29dragonflykisses · 8 months
Manifesting more than I send out into the (U)niverse. Writing my currency affirmation 11 times for 11 days. Ever wondered why money is referred to as currency? It is energy and is not meant to be kept, stored or asked for its return. The more energy circulated, the more energy is released into the cosmos, and the more is returned back to where it originated. To “spend” is to use or give out in…
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29dragonflykisses · 8 months
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
National Poetry Month Day 3
Day 3 of #Nationalpoetrymonth and the final day to take advantage of the #Newmoon energy. It’s a good time to make a manifestation jar and fill it up with all of your new moon intentions.🌑😊📝 Moon Fact: Did you know that the #Newmoon symbolizes #newbeginnings ? Before calendars, people used the new moon as a way to identify the beginning of a new month. The moon cycle is 29 days, 12hours and 44…
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
April Showers
It’s was a lot going on today! Not only is it April 1st, it’s also the New Moon (in Aries) and National Poetry Month!!!!!! In honor of the occasion, I’m going to try and celebrate each day by sharing some new and relevant info with you. So for Day 1, here’s one of my favorite poems by the late, great #langstonhughes and a New Moon Mantra. Enjoy!!! #nationalpoertymonth2022 #iwrite #iteach #ilove…
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
February New Moon Affirmation
My #newmoon #affirmation from my Affirmation Deck by @unbroken_mama. 🥰 I will care for myself #mind #body and #soul. To care for my mind…I will watch less TV and read more, I will journal more, I will limit social media to writing more and I will let my #creativity be a source of entertainment. I will speak less and listen more. To care for my body, I will move more, I will drink more water…
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
First Full Moon of 2022
Dragonfly’s💋Kiss: Sometimes, you just gotta be the inspiration you need. 😉 Tomorrow’s the first Full Moon of 2022 and I’m psyched! There is a natural mystic blowing through the air, and it’s time to reach into our bag of tricks (or gifts) and create, create, create! Now, normally when we hear the word “create” we think we need to physically construct an item, but to create can have a unique…
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
The Alternative to Therapy
It’s a new year, and we’ve been through a lot these last 2 revolutions around the Sun. We’ve suffered losses, we’ve had gains, epiphanies and lessons (remember…no mistakes) that are all stored in our mental Rolodex waiting for us to organize and compartmentalize our thoughts to make sense of what we’ve experienced. With so many people not being comfortable with counseling, and foregoing the urge…
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
Dragonfly Kisses Coaching and Spiritual Wellness Servant
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29dragonflykisses · 2 years
To give…or not to give?
Often, when we give of ourselves emotionally, spiritually, monetarily, mentally or even physically to people that don’t “match-up”, we do one of two things. We either feel we’re not giving enough so we give more; OR we feel used and we stop giving altogether. Either decision doesn’t make us as the giver feel any more valuable, or better about ourselves. Being a giver, I have learned not to feel…
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29dragonflykisses · 3 years
Living with old experiences
Therapy, coaching, or counseling as #selfcare doesn’t have to consist of you sitting in an office talking about your “problems”. Taking care of your mental health can also be as simple as finding new ways to live with old experiences. We can try something cool like just cooking and chatting with someone who’s there just listen to YOU, without judgement. I like to cook to relieve stress and…
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29dragonflykisses · 3 years
Let’s talk about “childhood trauma”…
Let’s talk about #childhoodtrauma ! The burden of guilt is not ours to bear! Give that shit back to its original owners by setting clear and concise #boundaries, taking #accountability for our present emotional state, and by being diligent in manifesting the life we know we should have, but think we don’t #deserve. #iteach #iheal #lifecoach #accountability #emotionalhealing #sociologist…
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29dragonflykisses · 3 years
Core Belief Self-Assessment
“The reality is that many of us are in a childlike state” at the hands of childhood trauma. We are emotionally illiterate because we are little children in adult bodies.” Dr. Nicole LePera(The Holistic Psychologist) Are the core beliefs you have about yourself actually yours, or are they opinions of others, projected on to you? Take a moment and really consider who was the first person to tell…
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29dragonflykisses · 3 years
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29dragonflykisses · 3 years
How I balance “Adulting”
I’ve been off balance lately. I believe it was the result of my not being true to my authentic self and feeling guilty about how I’ve been thinking, what I’ve been doing and situations I’ve been accepting. So, I made a decision. I decided to tackle one action at a time, with intentions that I can use to re-create my balance. I made a “to do” list of each intention and a daily task list to…
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29dragonflykisses · 3 years
Do What the Fuck You Want!!!
Do What the Fuck You Want!!!
In my practice as a life coach, and just an overall empathetic intuitive, I meet quite a few people who have a hard time being okay with making decisions without people pleasing. My advice is always the same. As long as you don’t intentionally hurt or harm anyone with your decisions physically or emotionally, and as long as what you decide to do doesn’t inadvertantly affect those around you in a…
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