gets published but this is for my family, friends, and possible career choices to read and enjoy. Wether it opens someones mind to a differing opinion or warms someones heart to anything in between. After all, what are blogs for?
Happy reading,
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