#to name the biggest 3
puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 197
“Guys look, I got us pet rocks!” 
“That’s nice- Danny, why are the rocks moving?” 
“Ectoplasm. Obviously. They eat bad emotions, isn’t that cool?!” 
“They aren’t going to get that big though, right? I mean, we’re moving to the countryside but still.”
“I mean, they shouldn’t? Dang, maybe I should have asked Dora more questions…” 
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pachimation · 1 year
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new year, new you,,,,,,,
ITS SCARA’S BIRTHDAY WHOOOOOOO 🥳🥳 thank you for being born you have infested my thoughts for the last year and a half like a cockroach and i literally cannot get rid of you no matter what i do <3
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rocketbirdie · 4 months
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somegrumpynerd · 2 months
"Trying to keep these oversized hamsters alive"
Fuvk. Now i yearn to See them drawn as hamsters for real! 💘🥺🥺🥺 pls bless us with Bad sans hamsters, i beg u pleeeaseee. 😭😭💕
- 🍓
Weeeeell alright, but only because you asked so nicely and also I really really love hamsters lol
(I've only ever had history with dwarf hamsters so that's what they all are to me, sanses are short anyway so it kinda fits.)
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I made Killer and Dust roborovskis because they were the first hamsters I had and I have favourites. Also they are fast as hell so good luck catching these guys if they get out. I made Horror and Cross russians because they get a lil bit bigger than robos and I wanted a black and white one for Cross.
Also I dunno if you've ever seen those videos of 2 hamsters trying to run on the same wheel and one getting spun around or thrown off, but that's 100% Killer and Cross.
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
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In a surprising twist for fans of the Slovenian Shagadelic rock and roll band Joker Out, frontman Bojan Cvjetićanin has recently confirmed his decision to relocate to Finland, followed quickly by the announcement that guitarist Kris Guštin will be leaving the band to join Dutch girl group K3. Along with the recent news of drummer Jure Maček’s critical drumstick shortage, fans of Joker Out appear to be facing a crisis that not even ‘Sama’ released on Spotify could solve.
Amidst the whirlwind of changes, two steadfast members, Jan Peteh and Nace Jordan, were spotted returning from their recent European tour to their rehearsal space. However, fans quickly noticed the absence of their bandmates, prompting speculation about the band's future.
But now, in an exclusive revelation, we can unveil the heartwarming reason behind Jan and Nace's solo return: they adopted a kitten together, and took some much needed alone time to settle in their new addition. After the emotional rollercoaster of bidding farewell to their departing bandmates, Jan and Nace found solace in the company of their newfound furry companion.
Sources close to the band suggest that the kitten has been named ‘Jos’. While some speculate that this is an ode to Dutch member, Kris Guštin, it is far more likely that this decision was made to honour fan group, JokerOutSubs, and thank them for their tireless work in translating Joker Out content. Nace, the only member of Joker Out to follow JokerOutSubs on Instagram, is known to be an huge fan.
The rockstars now face the onerous task of introducing Jos to their existing menagerie. Jan’s cat Igor, known for his sassy demeanour and rockstar attitude, is said to be unsure about the new addition. When confronted about his new sibling, Igor remained tight lipped and mysterious, much like his father, Jan. On the other hand, Nace’s dog, Ollie, has been wildly enthusiastic, and provided a comment to our reporters: ‘woof woof, bark bark!’*
While the band undergoes a period of transition, fans can take comfort in the knowledge that the bond between Jan, Nace, Igor, Ollie, and their newest band member will only continue to grow stronger. In the ever-changing landscape of rock and roll, Joker Out proves that amidst departures and new beginnings, the power of music and friendship endures.
*Note from JokerOutSubs: in a rare moment of failure on our part, we were unable to translate this sentence. If anyone speaks dog (the Slovene dialect version) and would enjoy joining our team, send your credentials to [email protected].
Original article by Delo can be found here.
Article translation by a JokerOutSubs member. Proof read by IG GBoleyn123.
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jekyllnahyena · 6 months
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cody has friends.
he'd rather not
based on this gem <3
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krakenshaped · 8 months
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A commission for @scyphosaurus !! Some eliteshipping! (Fubuki/Ryo/Fujiwara)
This was such a fun and surprisingly challenging commission! It was a really good opportunity to test my rendering skills. Thanks so much Rico (<- Fujiwara's strongest solider) for the commission!!
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roomy-ghosted · 9 months
don't get me wrong, love the idea of moon elf subrace Astarion but star elf is literally right there.
His ancestors could have settled back in faerune alongside the rest and his parents could still be alive as it lines up with the 2 milenia that star elves stayed in faerune. Because there wasn't any prospects of going back, they want to connect him to his past and heritage and thus named their baby their little star. LIKE-
Also I can be silly and make fun of Astarion with the beautiful lie that is Alexandria's Genisis. So what's not to love about that?
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nelbii · 1 month
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quick sketch before bed
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
this is random but one of my favorite ALNST joke OCs is a girl who had a massive crush on Ivan and was able to date him for a little while because he felt bored enough to accept her. what follows is the most excruciating insanity inducing half-relationship in existence (they lasted 3 weeks before she gave up trying to understand him)
#her name is saya!! saya ng#she had the biggest crush on ivan and when she asked him out he said yes in the most casual way ever that she thought he was joking#the whole time they're “together” she's nervously looking away and blushing while ivan's eyes are trained on that gray haired boyfail there#whenever she'd ask to do couple things with him like hold hands or eat together he'd comply for a little while#but then he'd say something important came up and that he had to leave#she understood because of course! he's a top student surely hes busy no worries#he always seemed to have a wall up. smile never faltering but never fully genuine either#he always looked at her like he was seeing past her and not like he was looking at her person#he was a good and charming conversationalist but even though she got to spend more time with him#it never really felt like a “relationship”. more like two people roleplaying the actions of a relationship#because ivan was so closed off#she started noticing till more all because ivan kept noticing him#and she noticed how he seemed to change when he noticed till. like tills presence was enough to rewire his brain#she quickly realized she was nobody next to him and broke it off#anyways she got sent home because she wasn't good enough to graduate (she wasn't particularly good at anything)#she watched all her friends (dotori/acorn#round 3 and 4 kids)#die on screen#and when she's sent to a different singing competition she loses and dies#her name saya ng combines to make the word sayang#which in my language means: a waste#okay. this was supposed to be funny but now that im saying it#it low-key sounds kind of diabolical#by the way this idea is inspired by the Patreon info about ivan#(he CANONICALLY would accept anyones confession if he was bored enough. V and Q said that theyd tire of ivan being so closed and mysterious)#imagine being in the “recovering from dating ivan” club#alnst#random
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reformedmoth · 9 months
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A Taste of Solitude | The Wheel of Time 2x1
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sonknuxadow · 2 months
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hey guys look what i found in my drafts. from a few days ago .
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thegengarprincess · 2 months
In conclusion Kris has the fattest ass in all of Slovenia N Jan is from another world entirely cuz no human can be THAT 👏🏻 F4N 👏🏻 *GORGEOUS* 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
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keyh0use · 4 months
Ward's voice cuts through the charged atmosphere like a knife through warm butter, only less pleasant. Conversations momentarily pause as guests follow the sound, curious eyes landing on the Cameron patriarch before seeking out Rafe in the crowd, standing frozen beside his small group of friends. "I'll be right back," mumbles Rafe, addressed directly to Barry. The dealer gives a bored nod. "Yup, be waitin' on ya'," he says. Without further notice, Rafe swiftly leaves the circle to join his waiting father, shaking hands with older businessmen while effortlessly slipping into conversation with them. "Really?" Topper asks in disbelief, brows drawn and forehead creased as he watches Barry watch Rafe.
Barry takes a sip of the expensive alcohol he's been nursing for the last half hour, cringing once more at the bitter taste. "Don't know what you're on about," he answers.
Both kooks turn to face one another in sync, the blonde's hand curled around Kelce's wrist. "I must leave you, my love," professes Topper dramatically, giving his friend a sickeningly sweet look, all wide-eyed.
"I'll await your return with bated breath, my sweet prince." Kelce caresses Topper's cheek with his knuckles, before whispering scene, the two turning back to face barry.
"That's what you and Rafe sound like to us," informs Topper.
Barry hisses, "Like hell—"
"Just admit you're in love with Rafe, you should feel proud you might have a smidgen of a chance to date up," Topper continues, cutting the other man off without care. "Shut up," snaps Barry, head on a swivel as he scans the crowd for any obvious eavesdroppers. Kelce interrupts the inevitable bickering bound to follow to say, "I kinda agree, bro. Not with the classist comment—Topper—but maybe you could...oh, I don't know, give Rafe a hint, at least." "Nah, told y'all already to cut that shit out," Barry firmly replies, jaw tensing as he repeats the same pathetic truth for the dozenth time: "He don't feel that way 'bout me, aight?" Topper's laugh is obnoxious and explosive, taking both men off guard. "Is that what you think? I mean, really?"
"Dude," Kelce chides quietly, elbowing his friend in the ribs.
"Oh right." The blonde rubs at the sore spot with a grimace before fixing his attention back on Barry, sarcastically saying, "Rafe feels completely normal about you."
The dealer grapples for a response, rolling the now empty glass between fingers by the long stem. Confessing how he feels has been a topic of discussion with the annoying kooks for several months now, the two hounding him on Rafe's boat or in some obscure corner at a house party the moment he's left alone, like little well-dressed vultures.
Usually it's tolerable, sometimes even amusing but right now, surrounded by wealthy families and Rafe's whole damn family—Barry's tailored suit starts to feel too tight, the collar choking him out and sweat collecting in warm spots.
Barry's startled out of his thoughts by an arm being slung over his shoulders.
"Hey," Rafe greets his friends first, then tilts his chin down to talk to Barry. "Hey, so that fucking sucked. Told dad we were just leaving before he called me over, so we're good to go, if you wanna..."
"Yeah. Yup, let's get outta here," Barry answers immediately, not bothering to say goodbye to Topper and Kelce before dragging his boy towards the front entrance to gather their coats.
Once Barry and Rafe are out of earshot, Topper turns to grab Kelce by the front of his purple button-up. "This will never end! They're going to pine over one another forever and we'll have to listen to it," he complains.
"I know, buddy, I want Rafe to be happy too."
"What? No, that's not it," Topper dismisses. "I just don't want to be trapped with Rafe out on the ocean, listening to him drunkenly drone on and on about what he wants to do to Barry's face again. Here's a hint: it got progressively less PG the more he drank."
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fruitysoupy · 11 months
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Grasshopper meets the Hero of Time from @zelda-the-sacred-realm
(click for higher quality!)
Whenever I see a Links Meet AU my first thought will always be "but what if they met my boys", and feisty little Grasshopper squaring up to the grumpiest hero I know made me giggle the most so it had to be done teehee :]]
Thanks for sharing your AU with us <3 I had a lot of fun drawing your Time
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alexalbongf · 1 year
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one year since mick's sprint race in austria
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