3llisarts · 2 days
god I fuckign love ocs. my characters. my friend's characters. the characters of mutuals ive never spoken to. the characters of artists ive followed and maybe spoken to a little more. the characters of complete strangers I see in passing and think "aw that's cool". if you have ten fans I am one if you have one fan it is me etc etc. I love you
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3llisarts · 2 days
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3llisarts · 3 days
WIP not on a Wednesday!
I was tagged by @noodlecupcakes ! : > and I tag @disney-dreams-25 and @fingersinmyhair
The battle of Egypt. The fight where the Fallen failed to defeat Optimus Prime, and the Decepticon cause suffered several losses that day. The Fallen himself, for one. However, there was another much more painful loss. Nitor, the lion-like cybertronian, and Wraith’s minion.
Wraith was locked in a fight with Ironhide, the Autobot’s weapons specialist while Rhys had taken off in pursuit of Sam Witwicky and his girlfriend, Mikaela Banes. The assassin closed in on the two when Mirage thwarted her attempt. The fiery-red Autobot extended the blades along his forearms and swiped at Rhys. The assassin tumbled backward on the sands, scrambling to get out of Mirage’s way.
Nitor appeared out of nowhere, letting out a booming roar as he fastened his claws into Mirage’s upper back. The Autobot spun hard, attempting to dislodge the feline in a panic. Nitor snarled and hung on, though Mirage managed to throw him off and he crashed to the ground in a heap. The small assassin crab crawled backward as Nitor rose to his paws, his metal claws digging into the desert sands. He lowered his head as his tail lashed back and forth. Tiny metal shards emerged from his tail, not unlike the quills on a porcupine. The lion-like Decepticon flicked his tail and the shards flew through the air, embedding themselves in Mirage’s left shoulder. The red Autobot took a few, staggering steps as he geared to attack but Nitor was faster.
The big cat leaped and slammed into Mirage head-on, the sound not unlike that of a high-speed car crash. A deafening metallic slam; the two’s shadows cast across an old building thanks to the blazing desert sun.
Rhys watched, all but frozen to the spot. She could feel the individual grains of sand moving beneath her boots as she shuffled her feet. Everything in the assassin screamed at her to get up and run, but she couldn’t.
One of Mirage’s blades caught Nitor in the shoulder, the cat loosed a loud, metallic roar as red Energon splattered over the sand. He collapsed a mere amount of feet from Rhys as the gash in his left shoulder continued to leak. Little frayed wires zapped and crackled, the sounds almost inaudible as more of the red liquid ran down. Nitor stood up and shook himself out, his mane, comprised of individual strands of metal, puffed out and his claws extended. Nitor placed himself between Rhys and Mirage, a growl rumbling in his broad chest. Nitor’s scarlet red optics gleamed, highlighted by the sun. He hunkered down and sprang, though this time Mirage was ready.
Mirage lashed out, catching Nitor in the neck with one of his arm blades. Rhys watched in almost disbelief. In all the years she’d seen her friend fight, he’d never lost. He’d fought like a demon, both beside Wraith and by himself.
Red Energon sprayed across the sand and Nitor staggered to his paws. He groaned, the sound more metallic, like a recording from an ancient speaker. His optics flickered in and out of focus before he collapsed. Rhys scooted across the sand, wrapping her arms around Nitor and burying her face into his mane. She was only partially aware of Energon seeping from Nitor’s jaws and onto her bicep, as she held him close.
“No! Please!” Rhys called, her dark brown eyes wet with frustrated tears. She’d seen so many of her fellow Decepticons killed in action but this was different, this was personal. “Get up, Nitor, fucking get up!” The small assassin’s voice wavered and cracked. Nitor nudged her side with a soft chuff, one of his sledgehammer-sized paws draped across her lap. “We have to go- we have to get out of here-” Rhys started and she froze as Mirage’s shadow loomed over her, blocking out the sun. Rhys winced, hugging Nitor tight as she anticipated the end.
A loud whirring sound caught Rhys’s attention and she looked up, as a blast of energy sent Mirage sprawling. Wraith had arrived in the nick of time, the darkly colored Decepticon quickly scooping Rhys up.
Rhys woke up after that.
Rhys fought her way out of the thick, white bedsheets as her heart hammered against her chest like a bird in a cage. She had her knees drawn in, one hand clenched in a fist like she was gearing up to fight. The assassin slowly calmed down as she realized she was in her bedroom at Dylan Gould’s house. Her fellow liaison had offered her and Wraith a place to stay when they’d returned from Egypt. However, things hadn’t exactly gone great. Wraith and Dylan had been at each other’s throats every chance they got. It seemed the man had landed himself the VIP spot at the top of the Decepticon’s shitlist. And the feeling was mutual.
Just last week Rhys was woken up to the sound of Wraith’s engine revving and his horn blaring, followed by Dylan’s shouting. She’d hastily thrown on a sweatshirt and a pair of old jeans, and practically jumped the entire flight of stairs before booking it to the front door. The assassin put herself between the two with a particularly murderous look, demanding to know what they’d been arguing about.
Of course, Dylan threatened to sell Wraith on some used cars site and Wraith threatened to take him out.
Rhys slid out of bed and padded over the hardwood floor, making her way to her closet. She moved with little sound, like a mountain lion creeping through the forest. The assassin carefully pried open one of her closet doors and felt around in the dark for her old Dodge Racing sweatshirt. She’d know that worn, soft fabric anywhere at this point. What was once a mid-grey had faded down to the color of fallen ashes, the red sections of the square design also a few shades less than what they once were. Still, it’d been a constant comfort in the last two years.
The corners of Rhys’s mouth hinted at a frown as she glanced over her shoulder. Whenever Rhys woke up from a nightmare, Nitor would come over from his spot in the corner of her room and lay beside her until she was good enough to go back to sleep. The lion-like Decepticon’s absence tore through Rhys like a sharp knife, leaving a clean, deep cut behind. Not that she’d ever speak on it. Though some days she was certain the emotions were practically written all over her face.
Rhys grabbed a sports bra from the top drawer of her dresser and quickly pulled it on. She didn’t feel like finding a shirt to wear, so her Dodge Racing hoodie would do. Regardless, she pulled on a pair of black jeans and pulled a belt through the loops. The small assassin turned, fumbling around in the dark till her hand brushed the cool metal of her gun safe. She bit her lip as she spun the giant dial, listening to it click home. Rhys let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, as she grabbed her hip holster and combat knife.
While it was a simple gas station run, and there was minimal risk of anything happening, Rhys didn’t want to take that gamble and lose. She slid her knife into the holster and pulled her sweatshirt down over top, before grabbing her boots and slipping out into the hall. Her socks muffled her footsteps, something she was especially grateful for as she crept past Dylan’s bedroom. She hadn’t been on a run like this since before she’d left for Egypt, and that one went without a problem. Hopefully, this one would too.
Once Rhys reached the bottom of the grand staircase, she put on her boots and laced them up. It didn’t take her long to disable Dylan’s security system, having overheard the code in one of his conversations with his assistant. The old woman had forgotten the code and had asked Dylan for it again, bless her heart. Rhys had overhead as she rounded the corner and come into the kitchen. Though she’d perfected the art of eavesdropping long ago. Besides, it wasn’t like they were unguarded. Wraith and Soundwave were parked in Dylan’s driveway, two very dangerous Decepticons. Anyone would be a fool to try to break into the place. Not that they’d get far, anyways.
Rhys padded down the long hallway to the front doors, and carefully pushed one of them open. The assassin winced as the aged wood creaked with the movement, half expecting Dylan to wake up and catch her right then and there. When nothing happened, Rhys sighed in relief and stepped out into the dark.
The assassin paused as Wraith’s low-lights flickered to life. A loud crackling sound cut through the silence, similar to static on a TV. The air warped and fizzled, and a man dressed in a fancy black suit materialized before Rhys. Wraith’s human form, a big man with short, dark hair, tan skin and piercing red eyes. Though at a distance they passed for a shade of dark brown. “Little spider,” Wraith rumbled and a frown curled across his lips. He tilted his head, his rose red eyes two careful slits as he looked Rhys over. “Another nightmare, I take it?” The Decepticon inquired. Rhys made a small sound in response, “and if it was?” She wasn’t the best at talking about things like this. Wraith knew it as well as she did.
“If it was, I am here for you,” Wraith said with a tiny nod. Rhys’s lips hinted at a smile for a moment before it disappeared completely, “thank you, old friend.”
“Where are you headed?” Wraith asked and he raised a brow. “Gas station run,” Rhys replied with a shrug, “i’ll be there and back in no time.” The assasin huffed and her lips broke into a grin, “like those practice missions when I was little. It’ll be easy.” “Would you like me to come with you?” Wraith offered, and the driver side door to his vehicle mode popped open. Rhys shook her head, “Not this time. The last thing I want to do is make a shit ton of racket, opening the gates.” She’d gotten lucky so far, she didn’t want to push it any further. “Understandable,” Wraith seconded and he set one big hand on Rhys’s shoulder, “good luck, little spider. I will be here upon your return.”
There it was again, that hint of a smile. Rhys turned to look at Wraith one last time before she turned her attention to the towering brick walls and the thick vines growing up the side, and began the climb. The assassin hauled herself to the top and peered over the side. She hadn’t done this in at least a couple of months. Was it just her or did the drop seem bigger? Now she was starting to regret not taking the gamble in opening the gates.
But it was too late to turn back now. Rhys swung one leg over the side of the wall and carefully lowered herself down. She hissed as her right foot slipped, the toe of her boot scuffing against the vines. Panic rose from deep in the assassin’s gut, though she regained her composure and continued her descent.
Rhys landed in the grass with a soft grunt, before she drew herself up and stood to her full height. Right, now that she hadn’t fallen and busted her ass, it was time to go to 7/11.
Rhys smiled as she was greeted by the bright neon signs in the window, advertising the gas station’s being open 24 hours a day. The little doorbell gave away the assassin’s arrival, though she didn’t let that distract her. She stepped inside and made her way to the back of the store, to one of the four, floor-to-ceiling refrigerator units with sliding doors.
The small assassin could’ve done this blindfolded, by now. She grabbed a can of Ultra Watermelon and Ultra Paradise, holding both close to her chest, and made her way to the checkout counter. A little flash of green caught Rhys’s attention and she stopped dead in her tracks. What was that? She raised an eyebrow as she felt her curiosity grow, and she rubbed her eyes with her free hand. Sitting only a few inches from her face, on the edge of the shelf, was a little green lizard. With how motionless he was, Rhys would’ve thought he was fake. A kid’s toy that’d been left behind during a bathroom break.
If it hadn’t been for the rise and fall of the lizard’s sides. Rhys looked around and gently poked the little reptile, her lips twitching with the start of a grin as he crawled backward on the shelf. Almost hidden by the coffee maker. “Sorry little man,” Rhys said quickly before she made her way to the checkout counter.
The attendant, a woman in her late 40s with dark brown/grey hair in a quick bun, and soft blue eyeshadow, looked up as Rhys approached. “I ain’t seen ya in a minute, hun’, how ya been?” The woman inquired. Amelia was her name.
“I’m good-,” Rhys said smoothly. She’d gotten so used to responding like this, to telling people she was good or okay and keeping up that act, it was almost like second nature to her. “Got my final exams coming up, so I’ve been studying for those,” Rhys continued her little lie. She offered Amelia her best grin, “Though you’ll see me again here soon~ I’m gonna need a few more cans if I keep staying up and studying.” Amelia laughed at this, ringing up the Ultra Paradise first. “I bet, you take care of yourself, yeah?”
Rhys nodded, and her grin was practically genuine as she watched Amelia ring up the Ultra Watermelon next. “I will, ma’am~ thank you,” the assassin replied, pausing to get the old ten-dollar bill out of her wallet. “By the way… you do know a lizard is hanging out by your coffee machine, right?” Rhys asked.
“Yeah, no worries, that’s just Marvin,” Amelia replied and she chuckled softly, “he likes the smell of the coffee~.” “Can’t say i’ve seen that before,” Rhys mused, “well~ I hope you and Marvin have a good rest of your day.” Rhys handed over the old dollar bill, and as soon as Amelia handed her the change, she pocketed it, grabbed her drinks and was on her way back to Dylan’s estate.
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3llisarts · 8 days
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3llisarts · 16 days
thinking about aus for ocs is so funny. like i already put this guy in a situation but what if i put them in another totally different one
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3llisarts · 17 days
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Another day another piece! A headshot of my friend’s sand wolf with about four years between each piece
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3llisarts · 19 days
WIP Actually on a Wednesday
Chapter 1
The battle of Egypt. The fight where the Fallen failed to defeat Optimus Prime, and the Decepticon cause suffered several losses that day. The Fallen himself, for one. However, there was another much more painful loss. Nitor, the lion-like cybertronian, and Wraith’s minion.
Wraith was locked in a fight with Ironhide, the Autobot’s weapons specialist while Rhys had taken off in pursuit of Sam Witwicky and his girlfriend, Mikaela Banes. The assassin closed in on the two when Mirage thwarted her attempt. The fiery-red Autobot extended the blades along his forearms and swiped at Rhys. The assassin tumbled backward on the sands, scrambling to get out of Mirage’s way. 
Nitor appeared out of nowhere, letting out a booming roar as he fastened his claws into Mirage’s upper back. The Autobot spun hard, attempting to dislodge the feline in a panic. Nitor snarled and hung on, though Mirage managed to throw him off and he crashed to the ground in a heap. The small assassin crab crawled backward as Nitor rose to his paws, his metal claws digging into the desert sands. He lowered his head as his tail lashed back and forth. Tiny metal shards emerged from his tail, not unlike the quills on a porcupine. The lion-like Decepticon flicked his tail and the shards flew through the air, embedding themselves in Mirage’s left shoulder. The red Autobot took a few, staggering steps as he geared to attack but Nitor was faster. 
The big cat leaped and slammed into Mirage head-on, the sound not unlike that of a high-speed car crash. A deafening metallic slam; the two’s shadows cast across an old building thanks to the blazing desert sun.
Rhys watched, all but frozen to the spot. She could feel the individual grains of sand moving beneath her boots as she shuffled her feet. Everything in the assassin screamed at her to get up and run, but she couldn’t. 
One of Mirage’s blades caught Nitor in the shoulder, the cat loosed a loud, metallic roar as red Energon splattered over the sand. He collapsed a mere amount of feet from Rhys as the gash in his left shoulder continued to leak. Little frayed wires zapped and crackled, the sounds almost inaudible as more of the red liquid ran down. Nitor stood up and shook himself out, his mane, comprised of individual strands of metal, puffed out and his claws extended. Nitor placed himself between Rhys and Mirage, a growl rumbling in his broad chest. Nitor’s scarlet red optics gleamed, highlighted by the sun. He hunkered down and sprang, though this time Mirage was ready.
Mirage lashed out, catching Nitor in the neck with one of his arm blades. Rhys watched in almost disbelief. In all the years she’d seen her friend fight, he’d never lost. He’d fought like a demon, both beside Wraith and by himself. 
Red Energon sprayed across the sand and Nitor staggered to his paws. He groaned, the sound more metallic, like a recording from an ancient speaker. His optics flickered in and out of focus before he collapsed. Rhys scooted across the sand, wrapping her arms around Nitor and burying her face into his mane. She was only partially aware of Energon seeping from Nitor’s jaws and onto her bicep, as she held him close.
“No! Please!” Rhys called, her dark brown eyes wet with frustrated tears. She’d seen so many of her fellow Decepticons killed in action but this was different, this was personal. “Get up, Nitor, fucking get up!” The small assassin’s voice wavered and cracked. Nitor nudged her side with a soft chuff, one of his sledgehammer-sized paws draped across her lap. “We have to go- we have to get out of here-” Rhys started and she froze as Mirage’s shadow loomed over her, blocking out the sun. Rhys winced, hugging Nitor tight as she anticipated the end.
A loud whirring sound caught Rhys’s attention and she looked up, as a blast of energy sent Mirage sprawling. Wraith had arrived in the nick of time, the darkly colored Decepticon quickly scooping Rhys up. 
Rhys woke up after that.
Rhys fought her way out of the thick, white bedsheets as her heart hammered against her chest like a bird in a cage. She had her knees drawn in, one hand clenched in a fist like she was gearing up to fight. The assassin slowly calmed down as she realized she was in her bedroom at Dylan Gould’s house. Her fellow liaison had offered her and Wraith a place to stay when they’d returned from Egypt. However, things hadn’t exactly gone great. Wraith and Dylan had been at each other’s throats every chance they got. It seemed the man had landed himself the VIP spot at the top of the Decepticon’s shitlist. And the feeling was mutual.
Just last week Rhys was woken up to the sound of Wraith’s engine revving and his horn blaring, followed by Dylan’s shouting. She’d hastily thrown on a sweatshirt and a pair of old jeans, and practically jumped the entire flight of stairs before booking it to the front door. The assassin put herself between the two with a particularly murderous look, demanding to know what they’d been arguing about.
Of course, Dylan threatened to sell Wraith on some used cars site and Wraith threatened to take him out. 
Rhys slid out of bed and padded over the hardwood floor, making her way to her closet. She moved with little sound, like a mountain lion creeping through the forest. The assassin carefully pried open one of her closet doors and felt around in the dark for her old Dodge Racing sweatshirt. She’d know that worn, soft fabric anywhere at this point. What was once a mid-grey had faded down to the color of fallen ashes, the red sections of the square design also a few shades less than what they once were. Still, it’d been a constant comfort in the last two years.
The corners of Rhys’s mouth hinted at a frown as she glanced over her shoulder. Whenever Rhys woke up from a nightmare, Nitor would come over from his spot in the corner of her room and lay beside her until she was good enough to go back to sleep. The lion-like Decepticon’s absence tore through Rhys like a sharp knife, leaving a clean, deep cut behind. Not that she’d ever speak on it. Though some days she was certain the emotions were practically written all over her face.
Rhys grabbed a sports bra from the top drawer of her dresser and quickly pulled it on. She didn’t feel like finding a shirt to wear, so her Dodge Racing hoodie would do. Regardless, she pulled on a pair of black jeans and pulled a belt through the loops. The small assassin turned, fumbling around in the dark till her hand brushed the cool metal of her gun safe. She bit her lip as she spun the giant dial, listening to it click home. Rhys let out a breath she didn’t know she’d been holding, as she grabbed her hip holster and combat knife. 
While it was a simple gas station run, and there was minimal risk of anything happening, Rhys didn’t want to take that gamble and lose. She slid her knife into the holster and pulled her sweatshirt down over top, before grabbing her boots and slipping out into the hall. Her socks muffled her footsteps, something she was especially grateful for as she crept past Dylan’s bedroom. She hadn’t been on a run like this since before she’d left for Egypt, and that one went without a problem. Hopefully, this one would too.
Enjoy y'all! < 3
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3llisarts · 22 days
Fanfuckingtastic writing advice!!
Beating yourself up about your writing DOES NOT HELP YOU WRITE! Cut that shit out, be nicer to yourself, take breaks, and remember it's a marathon not a sprint and also nobody likes running ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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3llisarts · 24 days
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My entire dashboard right now
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3llisarts · 25 days
Reblog if you've made at least one friend because of a fandom.
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3llisarts · 27 days
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me when i fuckging get you
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3llisarts · 27 days
Pin for survivors
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3llisarts · 27 days
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hello tumblr
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3llisarts · 29 days
Orion x John. Rhys x dylan. And Eric x mike pls
Character HC Asks For Any Relationship
Friends? Family? Enemies? Lovers? Canon characters? OCs? These asks fit all relationship types! Send at least two characters and a number to receive someone's headcanon answer. Optionally include what kind of relationship type you want to hear about, otherwise it's answerer's choice!
And as always, consider sending an ask to whoever you reblogged from to brighten their day!
1. How did they meet and what were their first impressions of each other?
2. What kind of dynamic do they have with each other?
3. What do others think of them?
4. Do they have the same love language as each other?
5. Is their joint future bright or bleak?
6. How close are they physically?
7. Do they have a desire to protect each other?
8. Do they prefer being alone, together, or with others?
9. Do they laugh at each other?
10. Who would win in a fight?
11. Who is a better liar?
12. Who is a better caregiver?
13. Who is a better dancer?
14. Who is a better cook?
15. Who has better fashion sense?
16. Who loses their temper fastest?
17. Who would bring home a stray animal?
18. Who would hold onto a grudge longer?
19. Who is quickest to throw money at a problem?
20. What's the worst thing about them teaming up?
21. What's the best thing about them teaming up
22. What's something they both love?
23. What's something they both hate?
24. What's something that one of them loves, but the other hates?
25. Would they ever be jealous of each other?
26. Would they ever be jealous over each other?
27. How would they solve the trolley problem together?
28. What's a conversation they'd get overly invested in that nobody else would care about?
29. Would they ever get matching tattoos?
30. What's something one thinks the other should improve upon?
31. What's a false conclusion one might jump to about the other?
32. What's a book, movie or song one would recommend to the other?
33. What's something they'd find surprising about each other?
34. What's something that makes them proud of each other?
35. What is a point of gossip other people might say about them?
36. What is a gift one would give to the other?
37. What would it take for them to betray each other?
38. What do they find embarrassing about each other?
39. What's an inside joke they'd have together?
40. What's a secret one would never tell the other?
41. If they had to spend a month apart, how would they fare?
42. If someone else assumes they are romantic partners, how do they react?
43. If someone else assumes they are blood relatives, how do they react?
44. If they had to squeeze together in a cramped space, what would happen?
45. If one of them was in trouble, what would the other do?
46. If they could each have one wish related to the other, what would it be?
47. If they had to solve a complex puzzle together, how would it go?
48. If they swapped bodies, how would they handle it?
49. If one of them wanted to split up, how would the other react?
50. If they had to write their future selves a note, what would it say?
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3llisarts · 1 month
Barys Brothers HCs
In honor of Far Cry 5's 6th anniversary!
Orion Barys
He's got a playlist of pure, "divorced dad rock" on his phone that he'll have blasting in the kitchen as he makes meals, or as he's out on a drive. It never fails to drive John crazy
Orion's got a burning hatred for judge wolves, after a couple hunted him through the Whitetail Mountains for a week thanks to Jacob
He takes a hell of a lot of pride in his '71 Challenger, even if he drives the thing like he stole it. Donuts and everything
He loves his son, Lux, like no tomorrow
As much as he talks about his time in the FBI, he wouldn't go back for anything. He's too happy in Hope County now anyways
He has one of those "number 1" mugs, in this case its a "#1 Pig Dad" mug John got him with a cartoon version of Snickers under the letters
If he hadn't come to Hope County to retire, he'd have retired in the city and started up a vintage car restoration business/dealer
Orion has a number of vintage band shirts, taking up a good part of the closet
Warren Barys
Hardcore black coffee enjoyer
He's not really much of an animals man, though if he had to choose it'd be a black lab or some form of exotic cat (bobcat vibes no lie) or a pair of rats
Warren has spent a small fortune on his guns, more so his personal ones than any he'd sell. Expensive bags, ammo boxes, you name it
Warren doesn't talk much, though whenever he does it's some short, snarky remark after another
John was his lawyer on several cases-
Though he loves his family
Even if he had one hell of a hard time adjusting to life in Hope County. Especially finding out that his lawyer and his brother were a thing
His first successful arms deal was when he was somewhere in his 20s. He realized how good he was, and he went from there.
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3llisarts · 1 month
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Take another wip
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3llisarts · 1 month
“tumblr mutual” beloved friend I would pick up at the airport if y’all visited my home city
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