#dutch langblr
onigiri-studies · 24 days
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❀ 𝟡𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟜 ❀
Some pics of my notes from today, the other two photos were made a while ago. I barely did anything today, hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day. Wishing y'all a blessed evening! 🫶🏻✨
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blushingchaos · 7 months
i am learning french with the green bird app, and watching shows in french, please give me tips? and better ways of learning? thank u!
also what other languages would you recommend to learn?
i want to also learn dutch, and more!
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europeanlanguages · 2 years
Resource List for Learning Dutch
Hi Language Enthusiasts,
Do you want to learn Dutch but don't know where to start? Then I've got the perfect resource list for you and you can find its links below. Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve it. I hope everyone can enjoy it and if anyone notices any mistakes or has any questions you are free to PM me.
Here is what the resource list contains;
Handmade resources on certain grammar concepts for easy understanding.
Resources on learning pronunciation.
Websites to practice reading.
Documents to enhance your vocabulary.
Notes on Colloquial Language.
Music playlists
List of podcasts/audiobooks And a compiled + organized list of websites you can use to get hold of grammar!
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ahojojoj · 1 year
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Hoioioi, dit is hoe ik nederlands heb geleerd. Ik hou van de nederlandse taal.
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brood-en-talen · 9 months
Today’s random Dutch vocab (2)
bedekken — to cover
blootgeven — to reveal
beheersen — to own, govern, master
(de) opeenstapeling — pile, amassment
(het) verraad — treachery
(het) onheil — disaster, trouble
dateren uit — to date back to
de eerste sporen treffen — to lay foundations, to begin, to take the first steps
in een notedop — in a nutshell
van een voorschot groot — tiny
Wist iemand veel dat… ? — Little did somebody know that…
in de waan verkeren dat… — to labour under the delusion that…
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riverotterzlangblr · 9 months
Masons Intro, Bienvenu! Welkom! いらっしゃい!
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+ 17 | he/they | native English speaker
+ have been learning French on and off for 2 years and want to get better at pronunciation and grammar. my goals in French is too be more conversational and increase my fluency level this year. <A2>
+ complete beginner at Dutch, I like the way it sounds and I have hopes to move and study to The Netherlands in 2025.
+ I love the sounds in the Japanese and the history of Japan. want to get back into learning again stopped last September due to school.
If you are a Dutch/French/Japanese language learner please reach out I'd love to learn together an keep each other accountable. 🤗
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studywithvictory · 4 months
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15 Feb 2024
I know some of you were waiting on an update about the person I started learning Dutch for...
Bad news: It didn't work out
Good news: It ended peacefully, I think? 🫡 I'm not known for leaving well.
I bought these tulips as buds with them in mind last week, not knowing what color they'd be... and they turned out to be pure white, which in flower language symbolizes a fresh start and also condolences, ironic right?
Either way, I've gotten really good at Dutch, I think. It just fits better into my brain. Makes me feel a little bad that I struggle so hard with my parents' language.
So what now?
I keep going with it, I guess.
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kleineaardappel · 1 year
Top Ten Favorite Foods Vocabulary List in Dutch
This was my boyfriend’s suggestion!!
1. Chocolade - Chocolate 2. Eiwitrepen - Protein Bars 3. Pasta - pasta 4. Framboos - raspberry 5. Brood - bread 6. Cake - cake 7. Worteltjes - carrots 8. Kaas - cheese 9. Broccoli - broccoli 10. Spinazie - spinach
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onigiri-studies · 16 days
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❀ 𝟙𝟟𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟜 ❀
What I did today:
Vocab practice
Made notes of the last sections of the chapter "pronunciation"
Read some articles on "der Spiegel"
Listened to the German news on "Die Nachrichten" by Deutschlandfunk on Spotify
The picture of the sky was made last year and the photo of the lake two years ago when I went on a trip with my family. I really love taking pictures of the sky and lakes, my phone is full with photos like these. 😆😅 Wishing y'all a blessed night! 🫶🏻✨
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alteregoauthentica · 2 years
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little-drunkhipsta · 1 year
Dutch words from my classes #1
roesten - to rust
de uitlaat - exhaust pipe
stromend water - running water
beledigend compliment - backhanded compliment
zondigen - to sin
het gerucht - rumour
zagen - to saw
verfijnd - exquisite
ontroerend - touching
de ordner - binder
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luna-languages · 1 year
Langblr intro
Hi! I'm Luna. I'm currently learning French and Dutch. I mostly use comprehensible input to practice. If you're studying any of these languages or are a langblr account, interact so I can follow you :)
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ahojojoj · 1 year
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brood-en-talen · 9 months
Today’s random Dutch vocab (4)
gangbaar — common
mettertijd — over time
toegeven (dat, separabel) — to admit (that):
Hij zich in bochten wringt om niet toe te hoeven geven dat hij er niet uitkomt
roet in het eten gooien — to ruin, to spoil, to throw a spanner in the works
in opmars zijn — to be on the rise
(de) benadering (van) — approach (to)
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Hallo allemaal!
Welkom op mijn blogpagina voor Nederlands leren~ ☆彡
…I don’t know much Dutch after that. At least, not enough vocabulary + grammar concepts to structure more of a ‘proper’ introduction.
So, why did I start this?
The simple answer is that I did this to give myself an excuse to get back into Dutch lessons.
Perhaps it would help me for retention by translating in context/analyzing sentence structure/doing some other stuff? Seeing the same repetitions over & over again, broken apart.
The less simpler answer: I have executive dysfunctional problems. Meaning that I struggle to start, maintain, and finish tasks (highly suspect it may be undiagnosed ADHD). Because of this, I previously struggled to stay focused on language-learning endeavors. Without maintaining consistency of practice, all the basics studied were forgotten very soon. I found myself relearning previous things when jumping back in so many time. Therefore being a very spontaneous and inconsistent learner — so in a way, let’s hope this will be more consistent.
How will things be organized?
It’ll be by tags that will hopefully help out both you and me, had we needed to sift through a particular type of practice. Off the top of my head, these are the main categories I plan to emphasize:
Vocabulary / Word lists
Listening comprehension (IDK how often this will be bc I’ll have to link to YouTube videos and sometimes writing out the audio is a pain; other times not possible at my level)
There will be more but the above is basically the focus. Especially translation, since it’s my target priority to understand to flow of writing (it helps to process both the grammar, especially the challenging word order).
The goal now:
I want to reach A1-A2 level. My sights are short. But I’d honestly love to get through the A levels just to figure out more intermediate concepts.
So woo boy. Let’s grind for the bare basics stuff. Hopefully if you are learning Dutch + struggling too, this will help with motivation or you’ll find something useful from a fellow-learner. We can do it if we try hard enough!!! ٩(•̤̀ᵕ•̤́๑)ᵒᵏᵎᵎᵎᵎ
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manasseh · 2 years
random favourite dutch i learned part two
✧ tjappen
slang for to steal- but less serious than actually stealing? Like take someone's fries or dibs a chair
✧ "hete vrouw zwangere koffie"
Said when trying to get through a thick crowd. Usually it would be the other way around (pregnant woman/hot coffee) but some people say this, "Hot woman pregnant coffee!!" to get people to notice and step aside
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