#steve rogers
petite-madame · 3 days
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You should see the other guy (Steve Rogers) - (2024)
More Steve Rogers art in about a month away, for his birthday! 💗
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ace-bucket · 2 days
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Bucky & Steve
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latelierderiot · 3 days
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My entry for @warmlightzine - my beloveds🫶
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yourbuckies · 2 days
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— Vita Sackville-West
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soliloquent-stark · 3 days
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hold your broken dream up high; it's the worst case scenario lullaby.
bonaparte by melody x
robert downey jr and chris evans in avengers: endgame (2019)
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jbb32557038t41t420 · 3 days
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Happy Pride month!!
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why-i-love-comics · 2 days
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Ultimates #1 (2024)
written by Deniz Camp art by Juan Frigeri & Federico Blee
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avengerscompound · 1 day
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The Avengers
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snowzapped · 3 days
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Sometimes you just gotta trust Air Ironman to come rescue you when you paint yourself into a corner. :D
It has been almost 2 years since I made this comic for A Warm Light Zine. Today we've been given the go ahead to post it. So Yaay! Here you go. :D
commission info / patreon / ao3 / Buy Me a Coffee / merch store
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mirnightghost · 16 hours
Starfalls. Again-
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This time the endgame version, which I was inspired by while reading the fanfic. I just started thinking about what Steve ended up going through during Infinity War. Lost Bucky again, unable to save him. Lost new friends. For five years. According to Steve's inner clock, he only loses Bucky for two years the first time. And here...five years? Oh-
Then he loses Natasha, his last close friend. Yes, after that everyone who was turned to dust returned, but in the end Tony died. Therefore, a picture where Steve can finally allow himself to collapse. Release the burden of emotions. Mourning and at the same time relief that his Bucky is alive.
There..there are a lot of emotions there, really...
Oh and I enjoyed drawing this-- although I've gotten really into rendering again, I...yeah, I'm starting to feel more confident in drawing people. :']
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meidui · 2 days
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cap getting choked out
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holylulusworld · 2 days
Indecent Proposal (21)
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Summary: Your boyfriend wants to be part of their empire. You are the pawn he’s willing to sacrifice.
Pairing: Mobster!Stucky x fem!Reader
Warnings: established Stucky, caring mobsters, pregnant reader, polyamory, fluff, romance, a little angst
Indecent Proposal (20)
Indecent Proposal masterlist
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“Doll, you need to calm down. I’m fine,” Steve sighs deeply. He cannot stop you from cleaning his knuckles with a swap. “We want you to eat something and have a warm bath.”
“Y/N,” Bucky runs his hand over your back. “Stevie is right. Let him clean his knuckles. I’ll get you something to eat.”
You shake your head and grab Steve’s wrist when he tries to pull away. “No. I need…I need something to do to keep my mind off what happened. Please let me do this.”
Both men look at each other and swallow thickly. It was more than a close call. They believed you were safest at their home. How very wrong they were.
One simple lie and the woman attacking you sneaked inside their well-guarded home to fulfill her mission. – To kill you and your babies.
“Steve,” Bucky knows exactly what’s going on in his husband’s mind, “don’t. We couldn’t know she’d try to sneak inside our home. She was bold and determined, I give her that.”
“We promised Y/N to protect her and failed,” Steve sniffs. “How can she still feel safe if that woman could easily sneak inside our home.”
“The security was looking for Rumlow, not that nurse. How should we have known, Steve? Sometimes we fuck things up. It happens.”
“It cannot happen, Buck!” Steve angrily replies. “We have a pregnant wife, and that woman almost killed her and our babies!”
You wrap your arms around Steve’s neck. “It’s not your fault. Bucky saved me.”
“Because he’s a horny bastard,” Steve wraps his arms around you and brings you in his lap. “I don’t want to think about what could’ve happened if he wasn’t such a horny dog.”
“Same—” Bucky is unusually silent tonight. He blames himself for not walking you to the bathroom. If only he followed you the moment you told him you needed to pee, the attack could’ve been avoided.
“It’s not your fault either, Buck. You saved me with your incredible knife skills,” you drip your head to look at Bucky. “Come here for cuddles.”
“Only for a moment. I need to talk to Jake about the security cameras and check on the gate again. We cannot risk another lapse.”
Bucky joins you and Steve. He wraps both of you in a hug and nuzzles his face in his husband’s neck. For a few moments, he allows himself to be a loving husband and soon-to-be father.
The moment he leaves the room, he’ll turn into the stone-cold mobster his enemies fear. He’ll give Rumlow no chance to escape or get even close to you.
Steve was right. It’s hunting season and James Buchanan Barnes will be the hunter bringing Rumlow down.
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“Barnes, you can’t be serious,” Natasha hisses. “I was nothing but loyal to you, Steve, and your organization. I’d never betray you.”
“You’ve been loyal to the money you got from us. Nothing else. You don’t know shit about loyalty and to die for the people close to you. If you are standing in my way in this, I’ll make sure that you get out of my way.”
“Bucky,” she tries to sweet-talk herself out of the more than dangerous situation she’s in. If Bucky knows that she warned Rumlow, and told him to leave town weeks ago, she will end up dead. Just like the nurse. “I don’t know what has gotten into him.”
“We know,” Bucky sneers at Natasha. “This is about some woman who didn’t respect boundaries. She tried to kill Steve to have me all for herself.”
Bucky points at the manila folder on Natasha’s desk.
Natasha quirks a brow. She opens the folder and thumbs through the pages. “I see. She killed herself.” She hums. “But what has this to do with Rumlow?”
“She’s his ex-girlfriend. He didn’t take it well that she left him to live a better life in the big city. Rumlow took it even worse that she killed herself because I wouldn’t let her murder my husband.”
“In other words,” Natasha sighs deeply, “your dick got you in trouble.”
“That’s not funny, Romanoff,” Bucky spats. “If you know where Rumlow is, this is your last chance to help us. Think about it.” He places an envelope filled with money on her desk. “I’ll give you a choice.”
“What do you mean?” She furrows her brows.
“You can stand there and lie to me to protect Rumlow, or you’ll take the money to go on a vacation after you tell me where he is,” Bucky slides a knife out of his sleeve. He twirls it between his fingers while keeping an eye on Natasha. “I cannot guarantee your safety if you decide on protecting him, though.”
“You’re threatening me, Barnes?“ She huffs to sound confident, but in reality, she fears for her life.
“No,” he steps closer, holding his knife in a tight grip. “I’m telling you exactly what’s going to happen.” Bucky takes another step toward Natasha to underline his words. “I do not threaten people. If I tell you that I’m going to kill you, then you’ll end up dead.”
She sucks in a breath. Natasha is by all means not a damsel in distress or easily scared. This doesn’t mean she she's not intimidated when an angry James Buchanan Barnes stands in front of her, a knife in his hand.
“You can have a good life, Natasha,” he whispers lowly. “Enough money to fulfill all of your wishes.” Bucky dips his head to look at the pictures on her desk. “If you want to leave town, we can arrange that too. New identity, new life. No problem.”
“I only need to rat Rumlow out,” she bitterly replies. “It’s like I killed him myself if I do so.”
“Natasha, he sent that woman to kill Y/N and our babies. If he wants us dead because his ex-girlfriend killed herself, fine. But he went after Y/N. She has nothing to do with this shit. Rumlow crossed more than one line. You know that.”
“He tried to kill the babies?” Her eyes widen, and she drops the picture in her hands. “Why didn’t you tell me this first?”
“I thought you heard it through the grapevine,” Bucky scoffs. “So, what will it be, Nat? Are you in or out?”
“I tried to save his life, believing he’s after you because he tries to bring your empire down. I believed he’s a good cop, nothing else, Bucky.” She drops the manila folder on her desk. “If this is a vendetta because of some girl, he’s all yours.”
Bucky watches Natasha grab her phone. “I assume you’re all in.”
“I don’t want to know what happened to him. Barnes, whatever you do to him, his body cannot be found in my town. Get rid of him. Throw him into the Grand Canyon. I don’t care. Just don’t do it in my town.”
“I can’t guarantee that he’s there,” she says while scribbling down two addresses and two phone numbers. “The first number is his normal phone. The other one is a burner phone he used to call me a few weeks ago. Maybe your little geek can trace one of his phones.”
“That’s a start,” Bucky grabs the piece of paper. “I was never here.” He warns, still not convinced that Natasha is on their side. “Remember, you didn’t hear of Rumlow for weeks and know nothing about his activities.”
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“You should’ve been a man and come here yourself, not send a girl. If you want something to be done right, do it yourself.”
He can hear Rumlow suck in a breath at the end of the line. If only he stays on the phone for a little longer, Jensen can trace his phone and find out where the bastard is hiding.
Bucky squares his jaw and takes a deep breath. He hates being like this, but this can’t be helped.
“You know, she died too fast for my taste. I would’ve liked hurting her for a little longer. She tried to kill my wife and babies after all.”
“You damn bastard,” Rumlow growls into the phone. “First my girl, and then her sister? How can you look in the mirror, you monster.”
“What do you want to do about it?” Bucky laughs into the phone. “How about you man up and we meet to settle things between us…”
He dips his head to look at Jensen, his brows furrowed.
Jake nods silently pointing at the computer to tell Bucky he found Rumlow’s position…
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marvel-lous-guy · 1 day
Steve: alright, that concludes todays mission brief.
Peter: Now lets see if you were paying attention.
*kahoot music starts playing*
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This but steve and bucky
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incorrectquotesmcu · 10 hours
Tony: We wouldn’t last two minutes without Steve.
Tony: Don’t tell him I said that.
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oluka · 2 days
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My contribution to the @cap-ironman 2024 RBB! @kandisheek wrote an amazing fic to go with it, please check it out here!
Bonus design sheet for Steve and Tony under the cut:
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