#damn she even managed to make sera look cute
savaralyn2 · 4 months
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A little peek at Ryoko Kui's illustrations for the upcoming Weekly Famitsu magazine
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motherednature · 2 years
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- extremely generous! she will give lots of gifts, ranging from very valuable luxuries to just little things she finds throughout her day that she finds interesting. this is verse-dependent in terms of aesthetic (modern, fantasy, etc.), but the latter tends to skew the mad scientist route, but in an endearing way. this is left over from being a scavenger in her childhood.
- extremely empathetic. it’s already assumed in a romance with seraphina that she has spent a lot time with the other person, and since her Trauma(tm) has given her a sense of hyper-vigilance about anything and everything, if her partner is feeling even a little sad, she will know. she catalogs body language, speech patterns, eating habits, and a whole host of other things to compile this data set. and she will do everything to help make them feel better.
- extremely protective. seraphina has no problem killing people for no reason. do you think she will give any more of a damn killing people for the reason of protecting her partner? in fact, depending on her mood, it might be that she can’t help herself from making it messy. ( bonus pro: wife covered in blood of enemies )
- weirdly funny? it’s hard to say if seraphina realizes this herself, but over time, she will leverage her...strange and stiff manner into a kind of deadpan humor? just like saying the most insane things with a straight face and flat tone.
- world’s best mom. this maybe goes without saying, but she is extremely maternal and will treat children with the utmost kindness. it’s probably her best quality and makes her the best version of herself.
- playful! if you manage to get her into a place where she feels safe, her True Personality will start to shine, which is one that likes to play games and be, dare i say it, a little childish! it takes a lot of digging to get there, but trust me when i say that it’s fucking cute and worth it.
- VERY HOT. top tier ‘extremely large and rich scientist milf whose heels can cut diamonds’ way. she even manages to make looking like shit hot, which is to say, standard out of the box sera who does not eat or sleep, is rail thin, and has dark bags under her eyes, is...weirdly attractive. 
- extremely jealous. look, we all know seraphina is insecure. she doesn’t think so highly of herself once she gets down to it, so if she even gets so much of a vibe that her partner is flirting with another person, she will not take it well. reactions range from the silent treatment to full humiliation of the other party she deems as the enemy in the situation. soothing this part of her is very difficult, but it can be done. even so, it will only ever be taken down to the level of making pissy “are you texting your other wife/girlfriend” type jokes.
- self-isolates. sort of like the above, the silent treatment can progress into full-blown self-isolation, where she will purposefully avoid her partner. this isn’t always for punishment reasons, however. sometimes, if she is feeling extremely terrible, she will self-isolate to not be a burden on her partner. it’s very hard for her to understand the concept that this just alienates and hurts her partner further, and it will have to be unlearned over time.
- moody. seraphina is not what we call...emotionally stable. she has periods of extreme highs and extreme lows, and will sometimes be pissed off for absolutely no reason. this may or may not be taken out on their partner, and she will of course apologize afterwards, but it’s still...not at all pleasant.
- pessimistic / suspicious. her jerk reaction to certain kinds of risky situations, particularly social or familial kinds, is to say no. for example, meeting her partner’s family or friends is something is she extremely resistant to, simply because she doesn’t trust them. it doesn’t matter if they’re close. family members hurt each other all the time. why would this be any different.
- EXPENSIVE. i don’t know how else to explain, but she’s bougie as fuck. that isn’t to say that she isn’t thrilled with inexpensive gifts as well ( she just loves gifts in general, because wow! someone thought of her when she wasn’t there? enough to get her something? commence crying ) ... but like. she likes being spoiled, too. nothing is too cheesy. please give her gold and jewelry and silks like the terrible dragon she is.
- generally needy, even if she doesn’t realize it/admit to it. you hate to see it, but in terms of basic needs like eating and sleeping, she won’t do it. she needs someone to check up on her that way, because she’s the world’s most beautiful tamagotchi.
- blanket stealer. this bitch is so thin, she’s a walking popsicle. she will steal the blankets every time, and whatever blankets you buy to remedy the situation, she will steal.
- heat sink. see above. she will steal all of your body heat and do it with a smile on her face.
- food stealer. you know that one menu that had the “my girlfriend isn’t hungry option?” :/
- bad cook. out of the box sera cannot cook worth a good god damn. she gets too in her head about the chemical reactions of the ingredients, and since she herself doesn’t exactly eat too much, she doesn’t know what pairs well? that being said, she CAN learn! but not in a gourmet chef kind of way -- in a ‘i know my partner likes their food a certain way so i will recreate this’ way. so maybe this is actually a pro?
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superdillin · 3 years
It's Better if You Do - Stripper AU Dorian X Lavelan
How did Seren let the two of them talk him into this in the first place, anyway?  A strip club wouldn’t fix his problems or help him get over Fin.  Still, they managed to persuade him and it would seem they were having more fun than you’d expect, considering they weren't remotely interested in men at all.  Still, here they were, Sera and Dagna taking ‘body shots’ and shoving their last remaining dollars down this nice fella’s hotpants.
And Seren tried to make himself as small and invisible as possible.  Sure, these guys were nice to look at, but he was lonely and heartbroken, not horny, looking to scratch an itch.  Staring at some straight boys gyrate in their underwear for a crowd of drunk women wasn’t going to fill the kind of need he had.
The dancers could mostly tell, it seemed, that Seren was uninterested.  No one came to his table beside the bartender, refilling his pint glass.  The stage did intrigue him, however.  There was a brass pole in the center that most of the men dancing seemed to use as a prop to grind against.  He’d wondered all night if any of them ever used it the way he’d seem women dancers do, or gymnasts.
I’m sure this is exactly what Sera and Dagna wanted me to be thinking about tonight, he mused to himself.
Sera brought over a pair of shots and placed one in his hand.  “You could at least try to have fun, y’know,” she said after they emptied their glasses.  “I don’t know what you see in men, but some of them are pretty, right?”
“I am having fun,” Sarcasm dripped from his lips.  “In fact, I feel better already.  Fin who?  Can we go now?”
“Fine,” She groaned.  “One more drink, though.  Then we’ll leave.”
Seren conceded with a roll of his eyes as she hopped back over to the dwarf at the bar.  His eyes froze there when they caught the stage.  A young man had walked out who was beyond striking.  Not much older than Seren by estimation, he had brown skin with natural highlights that seemed to glitter softly under the warm lighting, silver-grey eyes Seren swore sparkled, and tone muscles simply everywhere.  He wore red satin boxers that…clung in places, and two more red scarves tied around him just above his hip bones.
No one was nearby to tell Seren that his mouth was agape like a fool, and when the man began to dance, the poor boy forgot to breathe.  The dancer gripped the pole with only one hand and still, his feet hovered just above the stage as he spun, the light dancing across his skin as he moved.
He was strong without question, but there was more than that.  His movements were fluid and graceful, his body moving at a glacial pace from pose to pose both on the pole and off.
Seren tried to pull his eyes away when his friends returned, but it was too late, Dagna caught him staring.
“Finally,” she yelped.  “Someone shiny caught his eye!”
“I’ll drink to that,” Sera lifted her shot glass and, slightly hot with embarrassment, Seren touched glasses and drank his shot down.  With her lime chaser still in her mouth, Sera spoke over the music, “Change of plans, Lavellan.  We’re not going anywhere until we get you one dance with Sparkle Boy over there.”
Seren rolled his eyes with obligation but made no attempt to argue.
Once the dancer left the stage, he began walking the floor, smiling and making eyes at the gawking women and happily taking their contributions.  Seren took a deep breath, thinking he would just give a spectacular tip, tell him he’s a phenomenal dancer, and drag his stupid friends right out of here.
Sera just couldn’t let it be.
“Sparkle boy!” She yelled, waving too enthusiastically.  “Come over here!”  It looked like he was smiling, maybe laughing, as he obliged and came to their table, taking a seat next to Sera.  Seren tried not to stare.  Seren failed.
“Charmed to meet you gorgeous ladies,” his voice was deep velvet with an accent immediately identifiable as Tevene.  The noise in the club was enough to hide the hitch in Seren’s breath.  “If you enjoyed the show, could I interest you in something a little more...private?”
Dagna giggled loud and nervous, “Oh, oh my, Maker, no.  No thank you.  I mean, you’re cute and all, it’s just that --”
“We like girls,” her girlfriend cut her off with just a hint of a slur.  “Specifically each other.  But our friend here…”
Seren’s heart palpitated as the dancer turned his gaze on him.
“It’s his first time and he just got his heart broken by some twit,” she continued.  “He needs some dick in the face, or whatever it is you lot do, to get him to snap out of it.”
The man laughed, which relieved Seren a little bit.  He adored her, but some people were put off by his best friend’s audacious nature.
“Well now,” he pried.  “What a treat.”
“Really,” Seren objected. “It’s okay, I’m...I’m not sure this is something I...Look, you’re an amazing dancer and --” Seren dug into his pocket to tip as he intended, but it was gone.  A moment of panic set in until Sera held it up between her fingers.
“Uh-uh, rich boy,” She teased.  “This is happening.  How much?”
The dancer leaned in, putting a soft hand on Seren’s and holding his gaze.  “The poor man is so nervous,” he said.  “I think he’ll need time, and champagne.  That’s two hundred.”  His fingers danced on the skin of Seren’s palm.  “Worth every penny, you’ll see.”
Seren tried to protest, but the act was pointless.  To be alone with this man, drinking champagne?  Even if it were just a job to him...it sounded too decadent to pass up.  And, before he could pretend to object, he was being led by the hand away from the crowd.
In the back, the music was muffled by the walls, quiet enough that Seren worried he could hear his nervous breathing.  The room was comfortable.  Seren took a seat on the soft couch and more warm, red lights accentuated the flow of the dancer’s skin.  A bucket of ice sat upon a small round table, full of champagne and two glasses.
“What do I…” Seren caught himself stuttering and cleared his throat to start over.  “I never caught your stage name.”
The dancer poured their glasses before joining him on the couch.  He sat so close that Seren felt his warmth in the air around him.  He handed over one of the full glasses and answered Seren’s query.
“Maleficar,” he smirked.  “That’s what you can call me.”
Seren took a generous sip from his glass, trying to shake his nerves. “Is that Tevene?”
Maleficar’s eyebrows rose a bit, “Good catch, an underappreciated language.  I’m sure you’d agree.”
“I’m afraid I don’t really know any,” he answered honestly.  “Growing up Elven we were discouraged from learning anything that, well, wasn’t Elven.”
Seren was rewarded with an honest laugh.  “Quite right.  Well, I hope you feel differently about such things.  There’s quite a lot of this world to know.”
Seren wanted to ask a million questions, he wanted to find out who this person was.   The way he spoke, he sounded worldly and smart, and Seren wondered if he was a scholar.  What might he be studying?  Has he travelled, seen the world?  What brought him here,  to Ferelden of all places?  Did he miss Tevinter?
But he knew that wasn’t fair to ask.  The poor guy’s just trying to work, don’t invade his personal life.  Just drink your damn champagne.
He did settle for one question, however.  “Can I ask what it means?  Maleficar?”
The dancer leaned in even closer, his mouth so very near the most sensitive part of Seren’s ear.  Just his breath against it made him forget all his manners, and when he spoke it made him weak.
“It means ‘depraved’,” He sunk his voice deeper on the word, driving Seren to madness.  He was fully aware of how painfully hard he was, and the man hadn’t so much as touched him.
“If you’re curious about Tevinter culture,” he continued against his ear, sending shivers through him.  “I’ve a dance that will really enlighten you.”
One thing was sure, he wasn’t thinking about Fin anymore.
Maleficar stood up and untied one of the red silk scarves from around his waist.  Finding the rhythm of the music coming softly through the walls, he began to move.  Just like his stage set, his movements were slow and deliberate, pausing briefly in the poses that showcased him well.
Moving to the space just between Seren’s feet on the floor, he threw the scarf as a loop behind the back of the elf’s neck, holding both ends and pulling toward him just enough to create tension between them.
For long minutes, Lavellan’s eyes traveled back and forth between those piercing grey eyes and the dip in the muscles just above his boxers.  His hips were swaying in time, mesmerizing, as his hands pulled just a bit more on the scarf.  With eyes trained downward on Seren, he slowly came forward to sit straddled across his lap.
From here, Seren could smell him, not the light scent of cinnamon and sugar he sprayed on, but the delicious must just below that, it smelled like earth with his bare chest only an inch from his own.  And when Meleficar lowered his hips to his, Seren realized just how little fabric was between them.  For a moment, the dancer sat still in his lap, wrapping the scarf from behind his neck, under his arms, and up so that when Maleficar caressed Seren’s face with his hands, Seren felt the sensation of silk across his skin.
The faintest “Wow” escaped Seren’s lips, all the shame of enjoying this completely evaporated.  The man heard, and smiled, moving his hips again, this time against the hardness beneath Seren’s pants.  It was simply that for a while, with no words spoken, only deep breaths.  The elf trained his hands to the couch, trying desperately not to work himself up too much, to not forget that this man is just doing his job.
Doing his job well, he thought.  So, so well.
At some point, Maleficar took his hands from Seren’s neck and reached down to grab his.  Slowly, he moved them up until they were resting on the bare skin of his hips.  Seren cast his eyes up to look at the handsome face only inches away from his own.
“I thought this wasn’t allowed?” He whispered.  “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”
The man leaned in, this time his cheek grazing Seren’s as he spoke in his ear.  “It’s dancer’s discretion.  And believe me.  After another long shift of pretending to be attracted to women, this is a welcome indulgence for me.”
Don’t panic, Lavellan, he thought.  Sure, the gorgeous man currently grinding my lap just told me he was gay and enjoying this, but he’s also the man I paid to be grinding my lap.  It's just a bit. Relax.
He tried to continue reasoning with himself but the dancer’s hips were rocking against him harder now, and his chest was fully pressed against him.  Both of them had heaving breaths and soon Lavellan couldn’t keep focused at all.  His hands traveled the skin of his sides and back, and Maleficar’s hands had dropped the scarf, touching his face and neck with only bare skin.
Very, very good at his job. The diminished voice of reason in his head tried to argue.  Solid work ethic.
The Tevene man’s face was now an inch from his, each warm breath landing on Seren’s lips, and they both were in rhythm against each other now.  Their speed and intensity kept increasing, and eventually, a soft and genuine moan slipped from Maleficar’s lips onto Seren’s, which Seren leaned forward to catch, pressing their lips tight against each other for a long quiet moment before sobriety washed over them.
Maleficar pulled back, never stopping his dance, but slowing.  “Unfortunately that really isn’t allowed.”
“Oh, Creators,” Seren said, trying to wriggle himself free from under him.  “I’m so sorry.  I’m so, so foolish and you are so terribly good at what you’re doing.  I’m sorry, please, excuse me.  I’ll get my wallet from my friend, you were magnificent before I went and ruined it.  I'm sorry, I'll come right back.”
He rushed out of the room to find Sera in the crowd. She was easy to spot, an elf and her Dwarven girlfriend making out against the wall. All Seren needed to do was walk up and whisk his own wallet out of her pocket, heading back to the private rooms.
When he got back, the dancer was standing, a robe wrapped around him. Seren hated himself for the thoughts that were still bubbling in his brain when he looked at him.
The look on Maleficar’s face was difficult to read. Sad, or angry, maybe a mix of both, one couldn't tell. Seren grabbed whatever cash was left in his wallet after the girls decimated it, and reached out to hand it over.
He was fully prepared to head right back out the way he came, but concern and curiosity got the better of him.
“Are you alright,” he asked, clarifying “you don't have to answer, I just really hope I didn't ruin your night.”
The man stepped forward, “Ruin my night?” he sounded genuinely full of surprise. “I made my goals for the evening and I got to do it drinking champagne with a handsome elf.”
Seren was quiet, his confusion plainly read on his face. In response, the man stepped even closer.
“I know,” he let out a knowing laugh. “You can't figure out what I'm saying is true and what is work. It's alright.” He slipped one arm around Seren’s very tense waist, and the other placed a small scrap of paper into his hand.  “Maybe you'd have an easier time trusting me somewhere else.”
With a quick pace, Maleficar slipped out of the room. By the time Seren followed, he wasn't in sight. Grabbing his friends, he insisted that now was definitely the time to go, and he waited until they were both passed out in the cab ride home to uncurl his fingers from around the paper.
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Hand that you hold
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Pairing: Kamilah x MC (Dakota Rivers)
Summary: Marriage is a beautiful union of two souls. When two people whose soul's sing for each other, it's then you know that that person is worth keeping around.
Word count: 3.4 K words
Warning: NONE. Its pretty much fluff and a bit of swearing
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @vampiregirlsblog (lemme know if you want to be tagged)
Song: Hand that you hold by Dan Owen
Forgive me for any mistakes 🥺
"I swear on my fangs Justin, if there is even a decoration out of place, it's your ass on the line." Dakota spoke into the phone with a cool voice. Lindsay was going around her like a mother hen, making the final alterations to her wedding dress.
Today was the day and things were already going berserk.
"Ummm I don't know what are you talking about...?" Justin Mercado spoke, with a tremble in his voice.
"Oh really? So whose employee was the one who flipped a fucking table in her blind rage, hmm? And I had asked you to leave the cobblestone path alone, but some dumbass on your team went ahead and put roses. ROSES?! That's so damn cliche and I specifically asked for non cliche and unique things. What had I asked for?"
"Non cliche and unique. We are already cleaning that up." Justin audibly gulped.
"When I had last come down, the fairy lights were not up and the podium where I am supposed to get married, does not have the flower arch up yet?! It's six in the fucking evening, the moment the sun sets people are going to start coming. The greenhouse doesn't have the floating lights yet. Just because we are supernaturals and have heightened senses doesn't mean we to drink and socialize in the dark!!"
"Yes ma'am we are almo-" Justin began but Dakota cut her off.
"When I asked for your services, I was promised the best. The only thing I am getting best is problems.... and an amazing wedding dress."
Lindsay blushed as she looked down at her feet. Dakota gave her a small encouraging smile.
"Ma'am that was a...a honest mistake. The decorations are all set, the tables have the pastel flower basket centre pieces. The food caterer reached and have started plating the appetizers. The bar is open and well stocked with blood and alcohol. We are good to go for your first guest."
"Good. I want this day to be perfect for my wife. For the love of the moon, if anything else goes wrong, I will skin your hide and make a carpet out if it. Got it?" Dakota threatened him. She hung up the phone and Lily snickered in the background.
"God Dakota you are such a bridezilla." Dakota just sighed, "I just...want it to be perfect. Agreed it's a small and intimate ceremony but still."
"It's gonna be lit af. The talk of the century. So don't worry. You just worry on sitting still and looking pretty." Lily said as she went into the adjacent bathroom to change.
Dakota sighed, for what seemed as the millionth time, as she turned towards the mirror to see herself. The person in the reflection had the same grey eyes and pale skin. But, she looked gorgeous. Almost like a different person.
She had decided to throw the traditional white wedding dress out of the window and went for something more unique, just like their love. She had opted for a baby blue wedding dress with layers of chiffon, making it look like ballroom gown. It was sleeveless but the neck of the gown extended till her midriff.
God Kami is going to lose her mind... Dakota thought, smiling slyly.
There were pastel colour flowers embroidered into the net like material which made her look like a blossoming flower. Just like after a long harsh winter, spring comes, causing the flowers to bloom, similarly, after three grueling years of fighting off the bad guys and loosing so many people, they finally have happiness and peace.
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And there is no other way she would like to commemorate this happy occasion.
Her blonde hair had been tied into a low bun, stubborn strands of hair escaping it. Lindsay helped her put on the blue stone 'ridiculous' tiara, which Kamilah had bought her after the harrowing fiasco.
Dakota smiled to herself as she wore it, reminiscing the day in the empty jewelry store. "I'm such a pretty, pretty princess, dammit." Dakota spoke, from her memory.
"Yes that you are, Ms. Rivers. I must say that you are one of the most prettiest brides I have ever seen. The henna tattoos on your hands are just making you look so unique...IN A GOOD WAY." Lindsay spoke, as she flushed.
Dakota looked down at the henna designs on her hand. She wanted to respect Kamilah's Egyptian heritage so they both got henna tattoos on their hands just two days before the marriage. As they got them done, they laughed and swapped stories.
It was such a pleasant experience.
"Thank you so much Lindsay, this wedding dress is just perfect. Wouldn't have been possible without your hard work." Dakota said earnestly as she squeezed her hands, as a sign of gratitude.
Lindsay flushed and dipped her head and walked out of the dressing room. Dakota sat down near the large mirror and checked her make up. She was just finishing up her touch ups when Lily stepped out of the bathroom in a black suit. She was wearing formal trousers and a blazer, which showed the valley of her breasts. She had paired this with a golden pendant, which went till her midriff. She finished of her look with a pair of black stilettos.
"Damn Lily, you looking hot." Dakota told her.
Lily smiled and she walked to the mirror and placed her hands on Dakota's shoulder. "You are looking so gorgeous.... I am so, so happy for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world."
Dakota reached and held her best friends hand, unable to say anything because of the intense emotions she was feeling.
"I just wish Jax was here..." Dakota said as tears pooled on the corner of her eyes.
Lily sighed. "I bet he has got first row seats to this function. Being the boomer he is, he would end up coming an hour earlier than the starting time!!"
Both of them laughed out loud, making the sad atmosphere, a little lighter.
"C'mon girl. Let's gets you on the podium so that you can watch your sexy wife walk down the aisle."
Justin had not screwed up.
Which was a huge relief.
Kamilah and Dakota had decided that they would have the ceremony in a private garden. Nothing to big. Dakota had made several mood boards about the way she wanted to decorate the garden and the adjacent greenhouse.
The greenhouse would be the place where food, drinks and the reception would be held.
The greenhouse was like a magical place of its own. It was a mix of glass and wood which complemented each other perfectly. Green vines hung from the roof, over the tables. The hanging lights amidst them made it look enchanted. The tables were covered with simple white tablecloths but the center pieces along with the tealight candles, really made the entire venue colorful.
The party favours had been placed on each chair. Kamilah decided to order baklava and give it out as party favours. Dakota hundred percent agreed because she may or may not have had a box or two of those sweet, sinful delights.
Everything looked perfect.
The guests were already present when she came down to the greenhouse. They were laughing, drinking and mingling. When she entered the place everyone stopped their conversation and turned to look at her. Even though she was one of the most powerful vampires of their time, the person who slayed Rheya, the goddess, she still felt so awkward when everyone's eyes were on her.
Dakota shyly waved before speaking, "Hey guys! Thank you so much for coming. The appetizers are being distributed and the bar is open. We will be starting the ceremony in half an hour."
Nikhil was the first one to come up to her. "Ah Miss Dakota! You look as ethereal as a fairy. I'm in awe."
"Thank you so much for your kind words Nikhil. I must thank you for helping in finding the venue."
"It was my utmost pleasure Miss. Go on, greet your other guests. If you need any help, I am at your beck and call."
Smiling Dakota headed to meet the other vamps. Serafine had donned a beautiful evening gown. Adrian was standing there with a drink in his hand, wearing a black tux. When she reached them, they stopped their conversation and turned to greet her.
"Hey Sera! Hey Senator Adrian." Dakota said with a teasing smile. Adrian groaned while Serafine let out an elegant laugh. "Oh my love, you look so gorgeous. Kamilah is indeed a lucky woman to have met you." Serafine said as she hugged Dakota, and kissed her cheeks.
"Thank you for coming. I know you were busy with the opening of your nightclub." Serafine just waved her hand. "Ah those things come and go. But seeing Kamilah settle down, never. Couldn't miss it for the life of it."
"Kamilah was saying that you managed most of the decorations. Must say that they look beautiful." Adrian complemented her. "Thank you Adrian. Can't say it was easy. I may or may not have threatened four people today." They laughed and Adrian checked the time in his watch.
"Gotta go and check on Kamilah. I hope she doesn't have a breakdown. It wasn't fun the last time." Adrian grumbled as he gave Dakota a side hug.
Dakota then headed to the New Orleans gang who were laughing loudly. "Hey Cal, Krom, Ivy."
"EEEEE!! Thank you for inviting me. I may be dead but all these cute ceremonies almost make me feel alive." Ivy said as she hugged Dakota.
Krom groaned. "Can you go one day without the death jokes?"
"Over my dead body." Ivy shot back.
Krom just threw his huge hands up with defeat. "I can't win. I give up."
"Congrats Dakota! Still can't thank you enough for helping me escape from the weirdo's place." Cal said as he shook her hands.
"Cal... We sang karaoke together. I think we are past the 'thank you stage'."
"Oh. My. God. Cal you did karaoke?!" The petite girl with ombre hair beside him squealed. Cal started cursing under his breath. "Yeah babe. It was before we met."
"Can you please send the video to me? Also how rude of me. I am Alex Reyez-Elrich." She extended her hand and Dakota shook it.
"Wait, are you the heir of lord Elrich? I have heard so much about you!! Shit, should I call you 'lady' or 'duchess'?"
Alex let out a laugh. "Don't worry Dakota. Lady is the title they use for my step mom. And, I could say the same about you!! I can feel the power in your veins. And I have read about how you revolutionized the entire vampire- human coexistence. I'm impressed."
"Thank you for coming. By the way, where is Garrus?"
"Behind the bar obvio. You can talk to him later. It's time." Ivy said as she took a sip of her whiskey on rocks.
It's time for my wedding. Dakota smiled at that thought.
"Kamilah if you continue pacing around the room I swear I will put your ass on the ground." Adrian groaned.
"You wouldn't stand a chance against me." Kamilah shot back.
Kamilah sighed as she sat down near the dressing table, staring at her reflection. She had decided to wear a suit instead of the usual gown. It was porcelain white, and it fit her perfectly. There were occasional patches of embroidery on the blazer which made it look so elegant. Her hair had been left open, looking glossy underneath the yellow tinted lights. Her lips were painted red and she had put minimal make up. She was wearing her brother's pendant. She reached to touch it, wishing that he was watching over her from heaven.
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Henna tattoos designed her hands and she smiled looking down at them. She would have been happy even if they got married in a courthouse, but she appreciated the gesture. Dakota was so incessant to follow the ritual and she just couldn't say no to that beautiful face.
Letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding, she wore the white stilettos and stood up.
"Last chance to escape. Tell me and I will be your getaway driver." Adrian teased.
"Shut up Raines. It's not helping."
Adrian laughed before he clasped her shoulder. "Kamilah you deserve a happy ending. Dakota is perfect for you and I can see how much she loves you. You don't have to doubt her or her love for you."
"I'm just so nervous.." Kamilah wiped her palms on her trouser pants.
"And that's totally normal. I remember when I married my wife, I was so scared that I jumbled up the vows!!" Adrian laughed.
"If this is your way of comforting me, please shut up at this instant." Kamilah said as she picked up her bouquet of wild flowers, tied with a blue ribbon.
He offered his arm to her and Kamilah grabbed it and walked out.
"Thank you brother...for everything."
Adrian smiled and squeezed her arm. "Let's go and get you a wife."
I'm getting married to the love of my life, my habibti. Kamilah thought as a beautiful smile stretched on her face.
"Fuck." Dakota breathed out as she saw the fairy lights darken again. "Goddammit! Justin get your ass right her-"
Dakota was cut off as Alex tapped her shoulder, in the dark.
"Dakota, if you don't mind... I can help with your light setting. I don't see it getting better anytime soon."
"Thank you so much Alex. I owe you a bottle of wine after this."
"Mention not." Alex whispered under her breath and rubbed her fingers together and snapped. A ball of yellow light started growing on her palm. It kept on growing until it was the size of a basket ball. Dakota was in awe.
Alex threw her hands up into the air and clapped, resulting in the giant glowing ball to rise in the air and split into its smaller counterparts. Alex waved her hands and the the small light balls spread all over the garden and gazebo, illuminating it in a soft yellow light.
"Yeah that should do it." Alex said as she winked at Dakota.
"Damn girl..." Lily breathed out before regaining her composure and clapping to get the attention of the guests.
"Hey people! Please sit your asses down, we have to get my girl married on time." People took their places and Dakota climbed up the steps of the gazebo.
The cobblestone path led to the gazebo. There were white chairs on either side of it which were slowly being filled by the guests. The gazebo had a teal blue roof which was supported by the white wooden pillars. There were intricate designs on the railing. The entrance of the gazebo had a beautiful flower arch, decorated with pink and white wildflowers.
Everything finally came together.
The Wedding March played and Dakota stood straighter, clutching her bouquet of flowers, to hide how her hands were trembling. She was so nervous. Her heart was racing and she could feel sweat on the back of her neck. She let out a breath, to dissipate her nervousness.
Her eyes landed on the aisle and when she saw Kamilah, all the breath in her body vanished.
Kamilah was walking with her head held high. She was clutching the bouquet and held Adrian's arm. She looked at the gazebo and she was in a trans.
It wasn't Adrian who was holding her, but the grey eyes that tethered her to this world. Reminding her that this was real. She felt like she was floating in a sea of euphoria, but the woman in front of her anchored her. Even if a nuclear missile were to fall out if the sky, or a unicorn was to show up here, she still wouldn't be able to take her eyes off Dakota.
Her love. Her baby. Her habibti.
It was the same thing for Dakota. Time seemed to slow down, people began to vanish until it was just Kamilah and her. Tears welled up in her eyes, by the sheer beauty of this moment. She knew, that this would be the one moment she would never ever forget till the end of time. How her Kami walked down the aisle to her.
Her soulmate. Her rock. Her Queen.
Adrian handed Kamilah to Dakota and patted her shoulder. "Take care of my sister Dakota. Congratulations." Dakota dipped her head. Kamilah reached the podium, and Dakota could see tears pooling in Kamilah's eyes. "Why are you crying?" Dakota joked through her tears.
"The same reason you are habibti." Kamilah answered, with a bright smile that illuminated the entire room. Dakota giggled and reached for Kamilah's hand. They held hands and turned towards the priest.
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here this evening to witness the beautiful union of these women in holy matrimony. Please sit down." The priest said and the guests sat down.
"If you have your vows written, please tell them."
Dakota turned towards Kamilah and started saying her vows. "Kamilah, before you my life was empty. I never really cared about love, but now, here I am, with you. I see these vows not as promises but as privileges: I get to laugh with you and cry with you, care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you, build with you, and live with you.
"I’ve seen your kindness and your strength. I’ve seen you patient and frayed. We have been through everything. Through thick and thin. And I know, what a great team we make. Together we are so strong and exquisite."
"You are my favorite person, and I choose you to be my partner in all of eternity. I vow to take you as my wife. Let's be awesome together, even when the world isn't so awesome at times. My heart is yours. Forevermore."
Kamilah took a deep breath, as tears of joy rolled down her face. Smiling, she began her vows. "Love...was something that I never understood. It was a question unanswered. Though I have been with different men and women, deep down I knew, that it was not love. I didn't fall in love with you. I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open, choosing to take every step along the way."
"I want nothing more than to share my future with you—my triumphs and my challenges, my joys and my sorrows. Together, I know we can accomplish the life we both dream of living. You are beautiful inside and out. You warm my heart and make me soar. You are my queen, and now my forever best friend."
"You are my first, my last, my everything. You are mine until the end of time, and I am yours for as long as you'll have me."
Dakota was crying. Her heart was bursting with overwhelming love for the Egyptian grace in front of her.
Lula, the ring bearer got the rings. Kamilah slipped the elegant diamond ring on to Dakota's ring finger. Dakota slipped a dainty platinum ring with diamonds on it into Kamilah's ring finger.
The priest continued. " If anyone objects this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace."
Dakota gave a hard glare to the guests, daring someone to say something. The power emanating from her veins was so strong, that Kamilah's eyes widened and the priest shivered. The guests looked as if they were going to suffocate.
Dakota rolled in the power, reducing the intensity so that the priest could speak without wetting his pants.
"Do you, Kamilah Sayeed take Dakota Rivers as your wife?"
"I do."
"Do you, Dakota Rivers take Kamilah Sayeed to be your wife?"
"I super do."
"With the power vested in me by the state of New York, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may seal this union with a kiss."
Kamilah bent down and kissed Dakota chastely. Dakota wrapped her hands around Kamilah's waist and hugged her. It felt as if fireworks were going off in her heart and the feeling of her wife, in her arms was such an amazing feeling.
My wife...never going to get old of that. Kamilah though as she kissed Dakota under the starry night, a promise that she was going to stand by her wife’s side forever and always.
I think my heart melted. UWU
lowkey sad that bloodbound ended but hey! we got to marry her :))
like, reblog and let me know how you liked the one shot :))
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myfantasyocs · 4 years
Surprise Kiss
Surprise kiss for the @14daysofdalovers event.  Also there is implied parental abuse.  Like there’s little details about said abuse but it is there.  Also people seemed interested before that one of my ocs had medical training so I made an au where she’s a doctor instead of inquistior
“Nichole, I have a favor to ask? But it needs to be between us. Okay?”
“Okay.” Nichole said hesitantly taking the wine from her twin.  She admits she’s a bit worried about what the favor was, with Evie being the Inquisitor, but she can at least hear her out, definitely after letting her stay in Skyhold to help her reclaim her life from their parents.
“I have a friend.” Evie started before pausing, scrunching her nose the same way Nichole does, when she tries to focus one something.  “ He has retired from the templars and has decided to quit lyrium. The lyrium withdrawal causes headaches.  He doesn’t want to waste Inquisition resources on his head aches, because he’s an ass.  I mentioned that you have medical training and that you when you aren’t accompanying me on the field that you have a lot of free time and that I trust you enough to not go around telling people his personal details.” 
“So, you just want me to give him stuff with his migraines and try to help alleviate any other symptoms he may have?”
“Hey don’t pretend that this will be easy. He is a stubborn ass and will pretend he’s fine as he is lying on the floor in absolute agony.” Evie warned.
“Is he aware of you asking me for help?  Or are you meddling with his life?”
“Yes to both,  I nagged him into getting help, until he agreed for the low cost of me leaving him alone.”
Nichole sighed, realizing how unwelcomed her presence is going to be.
Which is how she ended up standing in front of The Commander of the Inquisition’s door, summoning the courage to hand him migraine medicine.  He’s probably going to yell at her and get mad at her attempts of helping.  Her sister did strongarm him. And, Nichole shook her head trying to shake the train of thought out of her head.  Her sister told him she was coming.  He knew she was coming.   That’s just the worst case scenario, best case he is rich and throws  money at her.  Most likely she is just going to hand him the medicine and he will thank her. So, he is probably going to just thank her and they’ll be done.
She knocked on the door and entered the office when she heard a voice telling her to come in.   She dropped the medicine on his desk barely glancing at the blonde man sitting at the desk and started to ask the questions she prepared on the way there.
“Hello, I’m Nichole Trevelyan and I’m assuming your Commander Rutherford.” Nichole stated wincing at how stilted she sounded.  Damn she needs to stop being so nervous meeting new people.
“Please just call me Cullen.  I’m not the biggest fan of titles.”
“Okay, Cullen.  My sister explained that your withdrawals are giving you some minor headaches. I think the potion on your desk will help.  I made sure it’s lyrium free. I know most medicine’s don’t use lyrium, but sometimes they do.  So I checked it.” Nichole said in one breath, trying to get the words out as quickly as possible.
“Nichole. Calm down. I’m not going to hurt you.”  Cullen said gently grabbing her hand.
“Yeah. Of course. New people, combined with my sister trusting me.  I’m a bit nervous. I’ll get better, sorry.” 
“No need to apologize.  I understand, your sister is a very intimidating woman.”
Nichole placed her hand on her mouth trying to hide her smile. “ Be careful, you don’t want Evie to hear you say that, she already thinks you’re a stubborn ass.”
“Oh, I didn’t realize I got promoted from.  I thought I was just an ass.” Cullen grumbled.
Nichole felt bad snorting and started to apologize again.
“Don’t apologize for laughing at my awful joke, I won’t tell your sister.”
“I’m honestly surprised when she told me you were a templar and her friend.”
Cullen looked at her shocked. “I’m surprised she called me a friend.”
Nichole and Cullen ended up meeting at least every month and quickly these little check ups became the most enjoyable part of Skyhold for Nichole.  She didn’t even mind being left off missions with her sister anymore, where she would have no one but Cole to talk to and always end up feeling like a waste of space.  Now she spends time with Cullen, whenever she has the chance. 
And when he was busy she would spend time with one of her new friends who introduced themselves after she and Cullen became friends.  Her favorite was Dorian, who introduced himself by stating that he wanted to “meet the girl their dear commander was so interested in.” and he said with a smile that seemed to hide a joke, she didn’t understand.
Dorian was the only person who understood her complicated emotions about her parents. Evie only seemed to hate them and didn’t seem to understand the warm feelings Nichole still felt for them.  Dorian did though.  And it made her feel slightly less crazy.
She hasn’t been this happy since… ever.  She adored having these new friends. Especially Cullen.   She loved how strong he is and that he managed to survive what he did. She loved that he was trying to be a better person after Kirkwall.  She loved how annoyed he gets at Sera’s pranks.   She loved how much he tries to make her good at chess and how he sometimes lets her win, thinking she wouldn’t notice.  He also has such a cute smile and laugh.  He even promised that he wouldn’t let her parents touch her or Evie when she told him what her parents were like.  She even showed him her drawings. And she never shows anyone her art.  Not even Evie. Cullen is one of the most amazing people she met and she’s so glad he’s in her life.  Even if she wished that he didn’t have to deal with withdrawal symptoms to have them meet.
Nichole skipped to his office, carrying their lunch, that they always eat together since they realized that they both tend to forget to eat.  Best way to make sure the other didn’t starve they decided.  She loved these lunches, where she can see Cullen be Cullen and not a commander or her patient.
Cullen opened the door before she even had a chance to knock and Cullen looked pale and was shaking.
“Something wrong?”  Nichole asked concerned that his withdrawal were acting up again.
“No, nothing’s wrong.” Cullen said way too quickly for Nichole’s confort.  
She closed the door behind her as she entered the office, Cullen refusing to make eye contact with her. 
“Cullen, your acting like me.  What’s wrong?”
“ A nervous wreck. What’s wrong?”
“Oh, um, I just have a question.” Cullen stated , red coloring his pale, sickly complexion.
“Oh? Well I’m always happy to listen. So, calm down and tell me what’s wrong.  I won’t hurt you.”
Her words must have reached Cullen because the fear etched into his face was replaced with a determination, she only saw when he helped her sister track down Samson.  
He then pinned her to the door and placed his lips on hers.  He kissed her hard and fast, his hands seemingly trying to touch every inch of her.  He pulled away gasping and started to apologize, but Nichole just pulled him back towards, not wanting the kiss to end.  She wrapped her legs around him and allowed Cullen and the door to support her weight as Cullen stuck his tongue in her mouth, making Nichole release a noise she didn’t even know she could make. Cullen pulled away gasping letting Nichole catch her breath as he peppered her neck with kisses.
“So, I was wondering if you would be interested in pursuing a relationship.” Cullen asked between the kisses her neck was receiving. 
Nichole laughed at the fact he still asked after he kissed her senseless and nodded, before realizing he couldn’t see her nod.  “Yes, Cullen. I would like that very much.”
“Good.” Cullen sighed before kissing her again.
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medea10 · 5 years
My Review of Little Witch Academia
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Atsuko Kagari (nicknamed Akko) has always had a fascination with witches. Or should I say one particular witch! When she was a child, she saw a magic performance done by a famous witch named Shiny Chariot. After that, Akko decided then and there that she was going to become a witch just like Shiny Chariot. So when she became a teenager, she got the opportunity to enroll at Luna Nova Magical Academy. While this school has primarily been a place for witch’s only to hone on their skills, due to financial issues they opened the school up to non-magic users. And Akko has no magic in her whatsoever!
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We follow the antics of Akko as she tries to survive in a witch academy. During her time she’s managed to snag a wand that was once owned by Shiny Chariot (which she plans to return to), meet friends like Lotte and Sucy, start a rival with the school star Diana Cavendish, get one-on-one training from Professor Ursula (who has her own kind of past), and learn everything there is to know about becoming a great witch. But Akko is going to have a tough time because like I said, she has no magic in her whatsoever! BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: As I mentioned at the beginning, this series is under the thumb of Netflix (in every country). I haven’t had the opportunity to check out the subtitled version. As for the dub…boy, Erica Mendez is getting the choice roles in Netflix exclusive animes. I can’t complain, the lady does fine work. Plus Netflix gives me a chance to hear other new voice actors and seiyuus. Some were big misses with me, but others (like Sucy’s voice) won me over. Here’s what you might recognize these folks from. JAPANESE CAST: *Akko is played by Megumi Han (known for Yamato on Ore Monogatari, Momiji on Fruits Basket 2019, Kagari on Steins;Gate 0, Rio on YGO Zexal, and Chie on Tokyo Ghoul) *Sucy is played by Michiyo Murase *Lotte is played by Fumiko Orikase (known for Dianthe on Pokemon XY, Kyubei on Gintama, Riza on FMA: Brotherhood, Seras Victoria on Hellsing, Shirley on Code Geass, Rukia on Bleach, and Aki on Inazuma Elven) ENGLISH CAST: *Akko is played by Erica Mendez (known for Ryuko on Kill la Kill, Haruka/Uranus on Sailor Moon redub, Emma on The Promised Neverland, Nico on Love Live, Yuuki on SAO II, Retsuko on Aggretsuko, and Tsubaki on Your Lie in April) *Sucy is played by Rachelle Heger *Lotte is played by Stephanie Sheh (known for Mikuru on Haruhi Suzumiya, Kuro on Blue Exorcist, Nui on Kill la Kill, Hinata on Naruto, Orihime on Bleach, Illiya on Fate/stay night, Yui on K-ON, and Usagi/Sailor Moon on Sailor Moon) FAVORITE CHARACTER: I know in stories like these I always root for the underdog and they end up my favorite character…buuuuuuut…
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I like Sucy! Yeah, I like the little mischevious, mushroom-loving witch. And yes, I love the episode where Akko goes inside Sucy's subconscious and we see all the Sucy's inside Sucy.
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DISLIKED CHARACTER: I knew I couldn’t really hate Diana! I think most of the hatred I shared at her direction for the majority of the season was because of those two cronies that hung around her. Those two were catty bitches and I just hate those kinds of characters. But nothing could compare to Diana’s bitch aunt.
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God, fuck this woman! She literally tries to usurp Diana from taking over as head of the Cavendish family line. Just so she can give it to one of her bitch daughters! She’s seriously giving me Lady Tremaine vibes, it’s not even funny. You know it’s bad that I was rooting for them to die when they got into trouble. But Diana wasn’t going to let her bitch aunt and bitch cousins die so I should stop hoping for severe payback. SHIPPING: Hmm…the shipping category is going to be fun! I think it’s only because of that one episode that involves a bee sting and the person is smitten with the next person they see. And boy did Akko get her fill when not only Andrew falls for her, but Diana as well!
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Actually, I have thoughts of Andrew really taking a shine to Akko. I honestly thought there would only be two interactions at the most between him and Akko during the show. But surprisingly, there were more. I’m not really a fan of this ship, but I still find it cute. Hell, even Lotte found a boy that was interested in her at one point. She turns him down, but he still holds out hope. Also a cute moment! Hmm…at the moment I’m an open multishipper for this series. If Akko ends up with Diana, cool man! If she ends up with Andrew, whatever, I can dig it! If Akko ends up with Amanda, more power to you (and I can totally see that because Amanda is giving me total lesbo-vibes). What do you expect, this is like an all-girls school!
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You know what, I’m now leaning towards Akko x Amanda more than all the others. Don’t fight me on this, I just know I like it! ENDING: Up until the halfway point, a lot of the episodes are about Akko trying to make it as a witch. Did she surpass everyone’s doubts? While Akko was able to improve her magic a bit (I give it 5%), it’s not at the level as many of her classmates. I mean by episode 20, Akko still cannot fly a broom! That should tell you something. But what’s the one thing that seems to be missing from this series?
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An antagonist? Yeah, in comes Professor Croix! And to many of the students, she feels like she’s able to bring witchcraft into today’s era with her technology driven methods. And Akko certainly has taken a shine to her. However, Professor Ursula can smell this woman’s bullshit a mile away. Ursula was once the classmate of Croix. But back then Ursula was known as… Oh come on, it was so bloody obvious the moment Ursula met Akko.
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Ursula is really Shiny Chariot! Meanwhile, Akko ends up trying to speak these seven secret words that’ll unlock the wand she obtained in the first episode. You know, the wand that belonged to Shiny Chariot?! And Akko has managed to obtain six out of the seven secret words. She could be the one to get the seventh word, which was something Chariot was unable to do as a student. But this positivity ends with a looming war (over a soccer match) on the rise. In actuality, there’s a force around the town as well as certain moments at the school that have caused chaos. Yes, it’s Professor Croix exploiting people’s anger for her own research. Not only that, but she used Akko for her own selfish ambitions and as a result ended up injuring Shiny Chariot to a point of altering her magic (possibly permanently). That’s one thing. Then we get quite a big bombshell!
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AKKO’S MAGIC: Ever wonder why Akko has like zero magic ability?! When she saw Shiny Chariot’s performance as a child, her dreams and potential magic were taken by Chariot in order to make her performances more magical (due to audience members becoming disinterested in Chariot’s magic). Akko’s magic was taken away from her before she could even realize a thing. Damn! And you can just imagine Akko’s heartache finding out that her professor was really Chariot and that Chariot did that to not just Akko, but other children! After Chariot found out what her magic shows were doing, she immediately fell off the map.
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BACK TO THE CONCLUSION: One of Croix’s inventions went rogue and is officially threatening the world. And it’s up to Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Diana, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka to catch up to this rogue missile invention. Now that Akko was able to obtain the seventh word, there’s a good chance they can take out Croix’s out of control missile. Croix thankfully realized the errors of her way and understood the pain she’s caused to her students and her former classmate. Croix and Chariot decide to give their all to help the girls as well. While five of the seven girls were able to give a big boost, it was Akko and Diana who took out the looming threat. That’s right, witches saved the world! Yeah, during the series a lot of people were kinda mean to or looked down upon Luna Nova and the witch race in general. Especially, those dickheads at Andrew’s prep school! With this act, I’m sure Luna Nova and the witches will finally get the respect they deserve. In the aftermath, yes Luna Nova is now receiving more respect from those that have been quite cruel to them throughout the series run. Croix is going away to do some research. One of her biggest plans was to restore Ursula/Chariot’s magic that was lost due to her own recklessness with Akko. The students go back to their lessons and…
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Akko (after 25 episodes) was able to float a few inches off the ground using her broom. She flew…sort of. I’ll let it count as a victory! THE TWO SPECIALS: A few years prior to the television series run, Little Witch Academia had two movies air. Now this is a different telling of the story. In the first special (which is 25 minutes), it has Akko come upon Chariot’s rod during a class assignment (instead of coming upon it in a forest like the first episode).
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And here’s a real kicker, while Akko is still the class screw-up and has the least amount of magic, here she actually has SOME magic. In the second special (which is 55 minutes), Akko ends up in trouble (like normal) and ends up having to do a punishment assignment. She has to help orchestrate a ritual which ends up turning into a parade. So Akko, Sucy, Lotte, Amanda, Constance, and Jasminka all end up working together to do this. But Akko wants to turn this into something for people to remember and always cherish. Like her experiences with the Shiny Chariot performances she saw as a child! But there’s always blow-back because at Luna Nova, Shiny Chariot is seen as a disgrace to traditional witches. And of course there was bound to be some disagreements when working with a big group. And despite a few hiccups, everyone was able to come together to put on a convincing parade for the crowd. Little Witch Academia was quite the enjoyable little story. Yes, it’s a root for the underdog kind of story and even though the television series seems to give Akko the short-end of the stick on the magic matter, it’s full-filling to see her accomplish quite a bit. Even if it took her until the final seconds to learn how to fly! I know it’s been about 2-3 years since the ending of the TV series and am wondering if this is it for the franchise. I know there are novels and games out for this, so maybe one day.
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But I do give a recommendation for those into witches, magic, and all that good stuff! It's full of fun characters, there's no harm in that. Currently, Netflix is the only outlet for this series (in just about every country). But Netflix does carry both the sub and dub (and several other languages). Now then, what’s my next Amazon/Netflix exclusive anime? Nope. You’re watching this.
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Rising of the Shield Hero? But isn’t that Crunchyroll or FUNimation? Don’t care. You’re watching this now. But I have a big list of other animes to wat… Tough shit. You’re watching this. You have no choice but to watch a modern Isekai!
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xlucian-hell-cat90x · 4 years
With Friends Like These
Ellie was walking and exploring the area Skyhold. The place was huge and in need of repairs. She always got lost. Smiling when she found a big tree that she could climb in and climb she did. Especially when she heard the Chantry mother from the Hinderlands come by. She stayed quiet and hid among the branches, until she was gone. The woman was always looking for her. Every other day, it was something to complain. If being the Inquisitor was such the issue, why doesn’t she leave?, Ellie thought.
Further up in the tree, she heard movement. Ellie was about to leave, when something grey and white jumped down on her chest, knocking her out of the tree. Ellie instinctively wrapped her arms around the creature as she closed her eyes. Ellie half expected to hit the ground, but opened her eyes after a moment. Cole stood there holding her. She looked down in her arms to see a small fennec in her arms. Shaking in fear.
Cole sits her down on the ground as she sits the little fox on the ground. “Thank you, Cole.” Ellie says as she watches the fennec closely. “You’re welcome, Ellie.” He says. They sit on the ground and play with fox. “It’s nice to sit down and forget about being Inquisitor for a minute.” Ellie sighs with a soft smile. She pulls out some berries and nuts. She lays them down on a handkerchief for the fox. Cautiously, the little fox eats them and barks happily. “She likes you. You’re small like her.” Cole says, obviously reading the fox’s thoughts. “Well, I like her too.” Ellie coos. “She doesn’t want to leave your side. She wants to stay here with you.” Cole states, reaching down and scratching behind her ear. She barks happily. “I’ve never had a pet before. I don’t even know what to feed her.” Ellie says in wonder why this little fox wants to stay with her.
“That’s easy. She can eat berries, bugs and reptiles.” Cole says with a slight smile. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what he is thinking. “I can help feed and water her on the days you are not here and don’t take me along for missions.” Cole explains while reading her thoughts. “Okay, I guess it’s settle.” Ellie stands up with a bright happy smile. The fennec jumps on her shoulders and chirps happily. “What shall I call you? How about Fen?” Ellie asks. The fox barks again in approval. “She likes that name. Says we can even call her Fenny too.” Cole smiles. Cole and Ellie walk off and explore the rest of Skyhold together with little Fenny on Ellie’s shoulders.
Since Ellie had the next few days, she walked around with Fenny at her side. They spent the better of one day hanging around Iron Bull. At first Fen had issues trusting him and tried to bite him twice. Cole explained it was because Bull was so big and she felt threatened. But after an hour, she warmed up to the Qunari and even went to sleep on his lap. That’s when Ellie took the chance to train some with Cole. They each taught each other some useful tricks for battle.
The next day, Ellie ran into Solas. Fen ran up to him and barked happily. “What curious little friend you got there?” Solas chuckles softly. He leans down and picks her. They spent most of their time together in his little office below the library. He told her many stories of his time in the fade. Fenny wondered around the room. Even managed to get up on the scaffolding. Ellie climbed up there and got her down when she started to whimper. “Cole told me that you had a pet. She suits you.” Solas says as he goes back to painting.
Ellie went off to find Varric later that evening. She found him at the local tavern. “Inquisitor, join us for drinks and a game of Wicked Grace.” Gatsi offers. She sits down on the other side of Varric. Fenny sits on her lap. “So the rumors are true. You did get yourself a pet.” Varric laughs as he deals the cards. “Yeah, she kind of chose me. You can even ask Cole.” Ellie says with a smile. “She’s cute.” Gatsi says. They played cards and drunk on into the night. Bull even joined them at one point, which switched from Ellie’s lap to his. Bull carried both Ellie and Fenny back to her quarters. Fenny went and jumped on her spot on the small couch in the room. As Bull was getting ready to walk out of the room. “Stay, please.” Ellie whines sleepily. Bull laughs, “This is a first. I’ve never stayed in a woman’s quarters without there being sex involved but very well, Ellie, I’ll stay.” He lays down in the bed beside her. She snuggles into his waiting arms and almost immediately falls asleep.
For him this brings back memories of a couple months ago, when she found them after everything that happened at Haven, how he held her then too. He was having a hard time figuring out the feelings that he felt when he held her close. He had overheard Cole and Solas talking about how she has nightmares. Watching her sleep now, you would never have guessed. Even the strongest people have their weaknesses. His was losing her. Her’s was failure and not being able to do everything in her power to protect those closest to her. He groans and tries to go to sleep too. He knows that tomorrow is gonna be a busy day for him. He has to train his Chargers. He feels something jump on the bed and looks down to see that little fox curl at his feet.
The next morning, Ellie wakes up to there being a note on the pillow beside. Ellie, I’m sorry I’m not here when you wake up. I had to wake up early and train my Chargers. I took Fenny with me so don’t worry about her. Come get her down at where my training area is. I’ll make it up to you tonight. I swear. Sincerely, Iron Bull. Ellie smiled as she read that. There’s was also a cup of hot coffee waiting for her. Cole, she thought. “Thank you.” She whispered, quietly. When she finished her coffee. She got out of bed and went to her vanity. About the time she sat down in the chair, Dorian busts through her door. 
He walks over to her. “Just woke up?” He asks. She nods. He grabs the brush out of her hand and started brushing her long red hair. She yawns again. Cole appears out nowhere with another cup of coffee. He takes the empty cup and disappears. Dorian just rolls his eyes and continues to brush her hair. “What’s your plans for the day?” He asks. He starts to braid it down her back. “Nothing. Thought about hanging out with you in the library. I got to get Fen from Bull. Apparently he stayed with me last night.” She said. “Wait! Did you all do anything?” He ask, in his usual teasing manner. “No. I still got my clothes and there’s no bruises.” I laughed. He laughs with me. “Good point.” He says. He walks over to my dresser. He pulls a dark green tunic and brown pants. He lays out my favorite boots. “The green and browns compliment your skin tone and hair color.”’ He smiles. 
Two hours later, Dorian was carrying me back to the library. The Chantry mother glared at us as I laid my head against his back. “Damn you, Bull.” I curse angrily. Dorian just laughs. “I can’t believe he made you train with Dalish and Sera. I know you were interested in using a bow but geez.” He says. He drops me off in one of the chairs. Fenny jumps in my lap and goes to sleep. “So what are we doing?” He asks. “Well, for one: I want to learn all I can about Corypheus.” I said. “Then?” He urges. I hand him the letter that Bull left on my pillow. “Oh.” Is Dorian says. No smart remarks or teasing jokes. “Confused as I am?” I asked. He nods. “Let’s start with find about that demon first.” Dorian offers. We spent the better part of the day researching all we could. Hawke, Varric and Solas even came by and helped the best they could. Then as the sun started to go down, we headed back to my quarters. Fenny following close to us.
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Forensics Part 10
Okay so quick things about this chapter. 1 I am having a hard time with ‘Ovusi’ so forming a name from it has been impossible, I instead did what I do for dnd and used a different form of elven language, after some research it is slightly derived from German so it’s not all BS…I hope. Also I tried working in some other characters and I really hope I did them at least a little bit of justice, if something sounds out of place, let me know and I’ll re-evaluate. Finally I’m not saying I know this guys taste in music I might be wrong but hey live and learn right? Enjoy P.S I am a tech nit wit so even spelling the name of the language properly...honestly I apologize 
Warnings: injury and language 
PART 10 Kandomere’s ears were ringing from the crash and he could barely tell where he was. In the distance he heard someone talking to him but her couldn’t make it out. As he rubbed his head he groaned. What hit them? As the world came into focus he could make out Sera’s voice asking him if he was all right. Looking into her worried face he nodded slowly “I’m fine” He looked back at the finish line and sighed. They had lost. They got out of the car by Sera’s side and looked over the damage. The car was totaled. Sera wrapped her arms around herself and chewed her lip. “Sera, I’m sorry” he said putting a hand on her shoulder “two apologies in one night” she said weakly “must be my lucky day” He didn’t say anything. what could he say? “Come on” she said walking toward the finish line “What?” “I need to talk to Alex” “Sera we lost” Sera turned around and snarled “He cheated! That was my car and our bargaining chip he just totaled, and I for one am not going to stand here and take this!” Then she stormed off to find Alexander. Knowing this wouldn’t end well Kandomere followed her quickly “Alex!” snapped Sera walking over to him Alexander, who was congratulating his son looked over. “Sera” “Your son cheated!” “How so?” “He just drove my car into a street lamp, threatening myself and my partner!” “Is this true Reggie?” Reggie shifted his weight haughtily “There’s no rule against it” he said Alexander nodded “He’s right” he said but his eyes were blazing “What? Are you seriously going to roll with that bullshit!?” Alexander turned back to her just as Kandomere caught up to them “Seraphina, while I do not condone what he did, he’s right, there’s no rules against crashing your opponent, meaning he won” Sera scoffed “Okay fine, good luck racing your masterpiece, the damn thing won’t move now!” “We can fix it” said Reggie “Cute, you have the parts to a vintage Aston Martin DB5? I’d like to see this” Reggie looked at his father “Dad?” “She’s right Reggie, those pieces are hard to come by, you’ve totaled your prize” Reggie looked like someone had just kicked his puppy, it was almost worth losing the car to see him so miserable, but was it worth losing the information they needed. That’s when an idea hit Sera, she sighed solemnly,knowing what she had to do “You don’t, but I do” Alexander looked at her curiously, as did Kandomere “Tell you what” she said clasping her hands “I’ll fix the car and bring it to you, in exchange for the information you were going to give us” “It doesn’t work like that!” “Shush Reggie” Alexander crossed his arms and rubbed his chin “How do I know you’ll return the car?” “By my word, Alex, I have never gone back on a deal, you know that” Alexander looked at her for a moment then nodded “Very well, by your word, I’ll give you the information in exchange for a fixed car” “Deal” “The man you’re looking for is called Caelae” “Caelae? That’s not Ovusi” said Kandomere “No, it’s an elven language from Europe, mostly around places with Germanic languages, our elf is most liekly a foreigner” explained Sera “Indeed he is, he’s been coming here for a little while but never raced, rather he came here to meet someone” “Who?” Kandomere pulled out his note book and wrote down everything Alexander was saying “That I don’t know, no one has seen his face or spoken to him, he keeps his hood up and hides among the buildings shadows, the other day, Caelae came here in hysterics, holding a wand, he pleaded with this man that he couldn’t control it but the man, for whatever reason wasn’t hearing it, he grabbed Caelae and stalked off, to where I’m not sure but I will say this, whomever he has gotten involved with, moves like a shadow, no unlike yourself Sera, I strongly believe Caelae may be in more danger than we know” “So might everyone” muttered Sera as she furrowed her brows “Thank you Alex, I’ll have the car picked up tomorrow and you’ll have it back by the weeks end” Sera turned and began to walk quickly, Kandomere looked at Alex then her, then closed his note book and followed her “Be careful Sera, the world has grown darker since you’ve been here last” called Alexander. Sera walked fast but Kandomere managed to catch up to her “What’s wrong” he demanded “Nothing” “Sera” “What?” “You can’t be hiding crucial information we discussed this” He stepped in front of her, making her stop briefly “You said back there that we were partners, now act like my partner and tell me what’s going on” “You heard Alex, this guy moves like me” “So?” “So, is it walks like a duck and lurks like a duck…” Kandomere’s eyes widened as the realization set in “We’re dealing with another vampire” “Worse, a vampire with access to a wand” “We’ve got to tell the chief” Kandomere grabbed her hand without thinking and began to power walk, dragging Sera behind him “What are you doing? the Station is too far away to walk” “Well I’d drive but we only took one car” “He would have gambled for yours too, I didn’t want to risk it in case well, we ended up in a race” He didn’t let go of her hand but “Kandomere, stop, why don’t we just call the chief?” “My phone was damaged in the crash” “Okay, then maybe we can wave down a cab” “Not likely” Sera stopped, pulling her hand out of his grip “Then we’ll have to find another way, cause I am not carrying you there and walking will take forever” Kandomere thought for a second then he realized something “Cops patrol this area often, we can flag one down” Sera watched him look around, excitement edging into his features, it was almost adorable. Noticing a car driving down the road Sera decided to see if hitch hiking would do any good since they were after agents of the law. Stepping into the road she crossed her arms and waited for the car to stop. To her surprise not only did the car stop but it was in fact a police vehicle “What are the odds” she muttered Kandomere walked over to the cop car and tapped on the window. Sera squinted past the bright lights to see who was inside the car and gasped. She’d heard of these 2. As the window rolled down Kandomere leaned forward to talk to the driver “good evening officer, I’m…” he started but stopped short upon seeing who was in the car, “Officer Ward and Officer Jakoby” “Agent Kandomere, weird seeing you here” said officer Jakoby “And why do you look like you were on the losing end of a fight?” asked ward Kandomere furrowed his brows in confusion when he felt it for the first time, a dampness in his hair. Reaching up he realized his head was bleeding. Looking briefly at Sera who appeared to be seeing the wound for the first time tonight nodded to indicate that she was fine “Indeed it is, uhm…” “What brings you here? I though the magical task force didn’t waster their time around this area” said Ward “We were following a lead” “No kidding, but where’s your partner?” asked Jakoby “Pardon?” “You know the big, burly dude with red hair” said Ward Before Kandomere could answer Sera walked over tot he window “He’s been temporarily replaced with a prettier model” she said Ward and Jakoby looked at Kandomere, a question burning in their eyes “It’s not what you think, she’s helping with the case” The look they both gave told him that they were not convinced “Look, I don’t have time to get into it, can we please get a lift to the station?” “Don’t you have your own car?” asked Ward “Ward, be nice, he’s way higher up the rank than us” hissed Jakoby “I don’t care” The 2 were about to start arguing. Kandomere rolled his eyes, Sera smiled “Guys, we kind of got into a crash, and we could really use your help” she said sweetly “Oh no, are you all right?” asked Jakoby “Shouldn’t you be going to a hospital?” asked Ward skeptically “We’re fine, a couple of scrapes and bruises, but we really need to get back to the station” said Sera “Ward, we should help them” said Jakoby Ward looked at them, still skeptical, but then he nodded “Fine, get in the back” “Thank you” said Sera as Kandomere opened the door the back Slipping into the back of the car Kandomere looked around unhappily. Never in his life was he ever in the back of a cop car, he was just grateful he wasn’t being arrested, this was humiliating enough. In an attempt to distract himself he looked at Sera to strike up a conversation when he noticed her arm.  He remembered it being broken in a few places while protecting him from the crash. “How’s your arm?” he asked Sera was looking out the window but now she was looking at her arm “My healing is supernatural” she pointed out “Not what I asked” Sera smiled “It’s fine, how’s your head?” Remembering his bleeding head, Kandomere pulled the handkerchief he kept in his front pocket out and began cleaning the blood on his head “I’m not sure, but I know it would have been worse if not for you, it appears I owe you my life yet again” “That’s becoming a theme with you” she chuckled taking the kerchief from his hand “here” She started dabbing his head gently. After a while she stopped “How bad?” he asked “It doesn’t look like you need stitches, but you should at least get checked for a concussion, it was a pretty brutal crash” “Perhaps” Looking at her now, seeing the soft expression on her face, she almost looked lovely. Sera was not an ugly woman save for the metal in her face, if he was being honest though, even that suited her to a degree. Maybe he did have a concussion He was studying her with a different look than what she was used to, as though he was seeing her in a different light. In truth she was unsure how to feel about it, on one hand he was a jerk but on the other hand, he had shown that he had more than one side to him. The pang in her stomach reminded her why it wouldn’t matter if he saw her differently. Once the fangs came out he’d look at her the way everyone did, the way he had when he found out. Scared. Looking away she cleared her throat “You know we have an audience, right?” Kandomere looked to the front. Jakoby looked away and tried whistling but Ward rolled his eyes and muttered “Not what it looks like, my ass” Normally Kandomere would have told him to shut up and keep driving but since they were nice enough to give them a lift and his big mouth had already gotten them into enough trouble, he decided to simply look down and keep quiet which made Sera chuckle softly Even as she laughed Sera felt a strange sensation in her chest. Hunger? No this was something else, something she hadn’t known in a long time. As she looked down at his handkerchief she frowned. She didn’t want to eat anymore. Shaking her head, she decided to get to know the cops they were riding with. “So, what brought you guys to this area?” “Routine patrol” said Ward “Find anything interesting?” “Yeah, an elf and a human wandering the street looking for a lift” Sera exhaled sharply with a smirk “I guess that counts, thanks by the way” “We’re happy to help” said Jakoby “yeah thrilled” muttered Ward “I take it he’s the cheery one of the two” Jakoby laughed “Hey remember who’s car you’re in” said Ward “No criticism, in fact I have a ray of sunshine myself” Kandomere looked at her then rolled his eyes as even Ward began to smirk. He had met Kandomere before and could honestly say the elf was probably more of a hard ass than he was “That’s funny red” “Thank you, you can call me Sera” “Sera, awfully normal name for someone who works with the MTF, what’s the other guys name again?” “Montehugh” said Jakoby “Montehugh, right” “Well if it helps, I differ from the suits, I actually like music that has guitar” “You and Nick have a lot to talk about then” “Do you know Cannibal Corpse?” “Yeah I do, hammer smashed face?” “Love that song” “Okay, how about Avenged Sevenfold?” “Also good, what about old ones?” “I’ve met Metallica in person” “You met Metallica?” “The band has a great sense of humor, if you get the chance, they are so nice” “I don’t listen to them much but what I do is pretty awesome” As the 2 talked Kandomere thought over how he was going to tell the chief what they’d learned. Reaching into his pocket where his notebook was he formed his speech carefully. He knew he would have to tell him about the other vampire, that was mandatory but he wasn’t sure how to explain how they got the information. Leaning back in his seat he sighed, this was going to be a tough one.
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gunnerpalace · 7 years
Thank You!
I don’t publicize my birthday on social media; it’s not up on my Facebook, or my Skype, or elsewhere, if I can help it. The reason for that is I’ve always felt that most of the birthday wishes I got were obligatory, rather than sincere. I didn’t want people to feel the need, if they didn’t want to.
And for me, for a long time, birthdays were just another day—a day when a personal number ticked over, but otherwise just another day.
This has been, without any doubt, and without any comparison, the best birthday of my 31 years on this earth.
I cannot possibly say thank you enough.
Thank you to those who wished me well, through asks or messages: @lassinajumper, @micromys, @kuchikiiichigo, @mizulily, @thefangirlinjo, @piecesofacrazyworld, @starlitsea, @lisaflowers, @ichiyuki, @alwayswandering21, @icchiruki, @thefantasylover, and @ichigough.
Thank you to someone I know has things planned, but is currently indisposed: @sequencefairy
Thank you to those who took time out of their lives to make such wonderful things for me, because the tags alone aren’t enough:
@tachipaws for her beautiful edit (IR) which introduced me to this lovely song. (why won’t this damn thing let me tag you?) I hope you’re safe and fortune treats you well, you’re too lovely, Tachi.
@hashtagartistlife for her flippin’ astoundingly good fan art (IR) for my longest running (and simply longest) fic, Demons of the Sun and Moon. Please take a look at her lovely handmade crafts! Sera, I hope we’ll have more chances to talk!
@ithmid for her absolutely gorgeous (IR) pair of pieces (Y) for some of my loves. Please check out her commissions! And please keep making more of your lovely pieces!
@kingkuchiki for her cute as heck fanfic (YIR) in an AU continuity we’re all stuck in. Tiff, thank you for having put up with my shenanigans, as much as they’ve impacted your life in the craziest ways; I can only hope I keep making you laugh!
@gabecebro for his astonishingly cute (YIR) Grounded fan art (YI). Your dedication to the community and your willingness to take requests is fantastic. Please check out his commissions!
@dangerousbride for her sultry and intimate fan art (IR). Karoll, what the heck, you’re amazing and you somehow manage to bring sin and cute to this fandom in equal measure. I only feel bad for the anons you have to put up with. Please consider her Amazon wishlist!
@ciebei for her wonderful pair of pieces (IR). Zoë you are far too kind, and your talent between your art and your writing is incredible. You’ll achieve great things in time!
@yumelinh for her incredibly frickin’ sublimely colored edit (IR). Yume your edits are crazy good, you are far too sweet, and you have such an aesthetic!
@duongvjp for his utterly fantastic, soft, and tender fan art (IR). Duong, I have always loved seeing your art and I hope that you continue making art for them for a long time to come! Thank you, friend!
@synoshian for something that is as of yet still hush-hush and that she hasn’t posted about, but that is gonna be freakin’ amazing and incredible and will blow everyone’s socks off once it’s out and running wild, and that I am way too excited for. I’m so glad to call your my partner in crime and I look forward to conspiring with you in the future. <3
And last, but by no means least. Thank you to...
@duckiesteasmiles for doing this, for organizing it, for plotting it, and for convincing or commissioning all of the above named people to dedicate their time and energy to making things for me. None of this would’ve happened, or probably been possible, without her. Nami, I can’t even begin to tell you how happy you’ve made me today, and how happy you make me every day. You’re far too good to me, my darling, and far too wonderful for me to capture in words. I love you, and I look forward to spending many more birthdays together with you. (You’re just really lucky I agreed not to do something like this for you this year...)
Thank you all again!
And if there is anyone I missed, or who hasn’t yet gotten in their present, my sincerest apologies, and I mean no offense by it.
This has been truly, truly special. Thank you all so much. I hope you all had a wonderful day too, as much as possible. Thank you.
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bygoneboy · 7 years
a tide in the affairs of men
5 Times Percival Graves Quoted Classic Literature (And The One Time He Didn’t), for @doitforcredence’s gravebone twitter exchange! kay’s prompt: ‘domestic gravebone, minor angst. any au, something cute, with daily events of the two of them happy. any rating. basically writer’s choice’
3500 words, warnings for vague mentions of past!grindelgraves bullshit and nothing else. very soft, very sweet, very sfw. 
Credence smooths the tips of his fingers down the spine; the cover is velvet to the touch. He opens it to the very first page—
And very nearly drops it when the author’s bearded ink-portrait-likeness smiles up at him, and winks.
“Oh, don’t mind Whitman,” says Graves, waving a hand and turning back to the make-shift library he’s made of his home. “He’s a horrible flirt, especially in that edition— ah, and here’s Fountain of Fair Fortune, and Enchanted Encounters, of course, you’ll like those…”
The first time Credence sees Mr. Graves again, it’s from the shadows: deep in the night-black back corners of an alleyway, and from within the dark beast he’s made of himself. He sees him come out of a brightly-bannered shop with a thin package under his arm. He sees him pass under the streetlamps, and glance over his shoulder at every other turn. Somewhere in the back of his mind Credence thinks no, thinks bad, thinks run, run, run. But it’s the first familiar shape he’s recognized since the subway tunnels, and the thing inside of him is bloodied and bruised. And crawls closer, whimpering, begging to be fed.
Wrapped up in the obscurus everything appears fragmented, and very far away. Shattered glass eyes, smudged at the edges. Graves looks thin, odd. Patchy. Nothing like the smooth, sleek creature Credence had known, but it’s him, Credence thinks— or Credence’s beast thinks, rather, flaring, reaching, he knows it’s him, he would know him anywhere—
Graves turns, abruptly, on his heel: there’s the spin of his coat, blowing out behind him, the tear of the package paper and the clatter of its box on the pavement. Then Graves has a wand clutched in his fist, white-knuckled grip, thrust out at the thin-stretched shadow that’s all Credence has left.
There’s a long moment of silence. Of Graves’ wand-hand trembling, and the vein in his neck pulsing, wild and out-of-rhythm.
“Ah,” he says at last, mildly, if hoarse. “Yes, of course. That’s…right. Just my luck.”
This close to him, Credence feels dazed, and sort of spectral. He can make out more than he could from the alley: the hollow gauntness to his face, the gray shot through his hair. He watches as Graves bends down to gather up the box and wrapping. He watches as Graves pockets his new wand.
“Credence,” says Graves, looking at him, through him. “You’re Credence? Can you understand me?”
Yes, Credence thinks, distantly, but doesn’t say. Doesn’t speak. He’s rather forgotten how to.
“Are you going to kill me?”
I want to, Credence thinks, but doesn’t say, and wouldn’t say, even if he could. He doesn’t know how true it is. He doesn’t know if it would help. He’s very tired. And Graves is pacing, wearing down the pavement under his oxford heels.
“Damn it,” he’s muttering, “damn it all. What’s Sera’s policy for— to hell with policy, Christ. Credence,” and he’s looking up at him again, “just…”
He reaches toward his own throat, and undoes his tie. He pushes back his collar. There’s a thick-banded red scar circling his neck.
It looks, Credence thinks, a little like a chain.
“Brutus was Caesar’s angel,” says Graves, like Credence is supposed to understand. “That's—” Graves clears his throat, glass scraped over rock. “Sorry. It’s from a play, never…nevermind.”
He paces a few more feet, something slightly frantic to the uneven stagger of his steps. Then he slows, and turns, and looks back.
“You could come with me,” Graves says. “You could trust me, Credence. I wouldn’t hurt you.”
He would be a fool, to fall for it twice.
But what else can he do, apart from this, the only thing he’s ever understood?
So he follows.
He doesn’t remember falling asleep. When he wakes, it’s to the foreign feeling of soft, heavy quilts, and a sweet, earthy smell, and the sound of half-muffled voices in another room. He flexes his fingers, wiggles his toes. They’re solid: flesh, blood, and bone. The beast is quiet, still fast asleep; he closes his eyes, to follow it, and falls back into blurry dreams.
When he comes to again, Tina Goldstein is slumped on a stool at his bedside, with her face in her hands.
Graves is in the doorway.
His tie is loose around his neck, and his sleeves have been rolled to his elbows. With the strange scar caught around his throat he looks like a ghost— or a daydream, Credence thinks, sleep-addled, or a strange collision of something all mixed up, in-between.
“Credence,” Graves says, softly, when their eyes meet, then, louder, “Tina.”
Tina startles, her head snapping up. Credence blinks slowly at her as she stares at him, her hands curling into fists at her knees. “Credence,” she says. There’s pity in the shape of his name, and guilt. “Do you remember me?”
He tests his voice. It comes out thin, and whispering, “Yes.”
She looks relieved. Graves looks sort of stricken. “How are you feeling?”
“Of course— I’d imagine—”
Tina’s fingers curl and fidget in her lap, one knee bouncing. Her mouth twists, as if weighing something in her mind; then she seems to toss worry to the wind, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, pressing one hand to his own. “Graves,” she says, pointedly, over her shoulder.
“Right,” says Graves, taking a hesitant step toward them; Credence curls into Tina, and he stops. “I’ll…maybe you should explain. Better, if he hears it from you.”
“He has a scar,” Credence whispers to Tina. He can feel his heartbeat against his ribs, frightened and unsure.
Tina’s hand tightens over his. “Yes,” she says, “he does.”
“I don’t remember…” He stares up at the ceiling. Had he ever seen it, before? It seems like a strange thing to forget. “He hurt me,” he says. That, he’s sure of.
“Credence,” Tina says, gently. “I know this is going to sound crazy. But the man you knew—”
It takes a long time for her to explain.
It takes longer for Credence to understand.
By the time she’s finished, he’s half-shadow, and half-asleep.
“I don’t know how he did it,” murmurs Tina, as he drifts off again. “I don’t know how— he’s still whole.”
Graves hums. “The minute I saw him, I thought it was over. But all he did was stand there. White eyes. Just like the report.”
“If I’d been through everything he has…”
“‘We are all created to be miserable,’” says Graves, low.
“That’s…not helpful, Graves.”
“That’s Tolstoy, Tina.”
Tina’s laugh, strained but true, is the last thing Credence hears before sleep swallows him whole.
Living with the Goldsteins proves easier than Credence had expected: the rhythm of time goes on, whatever beat it’s been given. The fireplace sends Tina to work early at the Woolworth building, and most nights she stays there late, far into the evening. On the weekends she hauls home thick-papered case files and dumps them on the floor, scratching through them with a fountain pen and remembering to munch occasionally on whatever her sister has fixed her to eat.
Promotions, says Queenie, shaking her head, sometimes just mean twice the work, without double the pay. She had used to work there, too, but never doing any of the kind of things Tina does. And in any case, she’d quit to work at a bakery— which is supposed to be a secret, for reasons Queenie hasn’t explained, although it seems inexplicably tied to the way that she looks at the bakery’s owner, and the way that he looks at her.
Credence spends most of his time there with the two of them, keeping quiet and out of the way and as human as he can manage. Sometimes Jacob asks him to bring up something from storage; often Queenie sends him on delivery runs, but he doesn’t mind. It’s a little like being handed the keys to the city, allowed out without the constant threat of a belt-buckle hanging overhead. It’s certainly a different world, one he’d only ever dreamed of, glimpsed briefly.
They’ve discovered that his magic is either wandless, or destructive: Tina accepts this after he sets the living room on fire. They’ve talked about hiring a private tutor, but money is stretched thin between the three of them and the brownstone’s rent. And so instead Credence sets out to learn on his own: picking up whatever he can from Queenie’s old schoolbooks, and Tina’s spare minutes between work and sleep.
“Maybe Mr. Graves…?” Queenie had said, once, innocently enough, but the look Tina had given her would have sent Credence’s beast quailing with its tail between its legs.
Admittedly, when it comes to Graves, Credence feels slightly cast aside.
He suspects that Queenie knows how it’s nagged at him, and perhaps that’s the reason she’d brought it up in the first place. Queenie knows most things, knows most everything. It seems annoying at the very least, overwhelming, at most; he isn’t sure he would want to hear even the things that sometimes pop into his head, from anyone else. Things about Mary Lou, the other Graves. The real one.
Credence hasn’t seen him since the night he had been led to Tina’s doorstep. It isn’t that Graves owes him— if anything, he owes Graves. For his life, maybe. For everything he has now, undoubtedly.
But he wouldn’t know where to find him even if he wanted to.
“Hey, honey,” says Queenie, flour on her hands and in her hair, jolting him from his thoughts as she bumps him with her hip. “Be a doll and deliver these for me?”
He supposes he should have seen this coming, from a mind-reader.
“Credence,” says Graves from behind the open door, looking about as startled as Credence feels. “What— what are you doing here?”
Credence holds out the parcel. Then holds up the address, Queenie’s scrawl on a small slip of paper.
“Kowalski’s?” says Graves. “I didn’t put in for a delivery.”
“Oh,” says Credence, feeling his face go hot. “Uh, sorry. I’m sorry. Do you just— maybe, want to take them, anyway?”
Graves chews on his lower lip for a moment. He looks from the parcel to the address to Credence, back to the address again.
“They’re Erumpent muffins,” says Credence, weakly, and sees Graves smile, close-lipped, crooked.
“All right,” he says, at last, and opens the door wider. “Come on in.”
There’s an uncanny amount of books littering the small entryway, and the cascade continues as Graves leads him through the parlor— more books than Credence has ever seen in one place, or at all. They seem to have been tossed haphazardly around the place, taking up cushions and tabletops alike, along with a generous pile of food-crusted dishes. “My apologies for the mess,” Graves says, rubbing at the back of his neck. “I’m taking some time off from…everything. Which includes housekeeping, apparently. I suppose I could hire someone to take care of it for me, but, well.” He looks over at Credence and smiles, half-sardonic. “I’ve had some difficulty managing the idea of letting a perfect stranger into my home. 'Safety from being understood,' if you catch my meaning. Not that you’re a stranger, I didn’t mean to imply, I meant— well. You know who I meant.”
There are books in the kitchen, too. Graves pats his pockets for his wand, which he doesn’t find, then curses under his breath, finally sweeping the books off of the counter without it and cradling them against his chest. “There. You can set them there, thank you.”
Credence does. But then, of course— without the parcel in his hands, he isn’t sure where to put them. In his pockets? And how does he normally stand? He thinks of leaning against the counter, and then feels rather stupid. “You have a lot of books,” he says at last, his voice coming out higher than he’d have liked.
“True,” says Graves, amused, glancing down at the pile in his arms. “I was…something of an avid reader, before MACUSA. And now that I have so much time to myself—” He swallows, throat working around words he doesn’t say, and Credence remembers the scarred ring around his neck. “There are some things I’d rather not be thinking about,” Graves says. “I figure it’s either a hobby, or drinking myself into a stupor to sleep, and— I’d prefer to bet on the hobby.”
He sounds bitter. And sad, but just a little.
“Anyway— I’m going through my old collections—”
“I could help,” Credence says. Unthinking, letting the words leave his mouth before he really understands them, “I could help you. With the mess. And the books.”
“Would you?” asks Graves, something hopeful lighting behind his eyes. “Although— I wouldn’t want to subject you to this, the work would bore you, no doubt.”
“No, I’d love—” He stumbles over his own tongue. Too willing, over-eagerness spilling out even as he tries to hold it to his chest. “I’d like to. Very much.”
He’s an hour later than he’s ever been, by the time he heads back to the bakery.
But he has a feeling Queenie isn’t going to mind.
“Do you read much, Credence?”
They’ve started in the parlor, where there are mostly scattered historical fictions, and a few volumes of fantasy. Credence looks up from potion-stained pages of E. Nesbit’s Fairy Tales that’s begun to fall out of its binding. “A little,” he says, meaning hymns and prayers, a chapter of introductory spells and nothing else.
“Tell me,” says Graves, “what sorts do you prefer? Adventure, drama? Romance?”
Credence flushes, thinking about the dime-novels he’s seen on cart-corners and in general stores. The printed pictures on the covers had always fascinated him: bright colors, grand scenes. Canyons and caves and ship battles at sea, men with dark eyes and strong arms— Mary Lou had always pulled him away. Eventually he had learned to stop looking.
Graves seems to notice his hesitation; he doesn’t press. Instead he chooses a book from the stack himself: thin, yellow-paged. “Here,” he says, offering it. “Maybe this?”
Credence smooths the tips of his fingers down the spine; the cover is velvet to the touch. He opens it to the very first page—
And very nearly drops it when the author’s bearded ink-portrait-likeness smiles up at him, and winks.
“Oh, don’t mind Whitman,” says Graves, waving a hand and turning back to the make-shift library he’s made of his home. “He’s a horrible flirt, especially in that edition— ah, and here’s Fountain of Fair Fortune, and Enchanted Encounters, of course, you’ll like those…”
“Do all of the pictures move?” asks Credence, cheeks heating as he watches the poet wiggle suggestive eyebrows within the confines of his little frame.
Graves makes a non-committal sound, browsing through more titles. “Not all of them. Some of these are printed non-magically— although even no-maj copies do sometimes pick up magical traits, if they’ve been sitting around particularly potent reads.”
Credence turns to the second page. There are inked flowers scrawled along the top, encircling each poem; when he touches them with a fingertip, they shed petals, drifting down and gathering at the bottom of the page. Silent. Snow-like.
“Life is infinitely stranger,” says Graves, watching him, “than anything which the mind of man could invent.”
“That’s lovely,” says Credence, hushed.
“That’s Conan Doyle,” says Graves. “Don’t worry, I’ll get you there.”
Credence comes back the next day, and the day after that. And slowly the rooms of Graves’ apartment begin to take shape and form: the fireplace is revealed, behind a teetering pile of biographies; after clearing the kitchen of the plays, Credence finds the empty bakery box. The only leftovers are muffin crumbs, and a candied Erumpent eye.
And then, two weeks into the project, Credence lets himself into Graves’ apartment, and finds the parlor empty.
He isn’t in the kitchen, either, and his bedroom is empty and still— at last he finds the bathroom door shut, steam creeping through the slot underneath.
He’ll let him know he’s here, he thinks. 
He raises his hand to knock.
The door opens, and his closed knuckles land on Graves’ bare chest.
“Oh,” says Graves, surprised, and naked.
“Sorry,” blurts Credence, flushing up to his ears. He turns away, squeezing his eyes shut on instinct, opening them a moment later when he stumbles straight into one of the knee-high stacks of novella. “Sorry, sorry—”
The bathroom door shuts behind him. He can feel his heartbeat in his head, low in his belly, pounding incessantly; he curls his toes in his shoes and grits his teeth, afraid that he’ll start to disappear. Afraid that when Graves comes back out he’ll be nothing but smoke and ash and shadow.
The door opens again.
“Credence,” says Graves.
“It’s all right, you’re all right.”
Credence turns around. Graves has pulled on a pair of trousers; his chest is still bare, hair still dripping.
The scar around his neck is scarlet.
And Credence, feeling either idiotic or very brave, asks: “How did it happen?”
Graves’ hand flies to his throat. He barks out a laugh, humorless. “I— hah. I made a mistake.”
“What kind?”
“The kind you can’t take back,” says Graves. “He disguised himself. Came to me claiming he was seeking some sort of asylum. I believed him, and—” He fingers the scar, thumb rough on the edges. “Woke up in chains.”
“You trusted him.”
“‘The man of many devices,’” Graves quotes, rueful. “You trusted him, too.”
Credence nods, throat closing around words: remembering the way the wizard had spoken to him, drawn him in. There had been something enchanting there that sickens him, now. He thinks of Graves’ favorite story, the Odyssey and its sirens, singing so sweetly that all the sailors dove themselves drowned.
“I heard he was quite the charmer at the office,” says Graves. “My fault, I’m afraid, I was hardly close with my subordinates. It gave him a beautifully blank slate. No one suspects anything from just a smile.” He draws a hand through his hair, half-dressed and weary and unfairly beautiful. “He made victims of us all, Credence.”
But he’s gone, Credence wants to say. And you’re here. And it isn’t a tragedy, not yet. Maybe not ever— please, Credence thinks, desperately, please, not ever.
“I don’t feel like doing much work today,” Graves says, filling the space his silence has left. “We’ve made a decent enough dent already, haven’t we— why don’t you stay for dinner?”
Credence has never had more than a mass-sip’s mouthful of wine before. And later, that is exactly what he’ll blame it on.
Graves had magicked together the food, the same way Queenie does; even after living in the Goldstein’s brownhouse, Credence had still watched it happen with an embarrassing sort of awe. At the table they sit across from each other, Graves carrying conversation the way he always does, Credence sipping too fast from a wineglass that looks too expensive to touch. Feet bumping into each other, on accident. Credence sipping more wine and feeling them bump— less on accident.
“Did you ever finish that book of poems?” Graves asks, suddenly. “The one you took, with the portrait, the one that startled you.”
Credence blinks, memory coming slow. “Oh, I— I put it back,” he says. “I didn’t borrow it.”
“Hmm,” says Graves. “You should.”
“Borrow it?”
“Take it.”
“For…for me?” Credence asks, feeling warm from his toes to his ears. “I don’t know, it’s yours, I shouldn’t—”
“Credence,” says Graves, looking straight at him, “I’d hate for you to mistake this as a complaint, but I can’t help but notice— you’re here quite often.”
The warmth evaporates.
“You could use an extra hand,” says Credence, very softly.
“If that’s the only reason…” Graves gestures, aimlessly. “It’s a lot of work, for nothing in return.”
“I want to help. I like— helping you.”
It’s half the story. But the full truth is off-the-table, the restricted section: the fact is that it’s Graves he likes, immensely, that it’s Graves who puts Credence at ease in a way he’d never felt with Grindelwald, with anyone. And it’s Graves who’s as lonely as Credence had been, before Queenie and Tina, before he’d learned to translate the humming buzz in his bones as magic, and not just another kind of sin.
“What if,” starts Graves, then stops short. “Hell, Credence. What if I’d just prefer your company— over your help?”
His head feels fuzzy— wine, he’ll say, later— “You don’t…want me to help?”
“I want—” Graves says. “Credence—” he says.
And his chair scrapes back and he’s half-standing, one hand braced on the table, the other holding Credence’s chin between his thumb, and his forefinger. “You’ve made me feel more alive in two weeks than I’ve felt since I saw the sun again. Happy, without reservation. Endlessly, you understand?”
“Oh,” says Credence, very faintly, going dizzy, feeling Graves’ fingers on his jaw, leaning up, leaning in. “What— what is that from, is that from something?”
“No,” Graves says, and smiles until he laughs. “No, Credence, it isn’t.”
Around them there’s a sort of thrill, rippling through the room; Credence feels it break from the frame of his body without warning, sending book pages rifling: his own sort of magic. Wandless. Wordless, beyond language.
When Graves kisses him, it’s magic of another kind.
There’s a parcel on the Goldstein’s kitchen table the next morning, with Credence’s name on the tag.
Inside is a thin, yellow-paged book, a winking, bearded poet, and a quote, handwritten:
We must have a turn together, I undress, hurry me out of sight of the land, Cushion me soft, rock me in billowy drowse, Dash me with amorous wet, I can repay you. 
“If Tina asks, I don’t know a thing about it,” whispers Queenie beside him, giggling as he feels his face go hot, and begin to redden. “Whatever are friends for, honey?”
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Male Trevelyan Compilation (with backstories)
*whips out the wallet which I keep specifically for pictures of my fictional children* good afternoon I have so much to say about my babies
(also- if y'all ever want to share your inquisitors with me like literally at any point ever my sub and ask boxes are always open for cute BioWare-rendered faces <3). These are characters we’ve poured time and effort into, and they are absolutely worth sharing.
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Benjamin (Ben) Trevelyan: 30/Warrior/Non-Beliver/Bisexual/Pro-Templar (he’s the newest baby) 
Ben’s motto is “do it now, ask questions later.” Honestly, he’s a lot like Cassandra, minus the whole “devoted to the Maker” thing. He believes firmly in “right” and “wrong,” but he’s willing to learn. If he looks tired, it’s because he is. He didn’t want this job; he was at the Conclave to escort some of the mages who made up a distant part of his family, and now they’re all gone.
He’s built like a monster truck -Varric calls him “Muscles”- he can give Bull a run for his money where drinking is concerned, and really just wants to go home to Ostwick where his family, fiancée, and mabari are (there’s no way he’s uprooting them to bring them to Skyhold). He’s not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree, but his gut feelings are almost always right. He’s learned to go with it. He’s strikingly kind and loves very deeply. He’s a good man.
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Friedrich (Fritz) Trevelyan: 38/Rogue/Questioning Belief/Gray-Asexual/Pro-Mage (I definitely have a crush on this hairy man)
Fritz used to be a Chantry scholar and historian (imagine Bram Kenric, but but less about the Inquisition and more about holy relics, texts, and figures). He’s also studied the history of magic. He was excellent at his job and he’s terribly intelligent, but he flaunts neither of those factors. He’s truly a very quiet man, until you come to him with a question or a topic to discuss. When you do, he’s wonderfully patient, attentive, and never condescending -three of the many factors that make him Dorian’s favorite pal. (He’s also my first inquisitor to personally drink from the Well of Sorrows ‘cause he’s a big ‘ole nerd that wants to know everything).
Varric calls him “Doc,” because of his former profession, and to be honest, he wasn’t much of a fighter until the world called on him to become its leader. In fact, he’d never even picked up an object with the intention of making it weapon until he was 24; someone broke into his rooms at the university to steal an artifact he was examining and they were ready to kill him for it. He fought back with a letter opener, and won. 
About 5 years after that incident, he fell in love with a very sweet chantry sister. She fell ill very suddenly, and the local mother opted for prayer over a healer. It didn’t end well for Fritz’s girl, and he felt utterly betrayed by the Maker. He lost his faith for quite a while afterwards, but Cassandra has done a good job of reminding him why he believed in the first place. 
Fritz’s sexuality is really hard to pin down, but he finds he’s most comfortable identifying as gray-a. He’s pretty head-over-heals for the Seeker. She’s really fond of him, too, but they haven’t quite gotten around to discussing where things are going. Their flirting is the shy, gentle, complementary type, and it makes my heart happy just thinking about it.
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Dennon Trevelyan: 34/Rogue/Andrastian/Bisexual/Undecided
Dennon (or “Stubble,” if you’re Varric and can get away with it) is a hard man. He’s the middle Trevelyan boy (out of three), and he’s always had to fight for what he’s been given. He’s not an intentionally cruel person, he just genuinely doesn't think feelings are a thing that should be taken into consideration when conducting business, and his business is now the Inquisition. 
While his directness (or bluntness, if you prefer) has made him rather popular with Cassandra, Cullen, and Vivienne, it’s made keeping alliances a risky business. Josephine has spent many hours attempting to help him navigate the art of subtlety, and every time she winces at his sharper edges, it dulls him down a little more... and to be honest, he’s liking the results (and Josie) a lot.
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Maddox Trevelyan: 28/Mage/Agnostic/Homosexual/Pro-Mage
Maddox is constantly on the move. This is his first time out of the Circle, and he’ll be damned before he’ll waste it on idleness. He knows what duty is -the number of responsibilities they heaped upon mages in the Circle taught him that- and the members of the Inquisition are constantly amazed at how he’s able to fulfill all of his duties to the utmost, with time left over to explore.
Honestly, Maddox is an adventurer. There’s nothing he likes better than the rush of seeing or doing something new. If he’s not scaling a mountain, he’s diving head-first into the Waking Sea, or considering joining an Avvar hold. Dorian has done wonders to keep him grounded, when need be; Maddox is a dreamer and his amatus, on the other hand, is a dreamy pragmatist. ;)
Maddox (or Blue Eyes, as Varric calls him) is entirely anti-circle, but he’s still somehow managed to win Vivienne over. In fact, there’s no one within the inner circle who isn’t utterly pleased when he’s around. He’s simply a contagious personality, and he is deeply loved.
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Abelard (Abe) Trevelyan 42/Rogue/Andrastian/Heterosexual/Undecided (I’m almost as in love with him as I am with Cassandra)
Abe looks like the kind of guy who would beat the snot out of you for looking at him funny, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Varric has even nicknamed him “Grizzly” just for the irony of the implication. He’s wickedly intelligent and he’s the biggest, softest teddy bear this side of Lake Calenhad. He just doesn’t smile much, anymore.
He lost his wife and daughter about two years before the Inquisition began, and he’s still trying to work through it. He’d turned his back on the Trevelyan family’s money to marry a girl who was below his station. They needed cash, so he had to work. He became part of a crew that was sent to ransom and return captives and slaves taken from the Marches and Ferelden to Tevinter, mostly. While he was away on a mission, raiders sacked his tiny village and killed everyone who looked too weak to turn a profit in the slave market. That meant most of the populace, since two harvests in a row had failed and most people were malnourished.
He’s a quiet man, but his actions speak very loudly. He’ll do anything for anyone, so long as he knows them to be good, and it took the inquisition two extra weeks to get out of the Hinterlands because Abe couldn’t leave the refugees “like this.” He even helped to design and construct the area’s first school house, which now bears his family’s name -a fact he will no doubt blush at, if you mention it.
He really likes Cassandra, and she really likes him, but they’re both grieving (Regalyan’s loss is still fresh). For now, the find comfort in their friendship. Neither one wants to push while they’re unready. She is the one who gets him to smile the most often, though.
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Peter Trevelyan 22/Mage/Questioning Belief/Pansexual/Pro-Templar
Peter is usually a little shit, and that’s why I love him. He’s always pulling someone’s leg, and Sera often comes to him for prank ideas –though he never lets her pull one off without him at her side. He’s terribly sweet, and his brand of humor permeates nearly every sentence he speaks. He may be a prankster and an utter clown, but he’s wonderfully fierce and has this innate need to protect everyone.
Before his magic manifested, he wanted to become a Templar. Once he discovered he was a mage, he had to battle a lot of self-loathing as well as some serious self doubt. He saw his magic as a flaw and a weakness, and he clung to his idols, the Templars, upon arrival at the Circle (he was only 12 and they just took him away from everything he knew and loved someone please give my poor baby a hug D,:). He sees the value of the Circle because that’s where he was trained to master the parts of himself he came to hate and fear most. It’s been a slow road to go, but in being around apostates and liberated mages like Dorian, Morrigan, and Solas, he’s learning to see mages (including himself) as people and not as wrong, ill-formed things.
He copes with his own insecurities through self-deprecation and near constant levity. He’s still consistently unsure of himself, and his opinion of his own worth is still relatively low, but his dedication to bettering himself and the world around him is admired by all. Honestly, he’s so good to everyone. I love this boy so much.
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Michael Trevelyan 26/Mage/Passively Andrastian/Bisexual/Pro-Vivienne-Style-Mage(so... Pro-Templar?)
Right now, Michael is an asshole, but I love getting to know him. He’s the only son of Bann Trevelyan’s four children, and even though he’s a mage, he’ll inherit the better part of his parent’s estate. He’s been treated like a prince since he was born, and it’s made him horribly self-serving. He thinks he’s the cream of the crop, and advice is the one thing he never takes. But, underneath his haughty exterior lies a true idealist with an amazing work ethic.
His air of superiority often leads people to assume he’s lazy. In actuality, he’s amazing at spotting potential and talent in others, which makes him skilled in delegation. He also does his own work at breakneck speeds. Michael won’t tolerate being hindered in the process of achieving his goals by anyone or anything, and he always does whatever is necessary to see that his ends met.
He hasn’t made many friends in the Inquisition, so far, but he hasn’t even gotten out of Haven yet, so we’ll see. Honestly, he’s not currently someone I’d want to spend much time with, but he’s quite handsome, and I want to see his character develop.
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Caleb Trevelyan 15/Warrior(Mage)/Questioning Belief/Heterosexual/Undecided
This is my favorite child, and the first Inquisitor who I actually spent time crafting a personality for. I don’t want to get too into his backstory, because he is a large part of a fic which I wILL DEFINITELY WRITE SOMEDAY WHEN I HAVE TALENT TO DO IT JUSTICE. But he is so incredibly driven. He has such a desire for justice, and he learns like it’s no one’s business.
Everyone loves this kid, but he’s got such a self-sacrificial nature that they all have to stay a little more on their guard with him than any normal warrior, because he will literally bury himself in enemies to keep his friends safe. He has so much potential, and everyone is happy to help him reach it in whatever way they can. Ugh. He’s such a little cutie.
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failsoup · 7 years
47 for cullen x inquisitor :)
Thank you so much for the request! This is literally my first ask :o So excited
The sound of clashing metal rang in the Commander's’ ears as he paced the courtyard, amber eyes keeping track of the dozen or so inquisition recruits who were learning how to defend against duellists. The hulking red templar beasts that had assaulted Haven a few months earlier had not only dwarfed the forces struggling to protect the stronghold, but had also used incredibly swift and strong dual handed attacks, cutting down men before they even had a chance to raise their shields.
“Keep your eyes on the bulk of your opponent’s body, not just the blades! Focus too much on one blade, and you’ll find yourself with the other in your back!” He bellowed, expression severe as he watched most of his men struggle to keep their defense, let alone get in any attacks.
“Ohhh- and dead.” Came a cheer from the far end of the courtyard. Cullen looked to the source of the noise, and scowled. Sera, why wasn’t he surprised. He stalked towards her perch on the small stone wall along the courtyard, noticing the humor that sparkled in her eyes once she saw his approach. “Oh, we gonna’ get a scolding from the big bad cully-wully?” she sang, with a cackle.
“You do realize that you are fighting on the same side as these men and women, yes?” He grumbled, keeping his temper in check.
“Humor softens the fear of failure- blood spilling, armor shattered, looming red torment above sending me to the maker…” The young blonde boy seemed to materialize from nowhere, perched next to Sera. Cullen sighed and rubbed his forehead.
“Cole…” The commander warned. He almost requested the pair get off their asses to help, but then he imagined the pair of them attempting to explain how to defend in such a situation…
“I dunno’ you just swoosh, and do it? They move, you see it, you move, clang, defend. Kick’em between the legs- though I’m not sure they’ve got anything down there but lyrium bits, and that might hurt you more than them!”
“Silver slashing, body light like a feather, no heavy armor to restrict movements, but soft spots visible for attack”
Better not. Suddenly pain erupted in his left shin, causing him to release a snarl at the damn elf, who simply grinned and nodded back towards the keep. Irritated, he turned to where she had indicated he look.
 Long chestnut hair coiled down a narrow back, braids looped into delicate designs atop her head as gold glistened at her ears. A dress of plum hugged her figure, before cascading loosely away from her hips. Her shoulders were bare, the tops of her breasts open to the cool breeze and sunlight. Never before had he seen such a beautiful sight. He froze, completely lost in this vision. He followed her decent down the steps, Lady Josephine and Leliana flanking her, with Cassandra and Vivienne trailing behind. The women were all dressed to impress, and at the doorway, Dorian and Blackwall could be seen- Blackwall also looking well groomed, and Dorian… well, looking like Dorian. How did he manage to keep up that appearance, even in battle? At the bottom of the stairs was a gathering of- shit. Shit. It was the Orlesian envoy. The ambassador had been working tirelessly to acquire an invitation to Halamshiral in hopes of preventing the assassination of Empress Celene. He quickly looked down at his armour, dirty, sweaty… how could he have forgotten? They had mentioned it this morning had they not?
Looking back at the party, he noticed that they approached the courtyard where the Inquisition forces trained. Quickly he moved away from Sera and Cole and got back to work, correcting the movements of the soldiers.
“As usual, our dutiful commander is working tirelessly training new recruits. Many of our volunteers have never seen battle, so it takes weeks, and months of dedication to see them fit for the front lines.” Josephine offered commentary. Cullen suddenly felt like a circus performer, being watched by a crowd desperate for entertainment. He turned to them and offered them a quick bow, a few well dressed guests whispered, however his eyes were on his Lady Inquisitor. She looked him over, her brow pinched, though she smiled. She was angry. Not at him surely. Listening carefully he was able to pick up a few of the Orlesians hushed words as Josephine continued the tour.
“Hm, he’s Ferelden- attractive though, hard to tell under all of the armour, a pity he wasn’t part of the greeting party.” One woman sighed quietly to another beside her.
“Mm, yes- though I am surprised to see the Lady Inquisitor out of armour. The rumors said she was a bloodthirsty barbarian, married only to the sword!”
“At her age? You’d think as a noble she’d be betrothed, Marcher or not.”
He saw Evelyn’s eye twitch, as the corners of her mouth tightened. Likely biting her cheeks to keep from attacking the women with snide comments. Yes, self control, please maker let her stay in control.
 As the sun began to set, Cullen retired to his quarters to wash and change, choosing his formal attire for the dinner with the Orlesians. A quick look in the small mirror, and he was off to the hall.
Upon entering he was greeted by a bombardment of scents. Smoldering wood from the fireplaces, delicious aromas from the kitchens, and overly floral perfumes from their guests. A number of Ferelden delegates who had arrived the day before were also gathered, but few mingled with their neighboring visitors. Cullen found his way to the Ambassador and got to work impressing their guests as best he could, feeling uncomfortable by their stares, and giggles, and side comments about his relationship status. Outside of skyhold, he doubted anyone knew of his entanglement with the Inquisitor- though they had tried to keep it secret, the battlements weren’t the most private place to sneak off for a “break”.
The dinner went smoothly, though by the time things were winding down, he was exhausted. Varric was doing well to entertain the guests, with Dorian, which took pressure off of him, and Evelyn. Moving to her side, he was once again struck by her beauty.
“Why on earth do you not dress like this more often?” He asked quietly for only her to hear.
“Vivienne forced me into this…. Thing.” She seethed., face crinkling in disgust.
He couldn’t help but laugh, “Dress, it’s called a dress… how on earth are you a noble when you dislike such attire so much?”
“It’s because I’m a noble that I dislike it. My mother used to dress me up like a doll whenever visitors came, and covered me in this disgusting perfume- I hated it. My brothers never had to wear corsets, or lace, or-” She rambled off into grumbling.
Cullen simply smiled, “Well, even if I never get to see you in such attire again, that colour suits you.” She looked up at him and glared, the spot between her forehead scrunching up in anger.
“Would everyone please stop making fun of me? I’ve heard nothing but ‘barbarian trying to look civil’ jokes since this lot arrived!” He tried his best to sober his expression.
“I wasn’t making fun. You’re beautiful.” Her face softened a bit at that. He took a quick glance around and made sure nobody was watching when he stole a kiss from her cheek, whispering quickly, “You’re also terribly cute when you’re angry.”
She punched him.
The rest of the evening she proceeded to give him the cold shoulder until the guests dispersed. When the hall was nearly empty, Cullen said his farewells and returned to his tower, however when he arrived, he was startled to find candles lit, with plum silk fanned out over the surface of his desk, pooled around the Inquisitor, who sat cross armed waiting for him.
“Come to scold me?” He mused, slowly making his way towards her. She uncrossed her ankles and slid off the edge of the table, her feet softly touching the ground. They were bare, her hair no longer bound by the braids it ran wild over her shoulders. The candle light illuminated her eyes, the colour of pine, her freckles and lines offering character to her heart shaped face. Cullen stood half an arm’s length away from her, looking down with a small crooked smile.
“I heard an Orlesian tried to court you?” She stated, more than asked. Her brow rose as she looked up at him.
“Ah, yes. Are you mad at me for that too?” He mused, curious as to where this was going.
“No, however I haven’t forgotten that comment.” she grumbled, “I was getting ready for bed, and figured you deserved one last look at this dress, because you’ll never see me in it again.”
He smiled, taking a step back to observe the inquisitor. She was lovely.
“Now, if you’re quite done, I think it’s time to retire this pointless piece of cloth.” Her arms uncrossed, and she closed the space between them. Her scowl turned into a sly grin, “Now, if you would?” Eve’s voice was like velvet, sending a shiver up the commanders spine. He gulped, and looked at the complicated lacing. He was certain Vivienne would be better at removing such an intricate garb, if anything he’d simply damage it.
“How do I-” He began, his hands half outstretched to help her. She hooked one finger in the collar of his formal tunic and pulled him towards her, connecting their lips. Her lips tasted of wine, while the sweet smell of lavender came from her curls that tickled his face. When they broke their kiss, she breathed, “Tear. It. Off.” He could tell her anger and irritation from the day was fuelling her fire. Damn was she ever cute when angry, but the aftermath was so, so much better.
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teaberrii · 7 years
Kings & Queens
A Kuroko No Basuke & Prince Of Tennis Crossover MultiChapter Fanfiction. [Various Pairings]
Summary: Street sports had an uncanny way of bringing people together. 
Rating: M
Warnings: Adult Situations, Language, Mild Violence, OCs
Genre: Slice Of Life & Romance
Chapter One: When Worlds Collide 
Days after Kuroko’s birthday celebration, Seirin’s  intensive routines had been reduced to casual get-togethers on the court. But while they weren’t burdened with the stress that felt during the Winter Cup, they were now saddled with uncomfortable publicity, a questionable feat that burdened the team with mixed feelings. It was as if they had miraculously become celebrities overnight as each of the members saw a chilling change in the attitudes of their classmates. Kuroko became everyone’s favorite and was now frequently associated with the word ‘cute.’ On the other hand, Kagami had seen an increase in test scores from his popularity. Suddenly, everyone wanted to help him, the majority being surprisingly males. Kiyoshi had gotten confessed to but politely declined. Hyuuga’s endeavor was to simply persevere until the chaos died down.
Daily practice was happening in the gym like always but with the absence of Riko’s guidance. Instead, her eyes were trained on her phone, her thumb bobbing on the screen with the occasional pause. Hyuuga was the first to notice, and frankly, it was beginning to bother him. His attention on Riko had him miss the light footsteps of Kiyoshi coming behind him.
“Hyuuga, is something wrong?” Kiyoshi followed his friend’s gaze and laughed softly. “Why don’t you just go ask her what she’s looking at?”
“Nah,” said Hyuuga, with a slight attitude he hadn’t meant to let slip out. “She’s probably playing one of those lame puzzle games.”
Sera Azusa. Following yesterday’s events, Riko was more or less determined to get the name of the girl who rescued her last night through a single hit toward her harasser’s face with a tennis ball. The man’s steps swayed side to side, his face flushed as he wanted to reach for her. Riko had side stepped him and was about to quicken her pace until a strong hold on her left arm restrained her movements.
“Let me go,” Riko had said angrily.
“Do you–happen to know–where the nearest–station is, little girl?”
Besides reeking of alcohol, the hiccups were another obvious sign that the man was drunk beyond belief. Riko had wormed out of his grasp; she had managed to get a few steps in before the man had grabbed her again. He was surprisingly strong for a lanky salaryman.
“I’m just–asking where the–nearest station is, little girl. Why are you being–like this?”
The devilish look in his eyes had frightened her, but Riko firmly stood her ground and was about to get physical before a flying object had snuck between the narrow gap of the man’s legs and struck underneath his chin. The impact had been strong enough to lift the man centimeters off the ground before he fell hard on his back. Riko’s attention had been on a rolling tennis ball when a stern, feminine voice told her to run. As the man groaned in pain, Riko looked forward and caught the name Rikkaidai Fuzoku High on the girl’s tennis bag before making her escape.
The first-ever tennis nationals for females had been held in the same time span of the Winter Cup, Riko had been informed via the sports article that she was currently reading. Coming out victorious was Rikkaidai Fuzoku’s female tennis team with pictures and a brief profile of the members. While Riko wasn’t familiar with the school, she had heard rumors of their student population being a force to be reckoned with.
“Coach, practice is over.”
Riko’s body jerked slightly at the sudden interruption from a calm and monotonous voice. Then, she noticed Kuroko standing in front of her with his usual calm countenance.
“What were you looking at all this time?” asked Kagami as he approached his friends.
“It’s nothing,” replied Riko. Kuroko and Kagami gave each other a glance when she snapped her phone shut. “What are you guys looking at? C’mon, class is about to start!”
“Even if you say that,” uttered Hyuuga, annoyed.
“Will we be able to get through that crowd?” joked Kiyoshi, referring to the cheers of fans and fanatics crowding the outside entrance of the gym.
To prevent unnecessary disturbance, Riko had secured all doors to maintain the diligent atmosphere. Yet, they still received large and loud spectators loitering in front of doors. Perhaps, Riko thought, she should really implement her ludicrous business idea by charging a small fee to the gym during the team’s practice session. Maybe even handshakes, signatures, and merchandise. The possibilities were endless. It was exploitation at its finest.
“Okay, Kagami-kun, you’re on the offensive,” ordered Riko.
“Huh? W-what are you talking about?” asked the confused red-haired player.
“Riko… you aren’t seriously thinking–” began Hyuuga.
The doors swung open and Kagami was swiftly pushed into the crowd where he instantly attracted the attention of many females and males. It was in this chaos that the rest of the team had managed to sneak by without too much notice. The attention that they did receive, they were able to work with thanks to, ironically, sacrificing the second biggest magnet of the team, Kuroko Tetsuya.
Kagami got chills just from thinking about it: an entire summer that revolved around English. While his grades did improve, English, ironically, was the subject that could cost him his entire summer if he didn’t perform exceptionally well on the next test.
“Kagami-kun,” said Kuroko suddenly. “Would you like me to help you study?”
Kagami jumped a little despite knowing his friend had been walking right beside him since school ended. Perhaps it was because his mind had been focused elsewhere. The red haired basketball player sighed loudly and debated on the subject: it sure wouldn’t be a bad idea to invest in Kuroko’s help as he clearly understood far better than he. In fact, Kuroko seemed to have a knack for languages. But with Kuroko’s help came with the inability to take breaks whenever Kagami wanted which was arguably every fifteen minutes or less.
The sound of a basketball hitting against a rim rang loud and clear on a nearby court the boys had been passing, followed by a masculine voice that uttered a single vulgar profanity that resonated uncomfortably with the small crowd. While the boys would never bat an eye toward situations like these, they couldn’t withstand the allure of knowing basketball was somehow involved.
A tall male brunette stood at the center of the basketball court, his hands balled into fists and staring angrily at the basketball that continued rolling until it hit the small wall that separated the bleachers from the court.
“Wait a minute,” the boy snapped, then he turned to look at the girl standing ways away from him. “This is a basketball court. We had the right to ask you to leave.”
“Hey, excuse me,” said Kagami to a worried looking bystander who was just as tall as he was. “What’s going on here?”
“You should watch your language,” said the girl, as her dark blue eyes glared at the boy who was tossing a basketball into the air and catching it with the same hand.
“You’re on the wrong court, little girl.”
His derisive smirk bothered her immensely. The urge to send the tennis ball flying towards his face was strong, and it took every ounce of power left in her to restrain herself. And she would have left quietly if she didn’t catch the inappropriate and vulgar remark about women the boy had made as she picked up her tennis ball from underneath the basketball hoop.
“Hey, don’t say that–” his friend had urged cautiously.
A yellow blur suddenly flew their way. By how fast it was traveling had left an evident mark on the boy’s right cheek, blood seeping through the sharp wound.
“W-what the hell?”
“I don’t really know how it turned into this,” the male said to Kagami. “Suddenly they’re battling for  the court with who can get the most shots in.”
“Someone just couldn’t keep his damn mouth shut,” muttered another who Kagami assumed was the boy’s friend.
“Is that your way of saying you’re  giving up?” asked the girl.
“Kagami-kun,” said Kuroko sternly.
Before the violent boy could take a step forward, Kagami placed a cautious hand on the boy’s shoulder and said, “Hey, stop it.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“I said stop it,” muttered Kagami angrily.
The boy swung his fist toward Kagami’s face but the latter dodged it with ease. Holding his fist in one hand, Kagami had to use significant energy to keep himself from getting violent. However, the determined boy then raised his leg and aimed to kick Kagami in the stomach until the lad suddenly doubled over in pain. With his face contorted, he held onto his knee where the strong impact of a tennis ball had struck him.
His friends somewhat hesitantly went to his side and picked up the groaning and moaning mess of the once confident boy. “Hey, we’re really sorry about this,” said one, his gaze landing on first the girl then Kagami.
As the injured boy was ushered out of the vicinity, the girl turned to Kagami and said, “Thanks for that.”
“Yes, Kagami-kun, you were very cool.”
The corner of Kagami’s eye twitched, and he uttered quietly, “I don’t need to hear it from you, Kuroko.”
The girl picked up her tennis ball and dropped it into her pocket. Observing her, Kagami remarked, “That was a good shot you did.”
“Appreciate the comment,” said the girl, smiling, then added, “Kagami-kun.” The obvious shock on Kagami’s face and Kuroko’s swift look of surprise almost made the girl laugh. She then turned to Kuroko and said, “Kuroko-kun.”
“H-how do you know us?” asked a frightened Kagami.
The girl had begun putting away her equipment into her tennis bag. Once she zipped it up and swung it over her shoulder, she turned to the boys and said, “Kagami Taiga and Kuroko Tetsuya from Seirin High, the champion of this year’s Winter Cup. Your final match was very thrilling to watch.“
Kagami turned a hint of pink before saying, “W-we appreciate the comment.”
The girl smiled and said, “Maybe we’ll see each other again,” and exited the court.
It wasn’t until a moment later did Kagami blurt out,” Wait, we never got her name!”
“Tachibana An from Rikkaidai Fuzoku High,” Kuroko then he turned toward his friend and continued, “Honestly, Kagami-kun, this is probably why your grades are so low. You don’t notice things right in front of you.”
“What the hell is that supposed to mean? When did you even see that?”
“It was on a small name tag attached to her tennis bag.”
Kagami was about to retort but was silenced by the bzzz that came from his phone. He fished his mobile out of his pocket and glanced at the new message. Kuroko couldn’t help but be slightly curious to what caused the small grin on his friend’s face.
“Is everything okay, Kagami-kun?”
Kagami’s marginally delayed reply of “Huh? Oh, yeah, everything’s fine,” was then followed by “C’mon, let’s get out of here. I still need to study for that exam.”
Kuroko was utterly speechless.
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commanderlurker · 7 years
Cullen’s wearing his blue shirt. Must be Tuesday. Fuck, how can it only be Tuesday? Jesus Christ. At least I brought lunch today. Sure it’s left over pizza, but still, making an effort, right? I’ll get that loaf of bread on my way home tonight. Definitely.
Urg. Whose salad is that in the fridge? Right. Dorian. Who else could’ve made it. Wonder what else’s in here. Let’s see… yoghurt, more yoghurt, some kind of soup. Not sure if it started life as soup but it’s soup now. Ew. Gross. That one’s a biohazard. I’ll just… yeah. Close the fridge.
Coffee? Anyone want coffee? Just me? Well, I am the only one here.
Oh thank the Lord, the coffee machine is fixed. And I’ve got my special cup. Yes. Today is going to be a good day. I can feel it in my loins.
“Morning, Lou.” Speaking of loins...
“Hey, Bull. How’s it?” Yes, today is going to be a very good day. God. Look at him. Like, really look at him with his top buttons undone showing a scandalous amount of chest. “I like your shirt.” Yes. Good. Nice excuse to be staring at his chest.
“Thanks. Had it a while. You’re looking happy today.”
Oh my God. Don’t blush. Just smile. Yeah, that’s a good one. “Well, I got coffee. What more could I want?” You to lay your hands all over me. Just once. Or twice.
“Heh. I know, right? See you round.”
Okay. Got my coffee fix. Got my Bull fix. No mail duty for me. Straight into work. Clear out those emails. Ha! Cassandra’s done the reply all to the Friday night drinks email. Classic. And Blackwall’s gotten in on it too. These guys. Ah, shit. What’s this? System upgrade… Change to payment cut off… Fuck. Fuck and shit why did this have to happen. Now I have to have all my invoices processed by lunchtime! This is bull shit. I’m calling my union rep. Except I’m not in the union, am I? What one would I be in? Is there a union for generic office drones?
Just hunker down and do your work, Lou. It’s only one day. Got that raid to look forward to tonight, remember? The whole guild’s gonna be there. Aww yeah. Get in.
Work work work work work. Something something work work work. I don’t think she was singing about this kind of work…
Oh, and there’s Solas. Late as usual. With an even bigger cup of coffee this time. Maybe he keeps his ego in there.
Urg. This provider hasn’t totaled the hours. God. Do I have to do everything for them? Where’s my calculator? No, come on Lou, use your head. Give that brain a workout. Right. Three and a quarter, plus four and a half, plus three and three quarters… I don’t have any quarter length fingers… watch. I’ll draw a watch face… and… okay. Does that look right? That doesn’t look right. Gonna add it up again. Same answer. Still doesn’t look right. Fuck it. Gonna check with the calculator. Doop doop doop. And I was right! Would you look at that! Genius. I knew that arts degree would come in handy.
Woah, hey! Where did these forms come from? They just appeared! Out of nowhere! Where’s Leliana? She must have dropped them off without saying anything. Or maybe I was so engrossed with my work that I didn’t notice her. I should thank her next time I see her.
Right. God. Look at them all. What’s the time? Morning tea time yet? Please let it be ten--
Nine fifteen.
Why God! Whhhhy? How can this be?
“Are you okay there?”
Shit. Caught having an existential breakdown. Say something, Lou. Cullen’s staring at you like you’re having a stroke. Am I having a stroke? No. You’re being a fucking idiot. “Yeah, I’m good. No worries. Thanks.”
“Okay then. I was wondering about this invoice…” What’s this? Cullen asking for my advice? My opinion? Like I know what I’m talking about. Jesus. He’s kinda leaning into me. He smells pretty good. Freshly showered and with some musky masculine deodorant. My god. I’m not attracted to him, am I? He is kinda hot. God, don’t go there Lou. One office crush is enough. You don’t need two.
“Yeah, so I think that one is the client number, and that one is the customer number. I think they just got them around the wrong way. No need to send it back though.” That sounded helpful. And I think I even managed to say the right thing.
“You don’t think?”
“About sending it back? No. I mean, that client is only in the system as a client, so they’re clearly not a customer as well. There’s no confusion. Other than that they’ve put the numbers in around the wrong way.”
He’s tapping his chin and frowning. Why is he making such a big deal about this? Just use your initiative, Cullen! I know you’ve got it! That’s why you wear the same shirts on the same days every fucking week! You’re an individual!
“Hmm, I’m not sure. I think I’ll check with Vivienne.”
“Thanks, Lou.”
What the fuck, Cullen? You come all the way over here to ask for my advice and you’re just going to ignore it anyway? Jesus Christ. What’s the point of me even being here. Fine.
God, I’m thirsty. Tea. I’ll go make a tea. But morning tea is soon. I can last.
No. No I can’t. Gonna make tea.
No one in the break room. Good. I can scratch my arse. And look out the window. Look at all that sunshine. Look at it all. And look where I am. Breathe, Lou. Give it another year and you’ll have enough saved up to leave and see all the sunshine you want.
Blerg. This milk smells off. Ew, it tastes off too. Gross. I’ll just put it back… No! Don’t do it! Break the cycle! Chuck it out!
Down the sink you go, glug glug glug.
“What are you doing? Stop!” What? Leliana? “I was keeping that.”
For what? Don’t ask. Just apologise. “Sorry. I didn’t know.” Easy does it. Put the lid back on. Put the rancid milk away because Leliana is keeping it. Christ on a cracker. Okay. Lesson learned. Do not use initiative.
I’m just gonna be nice and quiet and no one will bother me. Shit this tea is awful. Should’ve stuck with coffee.
Work work work work work.
Email. Ignore. No, better read it. Hmm. Nope, ignore.
Work work work--god damn that fucking song.
Aaand, it’s time for morning tea. Better not fuck about. Got to get this pay run done by lunchtime because someone is doing a system upgrade. Probably Dorian. Why can’t he do it after hours like a normal person. He probably has a social life. Definitely has a social life. Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself, Lou. You got friends! They just all live in other parts of the country. Or overseas. And you’ve never met them. Or know what they look like. No, I know what Alistair looks like. We’re Instagram friends! And he has a cute doggie. Bet the dog would be better at tanking than him. Anyway. Morning tea.
Got my boiled egg. Got my kiwifruit. One cancels out the effects of the other. Second coffee of the day. And would you look at that? Bull’s waving me over. Only Dorian is making a beeline too. Shit. We’re on a collision course. Outta my way Dorian, that man is mine. Take no prisoners, Lou. Trip the bastard if you have to.
Yes, he’s backed off. That empty spot is all mine. And what a graceful flop onto the couch. Managed a shoulder brush, too. Oh he smiled at me. Best. Day. Ever.
“What’s with the eggs?”
“Huh?” Way to go, Lou.
“The eggs. You have one every day.” Look at him, engaging with you in conversation. You could be the only two people in existence right now.
“They’re healthy, you know? Protein, so I can build my guns. Ha! Not guns like yours though. Yours are something else! Ha ha!” God, I cannot take myself anywhere. “And I just really like peeling boiled eggs.” Why did you say that? What the fuck compelled you to say that? Now he’s going to think you have an egg fetish!
“You ever try duck eggs? They’re pretty good, too.”
“Fuck, yeah! I love them! Hadn’t had them for a while thought. Haven’t seen them in the supermarket.” I’ve never had duck eggs in my life.
“Have you tried that boutique place in the mall? I’ve seen them there before. Quail eggs too. They’re tiny though. Now, ostrich eggs, those are real eggs!” God I love his laugh. He’s amazing. Look at us, talking about eggs. Hey, Bull, I got some eggs you can get your hands on if you know what I mean.
God I hate myself. “The mall you reckon? I’ll hit it up at at lunch time. Cheers.” Ask if he wants to come with you.
“Well, I got to get back to work.”
Damn. Now he’s leaving. Don’t leave. Holy shit this couch is like a waterbed. Don’t think about rolling around on a waterbed with him.  And don’t fall into his gravity well.
And he’s gone. Reality flows back in. Right. Everyone else. What are they talking about. Blackwall and his fucking chainsaw. Sera’s staring at Cass like she’s the sun. Or the moon. Something. I don’t know. Dorian. Dorian’s good for a chat. Ask him about that system upgrade. That’ll make it look like you’re engaging with the company and that you care.
Oh, Jesus Mary and Joseph, I didn’t expect to get an entire history lesson on computers. Am I nodding in the right place? What the fuck is an API? Do I have one? How would I know?
Right. All that makes perfect sense. “So…”
“So just make sure your Tuesday payment run is done by one p.m. or your schedule is likely to end up looking like a hoard of buffalo have rampaged through it.”
“Right. Yeah. I better get to it then!” Mutter, mutter, why do I bother.
Payment run. Here we come.
Work work work work--God dammit with that song.
Loading these invoices is going well though. Tuesday’s so much better than Mondays. No shit smeared forms to deal with. Just have to wrangle this spreadsheet so the data imports properly… and something’s out. By ten grand. Fuck. Okay. Don’t panic. You’ve done this before. Bigger numbers are easier to fix than smaller numbers. Ah, here you go. You put an extra zero on this line. Recalculate and… Still out. Fucking shit balls God damn.
Breathe, Lou. Don’t be like Cassandra. Keep those windows closed and that computer inside the building. I need a tea. And a pee. Not in that order. Can’t take my cup to the toilet though. That’s just weird. Fine. Tea room first. Go the long way round so I can spot Bull. Damn. Not there. Okay. Cup dropped off, tea bag in so it doesn’t look like I’m one of those so-called filthy bastards who just dumps their dirty dishes everywhere. And… toilet time. Ooh, could play some Angry Birds. No! No time! Just clearing the head so I can tackle this reconciliation. Round the corner to the loos and… Bull! Leaving the gents. What a pleasant surprise! I wonder if he washes his hands. Kinda don’t care if he doesn’t. Is that gross? It’s gr--
Dorian leaving the gents. And Bull giving his ass what looks to be a friendly and very familiar slap. Quick, hide! Back around the corner.
I knew it. I fucking knew it. That fucking little--wait. Were they leaving the toilets together? Did they… in a bathroom stall? Well fuck me. Except not. Yeah, I really hope he washed his hands. Okay, really need to pee now. Shake those shoulders out, go round the corner and--
Slam face first into Bull’s ample, and may I say, pillowy, chest. Jesus.
“Oh my god, Bull. I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you--”
“Hey, no damage done Lou. Your face okay though?”
“Mmm hmm.” I think my nose is broken. And I really need to pee. “Sorry. Would love to stay and chat but I really need to pee! Bye!”
God fucking dammit. Jesus Christ. Get in there. Sit down. Think about your life. No. Don’t do that. You’ll cry. Don’t cry at work, Lou, please. Just pee, for fuck’s sake. There, ah, yeah, that’s better.
Bull and Dorian. Is it serious? Are they together? Like, boyfriends… or friends with benefits? I hate them both. This shouldn’t surprise me though. Rumor mill says Bull’s had half the office. Not Sera though. Definitely not Sera. Probably not Cassandra either. And not me. Ha! Not me! No, not happy-go-lucky-completely-up-for-it-has-fantasies-involving-photocopiers Lou!
Urg. Just get that payment run done. Got pizza for lunch, remember? And a mission for duck eggs! Don’t forget that! But I’m supposed to be saving my money… But duck eggs. Recommended by Bull. He’s fucking Dorian. What do I care. My life is over.
And I forgot to make the tea. Fuck it. I’m at my desk now.
Email from Leliana. A long and terse email about keeping the kitchen tidy. Ha. And there’s an attachment. Shitting Jesus fuck balls. A photo. Of my cup. Sitting there. On the bench. With a big red arrow that looks like it was added in Paint pointing to the dishwasher. Oh my God. Everyone knows it’s mine because it has my fucking name on it. Oh my God I’m really going to cry now. I have never been more humiliated. I didn’t leave it there negligently! You must understand! I had to go to the toilet and didn’t want to take the cup so I stopped at the tea room first but then I walked in on a private moment between two employees and I was so shaken and upset that I just forgot! Please, don’t make an example of me!
Fuck and here come the reply-alls. Yeah yeah, Blackwall. Laugh it up. Not like you don’t have a whole compost heap of tea bags hidden in your beard.. Ah Jesus, even Cullen is getting in on it. Fuckity fuck trumpets. All of you. I hate you all. I’m going to hand in my resignation. Fuck the pay run. I’ll type it up right now.
Email from Bill. Bull. Is he going to make fun of me, too?
From: Bill Q To: Louise Trevelyan Subject: RE: Re: Re: Please Treat The Kitchen With Respect.
Hey Lou,
D*ck move by Leliana, right? She’s really got it in for you. Don’t know why. You sh*t in her cat milk or something? Don’t let her get to you. Chin up. I got your back.
 Well. That’s nice. No, really. Nice of Bull to send that. Better reply.
From: Louise Trevelyan To: Bill Q Subject: RE: Re: Re: Re: Please Treat The Kitchen With Respect.
Thanks. Yeah. I might’ve poured her rancid milk down the sink this morning. But I didn’t know! The bottle just looked like the regular milk we have and it was off, so I thought I’d use my initiative so we wouldn’t get some bullsh*t email about the fridge being gross. Go me. Won’t bother doing that again.
That’ll do. Hit send. I’m still angry at you though, Bull. Jealous. Envious. Whatever the difference is.
Where was I? Right. Reconciling this fucking pay run. And--
What the shit.
Are you shitting me.
No. Can’t be that simple. Shit. Fucking shit balls! It is that simple! How did I not notice that I was working in the wrong. Fucking. Spreadsheet. Oh my God. Lou. I am going to throttle you.
Get the right spreadsheet up. There. Look. Reconciled first time. Submit. Payment run done.
I can’t fucking believe it. I’m too fucking angry to be relieved. If I’d just paid attention instead of groaning forever then I would have noticed. And I wouldn’t’ve gone to make that cup of tea. And I wouldn’t have seen Bull and Dorian. And I wouldn’t’ve forgotten my tea. And Leliana wouldn’t’ve sent that email. And my life would be fantastic. But instead! You went and did this! To yourself!
Fuck it. I don’t care what time it is. Pay run is done. I’m getting lunch. Have to go into the tea room. The scene of the crime. Hold your head high, Lou. Own it. Wear it. Get your pizza then get the fuck out. Don’t look at that milk.
Right. Got it. Out of here.
And it’s raining. What happened to the sun. Fucking shit balls. Gonna make a dash for my car. Here we go. Keys, keys, gotta get my keys. Don’t drop--
Nice save.
And in. Ah. Good.
Eating pizza in the car at lunch time. Classic Lou. Gonna read. Let my kindle around here somewhere… there. Oh, sauce on the seat. Wipe that off. Cool. Gonna settle down.
Good. book. Good pizza. Makes up for all that shi--who the fuck is that?! Get away! Dorian? It’s just Dorian. Fuck’s sake. Why’s he bothering me and not fucking his boyfriend.
Should wind down the window I suppose. “Yeah?”
“Lou. Have you locked the doors? Let me in. It’s pissing down out here.”
Fine. How does he not look like a drowned rat?
Great. He’s giving me the judgemental-yet-concerned look. “I know Leliana’s email was a bit rude but there’s no need to eat your… that… in the car by yourself.”
“You’re here now.”
“Yes. Quite. Lou,” Oh great. He’s turned to face me. Is this going to be a serious conversation? Is he staging at intervention? “You know I care about you as a sister--”
“What kind of siblings do you have? We’ve never spent more than five minutes outside of work together.”
“I’m an only child.” Huh. Explains a lot.
“Me too.” Explains a lot.
Look at him grinning. Such a charmer. No. I’m angry with him. Remember that.
“Two peas in a pod, you and me.” Dorian. Yeah. A real charmer. “I feel I owe you an apology.”
What? “What for?”
Great. Now he looks rueful. “I feel partly responsible for that email. If you hadn’t seen Bull’s little indiscretion then you woudn’t’ve run off with your tail between your legs and forgotten your tea cup. I know how it is. Can’t take your cup into the toilets and all that.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” That was not convincing, Lou. He knows it, too.
“I know that you know that you saw us. Don’t pretend.”
“Are you two serious? Do you love each other?” Jesus, Lou. Please say yes. Rip the bandage off. It’ll hurt now but your heart will heal quicker.
“Christ, no.” Damn. But that means there’s still hope. “He just drags me off for a quickie every now and then to help keep the stress levels down. Lord knows I need it working there.”
What. “Are you for real?”
“I hear he’s done half the office.” Yes, Lou, get the gossip out. But sit back. Don’t look so eager. And why’s your fucking seat belt on?
“Ha! I suppose he has. But wait... Oh. Oh I see how it is. Hmm. Yes.” Why’s he patting my leg in a pitiful way? “He hasn’t approached you, has he. No. How odd.”
“What do you mean?”
Dorian, there’s no need to look around to see if anyone’s eavesdropping. We’re in a car. Does add a frisson of mystery to the conversation though. “Bull’s… how do I put this. A giver. A problem solver. A… sexual therapist, in a way. He doesn’t respond to people asking him out, but when he sees someone in need and if he thinks he can help, then he’ll approach that person and…” And what? And what, Dorian? Don’t you dare leave me hanging. “He’s a kinky fucker, let me tell you. But I’ve told you too much already. I must be going.”
“Dorian!” He’s opened the door! “Dorian, get back in the car.” Shit, he’s closed the door. Wind down the window. “Dorian! This isn’t Fight Club! This is my vagina we’re talking about!” Shit. I did not just yell that into the street.
“See you back at the office, Lou!”
And I never went and got those fucking duck eggs. Too late. May as well just head back and… work work work--No. Stop. I am declaring this day officially over. No more thinking.
I quit.
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