#its so weird how they’re so similar😭😭
just-call-mefr1es · 4 months
damn i love book series written by a guy with R.R initials about a boy under the age of 18 with inhuman abilities trying to survive and finish wars along with his friends and builds a community along the way while also falling inlove with his companion
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edit: and i forgot to add that they both have terrible movie adaptations
(i didnt watch the percy jackson movies, but ive heard from friends that are big fans say theyre bad)
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zyk1ng · 8 months
I was gonna make this post way way earlier but I forgot lol but Uhm
I have played through the splatoon 2 story fully and am replaying it (for a future post bc a lot of the dialogue is rlly funny) and honestly while I absolutely loved it it makes me even sadder that splat 2’s story mode was kinda tossed aside (for valid reasons ofc) because it’s so Cool.
Excluding the gameplay, I think they did marie so well, because she sells the desperation of someone who’s got nobody she knows by her side. While she of course keeps the sassy attitude of sneak dissing her best friends (agent 3) and also telekinetically telling you to fuck off if you talk to her too much it’s very clear she genuinely cares so much about agent 4 and is so grateful they’re doing what they do.
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these are only two screenshots of 8(?) of Marie randomly being really sentimental to 4 because this stranger chose to help her in her time of need rather than just ignore this GROWN WOMAN hanging out on a sewer drain
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It’s like heavily emphasized multiple times that Marie could not be more grateful for 4’s help in retrieving not just the zapfish but also her cousin.
But then revealing that 4 knew about Callie the WHOLE TIME (I have a lot to say about this part but it’s mostly hc so) which is so KIND OF THEM???? this random woman recruits them into a secret military agency and hides the fact she rlly misses her cousin but they help anyway bc they WANT TO. (They didn’t even know either of them were famous btw) Marie shows a lot of gratitude toward 4 ESPECIALLY after the big reveal.
(You could make arguments for 3 being similar bc an old kook made them do it but this isn’t about them..)
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And it’s not just being grateful for the one time, she genuinely enjoys 4’s company and wants to be better friends with them and chat after the zapfish and Callie are saved 😭😭😭
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It’s so cute too, because 100%ing the game and even just being a little nosy is something that Marie picks up on, and remembers way later in the game. (More abt this later)
god I love this socially inept squid woman and her adopted child soldier that likes finding pieces of paper
Speaking of said soldier! I think the way they characterized 4 via the actual gameplay rather than art/statements/whatever is so cool
4 doesn’t have many illustrations besides the chaos splatfest and that one group photo where they’re being funky in the corner (and the apartment) but I feel like the reason for that is the fact that a lot of Marie’s dialogue as well as how splatoon 2’s hero mode is structured/designed speaks a lot about how they wanted to represent 4.
From a realistic standpoint, of course splatoon 2’s story mode has to be more creative both prompt wise and secret wise. But it feels like the reason its that way is because both 4 and Marie are separate types of people from Craig and 3.
The bosses help a lot with this too, being more gimmicky and weird (subtracting stamp.) Octo shower and samurai being bosses where you have to either react well or change your positioning to effectively beat them. (Octo shower is my fave btw I loved fighting it the first time)
The level design also shines in this aspect because if I’m honest I remember none of the splat 1 levels significantly besides the few octoling ones. Splatoon 2’s levels are very detailed (and also insanely pretty) and have some rlly fun puzzles in a handful of them and even the more fast ones are a blast to play through
And then all the little extras (sardiniums and scrolls alike) are hidden so well and you usually have to go out of your way to find them and even the secrets that aren’t either of those things have substance
Small note, a lot of extras are also made so that it flows well with the levels design (like the first dualie request mission) which is also extremely fucking cool.
the way marie touches on those little discoveries is so smart too because it (as I said before) characterizes 4 as someone who loves to look for things even if it’s on a whim especially since the sunken scrolls in the game are so much harder to find than in splat1.
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And the fact that unlike splat 1, you can (technically) 800% the game by playing EVERY SINGLE LEVEL WITH EVER SINGLE WEAPON TYPE. to me it feels like it deepens the fact that 4 likes to be really thorough. marie goes “you have a problem.” When you break like two hidden egg crates in this one level and it’s so great.
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I love what they’ve done with 4, whether it was intentional or I’m over-analytical.
Nothing gets past them, looking in every nook and cranny whether or not there’s secrets to be found. They’re too nosy and thorough and they like to be around marie after completing missions, they don’t know who the squid sisters are, hate balloons, may or may not be ok, have impulsive secret finding, partake in many extracurriculars, can be needy at times, go with the flow and they apparently smell better than agent 3.
Agent four, of the New Squidbeak Splatoon.
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kindaasrikal · 27 days
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He was originally not gonna have pants cause i didnt find it weird since he is still a metal man, but then i realised others might take it a bit weirdly so i had to quickly add pants 😭
Zane is known to sacrifice himself for those he cares about, and it shows how deeply protective he is of his team/family. In an AU, if that protectiveness got a bit too strong…mixed a bit too much with his care…he becomes secretly obsessive. He stalks the ninja when away from him and is constantly keeping tabs on them, his relationship with them is similar to canon, but he always makes sure to know where they are and their health. None of the ninja, including Pixal and Wu, have any idea of this going on, and they never will.
He watched over the ninja (plus Pixal and Wu) in a little area in his room, and watches memories and current events they’re going through daily. His love for them all is platonic (romantic for Pixal), and as much as he is aware that watching-stalking- his family is not normal nor okay, he does it since he only ever ensures he knows what they are doing at all times, and that isn’t too bad, right?
(Wrong, its still bad, Zane just worried and cares too much to bring himself to stop)
In this AU, if his team were to find out, i feel like they’d be concerned but accepting. Like bro it’s ZANE, they trust him more than anyone. They put limits to it and rules, but other than that they let him keep doing it. In fact, this allows them to freely do the possibly stalker-ish activities they do freely.
Kai says that sometimes he tracks or follows then when he’s worried.
Nya bugged everyone’s gi with recording and tracking devices. She listens to conversations sometimes if shes suspicious (read: worried).
Jay has books on all of the ninja, and the notes are deeply personal and downright creepy.
Cole hunts down everyone one of team mates might’ve met or known, acts like he accidentally bumped into them, and slowly weeds information out of them related to them as a person and their intentions. If they’re a close friend to his teammate/s, he gets information out about their interactions of conversations.
Lloyd follows everyone. Whilst Kai probably jumps from buildings, and leaves after knowing it’s ok (most of the time), Lloyd follows on ground with a disguise. He learns the others interests and picks then up himself to bond with them, not realising that picking up the exact same comic jay just touched and hugging it whilst thinking Jay would love him if he got this and read it is kinda creepy.
Pixal bugs all of their tech, she knows every location, every conversation, and has many recordings. She never checks them though. What she does do is read their conversations through text, she likes gathering information about the ones she loves, and likes the drama that pops up sometimes.
Wu is normal, he’s like an overbearing dad who just interrogates his team with gentle words and they spill. Either that or he already knows, by guessing.
And because i need to add Morro to everything, Wu is overbearing because of not knowing everything Morro does because if he did he might’ve been able to prevent what happens.
And when Morro was younger, he used to hide behind corners and watch people, never letting them know he’s there. He never followed them, but if he’s already there and he sees you, he’s watching you in a corner until either has to leave or you do.
But thats child Morro, ghost (cursed realm) Morro pulls a Zane and watches people, so does Garmadon in the departed realm.
Yeah, he’s the only normal one. After everything he just became tame and couldn’t care anymore. He was a bit freaked out when Lloyd comes up to him two weeks later and says “you rlly like reading about horror stories, right?” Because they both have been avoiding each other and only had five normal conversations, and not a single one was casual, so how the heck did Lloyd know that.
Anyways that was fun :>
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larcenywrites · 7 months
Could you write about how Tony is with a younger gf that's like half his age? And maybe a lot more energetic than him if you know what I mean 🤭 I understand if age gaps make you uncomfortable and you don’t want to write it though!
I’m into age gaps given the right circumstances, and I completely understand the appeal! I wasn’t quite sure what to write since it’s not something I really put much thought into anyway, but I think it turned out okay and pretty cute :)
Warnings: 18+ for sexual references and themes | mentions of Dom/sub stuff | age gap obviously | like two feminine/she/her pronouns used
💠 Tony doesn't particularly mind either way that his s/o is (a lot) younger than him, but admittedly, he didn't expect that he'd end up with someone younger! He figured he'd prefer someone closer to his age, with whom he could share similar experiences of life...
💠 But the world works in mysterious ways! And it definitely works in mysterious ways when you find yourself in a loving relationship with Earth's grumpiest Avenger! Well... one of Earth's grumpiest Avengers 🤭
💠 It's partly his older age and partly his stressful job that has him tired and irritable, but lucky for him, you found this grumpy old man sweet and handsome 🥰
💠 And now he’s your grumpy old man 🥰
💠 He’s always had a thing for being the more dominant one. He wants to be bigger and stronger, the protector and provider, and his older age helps play into that!
💠 He definitely loves to spoil you! Anything you want!! He just loves spending money on his lovers, but in a way, he’s kinda showing off 🤭 not necessarily to you, but to prove that him being older still has its advantages 😉 a much younger man probably couldn’t treat you this well 💅
💠However… there’s often a difference between how much a person in their early 20s works and how much a person in their 40s works. You may not be used to your boyfriend working like 8-9 hours a day nearly every day! It might be quite the learning curve not having him around as often as you’d be used to :( Tony does feel pretty bad about it, he can remember being much more free and clingy too, so he cuts you some slack when you wanna bother him at work or in the lab 😉🩵
💠 He loves when he can teach you new things! He has a soft spot for it 🥰 even if it’s just the cleanest way to separate the egg yolk or just, like, how to do taxes, he enjoys being helpful and teaching you new things :) it’s cute tbh 🥰
💠 And he also loves getting to watch you practice things and keep learning things!! Are you cooking a ton of new things every day? Awesome! Even if it’s the same stuff or doesn’t always turn out good!! If you’re a college student, he’ll adore watching you work and read!
💠 You’re also from a whole different generation than him, so you’ve probably got a few things to teach him, too 😌💅 From new music to social media! While he’s still not really into the latter, he does enjoy all kinds of music!
💠But because you’re from different generations, his gestures may feel a bit more… old fashioned? But they’re classy! Always bringing flowers, always kissing your hand, always offering his arm for you to hold onto on a walk, offering his coat— it’s enough to make you feel like royalty honestly 🥰
💠 Though, it may feel a bit weird at first hanging out with his little social circle? They’re pretty much all Tony’s age, so you may feel a little out of place. Rhodey is actually quite welcoming though! Well, you weren’t there when he teased Tony about it a little 😅 but it wasn’t aimed at you! Honesty he was just happy to see his friend going out again :) in fact, Rhodey is probably the first person you’ll meet! After all, Tony’s parents aren’t around, and there’s no one else quite so important and close to him 🥲
💠 But don’t worry, Tony feels just as awkward with your similarly-aged friends 😅 and he was very nervous to meet your friends and/or family! Shit, he’s likely the same age as your parents 😭 while that might make things a little awkward as well… it’s actually pretty nice that they can share and bond over their very similar experiences and childhoods!
💠 Sometimes he wonders what his parents would think… but he’s pretty sure his dad was older, too! He likes to talk about them a little bit, and about his younger years. It probably kinda reminds you of how your own parents talk about how they grew up and how different it was from how you did, but it’s much more cute to hear Tony talk about it 😘
💠 Obviously loves to be called Daddy, but the age gap really has it driving him up the wall 😈 it's an authority thing, a power thing, and definitely a Dom thing 😏 and plus, you’re probably more, uh, innocent than he is 😏
💠 Bunny, princess, little deer, sweetie— he has all sorts of pet names to remind you of not just the age gap, but the gap in your power dynamic, too 🥴
💠 He definitely also loves teaching you new things in the bedroom 😈 there’s gotta be something you haven’t done yet if you have been sexually active before, and he’ll be sure to figure it out and teach you right 😌😉
💠 But he is still older, probably a lot older, and that does come with some… differences. Sure, he can go for a while, but once he cums a time or two 😮‍💨 he’s down for the count! So when you still want to go for another round, he’ll probably just have to hype you up while you touch yourself, or you’ll just have to settle for his hand 😅 it is kinda cute, the way you can tire him out 🤭 and he does find your high sex drive pretty hot 😘 he can go again as long as you can wait like an hour or two! The cuddles are great, though, if you do fall asleep 🥰
💠 He calls you the Energizer Bunny since you can go for so long 🤧 but he can remember being like that, too, when he was younger 🥴
💠Sometimes he (maybe a bit sad or insecure) jokes about if only you’d been able to meet him when he was younger, but give him a little kiss and remind him how glad you are to have met him now 🥰🥰🥰🥰
💠 He never thought he’d be insecure about his age, but… he is a little :( especially if you do comment on a picture of a younger him about how hot he was 😔 young age had him so naturally sculpted and more physically inclined. He was very pretty, huh! And while he’s obviously still strong, he’s got a little bit of tummy, and scarring, and crinkles in the corners of his eyes— a shame you didn’t get to see him back then!
💠 “You’re so silly, Tony~” you scold lovingly, interrupting his reminiscing of the past. You enjoy hearing his stories, but not when he starts to beat himself up! Another quick kiss shuts him up 🥰 And eventually he stops worrying so much about it 🩵
💠 But… Tony Stark dating someone younger? Possibly someone even like- half his age or more? It’s bound to gain traction in social media. Of course, some are positive, some are not, but either way, he really doesn’t want to deal with it :/ and he really doesn’t want you to deal with it :( and it kinda makes him feel worse that you have to :(
💠 But he’s gotta admit: your brighter mood and energy has made him happier, even at work! He wants to do stuff again! Like take you to his favorite cities and go on picnics and to the aquarium! Like the dates he took plenty of exes on when he was your age and loved 🥲 sometimes he even comments about how you make him feel young again 🥰
💠 And when he says stuff like that, you’re probably like “🙄 You sound old when you say stuff like that 🤭” but without skipping a beat, he makes sure to correct you.
💠 “I am old 🤨.”
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xxnomadsxx · 4 months
Nomads AU! Branch’s second in command..look I haven’t finished a drawing for them yet ….BUT it’s coming
Originally I wasn’t gonna have them in the story. They were just used to be a reason for why Branch was in the feral troll village, but then I got the idea for a brother rivalry between them and Brozone and I was like “OH! I have to do that!!!!!” (I am so sorry I really wanted to make an Oc please don’t unfollow 😭)
Branch’s Second in command is basically a replacement brother? (no one sure what gender they are? So Branch just calls him his brother?with a question mark) Honestly, the relationship is like SUPER toxic, like I’m talking about his second command has accidentally tried to eat him on a couple of occasions and has gotten him hurt multiple times on accident. (They’re also a huge reason on why is kind of more paranoid and aggressive troll that he is today) also they occasionally just bite Branch, maybe on the arm, leg, or just nibbling on his hair (I promise they won’t eat Branch they just like biting stuff) the biting freaks Branch out a lot (poor guys trauma won’t ever leave 😔)
What they look like is basically a description I gave of the feral (trolls?) a while back claws, tail, sharp teeth, messy looking, slitted eyes, and pointy ears the second in command/brother? wears half a cloak that only really covers one of their sides while also having the most stitched together outfit known to anyone in the village, arms and legs basically covered in bandages and scars surprisingly their face is scar free, their hair is similar to Bruce’s with how it cascades down his back, The only difference is it’s way messier and pitch black sometimes say to Branch how it makes them look more like family (which is cute in my opinion) They have shark teeth and sort of just has this look on there face of “I will bite you if you get close to me and if you’re not close to me, I will still bite you.” Their hair has some branches and leaves in it, but still pretty clean. Sometimes they lay on the ground and just pretend to be a carpet (I mean with how much hair they have it just completely covers their body) people have walked over them on accident before.
The second in command/brother? Doesn’t really have a name. Everyone just calls them Thing and that just became its name. Thing is maybe just really bad for Branch’s mental state, but they genuinely do really care for him. I mean the whole reason Branch is here is because Thing got one look at them and said “new little brother” and sorta just kinda adopted him.
Thing is is like the most insane feral (troll ?)(whenever they do something their motives behind it is either baby brother or feed there is an in between ground of just both) Thing is the head of the militia, and surprisingly is the most trusted with the village, due to their survival instinct/ tactics, and overall mindset of protection they’re kind of dumb though (so branch doesn’t really leave him in charge a lot for long periods of time but still trusts them over anyone else)
Random facts Thing owns a mug that says best big brother? on it, and it is like his most prize possession(and only possession) They once tried to eat a troll egg. Their excuse was omelette.(the egg was fine don’t worry) they are basically the most feral feral troll, (which is honestly really hard to do so claps for him I guess) He has tried to eat Creek on multiple occasions, the only reason he stopped is because they now have some weird deal going on (Creek just feed him bits of his hair.) They constantly run on all fours like a gremlin usually having their claws out just to climb trees and over buildings around the village. The trolls and feral(trolls?) just sort of got used to them and they’re weird freaky antics (they’re surprisingly really well respected and a lot of people quite like them… they just get super scared of them) As a kid they basically saw Branch as a pet until after like a week they were like “OK this is my baby brother now.” Similar to how trolls put their babies in their hair they sometimes just put Branch in their hair (Which Branch has gotten used to he just doesn’t mind it as much anymore but still hates it.) Nonetheless, no one is quite sure how old they are or where they came from in the village they just sort of been running around for years and then one day just showed up with a troll.
Thing can speak! Most of the time they prefer to just make weird animal noises or hiss and growl. They really only speak to Branch and anyone who has a genuine concern or anything (I mean he still has to be a good second in command) and even when they do speak it’s always in this raspy sounds like it hasn’t been used in like weeks voice. Has the most broken English ever they also speak in 3rd person quite a bit. (They can’t read and just ask a bajillion questions to anyone about anything or just run their own “tests” on stuff to see how it works)
I’m going to give it to you straight, the only reason Thing exists is so I can have a brother rivalry between them and Brozone I mean Branch’s biological brothers who he loved very much as a kid vs the creature who cared and raised him for 20 years after they left (The scenarios would be amazing!!! 🤩)
Branch and Thing have a very good relationship, Branch really loves them since Thing hasn’t abandoned him like everyone else and raised him with love (never mind how toxic of a home it was and still is)
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myobsessionsspace · 2 months
hi i need to say this to SOMEONE 😭 but the general fandom is soo weird about jikook. whenever i see tiktoks the vibes of the comments are so different when its jikook. its so normal to see stuff like "thats his baby" "soulmates" "they love each other so much" "i love them together" when its abt any other pairing but for jikook tiktoks its just comment after comment of people emphasizing the word friendship. like fandom cannot interact w jikook content unless they make sure EVERYONE KNOWS that theyre JUST FRIENDS and i do not see this with other pairings and i do not understand why
Hi Lovely,
You can always come say things here 🫶
It’s crazy because I was just talking to a friend today about something similar!!
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I was saying to her that I don’t even want the general public or all of the fandom to ship Jikook. I just want them to acknowledge them as close.
To be honest there are unhinged shippers in everytime subsection, Jikookers included. It’s understandable people that want no parts in shipping because it can go really left of the field, from the hyper feminisation of Jimin, the hyper masculinisation of Jungkook, the a/b/o tropes that people want to fit into everything they do, the hyper sexualisation of them, trying to make their every breath about the ship etc.
It’s understandable that lots of people want to just enjoy the members without all that extra.
What’s not understandable is the total erasure of Jikook even being BFFs, the super focus on certain duos that are not as volatile territory like ‘woah, thighs’, and how it’s fun to trend ‘rapper’s girlfriend’ but crickets from the fandom as a whole and only real noise from jikookers when ‘Jimin Hyung can handle it’ ‘I’m not that easy’ happed in front of our salad?!
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That’s not US taking it there, that’s THEM 😩
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My friend and I were saying that there are people that do see more when it comes to Jikook but because there aren’t enough big spaces that embrace the unique aspects of Jikook they try shipping spaces, but it’s not for the weak hearted. Some just see Jikook as interesting but not down to the #jikookisreal level and so when they dip their toes in they dip right back out.
Becca aka @wingzie did a post on how there are more jikookers than we may have thought:
I do get you anon, but I’m not so bothered if Jikook were to be acknowledged as ‘just friends’, heck I rarely see Jimin and Jungkook’s names in the same sentence unless it’s with the inclusion of other members or their musical records.
To be real, I care more that they’re not acknowledged as BEST FRIENDS, as closer than close. I see a lot of ‘that’s his baby brother’ ‘that’s just Jimin, he’s like that with all of them’, don’t even get me started on the pass around Jimin narrative that some use 😑.
I too see on a whole some actions that Jimin & Jungkook do that jikookers think is just for Jikook that truthfully isn’t, that can be seen with all seven. More jikookers do need to start dispelling those misguided Jikook lores in addition to dispelling anti Jikook narratives.
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BUT I also see when there are things just Jikook that get skilfully ignored.
It’s super frustrating but at the same time it’s not. Because, really, do we want millions upon millions trending every little thing about Jikook if they are real and not explicitly out? I’d rather have the ones that can’t see anything because they have underlying prejudices to stay not seeing anything, because do Jikook need those kind of eyes on them?
Maybe a smaller bubble of jikookers being convinced and spotting their moments, in comparison to the fandom as a whole acknowledging something different with Jikook vs other ships, allows for jikookers to to keep jikooking ‘safely’.
The majority of people that DO see Jikook, see them for the unique softness, fondness, adoration, sweet words and actions, fun and spicy bond they have and want to celebrate it and protect it.
Appreciating Jikook doesn’t need to have millions of people. To be honest with or without us watching, Jikook will keep Jikooking. So let those that see them, enjoy and let those that don’t see them, miss out on a beautiful thing.
Thank you for being comfortable enough to send me your ask.
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fairytsuk1 · 6 months
How do you think Alex would be when he’s jealous, like guys keep coming up to you n shit and they’re staring unashamedly
alex getting jealous hc's ...
i don't think he'd be that really weird and cringe type of jealous guy!! i think he's secure in the relationship because he trusts you so much and knows that no one could break your guys bond. he's yours and you're his, you know?
BUTTT there's always those guys (or girls...) who are unashamed when it comes to interacting with someone's lover. he's very in tune with your emotions, so he can immediately read you and how you're feeling in these types of situations. i think he's pretty shy sometimes but in this case isn't afraid of saying, "hey, yeah. sorry, we gotta get to our seats. let's talk later."
and the way he would say it? i know its kindaaaa cringe a little but he would take a similar tone to like his mc roleplay OMGG icb im typing that but it's true like he'd really just do the most for you 😭😭😭
also he isn't afraid to let people know you're together FROM THE GET GO. which i believe is the most important of a loyal man (sprinkle sprinkle!). so he makes sure he's out there saying, "this is my girlfriend!" he'd be so cute wahhh
maybe ... maybe keeps a hand on your ass. not that he's jealous or anything, it just belongs there, you know?
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bat-gwuck · 7 days
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lmao so these two games have like nothing in common other than they’re both in my top 5 re-occurring hyperfixations but idc I’m having fun 😼👍
ong rdr2 and dragon age (esp origins) are my two all time FAVOURITE games so I thought ykw fuck it im gonna make a crossover AU - never done an AU before so NGL there’s a lot of kinks to iron out but I’m kinda digging it
started off with a lil’ character sheet for Arthur - I flip flopped between what I would make him (Templar, warden, keep him as a street thief/outlaw etc.) before finally settling on a mix of both warden and street thief/outlaw!! idk Arthur just gives me really strong Grey Warden vibes - a tragic hero (sometimes on a path of redemption depending on the origin/how they played it) who also has smth in them that will eventually kill them, despite having some weird benefits (in Arthur’s case, mentally)?? they’re twinning fr
I also just fucking LOVE the grey wardens so…
so it starts off relatively similar to normal: Arthur joins up with the gang at a young age, becomes a thief yada yada, and after a disastrous robbery, they end up camping in Ferelden, just before the Blight starts (unlucky)
for the purposes of this fic, the gang is only comprised of the camp girls (minus Sadie, for now), Dutch, Hosea, Arthur, John, Jack, Swanson, Pearson, Micah, Bill, Sean, Lenny and Javier - Sadie and Charles appear a bit later!!
shit goes down as normal but for story purposes, a heck of a lot faster, and the gang starts to fracture
seeing this, and wanting better for everyone, especially in the midst of the now upcoming Blight, which Dutch, for whatever reasons, does not acknowledge the danger of, Hosea (WHO LIVES IN THIS SCREW YOU ROCKSTAR) gathers as many people as will listen to him (everyone minus Dutch, Micah, Bill, Javier) with him and splits from the gang and heads towards Denerim in hopes of finding safety/starting anew
during their travels however, the group ends up getting caught up in a battle between a group of grey wardens and dark spawn - in which, because he has the worst luck, Arthur is nicked by a darkspawn which only means one thing: death.
(Literally just realising this is basically carver in the deep roads)
Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you view it, the grey wardens offer to take Arthur back to Ostagar with them, they were impressed by his fighting skills, and arguing that the only way for him to live was to become a grey warden
after a lot of hesitation, and a bit of arguing, as he doesn’t want to leave his family behind, Arthur agrees to go with them and parts ways with the remains of the gang, promising that, once this was all over, they’d find each other again
SO I feel like this is enough for now! I definitely have more to write on this and NGL I might even write a full blown fanfic of this BC ITS SO MUCH FUN??
if anyone is wondering, Arthur will meet Sadie n Charles at Ostagar
I’m not entirely sure if I want Arthur to be the HoF in this AU?? I am very much planning on him being a prominent figure in the fight against the Blight and the Archdemon but idk?? ALSO there will be characters from both games in this AU bc I love some of them too much to leave out (I’m looking at you Morrigan and Shale…)
I did kind of want him to be a Blackwall type figure but like if Blackwall acc became a Grey Warden 💀
I hope you liked this and if anyone has any ideas for this AU PLEASE let me know I’m so lost 😭
I’ll be doing some more of these character sheets so keep an eye out for them!!
also Arthur absolutely nicked the fur collar off a rich noble
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1eos · 1 year
yellowface has a high goodreads rating (4+ stars) so the negative reviews were more interesting and my thoughts on how the book was received 
yellowface being marketed as a satire made some ppl dismiss it just bc it wasn’t...funny? idk
a lot of ppl were mad yellowface wasn’t a ‘teachable moment’ type of book which is funny bc r f kuang openly criticizes books like the help that are good objectively are basically books on race that hand hold white ppl and teach them racism bwad :( wah wah. like ofc the book w a hard headed white protag is not gonna have a teachable moment? they wanted a mystical elder asian woman to explain racism to her so bad
few ppl complained that r f kuang didnt dig deeper into discussions within the asian disapora specifically i saw one person mention how we need to talk abt asian americans dating white which is.......i mean why expect that from this book w a short sighted WHITE protagonist? the point is literally that she can’t grasp the diaspora...cmon now 😭
like i said before secretly a lot of readers were mad june wasn’t redeemed from being a racist 😭😭😭😭😭😭 no comment
if the author is similar to any character then kys is not a take i expected to see. where was this vitriol when the after series came out gaklgaklglkga
oh saw a few comments abt how june was very 2d and she was cartoonishly evil with no insight as to why she is the way she is. which is one of the weirder comments like i don’t think they read the book fully. june is literally just a defensive white woman that uses mental health as a shield. and theres a lot of time dedicated to how she feels inadequate, and is seeking the approval from the book community she never got from her mother. as a creative june is very relatable and what she does isnt even that outlandish it’s happened before white ppl steal bc they feel like they’re owed something or that the world is out to get them bc for once the attention isnt on them
one critique that i do agree with is that the book hammered u over the head that june is racist and that plagiarism is bad. and she asks over and over again why can’t she tell stories of other cultures and no one in the narrative even comes close to the point that its fucked up shes telling stories from other races when the ppl who directly were affected by what she’s stealing only have a fleeting chance of getting their story told despite MULTIPLE instances of it being possible. even if june didnt accept it its weird that she never got the obvious answer to her stupid ass question. the subtext abt why it was bad was there but its weird that multiple times she breeches that subject and no one ever gets the chance to challenge her
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Hey Raven, I was thinking about how different twst boys react when put in a difficult place/having a breakdown. We've seen this with the dorm leaders. But I was wondering, how do you think it would be for scheming, collected characters that are always in control to be in that situation? Like, let's say Jade, because imagining him in that situation is kind of difficult, at least for me, because he is always the one in control of every situation, how would it be for him to be smarted out and tricked? How would he react? The closest thing to it that I can think of would probably be Azul, and it still is not easy to compare because I feel like he is way easier to read than Jade? Maybe because we got a whole chapter dedicated to him, but I would rather say that its because Azul is more upfront and you can tell something is wrong, along with more expressive, meanwhile Jade will put a kind smile 24/7 and stab from the back
Actually, I too wonder how it would be for someone like Rook, but he isn't as scheming as Jade ig
(I hope this isn't weird ahhh, I just love seeing the intelligent characters being put it difficult situations and how they react)
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I’d say that are “layers” yes, like an onion to Jade’s reactions? When he’s just surprised or caught off guard by something, he tends to maintain his politeness. We see this in instances like Kalim dumping a whole pot of sugar into his tea (in Jade’s School Uniform vignette), as well as when Jade realizes that he and Floyd were being distracted while Savanaclaw broke into Azul’s contract vault (in episode 3). This isn’t all that different from his normally collected, smiling self.
But then we go the next layer down, which is when his patience wears away and Jade’s “true” self starts to emerge through the cracks. I think a good example of this would be in Ghost Marriage, when Eliza unexpectedly slaps him. There is a very VEEERY subtle change in Jade’s expression following this; he wears a neutral expression, but he loses the shine in his eyes, lending him a dull look. He doesn’t say anything out of anger or upset, but the look alone gives the impression that he wants to kill Eliza if she wasn’t already dead. Another instance that implies icy, calculating rage would be in episode 4, in which Jade describes (while smiling) what he would do to someone who betrays him. It involves verbal abuse to the point of inducing a mental break, binding his victim with rope, and then drowning them 😬 Not pleasant, to say the least.
The final layer is something I think we’ve yet to see in canon, but is often depicted in fan art. This would be Jade completely losing it and going feral. I don’t doubt that Jade has this side to him, especially with the warnings other characters give (such as Azul saying in Happy Beans Day that Jade is scarier than Floyd because he’s more difficult to anticipate), his origins in the Coral Sea, and his shady family (if Floyd’s own violent, angry state is any indication). However, I struggle to think of a situation where Jade would really lose a grip on himself and spiral into this state. I think the most we’ll get to see of Jade reacting to situations he finds displeasing is that cold, contained anger that I described in the last paragraph. If the situation is immediately serious, he’ll quietly plot a way to get back, to get even, with whoever has wronged him. If it’s not as serious, then reacting with just light surprise will do.
I don’t believe that equating Jade’s reactions to Azul’s makes sense, because they’re totally different characters with different backgrounds, even if their personalities initially come off as being “similar”. Azul is shown to be naturally more emotional and concerned with maintaining his image, as he comes from a background of being bullied and wants to be treated with respect so as to not be the same crybaby octopus that he was in his childhood. The same cannot be said for Jade (he’s not typically emotional, he doesn’t have the same values or concerns, and he wasn’t bullied as a kid; their family structures aren’t even the same), so we cannot draw the same conclusions about how he would react in certain situations.
I wouldn’t say that Rook is less of a schemer than Jade 🤔 but rather that Rook doesn’t use his schemes to do malicious things like Jade does. I mean, Jade’s over in Octavinelle helping his dorm leader track down personal information of new students so Azul can use it to manipulate them into doing his bidding later (see: Jade’s Ceremonial Robes vignettes)... while Rook’s using his big brains to manipulate the people chosen for the VDC team and to get Vil to recognize that true beauty doesn’t come from popularity with the public (episode 5). The tactics are still underhanded, but Rook arguably acts in ways that ultimately benefit others while Jade acts in ways that typically harm others. 
When Rook is confronted with something upsetting, he still finds a way to make light of it. For example, he remarks that Vil’s Overblot form is still beautiful, albeit in a twisted way, and in Glorious Masquerade, he described the crimson flowers as “not beautiful” rather than outright calling them “ugly”. He tries to stay positive in spite of it all--but he also has those moments when that sly smile creeps onto his face and his eyes narrow into slivers, and his cunning makes itself known. That makes me suspect that his true anger is very similar to Jade’s: a sort of cold and calculating kind of reaction, paired with a relentlessness to pursue his target to the ends of Twisted Wonderland.
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"I think they have highschool mentalities because they’re LITERALLY high schoolers" partially yes, but huge chunk of swift's fandom are women in similar age as she is, who peaked in highschool, which as sad as it sounds, kinda makes sense for them to keep thinking about that time period in their lifes all the time. it's like they're technically no longer in highschool, but mentally they're still there with just embarassing levels of immaturity.
what doesn't make sense is why swift herself is obsessed with it as she didn't peak at that age, she wasn't popular and was actually disliked by her highschool peers. it would be understandable for her to feel that obsessed and bitter, if she didn't have anything good going on later in her life, but that's not the case, she's literal billionare with legion of parasocial fans loving everything she does. so based on how she acts in general, she feels like she was wronged - by people in her highschool not liking her and her not having typical popular girl in hollywood highschool movie type of experience 🙄 - and she keeps bringing this up to kinda "fix it/rewrite it" just like she does with her romantic relationships. she really is unable to let go anything in her life, it's honestly so pathetic i don't know how anyone can praise this shit.
"what doesn't make sense is why swift herself is obsessed with it as she didn't peak at that age, she wasn't popular and was actually disliked by her highschool peers...she's literal billionaire with legion of parasocial fans loving everything she does."
Okay I have to disagree. A lot of girls I know obsessed with Swift were actually not popular at all. She has a very weird demographic when it comes to personalities I will not lie to you 😭 both introverted romantics and popular extroverts love her music but the trait they have in common is being boring 😭 i’ve never met someone with a cool or defined personality who loves her music it’s always been boring people sorry!!!!
I think the reason she’s obsessed with high school is because it’s the last time she couldn’t buy people’s love and adoration for her. she is a deeply insecure person and she fixates on every experience that reaffirms her insecurities and capitalizes on it because she knows its a universal teen experience.
anyways im sorry i took so long answering this i had such a difficult time articulating my thoughts idk why
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totaleclipse573 · 19 days
Doom bros have a beach episode, how does it go?
They’re definitely not going near the water. Shadows ability to swim is small, and Eclipse and Terios just straight up CAN’T 💀 So that would be a disaster. Sticking to land for this one.
I remember an ask with a similar idea to this, and I still stand by its ideas for the doom bros specifically by themselves XD Shadow tries to get in some alone time (CAN he is the question,) Eclipse goes out running and getting into trouble with some seagulls (he wants to HOLD ONE,) and Terios. Terios is laser fucking focused. On making the perfect sandcastle. This is his new biggest goal. But it keeps getting wrecked in various ways :( He’ll build it again and again he hAS TO HAVE THE PERFECT SANDCASTLE ITS ALL HE WANTS RIGHT NOW. BAD LUCK SHALL NOT CURSE HIM HEREEEEEE‼️‼️‼️ (he was also probably collecting seashells before bc that seems like something he’d do)
Eclipse keeps interrupting Shadows alone time. Once even came back holding a seagull making all of its weird noises, clearly trying to get away with Clip claiming it BIT HIM. Knocked everything over. “LET GO OF THE DAMN BIRD.” “NOT UNTIL IVE HAD MY VENGEANCEEEEE” Probably was the reason one of Terios’ sandcastles was destroyed. Shadow keeps moving to different locations BUT NOTHING WORKS. Poor Shadow can’t catch a break 😭 Eclipse please go with Terios. Maybe Clip even tries to help out Ter a bit. Sure he’s not the best at it but he can help anyway if he really wants to!
(Bonus points if Terios finally gets the sandcastle result he wanted and is suddenly louder than his brothers have ever heard him XD He’s always so quiet and whispery, must be really excited about that.)
(Extra bonus points if Shadow can relax for longer than thirty minutes)
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youremyheaven · 27 days
What you said about punarvasu men is literally my dad💀
He’s a punarvasu moon (I thought he was an ardra moon bc he lacks self discipline with alcohol/spending/food but I think Jupiter suits him more), with revati venus sun and mercury conjunction all within one degree.
As for his ascendant, it can only be from purvaphalguni to anuradha. My main theories are actually those two naks themselves or just leo/scorpio rashi in general because I think he might have pp mars 1H or Jyestha ketu 1H. Also I think he might be UP asc.
He also is very similar in many ways to my brother, who is dhanishta moon, hasta sun, magha asc (my brother is an actual menace but based off his placements I doubt I need to elaborate much further as to why). Anyway lmk what you think👀
But yeah here are some things about my punarvasu dad:
-He does have himbo vibes sometimes and is quite confident in his femininity. For example, growing up he would wear pink sometimes and do sweet things for me, like give me food at school that he’d bought if he just happened to be in the area
-However do not be fooled guys, he is huge misogynist😬 he regularly makes degrading comments towards women who act a certain way (calling them “bimbos”/”barbie”), and whenever someone is driving badly on the road he automatically assumes they’re a woman.
-Literally so rude and disrespectful to everyone except his mother (passed for unknown reasons years ago) and this 90 yr old woman he knows😭 I imagine he’s not rude to his customers at work but that man always has something bad to say! He talks shit about people constantly.
-Has anyone else noticed that punarvasu moons have weird relationships with their mothers? They’re either obsessed or they hate them
- He’s a huge megalomaniac and needs to be in control of us at all times. He needs to have everything a certain way and gets very angry at you if you deviate from it. He often spoils my brother (who is still a child) with the intention of getting him to like him more than my mother. This includes buying him expensive gifts, and when my mother scolds my brother over his bad behaviour, he goes crying to my dad who proceeds to coddle him and act like she’s the bad guy.
My dad has encouraged my brother when he’s been physically abusive or degrading to my mother several times😬
He once told my brother at the airport “I don’t care if you don’t listen to your mother or any of your teachers at school, but you must listen to me. I’m the boss. Ok?” It sounded way more controlling irl but I’m just paraphrasing.
- He’s very into tarot, thelemism and astral projection and gets very preachy about it lol
- He is very disrespectful towards my mothers family (my mother is from an Eastern European 2nd world country) and degrades them for being stupid/unmarried/etc. He has this longstanding beef with my maternal grandma (UBP moon, mula sun, certified girlboss) for being eratic and controlling esp towards my mother growing up (he literally acts the exact same way)
- He is very erratic and gets angry very easily. He’s broken a several things in our house just from his temper tantrums
- Talking about erratic, he is so mean when he’s pissed off you. My brother got in trouble at school when he was ~10 yo once and my dad had a rant at him about how he’s going nowhere in life, he’s going to be a bum, he’s clumsy, etc. He once told me I was tearing the family apart bc I annoyed my brother at the dinner table💀 but we can’t criticise him for this bc it’s “his business”. It’s all just a huge power trip.
-After getting angry at you, he’ll do the whole I’m sorry🥺 act. GIRL GET OUT😂
-Very irresponsible, acts impulsively and expects everyone else to just work around his schedule
- He either has weaponised incompetence or has this one household chore that only he does bc he’s “better” at it than anyone else
Sorry about the trauma dump 🤪 but yeah Jupiter men slander!!! They’re always on this moral high horse until its them
im gonna make a separate post about Jupiter men (lots of slander included, sorry not sorry)
im sorry to hear about your brother's placements 💀🤐
BBG Revati Sun, Punarvasu Moon & either Purvaphalguni or Anuradha Rising??? 😭😭😭HOW DO U AND UR MOM COPEEEE
I'm sorry to hear about your experiences and highkey worried about your brother 😬
Mercurial men are sex addicts and often vvv misogynistic. We've already established how manipulative they can be so I won't repeat that but I wouldn't touch a Mercurial man (unless he was a Jyeshta billionaire 🤪🤭lmfao jk) Jupiter men have always been so unattractive to me, I hate their energy 🤮🤢🤮 even with all the sweet natured kind whatever behaviour, I'm always sus about them. My friend's abusive ex was a Punarvasu Moon and oh lordy lord??? she told him she needed a break from him and he went to her house with their horoscopes matched (kundli Milan tingz for my desis yk what's up) ???? and he asked her strict conservative parents who would never allow her to date, for her hand in marriage??? like that was some power move bc he knew going that route meant robbing her of any choice in the matter. Also fellas, if a girl dumps you NEVER go to her family to propose marriage to her wtf. This guy would often threaten to kill her if she left him as well btw 😬😬
Fortunately for my friend, her parents were like 🤨we need to consult with our family astrologer and their astro guy said that they were a terrible match for each other and that if they got married there is a high chance she would die???? (no shit sherlock) they turned him away but he was still persistent af so they performed some poojas/rituals to get rid of him 😶‍🌫️😌✨💀 and he's been gone since lolziez
Venusian men can be sexually predatory but they usually have low self esteem and based on what you said about his misogyny and thinking of himself as above others (also a result of Jupiter influence) I feel like he's more Saturnian? 🧐 (Anuradha over Purvaphalguni Rising that is)
There is another Vishaka Moon man ik who has very effeminate mannerisms. He's not "in touch with his feminine side" or whatever, he's just a regular Indian man (derogatory) but his body language and mannerisms be giving twink vibes (he's 6'1 atleast with a bulky build and the contrast between the two is amazing to watch) I'm not queershaming or being homophobic 😭😭😭 but many Indian men can be vvv feminine ish and it lowkey creeps me out 😐 sorry but they'll simultaneously hate women, not be woke or liberal in the slightest and act like every straight asshole but with a fruity ✨twist 💀
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 thank u bud i’m procrastinating packing and this was fun
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
129,484 which is a fake number to me
3. what fandoms do you write for?
nothing has made me as insane in my life as network television procedural drama 911 on abc, so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you can start a family who will always show you love
let the world have its way with you
my hearts over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
like a dog with a bird at your door
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try very hard to because they make me so happy and it’s unbelievably kind of people to take the time to leave them!!! However i sometimes leave it too long and then worry it’s weird to reply after like. a month. which as a fic reader i wouldn’t give a shit about so idk what my problem is!!!! i will reply i will just maybe take a hot sec to do it
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t have any i’m a happily ever after or bust kinda guy in my own head if nowhere else…… angstiest is probably the sound of love astounds me if only because it ends post-feelings realisation but still pre-relationship
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they’re all so happy omg. i will say with great personal bias it’s my heart’s over-pumping but also i have. a sequel in the works….
8. do you get hate on fics?
no people have been very very very lovely but also sjjsjsjs i’ve not been here super long. the funniest comment i’ve gotten was on my first fic where someone was like i liked this but it is jarringly inaccurate as mcdonald’s in california doesn’t have a veggie burger option 😭 i cried laughing im so sorry to u americans. pls petition your local mcdonald’s to stock the mcplant it slaps
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
have written two e-rated fics….. it’s very fun but i don’t think i’m very good so i’d like to practice actually (maybe some sexy prompts after i finish the bed-sharing ones?) just the regular kind for now like i love buck and eddie desperately and am myself into a million things but i don’t know how kinky they would actually get in my own head. so just a little gross with it for now i guess
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be SICK. @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove is podficcing bucket list fic which is so very cool of her!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no omg i don’t know how y’all do it i’m bad at group projects but also this sounds soooooo fun. if also deeply stressful
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
if that’s synonymous with most likely to get you institutionalised, uh. gestures around us. otherwise mulder/scully and i am just now right as i’m typing this realising i’ve never ever in my life actually read x files fic what the fuck. also steve/bucky but i haven’t read fic since 2017 probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen i have not written a word for x files au past that one snip i shared forever ago. i want to soooo bad i’ve talked about it to some of you very rabidly but. it does not want to be written and if it did it would have to be so fucking long which is very daunting to me. not saying i’ve put her in the ground yet but. we might need some necromancing
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m pretty good at writing in character? mostly? sometimes i struggle with buck just because i think we’re very similar and i project a little and then have to go back and fix it lmao but for the most part i think i’m good at that! and i have a lot of fun writing dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot!!!!!! and pacing!!!!!!!!!!! also my inability to write non-linearly omg if i get stuck i just get Stuck i can’t jump ahead
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oooh i love it and would love to include more than the teeniest bits i have but i’m so conscious about it sounding natural and not stiff to people whose language it actually is (shout out and a million kisses to @eddiebabygirldiaz for fixing the spanish in i love you like a dog!!!!!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
911 babey!
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance !!! not just because it was the first fic i posted after joining tumblr fandom but. idk it is so so so special to me like it makes me so happy and when i think about it i’m like. hey u wrote that. good for u my dude. and also maybe i just associate it with meeting a bunch of you whjsjssjsj
tagging @callaplums @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @onward--upward @anxieteandbiscuits @devirnis @athenagranted if anyone wants to do this i’m nosy soz if you already have !!!!
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ambrosialdesire · 2 months
So idk if u answered this in like another ask but would the s4 plotline still continue w/ cacoëthes reiner?
yup! i think i did answer some similar questions about it a few months ago lol
if you need help finding the answers, every cacoëthes series related ask is under the tag #cacoëthes ask in the blog 😁
but in short, reiner does go off into the same plotline (he’s just a little less self-deprecating since he has a family to live for now) and does get released from the titan holder curse. i think i did also say that reader was with his mom at the time of the rumbling (still pregnant) so yk how they turn into titans for like a bit? she turns into one BUT DW THE BABY IS NOT AFFECTED OR HARMED DURING THIS PROCESS 😭‼️ and bc he now is able to live longer, both him and reader are still together and they’re working it out (not really, reiner’s still pretty controlling but becomes more lenient for reader since his paradisian friends are back and he knows how much reader missed them, and he’s still feels sorta guilty about the whole circumstance). she knows that he doesn’t like her talking to others for too long (and bc he molded her to be that way after the escape attempt/pt 3 of the series) so unfortunately she kinda hesitates bonding with her old friends bc it’s crazy awkward to talk about her time and relationship with reiner, and it’s been forever since she’s seen them.
reiner and reader after the rumbling become more like an old couple that bickers towards one another but they still love each other; kinda like when reader was at the braun family home to celebrate in pt 2 if y’all remember that, but it’s genuine, no more pretending.
the scout squad think its a pretty weird to see her and him being in a relationship (esp cause reiner literally kidnapped her) but they don’t really question it too hard, cause quite literally everyone there is traumatized and trying to do their own thing to heal. plus everyone there has done their own war crimes, so reiner kidnapping and having a family? unfortunately pretty tame compared to murder tbh 😭😭
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zaddyazula · 7 months
gimme yakuza propaganda so i can see if i wanna peep it
well there are currently 9/11 main line games (i shall explain) and all of them are available on modern consoles (a lot of them came out on ps3 or ps4 originally).
there are two remakes, one for yakuza 1 (a ps2 game) and one for yakuza 2 (another ps2 game), called yakuza kiwami and yakuza kiwami 2. they are actually pretty good remakes from what i’ve seen, but i haven’t played the original two. this is why i said 9/11 main line games.
the total order goes (chronologically):
yakuza 0
yakuza (kiwami) 1
yakuza (kiwami) 2
yakuza 3
yakuza 4
yakuza 5
yakuza 6
yakuza 7/like a dragon
yakuza lad gaiden (the one that just came out)
they are all classic fighting games until 7, which is turn-based, i am still raging about that. gaiden isn’t though. also as you asked me about a while ago now, the guy with the spiky hair is the protagonist of 7 and he will be for 8, which is coming out january next year.
the main protagonist (table slam guy) is the or one of the protagonists in every other game (0 has two, 4 has 4, and 5 has 5).
women are written decently well, a lot, lot better than mgs, though there is about two main characters who are women per game 😭😭😭😭😭😭 not one of its strongest points but they all have clothes on!! the bare minimum we love to see it. (i will just say there is actually a fat woman who is a main-ish side character in 4, who is done pretty well!!! so hurrah!!!!)
characters are extremely well written and the writing is good for the most part, there are a couple of moments in earlier games (more 3,4 and 5) where you’re sort of shocked by how ridiculous it is, but it works decently well. i prefer the first couple of games, and then the 6+. there are a few spin-offs available in the west, being dead souls (zombie game), which is ps3 only, and lad:ishin, which is set in the 1860s (and a couple more others but i can’t think). the table slam man (kiryu) has actually started to remind me a lot of snake, and the series’ stories are actually quite similar.
talking about kiryu, he respects women!!! to the point where he refuses to ever hurt a woman, and has on many occasions beat someone up for hurting a woman. not to say he doesn’t have weird-ish female relationships, but they’re overall quite sweet and last for the game, and are then never touched upon again. they’re nowhere near a meryl-snake level catastrophe.
the games themselves aren’t too long for the most part, the longest i found being 5 (30 hours) and 7 (39 hours), but that’s including all the time fucking around doing karaoke or other things. 0 took me about 28 hours; kiwami 1 took about 22 hours (i think); kiwami 2 took me about 26 hours; 3 took 16 hours; 4 took 23 hours; 6 took 21 hours, and gaiden took 11 (it’s a lot shorter).
going back to karaoke - the amount of optional shit you can do is crazy. substories are probably the biggest thing with this, some of them being decently long and others being pretty short. they are usually quite fun and can give you a break from the story (which can at times be miserable). karaoke is probably my favourite mini-game in the series. you basically just press buttons with the right timing and it is ridiculously fun and silly. other mini-games are available, such as pool, bowling (in the earlier games), fishing, claw-machines, arcade games, DISCO (in 0 but it’s class), darts and probably some others but i can’t remember. the story can get a bit depressing, but it’s balanced out by the silliness the games also have, and surprisingly it works? in mgs, it sort of half works, you’ve got a monkey who smokes cigarettes and drinks coke and then the world is falling apart. war had changed. snake is old and dying and he cannot escape the world yet. and then johnny shits himself. comedy 👍 but with yakuza, the two different sides work together really well, especially in 0, and it ends up making sense eventually.
i think that’s it you have been yakuzer-propagandad!!!!
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