1blackghost · 6 years
The lone fangirl
So in my friend group I really don’t have any nerd/fangirl friends  (I have 1 marvel fangirl friend) So when I reference a show or book series NOBODY GETS IT!!! I’ll crack a joke and when nobody laughs I’ll say ‘its funnier in Enochian’ and everyone looks at me confused as I run away gleefully dancing and so proud of myself for the reference and yet so sad nobody got it.
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1blackghost · 6 years
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When you realize the USA upside down is an anteater.
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1blackghost · 6 years
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My dog is so willing to let me put all kinds of stuff on her but I’m sure inside she is totally fed up with her human.
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1blackghost · 6 years
Can I just say how happy it makes me when I look up a celebrity I like and see they have been married for a long time?
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1blackghost · 6 years
I saw this awhile back and thought it was pretty cute. Then I was in a conversation with my Dad and he just stops talking and is like “can you stop that?” “Stop what?” “That tongue thing.” I had subconsciously started doing it when I was listening to someone!
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Tactile Dean
for the thoughtful tongue while he fiddles with his phone and the worried hand rubbing {9.17}
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