jackmichaela · 2 days
Yeah so. This is a queer friendly and kink friendly space.
If you couldn’t tell by now.
And this - if I’m not mistaken and I don’t think I am - is the moment Tommy makes Buck beam so
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Take your purity bullshit elsewhere.
Edit: I was remiss in only calling this purity bullshit. It’s also homophobic bullshit.
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rosenkrone · 13 hours
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You're like... Just what I like.
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artzyleen · 10 hours
..."she spoke...she called my name"
my TikTok
Once again tagging these amazing accounts for inspiring me to stay creative ✨💕
@rosemilo @squishyghostie @crimsonmoonlight88 @kidasthings @xplore-the-unknwn
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princesssarisa · 2 days
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puppetmaker40 · 2 days
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This is what David McCallum had to deal with while playing Illya. This is also what the Beatles had to deal with. Running a gauntlet while people torn his clothes and pulled his hair for a memento. He also had notes and gifts shoved into his pockets and trousers. He would hand his wallet, money clip, keys, and whatever else he had in his pockets to his handlers. He braved this for his fans and the company that hired him. No wonder he was called the blond Beatle.
I have seen this behavior in person. I have been one of the people protecting my friends from the mob. I have had to get them another shirt or a couple of bandaids.
This is why some people of note separate their professional life from their personal life.
My husband has done this. Not that he is being mobbed but for the safety of the family. Both from overzealous fans and people who do not like him for whatever reason.
My wish is that everyone learns that these people are as human as they are. They have good days and bad days.
This is even harder on introverts of which Mr. McCallum was one.
Please share this so maybe we can get the word out to people to looked at their behavior and how they treat those they say they love.
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mistmarauder · 3 days
Five AUs Every Fandom Should Have:
Indiana Jones/Archaeologist AU
Coffee Shop AU
Flower Shop/Tattoo Parlor AU
Groundhog Day/Time Travel AU
Spy AU
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AO3 is wild because it’s the only place where you’ll see an author’s note that reads, “sorry, guys 🥺 English isn’t my first language” and the fic they wrote is a 100k-word-long of the most professionally written slow burn enemies-to-lovers with intense angst, heartbreaking tragedy, heartwarming humor, incredibly drama, shocking plot twists and the most beautiful dynamics with depth and complexity between the characters that made you laugh, cry, blush, kick your feet, hold your breath, dig your nails into the pillow, cry some more and smile to yourself like an idiot, and you’ll think about how insane it is that the author wrote the whole thing in their free time. for free. out of pure love and passion they have for these characters. and how it’s not only better than canon — how the author doesn’t just understand the characters better than what they’re given in the piece of media they’re originally from — but also better than some of the best selling novels you’ve read. just wild.
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vanillach0c0late · 1 day
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sgiandubh · 3 days
It's all in the details
Pap walk and a totally last minute (panic?) setup. I am writing this with confidence.
Have a look at the photo credits, as per People magazine, that saw it chez the ever serviceable JJ and pounced on it (you know conversations mildly happened, even if no rep confirmed anything, btw):
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As pointed out in one of the comments threads, we know who the people at Backgrid are:
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It is not difficult to find out who that particular contributor is:
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This particular photo, mind you:
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Who is @wj_images?
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'Street portraits and event photography'. Particularly interested in the Soho neighborhood of London.
Follows Russell Tovey (and a bajillion other celebs, but not S) and the @allisjoycafe account (mutuals). Bingo!
Let's connect some dots, shall we?
Pics were taken in front of the Soho antenna of the Burger & Lobster restaurant chain, 36-38 Dean Street:
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Across the street from the Dean Street Townhouse, actually. See for yourself:
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All is Joy Cafe is part of All is Joy Studios, in Soho. Workspaces and events hub. 75 Dean Street, Soho:
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They even have a TikTok account, ROFLMAO:
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Distance between All is Joy Studios and Cafe and the Burger and Lobster Restaurant is 157 feet. Roughly 48 meters:
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The circuit is like follows:
SRH -> Russell Tovey -> All is Joy Studios and Cafe -> wj_images paparazzo -> Backgrid ->Just Jared -> People magazine
As for Jennifer A's involvement, I would be very reserved, this time. Remember (LOL) his representatives (her, of course) have not confirmed anything to People magazine. It was SRH's idea and jingle all the way.
LOL. Did someone say 'organic'? Jeez, Louise, puh-leez.
I rest my case. And this time, it took me one hour, not 15 minutes.
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alusniper · 2 days
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• K I S S •
💛Idea by @/icxywater (Instagram)
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oldinterneticons · 22 hours
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I have more fictional boyfriends than you do. BEAT THAT
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A moment that had me seeing RED.
The part in ACOSF where Elain accuses Nesta of only caring about her trauma affected her instead of considering how it affects Elain really gets under my skin. 
Throughout ACOWAR, Nesta was practically bending over backward to make sure Elain was alright. She was there for her sister, pushing aside her own turmoil, neglecting her own mental and physical well-being just so Elain could heal. Nesta went as far as facing the High Lords, engaging in scrying, all while silently battling her own demons. 
But the moment Nesta dares to confront her own pain in a way that's not glorified or picturesque—no, she's drinking and fucking by herself, emphasis on BY HERSELF (not hurting anyone)—suddenly she's the villain? Let's not forget they barely even acknowledged her existence for two whole months before locking her up in the House of Wind. And where was Elain in all of this? Nowhere to be found. Nesta, who has always been there for her sister, got nothing in return, not even a conversation. Instead, Elain packed her bags behind Nesta's back, and then has the nerve to claim she only cares about herself? Seriously? 
And let's clarify something else while we're at it—Nesta wasn't locked up because she was some sort of alcoholic. There's no evidence in the text to suggest she was dependent on alcohol or experienced withdrawal. She left the House of Wind maybe twice because she wanted a drink. Just because a relationship is unhealthy doesn't automatically mean it's an addiction.
Before you jump down my throat, I genuinely do like Elain, I have no problems with her (aside from this moment), and am excited to see what she has coming for us.
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lord oh lord here we go again
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myfandomrealitea · 1 day
"Sexism in video games isn't a thing anymore!"
My brother in christ Kuro Games removed a male character's pant zipper because male players complained that their female players were having fun sexualising it and making jokes but refused to change the jiggle physics on a female character's tits which literally flop around and wobble when she's standing still breathing despite multiple complaints from female gamers.
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theimpalatales · 2 days
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Charlie on playing DD || Charlie Cox panels
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cy-kittycatworld · 1 day
Twitter request
"N in a fancy suit"
I made him a lil shy tho cuz yes
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