#mafia romance
uslonelyone · 8 months
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robertdenir0sgf · 6 months
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When’s it gonna be my tuuuurn
3K notes · View notes
feli-artblog · 4 months
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freedomfireflies · 1 year
Summary: The second part to Mine*
Your mafia boss boyfriend, Harry, has arranged a phone-call with one of his most notorious enemies.
Lucky for you, you’ve got a front row seat to the show.
His cock.
Word Count: 4.1k
*Contains Mature and Explicit content, so please only consume what you feel comfortable with!💞*
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“How long?”
“Five minutes. At least.”
“And everybody knows the plan?”
Asher nods. “They don’t move until they have my signal.”
“Good,” Harry murmurs, glancing down at his desk, narrowed eyes finding the open file. “Sugar, are you doing okay?”
Without even looking over at you, Harry can sense the way you’ve begun to recoil into yourself. And your cheeks warm at the dominant but caring edge to his voice as you clear your throat and scoot to the edge of the couch.
“Yes,” you call. “Just…nervous for you.”
Asher smirks to himself as Harry looks up, wearing a similarly amused expression. 
“Nervous for us, huh?” Harry muses, leaning back in his seat as he crosses his arms. “What, you think we can’t handle it?”
“No. No, of course not, I just…I want you to get him,” you clarify, glancing down at your lap to avoid their entertained stares. 
“We will,” Asher tells you, rather resolutely. “Trust me, sweetheart. He’s not gonna be our problem much longer.”
Harry nods once in agreement. “Nothing to be nervous about. He’s nothing. A fucking cockroach with his head up as his own ass. We aren’t gonna let him touch you.”
“I’m not worried about me, Har,” you sigh as you stand from the sofa. “I just don’t want anything to happen to you. To any of you.”
He eyes you for a moment, seemingly lost in thought before motioning you closer.
Eagerly, you make your way over as Asher side steps out of the way to make room, and once you’re close enough, Harry quickly guides you toward his desk and sits you down on top.
“You don’t have to worry about me, mama,” he murmurs as he stands and makes a home between your thighs. “M’not ever gonna leave you. That’s why I’m staying here. So I can make sure you’re safe.”
You smile as he takes hold of your face between his large palms. “I always worry about you, Har. Whether you’re in here with me or out there with them. I just…I want you to be okay.”
“I am okay,” he says calmly, dipping down to press his lips to your top one. “Right here. With you.”
Asher clears his throat.
Harry’s eyes roll. “And Asher, too.”
Grinning, you glance over your shoulder at Harry’s right-hand man, who nods his approval.
“That’s right, sweetheart,” he agrees. “Sean’s not gonna lay a fucking finger on you. Either of you. I promise.”
You smile your gratefulness before glancing back at your boyfriend, whose lips are pursed.
And you know why. While he understands the sentiment, he hates promises. 
This has been an ongoing argument throughout your entire relationship. 
He thinks promises are bullshit—nothing but wishful thinking and empty declarations. Nobody can guarantee anything. Especially in this line of work. You can’t possibly swear to make sure something happens when the entire world is working against you. 
But you think promises are the only real thing to hold onto you. A trust and a deal created based on faith and understanding. No, you will never be a hundred percent certain. But you’ll try. And sometimes…giving someone your word can make all the difference.
Asher knows Harry’s aversions to the phrase, having been reprimanded for it before. But you know he’s chosen to say it now because not only does he mean it…he knows you need to hear it.
So, Harry allows Asher to make you this guarantee. Because whether or not he believes in the idea…he chooses to believe in Asher. And in his ability to keep you safe.
“So…what do you need me to do?” you ask, fingers curling around Harry’s wrists to make sure he keeps holding onto you. 
“Stay right here,” he declares. “And give me something pretty to look at.”
Your face warms at the compliment, although you know he’s not kidding. “Ha, ha.”
He merely grins as he leans in for another kiss. This one much longer and much…heavier.
Whether or not he admits it…he’s nervous. He wants to know you’re safe more than he wants air in his lungs. Wants to be able to tell you that you’re safe and mean it. 
Deep down, he wants to promise you that nobody will ever get to you.
Finding Sean is simply the first step in that direction.
And if they don’t—
The phone rings.
You jolt in place from the sudden and shrill sound while Harry leans back and meets Asher’s eye.
Asher nods, finger coming up to tap his earpiece as he mutters, “Standby.”
Your heart begins to hammer inside your chest as you look between them and get ready to slip off Harry’s desk so you can return to the sofa.
But before you can, his large arm is outstretching across your body, blocking your path while his other hand moves to retrieve the phone.
Your mouth opens, ready to ask what he’s doing, but are unable to slip the question in before he brings the headset to his ear.
In a clipped voice, he sneers, “What?”
You watch his expression as he listens to the response, secretly wishing you could hear but knowing it’s probably better you can’t.
“Figured you’d find your way back to me eventually,” Harry replies, rather condescendingly. “But I’ll admit…I am a little disappointed I won’t get to put you on your fucking knees and make you beg.” 
Another beat as Harry awaits Sean’s response.
And whatever it is, it makes his brows weave a bit closer together as his teeth start to grit. The muscles in his already strong, tan arms begin to flex beneath his black t-shirt as he grabs onto your thigh and squeezes.
And at this point in your relationship, a firm touch like this doesn’t startle you, so you merely place your hand over his and do your best to offer some comfort.
He doesn’t show any signs of acknowledgment, but you know he appreciates it as he looks over at Asher.
Asher in turn takes a moment to listen to the response from his team before nodding his chin toward Harry, finger rolling through the air as an instruction to keep the conversation going.
“I’d watch your fucking tone,” Harry seethes, leaning forward as his mouth presses into the receiver. “There is no goddamn corner of the Earth that I couldn’t find you. And when you try to weasel your way out of our fucking deal…try to undercut me, and take what isn’t yours…the price on your fucking head goes up.”
You catch Asher mouth something to Harry as a silent conversation is had through tense glances.
With that, Harry presses a button on the base, slams the phone back into the switchhook, and instantly, the speakers come alive with the sounds of shouting.
Curious, your head tilts as you look over at your boyfriend, quietly questioning his intentions.
He simply throws you a smirk and takes hold of your hips right as the ringing of a gunshot echoes through.
And then, it happens again. And again. And again.
You feel the blood drain from your cheeks as you begin to piece together the truth. 
You’re listening to Harry’s team taking Sean hostage.
There’s yelling, and cursing, and more gunshots, and pleas for mercy. You imagine they’re taking out Sean’s own men first before moving for him, and the thought makes your head spin.
However, Harry smiles through it all, cupping your cheek in his palm before leaning in to kiss you. 
You go still in his touch, unsure how to devote your attention to him when so much death and destruction is happening a few feet away.
But Harry doesn’t mind. He kisses you anyway. Takes control of you the way he’s so keen to do. He pries your lips apart and slips his tongue against yours. He moves his touch to the back of your neck to go a bit deeper and fully own you. And he grins sadistically through every second of it.
There’s some faint mumbling from the other side of the phone that you don’t hear or understand. But you do vaguely see Asher press his finger back into his earpiece as he nods at whatever is being said before turning to his boss.
“Ready,” he says as Harry hums and brushes his nose against yours.
“You still with me Sean?” Harry calls, and you swallow as you await Sean’s response.
It takes a moment for it to come, the rustling of violence slowing to a stop as a shuddering breath is heard.
“Fuck you.” The response is seethed through the speaker as Harry once again smiles to himself and rolls his head to the left so he can kiss the other side of your mouth.
“Easy,” he warns the convicted felon. “There are ladies present.”
Asher’s expression is smug and while you feel rather uncomfortable bearing witness to this side of Harry’s job, you can’t help but feel a little…thrilled.
You’ve always loved seeing him like this, although it is rare. Since he’s determined to keep you hidden away from his demons. 
But now, getting to see this kind of rage, this kind of power…you’re rather smitten.
A long stretch of silence follows Harry’s response, and he uses this time to begin trailing his free hand along your outer thigh.
His fingers dance across the fabric of your skirt before innocently slipping beneath to help guide your leg a bit further over, creating more space. 
You quickly grasp onto the edge of his desk to brace yourself as you stare at him, eyebrows flying up your forehead.
However, he simply sweeps his hand from your neck to your jaw, thumb brushing down your bottom lip.
“Do you know why…I’ve devoted so much time…so much money…to making sure that the men I do business with…are capable of doing it right?” Harry asks of Sean, his eyes on your mouth, touch once again traveling up your inner thigh as his intentions become clear. “Do you know why…it’s so easy for me…to find you? Put you on your fucking knees with a barrel to your head?”
There’s no answer from Sean. You didn’t imagine there would be. Harry merely wants an audience as he does what he does best.
Shows off.
“Because you…are fucking weak,” Harry continues in a near growl as he moves his lips to your neck and his fingers to your already damp panties. “Sloppy. Pathetic. Unable to follow a simple command.”
You swallow a whine as he slips beneath the band and finds your clit. He grazes it for only a moment before moving lower to find the pooling arousal being kept from him. 
“You underestimated me,” he murmurs, kissing just below your ear. “Underestimated what I’d do…to keep her safe.”
There’s another loud thud from the phone as Harry grins and eases a finger inside your aching hole.
“So…here’s what’s gonna happen,” he decides, waiting until you’ve actually begun to enjoy the feeling of his hand before taking it away from you altogether…and stepping back.
You just about crumble, whimpering to yourself as your nails scratch down the wooden table, and you watch him with a heavy lust.
But Harry doesn’t notice, instead nodding at his partner. “Hold her open,” he calls softly to the right-hand man, who obediently moves for you.
A tad curious, and endlessly intrigued, you look between them as Harry begins to roll up the sleeves of his nice dress shirt, stopping near the elbows, while Asher makes a home behind you.
His hands find your hips and he yanks you across the desk until your back meets his chest. Then, he leans forward so he can take hold of your legs and spread them as far as they’ll go, your muscles burning from such a stretch.
And Harry watches with a hunger you don’t think you’ve ever seen. You wonder if this has always been a secret kink of his, and truthfully…you wouldn’t be surprised.
He knows that Asher is probably scared shitless right now, terrified that if he makes one wrong move…it’s his head, next.
You imagine that’s what has Harry so awestruck. Knowing that the two most important people in his life have submitted to him. That they’ll do anything he asks. That in this instance…he has the power. The control. You’ll do whatever he tells you.
It’s probably why you’re so enamored, too. Because you know you’re safe. Every other day of your life, your safety can be called into question but now…with both of these men, you have never been more protected.
You’ll happily give them your pleasure, your body, your orgasms. Any fucking day of the week.
“I…am gonna fuck my girl,” Harry continues, once more speaking to Sean as he eyes your cunt and begins to kneel in front of you. “And lucky for you…I’m gonna let you listen.”
Your heart is in your throat with this admission, skin warming as he reaches for your underwear and easily snaps it from your hips. 
“And the second she comes…I’m gonna fucking kill you,” he finishes resolutely before surging forward and licking his tongue up your pussy.
You gasp so hard, you jolt against Asher’s chest, forcing his hands to tighten around your thighs as Harry begins. 
Your eyes just about roll back as soft, practiced licks are had across your cunt, teeth nipping at you with fervor. It’s…ecstasy. 
Sure, he’s eaten you out before. And he’s always been quite exceptional at it, too.
But never like this. Never under these conditions. Not with Asher in the room. Touching you. Holding you open. Holding you down. Keeping you still for his boss—your boyfriend—as a dangerous criminal is forced to listen over the phone.
“Oh, come on, sugar,” you hear Harry tut from between your thighs, and you look down as he glances up at you through his long lashes. “You know better than to be quiet, don’t you?”
He presses his tongue flat against you before you can respond, almost as if to ensure he’ll get the reaction he’s so desperately looking for.
And it works. You whimper as you nod, allowing the sounds to flow from you freely as you slouch in Asher’s hold.
“There you go,” Asher seems to chuckle in your ear. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve got you.”
And you know he does. He’s now the only thing holding you up, keeping you from melting through the desk and onto the floor. 
Harry is quick with his work. Usually, he likes to drag this particular activity out. Work you up, leaving you hanging and desperate.
But today, he wants your orgasm. Wants that permission to kill the man he’s been hunting for weeks.
So, as the sounds of muffled grunts and pained groans continue to slip from the speaker, Harry adds two fingers into play. 
The moan you make is so loud, you can hear the echo of it through the phone. You writhe between the two men, head falling back against Asher’s shoulder as Harry’s grip in your knee tightens.
Harry knows you’re sensitive. Knows he hasn’t been able to give you the kind of care and attention you deserve. In fact, he’s had you do it yourself more times this week than he has your entire relationship.
And your own hand is fine, but it’s not him. It’s not his technique or his tongue or just…him. 
He’s the only one you want. He could be shit at it, and you think you’d still come just because he was the one doing it.
The closer you get, the more your legs shake. The more adamant Harry’s curling becomes. Until he’s stroking that one spot with so much determination that you begin to slip. 
And when he feels you slipping…he stops.
Of course, he stops.
After all, he promised Sean a good fucking.
And that’s exactly what he plans to deliver.
Harry straightens back up as you dejectedly slump into Asher, your eyelids growing heavy with longing.
He rips his belt off, the clanging of the metal sending goosebumps along your arms before he undoes the zipper. 
“Of all the fucking shit…you’ve taken from me,” Harry once again calls to Sean, a razor-like sharpness to his tone, “keeping me from my girl…has got to be your worst mistake yet.”
He takes out his cock, and the sight has you drooling. Saliva instantly filling your mouth as you eagerly watch him stroke it a few times before returning to you.
His other hand finds your cunt, fingers dragging up and down and through everything that’s collected. And the brief contact makes your hips buck up as Asher tsks in your ear and forces you back down.
Then, Harry’s touch is retreating and returning to his swollen tip as he drags your arousal down his shaft, just to watch it glisten with you.
You mewl, eyes flicking up to his as you silently plead with him to fill you. To wreck you, to ruin you, to claim you in front of everybody.
He grins.
Exactly one second manages to fit between the time that he places his hands beside Asher’s to spread you a bit further and when he’s burying himself inside your aching pussy. 
He’s not patient. Not gentle. Not kind. He knows you can fit him, knows you’ll take him, so he lets you. Lets you take him, lets himself stretch you, lets himself own you.
You groan his name as your arms fling around his neck, nails scratching down his scalp as he begins his tortuous pace. 
“Fucking missed you, mama,” Harry seethes in your ear, turning to press a lazy kiss to your cheek. “Missed this sweet, little pussy. S’always so good to me, isn’t it? Squeezes me just the way I like—”
“Please,” you whisper, rather dejectedly as the pleasure begins to consume you. Overtaking the part of your brain responsible for rational, coherent thoughts.
“So fucking tight, sugar,” Harry breathes, fingers curling around your thigh as if to steady himself. “Fucking perfect. Bet they wish they could feel you. Bet they wish they could feel how fucking wet you get for me. How fucking warm—”
He snaps forward, making you whine before he’s taking hold of your waist to drag you closer to him.
“Bet Asher would fucking love…to feel you,” Harry continues, almost condescendingly as he sneaks a sideways glance at his friend. “Bet you’d make his fucking day, mama. Bet he’s never had someone as tight as you. As fucking perfect as you and your pretty cunt. Bet he wanks off to the thought of you when I’m not around.”
You can’t see Asher’s face but from the way his touch has begun to grow heavy, you have a feeling you know exactly what he’s thinking. 
Harry’s devilish smirk returns as he presses his fingers into your clit. “Do you? Do you think about fucking my girlfriend? Think about taking her any way you want? Making her moan for you the way she moans for me?”
To accompany his comment, he shifts his thrusts up, forcing you to make that very noise as Asher exhales a shaky breath behind you.
“Know you do,” Harry tells him. “Just can’t fucking help yourself, can you?”
There’s a pause in the conversation, which you assume is meant to encourage Asher’s reply, and after about a minute…it comes.
“No,” he admits, voice thick as he readjusts his grip on your thighs. “No, I can’t.”
Harry is pleased with this, smiling to himself as he slips his hand under your shirt to find your tit and knead it in his palm. “You like watching me fuck her? Like holding her down for me while I ruin her? Like to pretend she isn't mine? But yours? Ours?”
You’d almost feel bad for Asher if you couldn’t feel how much he was enjoying this little show against your ass.
“Answer me,” Harry hisses when he’s met with no response.
“Yes,” Asher grits between clenched teeth, nails pressing crescent-shaped indents into your skin. 
Harry’s smug expression only grows as he drives his hips forward until you're keening. Then, his attention returns to you.
“Gonna come for me, mama?” he murmurs, dipping down to nose under your jaw until your head rolls back against Asher’s shoulder. “Yeah? Gonna let Sean hear your pretty little cries before I kill him? You gonna be the last thing he ever fucking hears?”
And really, you have no choice. Even if you wanted to be discreet, the way he’s got you held, the way his cock is claiming you from the inside out, the way his fingers are attacking your clit is making it impossible.
Suddenly, you feel a hand on your throat as Harry squeezes and forces you upright. “No, you look at me,” he growls. “Look at me while I fuck you, do you understand?”
You attempt to nod but his grip keeps you from doing so. Instead, you simply clench around him and make another indiscernible noise.
And suddenly, everything whittles down to right now. To this moment as you watch him disappear into you over and over again. The way your body stretches to accommodate him. The way he groans at the sight. The way little droplets of sweat have begun to bead around his hairline.
He slows his thrusts some. So he can really make sure you feel him. So he can push past your muscles and drag himself through. So he can hit the spot you need until you go dizzy. Until you’re blubbering, “Please, please, please, Daddy,” repeatedly with each practiced drive of Harry’s hips.
The name seems to snap his last band of restraint as he growls and leaves bruises behind that will carry you through tomorrow.
And even Asher attempts to ease your neediness. His thumbs brushing back and forth on your thighs as he whispers, “Easy, sweetheart. It’s okay. Just breathe, yeah? Breathe.”
You’re thankful for the reminder. You don’t think you would have remembered otherwise. In fact, you’d almost forgotten how. You don’t remember anything right now except this feeling of tightness in your abdomen. Of euphoria building within your cunt as Harry repeatedly strikes you with white-hot licks of bliss.
“Getting close, aren’t you, sugar?” Harry mumbles, kisses moving down your neck as he flicks your clit beneath his thumb. Rubbing it in circles as you attempt to squeeze your legs closed. “Oh, I know. I know, honey. Want you to wait for me, all right? Want you to wait until I’ve filled you and then I want you to come with me, okay?”
You whimper again as his hand returns to your waist, waiting eagerly for him to finally find his end.
And you attempt to help him along, hands tangling in his hair, pussy fluttering around his cock, and soft, little whines urging him closer. 
The veins in his arms are pushing against his skin as he grips onto you. As he fights the urge to just throw you down onto the floor and split you in fucking half. 
You sort of wish he would.
But that thought is dangerous. Much too dangerous and you squirm a bit harder as you wrestle with the impending orgasm. Commanding yourself not to come until he has.
And feeling your struggle has Harry’s eyes rolling back as his rhythm begins to falter and he seethes, “That’s my fucking girl,” before releasing his load.
You bask in the feel of his warm seed filling you to the brim, vaguely aware of anything else until you hear Asher whisper, “Now, sweetheart. Go ahead.”
So…you do.
The office comes alive with near-pornographic moans and whispers of names. And in the middle of it all…gunshots.
Harry’s touch continues its assault on your clit as he rides you through your first and straight into your second. Wanting you to come to the sound of Sean and his men being eliminated one by one.
You choke on a pant as he attacks your sensitive, swollen cunt. As he forces you to find your second orgasm of the afternoon. As Asher continues to keep you spread, the warmth of his body, and the smell of his cologne overwhelming each of your senses.
It’s too much, too good. You feel powerless under the weight of this one moment. Of Harry, and Asher, and their promise to put you first. Keep you safe. Make it worth it.
The second one hits you so hard, it feels like a slap across the face, and Asher releases his hold on you so you can collapse into Harry’s chest and bury your face in his neck.
And Harry is more than happy to have you in his arms once again, caging you to his body as he murmurs his praises and gently slows his pace.
He kisses the top of your head, runs his fingers down your spine, and tells you how proud he is.
And as he does, Asher reaches for the phone, lifts it up, and slams it down to end the call. 
"Did so good for us, didn't you?" Harry says as you sigh with contentment and melt into his touch. "Didn't she?"
Asher hums. "So fucking good, sweetheart."
You revel in their voices. In their assurances. In the way they still sound like they're far from through with you.
And in the way you feel so safe.
Now…it’s just the three of you.
And truthfully…
You wouldn’t have it any other way.
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Next Part:
~ Yours* (Pt. 3)
Previous Part:
~ Mine* (Pt. 1)
- Full Mine Masterlist
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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shownusgfayoooo · 11 months
the mafia boss’s wife
Pairing: Seonghwa x Y/N
Tropes: mafia husband au, arranged marriage (briefly mentioned), hurt/ comfort, danger, protective seonghwa
T/W: descriptions of a physical assault + subsequent injuries, cursing
Words: 2k
my masterlist
“Are you sure you’re done, Y/N?”
Startled from pushing the peas around on your plate, you looked up into Mingi’s eyes. Of course, everyone had noticed that you had only managed to take a few bites of your dinner, but only he would be bold enough to call you out on it.
You scrunched your nose. “Yea. I just feel kinda beat actually.” Work had been a lot lately, and you just wanted to snuggle under your covers and put an end to such a long week.
Seonghwa squeezed your thigh under the table in comfort. You turned to look at your mafia husband, a soft smile on your lips. He looked at you with worry in his eyes. Your heart softened at such an expression of concern from him; he was usually so stoic (with everyone else but you, that is). It had intimidated you so much at the beginning of your arranged marriage before you saw his deeply caring nature and kind heart.
You shook your head gently at his unspoken question before addressing the rest of the boys. “I’m just gonna head to bed. I’ll see ya when I see ya. Be safe.”
Jongho waved, Yeosang and San nodded at you emphatically, Wooyoung rolled his eyes “You worry too much, Y/N,” and Hongjoong and Yunho wished you a good night’s sleep.
Seonghwa kept a hold of your hand as you got up and walked you to the double doors of the massive dining room. “Do you want me to walk you up, my love?” 
You pushed his shoulder lightly. “No, you haven’t even finished dinner. Besides, I know you guys are hitting the South Bay tonight. Don’t think you can get anything past me, and I want you to go in as prepared as you can. I alsoo know you won’t discuss the details in front of me.”
He pressed his lips to your wrist, his eyes alight with mischief and danger. “My beautiful wife. You really do worry too much. We will be fine.”
You just looked at him and bit your lip, as your mind drew up all kinds of scenarios in which you lost him. He knew you well enough after 2 years of marriage though and pulled you out of your spiral before it could get too drastic.
“Hey, don’t do that.” He lifted your chin up for you to meet his eyes. “The job tonight is child’s play; we could do it blindfolded. And, you know that I will always always do everything in my power to come back home to you.” 
 At the absolute certainty in his voice, the knot in your chest released a little. You put your head against his chest. “Wake me up when you’re back.”
“Y/N..” His pout really was too adorable.
You looked up at him seriously. “I’m serious. I need to know you’re safe, as soon as possible.”
He sighed. “Alright, alright. You know I can never say no to you. Torture me, sure. Make me disturb your rest when you look like an angel, I’d love to.”
You chuckled at his antics and pushed him back to the table.
“Be safe. I love you.”
“Goodnight, baby!”
You smiled to yourself as you walked up the three flights of stairs and across the landing to your wing of the house. 
As you entered your room, something felt off. You looked around, trying to convince your overactive mind that you were imagining the negative energy. You made to take a step towards your bathroom, when your eyes strayed back to the curtain fluttering in the wind. You never left the window open. Before you could scream, you felt a hand wrap around your mouth. 
“Let’s keep this simple. You come with us quietly. And we let you live. You make a sound. You die a slow death when we get to where we need to go. Got it?”
You froze, and fear coursed through your body. Keep your head. Stay calm. Before you were a mafia boss’s wife, you were a mafia boss’s daughter. You were trained for situations like these. 
You struggled to the right. As expected, the assailant’s grip tightened. He clearly had not expected a fight and was trying to adjust his footing to manage. But you had managed your goal. You grabbed the nail file from the dresser you had stumbled into and jammed it backwards, hoping it would hit his eye. From his sudden release, it had. Falling forward, you rushed toward where the panic button was on the other side of the room. You were almost there when a hand grabbed you around the ankle and pulled you down. Your head slammed down on the floor. Your lip felt warm where you had bit it on impact. As you began to be dragged backwards, you used the momentum to twist around and kick your other foot in his face. You noticed a scar across his eye. The one second it took to break the hold was all you needed. You crawled forward that last inch and pressed the button. 
The immediacy left you. Help was on the way. Seonghwa would be here soon. In the meantime, there was nothing around you to use as a weapon, and this guy had a foot and a half on you. He was already up before you could form a game plan. He grabbed you around the throat and slammed you back into the wall. 
“You’re gonna pay for that, you little bitch.” At least he wasn’t going to kidnap you immediately. That gave the guys a chance to get to your room in time. You tried to hold on as black spots danced around your vision.
No sooner had the thought crossed your mind when you distantly heard the door slam open and a cacophony of voices. 
The pressure around your throat released. You sank down to the ground, trying to recover and remain alert enough to help in the fight. Hands immediately grabbed you and started to carry you across your room back to the door. The heat of a body in front of you and behind you. You gulped the air down. 
“Y/N, Y/N, can you breathe? Are you ok?”
Yunho set you down at the threshold of the door but kept his arms around you until Wooyoung stepped back to keep a hold of you. Yeosang rushed past the both of you, yelling back that he was getting the first aid kit.
As your vision cleared, you finally took in the state of the fight. San and Jongho were checking all the entrances and exits, presumably for other attackers. Hongjoong was simultaneously piling up all the attacker’s weapons and yelling at someone on the phone. Mingi and Yunho, being the tallest, were trying their best to hold Seonghwa back. He was moving so fast, he looked like a blur. The intruder wasn’t even moving anymore, and his face was already just a smear of red. 
A shaky breath left you. The danger was over. You needed Seonghwa now. 
Jongho joined you and Wooyoung. Your knees gave out beneath you. They shared a look of alarm, but they understood immediately. You were strong enough for the fight, but now that the fight was done, you needed just one thing. San saw you collapse and rushed over to you.
“Ya, hyung!” You don’t know who called to him, but he didn’t listen. 
You had never seen Seonghwa in such a rage. On the few occasions where the guys had let you witness some of the action, he took on the role of taunting the target, toying with them until he got what he needed or beating up the victims almost lazily. Now he was focused and lethal. He moved with such precision; it was almost beautiful. You didn’t think he would ever stop. 
At this point, Hongjoong was also trying to restrain Seonghwa . “Y/N needs you!”
He slowed down at the mention of your name but didn’t stop.
Your voice was just a broken whisper. “Seonghwa.”
He stilled. It took one second. And then he was rushing towards you. His hands cradled your face. The look on his face was one you would never forget. 
He said nothing; his eyes anguished.
“We need to treat her injuries, hyung.”
He closed his eyes briefly before they opened again, and he nodded. His hands slipped down to hold you up, and Yeosang led the way to the next room. You sat down on the couch, but Seonghwa’s hold never loosened. All you could do was look at each other while Yeosang prepared some gauze. 
You watched him with gratitude. You were alive. You had not laid your eyes on him for the last time. He was here. You were here. You had time, hopefully a whole lifetime together- it had not been cut short tonight. The aches and pains suddenly left you, and you almost let loose as hysterical giggle at how happy you were. 
As joyful as you were, it quickly gave way to concern as you took in the look in his eyes. Eyes that swirled with pain and guilt. Sighing, you recognized immediately what was eating at him.
“Seonghwa, I’m fine.”
Anger blazed in them now. “You are not fine.”
“It’s just a few bruises. I’m okay.”
He turned to Yeosang, who quickly jumped into a status report. “From what I could see so far, she has superficial bruises on her throat, ankle, and wrists. The bleeding on her face is just from her lip but has already stopped bleeding. If I’m right, then he probably grabbed you, you fell, and that’s how you busted your lip. If that’s true, I wanna make sure you don’t have a concussion from hitting your head when that happened. Otherwise, some painkillers, a lot of rest, and she will be fine, hyung.”
The thunderous expression on his face did not waver, however. 
You sighed and looked back at Yeosang and lifted your eyebrows. He took the hint and left. You could hear whispers commence outside and were touched at the guys’ concern for you, but it would have to wait. Seonghwa had opened his mouth angrily to protest, but you turned in his arms before he could.
“Thank you for saving me.” A few tears slipped out as you recalled how close it had been. His fury morphed into worry, and he wiped your tears as he held you gently.
“I know you’re concerned about me-”
“That doesn’t even begin to cover it.” His voice was full of angst.
Your hands came up to either side of his face.
“I promise you- I am okay. This is nothing compared to how bad it could have been- what he promised to do. I know it hurts you when I’m hurt. I’m sorry.” You pressed your forehead against his.
“You have nothing to apologize for, Y/N. It’s me who should be apologizing. I promised you the day I married you that I would never ever let anything hurt you. I.. I can’t even begin to start apologizing for that- I can’t live with myself. I couldn’t if something happened to you-”
“Sh, sh. Nothing happened to me. You got to me in time. You protected me. You can’t control everything. You did your best. I feel safest with you. Now, please stop this and just hold me.” Something in his eyes gave a little. “I don’t know about you, but I’ve had kind of a tiring night.”
He chuckled weakly at your attempt at levity. “I’m all yours. Anything you need. Forever.”
You smiled enthusiastically. 
“After you get patched up and take some pain meds.” 
You huffed at him but stuck your pinky out. “Deal.” 
Everyone outside was probably eavesdropping, because no sooner had he said that the guys started filing in, crying out in concern and settling around you and Seonghwa.
You smiled at everyone, rolled your eyes against Seonghwa’s indignation and hovering behavior when WooSan barely jostled you, and nestled against him anyways. Your ear to his heart.
“I figured out a way for you to live with yourself by the way.” 
His hands stroked through your hair. “Oh? What’s that?”
A mean little smile to copy his. “Revenge.”
His laugh was hearty. You were lulled to sleep.
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hwaseonghwasworld · 5 months
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Summary: being a popular model isn't enough for Y/n’s parents so they decided to get her married with a 6’1”, protective male who is also a mafia, all the secrets and lies everyone kept from her will soon come into the light, what happens once the truth comes out?
Yunho x Reader
Genre: Series, Mafia!au, Smut, Fluff, Angst, Social Media!au
Warnings: murder, graphic violence, kidnapping, cursing
Announcement 🖊️
Excuse me, WHAT?!
Wedding Ceremony
This is really happening
Honeymoon 🖊️
We Miss Youuu
This Wasn’t My Idea 🖊️
Contract 🖊️
Where’s Y/n…. 🖊️
Happy Birthday
The Audacity
Group Chat
I Think I Might Run Away
What’s Going On With Y/n’s Insta
I Found Her🖊️
I’m Back
Getting along
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Summary: Life leads you to treacherous roads after deciding to enter the dangerous life you knew well not to follow.Having gojo by your side inviting you deeper and deeper into all that’s wrong in the world, inciting you to be selfish and carefree wasn’t supposed to be to your liking, so why do you shiver with adrenaline every time he decides to be the devil on your shoulder?
Contents: Mafia boss gojo x secretary reader.(civilian au ig)
-Secret crush!!
-Yandere Gojo.
Gojo being an egocentric bitch! Wealthy gojo! X no nonsense reader.
Warnings: Simp Gojo ig, trigger warning if you’re not interested in anything mafia related. The narration of this story is inspired by Latin and Asian mafia.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
The car was slightly quiet, besides Gojo’s occasional replies to his phone call. The chauffeur seemed to have his mouth taped shut, only focusing on taking you to the warehouse where your boss's jets are stored.
The 3 a.m. breeze passing through the window and kissing your face is starting to make your cheeks cold to the touch. The night’s temperature makes you kind of regret your outfit choice, but what could you say? Leaving the drugs and mafia behind, it was your first time visiting China! You were so excited for every new experience there was to offer. You may be there on a “business trip,” but considering all your expenses are paid, you might as well make it memorable. That led you to go all out when choosing the first outfit you’d wear when flying private. Your chest was adorned by a burgundy sleeveless turtleneck top, a black miniskirt that hugged your waist, and some below-the-knee leather-heeled boots that combined with your top.
You quickly shook the regret away. Your priority is to progress on this week's worth of work, taking advantage of the current free time you have. Your soft fingertips quickly tapped the warm computer resting on your thighs. Unbeknownst to yourself, the tall figure with fluffy white hair scratched his undercut with one hand while the other lazily held the phone close to his ear. He couldn’t help but dare to take a peek at your smooth legs. He tried to contain himself, which he really did, but his eyes couldn’t help but wander up your thighs. The phone call is now long forgotten, only working as a background nose for his shameful fantasy, where he lies his head on your cushiony, soft thighs while your long nails trace figures along his scalp.
-“Whatcha looking at doesn’t like my outfit or what?”-You question catching him off guard after finally noticing his burning stare.
Gojo’s eyes widened in surprise, but his ego wasn’t going to let him keep quiet and possibly seem embarrassed in front of you or anyone. So he quickly fixed his posture and struck back.
-“Are those the boots I gave you for Christmas? It's the first time I’ve seen you wear them. They don’t look completely hideous on you.”
Gojo thanked whatever god still had mercy on him for giving him the perfect excuse to look your way.
-“It is the first time I’m wearing them!!! How did you notice?” - You giggled at him shamelessly, flashing him your pearly whites. How could you do this to him? Now he wanted to buy every pair of boots in the world just to see your smile as you showed them off to him and blushed at him.-“ I wish I was as easily observant as you. You’re once again correct. I just wanted to save them for a nice event.”
-“You've never been on a plane before?"
-“Not a private one.”
Poor you.
So your first time is going to be with me, huh? How sweet.” Gojo joked proudly, wearing a smug smile.
You threw some sticky notes at his head that you had in your purse, to which he just responded with a low and slow cackle.
The chauffeur looked back in surprise, wondering how you still had all your extremities together after disrespecting the boss like that.
You now rest your chin on the window as you approach the warehouse. After passing various checkpoints with armed men in the middle of nowhere, you finally arrive at his warehouse.
Geto ordered around the employees as they packed something onto the jet. You couldn’t continue snooping since one of your guards opened the door to signal you to leave the car.
As you get off, you feel the rough concrete make friction with your boots. As you start to explore the view, you see like five warehouses surrounding the pathway. As your assistants grab the luggage in the trunk, you look around for familiar faces.
You promptly see your boss appear from the side of the train and shortly walk over to you. 
-“Ladies first.” -He points with his head to the open silver jet door.
You glance back at him in a distrusting manner and soon head into the aircraft. The cabin smelled sterile, the hallways were wide and decorated with cashmere white seats adorned by cedar walls with floating tables and big round windows to your side was a twin bed with feathery pillows and cushiony covers.
-“Can i sleep here? If I fall asleep right now, I might avoid jet lag.” - You ask this question while settling down on the bouncy bed, you avoided giving any compliments to your boss, you didn’t want to seem easily surprised by his extravagant wealth.
-“Tired already? I thought you wanted to spend the night with me.”-He banters as usual.
-“As if you could offer me a good night.”- You joke back, and he simply raises an eyebrow.-“I’m feeling a little groggy, but if you need me up, I’ll be charging you a nighttime fee in USD of course, since we are traveling internationally.”
Gojo opens his mouth to respond but is shortly interrupted by his godmother.
-“Gas tanks are full; flights starting in 5.”-Comments the raven head while serving himself and Gojo a cup of whiskey from the bar.
-“Want some?” -He asks, looking toward your direction.
-“It’s 3 a.m.; what type of question is that? Pass the bottle, bro.”-You respond while tying your hair for a fun night.
Your knocked-out body is seen slugging on the before mentioned bed, neck in a creepy pose and your cheeks painted red. Your skirt is slightly riding up on your thighs,barely noticeable to the untrained eye,but still too much for Gojo's liking.
Gojo and Geto are sitting down in the seats in front of you, enjoying the spectacle of your drunken self. They’re still completely sober from their third glass of whisky.
Gojo takes his phone out and is about to take a picture until Geto grabs his hand.
-“Better not; what if she gets mad and fucks up our taxes.”- His best friend intervenes.
Gojo quietly nods and reincorporates himself into his seat, spreading his legs as far as possible , sliding his Ferragamo shoes across the carpet to touch your boots with the tip of his footwear.
After strutting back into the cabin from speaking with the pilots in the cockpit,Geto  let’s gojo know that they’re landing in Sanduzhen in about an hour, just to later disappear into one of the rooms on the jet. Meanwhile, Gojo is still staring at your freshly run-over deer pose.
You look so uncomfortable.
You may even wake up with neck pain.
He wasn’t very content with the thought of you waking up hungover and with neck pain.
He sat up and looked around to see if anyone was looking at him, then strategically hooked his arm under your knees while grasping your arms with the other hand. Once he had you in a bridal position, he crouched down a bit and grabbed your leather purse to later stand back up again. He was so tempted to just stand there and hold you in his arms like a big baby and feel your hot breath tickle his neck, but he recognized you both have a busy day ahead of you, so he simply had to ignore your sweet cotton candy perfume and lay you to rest. He swiftly headed to the back of the cabin, where his bedroom is located, to next effortlessly open the door and shut it behind himself.
He laid your limp body cozily on the comforter, and he then proceeded to carefully sit on the bed while side-eyeing you to see if you would flutter your eyes open and catch him red-handed. Once he confirmed you were out like a light, he gently unzipped your boots and put them aside to then cover you with the thickest, softest blanket he could find.
He just as carefully stood up and was just about to walk off and do whatever shady shit he usually does when he realized he deserved a treat for being such a gentleman, right?
He crouched down to your face level and took his big, cold, and scarily pale hand and tamed the wild hairs that cover your face. His pointer finger then started to trace all your factions. He could feel his cheeks burn as your soft skin met with his finger tips. As if he weren’t already testing the limits of his self-control, his gaze faltered at the sight of your pink, rosy lips, slightly agape. He was better than this; he knew better than to fantasize about locking lips with his secretary. But he needed to get something out of it, something that was worth the agony he experienced at the thought that he couldn’t just lay next to you and cuddle away the cold, something worth his jagged breaths as he tried to ignore your intoxicating scent or worth making him hate himself as he acted like a teenage boy around you, like he wasn’t beheading some messengers from a rival gang then sending some of their parts to their boss and their families.
So he said, Fuck it, and submerged his head between your neck and hair as he inhaled your essence. After getting drunk on your scent, he backed off and planted a chaste kiss on your bare shoulder. He wishes to plant many more, but one is all he can afford for the moment.
Then he decided to finally leave before doing anything crazy, and to his luck he managed to withdraw from his room a few minutes before Geto left his own.
-“Yeah?” The white-haired man replied, concealing his previous high adrenaline rush.
-“Do you think she’ll find out?”
After his best friend muttered that sentence, every drop of joy drained from his system.
-"What’s done is done.”
The godmothers face winced before an announcement was heard on the cabin speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s your pilot speaking; we have arrived in Shanghai, mainland China.”
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
A/n: Hello my beautiful angels , I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you guys think gojo is hiding from the reader? Did you like the secret one sided romance going on? I’d like to remember y’all that suggestions and request are open. Once again comments are appreciated, until next time, kisses.💋
Poll for funsies
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azspymasters-hoe · 6 months
“Don’t run away from me again. If you do, I’ll flip the world upside down to find you. You’re mine now, baby.”
—Nikolai Sokolov- God of fury by Rina Kent
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efexbe · 5 months
god of fury by rina kent
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busycucumbermelon · 2 months
 couple goals
Carmen X influencer reader
Warning, Manipulation, smothering, mention of smut, mention of murder
summary: Carmen really does take after his mother 
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After being kidnapped, you threaten Carmen by pointing out that if you didn’t make regular and consistent updates on your normal social media accounts, someone would notice your absence. This would put pressure on Carmen and either force them to let you go or allow you to make those updates, where you could use one of the telltale signs you had previously mentioned on your TikTok to alert others of your situation.
While initially amused at your attempts to threaten him, Carmen became more and more intrigued by watching your daily activities on TikTok. His curiosity got the better of him, as he couldn't resist diving into the seemingly trivial details of your life. As he watched, he became increasingly fascinated by your everyday actions and routines.
It was only a matter of time before the cute act gave way to more sinister intentions…
When Carmen watched the specific video where you had mentioned that you would immediately make a video about how much you hated your brothers' twins if you ever got kidnapped, their first reaction was a slight chuckle. The irony of the situation was amusing to Carmen, given how often you had praised your brothers' twins in other videos. However, the video also sparked a darker thought in Carmen's mind.
The question that was now plaguing Carmen was, "What would your community do if they found out about the truth behind your brothers' twins?"
The fact that all of them are now very much dead
When Carmen visited again and allowed you to make TikTok videos, he had secretly enabled a few settings behind your back. Every single video you made would now need his approval before it could be shared with the rest of the world. This meant he would have the power to decide which videos of yours got to see the light of day.
This put Carmen in the position of controlling what your online community got to see, as he was the one who would have to give the final go ahead before your videos could be made public.
When Carmen finally relented and allowed you to continue making TikToks under his watch, the experience was much different than what you had anticipated. Instead of him threatening you and rushing you into something, he give you a whole wing of his house and only occasionally asked for your cooperation and company.
Your viewers, however, didn't suspect anything and were curious about the odd changes in decor. Some people even inquired if you had moved to a new location. The truth was hidden in plain sight, and no one had a clue what was really going on.
You're a little perplexed by Carmen's behaviour at first. When he had first kidnapped you, he had made it clear that he wanted your attention and affection, but he wasn't rushing you into
anything...yet. However, soon, he did force you to spend time with him, such as cuddling on the couch with snacks
In one of your recent videos, he even made a subtle appearance, although his face wasn't visible. You could tell he was a man based on his boots, and it was clear that Carmen wanted everyone to know you were his property.
While Carmen may have seemed like a fool at times, he was quite clever and knew how to maintain his secrecy. He was well aware that, due to the nature of his job, many people would come after you if he were to randomly show up on your social media page. This is why he presented you with a proposal one day.
"My dear," Carmen proclaimed as he gently grasped your chin and tilted your head up to face him. Your hands were gripped tightly in fists at your side, a sign of your frustration and mounting anger.
" I have a small proposal, I'm sure you'll find it reasonable," he continued with a patronizing smile.
You thought it was outrageous that he thought you would accept any of his proposals at this point. He had already made you behave as though you loved him, which was more than enough.
" I find nothing you do reasonable; I don't know why you think I should."
He smirked at your response before adding, " Well, I believe it is only fair to mention that your most recent video has gained quite a bit of positive traction. Would you like to know the cause behind it?"
Seeing the reactions to his subtle presence in the background, Carmen realized that even with just a glimpse, your viewers figured out that it was a man and he must’ve be your boyfriend
" All they needed was my boot in the back of your video, and they were able to put it all together," he stated, smirking.
" What are you going to tell your audience?" he asked, his tone becoming more serious. " We both know you're going to have to do the right thing."
The so-called "right thing" wasn't your own decision. It was Carmen’s, and he would make that decision for you. You already knew that there was no way out of this situation. Your social media account was your only link to the outside world; you didn't want it revoked. Consequently, you did whatever Carmen told you to do, regardless of what it meant or how much it went against your own values and beliefs.
As Carmen was one to cook dinner for you whenever he could, this particular evening was no different. You decided to take a video as the perfect opportunity to provide more "evidence" that you were alright and everything was fine. Of course, you were anything but fine, but you didn't exactly have any other options.
Sitting on the countertop, you recorded Carmen's hands as he chopped up vegetables. With the use of careful camerawork and positioning, you managed to ensure that his face didn't appear in the video.
He had already made it clear what would happen if you decided to put his face in a video — your punishment and the subsequent harm that you would face would be considerable, and the danger wouldn't solely stem from Carmen himself. That was enough of a warning to ensure your compliance.
The caption for your video read, " Well, you guys are quite some detectives," and the text overlay over the video featured Carmen slicing vegetables read, " At least one of us is a good cook. "
Carmen himself viewed the recording multiple times prior to it being published, ensuring that it contained nothing that jeopardized the ruse and only reinforced the image of everything being alright.
Well that, and he couldn’t deny the growing bulge in his pants the first time he had watched it you never really complimented him, but you putting it out for all your followers to see was good enough Painting his screen and white before he even published it. Oh, if only it was your pretty face on that screen.
As you continued to share more of your life's updates on your social media accounts, your audience grew more fascinated by the apparent relationship between you and Carmen. They flooded your comment section with remarks about how lucky you were to have such an amazing and charming partner, and Carmen began to appear in your content more often.
Indeed, people would complain when he wasn’t featured in your uploads, and eventually, you solely stuck to providing brief glimpses of Carmen via camera angles which did not include his face or any identifying features.
An overwhelming number of your content updates depicted Carmen undertaking a variety of small tasks. He would cook meals for you, prepare and run baths, cuddle you when he was at home, and attempt to engulf himself in your scent and scent alone.
Indeed, Carmen was constantly surrounded by death and decay in his work. Being near something that embodied the complete opposite — peace, warmth, and comfort — was something he craved desperately.
One of your uploads seemed to entice your viewers most, in particular, due to Carmen's "deep green eyes." During said video, he was cuddling with you, which was not something you enjoyed in the slightest. In fact, he was constantly enveloping you, and that was truly insufferable. Indeed, when Carmen was out on a mission, you considered it to be a relief and the absolute best thing in the world, allowing you to breathe and relax.
The sheer volume of positive feedback and praise from your viewers started to get to you; perhaps Carmen wasn't as terrible as you believed he was. Certainly, he had taken the lives of a few innocent individuals and....the twins....never mind that.
Your viewers also believed him to be a good person who meant you no harm, and the general consensus was that Carmen was harmless and harmless alone
As you progressively began to feature Carmen in your videos slightly more frequently, he would whisper certain things to you; such as how cute it'll be or what a wonderfully endearing moment it would make for the channel. You now recognized that a specific smile or expression on his face meant that it was time for you to begin filming because it would be ideal content for your channel.
That didn't mean Carmen wanted everything documented though. Carmen often wanted to simply hold you, cover you in kisses, or keep you pinned down to the bed depending on his mood.
It felt like you were constantly being smothered by Carmen. Everything, he constantly wanted you all to himself. And even though you cared about him, you needed space. But it kept feeling like it wouldn't matter what you did, everything you said would lead him to act possessive. And you decided enough was enough. So you took out your camera and started filming, even though you weren't sure how it was going to go over, it was something that needed to be done
. Carmen held your waist as you announced to your channel that you would no longer be posting and that you needed a time to think about yourself and your life. His arms squeezed a bit tighter, a small warning. You added on and spoke about your love life, admitting that you felt like you hadn’t been able to connect with your boyfriend as much as you would like to. As a conclusion, you thanked your viewers for understanding and left the video with another hug from Carmen, even if it wasn’t genuine.
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sebastianstansqueen · 11 months
Lost in The Shadows Masterlist
A/n: Here is the new story, we'll see what happens, as always to be tagged go to tagglist link in my bio or just down below, or send an ask, message or comment on this.
Summary: Y/n was a whisper on everyone in New York's lips, she practically ran the state, for the most part. She was only twenty-five and getting ready to find her third husband, she sat behind the desk where her father, and then her second husband sat once, and now she did.
(Mechanic!Bucky x Mob/Mafia Boss!Reader)
Tagglist // Masterlist 
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{ Part 1 }
{ Part 2 }
{ Part 3 }
{ Part 4 }
{ Part 5 }
{ Part 6 }
{ Part 7 }
{ Part 8 }
{ Part 9 }
{ Part 10 }
{ Part 11 }
{ Part 12 }
{ Part 13 }
{ Part 14 }
{ Part 15 }
{ Part 16 }
{Part 17 -End-}
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uslonelyone · 5 months
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robertdenir0sgf · 1 month
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i need a hot masked man to choke me with his big bicep
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lighthousepigeons · 6 months
Ava: Would you ever date a girl taller than you?
Brandon: No.
Remi: Woah, bit shallow, innit?
Mia: Yeah, what's your problem with height?
Brandon, looking at Nikolai: Oh, believe me, it's not the height I have a problem with.
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manikas-whims · 3 months
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Niccolo and Valentine from The Mafia Nanny
love their designs 😍
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rosemoncherie · 25 days
tears in the club: [COMING SOON]
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pairing: eddie horniman x oc!thandie manuel
genre: mafia romance x the gentlemen series au [usage of universe characters, different storyline]
main content warnings: 18+, MDNI, NSFW, slow burn, angst, gun violence, physical violence, drug trafficking, familial abuse, sexual content. 
summary: “A pretty cage is still a cage.” Thandie remembered her mother saying to her. Oh how right those words were. 
The Manuel’s had been a powerful family within the borders of northern Harbrooke, the second largest city in the United Kingdom. They had willed their power over their underground empire with an iron fist for many decades. Their influence inching across the rest of the city due to trusted ally-ships and peace treaties to end the generations of violence. 
All was well until one man got greedy for more. That selfishness upended Thandie’s life and left her with the feelings of longing for freedom and vengeance.
In her quest for justice, Thandie found an unfathomable ally in the most of unconventional place … 
A story of love, music and violence … 
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reading list: @queenshikongo3 @sapphireheaven @emjayewrites @melanieph321 @perfecttrashface @starrynite7114 @theojamesgf @s8tanbaby @writinginfinite @mochachocolatteyaya @olyvoyl @piscesgyalinit @valkryienymph @brownsugarcoffy
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