#self ship imagine
sunflawyer · 11 hours
a special shout-out for selfshippers who have been loving their f/o(s) for years !! 🤍
you guys are truly one of the best kinds of people out there! your dedication and your overwhelming love for them are very admirable and inspiring.
loving someone so deeply that you stayed with them for years and still madly in love with each other through thick and thin. ♡
how long have you been in love with your f/o? tell us your story! (⁠人⁠*⁠´⁠∀⁠`⁠)⁠。⁠*゚⁠+
rbs encouraged!! ♡♡
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bunny-lovers · 2 days
Imagine your f/o lying with their head on your stomach, slowly drifting off to sleep as you stroke their hair.
proship/comship/neutral DNI
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the-bar-sinister · 13 hours
Imagine your F/O pulling you into their lap, humming gently and brushing your hair as they hold you.
Imagine pulling your F/O into your lap, humming gently and brushing their hair as you hold them.
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liftys-favorite · 2 days
imagine your f/o falling asleep near you. on the couch, slumped over a table, leaning against your side, what have you. at first, it's just a cute little moment to enjoy, until a friend or family member of theirs spots them and says "wow, they don't usually like to sleep around other people. you must be really special to them :)"
proshippers/comshippers/any variants do not interact.
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vellichorsdesire · 1 day
caregiver f/o who wants you to feel nothing but safe and loved in their arms,, they’d never judge you and they’d understand if you deal with hard big feelings during your regression and/or if you regress due to stress or being upset… regression isn’t always ‘cutesy’ ! they’d be happy to reassure you you’re not a burden at all to them, that it’s okay to let these feelings out. they’d stay by your side no matter what
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bioexorcizm · 4 months
selfshippers we need to be making more 'marysue' selfinserts. im talking crazy powers im talking loud designs im talking having at least 8 canon characters in love with them. im talking crazy backstory im talking canon-breaking storylines im talking earth shattering plot twist catalysts. like. seriously who is going to stop you the f/o police? yeah ok bud try me ill make them one of my unrequited lovers too.
pr*ship c*mship etc dni.
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rotruff · 18 days
wising you a very sleeping on your f/os chest so you can hear their hearbeat or vice versa. wishing you a very instinctively moving towards one another and pulling eachother close and holding on tighter in sleep. wishing you a very one quietly talking to the other who's spouting off sleeptalk-nonsense in loose responses. wishing you a very ignoring blankets in favor of eachothers warmth. wishing you a very kisses to the crown of the forehead and the cheek and the collarbone and the shoulder and the crook of the jaw right where it meets the neck. ok?
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unmeipowerenergy · 20 days
whatever you do, do NOT!! think about your f/o placing the gentlest of kisses on the inside of your wrist. it's very hazardous to your health
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espresso-ships · 2 months
To all self-shippers that struggle with mental health
I see you - and same <3
Here's some comfort content :')
Your f/o, being there by your side,
They call to check up on you, and when you tell them "I'm fine" they see right through your lie.
Your f/o, who almost rushes over to you - wanting to provide comfort. "You didn't have to-" "But I did." "But you have work and...-" "Do you seriously think I'll choose work over you?" Your f/o, that makes sure you eat and drink throughout the day,
Fixing food for you and bringing you water.
Your f/o, that runs you a warm bath or helps you wash your hair.
That wraps you in a fresh towel afterwards.
Your f/o, that puts on your favorite show,
Whilst holding you close to them.
Your f/o, that offers you a shoulder to cry on
That listens to your problems and lets you vent.
Your f/o, that holds you close, not leaving your side.
That does everything just to see your smile.
Your f/o, that loves you unconditionally.
Only you.
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bunny-lovers · 2 days
Imagine your f/o singing the last song you listened to and dedicating it to you.
proship/comship/neutral DNI
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true-autistic-tales · 6 months
imagine watching your f/o's face turn cartoonishly red with blush after you complimented them
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the-bar-sinister · 15 hours
Imagine coming up behind your F/O and pulling them backwards into your arms. You tuck their head under your chin, or rest your cheek against the back of their neck and rock back and forth gently with them, as they reach up to embrace your arms while you hold them.
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liftys-favorite · 2 days
imagine your typically tough/stoic f/o breaking down in tears in front of you. trusting you enough to show you that vulnerability and allowing you to care for them this time instead of the other way around.
proshippers/comshippers/any variants do not interact.
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vellichorsdesire · 25 days
sitting on your f/o’s lap hi. your back facing them, playing a game or being on your phone as their arms wrap around your waist and you feel them move aside a bit of hair if needed and pepper your neck with kisses. finding sitting on their lap a comforting position over time, at times when you feel both your best or feel down… even if your f/o is smaller they would enjoy it still i’m sure. or if they complain about you crushing them, but in reality they do really like being close to you like this
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ronzombie · 3 months
Your F/O absolutely would fucking do that. You may think it's out-of-character, but it's not. Your F/O is completely yours to fuck with and manipulate however you want because they WILL buy you flowers. They WILL be clingy as all hell. and they DO love you so so so much.
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rotruff · 2 months
your f/o would not care abt any 'abnormal' speech mannerisms you've got btw.
stutter? that's ok, they're more than happy to wait to let you get the words out, it just gives them an extra few seconds to appreciate your voice. Even if you get caught up on the same word a few times or the whole sentence struggles a little, they're not gonna make fun of you. It's you talking, what could ever be 'wrong' with that?
mix up your words? that's totally ok! whether you'd rather try again and say what you actually meant to say or just wanna repeat a few bits so they get the gist, they're not gonna make fun of you. even if you don't notice that you swapped around some words, they've gotten pretty good at deciphering your meaning, time together letting them hone their skills.
forget what you were saying halfway through it? that's totally fine too! whether they give you a few minutes to try and remember or just move past it till something jogs your memory again, they're fine to offer up some ideas on what it might've been about or a new topic to get your mind off of it.
use a lot of 'fluff' in your speech (ie. 'umm,' 'like,' 'uhh,' etc.)? they're not gonna rush the words out of you or interrupt your speech. They're more than happy to give you all the time in the world to talk, no matter how rambly and long-winded it might seem. They like hearing what you have to say and your thoughts are priceless to them.
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