12abm01group8 · 2 years
"Media Evolution and the Changing World: Its Implication to Communication and Education"
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by: Jereve Gulay
The Continual Progress and Evolution of Media
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Our understanding of the world has changed as a result of the evolution of media from old media to new media. While old media is a more conventional form of communication that includes television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, etc., new media is interactive and user-generated. From interpreting communication using only our own senses to making a phone call to someone 989 miles distant. People may now communicate locally and internationally more quickly than ever thanks to technological innovation.
With all these technologies that we have, we surely can utilize media in our own leisure way. Now that newspapers and television have gone digital, these media are beginning to work together more. This partnership is advantageous for the media as well as the advancement of society. People are now prepared to cooperate and engage, which is essential in the 21st century's globalized society. The Internet that grants us the ability to create and remix and express ourselves as never before already is the most common media that we know and we also use in our everyday lives. The utilization of interpersonal and computer-mediated communication has altered significantly due to the internet's rapid expansion.
In fact, due to the media's quick evolution, it has greatly aided not only in increasing communication but also education. The development of the new media has enormous potential for raising educational standards and creating limitless opportunities to simplify teaching and learning more than ever. Through their resources, media institutions can play a significant and successful role in advancing digital education for all societal members, and school administrations in particular.
Media Offering Endless Communication Possibilities
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Before social media, our ability to engage with others was severely constrained, and it was mostly limited to the people we knew in person. The development of media gave rise to the innovative idea of social media, which is now a powerful communications tool with a significant impact on both urban centers and rural areas. We are just witnessing a small portion of the digital revolution, though. The world has become more accessible because to the digital transition, which has also affected businesses and altered how we communicate. The business, advertising, and education sectors have all been overtaken by social media. It has had a significant impact on how people communicate and has now become a necessary component on our lives.
The influence of social media has given rise to a new type of communication where information can be easily shared and conversations are brief. Social media and the internet have drastically transformed how people engage and communicate on a global scale.
Media Making Education Easier
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Developing knowledge involves learning. It requires a lot of work, and occasionally it will bore and frustrate learners, causing them to become disengaged from the class. In this situation, it is necessary to incorporate media into the teaching-learning process in order to grab the attention of the students and make the activities more engaging and efficient. Media use in the teaching-learning process is nothing new. The value of media is widely acknowledged among teachers.
The use of media in the teaching-learning process offers a number of other benefits as well. Media has the potential to increase students' interest in the lesson and is crucial in grabbing their attention. The ability of students to direct their own learning is increased by media. In a nutshell, we can state that the use of media in educational activities is beneficial and significantly increases learning's enjoyment, excitement, and easier.
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12abm01group8 · 2 years
On Becoming a Medium: Gen – Z Individuals as Modern Communicators
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When we say Gen – Z individuals, it refers to the group of people born between 1995 and 2012. There are 5 things in Gen – Z individuals, these are what they’re interested in studying, how they’re studying, their degree goals, they’re concerns about higher education and how they prefer to communicate. Gen – Z individuals are considered as the first generation of digital natives; they’re not only used to the availability of information but also to the immediacy of information. Communication with Gen – Z needs to be concise and visual.
How Gen - Z Communicates?
Gen – Z communicates with images, and they multitask across multiple screens, their attention spans are getting shorter as well, explaining their preference for videos and images rather than text. Gen – Z individuals are ultimate consumers of snack media. They communicate in bite sizes. Punchy headline or razor-sharp text resonate much better than lengthening chunks of words or high – winded passages.
Gen – Z have a potential to become a medium as modern communicators because they are much preferred to communicate concisely and visually meaning, explaining their opinions using videos and images rather than text. Gen – Z grew in the age of social media, and they have a unique characteristic. In this generation, they have a lot of learnings when it comes to advancement of technologies and there is a difference between them from other generation.
Did Gen - Z Have Their Own Language?
Gen – Z also have their own language. They communicate with others using  acronyms like LOL, BTW and many more. Important notes to remember when trying to connect with Gen – Z that they had seen the positive effects of technology and globalization, and this has given them a hopeful outlook for the future.
What Makes Gen Z So Special?
Gen Z Individuals are special in the sense that they are the first generation to grow up in a completely digital world. They have never known a time without technology, and this has shaped the way they think and communicate.
Gen Z are also more racially diverse than older generations, they are more open-minded and respectful to other people. They are entrepreneurial and innovative, and they want to change the world for the better.
The older generations don't quite understand Gen Z. They see them as being lazy and unproductive because they are constantly distracted by their phones and laptops. The older generations also view Gen Z as being disrespectful and entitled. However, it is very important to remember that Gen Z is the future of our world, and we need to learn how to connect with them to understand them.
Reference: Communicating with Generation Z: Everything You Need to Know (keg.com)
      Knowing Gen Z and How to Communicate With Them (tutorcity.sg)
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