traumasurvivors · 2 days
My trauma didn't make me stronger. That credit goes to me and me alone.
I made me stronger. I pulled myself through. That strength was already a part of me.
My trauma did not add to my character. It did not make me kind. It did not make me a warrior.
Anything I am is thanks to me.
Maybe you want to argue that I wouldn't have found that strength without my trauma. But it's still my strength, that I found within myself. It already existed in me for me to be able to find it. My trauma does not deserve the credit for it.
And even if it did help me find that strength, it doesn't mean I'm "better" for my trauma in any way shape or form. The trauma didn't do me any favours. And I'd still be better off if it hadn't happened.
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revacholianrobot · 1 day
mom I don't think you should send this to me
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pm-word-explain · 17 hours
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lee-vicious-9 · 1 day
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francesquinn88 · 2 days
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artist-watch-song · 3 days
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CW for historically-typical violence.
The Roman Republic practiced total military conscription, the dilectus. Everyone fought, and even those who did not go on to further service as part of their political careers would serve several years.
Ancient warfare was brutal at every level. “Foraging”, as a military term, means the wholesale theft and violent extraction of all available grain and food nearby. This usually involved sexual assault of peasants as well as kidnapping them into slavery. Even in friendly territory, towns and cities were willing to spend massive amounts of money to keep armies from being billeted in them (Cic. Ad Att. 5.21, Plut. Luc. 29.8). After foraging, Romans would then fight in battle, and sometimes afterwards explicitly ordered to carry out genocidal and mass-punishment actions of slaughter and torture.
My question is: This seems like a recipe for massive, society-wide PTSD. Is that supported by our sources?
I haven't looked into the sources for the evidence. So this is just my best guess:
War-related trauma was probably extremely common for all the reasons you describe. Some researchers argue that the traumatic impact of inflicting violence varies by culture - e.g. if it's socially acceptable to kill outsiders, you probably won't feel very traumatized by killing an outsider. The Romans weren't raised with ideals like equality, peace, and multiculturalism, ideals which often make modern soldiers horrified when they have to kill. But that's only one part of all the trauma war creates, and we have records of ancient Assyrian soldiers struggling to reacclimate to civilian life, so I suspect some Roman soldiers encountered that, too. Generational trauma would also continue to impact populations for decades after a war ended.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a 20th century concept, previously called "shell shock" to describe soldiers in World War I who became too emotionally paralyzed or overwhelmed to fight. Like all disorders, it contrasts with what we've defined as "healthy." Would the Romans have thought it unhealthy to be on guard for violence every time you left your house (hypervigilance), or just good sense in a dangerous world? Would they think it mentally unhealthy for a girl to hate sex after she was enslaved and raped, or perfectly logical?
Conversely, they might be harsher on some things than we are: a veteran who startles and hides under his desk whenever he hears a loud noise might be seen as a coward rather than a man having flashbacks. It might be seen as a character flaw rather than a symptom of illness. The girl who was raped might be expected to get over it because she's married now, and if she doesn't have kids, who will care for her when she's old?
Forgive me if this sounds like I'm quibbling over definitions. I suspect the widespread trauma you imagine was very real, but that cultures have different ways of conceptualizing it, and different ideas of what "healthy" and "unhealthy" behaviors are. It's one of several reasons why we can't diagnose historical figures with mental disorders.
Mark Antony would've probably been offended by Adrian Goldsworthy's suggestion that he was suffering from something as "weak" as PTSD after Parthia. He'd much rather be called an asshole!
(Anyone who knows more about this topic, feel free to chime in!)
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pleasedontkillmee · 2 days
My cock is leaking precum from the idea of taking advantage of a cunt/fag who has trauma/has recently been through something, and “comforting” them, allowing them to lean on me for trust, before manipulating them into letting me rape them. I’ll take their little pussy and slip my cock into it, fucking them while they’re trying to tell me their story. Maybe I’ll take it up a step and rape their mouth while they’re crying, mumbling the story of their rape.
“I hope you’re ok my love. I mean, it’s not your fault. Just, wouldn’t you feel SO much better if you didn’t have these heavy clothes on?”
“Aww, poor baby. I’m so sorry that happened to you; and I’ll make sure nothing like that happens again to you. Now, tighten your throat more.”
“You didn’t deserve that, my love. Arch your back a little more so I can see your ass…perfect.”
“Well, you seem like you’re doing better, and I promise it’s gonna be ok my love. Now, if you could just continue crying, that would be perfect”
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travajoke01 · 19 hours
Open the image for better quality!
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I'll become the monster, I will deal the blow....
EPIC the musical plays in the distance I am TRAUMATIZED by his backstory and this mushroom scene is heartwrenching HOW COULD YOU ODA
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traumasurvivors · 2 days
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I remember making these awhile back when someone sent an ask in about how nice it would be if there were medals for this sort of thing. They aren't official, but I did throw these together!
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They are my Roman Empire
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come1nalone · 23 hours
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sophieinwonderland · 2 days
r/systemscringe and its contemporaries would also fakeclaim me because I don't reach their designated baseline of trauma???
Fascinating how they would throw out "real systems" (read: traumagenic systems, but this is how they think) along with the "fake" ones in the effort to defend their community.
Anyways, I have trauma that I will never remember because I was like less than a year old but only the trauma I remember counts, right???
In summary, from a traumagenic system with complicated opinions on endos: r/systemscringe is incredibly ableist to everyone around them, even if they'd support them in principle.
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Here’s some positivity for systems and headmates with hypochondria!
Some systems may find that stress, trauma, neglect, or other factors in their life may lead them to develop hypochondria. Systems with hypochondria are still absolutely valid and deserving of love and support! Here’s to all the systems out there who struggle with hypochondria!
❤️‍🩹 Shoutout to systems who have been diagnosed with hypochondria or illness anxiety disorder!
😷 Shoutout to systems who worry about what maladies they may be suffering from as a result of trauma, abuse, or overwhelming negative experiences!
🩹 Shoutout to systems who wish their concerns would be taken seriously by their loved ones and doctors!
❤️‍🩹 Shoutout to systems who often misinterpret normal body functions as symptoms of illness or injury!
😷 Shoutout to systems with headmates who are hypochondria holders, or who worry about potential illness more than the rest of their system!
🩹 Shoutout to systems who are unable to work, attend school, properly care for themselves, or maintain healthy relationships due to their hypochondria!
❤️‍🩹 Shoutout to systems who regularly seek out care, be it from ER/urgent care staff, primary care doctors, therapists, specialists, or other healthcare professionals!
😷 Shoutout to systems who have been let down by the healthcare professionals in their lives and avoid seeking medical care as a result!
🩹 Shoutout to systems with hypochondria who are genuinely disabled, injured, or ill in some way, but worry that their condition is worse than it actually is!
❤️‍🩹 Shoutout to those who formed their system or became plural as a way to cope with their hypochondria!
😷 Shoutout to systems who are learning to live with and make the most of their lives with hypochondria!
To anyone with hypochondria, whether it doesn’t bother you much or causes you deep distress, please know that we see you, we care about you, and we believe your concerns deserve to be acknowledged taken seriously. We hope that you can find peace, happiness, and healing in your future! We’re rooting for you, we’re in your corner, and we’re wishing the very best for you in all that you do. Thank you for reading, and have a great day!
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autumnsunshine10 · 2 days
Sun bleached flies - Ethel Cain
I bring the party
Down down down
Crashing like a runaway train
On the wrong side of town
Long disconnected numbers
Crumpled in my back pocket
Kitchen sink clogged with tears
As I clean another dish
Feeling close to breaking
That's all I ever learned how to do
Wash break repeat
Watched the homemaker tableau
Another table knocked over
Whiskey tumbling beer bottle rockets
They fight across time and space
Darling it's time to face the music
Don't know what the hell I'm doing
Heaven help me I seem to be
Down down down
Cut off at the knees
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dreamie-dolli · 3 days
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maybe all the things that have happened have affected me as a person 𝜗୧
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