Going through cupboards this week, we found a study of Mona Lisa my wife had done when she was about fifteen, which was excellent in every respect except that the facial features took up about 25% of the space they ought, which made for an A+ cupboard discovery and I am framing it.
I’ve never done anything with Mona Lisa so I wanted to see what I’d get if I tried to draw it from memory, so here you are. Equally incorrect but rather less hilarious.
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More highlighter doodles at my desk, trying to work out Noq’s hair.
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Self portrait doodle in highlighter
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new 2022 outfit meme with a bunch of different subcultures/styles/aesthetics! i tried to do one more masc and one more femme but they kinda blended together in the end lmao
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Messing around with colour as I watch a movie. This isn’t quite Noq’verin because I’m still working out how I want to do his hair, but I liked it enough to add it here.
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Working on making Tora a little more buff and a little less wiry. Getting those thick lizard wrists and ankles in here. She looks a lot more confident here; I wonder if Boniel will appreciate it when she gets back to Malchine?
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Did a lot of doodling during a meeting yesterday and this was the only thing I liked.
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feel free to reblog and use them yourself :)
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OC Outfit Doodle Asks
Send one of the following symbols and one of my OC’s names and I’ll doodle:
👀 OC in their typical underwear 💤 OC in their sleep attire 🔞 OC in something sexy 🏄 OC in what they would wear to the beach/pool 👔 OC in what they would wear to a formal event (such as a wedding) ☠ OC in what they would wear to a funeral 👖 OC in what they would wear to a casual event (such as a birthday party) 👑 OC dressed as royalty 🚪 OC in what they wear when lounging around at home 💕 OC in what they would wear on a first date ❌ OC in something they would absolutely never wear 🎃 OC in a costume they’d wear for Halloween 🎄 OC in an ugly Christmas sweater 🚓 OC in a prison uniform 🚲 OC in athletic gear  🐰 OC in a kigurumi of their favourite animal ❄ OC in what they’d wear on a very cold day 🔥 OC in what they’d wear on a very hot day 👕 OC in a T-shirt with something stupid printed on it (think Zazzle) 🎭 OC in another OC’s typical attire 📦 OC wearing something that isn’t clothes (such as a fig leaf, a barrel, etc.) 👻 OC in a really bad disguise 📷 OC in a stereotypical tourist getup 🙎 OC in something embarrassing 👗 OC in something from the 50’s 💀 OC in goth/emo/scene attire 💃 OC in some radical 90’s clothes 🌁 OC in a hoodie 🌋 OC in camping or adventuring gear ♠️ OC in their armor (or in some sort of fantasy armor if not applicable to their story) 🎨 OC in a cartoon character’s outfit  🏨 OC in a maid outfit 🏥 OC in a nurse uniform 🐑 OC in farmer wear 👍 OC in a crop top
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gods know I did 😂😭
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So the image of Martin piling tape recorders on top of a coffin in The Magnus Archives 134 kind of fucking murdered me.
(Also for Adipose August to the tune of Amanda Palmer’s “Astronaut”)
And I am still not getting what I want
I want to touch the back of your right arm
I wish you could remind me who I was
Because every day I’m a little further off
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Thinking about the hot boi/war criminal.
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Fiddling with different brushes in Procreate while watching a horror movie equals a Gideon Nav apparently.
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Playing with ideas for future D&D characters. I desperately want to play as Team Rocket with my housemates.
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[Image ID: Busts of three people - Essek, Caleb and Jester from Critical Role. Essek is a dark grey skinned drow with purplish accents to his skin and white hair in an undercut, gold eyes. Caleb is a pale skinned gaunt redhead with freckles and blue eyes. Jester is a blue tiefling with freckles, curly horns, and a cute chin length bob haircut. Essek and Jester are on either side of Caleb, planting kisses on his cheeks. Caleb is very pink in the face, and has a crooked smile on. END ID]
Thankyou to @mcnuggyy for their wonderful meme here: https://mcnuggyy.tumblr.com/post/633896358940688384/i-felt-like-there-wasnt-enough-polyam-trio-art
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[Image ID: Sasha James sits facing partly away from us, turned back towards the camera to watch her Pokémon as they wreak havoc on her workspace. Her Pikachu is running across her keyboard, and her Porygon Z has just zipped behind her head. All are sparking slightly. END ID]
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A birthday gift for my BFF that is only uhhhhh ten months late because I had to redo a bunch of it because I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing.
This is Emilia Applethorn, a cleric of Brigid. Her skirts are voluminous with midwifing knowledge and stolen teacups. Happy extremely belated birthday, Leycey!
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