#newjeans minji
drvirgus · 3 days
Can we get a !idol mingi who is secretly dating a deaf/hard of hearing person. Like no one in her group knows because she wants to protect her. And dispatch catches them on a date and dealing with the fallout 🌟
hopefully you like it 🥰🥰 loved this request
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Becoming Deaf
Idol! Minji X fem! Reader
Warnings: none
wc: 1.8k
A/n: i wrote it from my own experience but with lesser "What?" or "Huh?" since then the whole text would be like "hdbjdh" 😅😂😂😂
One Shot:
With a small smile on my face, I stood in the kitchen staring at the pot in front of me, its water already boiling. With one hand, I grabbed the pack of spaghetti and opened it, tossing the pasta into the pot shortly after. My eyes were fixed on the pot.
I jumped in surprise when I felt hands around my waist and someone resting their chin on my shoulder. My eyes widened as I turned to see the person hugging me from behind. "Minji!" I exclaimed in shock, clutching my chest and exhaling in relief.
Minji smiled and pulled me closer. Her lips were near my ear. "I missed you so much," I heard Minji say softly, which immediately relaxed me. I smiled to myself and let myself sink into her arms. "How was Paris?" I asked, placing my hand on hers, my eyes back on the pot.
Minji sighed a bit. "It was great. I saw a lot, but next time I wish you could come with me," Minji replied, though I only partially understood because a loud ringing suddenly filled my ear and it felt blocked. Annoyed, I sighed and stuck my finger in my ear, wiggling it until my ear popped open. Unfortunately, it quickly blocked again, so I pinched my nose and did a pressure release, which unblocked my ear again.
Minji looked at me with concern, releasing my waist and standing in front of me. "The doctor said you should stop doing that. You're only making your ears worse," Minji said, taking my hands in hers and looking me seriously in the eyes, her forehead furrowed.
Sighing, my shoulders slumped. "My ears are almost just for show... Only my left ear still somewhat works," I said, rolling my eyes as I moved closer to the pot and took out a noodle with a fork. "Try this. Are they done?" I asked, holding the fork out to Minji.
The taller woman looked at me dissatisfied but opened her mouth and tried the noodle. "A little longer," she replied, and I nodded. Minji leaned against one of the counters, crossing her arms over her chest, her eyes fixed on me, making me sigh again.
"What did the doctor say?" Minji asked, making me freeze. My eyes shifted from her face back to the pot, and I quickly grabbed the pot and moved to the sink. My jaw tightened as I pretended not to have heard my girlfriend.
I didn't want to talk about it...
Minji watched me closely as I poured out the water and then tipped the noodles onto the plates. I wasn't in the mood to cook today, so I just made spaghetti with butter. My eyes fell on Minji. "Take your plate and sit in the living room," I said, and her eyes immediately narrowed.
I looked seriously at the slightly younger woman, which made Minji fall silent. Sighing, she just nodded and grabbed both plates before disappearing into the living room. I ran a hand through my hair, frustration evident on my face as I sighed again.
I regretted it myself...
Why hadn't I changed my doctor sooner?
With a smile on my face, I went into the living room and sat next to my girlfriend. Minji already had the remote in her hand and looked at me. "I want to talk about it... What did the doctor say?" Minji asked again, making me hesitate.
Sighing, I clasped my hands together and rubbed them. "I might go completely deaf in the next few years," I admitted, causing Minji's eyes to widen immediately. She set the remote aside and turned her whole body towards me.
"What?" she asked incredulously, staring at me in shock. Nervously, I bit my lip and hung my head lower.
"I had hearing aids in both ears... The reason the volume never really worked for me was that my left ear was average. The hearing aids damaged my left ear," I began quietly, and Minji nodded with a furrowed brow. She didn't say anything, just let me continue.
"It seems I had an ear infection as a child that wasn't treated..." I added, and Minji shook her head. "That can't be. You had an appointment every four months," Minji replied, visibly annoyed, shaking her head in disbelief and exhaling several times.
I let out a humorless laugh, which made Minji fall silent. "Isn't there anything they can do?" she asked, biting her lip. Her eyes looked sadder as she sighed heavily. "You love... hearing my voice," she murmured softly, which made me smile gently. I took her hands in mine, my thumb stroking the back of her hand.
"I love everything about you," I began quietly, laughing a bit. My teeth caught my lower lip as I felt... kind of sad...
A beeping sound rang in my ears for the second time, and a sigh escaped my throat. My eyes immediately fell on my girlfriend in front of me, who was animatedly telling me about what happened in her last dance class. A small, sad smile appeared on my lips as I propped my chin on my hand. "Baby... my hearing aids are out of battery," I said softly, causing Minji to tilt her head slightly. Her eyebrows raised as she started to laugh a little. "Do you have the batteries with you?" she asked, but I shook my head.
My eyebrows raised almost in shock as I felt the hearing aids switch off. It felt like my ears were completely blocked or like an emptiness formed inside me. My thoughts became louder in my head as the world around me fell almost completely silent.
"Baby, baby," my eyes focused on Minji in front of me, which immediately made me smile again. I quickly removed my hearing aids and gently placed them in their case, which I then put in my bag. "Sorry... I never forget my batteries," I murmured as I leaned forward a bit more.
Minji smiled and seemed to say something. I heard the sound, but I couldn't understand the words...
Minji probably repeated herself, but I only tilted my head more. An embarrassed laugh escaped my throat. "Haha, really?" I asked, hoping it was just the story she was telling me earlier. Minji furrowed her brow briefly but then giggled into her hand and leaned forward a bit.
She took my hands in hers and looked straight into my eyes. "I asked if you wanted something to drink," Minji said with a smile, making me laugh again. My cheeks heated up automatically. "Sorry. But yes, I'd love a hot chocolate," I said, looking at her through my lashes.
Minji smirked as she brought my fingers to her lips and kissed them. "Coming right up," she said with a smile, getting up to go to the counter to order our drinks. My eyes immediately looked out the large window. I frowned a bit as I noticed a car on the other side of the street driving away almost frantically.
"Here you go."
My eyes turned back to my beautiful girlfriend. "Thanks," I said with a broad smile and took the cup. "Careful, it’s h-" Minji started, but I immediately burned my tongue as I tried to take a small sip. Panicking, I set the cup down on the table and fanned my tongue with my hand.
Minji laughed amusedly, shaking her head. "I’d love to kiss it better," she said, intertwining our hands again. "But we're in public," she sighed, rolling her eyes, which made me smile immediately.
"We should probably head home soon then," I replied, causing Minji to blush slightly. She looked straight into my eyes while taking a sip from her straw, grinning at me. "We probably should."
"Minji," I said quietly as I looked at the article on my phone. My eyes immediately filled with tears as goosebumps spread across my body. Dispatch had caught us... right when Minji kissed my fingers. My face was censored, but it was clearly Minji.
Panicking, I tapped on my phone and dialed my girlfriend’s number. It rang for a while before a voice answered, but it wasn’t Minji. My eyes widened immediately.
"Oh my god. Are you Minji’s girlfriend?" I heard from the phone. "Oh, how sweet. Minji has you saved as 'Love of life'," they laughed. My face relaxed as I nervously chewed my lip. My mouth opened, but my entire face turned red at the same time.
"Hello? Are you still there?" I heard another voice say. "If you want Minji, she’s with the CEO right now."
"Is- Is everything okay?" I asked quietly into the phone. There was silence for a moment until multiple voices erupted almost simultaneously. Overwhelmed, my eyes widened. "Is... Minji okay?" I asked again, making some of them say, "Awww." I swallowed. "Can I... come over?"
With a small smile on my face, I now sat on the bench at the dance studio where Minji and her members always practiced their songs and choreographies. Minji was right next to me, with an arm around me, trying to pull me even closer, though it was almost impossible as I was already practically sitting on her. Her eyes were seriously focused, observing every little movement her members made.
"Why do we have to hear from Dispatch that you’re in a relationship?" Hanni asked, clutching her chest playfully. Hyein nodded enthusiastically beside her. Danielle leaned forward a bit to get a good look at my face, making me visibly nervous, so I started to laugh. Danielle smirked and poked my cheek with her finger.
"Hands off," Minji growled, trying to pull me even closer. Surprised, I turned to Minji. "Don’t be so mean," I said, gently tapping her thigh. Minji's expression softened as she looked at me. She exhaled but didn’t respond.
"So? Why did I have to hear from Di-," Hanni began, but I just stared at her. Hanni blinked. "Why is she staring like that?" she asked, looking at the others before looking back at me. "Oh, sorry. I’m... a bit deaf," I said, pointing to my right ear.
Hanni nodded understandingly, and none of them made a big deal out of it. My body relaxed immediately. "Is that why we didn’t know?" Haerin asked, looking at Minji. Minji sighed again. "You’re all crazy," she replied, making Hyein and Hanni laugh and nod.
"I’m hungry," Danielle said, and Hyein nodded vigorously. "Let’s go to the dorm. Y/N can eat with us. Let’s have a movie marathon," Hyein said excitedly, clapping her hands and bouncing in place. I smirked.
"No way," Minji replied almost venomously. "She’s mine," she added, pulling my leg over hers. My eyebrows raised. My hand rested on her arm while the others immediately complained. "That would be fun. Plus, I’d get to know the others better," I said, smiling. "Can we?" I asked, making Minji swallow.
"Okay," Minji replied softly, her hand on my thigh, gently stroking over my pants. "Will you sleep with me too?" she asked hopefully, looking at me with big eyes.
"That’s sweet."
"I’m going to puke."
"Hopefully they won’t be like this when we watch the movie."
"Oh god. I’ve got vomit in my mouth."
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yunjinkisses · 2 days
Hello!I was wondering if you could write g!p Danielle smut?
of course! i LOVE danielle sm , hardly see any smut for her,so i am happy to write some! enjoy MWAH! -ps sorry this took ages
what’s ahead: long fanfic ,college au,y/ns friends are,minji & haerin , danielle’s friend is , hanni,soft dom danielle , praising & some soft degrading,begging,body praise,sort of nerdy reader,riding,voice kink,biting/marking,and creampie
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i sat down in my desk as the bell rung for our lecture to start , the teacher came in and began talking about whatever the topic was again
after a bit i started to regain focus and take some notes , one of my best friends , minji had nudged my shoulder indicating she wanted something , so i whispered to her
“what’s up minji?”
“wanna get something after the lecture before your volleyball tournament begins , figured you’d need a bit of extra energy!”
i nodded my head smiling the professor quickly told us to quiet down
time had quickly passed and the lecture was over , me and minji were headed to a coffee shop near our college,so we wouldn’t be late for my volleyball game incase of anything. Once me and minji had ordered and finished our drinks we were on our way to my game , haerin was also there to cheer me on in the crowd supporting me
my teammates were kazuha,minnie,ryujin,yeji,and yujin,that made six players including me
it was the final round and it was already a close game , my team just needed one more point to win,i had hit the ball over the net and then..
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my team had won the tournament,my teammates had huddled into a circle and were cheering for our victory.
i turned to the crowd to greet my friends and smile at them,but i noticed someone in the crowd who could have been cheering me on aswell,Danielle marsh,one of the most popular girls in our school,known to be one of the nicest girls too.
i couldn’t take my eyes off her once i spotted her,i felt a blush creep onto my cheeks,i noticed her eyes meet mine ,she smiled at me and waved a little at me
i look around to see if there was anyone else around me or behind me , just to make sure that i wasn’t going crazy,i turned back to face her in the crowd and she seemed to have giggled a bit , and nodded her head and signaled me to come over,i was a bit confused but started to walk towards danielle.
The thing is i’ve had a HUGE girl crush on danielle ever since i laid eyes on her,well maybe not “girl” crush,just crush crush.
“you were really good in the game you know?, congratulations to you and your team on the win! , very much deserved if i’d say so myself , personally i think you’re the best player out there though” danielle spoke as she gave me a wink
my cheeks had to be beyond red by now,i was stuttering between words at first,but ended up getting my sentence out.
“t-thank y-you,means a lot to me!..i didn’t even know you watched our games..” i spoke a little embarrassed scratching my head
“of course i do! , i love watching you guys play, especially you, you know watching you focus and play is really cute, and you seem really strong too..”
i avoided eye contact as she spoke
“t-thank you danielle..you’re always pretty aswell…you really are as kind as everyone s-says..”
“oh please you can call me dani-unnie,as i am a bit older than you,only if you would like of course!”
i smiled and nodded my head agreeing to her proposal
“o-of course i’ll happily call you that!”
“hey y/n-ah,would you like to come over to my place later tonight?,maybe watch a movie or just hangout, have a sleepover?”
i light up at the thought , nodding my head like an excited puppy
“o-of course- i mean y-yeah that sounds fun- , do you want my number o-or something?”
danielle giggled and nodded her head
“of course i’d love that!,here’s my number , it’s xxx-xxx-xxxx!”
we both exchanged numbers and talked for a bit more and parterd ways
i got back to my friends and minji slapped my arm lightly
“ow! what was that for?!?”
“y/n! what the fuck was that with you and danielle?!?”
“yeah y/n since when were you two talking,tell us everything!”
i rolled my eyes
“can you two keep it down! , we barely talked , and i don’t even know when we started talking!! u-uhm not really talking talking? but u-uhm we started to g-get to know each other today…”
i scratched the back of my neck
“get to know eachother as in danielle just full on flirt with you and eye fuck you , meanwhile you stand there and act like the socially awkward nerd you are?”
minji said and haerin giggled
“n-no that’s not true! , plus she wasn’t even flirting,we just became friends…”
both of them just looked at eachother and then back at me , i just rolled my eyes
time skip - ish
me and danielle were texting back and forth for a while now , i noticed it was starting to get darker outside, suddenly a new notification pops up on my phone
from dani-unnie❤️
getting dark outside! wanna head over to my place now for the sleepover?💕
i smiled as i felt my heart beat,i responded quickly with a yes,and packed everything and left my house.
it was currently really dark outside , right now i have an overnight bag filled with my essentials for a sleepover.
there is stood at danielle’s door nervous to ring the doorbell,my hand shaking,my glasses falling off my face ,so i readjusted them
i finally rang the bell and nervously started rethinking my choices , quickly the door opened to dani-unnie in front of me
“o-oh hi dani-unnie!-“
“hi y/n-ah! come in please, im super excited for our sleepover,been excited ever since i asked you,but i was even more excited when you were on your way!!”
she sounded genuinely excited,it was super cute,as she leads me into the house and i take off my shoes she’s telling me where everything will be.
“oh and you obviously you can stay in my room,but i hope you don’t mind sleeping in my bed aswell as my room..”
she said turning to me in a more flirtatious manner , i avoided eye contact immediately and got jittery
“o-oh of course i don’t mind,a-as long as you’re comfortable with it a-as well!”
“of course i’m comfortable with it silly,otherwise i wouldn’t have offered..”
she said in a singy-song tone,she then led me to her room , telling me to put my bag down and letting me unpack my things
“holy shit..your room is super pretty,i mean it fits you,but it’s really nice , i feel comfortable in here too. It has a homey aroma to it..”
she giggles as i look around the room
“thank you cutie,i’d like to think it has a cozy vibe to it as-well,also i haven’t seen you with your glasses on,you look super cute,they fit you..”
i turned my head to her and it took a minute to process everything she said..cutie? i look cute?
i shook my head and sat down on the bed next to her
“thank you d-dani-unnie,you always look more than c-cute yourself..”
“what’s that mean? , you saying i look hot?”
my eyes immediately widened
“N-NONO,,,w-well not no o-of course..y-you do look hot ..alot of the time..all the time actually..right n-now even..”
i whispered the last bit about her looking hot right now but she just seemed to giggle
i was flustered and i looked away
until i felt her hand turn my head towards her..
“y/n-ah , you don’t have to be embarrassed,i think you’re hot too..”
she slowly took my glasses off my face
“matter of fact…why don’t i show you something?”
i was confused but of course i nodded my head slowly
“o-of course ,show me w-what?”
she crawled closer to me on the bed and whispered into my ear
“…why don’t i show you,how hot i can be..”
i was flustered beyond imaginable ,i just stuttered not even coherent words
“what do you say..hm?”
i nodded my head rapidly like a excited puppy
she slowly undressed,leaving herself in only her boxers , and bra ,she was teasing me with how slow she was doing this all..
she sat me to the headboard of the bed ,sitting upright , then she crawled to me cradling me on my lap facing towards me. she came into a kiss , a slow one at first , then it became more passionate,more intense,lustful.
we parted from the kiss,a string of saliva could be seen between us. i was panting a little already..
“oh , so out of breath already doll..make sure to prepare yourself because i’ve got much more in store for you..”
i nodded my head slowly , i didn’t even notice that i was drooling.
danielle looked down and wiped the drool from my mouth , and just giggled
“what a naughty girl..can’t wait to make you mine..”
i gulped at her words,i could feel myself getting wet
she then started to undress me , leaving me in my lacy bra and panties that were see through to some extent.
dani-unnie giggles
“cutie did you wear this for me..?”
i shyly nodded
“good girl..you know how to tease unnie without trying , now get on your hands and knees for unnie why don’t you ?”
i was shocked when i heard those words come out of her mouth it didn’t fully process
“w-what was that?”
“i said .. get on your hands and knees for unnie and be a good slut..got it?”
she said smiling so brightly like it was said everyday , but i nodded and did what she asked
“good girl..oh wow,y/n-ah already so wet you’re soaking through your panties!
i got embarrassed by this..
“o-oh u-uhm-“
“it’s okay princess ,it’s perfect for me..i think it’s adorable..”
i shyly nod not knowing what to say , then i hear ruffling behind me , movement from danielle , it soon stops and then i feel danielle’s finger push my panty to the side , gasping at the cold air on my now fully exposed cunt..
she swiftly puts two fingers into me , making me moan abruptly really loud , i cover my mouth out of instinct..
“jesus..you really are soaked princess,did i do this to you y/n-ah? does unnie get you this wet,come on baby,uncover your mouth , wanna hear your pretty voice..”
she whispers into my ear bending over from behind,soon slowly moving her fingers inside me
“a-ah..y-yes! unnie makes m-me feel r-really good, d-dani-unnie gets me really excited..”
she then pulled her fingers out of me , making me feel empty , already missing the feeling of her inside me ..
“hey d-dani unnie what was that-“
soon i feel a much bigger and rounder thing go inside me ,assuming it’s danielle’s cock , which felt fucking huge..
“f-fuck!~..dani u-unnie please ..be careful..”
all danielle does is bend down and giggle into my ear and then whisper
“awh im sorry princess..would you prefer to ride unnie instead? , i think that’s such a good idea , seeing my pretty slut bounce ontop of me..”
all i could do was whimper , i nodded my head and danielle pulled my hair slighted to come up towards her , whilst she pulled out of me
she laid against the headboard of the bed , now signaling that she wants me ontop of her
she grabbed my hips and pushed me down onto her cock with no time to waste,wrapping her hands around my neck , licking,kissing,and biting my jaw going down towards my neck ,getting lower to my chest , danielle slowly removing my bra from me discarding the clothing item as she kisses and bites my chest getting closer to my boobs..leaving marks everywhere
“you’re so perfect..my slutty princess,just gonna mark you up nicely to let everyone know that you belong to me..god you really are so cute!”
she giggles into my chest as i’m whining slowly riding her cock,but she soon grips my hips down firmly stopping any movement from me,her nails digging into my hips
“mmhm i don’t think so..i wanna hear my baby beg to ride unnie..come on now cutie!”
i looked away and gulped nervously..
her grip got tighter around my hips and she bit down onto my neck and whispered
“be a good girl and do what unnie asked..”
i let out a breathy moan which was followed by nothing but mindless begging..
“fuck…dani-unnie i c-cant take it anymore please g-god please,your voice m-makes me so wet,everytime you speak o-or even laugh it gets me so t-turned on..fuck please unnie i-i need you to breed me so f-fucking bad..”
danielle was smirking slyly and pushed me back down onto the bed on my back,intertwining one hand with mine , and the other gripped onto my hip , pushing her cock into me swiftly , she then just kept at a fast pace
my eyes rolled back and all i could do was moan and whimper
“you feel so g-good princess..can’t believe you’re a v-virgin..unnie is s-so happy to be the one to change t-that..god you’re so tight..just wanna breed my princess..”
i mixture of our moans kept going on,soon tears started to flow out my eyes from being so close , and from all the pleasure
“f-fuck!~ u-unnie breed me..d-dani unnie,gonna cum..please b-breed me!~”
she giggled and just responded by whisper-moaning into my ear
“cum with me princess..let unnie breed you..”
at her words i felt a rush come over me , aswell as feeling danielles cum shoot into me ..
we both sighed and laid next to eachother , next thing you know i was passed out next to danielle..
next day in classes
“hey y/n what’s with the scarf..?”
minji spoke up to me and i was about to speak when haerin pulled it off revealing all the marks danielle left on me , they both just stood there shocked , danielle then appeared
“hi guys!,hi princess~”
she gave me a kiss on my cheek and wrapped her arms around my waist
before i finished my sentence minji and haerin interrupted
danielle just giggled
“you are most DEFINITELY filling us in later..” minji spoke up
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bearwry · 3 days
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› uma dose de romance não faz mal a ninguém - hanni & minji, newjeans
FUTURA DOAÇÃO | eu devia ter terminado essa capa há tanto tempo, mas eu só não conseguia finalizar ela, ficava ruim. então fiquei de ruim com ela também 😾 deixei ela de molho até que eu tivesse coragem de voltar e finalizar ela de novo, e dessa vez eu achei mais aceitável... :) foi muito gostosinho fazer essa capa (tirando a finalização), e ela tem o plot feito todinho nela praticamente, quem adotar essa não vai ter muita dificuldade de pensar em algo pra escrever! ☝️
em caso de inspiração, créditos por favor ♡ - sem plágio
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kpopgirlslover · 2 days
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reikkouch · 3 days
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iluvrei · 3 months
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✿ ۪⋆ eternal sunshine
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ultrar · 3 months
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❤︎ ͜͝ ᤤ Come back again 親愛なるㅤूੂ 💧 ❀͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏ ͏♥︎ ʕ 12 日 ✿ᩚ𓍯
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poetiqe · 7 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Emotions ˳ 𝄞  ࣪ .ㅤ۪ 
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h-yeiin · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𖥵 ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ➀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🎬 ⠀⠀⠀ ⠀
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loc credit: @v-ioo
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fuckici · 2 months
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𓈒 ˙ 📽 ּ 🥯⠀ . ࣪𓇻 ݁
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neoplatinum · 3 months
mission: gmag | kim minji
summary: coworkers fall in love, very oddly...
pairing: barista!minji x barista!reader
themes: HUMOR, coworkers to lovers, slow-burn, fluff...like tooth-rotting sweetness, rest of newjeans!, major loser reader
wc: 5.4k
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"no, listen to me, it's M I N," sakura is so over this, honestly. but you promised to buy her a new controller for her switch if she helped you, so she goes through with it.
"m...i...n..." sakura types slowly as she scrolls with a glass of water in one hand.
"ji," you continue quickly.
"what was that?" she asks and looks up at you.
"j...i. j for james and i for like iphone, i dont know." sakura nods and returns back to typing.
"okay okay, minji.....minji...kim minji....i found her!" sakura flips her phone to show you the girl's instagram page.
you squint at sakura's shaky hands.
"stop, stop. I can't see with your hands shaking all over." sakura frowns at you and tries pulling her phone away. but you're quick to grab it out of your hands. feeling like you've hit the jackpot.
"yes! it's her!"
sakura rolls her eyes and grabs more chips from the coffee table, popping them into her mouth as you happily scroll through your coworker's public instagram page.
"you know you could just talk to her right? like at work...where you both work together in that cramped barista station."
"kkura, you really aren't helping." you mumble as you hit one of the posts of minji at the beach; she's smiling and showing off her cute brown dog. you had overheard minji talking with another worker about her family's brown mini poodle. "that must be choco."
"what i also don't understand is why you're looking her up, on MY phone. when you have a perfectly working phone." sakura continues to eat through the family size bag of lays.
you scoff and pull the blanket off of sakura's legs. "what if one day she asks me to exchange socials and she sees that i've searched her up already? i can't let that happen."
you roll your eyes like it's the most obvious reason.
"wow, i thought i was a loser, but this really takes the cake." she shakes at the bag for more lays and returns her attention to the show thats been playing in the background.
you pay sakura no mind as you now have found yourself happily going through her page. examining each post closely and even going through her tagged photos for more information.
"okay, stop, this is just creepy. you're like a cyber-stalker." sakura yanks her phone out of your hand and pushes your chest away to knock you off your balance. you topple over like a bowling pin. "don't forget you have to buy me new controllers for this!"
sakura leaves with her phone in hand, probably off to phone her friends, leaving you all alone in the apartment with whatever show's been playing.
"what a cockblock." you mutter out as you finish up the lays bag and crumple it, getting ready to go to bed. you let out a long yawn that turns into a groan until the air has left your lungs. now you're coughing like a mad man trying to drink water, you finally cool down.
"welcome to milk mocha!" minji shouts from behind the counters, you successfully arrive just shy of 15 minutes late for your shift.
"oh, you're here." minji comments when she looks up from behind the espresso machine and glances at you. you grimace at the dismissive tone, but all minji can see is your hair all over the place and shirt worn inside out and backwards.
needless to say, you pressed snooze a few times too many, and now you're paying the consequences.
"i am so so so sorry minji, i slept past my alarm." you beg for forgiveness and start spewing about how you tripped over your charging cable, accidentally burned your tongue during breakfast, wore wet socks. and minji's heard enough already.
"okay, lets just...get you set up. you're lucky it's slow right now." she ushered you into the staff room and your heart warms at how considerate she is. even feeling a little lovesick that she hasn't written you up for tardiness.
"you're the best minji!" you shout over your shoulder as you change into the work shirt and tie an apron around your waist. horrified to find the tag of your t-shirt facing the world.
you try brushing your hair as best as you can, then tucking into your work cap. you walk out onto the floor and see a few customers around. no one seems to be ordering and you thank the coffee gods for this opportunity.
"soooo minji...." you start, as you wipe down the counters.
"yes?" she's busy cleaning the machines in the meantime and checking that there's enough supplies in the mini fridge.
you turn to her and smile widely, "are you single?"
she stops what she's doing and turns to you. "yes, why do you ask?" in the most monotone voice you've ever heard.
you wonder if minji was a robot in her past life.
"oh, no reason, just curious, hehe." you mumble to yourself and minji looks at you confused but then a customer walks in.
"welcome to milk mocha! how can i help you?" you begin and take the guy's order.
minji's walked away to get ready for the lunch rush, but mostly to think about your question.
"hanni, listen to me, the girl's weird." minji says over facetime. hanni's laying on her back scrolling through instagram and nodding along to whatever minji's ranting about.
"mhm, mhm." hanni finds a cute cat video and sends it to haerin.
"she asked me today if i was single."
"and like, why would you ever ask your coworker that? i think that's weird, like she's crossing work boundaries you know?"
"bro! are you even listening?" minji starts tapping at the screen, taking hanni's attention away from the many cat videos.
"yes bro! something about being single?" hanni only spares her some attention before returning back to her cat videos.
"yes! she asked me if i was single!"
hanni looks back into the small rectangular box that minji is in, "okay, i dont see a problem."
haerin sends over a funny gif of fluffy dogs tripping. hanni laughs while minji continues to rant about her new coworker.
then a random notification pops up.
[hairein]: "HI ITS HYEIN HI HI HI"
hyein must have taken haerin's phone and has begun spamming through all the group chats that haerin has. hanni decides that's enough scrolling for a day.
hanni closes her instagram to focus on the conversation, also muting haerin's account for good measure.
"i don't think it's weird that she asked if you're single. if you find someone weird, then of course you're going to think everything they do is weird." hanni continues as she sits up and pulls her self to her desk.
minji goes quiet, thinking about her own views on her new coworker. she's between reasoning that it's okay that she thinks you're weird, but she also feels bad because maybe you two just got off on the wrong foot.
she's never considered giving you a real chance to prove yourself. when you walked in two weeks ago for your first shift with a huge staff in hand (you were going to a convention later cosplaying as maki from jjk) minji already knew to stay away from you.
it doesn't help that the other people at work also thought you were weird. later that shift, your manager reprimanded you for showing up to work with a weapon; you profusely apologized and tried to show that it was just a foam staff. all the other workers already looked at you weirdly though, so maybe minji just followed along.
"well now i feel bad." minji concludes as hanni watches her through the screen.
"good! be more open-minded next time." hanni concludes and hangs up on minji immediately. minji on the other end drops her jaw and curses hanni through the phone.
"order for jay!" you shout from the counter, wiping down the americano. minji's shift just started but you're already elbow deep in your shift. it seems that friday's are always busy at miilk mocha. everyone is scrambling to get these orders out as quick as possible.
you look more tired for today's shift, constantly rubbing at your eyes and yawning when no one's looking. kazuha seems concerned that you're so tired.
"hey, you okay?" kazuha asks when you sit down for a quick break. you nod.
"yeah stayed up playing genshin, you know how things go." you explain and continue rubbing at your eyes. hitting a little too hard that it makes you see stars when you blink.
"you need to stop playing till 4am, you know you have a shift at 7." kazuha explains to you, she's already working on the next order. you take a breather and sip on the coffee you made for yourself.
"it's not my fault that game is so addicting." you explain and stretch your body, getting ready to take on the rest of the orders. minji finally fixes her apron and walks out to see you and kazuha chatting it up.
minji tries inserting herself into the conversation, hoping to see a new side of you that isn't so...peculiar.
"what's genshin?"
"minji! you don't know what genshin is?" you exclaim and begin going on a long rant about the game and it's gacha mechanics. you even begin explaining the pulls you have gotten. by the end of it, minji is even more confused and intrigued by you, also worried about your financial responsibility (lack of) because you really just dropped 300 bucks for in-game content.
"how are things with the new girl?" hanni's eating her sandwich and minji can't help but feel down.
minji scratches her neck as she thinks about you, "she's good...explained to me the lore of genshin, and then i found out that the staff that she brought to work on her first day was actually for a cosplay outfit, and not just a weapon she carries around."
hanni nods and grabs minji's drink, taking a sip out of it, "so, she's not that weird, just probably made a poor impression."
"yes, you were right." minji sighs and digs into her sandwich, feeling guilty about making presumptions about you.
"hey, cheer up! it's okay, i had a horrible impression of you when i first met you." hanni drinks the rest of juice and lets out a satisfied "ah." until she realizes it wasn't her drink to begin with.
minji just glares at her, "you better pay me back for that."
"see this is why i didn't like you at first." hanni complains but fishes out a five dollar bill and slaps it into minji's hand.
"order for macy." you grab the hot chocolate and place it on the counter. a cute little girl with pigtails walks up to the counter and grabs the hot chocolate, standing on her tippy toes. you look over the counter and aw at the cute kid.
"hi macy, want to see my latte art?" you offer, macy nods enthusiastically, you grin before grabbing the frothing cup and doing a nice rosetta for the girl.
she smiles in awe and you laugh, handing her a free cookie for staying, "don't tell anyone i gave you this, okay?" you offer your pinky finger to the small girl. she pinky swears and tucks the cookie into her jacket pocket before leaving with her hot chocolate in hand.
minji's watching the whole interaction and despite being shift manager and wanting to reprimand you for giving out free sweets to customers without asking firsthand, she doesn't have the heart to ruin the sweet act you just did.
in fact, when you find her staring at you, you let out a sheepish laugh and try to move past the fact you gave away a free cookie.
"minji! do you want a burger, or hot dog?" you ask, you've officially dedicated yourself the grill master at the company barbecue. the other employees are busy chatting each other up, but you're manning the grill with a coke zero in hand, and expertly making everyone's orders.
"burger, please." minji walks away from her conversation to watch over you, surprisingly you're good at manning the grill, despite still finding way to trip over nothing during work.
this side is actually quite charming, even if you have those ridiculous frog sunglasses over your eyes.
"how are you doing?" minji asks, she peers over the grill and finds rows and rows of burger patties and hot dogs on the other side. you're expertly checking each burger for doneness and rolling hot dogs to ensure even cooking.
"doing great! all patties and hot dogs are coming out delicious and hot hot hot!" you explain. you turn to her and all she can see are those goofy frog glasses on your face. you give her a smirk before turning back to the grill. "first burger that's done is yours to take, by the way."
minji blushes at the sentiment. "you really don't have to do that. everyone should eat first."
"no can do minji, got to make sure you're well fed." you explain and continue flipping burgers while drinking your coke zero. minji finds it adorable how focused you are at this job, even if no one is expecting stellar quality burgers/hot dogs.
"watch out minji!" your head turns faster and you see a football flying your way, definitely going to hit minji on the head, so you block her from the football, having it land straight into your forehead.
"oof." you land backwards and fall to the grass, now rubbing your forehead from the hit. the other coworkers are running up and checking on you, meanwhile all you can do is ask, "you alright minji? it didn't hit you right?"
she blushes wildly at the question and whispers a quiet "i'm good." while you are being pulled off the ground and everyone asks how you're doing. you make jokes, playing it off, saying you were born with a head harder than bricks. everyone laughs and returns back to what they were doing.
"okay, back to the grill." you brush off the dirt all over your apron, and start humming a song while plating finished burgers, handing the first one to minji. "for you!" you tell minji and she gives a thank you before walking away to eat it.
the rest of the barbecue, minji seems to stick by your side throughout the day. this doesn't go unnoticed by kazuha who saw the whole ordeal. her eyes squinting as she sips on her drink.
"zuha zuha! i'm tired!" you exclaim, you're working the earliest shift, you were opener and on food prep for the shift. it's near the middle of your shift when you decide to take your break. both kazuha and minji are busy tending to the coffee shop. you sit on a step stool behind the counter to eat a cold croissant from one of the failed batches.
"go walk around or something, you need to get your blood pumping." she explains and goes into depth about the stretches that would promote blood flow and restore energy to your body. you aren't interested in hearing actual solutions, just wanting to vent.
"no! you can't tell me what to do!" you grumble and stuff more of the croissant in your face, even picking out the ham slice to eat separately. minji finds this all a bit weird, as in weird in her stomach kind of weird. the same kind of weird she feels when someone takes the last bag of chips in the convenience store when she goes up to buy it.
she watches how kazuha is so easily able to grab you by the arm, a boundary that she would never cross. and kazuha is pushing you into the backrooms, while you make kissy faces at kazuha, all of which are being dodgeds left and right. "you love me zuha, just admit it!" you shout before the door is closed on you.
kazuha walks back out to the barista station and smiling at minji before continuing to work, "she's something else." minji just nods and tries to will away that nasty feeling in her gut.
"you know she's my cousin right?" kazuha continues, minji stops what she's doing.
"no, i didn't. wow that makes a lot of sense actually." minji explains, kazuha just laughs at her shocked face.
"yeah, just thought you should know." kazuha winks at minji before returning to her espresso machine. minji is confused by the wink, but it's too late to ask; kazuha is already busy in work mode. the feeling in her stomach quells a bit.
"what are you looking for?" minji jumps at the sudden voice behind her. you're peering over her shoulder as she holds the walk-in door open.
"you scared me!" minji exclaims and hits you on the shoulder, leading you to pout and rub at your shoulders.
"sorry, bad habit of mine." you explain, "so, what are you looking for?"
minji's still looking around for food that she can eat. she had the great idea of waking up an hour later today, only to find out that hanni already ate her work lunch with a measly 'sorry! i'll pay you back :)) ~hanni' scribbled over a sticky note taped to the fridge door. minji groaned and sped off to get to work on time, completely forgoing a lunch.
"hopefully lunch, hanni ate my lunch."
"you have a bunny named hanni?" you question, trying to look for food in the walk-in.
"no, i have a roommate named hanni, she always steals my food, claims it tastes better than her own food." minji sighs and looked at different rows for hopefully another lone croissant or even a cookie. "is there really no food in here?"
"probably not, since shipment's tomorrow and we've had a busy week." you explain but then you pull your phone out, making a quick call.
"yes one order of a club sandwich, with chips and a cookie please...thank you!" you speak into the phone, minji's confused but you smile at her when she looks at you confused. "okay thank you, can I pick it up now?" and then you hang up the phone.
"what was that?" minji questions but you've already darted out of the walk-in, and minji's hot on your trail watching you run out of the store and make a quick beeline to the deli store around the corner, with your work cap and work apron on. minji laughs at your antics, but her heart warms at the sentiment.
minji returns back into the coffee shop. she might as well wait for you to return so she opens her phone.
[minmin]: new girl bought me lunch
[hanbunny]: you're kidding. even i wouldn't do that.
[minmin]: of course you wouldn't you ate my work lunch!
[minmin]: literally this is all your fault >:(
[hanbunny]: hey, new girl literally is buying you lunch, i think im being a great wingwoman actually, my genius should never be doubted :>
[minmin]: shut up.
[minmin]: also pay me back.
you return breathing heavy but with a brown takeout bag in front of minji's face. minji puts her phone away as she grabs the bag, surprised to see all the things you ordered in the bag. "you really didn't have to do this, how much was it?"
"free 99, don't pay me back minji. it's a thank you for all times you've covered for me when i was late to work." you stretch your legs and sit down next to minji, watching her enjoy the food that you bought.
"want some?" minji splits half her sandwich.
"sure!" you happily grab at the half presented to you and chew happily; minji just laughs at the sight. you remind her of a dog in the way you're so energetic and food driven.
"well if you won't let me pay you back, can i cook you dinner?" minji takes a leap of faith and turns to you, your mouth drops open and you nod intensely, almost choking on the sandwich but finally swallowing the bite.
"yes! i would be honored to try your cooking." you offer as you bite into the sandwich again.
minji smiles at that, "it's a date then."
"no, kkura, listen. she said 'it's a date then', but like i don't actually think it's one." you explain while sakura's playing resident evil. her focus being taken up by this new development but also the anxiety from how scary the game is.
"okay, so it's a date." she echos back, moving her head away from the screen.
"but i don't think it is. you know how some people just say it's a date, but it turns out it's just a friend date?" you explain and groan into sakura's plushies.
"no, not really." sakura continues, jumping when a random NPC shows up on the screen's peripheral.
"i just don't want to make it seem like i read it wrong." you explain, toying with the feet of the duck plushie. "what if i the overread it and bring roses to a friend date, you know? then she would think i'm weird and not want to be friends with me. which is fine! but i really would like this to be a date."
"listen kid, just ask her directly if it's a friend date or more. it's easy." sakura explains plainly, frankly you've been going through this back and forth for the past fifteen minutes and sakura's had enough.
you freak out, taking a sharp intake, "absolutely not! that would ruin the mood, then i would look like i'm making her look like an idiot, and minji is not an idiot." you explain.
"i gave you the best advice i got, if you're not going to take it then leave."
"kkura pleaseeee, i need a better way to figure this out."
"nope, not hearing it, good luck!" sakura tunes you out, putting her headphones back on and locking in.
you walk out with sakura's duck plushie still in your hands, if she won't give you good advice then you're taking her belongings.
you give yourself some words of encouragement as you knock on her apartment door. behind this door was the living space of your crush and you were sweating, rocking on your feet back and forth in anticipation.
"hello! you're minji's coworker right?" the door opens quickly, and a shorter girl stands before you; she is definitely not minji.
"yes, and you're hanni?" you question to which she nods, excitedly welcoming you into their home. it's what you would expect of minji's living space, very light cream and brown colors all over the living space.
"hanni! i told you to let me answer the door!" minji rushes out of her room, with a cute top on and her hair done in cute braids framing her face, you think she looks gorgeous.
"well minji, it's rude to keep a guest waiting." hanni laughs and smiles at minji weirdly, giving her a quick wink and a pat on her shoulders before disappearing into her room, "it was nice to meet you!"
"you too!" you shout as hanni closes her door.
minji feathers through her hair, and directs you to take off your jacket. you're looking around and you spot minji's work clogs by the shoe rack, and laugh at the sight.
"sorry about hanni, she's usually not so enthusiastic." minji's leading you over to the kitchen where you can see her dinner being cooked. you smile at the delicious smells invading your nose.
"not at all, she seems very nice." you reply back and settle into one of the bar stools.
minji stands awkwardly, confused on how this date should go. "would you like anything to drink? we have water, juice, coke zero, wine-"
"coke zero." you decide, and minji laughs remembering your obsession with that specific drink, no other kind of coke.
"okay, coke zero it is." she hands you the drink to which you happily start drinking, even letting out a large burp, "excuse me."
minji just laughs and finishes stirring the pasta and plating them on the table, it's your favorite, carbonara. you thank the pasta gods for this delicious meal and start to dig in.
minji really hopes the pasta she made tastes good, "how is it?"
"so delicious, better than any pasta i've had before!" you are definitely enjoying the meal as you are finished with the plate before minji can even eat half of hers.
"can i have seconds?"
minji laughs, "of course."
you give yourself another bowl of pasta, happily chatting about interests, you find out that minji's a bit of a audiophile, enjoying all kinds music. she's speaking about her passions but you keep eyeing the stray hair on her cheek. so you reach out and pick it off if minji's face causing her to blush and glow red.
"thank you." she's back to the more reserved minji that you see whenever she's embarrassed. her hands are closed over each other.
"thank you for dinner by the way, you really didn't have to cook me dinner." you say in between bites. you appreciate the girl's kindness; you just can't tell if this is really a date. "i brought flowers by the way!" you go back to your bag and pull out pink carnations.
minji blushes at the gesture, finding it cute that you even thought to bring flowers. she grabs a vase and starts filling it to place the flowers that you have brought, she can't seem to contain her happiness. smiling wildly and then she feels her phone vibrate in her pocket.
[hanbunny]: hey
[hanbunny]: did you two kiss yet?
[hanbunny]: danielle's here too btw
[hanbunny]: hi minji! danielle here! i think your outfit is so cute <3333
[hanbunny]: anyways, hanni here, make a move by the end of the date, if you don't i don't have to pay you back for the lunch i stole
[hanbunny]: love you, good luck!
minji knew the two girls were up to something suspicious, hanni kept demanding that danielle come over earlier in the afternoon. she did not expect the two to be spying on her and your date. minji mutes hanni's conversation, turning to you.
"want to watch a movie?" minji asks as she walks over to the couch. you decide on the lego movie, claiming that it's been your favorite for years, and minji doesn't have the heart to tell you she finds it embarrassing to watch.
you both are enjoying it; well, mostly you are enjoying the movie, and minji's enjoying you enjoying the movie. you tend to recite the lines quietly when you know a long dialogue is coming up, or you clap when you find a scene enjoyable.
minji finds herself relaxing into the date, you seem preoccupied enough with the movie that she goes up to make some popcorn for herself. as she waits for the popcorn, she spots hanni's door cracked open. spotting two sets of eyes watching minji.
minji turns back towards the tv, happy that you haven't discovered the two. "i'm going to the bathroom." minji shouts. you give her a thumbs up and an okay, minji turns to hanni's room.
both girls are eyes wide seeing minji stalk towards them, trying to shut the door but minji's too strong, barging into the room, with hanni tumbling backwards into danielle. both of them sprawled out on hanni's carpet.
"you two have been spying us this whole time?" minji whisper shouts at them. quickly shutting the door behind her.
"i'm sorry!" danielle squeaked out while hanni glared at minji.
"you have nothing to be sorry about dani, minji here just doesn't understand that we are emotional support for her first date!" hanni explains, getting up to sit on her bed.
minji groans and looks around, seeing a giant corkboard filled with poorly shot photos of you and her at work, red string pinned criss crossing all over the board, as if this were a murder case.
"hanni, what is this?" minji nearly shouts, she's horrified to see photos of herself eyeing you or the other way around. hanni simply smiles at her work.
"this is my board for mission: GMAG." she explains proudly, "stands for mission: get minji a girlfriend."
"you have got to be kidding me." minji looks all over the board, trying not to be upset at hanni. she understands the girl is just looking out for her, but this is all a bit much.
"this wasn't my idea!" danielle explains, minji knows that danielle would never do something like this. so she glares at hanni instead, the girl just smirks and points at the board instead.
"whatever, just don't make a peep, i need to get back to this date." minji explains and closes the door behind her, leaving the two alone.
"sorry that took so long." minji walks into the living room, seeing you happily invested in the movie. you smile at her, and pat the seat next to you, inviting her to join you.
"no worries, movie's good!" you explain. even though minji might not completely love the lego movie, she is enjoying being around you and spending time with you. also find it cute that you dropped a blanket over her as she got comfortable.
you recognize the final portion of the movie, "this is my favorite part, minji." you explain to her how cool the collaboration of lego fans and the production cast were. giving her insight on the movie that she definitely did not know. she ends up kissing you through your avid explanation, with your hands all over the place.
you thank the heavens she made the first move because you were worried this was a friend date. minji turns shy at the action, a little shocked by her own boldness. she shifts away from you and avoids your eye contact.
"minji, you just kissed me." you say, a little slow on the pick up. your brain is trying to catch up to what just happened. minji just nods, seemingly invested in the ending credits.
"did you mean to?" you ask, pushing her shoulder a bit.
"yes." she says and you can see her ears getting all red from the embarrassment.
"oh thank god, because i wasn't sure if this was a friend date or romantic date, i mean obviously i wanted it to be a romantic date, but i really wasn't sure if it was. i asked my roommate for help, but she was no help. she told me to ask you if this was a more than a friendly date, and i was like nuh uh no way i am going to ask minji that." you trail on and on, a nervous habit you picked up whenever you didn't know what to say next.
minji kisses you a second time. and you stop talking. "it's definitely more than a friend kind of date." she reaffirms your suspicions and you let out a little laugh. you pull her into a hug, before grabbing her face and giving her a kiss as well.
"i want to kiss you more often." you say.
"yeah." you conclude proudly.
hanni and danielle are still in hanni's room with their ears against the gap of the door. and then you hear a loud squeal followed by a loud crash. you turn to minji and she immediately groans.
"hanni!" minji shouts. it's silent for a couple seconds until you hear a timid muffled voice. and out comes two girls from hanni's room. you're shocked because you completely forgot about hanni, and to now learn that there was another girl too makes you even more confused.
"hi minji, hello minji's lover." hanni smirks at you, while you hide yourself behind minji.
"hanni stop." minji groans out.
"what? mission: gmag is a success from what i can see." hanni gives you a wink, you feel oddly exposed by the action. meanwhile, hanni's friend is just smiling and nodding at you. you feel a little less worried with her.
as minji and her two friends head back into hanni's room to assess the aftermath caused by the troublemakers. you sit back, scratching your head and munching on popcorn. puzzled by hanni's interest in you.
minji returns with a smile, and casually suggests, "another movie?"
"lego movie part 2?" you ask with a grin.
a/n: wrote this in a very silly goofy mood. this piece was only supposed to be around 2k originally...anyways, stay safe and stay healthy everyone!
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drvirgus · 2 days
Protecting (my heart)
Idol! Minji X bodyguard! Reader
Description: getting a new job as NewJeans bodyguard isn't really something Y/n thought would happen to her. What exactly happens when she suddenly felt attracted to one of the NewJeans members? Can Y/n stay professional or are her feelings for Minji too much to handle?
Warnings: stalking; harassment; kys jokes; suggestive language; death threats; mention of abuse; mention of murder;
Chapter: Time to break…
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Taglist: @itzzyyyyyyydaaaa @acegaydar @alexxeey @sixflame438
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ilovewonie234 · 10 months
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 ➥  ⿸ 🎨 ˚  .  crs to me if using tysm!
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tzulipss · 19 days
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ⁖⁛  sweet like bubble gum ⠀⃟𐔌⠀ᩴ
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bellaaae · 3 months
Newjeans members reaction to when fans comment “can I marry yn” [1.4M views]
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Yn and Minji decided to do a live since the other members were not around and they were the only two at home.
Midway through the live a fan asked to marry yn.
Minji furrowed her eyebrows and her lips were in a kind of shape.
She gave a ‘bitch what?’ Face.
“No” she said kind of dragging the no.
“No,yn is not ready for marriage and is not getting married for now as far as I am concerned.” Minji spoke firmly.
Yn who was about to say ok to the comment but just kept shut.
She laughed as soon as she saw that comment.
“Marry yn?” She repeated.
“In the next 100yrs” she said jokingly rolling her eyes.
You.You weren’t paying attention but when you heard her say in the next 100yrs you gave her a what confused face.
She was confused and didn’t know what to respond to these kind of comments.
“Are you supposed to say yes or no?” She asked you confused.
“Dunno but I’m gonna say yes.” Yn said smiling.
The next day the person made a post on how yn accepted their proposal.
Minji got to know about it and scolded yn for saying yes.That she was either supposed to say no or ignore the comment.
You said how bout “husband/wife”
Haerin immediately shook her head as a no.
“Yn is meant for someone and it’s probably not right now and some years in the future” she responded calmly.
“And plus she’s too young” Haerin added.
“Unnie I’m 14 going on 15” yn whined.
“To me you’re 4 going on 5” Haerin said and yn slightly pouted.
As soon as her eyes caught that comment she immediately said.
“No.Yn is mine” she said smiling cheekily.
“Yn can’t be with anyone expect me” she added and yn agreed.
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jayjj7 · 6 months
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Study with me?
exams are coming up and you desperately need help. after failing your midterms and burning yourself out you decide to distract yourself but someone in class catches your eye after dyeing their hair. your friends are trying to help. key word, trying
yunjin x reader, wlw, smau, non-idol au, college au
le sserafim, newjeans, intended lowercase, swearing, misspellings probably, fluff, angst,EVERYTHING IS FICTION
accounts : five nights at eunchae’s , newjorts
1. whoops..?
2. cafe time !!
3. grind time
4. HELLOOO???? (written)
5. devious creature
6. eminem (HALF WRITTEN)
7. behind the scenes
8. the fall of yunjin
9. coincidence?
10. communication
11. planning planning planning (HALF WRITTEN)
12. sleepover
13. it’s happening
14. study date?
15. mixed feelings
16. bonus
17. thinkin bout you
18. frank ocean
19. puppy (written)
20. sweet victory
21. build up
22. debrief
23. party? (half written)
24. party!! (half written)
25. screw this party (half written)
26. too drunk to care
27. comfort
28. damn
29. healing
30. distance
31. no attention
32. evil
33. i’m sorry (half written)
34. green tea (written)
35. mine all mine
36. again?
37. end
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