harriorrihar · 2 days
#scavengersreign is a rare bird, a shooting star. I was lucky enough to see it inside, work on it. Now it's re-released, let's keep this anomaly shining.
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dreorcaul · 1 day
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Its a wip of a scene in gideon the ninth! i'll need to work on it! ive been too busy working on my art book for my comic cold sweat! I did start reading harrow tho I havent finished yet! hmmm i'll need to design a full body of harrow and gideon at somepoint!
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namedr · 3 days
audio: @kuripachan
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ordheist · 2 days
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do you like my bugs????
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nestedneons · 3 days
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Blinded by the sun by Poppel
You shall not see the true form of a star
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cirilee · 3 days
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tsk tsk, alvin, you claim to hate the system, yet you participate in it ....
as always, alvin belongs to @mareeoth and this is written by both of us^^
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ultrakillblast · 2 days
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thisisrealy2kok · 2 days
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These sunnies from Spy Kids (2001)
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luumastudio · 3 days
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scifiseries · 2 days
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niqhtlord01 · 2 days
Humans are weird: Military Assassinations
( Please come see me on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord Every bit helps)
“What do you mean General Veers is dead?”
From the corner of the room Nifien could hear the lowly orderly who had drew the ire of the prince swallow as if they were choking on a Ganta Nut.
“Forgive me my prince,” the orderly stammered, “but General Veers was killed several months ago during the opening stages of the conflict.”
Glaring at the orderly with a mixture of displeasure and disgust, Prince Kiora was growing more impatient by the minute. He had been sent by his father the king to check on the status of the war front with the humans only to find himself greeted by lower ranking officers instead of the supreme commander himself; and now he had learned why.
“Why was the homeworld not informed of his death?” Kiora asked as he looked up from the orderly and stared down the remaining senior staff inside the war room. Only Nifien met his gaze but said nothing.
“With regrets great one, all transmissions have been blocked by a network of human cyber warfare satellites.”  
Quickly pulling out a data pad and thumbing in several keys in rapid succession, the holographic projector spun to life and presented an image of the world they now stood upon in the center of the room. The orderly pointed to a rash of tiny red icons that began appearing above the planet and moving in perfect formation across the entire atmosphere.
“Any transmission sent from the surface is rebounded off their satellites and sent back to the surface. We’ve been unable to get a signal out since we first arrived and with our navy hampered by the human fleet we’ve been in short supply of any orbit capable craft to breach the bubble and-“
The prince held up a hand dismissively and the orderly stopped their explanation. Rubbing his four eyes the prince said nothing as he took in the information laid out before him. The information homeworld had was clearly well and outdated by this new developments and that shifted the entire picture for Kiora.
“I assume General Mentau now leads the campaign then? Why is he not here?”
The gathered officer core looked nervous and said nothing as the orderly tried to speak but stopped themselves several times.
“Because he too is also dead, your highness;” Nifien spoke as he stepped forward, “along with General Jul’nin, Safar, Dre’nuk, and Gin’tharie.”
  “Dead?!” The prince spoke out in surprise, “All of them?!?”
“I’m afraid so.” Nifien replied as he stood next to the orderly. With a subtle nod he dismissed the orderly who thankfully bowed his head to both Nifien and the prince before retreating back to the corners of the room; no doubt thankful to no longer be the prime focus of the prince.
“How was this…this…disaster, allowed to unfurl..” the prince began as he looked at Nifien and it dawned on him that he had not introduced himself yet.
“Apologies my liege,” he began as he bowed, “I am Nifien Ve-gar, Commander of the 3rd front and acting supreme commander of the campaign.”
“How was this allowed to happen?” the prince reiterated, to which Nifien entered several keys into his own data pad and the projection shifted to a video feed.
“Shortly after our arrival General Veers was targeted by what the humans call a “hit squad”, and terminated while touring the front lines.”
The video feed was footage from a soldiers weapon camera mount and showed the general very much alive and discussing matters with several soldiers gathered around him. Veers was well known to be loved by his forces as he would see the frontlines for himself time to time and speak with his forces personally.
Just as the General finished telling a joke which had the gathered host laughing the back of his head blew out and showered his bodyguards standing behind him in brain matter. The gathered mass of soldiers began shouting while and searching for the direction the shot came from as Veers bodyguards cradled their now deceased leader and dragged his body away off screen before the feed ended.
“Shortly after his death General Mentau took overall command of the campaign. He held the position for a month before he too was likewise terminated by what we believe to be the same hit squad.”
Another feed appeared on the screen showing General Mentau’s personal command vehicle pulling into a compound only for it to suddenly explode violently. Black flames emerged from the shattered windows and the general’s death screams could be heard causing several of the gathered officers to look away in horror.
Rather than showing more gruesome footage several pictures of the other decease general’s appeared on screen showing they had met similar fates, along with half a dozen other lower ranking officers.
“Without a proper chain of command to direct the larger picture,” Nifien continued as the hologram switched to project the territories controlled by their forces and the humans, “the entire army had ground to a standstill. Some units have been operating under order several weeks old by now leaving the entire front stagnant. In the last month alone I have had to issue field promotions to some thirty six officers to keep the entire army from falling in on itself and even now the measure is merely a stopgap to the much larger issue. ”
Kiora listened in silence as the scope of the problem was finally laid bare. Without clear lines of leadership and orders to follow the entire invasion force was now on the verge of disintegration.
“If you have promoted new officers why has the war continued to remain a stalemate?” the prince asked.
Nifien shrugged. “Every soldier by now knows about the human hit squads and is terrified of them, especially the newly promoted officers. By now they all know there is a giant target on their back and the paranoia is making them halt and consolidate their gains to ensure their own safety.”
The holographic projection shifted again to show a blurry outline of a figure from great distance. Nifien pointed to the figure as he spoke to the prince. “This is the only photo of the human hit squad that we have. Despite every security upgrade we have done, patrols altered, transmission frequency recoded; they are still able to bypass our lines and target officers.”
He chuckled despite himself. “Hells, I’ve not been able to leave this command bunker since becoming acting commander and that was over a month ago.”
Though he was disgusted with the human’s cowardly tactics Kiora had to admit that they had played themselves well. With but the slayings of a few individuals the entire army had been ground to a halt as they awaited orders that would never come.
“When my father hears of this disaster he will be most…..displeased.” the prince said in a low tone which the gathered officers knew all too well. The King’s displeasure was that of a death sentence in all but name and their only hope was to earn some crumb of glory to stave off the butcher’s axe from their necks.
To the prince’s surprise Nifien shook his head. “I’m afraid that will be a long time before he hears that your highness.”
“And why is that?” Kiora dismissed flatly. “Do you think your temporary station gives you some measure of control over one of the royal blood?”
“Never your grace, but it does ensure me when in matters of your protection.”
“My protections?” the prince replied startled, “What do you mean?”
“These humans have shown they are more than capable of killing anyone at nearly any time of their choosing.” Nifien began, “So what do you think they will do when they learn that their most hated enemy’s prince has arrived at the warzone?”
The realization finally dawned for Kiora as his mouth hung open.
“Chances are the moment you step foot outside of this bunker, you will be dead before you even lay eyes on your ship.”
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“Shop is open”
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1 - Ring of Greed - 372 currency
2 - Sapper - 32 currency
3 - Fang of the sea viper- 46 currency
4 - Anomalies pocket dimension chip made without magic - 231 currency
5 - Sock shell - 50 currency
6 - Vial of poison - 61 currency
7 - Map of the plane of white steel - 15 currency
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"Wizard Essentials"
Staff - Cain - 10 currency
Orb - Inky void - 15 currency
Robes - red/blue - 1 currency per robe
1 - Mana potion - 10 currency
2 - bat potion - 5 currency
3 - skin of dragon mana - 20 currency
4 - healing tablet - 10 currency
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@bi-gender-sorcerer @local-pickpocket @the-mighty-dalob @damnable-druid @crickled-thorn-thug
146 notes · View notes
efangamez · 11 hours
Pride TTRPG Bundle Sale: Help a Queer Person Thrive! Buy nearly $70 of games for $25!
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I am a disabled, trans, and queer game designer looking to live again to afford medication, sustained housing, therapy/psychiatry, and some money to save for emergencies.
This sale will help me to support myself as someone who makes less than $15,000 a year. I kinda wanna live a little and heal myself, and sadly, money is a big roadblock for me.
In this bundle, you can obtain:
GRIM, a retro FPS styled TTRPG inspired by Quake.
Neon Nights, a cyberpunk TTRPG with nearly infinite build variety, and it's two MASSIVE expansions!
Wrath of the Undersea, a TTRPG where you play as vengeful Eldritch peoples trying to reclaim the colonized surface.
Disk Master's expansions, where you can live out your Pokemon or Digimon dream on pen and paper!
There are also some stretch goals attached to the sale as well!
$500: This pays for debts and a month of groceries.
Will hold a Trans Rage Game Jam in July!
$1,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, and some cushion.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July AND will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August!
$2,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, and computer payments.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, AND will have all games FREE during the month of October!
$3,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, computer payments, and gender affirming care.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, AND will have all games FREE during the month of October!
$4,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, computer payments, gender affirming care, and mental health appointments.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, will have all games FREE during the month of October, AND will release another one-page PWYW game!
$5,000: This will pay for debts, groceries, cushion, computer payments, gender affirming care, and mental health appointment, and will help SUSTAIN these things that are paid for.
Will hold Trans Rage Game Jam in July, will release GRIM: Eldritch Arsenal weapon pack for GRIM in August, will have all games FREE during the month of October, will release another one-page PWYW game, AND will host monthly game jams for the rest of the year!
$5,000+: Any money after this would be donated to trans non-profits where I reside and GoFundMe's for Palestinian families on the Operation Olive Branch spreadsheet.
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ordheist · 3 days
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hey!! I’m in a tight spot with bills atm so I need to take on a few commissions. I’m running discounted rates for all tiers
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fully rendered and coloured characters are now £100, basic symmetrical bodyplan charas are £70, and quick black and white sketches are £50
these rates are temporary so DM me if you want in!
thank you x
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nestedneons · 1 day
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By jilt with stablediffusion
Cyberpunk art commissions
My free ai workflows
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cirilee · 1 day
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