#one can hope
lightasthesun · 5 months
if disney came out with a mini series solely focusing on the Clones (this time around) it would be so popular... Imagine episodes of just Rex and Cody going on a mission or featuring how Cody got his scar or if the command batch is as close as fans wish they were. Wolffe's fight with Ventress. Fox leading a squad of new shiny guards around the Senate and showing exit ways to use in emergency situations. Gree and his first encounter with an alien animal species. Bly after his first successful mission on Felucia...
Imagine 40 minute long episodes of Clone Trooper Bliss. It would be so popular. Sigh.
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acemind3 · 9 months
That Ivanna interview that Star Wars Instagram posted…. 👀
Okay but they had to have recorded that awhile ago, so why post it now? Riding on the wave of the popularity of these two or because the season finale is coming and it’s foreshadowing some major character arc for our girl Shin (and hopefully Sabine 😉) ?
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aquato-family-circus · 9 months
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collector's edition :-)
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rattrapdadfigure · 8 months
Finally watched the Mario movie. And let me say Bowser is honestly giving cishet man who is desperately trying to win over a woman in hopes she’ll turn him not gay. (Because of internalized homophobia). I hope in the next movie he’ll fall in love with a man and be happy.
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cairavende · 7 months
Worm Arc 13 thoughts:
Everything is fine, everyone is doing great, but Brian might need to use some vacation days. Just, I dunno, something tells me the dude might benefit from a short break.
We start right off with Taylor refusing to admit she kicked Mannequin's ass, even though all of her allies and all of his allies both agree she did. Which is my daughter 101. I wish she could love herself a little more.
Lisa got her game. It might not be perfect but I think it was well done by her. It still gives them more structure to work with, and more ways to fight back. As this arc shows.
Aisha is way to fucking reckless. I mean I feel for her I really do, but god damn girl. Sometimes your teammates are right! Even if your brother can be a bit of a dick about it.
General note, I absolutely love how Wildbow wrote stuff around Aisha using her power. Just every bit of it. It is very good. I have legit multiple times during this went "Oh fuck I forgot about IMP!" and that is perfect.
Mannequin kills Lucy, so he goes from being on my shit list to being on my super shit list. I'm going to be sad if I never get to see him die.
If Bentley had died I would have burned the world down. So luckily that didn't happen.
Sucks that Mannequin also killed some of Skitter's people. And that he ended up living in the end. But it was fun to watch him get his ass kicked a second time and have to get saved by Burnscar.
I fucking LOVE Genesis. I'm so glad we get to see more of her. Her power is so much fun.
WOLFSPIDER! Taylor bonding with Bitch over trauma. Taylor basically thinking you want someone to tell you want to do. And then “You had me at no holds barred"! AHHHH! Murder lesbians. Go fuck them up girls.
Skitter had a pretty decent plan for attacking the Nine, all things considered. Very good use of their strengths and the abilities they had on hand. But she did make one major mistake. Well, to be fair everyone involved did. And that was having Trickster be the only sniper. They should have brought a few of Coil's troops. Even one more half competent sniper and they would have killed one of the Nine in that first attack. If they had brought Coil's Sniper? 2 of the Nine dead minimum, maybe 3.
Also, the mannequins for Trickster to swap people with were very clever. Though they could have prevented Brian getting captured if they had brought 1 more. And you don't even need a good sniper with those. Point a gun at the head of a mannequin. Swap and shoot at basically the same moment. Bullet hits them before they even know they've swapped and you can't miss. But still, they did pretty good.
I mean maybe not from Grue's PoV, but whatever. He didn't die! He's fine.
Cherish getting absolutely fucking DESTROYED by Tattletale! Oh god it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Cherish tries to get into Tattletales head and Tattletale is just constantly 10 steps ahead and just gaaahhh! Fuck I love it. I would read 100 chapters that was just Tattletale fucking with people like that.
The setup Skitter used to talk to the Protectorate was so fucking cool. Full blown mimicking human speech with only bugs?! She's amplified her words before, but never had the bugs speak entirely on their own. Just the most badass thing. The thing that makes everyone remember you! Swarm of bugs shows up at the superhero base, takes the shape of a person and starts talking with bug sounds, saying "oh hey we just kicked the fuck out of the Nine and captured two of them, wanna actually be heroes and help us finish this?" God damn.
Also Trickster getting through a locked door by teleporting the lock away was very neat.
Of course the heroes don't help. Miss Militia and her "We can handle that on our own, with more calculation and less recklessness." Really? Are you really going to have less recklessness? Cause I've read the interlude. But more on that later.
HOLY FUCK IT SUCKS TO BE BRIAN! I mean, he got better. But still!
I knew my daughter wasn't going to die. I knew her two girlfriends weren't going to die. I was pretty sure Imp and Grue weren't going to die (I wasn't sure how Grue was living but it seemed likely) but even with all that I was kinda panicking during the whole Bonesaw thing.
Fucking power thief! So much possibility here!
Siberian a projection confirmed. I mean basically confirmed. Confirmed enough for me. Like sure the details aren't revealed and such, but they are totally some form of projection. (I don't list my predictions on here usually so everyone will just have to trust me when I say I guessed Siberian was a projection in arc 11 or 12.)
Also saw some (I assume) other alternate earths in that trigger event, which is neat. I'm sure they'll never come up again.
Skitter sending a note to the Protectorate that was basically "We killed one and injured another, you are a bunch of cowards that suck, fuck you!" was wonderful.
I am very sad for Doll Lesbian and I hope someone can help her! She needs care in this trying time. Cause I love her and she is so cool and it isn't fair that shitty things are happening to her.
"It isn't fair that shitty things are happening to her" is like, 85% of Worm I'm pretty sure though, so I'll probably just have to deal.
Lisa put a blanket on Taylor when she fell asleep. GAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!
Interlude 1 - Aisha's mother sucks. I'm so sorry for the poor girl. Aisha also makes very bad choices. She got so fucking lucky she got away from the Nine the first time and then just went and got herself caught anyway! The fact that her power is passive and she has to work to turn it off sure fucking sucks though.
Interlude 2 - Hey Miss Militia, remember how I said I was going to get back to the "more calculation and less recklessness"? Cause we're back to that. Piggot is planning on dropping WHITE PHOSPHOROUS on part of a city! And then dropping a bunch of bombs made by a dangerous supervillain! Bombs that no one knows exactly what they do! How is that "less recklessness"? Also the PRT is just horribly run. God damn Piggot shouldn't have to be requesting stuff from other offices directly, they should have a central admin that manages reallocation of resources in situations like this. And they should have a full system of teams setup that aren't attached to a city, but instead deploy where they are needed! The government already has systems like this for disaster response and stuff. And between Endbringers and the Nine and other stuff the PRT knows that sometimes certain locations need more support. Terribly managed, badly run, they need better admin staff. They need people that know how to use a god damn spreadsheet. I have a lot more to say about Piggot and her plan but I feel like I'll get some chances to comment on it in Arc 14.
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savemygrades · 2 months
Another day, another slay
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Night before my 2nd exam :
Today was a somewhat productive day. Went into the anatomy lab with a friend this morning and we spent a couple of hours just going through the 3d models and prosections. Still got about 2 weeks till our anatomy exam, but the anatomy lab is only open this week for us to go in, so might as well make the most of it when we can.
After I got back from the lab, I then spent the rest of the day doing practice questions. Also did some anki flashcards in bed ( not my favourite bedtime activity to do but exam season calls ).
Here's to hoping that I'll smash these exams, and not get smashed by the exams
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squishy-lemons · 2 months
the way i didn't listen to conan gray all that much during 2023 because my life was going pretty okay and the way i'm now listening almost exclusively to conan in 2024 is pretty telling of how much this year is going to suck ASS
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dathen · 2 years
Another accidental parallel from Dracula Daily’s chronological entries: Mina worrying that Jonathan may be ill, when we know that he took the choice of the First Mate: throwing himself at the mercy of the elements to escape Dracula, knowing he will almost certainly “die, but as a man.”
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myfixationstation · 4 months
Pros & Cons of Pokemon Concierge
Cute n comfy
Actually made psyduck cuter than it usually is
Done by studio Dwarf (they also did a show for rilakuma)
Stop motion animated
Only 4 episodes
Not a game spinoff
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reminiscingtonight · 5 months
Saw someone say KC better be ready for those 89th minute subs now that vlatko is their head coach and freya is one of the assistant coaches and... well they're not wrong 😂
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radarchives · 1 year
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on-till-morning · 8 months
Can I just say that when Stede tells Ed “stay right here, I’ll be right back” and then RUNS INTO THE DARK JUNGLE ALONE my heart STOPPED at how much this echoed their separation at the end of s1e8 and did not start beating again until Stede returned and finally (FINALLY!!!!!) came up with a non-idiotic idea to RUN INTO THE DARK JUNGLE AT NIGHT TOGETHER!!!!! 😰😫🥹 omggg people CAN change (into sea birds)
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artbyblastweave · 2 years
Every day I wake up and wish that Krouse and Noelle’s relationship had had the opportunity to disintegrate for reasons aside from how he accidentally turned her into a titanic cannibalistic flesh-kaiju.
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hatchetmanofficial · 2 years
Are the varsity jackets going to real life merch?
Perhaps if we have the funds
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art by @SovietMarmalade
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sirenitasucia · 5 months
Sleeping in a gstring & manifesting good sex this year
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