3trenchcoats1kid · 1 month
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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3trenchcoats1kid · 6 months
Every time Sean Astin makes a statement on whether or not Sam and Frodo were indeed gay for each other in lord of the rings he’s always like “well we have to acknowledge that attitudes around sexuality have changed dramatically over the past several decades and since authorial intent is only up to speculation, the story is open to multiple readings, some of which might have different significances for different groups of people also they kiss on the lips because I said so”
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3trenchcoats1kid · 11 months
Also while we’re here I want everyone to appreciate that This
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This wild, wonderful, beautifully animated and heartfelt queer story started here
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Here, on tumblr, by an art student who was wrestling with his identity, mental health, and religious trauma
Tell your stories, kids, you never know how many people will thank you for it
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3trenchcoats1kid · 1 year
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3trenchcoats1kid · 1 year
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3trenchcoats1kid · 1 year
always reblog
you know what gets me about lord of the rings? evil is defeated by people who choose to fight against it without possessing absolute, or even very much, conviction that they can actually win. all the converging story threads that lead to the happy ending are carried out by people who are far, far more convinced that they will fail than that they will succeed, who had only the frailest, most foolish hope, who had blind faith and frequently wavering hearts not peace or ease or certainty.
middle earth isn’t saved because no one faltered or came close to despairing or who sank to their knees in weary defeat. it’s not saved by pride or conviction or even strength. it’s saved because enough people do what they have to do even if they have to do it in the darkness. in the dust. with the ashes of hopelessness and bitterness in their mouths. because enough people took another step. Frodo, Sam, Gandalf, Aragorn, Theoden, Boromir, Faramir, Merry, Pippin. And many don’t. For every hero there is someone who gives into the “reasonableness” of despair—Saruman, Denethor, Grima, even Gollum—but enough. Enough people said “it doesn’t matter if we lose, I will keep fighting” and then they do.
And that GETS me. It is the most hopeful thing about the lord of the rings to me. There is so much that sums up its spirit, so many beautiful quotes and moments, but to me it’s never been the most famous of the quotes about hope and love that hit me hardest but a line from the films. Before the battle for Minas Tirith, one of the soldiers says “we cannot defeat the armies of Mordor” and Theoden answers “no. but we will meet them in battle nonetheless.”
And I—That is the spirit that leads to the conquering of evil when it comes down to it, when we’re talking about the part played by humanity alone in the fight against evil. Not the conviction you’re going to win, not farsightedness into a perfect future, not perfect inner peace or certainty. But acceptance of the real possibility of defeat, of that defeat being more the reality, the future, of your life than the victory, and then doing the damn thing anyway because goodness is worth fighting for even if you lose.
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3trenchcoats1kid · 1 year
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Me reading the book: no, Tane, no- ugh. yikes. ...ouch
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3trenchcoats1kid · 1 year
Rip tolkien you would have loved Avatar movies. Tall ass humanoid species using a custom language and connecting their long hair to trees. My man would be rewriting his silmarillion notes to add this feature right in his cinema seat
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
When she towers you...
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Tall Fem!Dream and ripped Fem! Hob my beloveds
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
But Hob Gadling said: "No, I do not intend to ever die".
To which Death answered: "It seems that you desire now to have the good of both kindreds, to carry the responsibilty of the Endless but stay as you please in your human home. That cannot be. Nor can an Endless take away the gifts of Creator. The Endless, the demons, you say, are unpolished, and even those who rebelled do not die, but that is to them not a reward nor a punishment, but a fullfilment of their being. They cannot escape and are bound to this world, never to leave it, as long as it lasts for it's life is theirs. And you are punished for the rebellion of men, you say, in which you had small part, and so it is that you die. But that was not first appointed as a punishment. Thus you escape and leave the world and are not bound to it at hope or in weariness. Which of us then should envy the other?
And Hob Gadling answered: "Why should we not envy the Endless, or even the least of the deathless? For of us is required blind trust and a hope without assurance, knowing not what lies before us in a little while. And yet we also love the Earth and would not lose it!"
Then the Endless said: "Indeed, the mind of Creator concerning you is not known to Destiny, and he has not revealed all things that are yet to come. But this we hold to be true, that your home is not here, neither in the realms of the Endless, nor anywhere whithin the circles of the world, and the doom of men, that they should depart, was at first a gift of Creator. It became a grief to them only because, coming under the shadow of Morningstar, it seemed to them that they were surrounded by great darkness of which they were afraid. And some grew proud and would not yield untill life was reft from them". Death seized Hob Gadling. "We, who bear the evermounting burden of the years do not clearly understand this".
Then spoke the silent companion of Death of the Endless: "Yolo, my sister. Make the human deathless despite everything that you just said for I have plans regarding him".
I was readind The Silmarillion the night I saw this painting and when the Eldar messenger was talking with Numenorean king, I thought of this. This is their conversation with a few changes. I hope I rewrote it correctly from the audiobook, but hell knows, they didn't teach me Tolkienish at school
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“Do you remember when we first met?”
“I thought I had strayed into a dream.”
a little lord of the rings au ✨ prints available here :) 
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
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“Do you remember when we first met?”
“I thought I had strayed into a dream.”
a little lord of the rings au ✨ prints available here :) 
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
hey. the celebrities and corporations are going to try tumblr. you may want to drive them off the site, or find them amusing, ie “well THIS one can stay.” they may try to engage with the culture. they may do their research. DO NOT ENGAGE. do not bother. don’t fucking acknowledge them. don’t mess with their heads. don’t reply to them as a bit. let them think this site is a lost cause. let them fizzle out and die
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
high fantasy except. in exclusively shitty settings
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
Lucienne may run the best library but little does she know that Morpheus actually prefers his extensive Pinterest board for dream&nightmare inspo
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
Where's the petition for Neil Gaiman to include Tom Sturridge and Ferdinand Kingsley as non speaking extras in Good Omens Season 2?
Just a small scene where Aziraphale and Crowley are talking in a pub and those two are in the background, at their own table. A teacher and a goth. No dialogue, no acknowledgement from any of them.
Just two seperate fandoms silently losing their minds.
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
Jolkien "christianity, being bitten by a huge spider and war didn't influence my art" Rolkien R. Tolkien
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3trenchcoats1kid · 2 years
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