#tlk au
australet789 · 3 months
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HH: TLK AU: Overlords
And the last part of the Hell Pride in this AU. Short explanation of what animal is whom:
Velvette is a Leopard
Valentino is a Green Peafowl, in this case, Purple, if you want to specific
Vox is a Slender Snouted Crocodile
Carmilla is a Giant Sable Antelope
Rosie and Cannibal town are Hyenas
Each one of them are the Herd leaders of their respective species.
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Shooting a Movie part 2
Note: as if I can write a one chapter thing. nope! once again; shoutout to @foxyanon for letting me ramble about this fic to her as I made it up!
follow up to part 1.
Warnings: 18+!! smut/brief hint of angst. The pornstar plot continues with Sihtric.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: your next job offer was to make a movie with Sihtric.
wordcount: 5k
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Your movie with Masema had been a success, and the movie offers came rolling in your manager's inbox ever since it was released.
You viewed all the offers but none really made you excited as they were, as expected, all made for the hardcore porn industry. Masema had told you he'd always be up for another movie if you would be interested, all you had to do was contact his manager and he'd be game. But as much as you had loved your little adventure with the dominant man, the hardcore stuff was not what you wanted to focus on necessarily right now, so you turned down offer after offer.
However, after a few weeks you contemplated hitting up Masema again, as you simply needed work in order to pay your bills, but before you could reach out you suddenly received an interesting message; a role in a more soft porn movie was available, and the male co-star was none other than Sihtric Kjartansson.
Sihtric was a very well known name in the industry, just like Masema, and it wasn't easy to make it through the selection to work with him. You and many others swore Sihtric and Masema could've been twins, but they both truly didn't know each other nor had they ever met, despite working in the same industry. There were some differences between the two men though. Sihtric was scarred and had several tattoos on his body, and he had an outrageous but damned sexy haircut with half of his head shaved and the other half full with long, dark curls. But their personalities were completely different as well. Masema was stern, serious and rather quiet, whereas Sihtric was not taking himself seriously at all, he just wanted to have fun. And from the stories you had heard in the dressing rooms and at parties, Sihtric was truly kind, gentle and very warmhearted. Everyone who had worked with Sihtric had nothing but praise for him, and you hoped you would soon be one of the lucky ones who could tell nice stories about him.
You reacted to the available spot, and to your surprise you got a phone call from Sihtric himself only a few days later to tell you that you were his first choice.
'There's a script,' Sihtric said on the phone, 'it's a roleplay but I haven't read it yet. I thought maybe we could go through it together?'
Sihtric's voice melted your insides, sounding so warm and playful, and you already couldn't wait to finally meet him. You'd seen several of his movies, and you had never failed to get off by watching him, but you weren't exactly planning on telling him that.
'Sure, that sounds great,' you said, glad that he couldn't see your flushed face.
'Great,' Sihtric said and laughed softly, which weakened your knees, 'how do you want to meet? I just want to make sure you're all comfortable, you know? I could come over to your place if you'd wish, if you feel safe and at ease there, but you're always welcome to come over to my place. Or, we could always meet up for lunch or something and just go over it, no matter how weird that may be,' he laughed again.
'Eh,' you stammered a little lightheaded, 'no, I- I'll come over to your place, no worries.'
You preferred to visit your co-stars instead of inviting them over to your home, that way you can always leave whenever you want to in case you don't vibe with them.
'Alright, cool,' Sihtric said with clear excitement in his voice, 'I'll make sure I have the scripts here and I'll text you my address. If you're cool with me texting you of course,' he quickly checked.
'Sure, you can text me,' you smiled.
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When you arrived at the apartment building Sihtric lived in you double checked the address he had texted you before getting out of your car. The neighbourhood looked rather dodgy, even on a late afternoon, and not a place where a famous and rich pornstar would live. You were hesitant to get out of your car as you saw a group of men hanging out near the building, and so you texted Sihtric to ask if you were really at the right place. You looked at the building again and got spooked when your phone suddenly rang as Sihtric called you.
'Sihtric?' you answered.
'Yeah, hey,' he chuckled as he ran down some stairs, his footsteps echoing loudly in the background, 'you're at the right place, but I know how it looks. I'm on my way to pick you up, don't worry.'
He had barely said those words when you saw the main entrance door swing open and Sihtric stepping through it. He looked so good while so casually dressed, wearing black leather boots with black sweatpants and a half buttoned up grey flannel on top. His outfit coincidentally matched with your short black skirt and dark grey t-shirt.
Sihtric hung up as soon as he saw you step out of your car, and he showed you a big smile as he approached you with open arms, inviting you in for a hug.
'Hey, babe,' he said so smoothly and naturally while he pulled you in for a tight embrace, 'sorry about the place,' he rambled before you could even greet him back, 'I've lived here almost all my life and I'm used to it. I actually never invite colleagues over for that reason and stop by them, so when I invited you I forget this place looks dodgy as fuck. Sorry about that,' he took a step back and held your hands, 'damn, you look gorgeous by the way,' he made you twirl around for him as he held your hand so he could check you out, 'how are you, darling?'
'I- Oh,' you giggled as you nearly fell in his arms, 'I'm good,' you smiled and already felt yourself getting lost in his mismatched eyes, 'and how are you?'
'Couldn't be better,' Sihtric smiled sweetly and then noticed he had never given you the time or space to close your car door, so he shut it for you.
'Thanks,' you felt yourself already constantly blushing in his presence.
Sihtric waved off your gratitude and took your hand, holding it as he walked you towards the building.
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His apartment was bigger than you had expected, but still very modest and it was evident that a single guy lived there. His living room was a little bit messy, but not dirty, and you wondered why someone who earned the amount of money he did lived in a place like that. There was nothing wrong with it though, but it was the total opposite of Masema's mansion for example, as Sihtric only seemed to have one bedroom instead of six. And in a way you actually liked that, because Sihtric clearly wasn't flashy and showing off his money; he liked to keep life simple and it seemingly kept him grounded too.
You sat down on his black leather couch while he poured you a drink, and after some small talk you moved on to the reason for this meeting.
'Okay,' Sihtric said with a sigh as he held the scripts in his hand, 'I've only read the pairing and it's as cliché as it gets, but,' he paused for a second and handed you the one script, 'I think it's hilarious and we can work with it.'
'What's the pair- oh,' you snorted when you saw the roles selected, 'teacher and student, really?'
'I know,' Sihtric laughed and let himself fall back into his comfy couch next to you, 'let's see what we got here then,' he said and flipped the first page.
You sipped your drink while his eyes scanned the first page, and a frown appeared on his face before it transformed into a grin.
'Oh, hold on,' he chuckled, 'I expected me to be the intimidating teacher and you the hot student, but it looks like they reversed the roles for once.'
'What?' you nearly choked on your drink and flipped the page, 'oh, shit,' you laughed.
'This is ridiculous,' Sihtric laughed again as he read the context of the written scenes, 'I have to eat you out to crank my grade up? And in return for my good behaviour you give me a blowjob? I would've been a fucking A student in school if this was how it worked,' he snorted, and you both laughed as you continued to read.
'Oh, we have sex on the teacher's desk, obviously,' you rolled your eyes with a smile.
'I love how awful this is,' Sihtric said and shook his head, smiling, 'who even writes this shit?'
'The writer should be stated in the back right?' you had barely spoken the words or Sihtric already flipped to the last page.
'Let's see. Hm, one… Osferth?' Sihtric furrowed his brow and then laughed, 'what a freaky dude. Anyway, are you up for this though?' Sihtric looked at you and threw his script on his salon table.
'Eh,' you paused as you quickly looked through the written acts again, 'yeah, it's all fine by me. Nothing we haven't done before. I'm cool with this. You?'
'Of course,' he said and turned to face you, resting his arm on the couch's backrest behind you.
You also turned towards him, feeling comfortably shy under his intense but soft and sweet gaze. You knew he wanted more than to discuss that script with you, but it was also clear that he gave you enough space to tell him you didn't want anything more right now if that would be the case. But you had no plans of stopping him, as you wanted to explore him as much as he wanted to explore you. And Sihtric sensed that, he was good at reading people and feeling their energy, and he liked what you radiated. He then leaned in a little closer and hooked one finger around the delicate golden necklace you wore.
'Gift from a lover?' he asked as he looked at the little heart pendant.
'Oh, no,' you said, 'I just liked it and bought it myself some years ago.'
'Ah,' he clicked his tongue, 'fair. I saw it in one of your movies and I thought it was just an accessory at first, but I got curious now seeing you wear it in private.'
'You got curious?' you asked with a playful smile, 'curious to what? If I'm seeing someone?'
'Just curious is all, sweetheart,' Sihtric said with a soft voice, and he smiled while his fingers grazed your collar bones lightly after letting go of your necklace.
'So you've seen my work?' you continued to question him.
'Your latest one, yeah,' he confessed, his fingers trailing down your arm, 'I had heard your name a few times before, I knew you were pretty new but also rapidly gaining an impressive resume.'
'And you wanted to work with me because of my last movie? Because that was really just me exploring the industry a little further.'
'I figured,' Sihtric smiled and placed his hand on your thigh, 'but it was a good movie. And you're now the first girl who got to kiss Masema on screen.'
'That's a title I proudly earned,' you smiled, to which Sihtric laughed and leaned in closer.
'You know, I'm also not one to kiss in my movies,' he half whispered and circled your lips with his thumb, 'but I understand Masema, because you make it so damned tempting.'
You smiled a little shyly, which he enjoyed, and he moved even closer while you remained somewhat frozen.
'You can touch me, you know,' he purred with a flirty smile and took your hand to place it on his chest.
You giggled softly, and Sihtric lightly caressed your cheek with his fingers. You looked up at him for a moment, and then your eyes darted between his slightly parted lips and his eyes, which popped out because of his black eyeliner, and you immediately looked down at your hand on his chest after you noticed he saw you had looked at his lips.
'What's the matter?' he asked sweetly, 'getting shy? There's no reason for that. I'm sure you've seen my work, so we've seen each other naked already anyway, what else is there to be shy about?'
'I just struggle to not kiss you,' you confessed.
'Why do you want to kiss me so badly?' he asked with a smirk.
'Because you're cute,' you shrugged, 'and really good looking of course.'
'Well, so are you,' Sihtric half whispered, 'so in that case, maybe you could kiss me.'
'Can I?' you asked as you both leaned in closer, feeling his breath on your lips.
'You can, but you're getting me all nervous now,' he chuckled, 'it's been a while since I properly kissed someone.'
You smiled compassionately at him, hoping to ease his sudden nerves, and you moved your hands up to his neck as you leaned in to softly peck his lips. Another nervous chuckle escaped Sihtric as you pulled back to look at him, wanting to make sure that everything was fine with him, but the blush on his cheeks told you everything you needed to know without even asking, and you brought your lips back to his again.
'That okay?' you asked after a longer kiss.
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed softly against your lips and moved his hands to your face, pulling you back in again for another tender kiss.
He pulled you in his lap, and you straddled him while you continued to kiss gently and slowly, while not lacking the intensity of that steamy kiss you had shared with Masema. Sihtric moaned softly into your mouth when the kiss deepened, and you became a little lightheaded when you felt his tongue piercing lightly grazing your lips and tongue.
'You good?' you asked after he broke the kiss for some air.
'Mhm, don't stop,' Sihtric breathed against your lips, and immediately snuck his tongue in your mouth again at the first opportunity.
His fingers slid under your short skirt, settling on your buttocks while you unbuttoned the rest of his flannel and pushed it down his shoulders. You felt the cold steel of his silver rings on your skin while you kissed his jaw and up to his earlobe, where you playfully tugged his dangling cross earring lightly with your teeth, before you kissed under his ear and down his neck.
Sihtric smiled and threw his head back on his couch, enjoying the way your lips felt on his skin a little more than he perhaps should, but you somehow made him feel so good, he relished in it.
He hooked his arms under your knees after a moment, and lifted you smoothly his arms as he got up, walking you over to his office desk which was located in front of the living room window, overlooking the rather shady neighbourhood from the third floor, and he took off his flannel as soon as he had sat you down. You bit down on your lip as you smiled, eyeing up his muscular and scarred torso before you placed your hand on the back of his neck and pulled him back in for another kiss while you wrapped your legs around his waist, locking him in.
'Tell me what you like,' Sihtric breathed against your lips, his hands roaming your body before taking off your shirt.
'Anything, handsome,' you laughed your signature cheeky laugh, which took Sihtric by surprise and he simply melted inside.
He smiled at you, his eyes half dazed while his lips were touching yours and his hand holding your face.
'Anything, baby?' he murmured playfully and then pushed your mini skirt further up, his fingers curled around the elastic band of your seethrough panties, 'that's not good enough for me though, I need to hear what you want.'
'Your cock,' you smiled and cupped his arousal through his black sweatpants.
'You want my cock?' he teased, 'hm, how badly?'
His warm and soft voice sent tingles down your spine while he held your face close to his, lips and noses touching as you both smiled at each other.
'Really badly,' you whispered seductively and lowered his sweatpants.
You attempted to pull down his boxers too, but Sihtric playfully slapped your hands away.
'Nah-ah,' he chuckled, 'it's my turn first,' he winked and dropped to his knees.
He pulled your panties down so fast you had no idea how he had done it, and before you could even adjust to the sudden change your legs were already upon his broad shoulders and his head between your thighs. He knew the script had more foreplay, but he also knew neither of you were sticking to the script in any way right now, except that you were sitting upon a desk and he was about to taste you.
You gasped when you felt him kiss and suck your clit lightly before he started to lick you, his piercing then hitting the right spot with every roll of his tongue. You squirmed at the feeling and fell back on his desk. His grip on you was loose and relaxed, he knew you weren't going to try and get away from him because the sounds you made told him you were enjoying yourself too much.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the feeling of his facial hair against your skin, and you couldn't stop smiling at the way he pleasured you so gently yet firm. You moved one hand down into his dark curls, and the vibration of his low and satisfying hums against your core made you squeal and tug his hair each time while you arched your back, much to Sihtric's own pleasure. He had you at his mercy so easily and he loved it. He wanted you to feel as good as it felt for him, and knowing he didn't even have to use his hands on you to make you feel this good stroked his ego and made him feel content too. He could get off by just pleasing you all night.
'Hm, please,' you mumbled, smiling, desperately needing more.
You pushed yourself up your elbows to look at Sihtric, but you immediately fell back down lightheaded after having locked eyes with him while he slowly teased you with the tip of his tongue and winked at you. You were left breathless and swore you saw stars after you laid back down again, and that was not just because you were looking out of the window.
'Just relax for me,' Sihtric cooed and moved up, leaning in over you and pressing his hard trapped cock against your folds while he took your chin, 'let me take care of you, please? A pretty girl like you deserves to be taken care of.'
'But what if I want to take care of you?' you asked with a slight pout.
'You're too pretty to get down on your knees for me,' Sihtric whispered with a soft smile, 'we can do that when we're filming. But I'm not letting you do that here, not this first time, okay, sweetheart?'
'O-okay,' you mumbled as he leaned his forehead against yours.
'Did you like that?' he asked, his lips touching yours with every word he spoke.
'Yeah,' you sighed dreamily, 'I really did.'
'Good,' he smiled, 'all I want is to make you feel good.'
He kissed you passionately and didn't stop until his cock became painful, desperate to be freed from his tight boxers so he carefully asked, 'You wanna fuck, baby?'
You nodded impatiently with your desperation for him clear in your eyes, to which he smiled. He wasn't sure what exactly he was feeling inside right now, as it was new but also pleasant and he wanted to chase it, so he lifted your chin with a tap of his index finger and he kissed you deeply again, wanting this moment to last while he took off your skirt.
He continued to kiss you while he pulled out his leaking cock, giving himself a few good strokes before teasing your entrance. He knew you were desperate and he wanted to see you smile, and it worked.
'Stop teasing,' you giggled with a soft whine.
You attempted to push his hand away so you could feel him inside you, but he didn't move. Instead, he wrapped his free hand lightly around your throat, smiling as he looked down into your eyes. He then moved his hand further up and tangled his fingers in your hair, giving you a firm tug to keep your eyes locked with his.
'Or what?' Sihtric asked sweetly.
'Stop it,' you laughed and slapped his chest playfully.
'Or what?' he dared you again with a smirk as he towered over you, then politely commanded, 'open your mouth for me.'
Without any hesitation you listened and opened your mouth for him, his grip still firm on the back of your head, and you allowed him to let his spit slowly drip from between his lips and down on your tongue. You gave him your cheeky smile as you thanked him, to which he kissed you in response, a little more heated than before. Once he broke the kiss he quickly covered your mouth with his hand, silencing you as he sheathed himself entirely inside you in one smooth movement.
'Ahh, fuck,' his words were dragged out with a low moan as he stilled inside you, letting you adjust to his size which stretched you the same pleasant way as Masema had done, and you never thought you'd ever feel this full again.
You tugged his hair firmly while your other hand squeezed his bicep, digging your nails into his skin as he began to slowly thrust into you. So slowly you felt every twitch of his cock with each stroke and your moans began to sound muffled as your mouth was still covered. Sihtric removed his hand and pushed you to lay back on his desk, he took your legs and threw both over one shoulder before he grabbed onto your waist and began fucking you with a pleasantly slow and steady pace. 
Sihtric was never rough nor too soft, he had the perfect balance that wasn't fucking you senseless but also not something you'd consider making love, it was something pleasant inbetween the two. He fucked you deeply but with a certain passion, and nothing made him harder than knowing he was taking you in front of the window, in clear view of those who lived in the surrounding apartment buildings, who could see how good he made you feel without having to ravage you.
He leaned in occasionally, taking your face with one hand while he continued to thrust into you slow and deep as he kissed you and caught your soft moans in his mouth. You arched your back once he moved away from you, and he had his strong arm wrapped around your legs to keep them in place on his shoulder while he had one hand pressed down onto your stomach, feeling his cock inside you as he enjoyed how tight you felt in this position.
'You're making me cum so easily, sweet lady,' Sihtric huffed with a devilish yet soft smile.
'Then cum,' you breathed, wanting to feel his warmth spread inside you.
You looked up at him with alluring eyes, feeling dazed at the sight of his black curls sticking to his glistening face and the way his smiling lips were slightly parted, from which his soft moans and heavy breaths escaped. His eyes were hooded, his eyeliner still applied perfectly and his cheeks were a light rosy colour. He took his time with you, thrusting deep inside you so slow it made your head spin and you could only laugh your cheeky laugh in between your moans and gasps.
You experienced hard porn and soft porn, but this was neither of those. This was something entirely different, softer and slower than you'd ever felt before, and despite the slow pace it felt extremely intense you couldn't say anything that made sense. And the entire sight of you on his desk, looking like a beautiful mess as you fell apart for him while he was so gentle with you pushed Sihtric over the edge before he wanted to, but he couldn't help himself and spilled inside you with a heavy grunt. He continued thrusting into you through his own high, and he massaged your clit with his fingers to ensure your climax was just as intense and blissful as his had been when you came shortly after him.
You were left shaking on his desk, and as the adrenaline rush left your body you started to feel cold as you laid naked on his desk, while the window was slightly opened and the cool night's breeze touched your skin. Sihtric was fast to clean up and put on his boxers while you were gradually coming down from your high, and he noticed you were trembling once you finally sat up on his desk, completely naked.
'Hey,' Sihtric gently took your face as he positioned himself between your thighs again, 'are you okay?' he asked, concerned.
'Just… c-cold,' you chuckled, a little dazed still.
'Oh, sweetheart,' he whispered and quickly grabbed his flannel off the floor to drape it over your shoulders.
He then wrapped his arms around you and pressed your bare chest against his in an attempt to warm you as fast as he could, to which you smiled. You wrapped your arms around his waist, stealing his body heat, and you embraced like that for a long moment without exchanging a word, just enjoying each other's warmth, scent and touch. And Sihtric only broke the embrace to cup your cheek, so he could peck your lips sweetly, over and over again while he looked completely smitten.
'You never kiss, and yet now you can't stop?' you murmured.
He hushed you and smiled, then went in for another kiss but you teasingly backed away. Sihtric looked confused, but his smile returned quick enough once you leaned back in and nuzzled his nose softly.
'Kiss me,' he whispered pleadingly, and you kissed him passionately several times more. 
'I could kiss you all night,' he murmured against your lips once you broke the kiss.
'You're too cute,' you giggled and then finally got dressed again.
You jumped off his desk and then held out his flannel to him.
'Keep it,' Sihtric smiled.
'Are you sure?'
'Yeah, it looks good on you.'
'Thanks,' you chuckled and put his flannel over your shirt, loving the way it was comfortably oversized and smelled exactly like him, 'so, you always rehearse scripts like this?'
'No,' Sihtric laughed, 'this, eh, really got out of hand. Sorry,' he blushed.
'Don't apologise. It was really nice,' you reassured him.
'I'm glad it was nice for you too,' he said, 'it's, eh, still kinda early in the evening I suppose. Do you want a drink or something, or maybe some food? I could order us something,' he mumbled almost shyly.
'Oh,' you sighed with a smile, 'that's so sweet, baby. But I think it's best if I get going.'
'Oh, y-yeah, of course,' Sihtric cleared his throat, knowing it wasn't very professional to ask you to stay for some crappy take-out meal, but he was disappointed regardless.
You grabbed your belongings and Sihtrc walked you to your car, where he took your hand before you could get in.
'Get home safe, okay?' he said, 'let me know you're home safe?'
'I will,' you kissed his cheek, and he then suddenly took your face and kissed your lips.
The kiss was long and passionate, until he abruptly pulled away with a shaky breath.
'Are you okay?' you asked, a little surprised.
'Yeah,' he sighed and gave you a weakened smile, then stopped you again as you attempted to get in your car, 'hey,' he said softly, 'don't… this line of work, it's- just promise you won't do anything against your will, okay?'
'I won't do anything I don't like,' you said, 'I promise.'
'Good,' Sihtric swallowed hard and lightly touched your face, 'you're just… you're too pure and too beautiful for this industry, sweetheart. Girls like you,' his voice trembled lightly, 'they get taken advantage of if they're not careful. Look after yourself, okay? And if you ever need anything or if there's trouble, you have my number, yeah?'
'I will be careful,' you promised and pinched his cheek to lighten his mood, which made him chuckle, 'I'll see you again soon, right?'
'I hope so.'
'I'll have my manager set up a day to shoot and all that,' you said, 'you'll hear from me.'
'Sure thing,' Sihtric said and finally allowed you to get in your car, and he then leaned on its roof while he looked down at you, 'and, well… you know where I live now. You're welcome anytime.'
'For sex you mean?' you chuckled.
'For anything, sweetheart,' he smiled and watched you start your car.
'You're too cute,' you smiled and waited for him to step away so you could close the door, but he didn't budge. 'Sihtric?' you snorted, 'I gotta close the door?'
'Oh, shit,' he laughed and pulled away, 'yeah, shit, sorry,' he stammered and then politely shut your car door and blew you a kiss before you hit the gas.
With an uneasy feeling in his stomach he watched you drive off and cursed himself for kissing you. Because he knew better than to kiss someone the way he had kissed you, and he shouldn't catch feelings for anyone in the same industry because it would always cause trouble. But he also knew it was already too late for him to not catch any feelings for you.
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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coefore · 1 year
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Commission for @robotspacealien of my own (!!) The Lion King au, based on the lesson with Mufasa scene. ☺️
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misguidedasgardian · 7 months
Help meeee
So… remember the first season when Iseault showed up? She was a virgin… and they kept her like that so she could still had her visions…
Well… now in season three they don’t find Skade… they find Reader, who is scared by uhtred… he takes her prisoner and she says she will curse him…
Following the logic of what he knows… (that reader admits she has never been touched by a man) he thinks he has to defile her to break the curse 😏
And what better to make sure of it that make his pretty boys take their turn as well?
Starts with dub con but reader wants it then! She is not a bad witch only a scared defenseless witch! Muahaha
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polkadotsocks1993 · 1 year
What Good Neighbors Do
Modern Osferth x Reader
Description: having just moved to Winchester for graduate school, you lock yourself out of your apartment. Your neighbor, Osferth, comes to your aid.
Warnings: none, just lots of fluff.
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You had only been in Winchester a month and a half, and you couldn't believe you'd already locked yourself out of your flat. How could you have forgotten your keys? You were scrambling to try and find a way in, since it was well past dark and your dog needed to be let out. You began to panic until you remembered your landlord, Mr. Beocca, who lived upstairs with his wife, would probably have a key. You reached for your cell phone and dialed his number. On the first ring, he answered.
"Y/N! I wasn't expecting a call from you at this hour. Is everything alright?" He asked.
Sheepishly, you replied, "No, Mr. Beocca, I locked myself out. I forgot my keys on the kitchen table. Are you or Thyra around? I hate to call, I really do."
"It's not a problem at all, Y/N, but I am afraid that Thyra and I are gone for the weekend, we're visiting with Thyra's family. I'm so sorry we didn't get the spare key made yet. But, my tenants across the street always keep a spare for when we go out of town." Beocca explained, "The one I'd normally tell you to go to, Uhtred, is Thyra's other brother, but he and his family are up here with us."
You hear Beocca ask Uhtred who he gave the spare keys to, and you hear a man--who you assume to be Uhtred--reply.
"Okay, so Uhtred tells me that he gave the keys to Finan, Sihtric, and Osferth. They all live next door to Uhtred across the street as well. One of the three is bound to be home. Finan is my maintenance man, if those three can't find the keys, just tell him to break a window or something, it won't be the first time." Beocca chuckles and then adds, "I'll just have Finan replace it."
You sighed with relief. "Thank you so much, Mr. Beocca! I'll let you know when I get inside. Enjoy your time with family."
"Of course. Do let me know when you get inside. You're living on your own over here and I don't like the idea of you being locked out with no one there to help. I'll go ahead and call Finan and tell him you're headed over." Beocca replied.
Beocca and Thyra had a soft spot for you, since you'd come over to attend graduate school in Winchester from the United States. To say you were homesick was an understatement, but Beocca and Thyra made you feel right at home.
You put your cell phone back in your pocket and nervously rubbed your hands together, walking across the street to the flat Beocca said Finan lived in. You knocked on the door, and a tall man with sandy blonde hair and sharp features answered.
"Hi. Finan?" You asked.
"No, I'm sorry, he's out with his girlfriend this evening. He did just call, though." The man replied, "My name is Osferth."
"Hi, Osferth. My name is Y/N. I just moved in to the flat across the street. I'm the one who locked myself out." You said.
"Finan said that. I've got the keys, though, you'll be back inside in no time." Osferth assured you.
The man walked across the street with you, his hands in his pockets. He seemed genuinely friendly, which was a nice change since you felt so lonely on campus at school.
"How long have you lived here?" He asked.
"A little over a month." You replied, "Classes started this week."
"How do you like Winchester? A bit different from where you're from?" He guessed. You chuckled.
"You could say that, this is the first time I've ever lived away from home." You said, "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't homesick."
"I know the feeling." Osferth said, "But Beocca and Thyra really looked out for me. Became my second set of parents, in a way."
"They seem really good at that." You mused.
Osferth took the large ring of keys he was holding and tried four before finding the right one, opening the door to let you in and seeing your dog, Brownie, wagging her tail, happy to see you.
"Oh, thank you so much, Osferth!" You exclaimed, jumping up on your tiptoes to hug him. He seemed shocked at first, surprised that you would be this excited over him unlocking your door.
"It was no problem really." he said, quietly. "Always enjoy meeting neighbors. Especially neighbors with dogs."
"She's one of the things I took when I moved over." You said, "I couldn't go anywhere without her."
You went to go inside and turned around, Osferth had nodded his head softly and began to walk back across the street.
"Hey, Osferth, would you like to come in for a bit? I made some cookies to take to the neighbors, and I guess you're my neighbor." You asked.
You watched a smile cross his features, his blue eyes lighting up. "I'd love that, thanks."
Osferth stayed at your place much later than you intended, but he proved to be someone you genuinely enjoyed meeting and talking to. It helped that Brownie, the dog who was your constant companion, loved him.
"What kind of dog is she?" He asked, throwing her ball for what seemed like the hundredth time.
"Not sure. She's some kind of mix. I found her on the side of the road and she never left." You explained. "That was two years ago."
"Have you met Thyra's rescue dogs yet?" Osferth asked.
"A couple of them. I volunteered to help walk dogs at the shelter she runs." You replied.
"I do that, too. I can't say no to Thyra." Osferth said, chuckling slightly.
"Maybe we can go together some time." You said. Osferth looked at you and smiled widely.
"I would like that very much." He said.
A few hours passed, and you and Osferth hadn't run out of things to talk about. He was curious about your life in the States, what had led you to leave everything to study abroad. He seemed genuinely interested, and he listened intently. As someone who had always felt left out and lonely, opening up felt somewhat nice.
"You said you aren't from Winchester either? Where are you from, originally?" You asked.
"Derby, originally. I moved around a lot as a kid, I was raised by my uncle for a while. Met Sihtric and Finan and Uhtred while we were all in the Army. We all moved here and wound up being roommates. That's the short of it, anyway." Osferth explained.
From the way he explained his upbringing, you sensed that it might be a sore subject for him. Something you, too were familiar with.
Before long, Osferth glanced at the clock and realized how late it was.
"Goodness, Y/N, I didn't realize how late it was! I hope I didn't overstay my welcome." Osferth said.
You smiled. "Not in the slightest. I really enjoyed your company, Osferth."
"And I enjoyed yours." Osferth replied. He stood and walked toward the door, heading out before you stopped him.
"Osferth?" You called. He turned to look back at you.
"Thank you, for helping. I really enjoyed talking to you." You said.
"I really enjoyed talking to you, too." He said.
"You're always welcome over here, by the way." The words tumbled out of your mouth quicker than you could stop them, but you couldn't help wanting to be around the cute neighbor who came to your rescue.
"I might take you up on that." Osferth said, "Have a good night."
You and Osferth became fast friends after that night, and more often than not he could be found in your kitchen, laughing with you over a cup of tea. To say you had a crush on him would be an understatement, but you tried not to let it show.
You'd never tell him, but he soon became your favorite thing about living abroad. But as his roommates, and even Mr. Beocca and Thyra could see, the feelings you had for Osferth were completely mutual.
I wasn't sure how to end this but I might write more drabbles. Thanks!
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finanmoghra · 1 year
Charming Irishman
pairing modern!Finan x reader
summary an irish pub opens in front of your flower shop, and you can't resist that charming irish who owns it.
warnings smut, finan in general
word count 4.1k
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a/n guys english isn't my first language and i've never wrote smut in eng, so forgive me for any mistakes, i tried my best. also i suck with small talk so maybe things will happen "fast"
It's a typical thursday at Winchester, you are heading your way to your flower shop as you always do in the mornings. That street is so habitual to you by now, the tiny coffee shop, the record store, the stationery shop, and oh, that irish pub of course. That place used to be a lot of stuff until 4 months ago when some men bought the place and open an irish pub right in front of your shop. You don't talk like it's an annoyance, everythings is quiet as usual for a pub during the day, but you're not so sure about the night.
The thing is, a month or two ago, a dark-haired man walked into your shop, with a smirk on his face, you have seen him around, principally that smirk, you noticed that he worked at the pub but when you first heard his voice with the strong accent you assumed that he was the owner. At the first time, he asked for your help to buy some flowers for his sister, whose were moving back to the town, he explained in an attempt to start a conversation, you suggested him pink roses and while you prepare the bouquet, he introduced himself as Finan, and as you assumed, the pub owner. You had a samll talk before he left.
Two weeks after that, Finan started coming over every week, usually on thursday, like today, and you always have his order almost ready by the time he shows up. You two got along very easily, he was all flirty over you, politely, however. You started to have longer conversations as the weeks passed by and was in one of those that he explained why the same order every week. His mother was struggling with some problems and when he showep up at the family dinner with flowers for his sister, he noticed that she got a bit emotional, so now he takes 'em every week to cheer her up. You couldn't resist thinking he's such a sweet guy after that, even though you try not to give attention to his flirts, you can't deny that you enjoy his company, he has been saving you from boredom and entertaining you on monotonous days, as he casually shows up on days other than thursdays.
The hours fly by and when you realise, you're hearing the front door bell ringing and a familiar figure walk in.
— Hi Finan, it's been a time since I've seen you. — you say with a little smile on your face.
— Hey Y/N! Did ya miss me? — you could tell that damn smirk was on his face even if you weren't looking.
— Miss your jerk face? Never. — yes, you did miss him.
— I'm gonna take it as a compliment. — he winked at you — Sorry about my absence, it's been a busy week.
— St. Patrick's Day, I presume.
— Yeah, we have some weeks until then, but as an irish, I have to make a proper celebration, ya know. — he tapped his fingers at the counter while looking at you — And talking about pub stuff, ya should come for the happy hour tomorrow.
As consistent as his visits on thursday, it is his invitations.
— I'm gonna think about it. — you say as you finish the bouquet, you won't admmit but you always leave some things to do when he arrives so you have more time to enjoy his company.
— C'mon, ya always say that! Ya have to meet the pub and the boys wants to know ya better!
The boys whose Finan is talking about are, Sihtric and Osferth, who both work with him, and Uhtred, they're Finan's best friends who he is always talking about. You kinda know them from seeing around but never really talked to them.
And, he's right. You always says the same thing, but in your defense it's been a bit hard to resist all these flirts, and you fear getting closer to him and ending up with a broken heart. You're sure he's a sweet, kind and cool guy, but also he seems to be quite womanising as well.
— I swear I'm going to think about it. — a smile grew up on your face as you realise he got puppy eyes
— Really? — he asks.
— Really! — you roll your eyes although you're smiling to him.
You two got engaged into a conversation and don't even see the time passing.
— Damn it! I'm really late, I have to go now. — he says after having a look on his watch.
You were ready to say something when he gets close and pecked you in your cheek. — Bye, lady. — he says as he walk away.
You could feel your cheeks getting warm and you froze but managed to say something before he leaves.
— You may see me tomorrow.
He didn't say anything but you know he was wearing that smirk.
Finan's visit at your store is not the only constance in your thursdays, actually you reunite with your former roommate and best friend, Ealswith, at thursday's nights. You two meet when you were both on college and had started living together after some time, it's been a while since you two live separetely, but you two still really closer, thankfully to the girls' night.
You two were really enjoying the night while having some wine and snacks, listening to music and soon that topic came up.
— He came over today, as usual, invited me to go to the pub tomorrow, I said I was going to think.
— As usual. — Ealswith mumbles.
— Stop it. — you smack her arm — And he kissed me before leaving. At the cheek! — I say before she get too excited.
— C'mon! You should go, really. You can no more act like you don't like him, it's so obvious.
— I cannot go! You know it.
— I know what? By the way you tell me, he's into you! And he wants to know you better out of your workspace.
You start to argument but Ealswith cuts you. — Don't say you afraid! You need to stop assuming things, maybe he's all flirty because he likes you.
— I- argh.. — you hide your face in your hands, you know she's right.
— Hey, hey! Look at me. Tomorrow you will close the shop, go to your home and I will meet you there to help you get ready, I'm going with you so if anything goes wrong or you don't feel well, we go home, right?
— Don't you think he's gonna find it, I don't know, weird to bring someone?
— I'm pretty sure he will understand you not going alone, and hey, maybe you can set me up with one of his friends. — she winks at you and you both start laughing.
— Okay, alright then.
So as planned, Ealswith showed up at your house to help you get ready as you were too nervous, it took a while but you could finally decided what to wear. It was nearly 6 p.m when you asked for a cab and it didn't take too long to arrive so in a few minutes you were at the pub.
You could feel your hand a bit shaky before walk in, but Ealswith noticed and hold it 'til you calm down.
You entered the pub and looked for that familiar figure, you couldn't find him but you managed to find Osferth, who waved at you and called Finan's attention to you.
— Hey Y/N! Are ya really here? — he greets you, laughing a bit
— I told you would maybe see me today!
— Don't blame me for being surprised. — You rolled your eyes at his answer, still smiling. — Ya brought a friend, hi!
You intruduce her to Finan and after that he takes both of you to their table, and properly presents you to the boys.
— What do ya ladies would like to drink? — he asks as we are all settled down.
— Just a pint, it's good. Right? — you turns to Ealswith and she nodded.
— One more round then! — he says to the waiter close to our table.
— It's good to finally meet you, Y/N! If you didn't work here in front I would think that Finan made you up. — Sihtric says and makes Uhtred and Osferth laughs and Finan roll his eyes.
— Yeah, it's nice to have an opportunity to see if everything Finan says about you, it's true. — Uhtred takes part.
You can ser Finan's cheeks a little bit red and you smile at this. — Well, I hope he have only said good things about me. — you answer kinda shy yet.
— Trust me, not a single bad thing. — Uhtred says.
— Except from you never accepting his invitations. — Osferth says and Finan smack his arm. Poor boy.
— It's good for you all to meet Y/N, and it's good for me to finally see the face of the mainly topic of our talks. — Ealswith says and you can feel the blood rushing to your cheeks as it get warm up.
— Hope you've heard of us too. — Sihtric winks at her.
Anyone who passed by your table would think you were all friends for years, you got along easily and the night was being so fun, you were really enjoying their company.
After some time, you and Ealswith excused yourselves and headed the way to the toilet.
— God! He's so into you, more than I've thought. — she exclaimed at the moment you were out of their sight.
— Do you think? — yeah, you noticed how he looked at you since you arrived, but you didn't want to assume something.
— You know I say this because I love you, but stop being a fool! He fell down for you, I can say it for sure by what his friends said.
You couldn't argument with her, the signs were there and you have to admit that this is all you have wished for.
On the way back to the table you told her to go ahead and you were just back her. You stopped at the bar and asked for water, and while waiting you felt someone approach, you prepare to deal with a drunk guy who's trying to get along with some woman, but actually you feel chills when you heard that voice.
— May I say ya look stunning tonight?
— I would appreciate it, yeah. — you smile as you turn to him. You may be dreaming about that voice and smirk for days long.
— It's everything alright? — Finan asks.
— Yeah, just needed a bit of water before going back. — the bartender hands you a glass of water and you thanks him.
— So, what ya think? — he points to the place.
— You did a good job here, it's a nice place for sure.
— I'm not even going to ask about my friends 'cause this is something for Ealswith to answer. — we both shared a laugh.
— She and Sihtric got along very well, I see.
— Don't blame her, he can be very persuasive.
— So does she.
You two spent some time talking alone, just sharing things and getting more closer to each other.
When you two decided to go back to the group table they were all laughing of something.
— What's happening? — Finan asks as he pull a chair for you on his side.
— We were just telling Ealswith about one day after we started here and you crossed the streets so many times trying to get a reason to go to Y/N's shop. — Sihtric answers, still laughing.
— We're surprised you didn't notice him, Y/N! — Osferth says. — Otherwise I think you'd be scared of him.
— Good I didn't notice though. — I reply laughing at Finan.
— Alright, alright, stop talking about me.
You got a bit lost at the conversation when he stretched his arm across your chair and you could feel his fingers running through your undressed shoulder.
It was nearly midnight when you and Ealswith decided to go home. You said goodbye to the boys, saying it was nice to meet them and on the way out, Finan decided to go along with you.
You were at the pub entrance waiting for the cab Ealswith asked for, you could feel Finan catching your hand into his, he pulled you closer to say:
— It was a good night.
— Yeah, it was. — you said with a low voice just for him to hear.
— Hope we can repeat it, or maybe just the two of us. — he winked at you.
— I would like that, for sure.
You two were getting really closer when Ealswith call you out. — Y/N! It's here.
— See you thursday. — you smile at him, you walked away but turned back when remember something. — I almost forget it. — you handle him your shop card, but at the back you've written your personal number.
He catched it and you didn't think so much before approaching just to peck him in the lips for a few seconds before leaving.
— This woman will drive me crazy. — he speaks to himself when you've already leave.
Another week just started, you spent your weekend betwen spending some time with your friends trying to keeping up with everyone's lives and chatting with Finan. The last part taking over your weekend.
Things were getting a little bit more serious since you kissed him goodbye on friday and you allowed yourself to be open to a possible romance. Finan's flirty personality stayed the same, he would do it at any chance it was given to him, and you like it, it's good to feel that somebody wants you.
You were talking to your friend, Aethelflaed, on the phone about Finan and you jumped when you heard the sound of the door bell thinking that could be him but you turned around and saw a boy with curly hair into your shop.
— Morning! How can I help you?
— I'm Aethelstan, I'm here for the assistant job, we've talked on the phone. — the boy says, a bit shy.
— Oh, right, Aethelstan! I'm sorry I was a bit distracted. — you shake hands with him. —You've mentioned you are studying biology, am I correct?
— Yes, you are.
— So I think the flower stuff is gonna be easy, I just need to show you some other things and then you can have your first day here, and at the end of the day we discuss if everything is going alright.
The kid learnt the things pretty well, that was good because it's been a busy day so far.
You were checking some things at the computer when you saw a familiar figure at the other side of the street, he had just arrived, it seemed.
— Aethelstan, I'm going out quickly, pay attention if someone comes in. — you say a bit loud as the kid was at the back of the store.
You crossed the street before he get into the pub. — Finan,hey! — you call his attention.
—Y/N, hi! — he comes closer to hug you quickly.
— I just wanted to ask what are the plans for St. Patrick's day?
— So ya're planning to come?
— Only if it's seems cool enough. — you give him a smirk
— I won't say more than this, but if ya come ya gonna experience the best party of your life.
— I don't know if I believe, but I'll give you try.
— You should bring Ealswith! — you jumped when you heard Sihtric, he showed up from nowhere. — I'm sorry I have to steal your man but we got work to do.
You felt the warm on your cheeks after he called Finan "your man", but you didn't say anything, actually you liked it.
— See ya later! — you hear Finan says before being dragged by Sihtric. You blowed him a kiss before he entered the pub and then you went back to your store.
It seemed that an eternity have passed before friday arrives. It was a busy week and you barely saw him, even on thursday, he came but was in a hurry.
It was a good week, although. Aethelstan really helped you, you just found out that he and Finan are neighbors, they both live at the same building. The poor boy had to listen you talking about Finan a lot during that week, especially when Ealswith and Aethelflaed came.
You were actually doing nothing but counting the hours for you to go home, and Aethelstan noticed it.
— You know you can go home and let me finish stuff here, I can close the store.
— Are you sure of this?
— Yeah, it's not a big deal, you can trust me.
He was right, it was not a big deal.
— Okay then, thanks Aethelstan! See you monday.
It didn't take long for you to arrive at home, of course you had decided your outfit during the week, you were only waiting for Aethelflaed and Ealswith to come so you could get ready. Once the girls arrived and you all got ready, your home was a mess after this, you took a cab to the pub.
The pub was more crowded than usual, you notice that once you arrived, but it wasn't hard to find Finan as he and his friends were at the same place as the last week. You greeted everyone before getting a seat at his side, you introduced Aethelflaed to them and also met Uhtred's fiancé, Gisela, she was a kind woman, you hope you get more chances to hang out with her.
The night was going really well, you and the girls have danced a lot, you ordered too many green drinks, that you weren't sure of what it was, you were all having fun, there wasn't a moment when someone wasn't laughing. You felt really happy between them all, it was good feelings that you have made new friendships like them.
Things went a little wild when Finan intercepted you on your way back from the toilet and took you to his office upstairs. He closed the door behind you, his arms now rounding you.
— Oi! Calm down, my dear. — you said, not knowing exactly how to deal with him so close to you.
— I cannot, not when ya are out there being so beautiful, I can't stay away from ya anymore. — you feel chills when his hands squeeze your waist, pulling you closer to him
— You don't need to. — you gave him a smirk, but it didn't last too long as he got even more closer and catched your lips in his.
You felt breathless, it was even better than you thought, his lips were soft but rough over yours. His hands sliding down on your hips, it was a sign that things were getting hotter. When both of you were running out of breath, you could feel him break the kiss but leading the way of his lips to your neck. You gasped with the sensation, he sucked that point behind your ear.
You could feel his hardness against his trousers as he grabbed your arse, you started to feel the need to get rid of your clothes and when you took your hands to Finan's shirt he took a step back. You didn't understand why he would do that.
— Look, I really want ya, but I'm not doing in the right way. — he could see your confusion. — I didn't plan for this to happen here, so what ya think about going home with me, uh?
— I don't want to look desperate, but please, take me home. — you kissed him before you two settled down and go downstairs. You found Aethelflaed on the way and told her where you were going before leave.
The way on the cab was.. something. His hands running through your thighs all the way to his home, you were glad it was close. As soon as you entered at his flat, he pinned you on the door, kissing you hunger than before. He picked you up, your thighs now almost undressed under his touch as he leads you to his bedroom.
— Ya have no idea how many times I've thought about ya, about your lips against mine. Ya are such a dream, Y/N. — he says as he laid you on his bed, making sure to touch every inch of your body.
You pulled him closer enough to whisper on his ear. — And you have no idea of how many nights I dreamed about you touching me like this.
He kissed you hard, hands undoing the zipper of your dress and soon you were only wearing a black lace matching underwear. The look he gave you made you feel like you were burning inside.
— It isn't fair that you are all dressed yet. — you said running your fingers through his, still dressed, chest.
— This won't be a problem anymore. — he smirked at you as he started to unbutton his shirt. It didn't take so long until both of you were only on your underwear, you not so much as he took your bra off, sucking on your breasts, before going down on your body, starting to run his mouth on your inner thigh while playing with the laces on your panties before taking off.
You let a moan out when his lips pressed on your sweet spot, he went dived onto you, sucking on your clit, making you feel like you were in heaven.
— Finan, please, more! — you groaned when you felt his finger rounding you before enter you. You couldn't control your moans, praising him as his fingers curved inside you, hitting that spot. You couldn't contain your hands from pulling his hair when you came on his mouth.
You only had time to take a deep breath before Finan was all over you, kissing you breathless, your taste on his tongue. He parted the kiss, smiling at you as he brushes your hair off your face.
— Are ya ok? For another one?
— More than ok! — you answer laughing.
He took a condom from his trausers, rolling on and soon he was back over you. He kissed you as he was slowly entering you, and both of you were groaning loudly. His name leaving in between your lips like you were praising him, the sound of your hips colliding getting louder as he slammed into you. He was relentless, hard and fast on you, your nails scrapping his back, your thighs gripped his hips making he going deeper.
— Fuck, Finan! — you groaned loudly
He flipped you, now you were on top so you started riding him, rolling your hips over his causing to hit your spot. He grabbed your arse and you layed down over him, meeting his lips again, going up and down on him, now with his hands controlling the rhythm. You felt you were close so you started moving faster, soon you were clenching around him, moaning his name as he came right after you.
He slowly pulled out of you, and you fell at his side, breathless.
— That was... I don't even know. — you say between breaths, laughing with him.
— I'll be right back. — he kissed you on your cheeks before getting up, he pick up his boxer and then disappear into some door. He came back with a towel on his hands and get on the bed again. — Now let me take care of ya.
You were already sleepy but you smiled at this.
After he clean both of you, he pulled you so you could lay on his chest, his arms holding you close and all you could do was relax.
— Ya're too good to be true, mo grá. — he left a kiss on your forehead before fall asleep with you.
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leopardsealz · 1 day
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my designs for kula and malka, they are the bio parents of kovu and vitani in my AU
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itbmojojoejo · 3 months
Fractured Moonlight / Pt 2 / Finan x OFC
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Pairing: Vamp!Finan x Vamp!OFC
Summary: A prince forced to relinquish his title so that he may have a home, a princess begrudgingly doing her duty to ensure her lands survival, a king trying his best to keep their world from unravelling as war begins and a brush with death that reveals a secret threatening to destroy it all.
Wordcount: 5.2k | Part 1 | Other works.
Warnings: MDNI18+ NSFW Sexual Content. Mentions of death, violence, blood, alcohol, and arranged marriage.
Authors Note: Just me popping in for a note on the pronunciation of oc's name. It's 'Mar-LEH-nuh' so if you see it shortened 'LEH-nuh' not 'Mar-LEE-na'/'Lee-na'. Not beta read so you'll have to make do with my awful punctuation :) Thank you to @bhxrdy for helping me figure out what to chop off and push back to part 3 xox
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Thrashing waves beat against the cliff edges with a howling wind under a glowing moon fighting to shine through darkening storm clouds. Marlena watched as the dim lunar white light skipped and shimmered over the choppy waves from her window high up in the keep’s western tower. 
It had been six days since Finan left with fifty of his best fighters. Four days of downplaying growing tense uncertainty and concern had Marlena taking an evening away from sitting in the council chamber, unable to swallow any more of the fears being spoken by Yannic and be near the grim mood that clung to her father. 
That grim mood had now found her as King Helier stood in her chambers, his hand leaning against the warm stone of the fireplace with eyes the shade of cornflowers staring into the low embers, his voice unsure as he spoke. “I sent a messenger to the north, to King Aelfric, he’ll be here before the turn of the next moon.” 
“You shouldn’t feel guilty for requesting aid Father, they’d do the same if the roles were reversed,” She sighed, pulling her eyes from the window to him. 
“That may be true, but for what we need I had to make him an offer he couldn’t refuse,” His posture straightened as he turned to meet Marlena’s growing frown. 
Aelfric’s lands were strongly fortified, his forces much larger than theirs, and he was unmarried. Marlena quickly pieced this together and her stomach dropped, acidic bile threatening to creep up into her throat, “You didn’t…”
“I can put it off no longer Marlena, I get letters every year asking for your hand, I have since the day you came of age.”
She scoffed, throwing her hands up, “So you are giving me to Aelfric?”
“His son, Wihtgar.”
Sour anger weaved into her words as Marlena’s steps carried her closer, “Out of all the nobles on this earth to choose from you would send me to the north? Their coven is rife with everything I am against, this is madness! Others could assist without requiring marriage and if me being wed is what you so desperately want we have a royal right here in our court I would be better suited to-”
“It cannot be Finan.” He calmly interjected, hands wringing together, “I am aware of your fondness for one another and turned a blind eye to it for far too long, but I cannot allow it.” 
“And why not? He is a prince-”
“Of a land long forgotten and his title relinquished.”
“A prince all the same,” She persisted, disregarding the consequences.
“It cannot be!” Helier roared, making Marlena shrink away at the sudden burst of anger.  She wasn’t on the receiving end of his temper often, not many were. He was one of words, not raised voices and nonsensical ramblings guided by emotions. 
With a deep breath Helier composed himself by smoothing a hand over his crownless curls and walked towards the door, “It is done, we need their army. You will marry Wihtgar.”
As the door closed a singular choked sob escaped Marlena’s trembling lips, a hand clutching the fabric of her dress, the other leaning on the tall post of her bed, fingernails biting into the wood. 
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Nestled in a corner surrounded by tall dark oak shelves filled with scrolls organised by monarch, year, and month, Osferth sat hunched over a pile of weighted-down papers threatening to coil closed. 
He was the only being inside the archive room, the burning torch above him bouncing shades of orange and yellow across the walls with the winds of a spring storm leaking through old windows. 
For days he’d read all there was regarding Queen Isobel coming to the throne, how her clever politics and kind nature quickly brokered treaties with every neighbouring kingdom and that her suit of armour was never worn. Not a single word about shadow walkers was written until she fell ill. 
Osferth had studied what vampyres called ‘the maddening sickness’ when he was in the brotherhood. No one could ever be sure what caused it to occur, some speculated that it was their mind breaking due to their unnatural longevity and if it was a younger vampyre it was put down to a weaker, watered-down bloodline. Others speculated that their minds simply snapped worse than a mortal's would when subjected to high levels of stress or witnessing intense violence.  
Isobel never rode into battle, there was no mention of her being attacked or an incident of violence occurring in court, the land was at peace and she was the daughter of a king and queen. How did this happen? Osferth thought to himself as he put the scrolls away and fetched another bundle. 
The next went on to detail how Isobel’s law changes allowing mortals and others to take up protected residency inside the walled city had caused unrest with the northern covens and to resolve the situation she put a blood tax in place and arranged the marriage of her younger brother Prince Helier to Lady Lilias, the only daughter of a nobleman from the northern isles. 
As his deft fingers unfurled the next scroll a torn piece of loose parchment fell into Osferth’s lap. His brows pulled together as he squinted in an attempt to make out the faded writing.
“Peace has been agreed by Her Majesty The Queen Isobel and The Honourable Lord…” He slid his thumb and index finger down the tear, half the document was missing including the name of the mystery noble, “Where is the rest of you?” 
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As the bell tower chimed signalling the return of troops Marlena perched on the cushioned stool at the end of her bed. She kept her raven gaze on the steaming water being poured into a large ceramic tub, peony petals and lavender sprigs swirling across the rising surface, avoiding the nervous look her handmaid Adalyn shot her way. 
Marlena’s impatience grew while she remained seated in her simple chemise to ease a much shorter Adalyn’s task of removing pearls, untying braids and untwisting hip-length ebony hair, bringing a needed release of tension.
“Leave me, I can do the rest,” Marlena took a comb from Adalyn’s hand before she could begin to brush through the locks. 
“Shall I return later, Your Highness?” 
“I will send for you, thank you Adalyn.”
Once alone, hair brushed and loosely secured atop her head with an ivory stick and a chalice of wine in hand, Marlena sunk into the hot water with a hiss at the stinging heat. 
She hadn’t been reclining in the bronze gilded tub, mindlessly swirling the petals around, for long before she heard his footfalls stop at her door, his hand gripping the iron handle, then slipping away. She waited a moment, wondering if he’d leave but he didn’t, he was just lingering outside her door. 
With a sigh Marlena spoke, keeping her tone at a volume he’d hear, “Stop lurking and come in.”
“What gave me away?” Finan asked as he entered; An unnecessary question, they both knew her hearing was better than his. 
“I can smell the sea spray, you’re there so often now it’s becoming a part of you. How bad was it?”
He rounded the bath with his eyes set on the tall jug of infused wine sitting on the vanity. His clean dark green tunic hung loose, clearly tied in haste, as were his trousers and boots. Finan’s burnt umber gaze only settled on Marlena after he took a large gulp from his cup, “Worse than we thought, twenty-three lost, and the fight took us to the sands.”
“So there could be truth to the rumours of an alliance?”
“I don’t know, the only ships down there are ones abandoned by traders,” He came to kneel beside the tub, lightly smoothing his thumb across Marlena’s cheek close to her eye, “Why have you not rested?”
Another unnecessary question, they both knew she found it hard to rest when he was away from the keep without ever having to say it. Marlena pulled back from his touch with a groan, took a mouthful of wine and rolled her eyes.
“Hal told me what happened,” Finan conceded, placing his cup down on the stone floor and tugging at the tie of his tunic to let it fall open.
“That I’ve been sold for an army?”
Marlena’s bitter tone fell away as she watched him remove his shirt completely before he lifted her ankle and pressed a gentle kiss to the damp skin, his beard tickling. He spoke low as he slowly dragged his lips up her shin, “The prince could always fall in battle, leave you a widow.”
“Or he could survive.”
Finan hummed as he placed her leg back into the warm water, his fingers skimming over her knee and down her thigh under the surface, “War is messy, soldiers get confused and turn on their own. I’ve seen it happen.”
“Ever done it yourself?” She lightly bit her lower lip, gliding fingers up Finan’s arm over the prominent scars and across his shoulder, tangling them into his hair at the nape of his neck to draw him closer. 
“No, but there’s a first for everything…” He traced patterns along the inside of her thigh, inching closer towards the apex of her thighs, ghosting his lips over hers. 
“What you speak of is treason,” Marlena smiled, her gaze drifting from his eyes to his hand under the water as he teasingly stroked at her folds. 
“I wouldn’t dream of it, princess.”
A gentle moan slipped from her mouth to his with the first languid circle of her sensitive bundle of nerves, sparking a fire in her core. Her toes curled and flexed with his ministrations, her fingers flexing to keep their grip on her wine, slowly melting into the water with his tantalising touch. 
“It should be me taking care of you,” She breathed, trying to capture his lips but he pulled back every so slightly with a smirk. 
“Later. Don’t drop that chalice.” 
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Finan found himself spending more time in Marlena’s chambers than he had before over the next fortnight, trying his best to soothe the anger that was growing in her. He, along with the entire council, witnessed her leave mid-session after being informed she was no longer permitted to lead patrols and that her men were to be divided between his and Hal’s forces to prevent them from growing restless. 
It was difficult for him to balance the sympathy with his relief. While he understood the princess's frustration at losing a large part of her duty it meant she would be safe inside the high walls of the keep, and that both forces had an equal number of day and night fighters, bolstering their chances.
As he was just returning to his chambers he found Osferth sitting outside his door, clutching a thin leather pouch, leg bouncing with his brow furrowed. 
“I could find no record of any lords who held lands that fell outside of a kingdom to need their own treaty,” Osferth concluded after his long rant about what he had found in the archives, quickly taking back the torn parchment Finan held out to him.
“Are you sure it’s not anything to do with the East? Isobel was before Alfred’s time, they’ve easily seen ten kings since she died, who knows how many they went through when she was alive.”
“What if it was the south?”  Osferth stressed; His suggestion garnered a stern look from Finan for even thinking it, let alone saying it out loud. 
“Why would it be the south? Not even your brotherhood really knows what’s out there.”
It was well known to all who occupied the continent that anyone who travelled south was unlikely to be seen again. There were rumours that if you survived the land of shadow walkers you’d likely meet your demise in the thick forests to fae, or be called to your doom by sirens the further along the coast you travelled, but no one had ever returned to confirm the stories.  
The only people brave enough to sail out there were the sea barons, and they spoke to no one of their experiences. All they cared for was trade, swapping pelts and metals for precious herbs known to cause hallucinations; To them, it was no hallucination, but the gods communicating and helping them win their battles. 
Osferth sighed in growing frustration; what he thought would be a simple task was becoming complicated, “Did any brothers remain here? They don’t all return to the brotherhood after their travels.” 
“You’re the only one who’s been let in since Pyrlig, and all I know is that he was tasked with healing Princess Marlena as a child.”
“So the prince would remember him…” Osferth mused, bringing a hand to his chin deep in thought. 
Finan laughed, “Good luck getting him to talk to you about it, none of them do.”
The young mage rolled his eyes and made for the door.
“Osferth wait,” Finan softened his tone, feeling guilty for not being as helpful as he wanted to be but a smile still played on his lips, “Before you upset Hal and get yourself banished, did you look at anything from the start of the king's reign?”
“You know where I’ll be then, should you need me.” And with that, Osferth left Finan for the archives. 
A day later Finan was summoned to Helier’s chambers as the sun began to rise, the calls of gulls gliding through the air as he made his way from the lower corridors of the west tower to the high levels of the south, windows barred by shutters to keep daylight out. 
This was the oldest part of the keep and an area he rarely ventured to. The shorter walls were decorated with paintings of older clan families who once reigned here, and the painting opposite the king’s door was of Isobel. Finan remembered the first time he had seen it, and how much of Marlena he recognised in her. 
A gold diadem decorated with delicate pearls dripping into her long dark curls worn loose, elegant ivory gown and shawl adorning her frame, vibrant blue eyes and a subtle smile that radiated a welcoming warmth. 
Helier's voice pulled Finan away from the gaze of the queen trapped in a gilded frame, “Forgive me for the late summons, but there is a matter I wish to discuss.”
“Your Grace,” Finan bowed, then followed him inside to the plainer living quarters. 
Helier busied himself shuffling strewn letters on his desk, keeping his gaze down.
“The official announcement of the betrothal will happen after Aelfric’s arrival tomorrow. There are a few elements of the wedding contract that need figuring out first, including that he sees Marlena’s dedication to being wed,” With a glance to make sure he had Finan’s attention he continued, “We knew this day would come eventually. So, it’s time you now broke it off. Before or after the announcement, I do not care, but it must end soon.”
Finan cleared his throat, his mouth drying up and clasped a hand over the other before managing a steady, “I understand, Lord King.” 
“Good. That will be all.” 
The ice-cold dread that spread from the scalp of Finan’s head down to his spine as he walked to Marlena’s chamber was the same fear he’d experienced the day the king had revealed he knew of their relationship. 
It was no longer a fear of being found out, but that he’d be losing another part of himself to retain the life he’d managed to salvage for himself. 
As he pushed through the door he found Marlena slowly pacing barefoot, a book held delicately in her hand, a simple bedrobe hiding her figure as her head snapped up to see him. 
Barely giving her a moment to register his presence Finan’s hands cradled her jaw, lips crashing to hers with such a force it knocked the air from her lungs. Marlena’s book slipped from her grasp to the floor, easily forgotten, pulling him close to her body by the waist. 
Marlena managed to speak as his lips trailed down to her neck, her breathing ragged, “Is everything alright?”
Mumbling against her skin, his hands slid through the opening of her robe, the aching want that brought him there quickly turning into a ravenous hunger for her, “I just need you.”
“You have me,” She whispered, pulling him back to her lips as her hands made quick work of loosening the laces of his tunic and trousers. 
Stripped bare Finan hoisted her into his lap, seating them in the centre of the bed, a mess of tongues and teeth savouring the taste of each other. He teased her slick entrance with the rough pads of his fingers, working her until she was grinding down on them with ease and whining when he pulled away to capture a pebbled nipple with his canines. 
His arm wound around her waist, the hand tightly gripping at her ribs dimpled the skin and threatened to crack the bones as he helped lift her. Marlena was quick to drag his hand away from her cunt, slowly sinking onto his throbbing cock with wet walls begging for more. 
As their hips began to roll in tandem her tongue skimmed over the juices coating Finan’s fingers, a low grumble emitting from his throat as he grabbed at her jaw, licking into her mouth. 
Breaking away with a moaned curse Marlena knotted a hand into his hair, the other gripping at his shoulder, her nails biting into the skin. Finan buried his face into the crook of her neck, fighting the soft florals and sweet silvery ichor flowing through her veins overwhelming his senses, tempting him to sink his teeth in for a taste. 
His grip became bruising as she started to grind deeper, chasing her release. Feeling the pressure suddenly build and unexpectedly snap in his core he muttered a panicked, “Fuck,” as his thighs tremored beneath her, flooding her cunt as her walls tightened and fluttered around him with her soft broken gasps. 
“I’m sorry, I-” Finan started to apologise but Marlena cut him off with a gentle hush. They’d always been so careful to avoid him spilling his seed into her, and with recent events, Finan couldn’t help but feel this was an omen of sorts. 
“It’s alright,” She soothed, pressing gentle kisses to his temple and stroking her fingers through his hair. 
In the aftermath, they lay face to face, legs tangled together, their fingers laced and unlaced gliding across one another. Finan brought her hand to his lips, planting light kisses on each fingertip, repeating the process across her knuckles.
Not wanting to break their peaceful embrace with the subject of his upset he kept his tone light, glancing at the gown hanging by the mirror, “New dress for the prince?”
“I picked it out of Isobel’s collection, do you like it?”
“It’s red…” His brows raised, a small smile playing on his lips. 
“A lot of her gowns are, I think the council angered her on more than one occasion.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Red is the colour of rage,” Her gaze slipped to his hand still holding hers.
“I always thought it was the colour of love.”
“Two things can be true at once.”
The distant memory of his mother's words crept into his mind, “A woman’s wardrobe can be her armour, it’s often our only form of expression in court.” how fitting he found it that Marlena would be wearing the colour of war to welcome her betrothed. 
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The entire royal household was gathered in the bailey awaiting the arrival of King Aelfric and Prince Wihtgar. Standing in order of rank Marlena found herself third in line, Finan being Lord Commander of the king's forces was on her left, and the only outlier was Yannic to the right of Helier as lead councilman charged with introductions. 
Introductions, how ridiculous. Aelfric had travelled to this court many times, as they had to his, but Wihtgar had been absent for the past forty years choosing to travel. 
“A bold choice of gown, sister,” Hal whispered beside her with a smirk, the bailey was so quiet under burning torches and bright moonlight that multiple heads angled towards the pair, including their father at his statement.
Vibrant carmine material clung to her chest and waist, the airy tulle underskirt her usual shade of ivory to match the overly large string of pearls crowning her head, twisting around her hair keeping it away from her face and spiralling down her back. 
The thick dark wine Osferth had prepared for Marlena before sunset now sat heavy in her stomach, he’d warned her that the small dose of bitter poison would likely do the opposite of settling her nerves but it was necessary for what she required. 
Her unease grew hearing the curious whispers of the city’s onlookers flutter through the streets, lighter footfalls of vampyre accompanied by heavier giants, their armour and chainmail clinking, horses snorting, hooves clipping against cobblestones bringing them closer and closer to the gatehouse. 
Marlena willed herself to stay rooted firmly in place as the gate creaked open allowing Aelfric’s party to filter in, eyes focused on the pale stone pillars carrying the weight of the sheltered curtain walls. She could feel the subtle roll of Finan’s shoulders beside her, likely a fickle attempt at ridding the tension in his body.
“All welcome, His Majesty The King Aelfric Uhtredson and His Royal Highness Prince Wihtgar,” Yannic’s clear voice rang out as bodies dismounted horses with stableboys quick to tend them.
“Helier,” Aelfric extended a hand for a polite shake; the pair had known each other since boyhood, and a formal introduction felt misplaced. 
“You are most welcome, friend.”
Marlena sank into a low curtsey beside bowed men, her eyes cast to the floor. A pair of highly polished boots came to stand in front of her, gloved hand held out palm up. Her velvety ink eyes flickering up over a dark fur cloak, light armour, and an abundance of ornate pendants hanging from thick chains of various metals found the misty sea gaze of Wihtgar.
Gingerly slipping a hand into his she straightened as he bowed, the scar marring his left cheek had not been present at their last meeting, nor the cinnamon beard matching the straight hair of his head. 
Marlena couldn’t help but notice he stood more than an inch shorter than her, even in her simple silk slippers. What Wihtgar lacked in height he made up for with a visible air of grandiose around him as he regarded her. 
“Would you like a tour, Your Grace?” Yannic chimed at Aelfric.
“Hardly necessary Yannic, a comfortable chair and a discussion of the wedding contract are needed.”
“To business then,” Helier gestured towards the steps of the keep. 
Yannic ordered the other council members to congregate in the official chamber before joining the family along with Finan, Sihtric, Aelfric, Wihtgar and his guard Yahya in the king's office. 
“We can increase the size of the dowry so that the princess can take her handmaid and guard?” Prince Hal suggested, reclining comfortably in his chair. 
Aelfric gave him a tight-lipped smile as he turned to Helier with his response, “That won’t be required, we have already prepped Lady Sigunn to take on the role, and there are plenty of those loyal to us who are more than happy to take up a position of protection for Princess Marlena.”
“Lady Adalyn has been by my side for many years-” Marlena started, quickly cut off by her father. 
“And I will have a suitable role for her in my staff to step into.”
“What of Sihtric?” 
“The lord commander can find a place for him in the army, I’m sure he’d much prefer that than escorting you north.”
Finan silently nodded, throwing a look at an amused Sihtric who stood by the door opposite Yahya, their sights locked on each other. 
“It’s for the best, our lands aren’t as welcoming as yours for his kind,” Wihtgar’s smile attempted to be warm; it did little to conceal the contempt he held for changelings. 
Aelfric pursed his lips, placing a hand on his knee, “I propose the ceremony take place sooner rather than later, we have less than a month before summer is upon us and the journey home is long.”
Helier’s counter came politely, “I would prefer we wait until autumn. Marlena is a valuable asset, not just for strategising, the soldiers respect her and will follow her into battle.” 
“We agreed she is not to patrol any longer.”
“And she won’t, but should the fight come to the castle gates I will need her. My people will need her.”
A tense atmosphere rolled into the room as Helier and Aelfric continued to discuss how Wihtgar was not brought along to fight but to be wed and sent home with his new bride, and it was explained that Marlena had always held her duty as a protector of the people highly and was not expected to leave until the survival of the realm was certain. 
After agreeing to the terms and signing the freshly written contract, talk soon turned to Aelfric’s troops setting up battlements in a recently abandoned town close to the southern border, and once the men he left waiting for instruction on the northern border arrive they will work on additional fortification of the city walls. 
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Finan took his place in the council chamber filled with excited chatter, ice dripping down his spine in stark contrast to the resentment simmering to a boil in his stomach. 
Three knocks on the cold stone floor ushered in silence, the two kings entered with Prince Hal behind them, followed closely by Marlena and Wihtgar. 
The passage of time usually felt quick to him, but as he watched her walk through the room and stop in front of the small steps leading to her throne, facing the onlookers, a perfect painting of grace and calm to everyone but him, it slowed. She currently wore the same stoic expression he’d seen before she faced battle, he only hoped her courage would endure. 
Helier stood proud, his voice loud and clear, “I am pleased to announce the betrothal of my beloved daughter, Her Royal Highness Princess Marlena to His Royal Highness Prince Wihtgar, son of King Aelfric.” 
As the room erupted into applause Finan bit his tongue, reluctantly joining in as Wihtgar took Marlena’s hand in a show of joy, his smile smug, lapping up the attention. 
He tore away from the scene as soon as it was respectable to do so, busying himself assigning quarters to Aelfric’s men in the smaller bailey. His chest grew tighter the lighter the sky became, knowing he had to act on Helier’s wishes. 
Climbing the stairs of the west tower he saw members of Marlena’s guard spaced out, a precaution put in place with all the new faces in the keep, and a bored Sihtric outside her door. 
The changeling raised his brows at the commander's approach and went to quietly walk away, but Finan silently signalled for him to stay in his place. 
Upon entering Marlena stared at the floor, her maps laid out once more with markers placed on positions of higher ground, eyes softening as she looked at him, rushing forward to envelop him in her arms. 
He resisted turning into the kisses she pressed to his cheek and jaw, reaching for her arms and pulling them away, “That’s not why I’m here,” stepping back entirely as she leaned back in with a coy smile that quickly fell at his actions. 
“Don’t look at me like that.” He sighed. 
Marlena scoffed at the unexpected rejection, wetting her lips, shifting uncomfortably where she stood. 
“What did we say when this,” Finan gestured with his hands between them, “started? That it couldn’t last.”
“And if I’ve become attached to this?” She quickly countered, mimicking his hands. 
“Marlena we can’t. You have a duty and I made a vow that when the time came to give you up I would.”
With a small groan, she held one of his hands in hers, “You can break a vow made to yourself.”
“Not to me, to your father.”
“Oh, so you’re the one who told him?” 
“I didn’t have to, the bastard just knew, right from the start.”
“Then we’ve been hiding for no good reason!” Marlena dropped his hand, turning away from him, pinching the bridge of her nose. 
Trying his best to soothe he placed a hand on her shoulder, turning her back to pull the hand away from her face. 
“Not for no good reason, you are an heir to the throne ‘Lena, you have always been meant for someone else. I know you don’t want to do this, I don’t want you to do it either but it has to be done. So you’re going to put on the performance of a lifetime and show not only this realm but his too that you are invested in this union and how lucky he is to have you for a future wife, a future queen.”
“What happened to the sentiment of ‘accidents happen’? What’s changed?” Her voice cracked on the last word. 
“You don’t know what I saw out there. We won’t survive what’s coming our way without Aelfric’s numbers and he only travelled with a third of his fighters. You heard him yourself, he wanted to see your devotion to duty before sending for the rest to cross the border.” 
Finan hated the way her lip quivered, eyes beginning to shimmer like the sea on a moonless night, how she took a sharp inhale of breath before speaking. 
“So that’s it? I have to sacrifice all that I love for an army, I am to give up the few joys I possess before going to wither and decay in a dank desolate land, trapped in an unwanted marriage that may last centuries for that?” 
Love. The one word and emotion they had always skirted around spoke out loud for the very first time, dripping in despair and not happiness as he’d always wanted it to be. 
“You’re not a selfish creature, this anger you feel will pass ‘Lena,” He spoke softly, his hands clasping around her arms. 
Shoving him away a tear spilt down her cheek with venom lacing her voice, “Princess.”
He hadn’t prepared for the ending of what they had to result in complete rejection, but he should have known that in hurting her she would not tolerate him remaining in her space with their usual pleasantries intact. 
Finan ran his tongue along his bottom lip before setting his jaw, taking a breath he bowed low offering a curt, “Your Highness,” and quickly slipped away from the room. 
“Keep an eye on her?” He asked a concerned looking Sihtric, not bothering to stop just wanting to leave. 
The shattering of glass off the other side of the thick wooden door sounded out, prompting Finan to suggest Sihtric should send for Adalyn as he carried on making his way to the stairs. 
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Taglist: @deandoesthingstome @arcielee @bhxrdy @gemini-mama @persephones-journey (if you don't wanna be here just give me shout xo)
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worgenbreath · 4 months
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🌹🥀A Pride Divided🥀🌹
TLK Next Gen
So I thought that if I piled something good on all my bad
That I could cancel out the darkness I inherited from dad
No, I am no longer funny, 'cause I miss the way you laugh
You once called me forever, now you still can't call me back
And I love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks
And I saw your mom, she forgot that I existed...
And it's half my fault, but I just like to play the victim
I'll drink alcohol 'til my friends come home for Christmas
And I'll dream each night of some version of you
That I might not have, but I did not lose
Now you're tire tracks and one pair of shoes
And I'm split in half, but that'll have to do
Oh, that'll have to do
My other half was you
I hope this pain's just passin' through
But I doubt it...
Stick Season - Gareth 
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fledermoved-too · 5 months
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couldn't get the idea out of my head so I did a screencap redraw with my design interpretations
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original under the cut:
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australet789 · 3 months
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HH: TLK AU: The Radio Demon
Alastor in all his glory!
The fruit/veggies in his bakora staff are yam (related to cuisine) and kola nuts (used in divination in Ifá, a Yoruba religion). Obviously, he doesnt use the latter for such. 
Since there isnt a radio in this AU, Alastor basically went to the herd leaders, tell them they were going to die, and suspiciously, the leaders would dissapear the next day, never to be seen again.
613 notes · View notes
The Distance part 3
Note: thanks for waiting while I'm dealing with my flu. I managed to take my time and finally wrap this fic up in between naps. I hope you will enjoy it.
part 1 - part 2
Warnings: 18+! suggestive/light smut, mention of alcohol.
pairing: Modern!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric finally took you home.
wordcount: 3,7k
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Sihtric couldn't keep his hands off you during the drive to his house. He kept his hand on your thigh without ever pulling away, foolishly using his other hand to both keep control over the steering wheel and to shift gears, as well as to use his blinkers. You wanted to tell him off for his slightly reckless behaviour, but then you also didn't want him to remove his hand either. And even if he had tried, since both your hands were wrapped tightly around his lower arm, you wouldn't have allowed it anyway.
And Sihtric didn't only struggle to keep his hands off you, he also struggled to keep his eyes off you and his lips away from you. He took your hand in his many times just to kiss it, the only reason you allowed him to take his hand off your thigh, and he used every red traffic light to quickly kiss your lips, which resulted in him often not realising the light had turned green, as he was to busy sticking his tongue down your throat, so that the cars behind you started to honk more than once.
'You should focus on the road,' you laughed.
'I can't,' Sihtric mumbled and smiled at you as he held your chin, 'nor do I want to,' he shrugged and kissed you again before he finally hit the gas.
The closer you got to his village, the more you began to recognise the surroundings. You had wasted many hours in the past seven years on google maps, clicking through the street Sihtric lived in and the surrounding areas. Just to get a glimpse of the things Sihtric saw every day. And when you had told him one day that you spent a lot of time browsing his village, he had laughed. But not much later he found himself doing the very same thing with your city. Despite knowing exactly what to expect from the place Sihtric lived in, you were still pleasantly surprised by how cute the village was, and you definitely weren't against moving there some day.
You recognised the pub, The Sleeping Guard, from where Sihtric had often called to facetime you in the dead of night when he was drunk and about to walk home. You recognised the old mailbox, which you had seen in pictures he would text you after he had sent you some post, which was usually an envelope with a handwritten letter, telling in detail how much he loved you, and he also always included several polaroid pictures of himself which he had taken just for you. You recognised the bakery too, because Sihtric would always send you a photo of the delicious baked goods in the window when he passed it, just to tease you because he knew how much you loved some good pastries. You also recognised the police station, unfortunately, because over the past seven years Sihtric had been arrested more than once for participating in bar fights, which always happened at that pub you passed by just moments ago. Luckily those arrests were always rather meaningless and had never affected his job being a history teacher. But then again it was a small village, so everyone knew everyone. And everyone knew Sihtric was a good guy.
And then finally you recognised the large oak tree at the corner of his street. You couldn't even really call it a street, it was just an old road with a dead end which was surrounded by three fairly big houses, and Sihtric lived in one of them. The house was old, built with sandstone and black wooden beams and a roof made of straw. It was your cottage dream, except that the house was a lot bigger than a cute cottage though.
'I can't believe I'm here,' you mumbled to yourself as Sihtric parked his car in front of his house.
'Tell me about it,' he agreed and, before getting out of the car, couldn't resist taking your face in his hands to kiss you again.
He then was quick to open the car door for you after he had jumped out, and he grabbed your luggage out of the trunk. He took your hand as he walked you up to the front door, and before he unlocked the door he told you his only rule in the house was to take your shoes off, because he simply hated to vacuum. Once inside you immediately kicked your shoes off, and you smiled once you looked into the large mirror that hung on the wall next to the front door, which you also recognised.
'Damn,' you said, 'you've sent me so many mirror selfies from here.'
'I have,' Sihtric laughed and circled his arms around your waist as he stood behind you, 'almost daily, I think?'
'More or less,' you agreed.
'Mhm,' he hummed in your ear, 'and I think I should take a photo now actually, don't you think so too?'
You nodded with a smile and Sihtric fished his phone out of his back pocket. First he took a picture where you were just standing side by side, his arm around your waist and flashing his sly smile in the mirror. But for the next picture he turned you to face him and he gently took your chin, pressing his lips sweetly onto yours while your hand was on his chest and the other on his waist. And that's the picture he would later post on his instagram, which caused him to lose a few followers that he didn't even care about.
Sihtric was just a normal guy living a normal life, who was a simple history teacher at the local highschool. But you knew he had quite an online following because he was a hot history teacher, and he had somehow gotten rather popular on instagram the last few years. You weren't worried though, you trusted Sihtric had always been faithful to you, which he truly had been, no matter how tough those seven years had been. And the fact he wasted no time to show you off now that you were by his side only proved his loyalty to you.
'Okay, well,' Sihtric suddenly sounded a little nervous as he opened the hallway door to the living room, 'welcome home, darling.'
'Oh my god,' was all you managed to breathe when you stepped into the dimly lit room.
The big but cosy living space was illuminated with dozens of flickering led candles, casting a faint warm orange glow while the sky outside had begun to darken. Sihtric took your hand and pulled you with him, towards his salon table which was stacked with presents he had bought for you.
'I picked you up empty handed, not even giving you flowers,' he said softly, 'and I knew I looked like a proper douche doing that, but it was only because I had everything here for you.'
'Sihtric,' you sighed with a smile and teared up, and it was all you managed to say when your eyes scanned the table.
Several floating heart shaped balloons were tied to a large vase that was placed in the centre of the table, which held seventy red roses. Next to the vase was a cute teddy bear which held a heart that said I love you, and in front of the bear was a wooden basket in which Sihtric had tucked all kinds of snacks he knew you'd enjoy. Next to the basket was a gift bag, which held a cute pyjama set he had bought for you, and on the other side of the table you saw a brand new robe with some fluffy flip flops in your size. And at the very front of the table was a small black box, which Sihtric grabbed off the table and handed to you first.
'I hope you won't think this is cheesy,' he blushed as you opened the box.
'Oh, Sihtric,' you sniffled as you stared at the silver necklace with a single rune, which was displayed on a small velvet cushion, 'this is your initial, isn't it?'
'It is,' Sihtric smiled, 'and I actually have one too,' he quickly pulled out an identical necklace of his shirt, 'but it's with your initial.'
You wiped your tears as Sihtric locked the necklace around your neck, and you kissed him deeply as a way to thank him. Then he encouraged you to check out all the other gifts, to which he received numerous thank you-kisses as well, and after that he showed you around his house. It was so strange to be in a place you knew so well just from photos and videos, to be able to actually touch the objects you had only seen on your screen and to be in Sihtric's presence still felt like a dream that was too good to be true. You hoped that taking a refreshing shower would bring you back to earth again, and while you fixed yourself up, Sihtric ordered some pizzas and transformed his living room into the comfiest cuddle spot you had ever seen.
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You returned to the living room wearing the clothing Sihtric had gifted you, and you melted at the cosy atmosphere he had created whilst you were away. His sofa was usually just that, a 3-seat couch, but because he wanted a cosy evening with you he had folded the sofa-bed out and created something that looked like a gigantic bird's nest. Numerous fleece blankets were thrown on it and he had built a wall with pillows inside the blankets. He had cleared the salon table and the roses were placed next to the tv, where you could still admire them. 
However, Sihtric was nowhere to be found, until you heard a cabinet door slam shut in the kitchen and shortly after he walked out, holding two plates. Your eyes grew wide and you forced yourself to keep your jaw from dropping at the sight of him as he put the plates on the table and sat back into the cosy spot he had created. He clearly had gotten comfortable too while you took a shower, as he was wearing his red sweatpants, those you knew all too well from pictures, and on top he wore nothing but the silver necklace on which your initial dangled, and his previously messy hair was now nonchalantly tied back. Sihtric was almost always shirtless when he was home, as clothes often felt suffocation to him, so comfortable sweatpants or just his boxer shorts only were his usual home attire.
'Oh, I hope you don't mind,' he said when he saw your big eyes.
'Definitely not,' you laughed and sat next to him, not even hiding the fact you were eyeing him up.
And Sihtric didn't mind, for his eyes trailed down to you bare legs with ease and he couldn't help himself either; before you knew it he caressed your legs lightly with his hand while he looked at you. And you, in turn, mindlessly traced your fingertips over his bare chest.
'Look,' you said, 'I know I always said I'd jump your bones once we meet, and believe me I want to,' you laughed, 'but in truth, I'm way too nervous to have sex or anything like that right now.'
'Don't worry, doll,' Sihtric smiled and took your chin, 'I'm nervous too. And I never expected any of that on the first night either. We may have known each other for all this time, but we never got to physically explore each other. It'll happen when it'll happen, don't worry about it.'
You then both enjoyed the pizzas that had been delivered while you watched some light tv and later snuggled up closer, stealing kisses and smiles while making each other lightheaded with every touch and every sound.
'You know,' you suddenly snorted, 'I still got those videos.'
'Which videos?' Sihtric frowned.
'You know,' you rolled your eyes as your cheeks heated up, 'those where you… you know,' you mumbled, 'jerked off and came.'
'Shit,' he laughed and hid his face in his hands, 'you kept those? Surely you get off to those, huh?' he taunted in an attempt to distract you from his reddened cheeks.
'Well, of course,' you confessed with a grin, 'why? Is that creepy?'
'Nah, you're good,' Sihtric winked and pulled you closer, burying his face in your neck and he inhaled your scent, 'you smell so good, darling,' he murmured against your skin.
'So do you,' you smiled, nose pressed against his chest.
'You'll think I'm crazy, by the way,' he then said and leaned back, 'but… years ago after you told me which perfume you use, I went and bought a bottle. And I always spray it over my pillows after changing the bed.'
'I don't think that's weird,' you smiled as you melted in his eyes again, 'I think that's cute.'
'Well,' Sihtric chuckled, 'it was kinda weird to me, because you smelled like my pillow when I hugged you at the airport.'
'Speaking of pillows,' you laughed, 'where do I sleep tonight?'
'Well, I sure hope it will be next to me.'
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'Psst,' Sihtric called from outside as he stood in the pitch black of his backyard, 'you should come see the stars right now.'
You switched off the tv and joined your boyfriend as he smoked a cigarette and gazed up at the night sky. Because the village he lived in was rather remote, it was quiet outside and no big city lights ruined the view of the milky way above you. Sihtric wrapped his arm around you from behind, kissing your cheek and neck before he suggested sitting outside for a moment before going to sleep. You happily agreed, and while you got comfy in the big lounge chair outside, Sihtric grabbed a few drinks and his bluetooth speaker.
You sat together in the chair, all snuggled up as you both enjoyed a drink and the sight of the moon and her stars while David Bowie was sounding softly through the speaker. And when Heroes suddenly started to play, Sihtric jumped up and pulled you out of the chair with him.
'Dance with me,' he whispered with a soft smile.
You couldn't refuse him, and even though you quickly realised you both weren't great dancers, it didn't stop either of you. You both laughed as quietly as you could, not wanting to wake up the nearby neighbours, while your arms were around his neck and his hands on your waist. And you desperately tried to not trip over his feet or collapse through your weakened knees every time you heard his low chuckle in your ear. And in between the soft laughter you stole kisses as you continued to sway your bodies lightly to Bowie's catchy sound. 
Sihtric grabbed another beer from the table, and you laughed when you saw him take off the cap with his teeth. It was something silly to prove his masculinity to you, which he didn't need to do at all, but you also found it stupidly attractive and you couldn't resist grabbing his face and kissing him passionately. Heroes faded away through the speaker and you continued to kiss intensely and deeply when Never Get Old began to play.
I'm screaming that I'm gonna be living on till the end of time…
'You know,' you said, 'Bowie also had two differently coloured eyes.'
'I know,' Sihtric smiled, 'I firmly believe people like my eyes because David Bowie had the same condition.'
'Maybe,' you laughed, 'but I like yours better.'
'Good,' he chuckled and kissed you again as the music continued in the background.
There's never gonna be enough sex…
And I'm never ever gonna get old…
'I love you,' you breathed against his lips, and you then both stumbled and fell down on the grass.
'Fuck,' Sihtric groaned after he clumsily landed on top of you, 'I spilled my beer,' he then laughed, 'are you okay?'
'Yeah,' you laughed, 'are you?'
'Yeah,' he smiled, 'wait… I mean, I- I love you too.'
You both stared at each other as the moon casted a faint silver light on one side of your faces, quietly gazing at each other like you had gazed up at the stars.
The Moon flows on to the edges of the world because of you…
Again and again…
I'm awake in an age of light and living it because of you…
'Sihtric, I love you,' you whispered and pushed a strand of hair out of his face that had escaped his now messy bun.
'And I love you,' Sihtric whispered before he cupped your cheeks and kissed you again.
I'm looking to the future, solid as a rock…Because of you…
Your hands roamed all over his half naked body, and soon you felt his warm hands sneak under your pyjama top.
'I want you,' Sihtric breathed against your lips.
'I want you too.'
'I'm right here,' he hummed softly, 'come take what's yours, darling.'
And I'm running down the street of life…
And I'm never gonna let you die…
He picked you up in his arms and carried you inside, back to the love nest that was his couch and he grabbed his speaker on the way back, throwing it on the chair next to the sofa and he laid you down on the soft pillows and fleece blankets. The song changed as Sihtric climbed on top of you; Bowie's Can You Hear Me sounded faintly in the background as he kissed your neck softly and slowly while taking off your top. You pulled out his hair tie while he kissed your lips again, raking your fingers through his hair as you felt the weight of his body comfortably pressing down onto you as he began to lightly grind his arousal against you.
Show your love, love…
'Are you sure about this?' he asked after he had slid off your short pyjama pants.
'Yes,' you smiled.
You looked at each other with warm cheeks and hooded eyes, knowing you both weren't in a rush to make love and had thought it wouldn't happen the first night anyway, but everything went so smooth and so natural… the feelings couldn't be denied or resisted. And why would you? You had yearned for each other all this time already, so why waste any more time? You undressed each other completely, carefully and without haste, as you had all the time in the world right now to explore each other after all. And you kissed him as he was still on top of you, while he was lowered down onto you and leaning on his elbows and knees to give you some space.
'You think you can take it?' Sihtric smiled against your lips while you slowly worked his length with your hand, his breathing intensifying with each stroke.
'Yeah,' you whispered, 'but go easy, okay? It's been a long time.'
'I know,' he reassured you and kissed your lips, 'it's been a long time for me too.'
I want love so badly…
I want you most of all…
You wrapped your arms around his neck and tried to relax as you felt him gently push himself inside you. He gave you time to adjust, distracting you from the painful yet pleasant stretched out feeling by kissing you deeply and lightly caressing your leg after he had wrapped it around his waist. But he was so needy for you, he quickly seemed to lose his self control and he began to buck his hips into you as he moaned heavily.
Take it in right, take it in right…
Well, can you hear me?
Can you feel me inside…
I do…
'Easy,' you hissed lightly in his ear as you pulled his hair, 'easy, baby.'
'I'm trying,' Sihtric moaned deeply, 'you just feel so good,' he breathed, 'fuck.'
Show your love, show your sweet, sweet love…
Show me your love…
Take it in right, take it in right…
Take it in right into your love love
Babe, take it in right into your love life…
The music continued as you made love, and you both climaxed rather fast. Quicker than you had both anticipated, but no shame was felt as it had been worth the long wait regardless, and you knew you had plenty of time to make long lasting love throughout the next two weeks, until you had to go back home again. And you began to doze off with your legs tangled and your arms wrapped around each other.
'I'm never letting you go anymore,' Sihtric whispered before he fell asleep.
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The next morning you woke up, feeling relieved to find out none of it had only been a dream, but your new reality instead. Waking up next to the love of your life was just as perfect as you had imagined, and you didn't think it could get any better. But when you started to hear the rain outside tap against the living room window while thunder rumbled in the sky far away, you smiled and snuggled up closer to your handsome man, who was woken up by the same sounds that had gently awoken you seconds earlier.
'Morning,' he hummed in your ear as he spooned you.
'Morning,' you smiled, enjoying the feeling of his lips on your neck as you were cosy and warm under the blankets while you were both still naked.
'I love you,' Sihtric whispered.
'I love you too.'
'Stay forever?'
'You know I want to,' you mumbled sleepily still, 'let's not think about when I have to leave yet.'
You heard a vague rummaging sound after Sihtric had searched for the drawer next to the sofa with his eyes closed, and he only opened his eyes slightly to make sure he had grabbed what he had meant to take out of the drawer. You blinked the sleep out of your eyes and turned to face him, and then your eyes widened in surprise.
'Then stay,' he whispered a little lazily as he smiled at you, while he held up a small black box with a ring inside, 'stay and marry me, my love?'
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taglist: @foxyanon @alexagirlie @sihtricsafin @neonhairspray @gemini-mama
@lexeirikrleif @sigtryggrswifey @skyofficialxx @djarinsgirl27 @m-a-s-h-k-a
@verenahx @mrsarnasdelicious @diiickbrainn @little-diable @maii777
@urmomsgirlfriend1 @dixie-elocin @elle4404 @bubblyabs @ylvie50
@hb8301 @willowbrookesblog @apolloanddaphnis @jennifer0305
@carnationworld @justanother-sihtricgirlie @stark-head @reidsbookstore @thenameswinter99
@deathbluestar113 @ladyinred2248 @zaldritzosrose @maryelle-cats @penumbrie
@solinarimoon @thatawkwardlittlefangirl @yungpoetfics @legitalicat @stupiddarkkside @volklana
if you want to be added to/deleted from the taglist, message me 🖤
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
Runaway Nuka au
Due to the mistreatment from his mother, and seeing that his siblings got treated better, Nuka ran away, in the middle of the night. He found himself in the Pridelands, not caring if he got attacked before he was heard - he was used to it - anywhere was better than his old home.
He is found by Nala, who was on a morning hunt, just before they were joined by her hunting party. Nuka saw the carcass they had, not remembering the last time he had antelope!
"Why are you here?" Nala asked, not jumping to violence right away but being cautious.
Nuka, panting as he took a breath, said "I just.. I couldn't handle it.. I didn't ask to go to the Outlands, when Scar was overthrown. The little termits get treated a lot better and I wanted to leave."
Nala's look becomes a bit sympathetic, before turning to her party. "Take the kill back, tell Simba we have a visitor."
Nala and Nuka wait, Nala seeing the skinny lion almost drooling as the antelope was taken away. She raised a paw, and Nuka had seen it in the corner of his eye and flinched. Nala lowered a paw.
Nala looked at him closer. "It's Nuka, right? I remember when your mother Zira delivered you, the smallest cub I've ever seen."
Nuka nodded, not saying anything as he keeps his eyes on her as he moves his ears to listen. If Mother followed him, if it didn't work out in the Pridelands, she would kill him.
The sound of running paws on grass approached them, getting louder as they got closer.
"Nala!" Oh, there's Simba. Please be merciful. "What happened? What-! What is he doing here?" The concern, the genuine concern, it made Nuka tilt his head and become lost in thought.
"Speak!" The roar made him jump, this roar being deeper than his mother's.
"I.. I didn't want to leave when you took over." Nuka said quickly, and when Simba didn't say anything, Nuka continued. "Sure, I mean, I'm Scar's son, but I'm not his heir. The little termits get treated better, Mother is gonna train Kovu to kill you.. I, I don't know what you want to do to me, kill me or let me go, just know that I left home because of how they treat me back there and what's to come." He just kept talking and stuttering so horribly that it wasn't even words, just noise.
"Enough!" Simba roared at him, making Nuka drop to the ground and cover his face. He paced back and forth for a bit, thinking.
"Simba.. I remember Nuka, vaguely, and Scar neglected him. Zira must do worse, look." Nala said, pointing to Nuka. She could see him objectively, as an abused young lion, but she knew him a bit more than Simba as she had seen him a few times after his birth before Simba's return.
Simba turned to her. "I can't trust him! Scar's blood runs through him, Nala! Look at him!" True, he was Scar's son, but was he really?
Nala nodded. "That is true, but I see something different." Her being a mother, as opposed to Zira it seemed, would. "I see an abused cub, who ran away from home when he felt like enough was enough. Don't you remember that?"
Simba let out a growl, before going back and forth again. This time for longer.
This was Scar's son. But, if he remembered Zira correctly, the youngest one was Scar's heir. This lion wasn't the chosen heir.. he ran off, seemed too young to be on his own.. maybe he didn't truly? What would his father do? Mufasa would grant mercy. Under a condition.
"Alright. You can stay." Simba said, and Nuka felt like crying in relief. "But," of course there was one, "you are to sleep outside of Pride Rock until I trust you." Simba then got in Nuka's face, him being much bigger scared the young lion more than his mother's same actions, snarling through his teeth. "If you cause ANY trouble.." he showed his teeth, "you answer to me."
Nuka nodded, his stutter coming back. "O- of course.. I- I understand.. th- thank you for giving me a chance, S- Simba."
So yeah, Nuka learns to hunt and becomes a willing member of the Pride: asking Nala and the other lionesses to go on hunts, patrolling
He even plays with Kiara under the watch of Timon and Pumbaa, scars off the birds so the duo can eat all the bugs they want
He goes to Rafiki and asks if he needs help with anything, and often politly being told no but Rafiki will let him know
He becomes stronger, healthier and his mane becomes thicker - but he listens to Simba, becoming the subordinate male of the pride, as he's happy to just have a loving place to call home
He is invited into the den of Pride Rock before the "main" events begin, the ambush scene and onwards
He doesn't trust Kovu, who just brings up all these old feelings of inferiority for him - no, he doesn't have feelings for Kiara, he just wants to be a good pride member and protect those who protect him
(He doesn't consider his old family, well, family anymore. He told the Pridelanders as such, and he means it)
When Kovu tries to bond with Nuka, the older lion just doesn't want to. He goes to his cave, Scar's old one under Pride Rock, and that's that
He stays behind, during Simba being attacked by the outlanders, helping with a hunt - and he doesn't stand up for Kovu when he is exiled, why should he? He wasn't part of any of it and Kovu made his bed so he should lay in it
During the fight between the Pridelanders and Outlanders, he is firmly Team Pridelands
He and Kovu are reunited with Vitani, who joins them
The three aren't close, never were, but they at least are cordial with each other
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misguidedasgardian · 8 months
My Last Kingdom's line of thought
Alright... I have a Last Kingdom One-shot published.
I'm not gonna lie, at first I thought (before I saw it), that it TLK was some low budget copy of Vikings, so I never payed any mind to it
Then I was like... alrighttttt lets give this a shot
AND I LOVED IT, of course not just because of him, but the story and the characters, they are great!
Anyhow... of course the engine in fanfictional mind started turning and of course, I was like... JUST WRITE THIS ALREADY!
Of course in my mind reader had to be a cool warrior, a viking, shieldmaiden.. anyways, but as the story progressed, int he screen and on my mind...I tried to picture her in a relationship with Osferth and... it didn't happen!
I don't know why, I don't see it working, I wrote that one shot... she is the daughter of Bjorn Ironside... (who was a Dane/Swedish, I got it wrong, he is not from Norway)
Anyhow... in my mind the story started to develop quite different... Osferth doesn't dare to formalice things with reader, in the show we see him courting ladies of the night, but nothing too serious, because he can't truly get married....
So he strings Reader along! it got all twisted, he didn't want to marry her, and then their relationship kind of fizzled... then reader can tell she is pregnant, by that point, she leaves Osferth, she wants to settle and farm, Osferth wants fame and fortune, woman and adventure....
So reader goes on her own, maybe settling in Mercia near Aethelfaed,.... anyways... she had twin boys...
At some point, after that huge time jumps between seasons, she meets with Uthred's pretty boys again, she has a hall with her boys... Osferth doesn't know how to deal, (he is a coward)
All his children are dead, reader is the only one left, she is his legacy, Bjorn can tell there is no one of his blood to succeed him as king of Sweden and Denmark... so he goes to find his daughter
He realises his legacy are this two boys
Reader didn't want to tell him who had fathered them... but Finnan ran his mouth... when reader realizes Finnan opened his big mouth to defend the honor (or lack thereof) of Osferth, reader runs to her home to find out her father had stolen her children
WHO HAVE ROYAL BLOOD ON BOTH SIDES, Bjorn goes onto saying to his people his grandchildren are the ones who will unite both saxons and danes and some other delusions of greatness
And then I put Uhtred in a closet and reader starts a quest to retrieve her children...
Of course she seeks help in his father's natural enemy... the Norwegians... and their King Harald (Leo baby I'm coming), Uhtred, FInan and Sithric follow, but just as spectators as reader fights her own father and country to retrieve her babies (four year olds or so)
Harald offers her the Danish and Swedish crown, but she says she is only interested in retriving her children, so he can do as he pleases
They attack Kattegat
She ends up offing her father... and Harald present her as the Queen of Sweden and Danmark
So it evolved in something else! jajaja enterily!
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polkadotsocks1993 · 1 year
What Good Neighbors Do, Pt. 3.
Finals week for you means a celebration with your friends. However, once trouble occurs, the line of friendship with Osferth becomes blurred.
Warnings: violence, attempted assault, light smut
Notes: this story is brought to you by too much homemade wine and a winter storm 💀
thank you so much for your response to the first two, if you haven't read them, they're on my page!
Also, I write about the experiences of graduate school because I have experienced graduate school. I am trying to write Osferth and the Gang as OC as I can within modern parameters. Thank you guys for being understanding and supportive, I haven't written fic since 2016 so you guys are amazing.
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It was the end of your first semester abroad.
Truthfully, it had been a rough school year for you. You had papers to grade as a teaching assistant, on top of final papers and your own work you needed to turn in. You'd elected to take a full load, thinking it would be no different than your undergraduate work. How wrong you had been.
The last two weeks had been nothing but grading, studying, more grading, and occasionally, sleep. Osferth had come over several times to find you slumped over a pile of term papers about Medieval England, none of which you'd graded yet. You were exhausted, to put it lightly, and you'd barely managed to look out for yourself.
"When does your term end?" Osferth asked, practically shoving a cup of coffee your way.
"In two days." You said, trying to remember what finals you had left. You only had three classes, but the history department had been understaffed and so you'd wound up teaching three classes. To say you were overwhelmed was an understatement.
"Then we're going out this weekend, after you get some sleep." Osferth said, "You need to have some fun."
"I won't say no." You replied, eyes already droopy from fatigue.
"Good. Finan already organized your first proper pub crawl." Osferth said, "I hope you're ready."
"No, I hope you're ready." You laughed, "I'm not a heavy drinker, so you'd better be prepared."
Osferth laughed tussling your hair like he always did before leaning down to whisper in your ear. "I'm looking forward to it, love."
As the term had progressed, you and Osferth's relationship had gotten even more tricky. You'd gone as his plus one to his half brother Edward's wedding; you'd met his sister and niece (who were actually nice and adored him), but also met his awful stepmother and after one too many shots of whiskey (thank goodness for open bars), you'd told her exactly what you'd thought. Then, you'd promptly gotten sick in the parking lot on the way to Osferth's car. You'd spent the rest of the night profusely apologizing in the chip shop Osferth had taken you to, only for Osferth to shrug and tell you, "I dunno, no one has ever stood up to Aelswith on my behalf, I might like to see it again."
The next two days were a blur for you; you had to be present for two finals (since you were the instructor) and you had to take two finals. You'd extended every last ounce of energy you had into trying to get decent grades, and barely made it on to the bus home. After tossing your keys on the table and taking a drink of water, you heard a knock on your door. Rubbing your eyes, you opened the door to see Osferth, holding a small bouquet of flowers and waving innocently.
"Your first semester done! How does it feel?" He asked. You blinked hard, trying to ignore the pounding in your head. You kicked off your shoes and took off your jacket.
"I'm tired. Get in here. I can't be held responsible for anything I do in the next few hours." You said, trying to get comfortable.
Osferth looked at you, raising an eyebrow, while you took off your socks and hoodie, tossing them on the sofa. Osferth made his way to your kitchen for a jar to put the flowers in.
"By the way," You said, theatrically rolling your wrist, "the flowers are appreciated. Thank you."
No matter how comfortable Osferth was with you, he was still painfully shy at times. He was confident, when he needed to be, but you could tell that his confidence faltered when dealing with you.
You took a step closer to him, observing his features. He was still in his paramedic uniform. For the last month, he had worked nights, and you could tell he hadn't slept yet, either.
"You haven't gone to bed yet, Osferth." You observed.
"I wanted to wait till you were home." He replied.
You squinted; you knew he was likely just as tired as you, and that he often put others' comfort before his own. You yanked him by the wrist, and drug him to your room.
"Where are we going?" Osferth asked.
"You're going to sleep with me." You answered.
"In your room?"
"Yes. In my room." You said, turning on the light and pulling back your covers.
"Um, I can just go back to my place, it's no bother." Osferth said.
"Absolutely not. You waited till I got home, you should have been asleep two hours ago." You scolded.
"I know, but I really wanted you to have something to look forward to today." Osferth explained. You hated his expression; he looked like a sad puppy and it was as endearing as it was frustrating.
"I am looking forward to something. I'm looking forward to a nice, long nap. And you're going to get one, too." You said. Osferth shifted around nervously, but didn't put up too much of an argument, his eyes giving away his exhaustion.
You took off your jeans and folded them on the end of your bed. Osferth's eyes widened, but he did the same. He had already changed his shirt before coming over, so he left everything on the floor next to your jeans. You snuggled in, under the covers, patting your hand on the mattress for him to join you. He climbed in and you scooted close to him, laying your head on his shoulder.
"Goodnight, Osferth." You whispered.
"Goodnight, Y/N." He replied.
Within minutes, both of you were asleep, and slept for hours. Neither one of you even moved much, until you finally awoke much later in the afternoon. Osferth didn't have to be at work that night, so the two of you enjoyed a little bit of freedom and swapped stories while you ate takeaway, the show Parks and Recreation coming from the TV.
"Wait, so Uhtred was the first person you had to do a field IV on?" You asked, trying hard not to spill your wine.
Osferth laughed, taking another bite of food. "Yes. He was so sick, I could barely find a vein, and here I am, some kid they'd thrown in there, and I had no idea what I was doing. Somehow managed to get the needle in, but that doesn't mean it was easy."
"I still can't believe Finan tries to ask you for IVs whenever he drinks too much." You said.
"Finan will ask for one this weekend. Sihtric will, too. Uhtred might, but honestly he handles alcohol better than all of us." Osferth replied.
"So, what's so special about this pub crawl Finan planned?" You asked.
"Finan plans pub crawls the way a bride plans a wedding." Osferth answered, "They're spectacular, honestly."
"I'm blaming you for the hangover I'll incur, then." You said, scooting closer ever so slightly.
Osferth's breath hitched, his smile faltering ever so slightly, before he leaned in close. Your spine straightened as you felt Osferth's lips near your ear.
"I quite like seeing you drunk."
You blinked, turning to him in surprise. "And why is that?" You asked.
"Because you're fiery, and I happen to like that in you." Osferth whispered. Your hair stood on your neck, and you leaned forward slightly, getting close enough to feel his body heat. You ran a hand up his thigh, feeling his gaze burn as your eyes met his.
"Well, then, I guess Friday is going to be fun."
Osferth grinned, pushing your hair behind your ear. "I look forward to it."
That night, after he left, you laid on your bed, venting to your dog, Brownie, out of frustration.
"He didn't even kiss me, Brownie!" You huffed.
"Does he like me? Really? I am so confused."
Brownie just blinked; you wished you could talk to someone, since Osferth was the most confusing man you knew. He flirted with you, he did nice things for you, but he didn't seem to care to do anything more than that.
You grumbled. Your feelings were only getting more confusing, and you knew that it was bound to get worse. He was your best friend, but you wanted more. The question was: did he?
As it turned out, Osferth's description of Finan's pub crawl plans was, in fact, pretty spot on. What the the boys were not prepared for, however, was how well you could keep up with them, despite never having done a pub crawl before.
"In honor of passing my finals, here is a round of shots, on me."
You handed the four men a shot of whiskey, and threw it back, the burn hitting your throat and you cheered.
"Look at you go!" Uhtred said, "You can keep up after all."
"Sometimes I can." You laughed. Finan had organized an "American Pub Crawl", in which the rules were that the only drinks that could be ordered were American. So far, you were on your third bar of the evening, and you'd taken the opportunity to buy a round of Jack Daniel's for everyone.
"Hey, Y/N, that man in the corner has been eyeing you all evening." Sihtric said, "He was at the last pub, too."
You'd noticed the man too, and you didn't necessarily like the idea. His eyes had been locked on you all evening, and it had made you stay close to Osferth.
"I hope he doesn't think he can follow me all night." You muttered, taking a sip of the beer you'd ordered.
"I've picked him up before, on shift. He likes to throw punches after one too many." Osferth said, taking a sip of his own beer. His arm had found a place around your shoulder and you gladly accepted it. You didn't like the way that man looked at you.
"Maybe he'll take the hint." You replied.
"If he doesn't, I'm sure we can persuade him." Uhtred said, "If he likes to fight, we can do that too."
"Wouldn't be a proper pub crawl without it!" Finan exclaimed.
Finishing your drinks, you went to the next pub, this time ordering whiskey and bringing out pickle juice to take pickle back shots.
Unfortunately, the man had followed and he was eyeing you still.
You tried to shake the uncomfortable feeling in your gut; you didn't want this man to ruin your night with your friends. Besides, you were resting your head on Osferth's shoulder, and he was flirting with you, and you didn't want to ruin that.
By the next bar, however, you'd shoved the nervous feeling down as you all drank Old Fashioneds, feeling a bit woozy as you stood up.
You placed a hand on Osferth's shoulder and leaned down. "I'm gonna go to the restroom. Watch my purse until I get back?"
"Sure, we'll be right here." Osferth said, giving you a smile. You walked back to the restroom and went in, trying to get out before anyone else noticed you were gone. You fixed you hair and adjusted your skirt, and walked out the door, only to bump into someone.
Your stomach dropped; it was the man who had been following you.
"I've been waiting to get you alone all night." He said. You could smell the liquor on him, he was incredibly drunk.
"Well, I'm going back to my friends." You said curtly, walking back toward the direction of your table. The man stopped you, and walked you backwards, your back hitting the wall.
"Where ya from, miss? I like that accent of yours." He said caging you in.
You looked around, suddenly feeling completely sober as the man entered your bubble.
"A place where we don't take kindly to unwanted attention." You replied.
The man growled, getting closer.
"Leave me alone, please." You pleaded.
"I don't think I'm going to do that. I've been watching you for hours now." The man replied. He stuck a hand on your torso, and began trying to move it up your shirt.
"Get OFF of me!" You yelled. You slapped the man in the face, and he in turn slapped you back so hard your head hit the wall, and you saw stars. You tasted blood on your lip, and it only made rage bubble in your chest.
"Get the HELL AWAY FROM ME!" You screamed. The man lurched forward, grabbing you by the hair, and slammed your head back into the wall, pressing his body to yours. You kicked and began screaming, until you heard someone yelling from behind the man.
"GET OFF!" Screamed Osferth, grabbing the man by the shoulders and throwing him into the floor. The man stood up, taking a swing, and connecting with Osferth's face. That's when Sihtric and Uhtred grabbed the man, while Finan got Osferth to his feet.
The look on Osferth's face was one you'd only seen a handful of times before, from other people. He was seething.
Osferth swung again, knocking the man to the floor, and he began swinging. Blood was pouring from his nose, but he seemed completely oblivious to the pain.
"YOU. DO. NOT. TOUCH. HER." Every word was punctuated with a punch, until Uhtred finally pulled him off.
"Osferth, your nose is broken." Uhtred said. Osferth was still in a trance, and you were shaking and crying. Finan had moved over to check on you, tears spilling from your eyes as he grabbed your face.
"Hey, hey, look at me, Y/N. Look at me." He whispered. "You're okay now. Osferth took care of him, he isn't getting back up for a while."
Osferth stopped wriggling in Uhtred's grasp and turned to you, assessing the damage like he would any accident at work.
"What did he do? Where did he touch you?" He asked.
You were sobbing. Coughing and choking while the other three men stood behind Osferth, blocking anyone else from coming near.
"He--I was coming out and he pushed me back." You cried, "he tried to stick his hand under my shirt and I told him to leave me alone. Then he hit me and he slammed my head into the wall."
This time, Sihtric walked over and kicked the man in the stomach. Osferth took a pen light from his pocket and looked at your eyes.
"You have a concussion." He said, "But not a bad one."
"Osferth, your nose." You said.
"I don't care. This isn't the worst I've had. Come here." He said, pulling you into his chest. You sobbed into him, your whole body shaking.
"Osferth, you get her out of here. We'll deal with him. You two need to go to A & E and get checked out. Especially you." Finan said.
"He'll learn his lesson. We promise you that." Uhtred said, "Take her home. We'll go check on you later."
Osferth took your hand and guided you out near the main entrance, taking your purse from behind the bar. Your hands shook ferociously, your lip was already swollen. Outside of the bar, you waited for a cab, but you couldn't keep your knees from knocking together.
"I'm so, so sorry, Y/N. That shouldn't have happened." Osferth said, rubbing your back. You had to sit down; your vision was starting to go black and you felt like the walls were closing in.
"I want to go home." You cried.
"We're going home, love." Osferth replied.
"No, Osferth," Your voice was breaking now, "I want my mom."
Osferth picked you up, pulling you close to him and holding you as tightly as he could. "I'll call your mum, Y/N. It's going to be okay. Take a deep breath, he can't hurt you. I won't let anyone hurt you."
As the cab pulled up, Osferth put you gently inside. The cab driver obviously had questions, but all Osferth did was give him your address. You were thankful; you didn't want to go to A & E, you just wanted to go home.
You had a first aid kit in your bathroom, it was the one thing you'd always done since you grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere. You sat Osferth down on the edge of the bathtub and began to clean him up, taking off his shirt and wiping the blood off of his chest, his neck, and his face.
"You said that wasn't the worst you had, huh?" You asked. He chuckled lightly, pointing to a spot just below his ribs.
"Almost died from this one." He said, "took a knife to the lung. If I hadn't already been in a medic tent, I would have died."
"When was that?" You asked, tracing your fingers along the scar.
"My last deployment. I was assessing a civilian they brought in, and he stabbed me." Osferth said, "I got out after that."
"And what about this one, here?" You asked, pointing to the scar on his shoulder.
"This was another bar fight, believe it or not." Osferth laughed. His eyes were already bruising and a little swollen, so you'd brought a pack of frozen vegetables to put on his face.
"He should have never touched you." Osferth said.
"I'm just glad you were there." You replied.
Osferth put his hands on your hips, placing his forehead in your stomach. You felt your heart thump so loudly that you were afraid it'd burst.
"I'll always be there." Osferth said. You felt his fingers tighten around your hip bones and you couldn't take it any more.
"Osferth." You said, he looked up at you.
"What is it?" He asked.
"I--I don't want to be your friend." You replied. His entire face fell, and you stumbled to correct yourself.
"I'm sorry, that came out wrong. What I meant was, I can't just be your friend." You said, "I thought I could, but I think I've loved you since the day you unlocked my door, and seeing you like this, I can't... I can't just be your friend--"
You were cut off by Osferth's lips hitting yours. His hands tangled in your hair, his touch soft but wanting. You put your arms around his neck and pulled him closer, a moan escaping as he moved to kiss your neck.
"I can't do this anymore either." Osferth said, "I thought I could. I thought I could just be your friend, but I can't. I love you. I've loved you for a long time."
You took his face in your hands, placing a gentle kiss, then moved to loop your fingers in his jeans and pull him out of the bedroom. His hands roamed your back, your neck, your hips, taking care not to do anything too suddenly or without permission. You pulled him to your room, kicking off your shoes and taking off your tights, pulling him on to the bed with you.
He climbed in, laying next to you, cradling your head in his hand, his other hand trailing your waist. You sighed, smiling, and ran your fingers through his hair.
"Stay the night." You said. It was a plea, a wish.
"I'll do whatever you ask." He whispered.
He took off his jeans, and your eyes grew wide.
"I'm not expecting anything, they've just got blood on them." He said. You nodded, and then a rush of thoughts came flooding to your mind.
"Osferth?" You asked.
"Yes, love?" He said.
"I've... I've never done this before." You admitted. He furrowed his brows.
"Done what?" He asked.
"What we're doing. Or what we're about to do. I don't know how to explain it." You huffed. He stopped, understanding what you were trying to say, and then nodded.
"You know that's not what I'm after, right?" Osferth asked.
You kissed him, moaning as he moved a hand up your side.
"I know, but I need you to know. I spilled my guts, I needed to tell you in case you wanted an out." You said.
"No." Osferth said, taking your hand in his. Yours was comically small compared to his, and he kissed your forehead.
"I don't want an out. I've been thinking about you since you knocked on my door. I knew I loved you for sure at Edward's wedding. I love how your face lights up when you talk about what you're passionate about. I love how kind you are. I hated history, but when you tell it, I could listen for hours. I don't want a quick lay. If I wanted that I could go into town and get it. I want you, Y/N. Only you."
Your breath hitched, and you looked at Osferth. You were nervous, and you didn't exactly know the right words to say.
"What does this make us?" You asked.
"Whatever you want us to be, but I know I'd like for us to be together." Osferth answered.
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. "I want that, too."
Osferth laughed, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He laid his head back down on the pillow, sighing.
"I'm actually glad you said something, because my nose does hurt a bit now." He admitted. You couldn't help but laugh as you pressed kisses to his temple.
"Then maybe we should sleep? After you've taken something for the pain." You suggested.
"That actually sounds nice." Osferth said, "We have plenty of time. I intend on sticking around, if that's alright with you."
"I'd like that, very much." You said.
That night you fell asleep with your head on his chest, his arm around you. Though both of you wound up with bruises for days, neither of you would have changed the events of that evening. And though your relationship had now evolved into something more, you were elated and excited.
With Osferth, you looked forward to many things. And you couldn't wait to explore.
I will obviously be writing more parts, I'm obsessed with this story and I cannot put it down.
Also, the reason there wasn't full on smut is because I have NEVER written it before, so please bare with me as the next chapter will probably be lots of filth 🤣 thank you all for the feedback!
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moonlightdisney · 10 months
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Happy national lion day !!
I just wanted to do another TLG screenshot edit thats a bit more faithful to TLG, rather than just in my style!
Something i did for funsies after finishing my other art today.
Original screenshot here
| NOTE | No my art is NOT free to repost on any site for any reason. The algorithm favours most reposts over the originals and I work very hard on my art! If you are to see any of my art on a page that is NOT my own, please link it to me ASAP.
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